Which of the following factors affects the amount of heat absorbed by a substance?
A. Boiling point of the substance
B. Specific heat capacity of the substance
C. Melting point of the substance
D. Shape of the substance


Answer 1


The correct answer is B, "Specific heat capacity of the substance."


I just took the test. I hope this helps!

Answer 2

Heat absorbed changes the bonds of the molecules or the compounds to alter their state. The specific heat capacity affects the amount of heat absorbed. Thus, option B is correct.

What is specific heat capacity?

Specific heat capacity is defined as the amount of heat or energy absorbed by the kilogram of the solid reactant when the system experiences a rise in temperature. It is measured in J/(kg K) or J/(kg °C).

The specific heat capacity, the mass of the substance, temperature, and the phase of the substance affects the absorption of the heat from the surrounding. The specific heat affects absorption as it tells about the substance's ability to take the heat energy.

Therefore, specific heat capacity affects heat absorption.

Learn more about specific heat capacity here:



Related Questions

Which of the gases in air are compounds? Explain how you can tell.



[tex]\huge \underline\bold\red{Answer}[/tex]

The air in the atmosphere consists of nitrogen, oxygen, which is the life-sustaining substance for animals and humans, carbon dioxide, water vapour and small amounts of other elements (argon, neon, etc.). Higher in the atmosphere air also contains ozone, helium and hydrogen.


The air in the atmosphere consists of nitrogen, oxygen, which is the life-sustaining substance for animals and humans, carbon dioxide, water vapour and small amounts of other elements (argon, neon, etc.). Higher in the atmosphere air also contains ozone, helium and hydrogen.

which process is a chemical change​


Burning a match, In chemistry, there are two basic types of change, these are physical and chemical change. In physical change, no new material is formed and the process is reversible while in chemical change new materials are formed and the process is irreversible

What change would shift the equilibrium system to the left?
A(g) + B(s) + Energy = 309) (3 points)
Adding more of gas C to the system
Heating the system
Increasing the volume
Removing some of gas C from the system





sorry if its wrong but i think its right

Heating the system will shift the equilibrium system to the left.

The correct option is B.

What is equilibrium?

Chemical equilibrium is a state where no net change in the amounts of reactants and the products occurs during a reversible chemical reaction.

A reversible chemical reaction happens when the products react with the original reactants as soon as they are generated.

On a treadmill, you are walking continuously but not going anywhere, which can be said as equilibrium.

Thus, the correct option is B.

Learn more about equilibrium


Help meeeeee

A 280.0 sample of neon gas exerts a pressure of 660.0 mm Hg at 26.0°C. Assuming that the pressure remains constant, at what temperature in would the volume change to 440.0 ml?





Using Charles's law equation:

V1/T1 = V2/T2


V1 = initial volume (ml)

V2 = final volume (ml)

T1 = initial temperature (K)

T2 = final temperature (K)

Based on the information provided:

V1 = 280.0ml

V2 = 440.0 ml

T1 = 26.0°C = 26 + 273 = 299K

T2 = ?

Using V1/T1 = V2/T2

280/299 = 440/T2

0.936 = 440/T2

T2 = 440 ÷ 0.936

T2 = 469.9K

Consider the reaction.

2HF(g) +

H2(g) + F2(g)

At equilibrium at 600 K, the concentrations are as follows.

[HF] = 5.82 x 10-2 M

[H2] = 8.4 x 10-3M

[F2] = 8.4 x 10-3M

What is the value of Kea for the reaction expressed in scientific notation?

O 2.1 x 10-2

102.1 x 102

1.2 x 103

0 1.2 x 10-3





Step 1: Write the balanced equation

2 HF(g) ⇄ H₂(g) + F₂(g)

Step 2: Calculate the value of the concentration equilibrium constant

The concentration equilibrium constant (K) is equal to the product of the concentrations of the products raised to their stoichiometric coefficients divided by the product of the concentrations of the reactants raised to their stoichiometric coefficients.

K for this reaction is:

K = [H₂] × [F₂] / [HF]²

K = (8.4 × 10⁻³) × (8.4 × 10⁻³) / (5.82 × 10⁻²)² = 0.021

Concerning the disposal of materials at the end of the experiment, which methods are safe? Check all that apply.


B. Dispose of pH paper in the trash.

C. Dump the cabbage indicator solution down the drain.

D. Ask your teacher to neutralize the acids and bases before disposal.



B. Dispose of pH paper in the trash.

C. Dump the cabbage indicator solution down the drain.

D. Ask your teacher to neutralize the acids and bases before disposal.


Safe disposal of waste means disposal of waste in such a way that it does not pose a threat to the environment.

