Which of the following best describes the connection between cardiovascular disease and age?


Answer 1
I think the answer is 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 your welcome

Related Questions

After the mRNA is formed, what happens?
A. It binds permanently with DNA molecule.

B. It moves out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm.

C. It disassembles and the process repeats.



The correct answer is - B. It moves out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm.


mRNA formation is known as transcription which is the first process of protein synthesis in which mRNA is formed from DNA sequence with help of RNA polymerase enzyme.

After forming the mRNA sequence this mRNA moves out of the nucleus and reaches the cytoplasm where it performs the second process called translation with help of tRNA and ribosome to produce an amino acid chain.


B. It moves out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm.


After the mRNA is formed, it moves out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm.

10 points for each answer brainliest as well
Based on the Nebular theory, which of these is a step in the formation of the center of a new planetary system?
A. evaporation of condensed gases due to heat
B. combination of condensed gases due to gravity
C. contraction of condensed gases due to nuclear fission
D. expansion of condensed gases due to nuclear fission





The nebular theory states that Solar and Stellar System were developed from  a primeval nebula.  The one that is a step in the formation of the center of a new planetary system is

D. expansion of condensed gases due to nuclear fission

good luck

When comparing today's animals to the ones from the Mesozoic era, which is true?

A. only a few of the animals from the Mesozic era are

B. most of the animals from the Mesozoic era are extinct

C. dinosaurs still roam the Earth

D. all of the animals are still the same


Your answer is gonna be A and b

You look at the cell under a microscope and see that it has 34 body chromosomes and one nucleus. Second view: Several hours later, you look at the same cell again and see that it has double the amount of DNA and one nucleus. Third view: A little while later, you see that it has one cell with 68 chromosomes and two nuclei. What stage of the cell cycle was this cell in when you viewed it at each time point


1st view --- G1 phase (growth)
2nd view --- S phase (synthesis)
3rd view --- M / cytokinesis phase (mitosis)

mrna used in a sentence



The mRNA was positively corresponding with its simultaneous serum levels


Hope this helps!

How do the whiskers and incisors interact to help the rat survive?


The Rat’s whiskers are highly sensitive to touch, they brush over the ground, obstacles, food, and other rats. When they bend, it’s follicles send messages to the rat’s brain.
The Rat’s incisors are the four long, sharp front teeth, they use them for gnawing and for grinding food prior to swallowing it.

Help me please finish the hypothesis! Only have 2 minutes No websites

HYPOTHESIS: If 2 chambers of water are poured side-by-side, the warmer water will mix the cooler layer because it



The warmer water will mix with the cold water because it will migrate to the surface.


If hot water and cold water are poured in the same place, it means that they will occupy the same space. However, hot water has a lower density than cold water, which means that hot water molecules are lighter and will tend to rise towards the surface.

However, when migrating to the surface, the hot water molecules will pass between the cold water molecules, causing the two waters to mix. In this process, the hot water will transfer heat to the cold water and cool until the two waters have the same temperature.

lodine-131 is radioactive. If after 160 days only 1/8 of the sample remains, how long is
its half-life?
A. 92.2 days
B. 20 days
C. 53.3 days
D. 16 days


The answer is B 20 days. 2021

When are chromosomes present in cells?
A. Just before and during DNA replication

B. Never






prophase, in prophase the mitoic spindle forms and the chromosomes condense. Prophase is the first stage before cell division (mitosis) and chromosomes will be present in the cell.

Which of the following statements regarding cultural views of postpartum activities are accurate? Check
all that apply.
Some cultures believe in limiting a woman's activities for one month following
Some cultures embrace and accept postpartum depression.
Some cultures believe postpartum depression to be a shameful experience.
Most cultures do not allow women to rest after childbirth.





correct on edge

Green anoles were forced out of their established habitat of trees, plants, walls and fences by invasive brown anoles. The green anoles then had to find new habitats in wetlands and tree crowns. This example illustrates the concepts of:



both competition and realized niche


While all zebras have stripes, no two zebras share the same stripe pattern. adap


you have to addd more


you have to add more to your question, its is hard to answer

n the diagram, the shape of the lens is
and the image is



wheres the image?


