Which of the following describes an effect of World War II on the United States economy?

A. Many factories had to expand to produce military equipment.

B. The airplane industry suffered as the Allies began using airplanes in combat.

C. Cities with shipyards declined because so many ships had been sent overseas.


Answer 1


WWII had a number of effects on the American home front. One of the biggest was increased work opportunities. The draft meant men were unavailable for a massive number of wartime production jobs that were available, so millions of women, students, unemployed and retired people moved into employment.

Related Questions

Was the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1923 good for Native Hawaiians?



Yes it was


The answer is yes, it was good for Hawaiians. The United States legislature enacted the hawaiian homes commission act to see that the Hawaiians are protected and also to see that the lives of native hawaiians are improved. Public lands were administered and given for homesteads. This was a rehabilitation program for the people.


The intent was good, but as a Native Hawaiian on the Depart of Hawaiian Home Lands list, the execution is horrible.


So many of our kūpuna passed away on the list hoping to one day own their own home. To require our kūpuna to buy a home on our land is outrageous. My grandmother was 91 years old when she passed away and could never afford to get off the list to buy her own home. Hūpō nui.

Which statements describe how the nation reacted to the fear of communism in the 1950s?
Choose all answers that are correct
0 New immigration laws allowed entry to Soviet citizens.
C Communist organizations were encouraged to enlist new members.
New laws made it illegal to criticize the government.
Some government workers were forced to take loyalty oaths.
Anticommunist laws were passed.


My Answer:

C, D, E

My explanson:

because... I did the resurce...

New laws made it illegal to criticize the government.

Some government workers were forced to take loyalty oaths.

Anticommunist laws were passed.


what would happen if earth did not have any greenhouse gases?​


I think that the heat will not be able to maintain itself  enough and the cold gases of the space could freeze earth and we would not be alive.

Hope this helps

Answer: It would be exactly like it is now, because the greenhouse effect is a fake physics hoax, pretending that the atmosphere can reheat the Earth’s surface with its own heat in violation of Nature’s ironclad Second Law of Thermodynamics. Those who claim that it only traps surface heat in the atmosphere are missing the boat, namely, that the atmosphere contains solar heat removed from the surface, which is on its way toward space and can never return, anymore than heat from a fireplace can go back down the chimney and cook the meal twice. Look at an a-bomb blast and its mushroom cloud. That’s where the heat from the blast went, namely, up toward space, leaving a cooled surface. Therefore the CO2 global warming theory can only hold water if there’s a physical mechanism for atmospheric CO2 to send heat back down to the surface via radiation alone.

The leftist environmentalists have long been claiming suck, er, such a mechanism, CO2 back radiation. According to them, atmospheric CO2 absorbs surface heat then reradiates it back at so many watts per square meter, increasing surface temperatures by so many degrees C, with higher concentrations in the far future allegedly threatening runaway global warming. Their solution is to dismantle the entire fossil fuel industry now via mass government action and taxation and prepare the world for global Marxism, which they wanted all along.

Hope this helps have a nice day❤️


Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would have an average temperature of -18 °C and be covered in ice. Life as we know it would not be able to survive. ... By burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees, we are releasing more and more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and that has caused temperatures to rise.

Farming in the South
Which of the following statements describes agriculture in the South in the early 1800s?
Farming was a minor part of the South's economy.
O Agriculture was based on cash crops grown for export.
o The South corfumed most of its own crops.



the south costumed most of it own crops


(B) Agriculture was based on cash crops grown for export.


Should the Electoral College be modified? How and why? Or why not?



i need to   talk  to you pls


Why did the Catholic Church have a lot of power in europe during the middle ages ?


The Catholic Church became very rich and powerful during the Middle Ages.Because the church was considered independent, they did not have to pay the king any tax for their land. Leaders of the church became rich and powerful. Many nobles became leaders such as abbots or bishops in the church

Answer: because European kings were Christians who do not want to upset the Catholic Church


Can somebody help ????