When pH paper is properly disposed in the trash, it does not constitute any risk to the environment.

When a cabbage indicator solution is disposed down the drain it does not contaminate the environment. It moves directly into the sewers and is properly disposed.

When acids and bases are properly neutralized before disposal, they don't lead to acid or base contamination of the environment.

147.0 g piece of metal was heated to 155 C and added to a calorimeter containing 75.0 grams of water. The temperature of the water in the calorimeter was 23.5 C. After the metal was added, the temperature rose to 33.5 C. What is the specific heat of the metal?


65.9 is the heat of the metal

Given a solution with a hydrogen ion concentration of 9.9 x10-13 M, calculate the
pОН. .


Answer: The pOH value is 2.


Given: [tex][H^{+}] = 9.9 \times 10^{-13} M[/tex]

pH is defined as the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration.

Hence, pH of the given solution is calculated as follows.

[tex]pH = -log [H^{+}]\\= - log (9.9 \times 10^{-13})\\= 12[/tex]

The relation between pH and pOH is as follows.

pH + pOH = 14

Therefore, pOH is calculated as follows.

pH + pOH = 14

12 + pOH = 14

pOH = 14 - 12

= 2

Thus, we can conclude that the pOH value is 2.

Describe the three-dimensional property of an electromagnetic wave. Use the diagram below


Answer: The are waves that consist of vibrating electric and magnetic fields. They transmit energy through matter or across space. Some electromagnetic waves are generally harmless. Like other waves, electromagnetic waves have properties of speed, wavelength, and frequency.


Which of the following is an example of a molecular element?

a.NaCl b. CO2 c. Na d. O2



oxygen (O2) is a molecular element


Molecular compound are chemical compounds that take the form of discrete molecules.

atomic element is an element which occurs independently as atoms and can react with other elements to form a compound

Ionic compounds are the compound which on dissolution form ions in solution

Mixture is the composition of different compounds

1. If you have 8.1 g CO₂ and 2.3 g H₂, which one is the limiting reactant. Show your work. 2. Calculate the theoretical yield of CH₄.



2.95 g of CH₄


To start this, we determine the equation:

4H₂  + CO₂ →  CH₄  +  2H₂O

4 moles of hydrogen react to 1 mol of carbon dioxide in order to produce 1 mol of methane and 2 moles of water.

To determine the limiting reactant, we need to know the moles of each reactant.

8.1 g . 1 mol/ 44g = 0.184 moles of carbon dioxide

2.3 g . 1mol / 2g = 1.15 moles of hydrogen

4 moles of hydrogen react to 1 mol of CO₂

Then, 1.15 moles may react to (1.15 . 1) /4 = 0.2875 moles

We only have 0.184 moles of CO₂, so this is the limiting reactant. Not enough CO₂ to complete the 0.2875 moles that are needed.

Ratio is 1:1. 1 mol of CO₂ produces 1 mol of methane

Then, 0.184 moles of CO₂ will produce 0.184 moles of CH₄

We convert moles to mass: 0.184 mol . 16 g /mol = 2.95 g

1) Escribe oraciones coherentes que incluyan los siguientes términos con los conceptos correspondientes:





La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Estas son las oraciones apropiadas.

El carbón, el petróleo, y el gas natural son recursos naturales no renovables.

Estos generadores naturales de energía son considerados combustibles  fósiles que produce la mayor parte de hidrocarburos que se usan en el mundo. Sin embargo, estas reservas energéticas se están agotando porque son recursos naturales no renovables. Además, estos combustibles son altos generadores de contaminación como es el caso de las mareas negras.

Independientemente de estas ideas, es apropiado decir que los combustibles fósiles han sido fuertemente cuestionados por los ambientalistas y los científicos porque son causantes del llamado calentamiento global y del cambio climático.

Por esa razón, la sociedad y los expertos ambientalistas están pidiendo que los gobiernos comiencen a utilizar más energías alternativas y renovables como la energía solar y las turbinas de viento o energía eólica.

Balloon has a volume of 600-ml at temperature of 360 K. If the temperature of
the balloon drops to 250 K, find the volume



V₂ ≈416.7 mL


This question asks us to find the volume, given another volume and 2 temperatures in Kelvin. Based on this information, we must be using Charles's Law and the formula. Remember, his law states the volume of a gas is proportional to the temperature.

