which of the following democracies represents a unitary state in which power is concentrated in the hands of the central government?


Answer 1

France is the democracy that represents a unitary state in which power is concentrated in the hands of the central government.

What does unitary state mean?

In contrast to a federal state, a unitary state is a type of political organization where the majority or all of the governing power is held by a single, central authority. States, counties, and provinces do not share power. Examples of unitary states include China and the UK (although Scotland has been granted self-rule).

Which state structure gives a central government the most control?

A central government controls the majority of political authority in unitary nations. In a unitary system of government, the states or provinces have the final say, whereas in a federal one, the national or central government has total authority.

To know more about unitary system, visit:



Related Questions

Which of the following is NOT a reason the late Ming emperor brought an end to exploration of the world for China?
O the expeditions were expensive and not profitable
O they felt China was superior to other civilizations
there were few products in the world that China was interested in
O they felt they had seen everything there was to see




The treasure fleet voyages cost Ming China enormous amounts of money; since they were not trade excursions, the government recovered little of the cost.

China was self-sufficient; it didn't need anything from the Indian Ocean world.

The Mongols and other Central Asian peoples made increasingly bold raids on western China, forcing the Ming rulers to concentrate their attention and their resources on securing the country's inland borders.

as compared to face-to-face communication, when communicating via the telephone, of a message is available for interpretation by the receiver.


As as compared to face-to-face conversation, whilst speaking through the telephone, of a message is 30% to be had for interpretation with the aid of using the receiver.

The required details for Communication in given paragraph

Communication is normally described because the transmission of information. The time period may confer with the message communicated thru such transmissions or the sphere of inquiry analyzing them. There are many disagreements approximately its precise definition. John Peters argues that the problem of defining conversation emerges from the truth that conversation is each a universal phenomenon and a precise discipline of institutional instructional study. One definitional method entails restricting what may be covered within side the class of conversation (for example, requiring a "aware intent" to persuade).

By this logic, one viable definition of conversation is the act of developing meaning among entities or groups thru the usage of sufficiently jointly understood signs, symbols, and semiotic conventions.

To know about Communication click here



piaget underestimated the influence of when assessing the cognitive development of children. group of answer choices culture genetics intelligence biology


Piaget underestimated the influence intelligence of when assessing the cognitive development of children.

Explain cognitive development of Piaget theory.

The broad theory of cognitive development by Piaget describes the origins and growth of human intelligence. He had the opinion that a person's early years have a significant influence on how they develop. Stage development theory is the name given to his theory. The theory addresses the fundamental nature of knowledge as well as how people acquire, create, and apply it. Piaget asserts that there are four major stages in a child's cognitive development. Children's conceptualization of the world changes with each stage, and Piaget observed that kids actively investigate and attempt to make sense of their surroundings. Infants develop their grasp of how to integrate their motor skills and sensory experiences (name a few senses).

To know more about cognitive development visit:



ehaviorists and social learning theorists maintain gender differences are the result of a life-long process called identity formation.


Gender differences are the result of identity formation, according to behaviorists and social learning theorists. The fact that the majority of people do not behave in a manner that is gender-appropriate shows that people's socialization of gender roles varies greatly from person to person.

"Behaviorism is a learning theory that says all behaviors are learned through a process called conditioning," according to this theory.

Personality is conceptualized by learning theorists in what way?

The theory of personality development and social learning holds that a significant portion of a person's personality traits may emerge from observing others in their family or society. Temperament can be influenced by both genetics and the environment in which they live.

To learn more about social learning theorists here



the liabilities of a strong organizational culture include each of the following except being a barrier to . group of answer choices change strategic differentiation diversity


Opposition to changing organizational culture. The change's lack of managerial backing. A lack of dedication to change. History of unsuccessful transformation projects.

Types of barriers:

Following are some of the barriers to effective communication:

1. Semantic barriers.

2. Psychological barriers.

3. Organisational barriers.

4. Cultural barriers.

5. Physical barriers.

6. Physiological barriers.

Cultural Construction:

Although there are many diverse conceptualizations of culture in the study literature, academics generally agree on what culture is, what it accomplishes, and how it comes into being.

Most fundamentally, culture is a result of society as a whole. People from the same culture think and act in fundamental ways that are comparable. The majority of experts concur that corporate cultures contain both conceptual and palpable components (Kopelman et al., 1990:283).