Explique de qué manera la deriva continental ha influido en la distribución de especies vegetales y animales en el mundo.



la deriva continental ha notablemente influido en la distribución actual de las especies. Este fenómeno se puede observar en grupos de organismos similares que se encuentran en diferentes continentes, lo cual concuerda con la idea de que la separación entre dichos continentes se produjo más tardíamente en el tiempo  


La teoría de la deriva continental plantea que durante el final del Paleozoico y el principio del Mesozoico (hace aproximadamente hace 225 millones de años) las masas continentales actuales se encontraban unidas formando una gran masa de tierra o supercontinente conocido como 'Pangea'. Esta teoría se basa en evidencia de diversa fuentes incluyendo pruebas geográficas (coincidencias en las costas de algunos continentes), paleontológicas (mismos fósiles en diferentes continentes), geológicas y tectónicas (por ej., la presencia de cadenas montañosas que se separaron hace millones de años), y paleoclimáticas (evidencia de climas similares durante el pasado en continentes diferentes). La deriva contiental afectó la distribución actual de especies de plantas y animales. Por ejemplo, la fauna en Europa es semejante a la observada en Norteamérica porque estos continentes se separaron más tardíamente en el tiempo que otros contientes/masas de tierra del hemisferio sur, y dichas semejanzas se encuentran reflejadas en organismos evolutivamente más relacionados (menor tiempo de divergencia evolutiva).

if you had $5000 what would you do with it and why?



pay off student loans



I know some people are against this but I would get myself some hunting gear, put some money away for further things, get my favorite snacks, save for Christmas, and then I would put the rest towards my family's medical needs because my family means the world to me.

what are the pro and cons of pollution



Cons: Pollution may muddy landscapes, poison soils and waterways, or kill plants and animals. Humans are also regularly harmed by pollution. Long-term exposure to air pollution, for example, can lead to chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer and other diseases What are the pros of pollution?

However, there may be some small advantages to air pollution:

Air pollution helps plants grow. Guess what our factories and cars put in the air? ...

Air pollution slows climate change. Some pollutants we put out heat up the Earth, like carbon dioxide. ...

Air pollution keeps polluted cities cooler in the summer.

The study of evolutionary relationships that includes a branching pattern showing lineages diverging is called... *



Phylogenetic tree


A phylogenetic tree is a tree that is responsible for showing the different relationships with respect to evolution between species that are considered to have a common offspring. The species of interest are shown at the tips of the branches of the tree in question. The branches are connecting with each other, representing the evolutionary history of the species, being the way in which we think that they evolved starting from a common ancestor through various divergence events (when two branches separate).



second or third, i would pick the second one ! :)



Every frog no matter the species if in the same ecosystem is considered part of the same population because no matter if it’s a male/female or has spots or not and etc it’s still a frog.

Justify the claim by describing an example of a behavioral event in ANIMALS that occurs in response to a 24-hour light/dark cycle.


Circadian rhythm.

This is cyclical process which controls sleep/wake activity. It involves cyclical changes in hormone levels, and is subject to regulation from external cues.

i nned help with these


The answer are in the picture e

Which of the following of nondisjunction examples are right


You didn’t put anything?

Which of the following cells would for
cell plate during the cell cycle?
a. a human cell.
b. a prokaryotic cell.
c. a plant cell.
d. All of the above





A plant cell.

Plate that develops at the midpoint between the two groups of chromosomes in a dividing cell and that is involved in forming the wall between the two new daughter cells.

Please please help me please I really need help



7 days


i did a little research online and it states that it takes around 7 days between the last quarter moon and the first quarter moon {im sorry if this is the incorrect answer :(

n 1960, an invasive species of fish was introduced into the stable ecosystem of a river. Since then, the population of a native fish species has declined. This situation is an example of an
1) Ecosystem that has recovered
2) Ecosystems are altered through the activities of humans.
3) Environmental impact caused by physical factors
4) Ecological niche without competition


This situation is an example of 'ecosystems are ALTERED through the activities of humans' (Option 2).

Human activities (i.e., anthropogenic activities) represent the main factor capable of affecting the homeostasis of the ecosystems.