V₁ / T₁ = V₂ / T₂

where V₁ and V₂ are the first and second volumes, and T₁ and T₂ are the first and second temperature.

The balloon has a volume of 600 milliliters and a temperature of 360 K, but the temperature then drops to 250 K. So,

V₁= 600 mL T₁= 360 K T₂= 250 K

Substitute the values into the formula.

600 mL /360 K = V₂ / 250 K

Since we are solving for the second volume when the temperature is 250 K, we have to isolate the variable V₂. It is being divided by 250 K. The inverse o division is multiplication, so we multiply both sides by 250 K.

250 K * 600 mL /360 K = V₂ / 250 K * 250 K 250 K * 600 mL/360 K = V₂

The units of Kelvin cancel, so we are left with the units of mL.

250 * 600 mL/360=V₂416.666666667 mL= V₂

Let's round to the nearest tenth. The 6 in the hundredth place tells us to round to 6 to a 7.

416.7 mL ≈V₂

The volume of the balloon at 250 K is approximately 416.7 milliliters.

Name the process by which oxygen moves from alveoli to blood


diffusion...........the blood through the capillaries lining the alveolar walls. Once in the bloodstream, oxygen gets picked up by the hemoglobin in red blood cells.

What mass of potassium would need 2350 J of energy in order to raise its temperature from 44.3°C to 57.8°C? (cpotassium = 0.753 J/g°C)




q = mCΔT

m =CΔT/q

ΔT = 57.8°C - 44.3°C = 13.5°C

m = (0.753*13.5)/2350

m = 0.00433 g

The mass of potassium that will need 2350 J of energy in order to raise its temperature from 44.3°C to 57.8°C is 231.17 g

Data obtained from the question Heat (Q) = 2350 JInitial temperature (T₁) = 44.3 °CFinal temperature of water (T₂) = 57.8 °CChange in temperature (ΔT) = 57.8 – 44.3 = 13.5 °C Specific heat capacity (C) = 0.753 J/gºC Mass (M) =?


2350 = M × 0.753 × 13.5

2350 = M × 10.1655

Divide both side by 10.1655

M = 2350 / 10.1655

M = 231.17 g

Learn more about heat transfer:



How many joules of heat are needed to raise the temperature of 62.0 g of ethylene glycol from 13.1 C to 40.5C?



Q = 4133.2 J


Hello there!

In this case, since these calorimetry problems are based off the following heat equation involving heat (Q), mass (m), specific heat (C) and temperatures (T):


Thus, we plug in the given variables to obtain:

[tex]Q=62.0 g*2.433 \frac{J}{g\°C}* (40.5\°C-13.1\°C)\\\\Q=4133.2J[/tex]


How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are found in a neutral atom of hydrogen-333?




A hydrogen atom has an atomic number of 1.

So it's proton number will always be 1.

A neutral hydrogen atom does not have any charge.

So it has the same amount of electrons as protons, which turns out to be also 1.

A neutral hydrogen atom has an atomic mass of ≈

1.00794 amu ≈ 1 amu.

To find the amount of neutrons, we take the proton number and subtract it from the mass number.

1 − 1 = 0

So a neutral hydrogen atom has no neutrons.

In summary,

A hydrogen atom has

1 proton

1 electron

0 neutrons

I hope that helps!

A balloon contains 25.0 L of helium gas at 177 kPa. What is the volume when the balloon rises to an altitude where the pressure is only 43.0 kPa ? Assume the temperature remains constant.

A.34.2 L
B.68.8 L
C.46.5 L
D.103 L


I think answer is D not sure

what is electromagnetic?​


Electromagnetism is a branch of physics that involves the study of the electromagnetic force. It is a type of interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles.


relating to the interrelation of electric currents or fields and magnetic fields.

What is a jet stream. in your own words but be more detailed about what you say.
(don't send a link)


a narrow variable band of very strong predominantly westerly air currents encircling the globe several miles above the earth. There are typically two or three jet streams in each of the northern and southern hemispheres.

How many moles of O₂ are needed to react completely with 35.0 mol of FeCl₃?


The 2 for the second half of the equation is not a coefficient it’s supposed to be for 2Fe2 Not 2O3.

26.3 mol

46.7 mol

23.3 mol

10.0 mol



26.3 mol O₂


Step 1: Write the balanced equation

4 FeCl₃ + 3 O₂ ⇒ 2 Fe₂O₃ + 6 Cl₂

Step 2: Establish the appropriate molar ratio

According to the balanced equation, the molar ratio of FeCl₃ to O₂ is 4:3.