Learn more about Organizational culture:



offensive players are not considered to be in the arc if a player's foot just touches the line of the arc while in control of the ball.


If an offensive player's foot barely brushes the arc's line while he or she is in possession of the ball, that player is not regarded as being in the arc.

What do guys on offence do?

A basketball offensive player is one whose team has possession of the ball. When their team has the ball, a player is on offence; when the opposing team has the ball, they are on defence. This could alter at any time if a turnover occurs or a field goal is made. Defense is when a team tries to stop the opposing side from scoring, while offence is when a team attempts to score.

To know more about offensive players click on the link below:



which of the following is the source of change if the university curriculum committee suggests two of the proposed courses for the curriculum of a new major be completely reworked?


If the university syllabus committee advises that two of the next one for such curricular of a new major be totally rewritten, among the below is the cause of change: stakeholder expectations.

What is a committee, exactly?

A group of people assigned to think about, look into, act upon, or report on a certain issue. A group of lawmakers selected by a representative assembly to evaluate legislative topics is referred to as an advisory committee. The committee has been given the measure again.

What do committees serve as?

Committees keep an eye on ongoing government activities, spot problems that warrant legislative scrutiny, collect and assess data, and suggest moves to the Senate.

To know more about Committee visit:



The complete question is-

Which of the following is the source of change if the university curriculum committee suggests two of the proposed courses for the curriculum of a new major be completely reworked?

A. External forces

B. Stakeholder expectations

C. Project team

D. New stakeholder

3. which of the following major approaches is the most important to understand the complexity of communication?


To comprehend the complexity of communication, it is crucial to first grasp the various techniques.

Which type of procedure best encapsulates communication?

According to the transmission model, communication is a one-way, linear process in which a sender encrypts a message before transmitting it across a channel to a receiver who decodes it.

What form of communication is the most effective and widespread?

To exchange information, either words or sign language are used. Verbal communication can take place face-to-face or via other media including radio, television, and video conferencing.

What aspect of communication is most crucial?

The secret to any good or efficient communication is feedback. It is one of the core components of the process of communication.

To learn more about verbal communication here:



Why might citizens choose to join a political party?
• A. They will be eligible to vote in federal elections.
• B. They can donate to their preferred candidate.
O C. They can vote in a closed primary.
• D. They can participate in civil disobedience.


I think it’s A pls let me know if wrong

With the use of _________, Shaw and McKay (1942) were able to relate incidents to juvenile delinquency to specific Chicago commnities.


With the use of crime mapping, Shaw and McKay (1942) were able to relate incidents to juvenile delinquency to specific Chicago communities.

What is research on crime mapping?

Law enforcement organizations can use computerized crime mapping technology to evaluate and combine data sources to produce a thorough overview of crime episodes and associated factors within a community or other geographic area.

What is a juvenile delinquent?

A person who has not reached the age of eighteen is referred to as a "juvenile," and an act that would have been considered a crime if committed by an adult is referred to as juvenile delinquency when it is done by a person under the age of eighteen.

To know more about juvenile delinquency, visit:



Which of the following uses the discriminative stimulus, the response, and the reinforcing stimulus or consequence?
a. Positive behavior support b. Discrete trial training
c. Applied behavior analysis d. Social stories


The type of technique that uses reinforcing stimulus or consequence and discriminative stimulus is discrete trial training. Hence, the correct option is (B).

What is Discrete Trial Training?

Discrete trial training is one of the techniques in Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA). Discrete trial training is carried out by dividing a person's existing skills into discrete components or smaller components. When encountering someone, this technique uses discriminative stimulus and also uses reinforcing stimulus or consequence. This technique also usually uses tangible reinforcements for desired and appraised behavior. Discrete trial training is usually used as an intervention approach for autism.

Learn more about discrete trial training at https://brainly.com/question/13449138


on four separate occasions, the prince left the comforts of his lavash palace surroundings to explore the outside world. which of the following did he not see on his excursions?


The Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, was a wandering ascetic and religious figure who lived in South Asia in the sixth or fifth century BCE and is credited with founding Buddhism.

A prince by the name of Siddhartha Gautama started to question his protected, opulent life in the palace some 2500 years ago.According to folklore, at the age of 29, the "Four Signs"—an elderly man, a sick person, a body being transported for cremation, and a monk meditating under a tree—shook him out of his complacency.After leaving the palace, he came upon four individuals: a monk, an old man, a sick man, and a dead man. He is supposed to have learned through these sights that not even a prince is immune to disease, pain, and death.

