which of the following is a run on sentence?​

Which Of The Following Is A Run On Sentence?


Answer 1
C because there are two subjects and two verbs in the same sentence with no conjunctions
Answer 2
It is C oooooooooooooo

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The author considers which fact ironic?
O Farnsworth was born on a farm.
O Farnsworth received more than one patent.
O Farnsworth started inventing things at an early age.
O Farnsworth did not want his children to watch television.



its either the last one or the second last one, sorry i couldn't help much!



New York state is one of only two in the U.S. that automatically arrests and tries 16- to 17-year-olds as adults.


What i dont get what ur saying

In 4-6 sentences compare Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC)




Both AC and DC describe types of current flow in a circuit. In direct current (DC), the electric charge (current) only flows in one direction. Electric charge in alternating current (AC), on the other hand, changes direction periodically.

- brainly

The articles “How Does a School Spend their Money?” and “Learning How to Make Budget Decisions” are about planning and spending money.

Read the text set on budgeting. Then, write an informational essay for your school newspaper explaining effective strategies for budgeting.

Write your final draft below. Be sure to use your planning pages and rough draft from this week to guide your writing. Edit and revise for grammar and clarity.



Text 1: How Does a School Spend their Money?Author: Jamie OliverText 2: Learning How to Make Budget DecisionsAuthor: mable whiteIt is important to make sure that the amount of money spent does not exceed the amount of money that is available (para 1) discretionary "part of the budget That is the part of the budget that administrators have to decide what to spend it on (Para 3)Fixed expenses can be controlled, but they cannot be eliminated. "(Par 2)

Is it this?

The writer wants to replace the underlined text in sentence 12 (reproduced below) with a more formal and precise phrase.

Moreover, once Shakespeare moved to London as a young man, he would have been exposed to a wealth of ideas and knowledge, which, good for us, he used to create some of the greatest works of literature the world has ever known.

Which of the following phrases would best accomplish this goal?

A. I’m happy to say

B. terrifically for everyone

C. fortunately for posterity

D. thank goodness

E. hooray for later generations



Explanation:This version uses formal syntax and diction, which matches the overall style of the passage. I also did the exam on AP classroom.

The phrases that successfully provide a formal tone to the text would be:

C). fortunately for posterity.

Formal Tone

A formal tone is described as a tone in which a very precise, technical, and professional vocabulary is used to convey an objective viewpoint on the topic.

The third phrase correctly develops an official language to the phrase by employing adequate diction and helps go with the actual style followed throughout the passage.

Thus, option C is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Formal Phrase" here:


put the verb into correct form and complete the sentence
1. I want to see the film, but I ..........it ( not/ enjoy​



first write the question properly. Than ask the question plz....


plz write question properly. then only ask answer.

three main points from these 2 essays
need it by tommorow


The pic is not showing

Which statement best summarizes the characters’ relationship in the scene?
A. Robert is preparing for a three-year journey with his uncle. His brother, Andrew, expresses that he is jealous of the adventure and tries to persuade Robert to stay.
B. Brothers Andrew and Robert discuss Robert’s upcoming journey. Robert expresses that he is very unhappy and wishes to travel with their uncle. Andrew understands and wants to be a good brother but is concerned about Robert’s health.
C. Robert is preparing for a three-year journey with his uncle. His brother, Andrew, expresses that their parents will really miss him when he is gone.
D. Brothers Andrew and Robert discuss Robert’s upcoming journey. Andrew expresses that he and their parents will miss him while he’s gone. Robert explains that he is being called to take the journey, and Andrew says that he understands.



D. Brothers Andrew and Robert discuss Robert’s upcoming journey. Robert expresses that he is very unhappy and wishes to travel with their uncle. Andrew understands and wants to be a good brother but is concerned about Robert’s health.


The above is the best statement which best summarizes the characters' relationship in the given scene relating to Andrew and Robert.


D. Brothers Andrew and Robert discuss Robert’s upcoming journey. Andrew expresses that he and their parents will miss him while he’s gone. Robert explains that he is being called to take the journey, and Andrew says that he understands.


This is the correct answer for sure, I got 100%:)

Which sentence uses dashes incorrectly?
Most of her books—including the newest titles—are nonfiction.
Harry—along with his father—is always welcome at our house.
The dog wanted—to go outside—as soon as her owner got home from work.
She knew when it was time to wake up—7:00 a.m.—and did so before the alarm went off


The third one is incorrect! If you have other similar problems cover the dashes and the phrase inside to see if the sentence would make sense without it! :)



Do humans need to change their actions in order to sustain the natural environment?