7. i think is b

8. is A


7. b

8. a

shamanistic worship explanation​



Shamanism is a religious practice that involves a practitioner who is believed to interact with a spirit world through altered states of consciousness, such as trance. The goal of this is usually to direct these spirits or spiritual energies into the physical world, for healing or another purpose.

Anybody good in history & know how to do this? Free Brainliest & points ...


thank you Explanation:




What country triggered the Spanish-American War:?


Answer: Cubans and Filipinos


There were struggles against family rules. Also, the mysterious explosion of the U.S.S. Maine battleship in Havana Harbor added to it.

Answer: Spain.


The war originated in the Cuba struggle for independence from Spain, which began in February 1895. Spain's brutally repressive measures to halt the rebellion were graphically portrayed for the U.S. public by several sensational newspapers engaging in yellow journalism, and American sympathy for the Cuban rebels rose.

What prompted Congress to enact the National Bank Act of 1863?

Congress passed this act to encourage the settlement of the western territories.

Confederate landowners sold slaves in the North, disrupting the labor force.

Congress needed a new law to repeal the Legal Tender Act, which was bankrupting the Union.

Union states were printing their own paper money, which led to economic instability.



Congress passed the act to help resolve the financial crisis that emerged during the early days of the American Civil War (1861–1865). In order to bring financial stability to the nation and fund the war effort, the National Bank Act of 1863 was introduced in the Senate in January of that year.



Union states were printing their own paper money, which led to economic instability.


How did the idea of self-governance begin in Protestant congregations?
O People wanted their leaders to have the power to make all of the rules.
O People wanted to elect religious leaders who would interpret the Bible for them.
O Protestant ideals encouraged equality and individualism, which led to self-rule.
O Protestant ideals encouraged people to vote on interpretations of the Bible.



It is D


Due to its rejection of submission to the Pope and Catholic priests as well as its ideas about salvation, the Reformation emphasised individualism. Hence option D is correct .

How did the idea of self-governance begin in Protestant congregations?

The idea that the Pope and Catholic priests are more revered or holy than regular people was rejected during the Reformation.

The Reformation of the 16th century, which was sparked by Martin Luther's beliefs, resulted in the foundation of Protestantism and a break with the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church itself then began a counterreformation as a result of this.

On October 31, 1517, a teacher and monk named Martin Luther released a work he called Disputation on the Power of Indulgences, or 95 Theses, which marked the start of the Protestant Reformation. He urged people to discuss 95 concepts about Christianity in the booklet.along him.

The Reformation began in Germany in 1517, when Martin Luther published his Ninety-five Theses as a reaction against abuses in the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church, which professed to grant the remission of the temporal punishment of sins to their purchasers.

Learn more about Protestant congregations here



To what was the ancient Egyptian writer referring in this hymn?

The pharaoh

The Nile river

The sun God, Re

The Giza pyramid



The sun God, Re


hymn means song and or poem that is praised to God or a god.

What is an appropriate title for the box






Confucianism is, "a system of philosophical and ethical teachings founded by Confucius"

Which of the following were the broader economic effects of the Taiping Rebellion on the global economy?



C. The Taiping Rebellion gave European nations the opportunity to further take advantage of a destabilized empire.


What was an important cause of the "Era of Good Feeling"?



The good feelings, perhaps better termed complacency, were stimulated by two events of 1816, during the last year of the presidency of James Madison: the enactment of the first U.S. avowedly protective tariff and the establishment of the second National Bank.


What would you do if president Biden spent all of the country's money ? 2-4 sentences


I would feel betrayed because I really thought him being the president would make things better. But if he would he would leave many people in poverty and wouldn’t be fair

What conclusion can be drawn from these events


The correct answer is D) The federal government was willing to take aggressive action to ensure federal civil rights were followed.

The conclusion that can be drawn from these events is that the federal government was willing to take aggressive action to ensure federal civil rights were followed.

These above-mentioned events refer to a difficult time in the United States history when racial segregation problems in the South were constant. It was a time when racist politicians and governors in the southern states kept limiting the rights of the African American people.

We can see that in the case of the Little Rock High School in 1957, the Mississippi University in 1962, and Alabama University in 1963, school authorities with the support of the governor of the state, impede the access of black students to the school premises. There were aggressions and violence to the degree that the President had to send the Civil Guard and military troops to solve the issues and protect the African American students.