To know more about Buddha here



wernicke area is necessary formultiple choicemotivation.smiling.processing visual images.initiating the muscular movements of speech.understanding and formulating coherent speech.


Wernicke area is necessary for understanding and formulating coherent speech.

What is the Wernicke area?

Motor neurons involved in speech comprehension are found in the Wernicke area of the brain. The initial description of this region was made in 1874 by German neurologist Carl Wernicke. The Wernicke area is situated in the left hemisphere's posterior part of the upper temporal convolution. Wernicke's area is named after the doctor who first recognized the mental processes connected to this area of the brain. Early in the 1870s, Carl Wernicke, a 26-year-old physician-in-training, treated a number of patients who had severe language comprehension problems. The Wernicke area, which is depicted in blue on the brain scan, facilitates phonologic retrieval, a crucial step in speech production that involves mentally representing the phonemes that need to be pronounced as well as their temporal order.

To learn more about Wernicke area click on the given link:



I want a essay of political socialization



Political socialization is the process by which individuals learn and frequently internalize a political lens framing their perceptions of how power is arranged and how the world around them is (and should be) organized; those perceptions, in turn, shape and define individuals' definitions of who they are and how they ...

Political socialization- The process by which people acquire political beliefs and values. - People acquire these beliefs through relationships with family, friends and co workers, web. Most important source is the family and the schools.

Socialization is the process whereby an individual's standards, skills, motives, attitudes, and behaviors change to conform to those regarded as desirable and appropriate for his or her present and future role in any particular society.

Socialization is important because it helps uphold societies and cultures; it is also a key part of individual development. Research demonstrates that who we are is affected by both nature (our genetic and hormonal makeup) and nurture (the social environment in which we are raised).

for teachers uncomfortable or inexperienced in teaching dance, which of the following suggestions would not be beneficial to the students?


Turning on the music and letting the students dance whatever they want is what uncomfortable or inexperienced dance teachers do when teaching dance that really isn't beneficial to the students. The correct answer is D.

Direct instruction is among the most successful teaching methods, according to studies. Although sometimes misinterpreted, students who get teaching through the direct instruction approach outperform their peers in reading, arithmetic, spelling, and other subjects such as dancing.

Direct instruction is a method of teaching that is controlled by the teacher. This implies that the instructor stands in front of the class and delivers the material. The teachers provide the learners with specific, guided instructions.

Turn on some music and allow the students to dance whatever they desire; it must be fun but not beneficial for their dance skills.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. Use a cooperative class and only use dance as part of the lesson.B. Use imagery as a catalyst of movement.C. Use books or stories as a stimulus for movement.D. Turn on the music and ask students to do dance anyway they would like.

The correct answer is D.

Learn more about method of learning here: brainly.com/question/14591988


Recent studies confirmed that _____ individuals show less trust and negative emotions toward a romantic partner.
Multiple Choice
securely attached


Answer D- attachment-anxious

Recent research has demonstrated that people who have attachment anxiety are less trustworthy and have unfavorable feelings about potential relationships. As a result, choice (D) is the best way to respond.

What is attachment anxiety?

The capacity to form emotional connections with others is known as attachment. It begins at birth and lasts throughout childhood and adulthood. It is a method of relating to someone else. Unmet emotional demands can have a lasting impact if they are not attended to. We refer to this as an insecure attachment.

Anxiety regarding your relationships with loved ones, such as parents, friends, and partners, is referred to as attachment anxiety. Typically, it has roots in early experiences. Although the precise reasons for anxious attachment are not yet fully known, they might be related to traumatic events or inconsistent parenting.

Hence, option (D) is accurate.

Learn more about attachments, from:



a therapist treating a person who is afraid of heights has the client go to the top of a skyscraper ten times a day for one month. this technique is called

a. generalization
b. habituation
c. systematic desensitization
d. flooding
e. discrimination


Answer:Jane will be asked to perform a task that counter her fear. For instance, she can be asked to attend a closed door party which will not allow anyone to leave until after the party. Systematic desensitization technique is a behavior therapy used by psychologists to help patients effectively overcome their fear and anxiety disorders. The method functions by exposing the patients to their fears gradually. 


A therapist treating a person who is afraid of heights has the client go to the top of a skyscraper ten times a day for one month. This technique is called systematic desensitization. Thus option (c) is correct.

