Which is an example of a noun phrase in the sentence "The third book of the series, a cliffhanging adventure, is by far my favorite book by this particular author."?


Answer 1


C) The third book of the series


i just did it :)

Answer 2




i completed this on usatestprep

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where should I put the comma?
My cat a beautiful Persian shed all over the house.



My cat, a beautiful Persian shed all over the house.

Answer: Between Persian and shed


My cat a beautiful Persian, shed all over the house.

True or false a complex sentence has 1 independent clause and 1 or more dependent clause





create an italian sonnet


My world before you came was black and white, No shades of gray, no varied hues to see, but then each day was wonderful and bright, because you brought the color back to me. Look at there! A sky so vast And deeply blue, green grass that gleams as brightly As jewel with golden yellow flowers peeking through, reflected in your eyes, pure crystals pools.

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!! Use the drop-down menus to identify the experimental group with additional nutrients and the control group without additional nutrients. The experimental group consists of quadrats numbered (1 to 16) or (17 to 32) The control group consists of quadrats numbered (1 to 16) or (17 to 32)​



didn't you already get it correct??? I am confused if you didn't get it correct then I will help if not all I will say is.......SpOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoPy LiL gHoSt Is BaCk :3



1 to 16 and 17 to 32


20 Points! Please Help!!

Read the excerpt from "Mami and Papi."

“Do as I say!” Mami ordered. Still, Papi kept his back to us. I plunked the can full of nails down hard, willing him to hear and tell me to stay, but he didn’t. I dawdled after Mami down the three steps into the yard. Delsa and Norma, my younger sisters, took turns swinging from a rope Papi had hung under the mango tree.

“Why can’t they help with the kindling?” I pouted.

Mami swatted the side of my head. “Don’t talk back,” she said. “You girls keep away from the house while your father is working,” she warned as we walked by my sisters having fun.

Which type of conflict is demonstrated in this excerpt?

A. individual vs. society

B. individual vs. self

C. individual vs. individual

D. individual vs. nature



C is the answer because two characters are fighting


Individual vs. individual is the type of conflict is demonstrated in this excerpt. Hence, option C is correct.

What is Individual vs. individual?

In a society full of people, there are people who exhibit various traits. Although a crowd is made up of people, each person is also a person. When the word "individual" is employed, it refers to a person's special traits or qualities.

An person is something that is existing as a unique entity. The quality of being an individual, namely of being a person different from others and possessing one's own needs or goals, rights and duties, is known as individuality.

existent and taken into account independently of the other things or individuals in a group: Handwork is used to complete each unique table. given to or pertaining to a solitary, distinct entity or person: We address every case.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about Individual vs. individual, click here:



What is this pls and i will give you a brainliest ??????????



what the guy said upove is right



Read this sentence from paragraph 3.

Our challenge, not tomorrow but today, is to accomplish objectives which have eluded mankind since the beginning of time.

Which word could replace eluded in this sentence without changing the meaning or tone?






Answer: C. Dodged


All you have to do is look up the word and look at the synonyms.

3. In paragraph 4, law professor Catherine Ross begins her discussion of the Tinker v. Des Moines decision by
stating that "Tinker came up during the Vietnam War." What is the purpose of introducing the Vietnam War at
this part of the discussion?
A. to show how unusual the Tinker case actually was
B. to provide important social and historical context of the students' protest
C. to provide background that explains the reactions of the school authorities
D. to demonstrate that Ross is an unbiased authority in her field



C. To provide background that explains the reactions of school authorities


why the way you dress is important​


To express your style by the way you dress.

1) What is benevolent deception?



Benevolent deception is when a medical practicioner lies, misleads or holds back information to prevent the possible negative effects that may appear when the patient's diagnoses is revealed.

In Act III of the play, Mark Antony speaks at the funeral of his friend, Julius Caesar.

How is the text presentation of this scene different from the film presentation?

In the text, the Roman citizens are unwilling to listen to Antony's speech. In the film, they are eager to hear what he has to say.

The text provides only Antony's words. In the film, Antony's inner thoughts are also clear.

The stage directions in the text provide little description of Antony's emotions as he speaks. In the film, Antony conveys strong feelings.

The text has dialogue in which individual citizens speak in reaction to Antony's words. In the film, the citizens react as a group.



The text has dialogue in which individual citizens speak in reaction to Antony's words. In the film, the citizens react as a group.


I got it wrong, but I will use my mistakes to help others.


The text has dialogue in which individual citizens speak in reaction to Antony's words. In the film, the citizens react as a group.


I got it right.

1. Why does Circe tell Odysseus to sail closer to Scylla than Charybdis?
2. Describe the Sirens. What is the danger they pose?
3. Describe Scylla. What is the danger she poses?
4. Describe Charybdis. What is the danger she poses?

In your own words please


1. Odysseus chooses to sail toward Scylla rather than Charybdis because Charybdis would sink the whole ship and kill everyone

2. They are like mermaids, but they're scary and want to kill you. If they sing and you hear it, you will be put under a spell and lured to your death.

3. Scylla is a really nasty multi-headed and multi-handed sea monster. The danger is that it could eat all of them.

4. Charybdis is basically a whirlpool. The danger is that the ship could pulled inside.

hope this helps :)

what is "what"? plz tell me



asking for information specifying something.

"what is your name?"


the thing or things that (used in specifying something).