Some human activities that negatively alter a natural ecosystem include deforestation for different purposes (e.g., urbanization, agriculture, etc), the introduction of non-native invasive species, pollution, etc.

These activities may trigger serious problems to the environment such as soil erosion, climate change, undrinkable water, etc.

In conclusion, this situation is an example of 'ecosystems are ALTERED through the activities of humans'.

Learn more in:


true or false your cells do not need nitrogen to make DNA



That's false



False!!!!!"proteins and even our DNA"


I searched it up

10 points each answer and brainliest
(picture shown)

The diagram below shows four positions of Earth around the sun.

In which of these positions will the Earth move the fastest?
Position A
Position B
Position C
Position D





.because the sun is pulling the earth but i..d...k what position u would answer with that hope that helps :p

What are the components within a DNA molecule



A and T

G and C


km not sure if this is what your looking for


5-carbon sugar, phosphate group and a nitrogen base


which point or points on the image below show constructive interference of light?
a and b
a, c, and e
b and d
a and e
b, d, and c



B and D


Describe what the male beetle has to do In order to successfully mate with the female


Answer: they would maybe have to fight with the other beetles to tr and get the females attention


pls mark brainliest

The male beetle must struggle to successfully mate with the female if where they go there is more than one male courting the female.

How do beetles mate?

Female beetles of this species dig tunnels in the dung, where males mate with them. If a male enters a tunnel that is already occupied by a rival, they will fight, trying to pull the other out.

With this information, we can conclude that the male beetle must struggle to successfully mate with the female if where they go there is more than one male courting the female.

Learn more about beetles in brainly.com/question/11338404


Honestly I barely use brainly anymore so I'm giving my 1532 points away.

(But still answer the question I don't want the question taken down Just use the answer I give you since they are right)

Identify the characteristics of fungus-like protists. Check all that apply.
√ Decomposers
√ Produce spores

(Answers: Decomposers, Produce Spores)



Decomposers and Produce Spores


Tyy for the points

Have a nice day :)


Thank You So Much! Have a great day!