What is  systematic desensitization?

The systematic desensitization  therapy is for removing the phobia of fear, and substitute a relaxation response to the conditional stimulus gradually using counter-conditioning.

It is a   type of exposure therapy which is based on the principle of classical conditioning. It was developed by Wolpe during the 1950s.

For example, A therapist treating a person who is afraid of heights has the client go to the top of a skyscraper ten times a day for one month. This technique is called systematic desensitization. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about systematic desensitization here:



imitation of christ, which taught readers how to appreciate divine aspects in their everyday lives was written by


Thomas a Kempis wrote The Imitation of Christ, which taught readers how to perceive divine aspects in their daily lives.

Thomas a Kempis, sometimes referred to as Thomas Hamerken, was a Renaissance Roman Catholic priest and the author of The Imitation of Christ, which is often described as one of the most popular Christian devotional works. Thomas a Kempis was born in 1380 in Kempen, Duchy of Cleves, Germany.

The Imitation of Christ is a spiritual work made up of four separate books that was designed primarily as a manual for monks but nevertheless appealed to a far larger audience. All four works, notable for their simple language and style, highlight the significance of the inner life and the necessity to seek God alone if we are to achieve genuine peace and contentment.

Learn more about roman catholic church here: brainly.com/question/29374708


In three to five sentences, identify how the Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty supported independence for the American colonies.


The Sons and Daughters of Liberty helped organize colonist dissent and resistance to British policies. The boycotts implemented by the Sons and upheld by the Daughters forced the British to understand how serious the colonists' grievances were. As a result, their actions helped lead to the American Revolution.

rudolph always struggles to focus on his work. he is unreliable because he fails to complete any task assigned to him and he is very careless. in this case, rudolph scores low on the behavioral disposition of:


In  this case, rudolph scores low on the behavioral disposition of conscientiousness.

Which of the following studies examines how psychological mechanisms and processes have evolved naturally?

Psychology in evolution. Modern evolutionary theory is used by evolutionary psychology to examine how the human mind functions. It largely focuses on psychological adaptations, or mental processes that have developed to address certain issues with survival or reproduction. The five-factor model does not include intelligence as a feature, but it does include traits like neuroticism, extroversion, and agreeableness. Conscientiousness and openness are also included. Natural selection drives the evolution of heritable adaptive behaviour. In this situation, some genes help people respond to physiological or environmental cues better, improving reproductive success and ensuring that these genes are passed down to next generations.

To know more about behavioral disposition click on the link below:



prior to the end of a hypnosis session jessica's therapist to ld her she would not feel hungry anymore and nauseated at the thought of overeating. jessica's therapist is likely trying to implement:


People who approach this experience with good, receptive mindsets are the ideal candidates for hypnosis.

What occurs when you are under hypnosis?

However, it's generally accepted that when you're in a deep state of concentration and relaxation brought on by hypnosis, your thought process is quieted. You have access to the area of your brain that controls your beliefs, perceptions, feelings, memories, and behaviors.

Which of the 4 hypnosis types are they?

Three primary types of hypnotherapy are utilized to hypnotize someone else or oneself in our modern civilization. Traditional hypnotherapy, Guided hypnosis, and self-hypnosis are the three different styles of hypnosis. In terms of use and practice, each style of hypnosis is unique.

To know more about hypnosis visit:



although the opportunitiy to incorporate inherently safer strategies still exists during design and construction


Although the opportunity to incorporate inherently safer strategies still exists during design and construction many of the moderation and substitution opportunities are no longer possible at this stage because the process chemistry and the safe operating envelope will already have been specified.

What is opportunity ?A business opportunity, also called a bizop, is the opportunity to take advantage of  market events to start a business.It is a kind of favorable condition that exists in the market. Depending on the business opportunity, some businesses will succeed and others will fail. The opportunity section of your business plan is  about the products and services  you create.The aim is to explain why your company is exciting and what problems you solve for people. Opportunity is usually defined as a situation in which a product or service can be sold at a price higher than the cost of manufacturing it. A “business opportunity” is therefore a situation in which an entrepreneur can take action to make a profit.

to learn more about opportunity  from the given link :



Question :

Although the opportunity to incorporate inherently safer strategies still exists during design and construction, many of the ---- opportunities are no longer possible at this stage because the process chemistry and the safe operating envelope will already have been specified

president spencer w. kimball called one of the most revolting and sinful practices of our day.