I would say yes because If we have plastic in the oceon,cutting down trees, killing animals. Then Future genarations  won't be able to see the tigers elephants and the other animals that we have now. In order for humans to change is if we stop using plastic or just  reuses clothes, plastic,shoes,paper.


If a sentence begins with the word while, what can you say about the sentence?
A. It will describe two things that are happening at the same time.
B. It will present two ideas that have nothing to do with each other.
C. It will contain a list of things that belong in the same category.
D. It will explain how one thing caused another thing to happen.


While John was lying on his bed, Jack was outside playing soccer.




What is the importance of these cues in delivering the news report?



There are four basic methods (sometimes called styles) of presenting a speech: manuscript, memorized, extemporaneous, and impromptu


The word manuscript is the clue to the style. The speech is written and the speaker reads it word for word to the audience. Originally, it was done from the hand-written paper manuscript. Today the manuscript style is common, but the paper is gone. Who reads the speech to the audience? Answer: Newscasters and television personalities. In the old days, the manuscript was hand-lettered on cue cards, which were held next to the camera lens. Then paper scrolls, like printed piano rolls were used, especially in Soap Operas. Today, a special teleprompter (working like a periscope) is attached to the camera so the newscaster is looking at the lens while reading.  (Hope this helped, also I would love if you could give me a rateing, thx)

Plzz help me!

Which story conclusion would readers find least
satisfying to read?



3rd 1


B is the answer I think

Which two statements would work as summary statements for this passage? ) A) Mary Cassatt died in 1926. B) Mary Cassatt stopped painting in 1914 once her eyesight started to fail. C) Mary Cassatt studied with notable French painter, Edgar Degas, in France. D) Mary Cassatt, one of America's first great female painters, has one of her paintings of a mother and daughter hanging in the White House. E) Mary Cassatt's painting "Young Mother and Two Children" hangs in the White House as testimony for her importance as one of America's first great female painters.​




Mary Cassatt, one of America's first great female painters, has one of her paintings of a mother and daughter hanging in the White House.

Mary Cassatt's painting "Young Mother and Two Children" hangs in the White House as testimony for her importance as one of America's first great female painters.

the reseacher invented the internet, in passive voice​



are you asking for a voice over? pls provide more context and i will answer your question, sir.



The Internet was invented by the researcher;


Let me know if this is correct!

Read Paul's sermon in Acts 13: 16-41. Locate key words that he uses. List several (but do not repeat).

"Then Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand said, Men of Israel, and ye that fear God, give audience. The God of this people of Israel chose our fathers, and exalted the people when they dwelt as strangers in the land of Egypt, and with an high arm brought he them out of it. And about the time of forty years suffered he their manners in the wilderness. And when he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Chanaan, he divided their land to them by lot. And after that he gave unto them judges about the space of four hundred and fifty years, until Samuel the prophet. And afterward they desired a king: and God gave unto them Saul the son of Cis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, by the space of forty years. And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave their testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus: When John had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel. And as John fulfilled his course, he said, Whom think ye that I am? I am not he. But, behold, there cometh one after me, whose shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose. Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God, to you is the word of this salvation sent. For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath day, they have fulfilled them in condemning him. And though they found no cause of death in him, yet desired they Pilate that he should be slain. And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulchre. But God raised him from the dead: And he was seen many days of them which came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his witnesses unto the people." (Acts 13:13-31)


Answer:who are his witnesses unto the people.



beckoning is one


Please correct answer fast this is a homework and I need to turn it in if is correct I will but brainlist ​



A goes to #5

B goes to #3

C goes to #2

D goes to #1


II. Based on the material in Chapter 3, address the issue of human freedom in a socially structured world. That is, to what extent do you think people are free to think and act as they wish? In answering this question, consider the theories presented in the chapter-for example, why does Mead's theory point to greater human freedom than Freud's theory?​


Answer:According to Mead, three activities develop the self: language, play, and games. Language develops self by allowing individuals to respond to each other through symbols, gestures, words, and sounds. ... Play develops one's self-consciousness through role-playing.Explanation:This is because the most prominent theories about child development emphasise different aspects of socialisation.Development of self:Freud's theory (psychoanalysis):Cooley's theory of the 'looking-glass self:Theory of G.H. Mead (I and me):Durkheim's theory of collective representation:

10. The original Pilgrims called themselves the "Saints and referred to others who joined with them for
the voyage as the 'Strangers."
In this context, "original" means
one of a kind





The Mayflower compact was a document signed on a boat on the 11th of November, 1620 by forty-one (41) males of the one hundred and two (102) passengers on board while the boat was anchored in Provincetown Harbor (Cape Cod) due to the effect of turbulent storm. The document derived its name from the English ship known as Mayflower which was heading to Plymouth, Massachusetts due to storms and treacherous shoals rather than its original destination, which was the Colony of Virginia.