Decomposers, Produce spores


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someone please help with either one!! will mark brainliest How do you write 4,9000 in scientific notation? consideran que las costumbres y tradiciones deben mantenerse ala nueva generacin Given the function h(x) = -x2 - 4x + 6, determine the average rate of change ofthe function over the interval -5 < x < -1. Which of the following is a strength in how men communicate?a.They are often direct.b.They enjoy a well-told story.c.They speak to large audiences.d.They share personal experiences.Please select the best answer from the choices providedB PLSSS I CAN NOT GET THIS WRONG PLS HELPP IF YOU KNOW 20 POINTSSSS"Then why did you shoot me with your blowguns?" asked Bruce Hand while rubbing his Neck.Which word is incorrectly capitalized?ThenHandNeckasked List three (3) ways Booker T. Washington was a "great" man.Your answer social political economy cultural.. issue of the Philippines which of these is an example of a physical feature?A. football stadiumB. independence hallC. history museum D. painted desert What are the volume and the surface area of this storage chest? "A Mad Dash to Disaster": The First World War By Mike Kubic.1. PART A: Which TWO of the following statement best summarize the central ideas of the? A. WWI was caused exclusively by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.B. Historian Henry Kissinger was the most accomplished U.S. Secretary of State inAmerican history.C. No one nation or group can be singled out to blame for the outbreak of WWI.D. The roots of WWI were planted long before the assassination of Archduke FranzFerdinand.E. Trench warfare, because it was so deadly, was outlawed in future warfare at theParis Peace Convention.F. WWI permanently brought the U.S. out of isolation, deeply involving it in futureglobal matters, like WWII.2. Part B: Which TWO of the following quotes best support the answer to Part A?A. A history-making diplomat as well as a historian, Kissinger concluded that nocountry can be singled out, because [e]ach of the major powers contributed aquota of shortsightedness and irresponsibility (Paragraph 2)B. World War I (1914-1918) which claimed 32 million military and civiliancasualties, impoverished Europe, destroyed three empires, and set the stage foran even more savage World War II had many roots. (Paragraph 3)C. on June 28, 1914, a radical Serbian nationalist tossed a burning match byassassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of yet anotherEuropean superpower, the Austro-Hungarian empire of the Habsburgmonarchy. (Paragraph 7)D. What followed was a massacre that lasted an interminable four years, threemonths, and eventually brought into the maelstrom two million Americandoughboys. (Paragraph 16)E. The heaviest and eventually decisive fighting was done on the Western front,where French, British and eventually, American soldiers were locked in aremorseless trench warfare with von Schlieffens army. (Paragraph 18)F. in March 1917, President Woodrow Wilson had responded to the outrageoussinking of four American ships by German submarines by abandoning the U.S.policy of neutrality. (Paragraph 21)3. Why did the author most likely italicize the phrase for any reason whatever in Paragraph4?A. to emphasize that almost anything would provoke the allies to fight, and warwas basically inevitableB. to propose the idea that the allied countries were eager to fight, regardless ofwhom or what they would fightC. to stress Frances and Russias militaristic mindsets and superiority at the timeD. to clarify that the alliance was actually very general and loose, not as binding asit would later seem4. PART A: What does the word hazardous most likely mean as used in paragraph 4?A. unnecessaryB. riskyC. violentD. preventative5. PART B: Which of the following phrases best supports the answer to Part A?A. Faced by the fast-growing German empire (Paragraph 4)B. Desperate for allies (Paragraph 4)C. agreed to mobilize their armies (Paragraph 4)D. this hair-trigger arrangement (Paragraph 4)6. According to the text, how did the Central Powers, especially Germany, react to the UnitedStates entrance into the war?A. Given how late the U.S. entered the war, the Central Powers largely did not seethe U.S. as a threat.B. American declaration of war (as well as failing allies) prompted Germany tolaunch an all-out, final offensive.C. Germany was blamed for the U.S. joining the Allied forces and was essentiallyabandoned by the other Central Powers.D. Knowing the U.S. would be fighting in the West, the Central Powers beganfocusing on gaining land in the other two fronts.7. Which of the following best describe how the Schlieffen Plan shaped the overall war?A. The Schlieffen Plan forced both the Central and Allied Powers to fight on twofronts, exhausting them (especially Germany) and expanding the reach of thehorrors of the war.B. The Schlieffen Plan meant that France and Russia, the targets of the plan, werethe first to fall to the Central Powers control.C. The Schlieffen Plan forced Germany to fight on both sides, meaning that thiscountry conquered more land than the Allied Powers combined.D. The Schlieffen Plan was an overall failure and fell apart after the first majorbattle; neither side had to fight on multiple fronts, as planned, from that pointon.8. Which of the following best describes the major irony of the Paris Peace Conference?A. It was entirely run by the leader of the country that fought the briefest in thewar.B. The United States was given a very large role in the Peace Conference eventhough they supported Germany for the first half of the war.C. Though called a peace conference, it was formed at least by the EuropeanAllies with the intent to punish more than to seek peace.D. Though called a peace conference, it was formed to reassess and strengthenthe alliances that caused WWI in the first place. What is the length of CD in triangle ABC? the measure of an angle is fifty nine times the measure of its supplementary angle. What is the measure of each angle Read the passage. Then, use what you know about how populations affect one another during ecological succession to explain what happens on an empty lot.Imagine what happens in an empty lot that has been cleared of all living things. As in a garden that is no longer planted, only soil remains. Weeds begin to grow in the soil. At first, only plants that need full sun to sprout grow there. But over time, these plants grow taller and shade the ground. Then, a different kind of plant begins to grow there, one that grows only in shady areas. Eventually, the lot is covered in mostly plants that sprout in shade.Please help! GLORY ROAD:When the Texas Western players were introduced in the 1st game, what did the fans do when the black players were introduced? can someone help what is the unknown number in sequence 2 in the chart the sum of two numbers is 121. if the larger number is 7 more than the smaller number, find both number. Please answer the following question: Solve by completing the square2x^2 + 14 = 4x Most of the schools and hospitals in the Congo that are open are run by whom? One of them are Missionaries not sure what else