Step 3: Calculate how many moles of O₂ are needed to react completely with 35.0 mol of FeCl₃

We will use the previously established molar ratio.

35.0 mol FeCl₃ × 3 mol O₂/4 mol FeCl₃ = 26.3 mol O₂

Give examples of how land resources are used in a city setting



Land resources such as gravel and bedrock are used to construct buildings, roads, and sidewalks. Land is also where city structures—such as buildings, roads, and sidewalks—are constructed. People use land resources such as bedrock and aggregate to construct buildings, roads, and sidewalks.

I hope this answer helps

Titaium oxside is often added to food to color it white. If a jelly bean contains approximately 1.28x10-5 moles of TiO2, how many grams of TiO2 are in a jelly bean



1.02 × 10⁻³ g


Step 1: Given data

Number of moles of titanium (IV) oxide in 1 jelly bean (n): 1.28 × 10⁻⁵ moles

Step 2: Calculate the mass (in grams) corresponding to 1.28 × 10⁻⁵ moles of TiO₂

To convert moles to mass, we need a conversion factor. In this case, it is the molar mass of TiO₂: 79.87 g/mol.

1.28 × 10⁻⁵ mol TiO₂ × 79.87 g TiO₂/1 mol TiO₂ = 1.02 × 10⁻³ g TiO₂

Hot water is poured into four cups made of different materials (foam, glass, metal, plastic).After one minute, which will feel the warmest when you touch the OUTSIDE of the cup?


The answer to this is metal




Foam, glass, and plastic don't absorb as much heat as metal does.

5. How would you calculate the pH (NOT POH) of a base when given

the concentration of [OHJ?



pOH = -log₁₀ [OH-]

pH = 14 - pOH


First of all, calculate the value of pOH from  the hydroxide concentration do this using the equation below;

pOH = -log₁₀ [OH-]

After obtaining the pOH, calculate pH using the equation below:

pH + pOH = 14

pH = 14 - pOH

Identify two ways that temperature plays a role in chemical changes.



Increasing the temperature will cause chemical changes to occur faster. Decreasing the temperature, causes the particles to lose energy which causes them to move around less and slower. The less they move, the less collisions occur, and the less reactions occur between the chemicals = slower reaction rate.


At STP, which of the following would have the same number of molecules at 1 L of C2H4 gas? Assume that each behaves as an ideal gas.
A. 0.5 L of H2 gas
B. 2 L of H2O gas
C. 1 L of Ne gas
D. 3 L of Cl2 gas


Answer: 1L of Ne gas

The answer is Option C , 1L of Ne gas will have the same number of molecules at 1 L of C₂H₄ gas

What is STP ?

At standard temperature and pressure, a system is said to have a temperature of zero degrees centigrade (273 Kelvins) and the pressure equal to the atmosphere is always 1 atm.

Additionally, one mole of any gas at STP occupies a volume of 22.414 L.

This concept only holds true for gases.

So for a gas having same pressure , temperature and moles according to the Ideal Gas Law , volume also needs to be same



and in the given option ,Option C has the same volume as that of 1 L of C₂H₄ gas .

To know more about STP



4. At what temperature will 5.00 g of Cl, exert a pressure of 900. torr at a volume of 750 ml?​





P = 27.8atm

At what temperature will 5.00 g of Cl2 exert a pressure of 900. mmHg at a volume of 750.

On the bottom beam of the triple beam balance, each small division stands for
A.) one centimeter
B.) one milliliter
C.) one gram
D.) one-tenth of a gram



Hello There!!


I believe the answer is D.) one-tenth of a gram.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{navy}{An}}{\purple{sw}}{\pink{er}} {\color{pink}{:}}}}}[/tex]

D.) one-tenth of a gram

Thanks.Hope it helps.

How many moles is 8.3 x 10^12 atoms or particles of Br2



To find the number of moles in a substance given it's number of entities we use the formula

[tex]n = \frac{N}{L} \\[/tex]

where n is the number of moles

N is the number of entities

L is the Avogadro's constant which is

6.02 × 10²³ entities

We have

[tex]n = \frac{8.3 \times {10}^{12} }{6.02 \times {10}^{23} } \\ \\ \\ \\ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: = 1.379 \times {10}^{ - 11} \: \: \: \: moles[/tex]

Hope this helps you

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