The Mayflower compact was a document which established a social contract and "rule of law" in order to make the pilgrims (saints) and non-pilgrims (strangers) remain loyal to King James 1, foster Christianity (Christian faith) and for the overall good of the colony.

However, the original Pilgrims called themselves the "Saints and referred to others who joined with them for the voyage as the 'Strangers."

In this context, "original" means first because it describe the saints as starting the voyage before they were joined by the strangers.

Narrate a dream you will never forget​



there is this dream I have every now and then- there is this cute kid who is apparently my bf but my parents don't like him and in my dream me him and my brother just recently ran away but my in rl ex and his mom saw us and found us later then i dont know what happened from there.


*OKay This is a bad dream warning*

I was young like 5 and I had a dream that I was asleep and robbers came and rob us they took every last thing INCLUDING THE TOILET and everything in the bathroom and also my favorite teddy bear that if I lose I will cry so hard and they said "If you tell someone I will rip your neck off" and they took my bear so I was gonna tell and I tried to find my parents and I looked outside and I saw them tied up in a van Luckily I knew how to work a phone and know the word "Police"   and my numbers so I picked up the phone and called the police the police were confused so I explained everything to them and somehow they were a friend of my parents and came to my house grabbed me to take me with them for safety and we tracked down my parents. and after that, I woke up and cried also I was five at the time Now I am in middle school so yeah


Hope this doesn't scare people.

Which of the following is NOT an example of irony from "The War Works
Hard"? *
O "How magnificent the war is!"
O "How eager and efficient!"
O "It works with unparalleled diligence!"
"Yet no one gives it a word of praise."



"How magnificent the war is!"


What Poetic Device is used?

A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Alliteration





The answer is A. Metaphor.

How does Cal respond to the sweat lodge ceremony?

plz help



A fire is lit directly outside the lodge, tended by a highly trained firekeeper who heats the stones that are used to keep the lodge hot. The firekeeper places the stones in a hole in the center of the lodge, often adding tobacco, cedar, or sweetgrass as an offering.


A fire is lit directly outside the lodge, tended by a highly trained firekeeper who heats the stones that are used to keep the lodge hot. The firekeeper places the stones in a hole in the center of the lodge, often adding tobacco, cedar, or sweetgrass as an offering.


the answer is ok


Using open body language and a cool tone of voice is essential when responding to a complaint. True or false?


True, it’s better to keep calm and resolve the situation respectfully and responsibly

change the following sentence into indirect speech He said to me, "Give me some money."​


a becuase if its c than that would be incorrect
Answer: He asked me some money

Hope it helped you!^^

opposite word of distracted​


Paying attention or interested
the answer is focused




The needs of the family and the responsibilities that it has, make it less important to see the hair.


This question is about "The Breadwinner"

Parvana is an 11 year old girl living in Afghanistan. Even at a young age, she has a great responsibility to get food and water for her family. This responsibility, makes her see that the family is more important than her hair, because she needs to cut all her hair and pretend to be a boy, so that the Taliban does not prevent her from going out and being able to meet the needs of her family.

Is Peru an abstract noun



Peru is a country, therefore, it is not an abstract noun. It would be classified as a proper noun since it is named.


Abstract nouns are nouns that are unable to be detected with the senses. Concepts like feelings, birthdays, and freedom are abstract nouns.

Explain the meaning of thug life in your own words.
Realistic examples in real life.


Thug life I would say it is like being given scarps and try to make a 5 star meal . What I mean is working with what the world gives you and trying to do something with nothing and having to fight and try to find your way to the restaurant with everything you could ever want or everything you may need but always being stopped on the way to the restaurant by obstacles or people who don’t want to see you where they are and don’t want you to enjoy the foods of life that is thug life .

Which CVC word with a short "a" sound?

a. bed
c. van

Which CVC word with short "u" sound




1) C

2) A


Van has a short vowel because when there is a word in between a word then it’s most likely to be a short vowel.  Nun is the same too.

1. C because in the word van when you sound it out it has a A sound in it.
2. A because in the word nun when you sound it out it has a U sound in it.
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