Abortion must be considered one of the most revolting and sinful practices in this day, President Spencer w. Kimball called one of the most revolting and sinful practices of our day.

What is revolting?When you say  something is revolting, you mean that you find that person revolting. The stench in the cell was revolting. It sucks to find out that your friends lied to you. Government corruption is abhorrent.Injustice is abominable. The idea that his grandmother was once young and rather jaded haunted the author.The author  believed that his grandmother was much older, which is why he uses the word disgust. In the 20 years since the author met her grandmother, she has not changed at all.Revolting generally seeks to escape and obtain concessions from an oppressive power, whereas rebellion seeks to overthrow and destroy that power and its attendant laws.The object of rebellion is revolting, and rebellion seeks  revolution.

To learn more about revolting from the given link :



1. How do you think IQ tests can be helpful? How do you think they can be misused?



Hope this helps


IQ tests can be helpful in providing an objective measure of a person's intelligence. This can be used to accurately assess a person's cognitive abilities, compare them to others, and provide insight into how they learn and process information. However, IQ tests can also be misused. Some people may use IQ tests to label people as "smart" or "unintelligant," which can lead to prejudicial assumptions and discriminatory behavior. IQ tests can also be used to exclude certain groups of people from opportunities, such as college admissions.

When a foreign exchange student returns home after having spent a significant amount of time immersed in another culture, they may experience ________.
1. culture shock
2. abrupt relocation
3. reverse culture shock
4. border dwelling syndrome


When a foreign exchange student returns home after having spent a significant amount of time immersed in another culture, they may experience: (3) reverse culture shock.

What is culture shock?

It is the impact that a person suffers from moving from a familiar culture to a totally unknown one, it is inverse when the person, after being in a culture for a considerable time, returns to the familiar culture.

It should be noted that culture is considered to be all those beliefs, knowledge and customs that a person has.

Learn more about reverse culture shock in: https://brainly.com/question/15184445


the myth about this says that, when they died, they should carry jugs of water and fill a basin. they would be released from this punishment, only if the basin was full of water.


Danaids, the myth about this says that, when they died, they should carry jugs of water and fill a basin. they would be released from this punishment, only if the basin was full of water.

What is punishment?Punishment generally refers to the use of unwanted or unacceptable actions by public authorities on groups or individuals in contexts ranging from child discipline to criminal law to respond to and deter certain conduct or behavior that is deemed undesirable or unacceptable. It is to impose unpleasant consequences. Those who study the types of crime and their punishment learn that five main types of criminal punishment have emerged. Disenfranchisement, deterrence, retaliation, reintegration, recovery. There are five main reasons for criminal penalties. Retribution; Inability to Work; Deterrence; Rehabilitation and Compensation. Punishment in psychology is the result of reducing or aiming at the recurrence of  targeted unwanted behaviors.Punishment is  part of operant conditioning, using rewards to encourage specific behaviors and  negative consequences to discourage unwanted behaviors.

to learn more about punishment from the given link :



behavior is broadly defined as behavior that causes people to experience distress and prevents them from functioning in their daily lives.


Abnormal behavior is broadly defined as behavior that causes people to experience distress and prevents them from functioning in their daily lives.

Understanding the Abnormal Behavior

A deviation from societal norms is considered abnormal behavior. The variations might range from minor occurrences of mood swings to major situations where people kill themselves or wander around nak3d in public. There are several disputes around the concept of what constitutes abnormal behavior and what doesn't. Something that society A considers abnormal may be completely normal in culture B.

In spite of this, abnormal behavior may be observed anywhere, and most psychologists concur that everyone exhibits abnormal behavior at a certain time during their lives. Consequently, abnormality is not something that just pertains to a certain group or category of individuals, but rather is something that is universal and can occur at any point in a person's lifetime.

Learn more about abnormality here: brainly.com/question/27999898


please describe an experience in your life that has shaped who you are or allowed you to be your best self. examples


Here are some of the most memorable experiences in every person’s life that has in one way or another helped you become a better version of myself:

Having pet, for some people, getting their first pet is the first time they feel responsible for someone other than themselves. Feeding, bathing and walking inspires a sense of responsibility for the well-being of others. Having a pet is a source of joy for both of me. and stress, and one of the most fun experience for me to welcome another fulfilling year.Entering college, my experience when I entered college for the first time is one of the most memorable experience because in college I think my journey of independence will begin.