One year after the Alabama University incident, US President Lyndon B. Jhonson would sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Why was Rome forced to make peace with
Macedonia during the First Macedonian War?

(Look at picture)


I think the answer is c because they defeated Philip in 197 BC at the battle of Cynoscephalae, and then he sued for peace.

What did romero ask the army to do?


I’m sorry what do you mean by Romero ask the army to do? I need more information


he asked the soldiers to stop carrying the governments orders of subduing by force and violating basic human rights and to obey gods higher order

Simplify: 200 • 4 ÷ 2 • 10 ÷ 5
pl help



200 • 4 ÷ 2 • 10 ÷ 5 = 800







How was life for Joseph Stalin as a child


Answer: Stalin was born Ioseb Jughashvili on 18 December [O.S. 6 December] 1879[1][a] in the town of Gori, in what is today the country of Georgia. He was baptised on 29 December [O.S. 17 December] 1878[2] and christened Ioseb, and known by the diminutive "Soso"[3][b][4] His parents were Ekaterine (Keke) and Besarion Jughashvili (Beso). He was their third child; the first two, Mikheil and Giorgi had died in infancy in 1876 and 1878 respectively [5]

Stalin's father, Besarion, was a shoemaker and owned a workshop that at one point employed as many as ten people,[6] but which slid into ruin as Stalin grew up.[7] Beso had specialised in producing traditional Georgian footwear and did not produce the European-style shoes that were becoming increasingly fashionable.[2] This, combined with the deaths of his previous two infant sons, precipitated his decline into alcoholism. The family found themselves living in poverty.[8] The couple had to leave their home and moved into nine different rented rooms over ten years.[9]

Besarion also became violent towards his family.[10] To escape the abusive relationship, Keke took Stalin and moved into the house of a family friend, Father Christopher Charkviani.[11] She worked as a house cleaner and launderer for several local families who were sympathetic to her plight.[12] Keke was a strict but affectionate mother to Stalin.[13] She was a devout Christian,[14] and both she and her son regularly attended church services.[15] In 1884, Stalin contracted smallpox, which left him with facial pock scars for the rest of his life.[16] Charkviani's teenaged sons taught Stalin the Russian language.[12] Keke was determined to send her son to school, something that none of the family had previously achieved.[17] In late 1888, when Stalin was ten, he enrolled at the Gori Church School.[18] This was normally reserved for the children of clergy, but Charkviani ensured that Stalin received a place by claiming that the boy was the son of a deacon.[19] This may be the reason why—in 1934—Stalin claimed to have been the son of a priest.[20] There were many local rumours that Beso was not Stalin's real father,[21] which in later life Stalin himself encouraged.[20] Stalin biographer Simon Sebag Montefiore nonetheless thought it likely that Beso was the father, in part due to the strong physical resemblance that they shared.[20] Beso eventually attacked a policeman while drunk which resulted in the authorities ejecting him from Gori.[22] He moved to Tiflis, where he worked at the Adelkhanov shoe factory.[23]

Although Keke was poor, she ensured that her son was well dressed when he went to school, likely through the financial support of family friends.[24] As a child, Stalin exhibited a number of idiosyncrasies; when happy, he would for instance jump around on one leg while clicking his fingers and yelling aloud.[25] He excelled academically,[26] and also displayed talent in painting and drama classes.[27] He began writing poetry,[28] and was a fan of the work of Georgian nationalist writer Raphael Eristavi.[29] He was also a choirboy, singing both in church and at local weddings.[30] A childhood friend of Stalin's later recalled that he "was the best but also the naughtiest pupil" in the class.[31] He and his friends formed a gang,[32] and often fought with other local children.[33] He caused mischief; in one incident, he ignited explosive cartridges in a shop,[34] and in another he tied a pan to the tail of a woman's pet cat.[32