We all have experiences that have taught us the most important lessons in life and changed the way we see the world. Some experiences are fun to remember, others are downright embarrassing. Every moment is precious and without them we would not be where we are today.

Learn more about experience in your life that has shaped at here https://brainly.com/question/29643750


From your perspective, what are some reasons lower or working class people may suffer from more illnesses and be overall unhealthier than individuals with greater financial stability?



as the lower class people did not have the facilities or the primary needs so they can suffer highly and the financial stable individuals are having that facilities and they are financialy strong so they are not suffering from the illness than compare to the lower class people...

hope it will help you

Mick is a restaurant manager who, in McClelland's terms, has a greater need for power than for affiliation. But Mick is open to social interaction. According to McClelland, Mick is a(n) _____ manager. A) institutional B) personal-powerC) affiliationD) perquisite


According to McClelland, Mick is a B) non-public-strength manager.

The required details for  personal-power in given paragraph

Personal strength is the cap-potential to steer humans and events. This shape of strength comes from man or woman traits as opposed to formal authority. Personal strength is greater of an mind-set or country of mind. Someone with robust non-public strength is targeted on their self-efficacy and cap potential to cooperate with others. They lead via way of means of example. They are inspiring. They impact their peers via way of means of fostering a tremendous worldview. They are assertive however respectful, a hit however humble, and pushed however stable. People with non-public strength have an effect on alternate round them via way of means of regulating themselves. In contrast, people with positional strength have an effect on alternate via way of means of regulating others. For example, a person who's assured and charismatic will locate it simpler to make friends and impact humans. This is authentic even though they keep no reliable function of strength.

In expert settings, a person who's dependable, assertive, and well-prepared will probable be taken greater seriously. These are examples of private strength in practice.

To know about personal-power click here



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role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles. A dictionary can include the same value several times but cannot include the same key several times.a. Trueb. False Fluid flows past the two-dimensional bar shown. The pressures on the ends of the bar are as shown and the average shear stress on the top and bottom of the bar is avg. The drag due to pressure is equal to viscous effects width = h Oh Determine (a) ravg in terms of the dynamic pressure pu2 (Ans:Tavg 0.06 pu2) (b) the drag coefficient of the bar. (Ans: CD = 2.40) To see all seasonal activities, anthropologists should stay on the field at least:A one monthB one centuryC one yearD one week Noting the correct enrollment period on enrollment applications helps in preventing delayed enrollment processing.Select one:TrueFalse Briefly describe this setting in your own words Sonnys blue An inequality is shown; 1/8Which value of x makes the inequality true? What impact did the Magna Carta have on the English monarchy? (b) the shoe is in contact with the initially stationary 0.500 kg football for 20.0 ms. what average force is exerted on the football to give it a velocity of 20.0 m/s? distinguish between the conditions needed for the proper functioning of pepsin and trypsin. What is the process of heating of a hydrocarbon in excess of air or oxygen called? Compare Which atoms are moving faster: those in a spoon at 0 F or those in afork at 0 C? Explain your answer. (Hint: Which is the higher temperature, 0 For 0 C?) 13. Is (10,-7) a solution of y -0.5 x-5 ? Explain your answer. What does light do when it strikes the chlorophyll molecules of Photosystems I and II? A. Light causes glucose to be synthesized directly inside the chlorophyll molecules of the photosystems. B. Light causes the conversion of water into carbon dioxide, oxygen, and electrons. C. Light causes electrons to get excited (gain energy) and travel down an electron transport chain embedded in the thylakoid membrane. D. Light directly causes carbon dioxide to attach to RuBP during the carbon fixation stage of the Calvin Cycle. A piece of glassware calibrated "TD" will contain and transfer the stated volume the stated volume stated exactly; exactly slightly more than; exactly slightly less than; exactly exactly: slightly less than slightly less than; slightly more than identify the statistical test in which the mean difference between two groups are compared to a distribution of differences between means. or a market to exist, there must be potential buyers multiple choice and a product that is safe and inexpensive. who have a willingness and the resources to buy. and retail stores which are willing to carry the product. who are looking for reasonable prices and financing. who are the main characters in the book Brian's Winter? Faults that experience both shear and tension or shear and compression are known as:a.Plunging Anticlinesb.Strike-Slip Faultsc.Unconformitiesd.Oblique-Slip Faultse.Convergent Margins What is one result of a government deficit ?