When Stalin was twelve, he was seriously injured after having been hit by a phaeton. He was hospitalised in Tiflis for several months, and sustained a lifelong disability to his left arm.[35] His father subsequently kidnapped him and enrolled him as an apprentice cobbler in the factory; this would be Stalin's only experience as a worker.[36] According to Stalin's biographer Robert Service, this was Stalin's "first experience with capitalism", and it was "raw, harsh and dispiriting".[37] Several priests from Gori retrieved the boy, after which Beso cut all contact with his wife and son.[38] In February 1892, Stalin's school teachers took him and the other pupils to witness the public hanging of several peasant bandits; Stalin and his friends sympathised with the condemned.[39] The event left a deep and lasting impression on him.[40] Stalin had decided that he wanted to become a local administrator so that he could deal with the problems of poverty that affected the population around Gori.[29] Despite his Christian upbringing, he had become an atheist after contemplating the problem of evil and learning about evolution through Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species.[29]

What are some of the difficulties John Adams faced as president?

a.territory disputes with England and "inventing" the presidency

b.problems with Spain and trade disputes with Russia

c.possible war with England and fighting between political parties

d.conducting a census and problems with selecting a new capital


The biggest problem that John Adams faced during his presidency was the state of undeclared war that existed between the United States and France. Ever since the conclusion of the Jay Treaty between America and Great Britain in 1795, France had been hostile towards its former ally. France's increasing aggressiveness towards the United States created a headache for Adams, who had to figure out a way to respond without becoming embroiled in a full-blown war.

so the answer its d


question ; a tourist traveling across germany, austria, france, spain would need how many different types of currency on her trip

a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four



uh uh what the first person said


you will need only 1 type of currency


there all in the same central area

How did Catherine the great influence the nation ?



Catherine's major influences on her adopted country were in expanding Russia's borders and continuing the process of Westernisation begun by Peter the Great. During her reign she extended the Russian empire southwards and westwards, adding territories which included the Crimea, Belarus and Lithuania.

why did americans like eisenhower?



Answer: Maybe because leading the U.S. to victory in WWII

please help me ASAP...
have a good day



1, word spreads like fire, people would have heard it and passed the knowledge or the local paper would have informed people. 2, I imagine the slaves would have been exited or felt that it was just another false rumor.


What story is being told in the first verse of the
National Anthem?



“O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming?”

dawn: early morning, just as the sun begins to rise

hail’d (hailed): to honor something (in this case the flag)

gleaming: a gleam is a flash of light, likely referring to the last bits of light hitting the flag as the sun set

twilight: the last bit of light from the sun fading as it sets

These lines ask listeners if they can see the American flag waving over Fort McHenry as the sun begins to rise. The flag is a symbol of how the Americans held the fort against all odds, so if the flag hadn’t been there, Key would have known the fort was defeated. Key held onto the flag as a symbol of hope as he watched from the British vessel, catching sight of it as the sun set, twelve hours after the British bombardment began.

“Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming?”

broad: wide, referring to the stripes that run across the American flag

perilous: dangerous

ramparts: the embankments that were part of the fort’s defense

gallantly: in a heroic or brave manner

streaming: this describes the flag waving in the wind

O’er (over): above

This bit describes the American flag flying throughout the battle.

“And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there.”

There aren’t that many challenging words in this part, where Key describes how the British bombs occasionally lit up the American flag that was flying throughout the night.

“O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

spangled: decorated

banner: a long strip of cloth or paper (in this case, a flag)

In this final verse, Key asks one last time if the flag is still there, waving over a country born from revolution and still fighting to maintain its hard-won freedom.

Have a good day!

Why do ancient people of Israel have repeated names in their new sons or daughters ?


Answer will vary, The Twelve Tribes of Israel (Hebrew: שבטי ישראל‎, romanized: Shivtei Yisrael, lit. 'Tribes of Israel') are, according to Judeo-Christian texts, the descendants of the Biblical patriarch Jacob, also known as Israel, through his twelve sons by various women, who collectively form the Israelite nation. Within ancient Judaism, one's tribal affiliation had a great impact on his or her practices and opportunities, as some tribes enjoyed privileges others did not and some tribes received more blessings than others.

In the mid 1800's, the economy of the North was based primarily on


it was based on industry
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