"what we need is a commitment"



asking for information specifying something.

"what time is it?"


(referring to the whole of an amount) whatever.

"he had been robbed of what little money he had"


I need someone to re word this real quick please 100pts

Because managers carefully select stocks with long-term earning potential. Investment Opportunity 2 risks are related to changing interest rates, which can cause bonds to make less money for bondholders. Also, it may be affected by inflation, and it carries the risk of default: if a city or county government fails to make its bond payments, then the bondholder loses money. Both companies tell you the risks, and they have the same level of it. Investment Opportunity 1 has three documents to illustrate the fund’s risks and returns over the past five years.

The first graph lists how a hypothetical investment of $10,000 fared over those five years. The second graph lists an overall earnings percentage for four different earnings periods. The final graphic shows how the company rates the level of risk. Investment Opportunity 2 also provided three documents to illustrate the fund’s risks and returns over the past five years. The first graph lists how a hypothetical investment of $10,000 fared over those five years. The second graph lists an overall earnings percentage for four different earnings periods.

The final graphic shows how the company rates the level of risk. Both say the potential returns of each investment, but investment opportunity 1 hypothetical investment of $10,000 fared over those five years is not as steady as investment opportunity 2. Investment Opportunity 2 is the fraudulent one because its percentage of return is better than investment opportunity 1. Both are with large companies that are almost just alike but investment opportunity 2 has a better rate of return. The first one serves thousands of customers and specializes in managing stocks and mutual funds. The second firm serves thousands of customers, and it specializes in managing mutual funds that invest in bonds.



Since managers choose stocks with a long-term earning potential with consideration. Investment Possibility Two risks are linked to interest rate changes, which may result in bondholders losing money. It can also be affected by inflation and is subject to default: if a city or county government fails to meet bond payments, bondholders lose money. Both companies will inform you.

An easy way to do this is by using quill bot,, it just Paraphrases the text. Hopefully it'll help


~sometimes all i think about you~
~late nights in the middle of june~
~heat waes been faking me outtt~
~cant make you happier now~

What fanfic is this from?



Glass animals, its a song





what is this app for​



It's for helping people with homework, and also learning how to do the problem you're stuck on step by step.


This is app is for any school related questions


If you need help in any subject you ask your question here

To what extent is privacy enjoyed in a theocracy?



It stated that the scope of such legal rights broadened over time to now include the right to enjoy life and be let alone.


Drag two statements to the box that
describe main ideas in Passage 1




pls attach the paragrah bro

i will reach u in 5minute

Where’s the paragraph?

Write an Informational paragraph explaining the consequences of global warming on polar bears. Be sure to try and persuade the American people of ways the polar bear population can be saved. This paragraph needs to include 2 cited facts. This must be a minimum of 8 sentences long. I need the recourses too



Global warming is affecting many species on our planet, including polar bears .

Some species can respond to the changing global climate by changing their distribution — the area that a species lives and moves within. For example, many species of birds in North America are moving their distributions northward as the climate changes.

Other species are unable to adjust to changing conditions and therefore become extinct . For example, the golden toad used to be found in the tropical cloud forests of Costa Rica, but are now thought to be extinct. Scientists have collected evidence which shows that the golden toad was probably driven to extinction by climate change , because the forests became too dry for them to survive.

golden toads

The golden toad probably went extinct when the forests became too dry for this species.

As for the polar bears, they spend most of their time on floating sheets of sea ice  hunting for their favorite food, seals. But as the Arctic  has warmed in recent years, the ice is melting earlier. This gives the bears less time to hunt. So some bears might not be able to build up the fat they need to survive the rest of the year.  

We can all contribute to reducing climate change, and therefore help polar bears and other endangered  species. A significant cause of climate change is the emission of polluting gases from burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. Fossil fuels are burned when we use electricity or drive our cars, among other things.

polar bear on ice floe

The number of polar bears is dropping. Further global warming could threaten the entire species.

Here are just a few important things we can do to help reduce global warming:

Use our cars less (walk or take public transport whenever possible)

Use energy  efficient light bulbs (these are available in most household stores — encourage your parents and teachers to buy them!)

Recycle  more and avoid products that have lots of packaging.

Turn off electric devices when you're not using them.


All these actions will help reduce the amount of pollution we create. And don't forget, when you get older you will have the opportunity to vote for politicians that support taking action to reduce global warming.

Explore More:  

How is global warming affecting animals that are Living on Ice in the Arctic?

Find out how global warming is endangering the planet's species and habitats in Going, Going... Gone?

Kids talk about how melting ice is threatening polar bears in this video, The Sea Ice is Melting!


Can someone please help me write this? Respond to the following question: - What would you consider the author’s biggest takeaway from his relationship with “the other Wes Moore”? Your response should meet these requirements: - at least 100 words - includes at least 1 compound sentence - includes at least 1 complex sentence


do you have a picture

Please help help me

Character Analysis for Mr.Darling in Peter Pan. Give me a word that describes him and 3 sentences. DO NOT USE OTHER WEBSITES. Write in YOUR OWN WORDS



One word that describes Mr. Darling is strict. He is very strict with his children throught the story. He also comes off as angry in the beggining.

hope this helps!

Anyone good at English help me plz



Good advice

To be frank, I agree with you

Complete the sentences with the correct spelling of the missing words.
John found a stray cat in the some milk. The milk The cat looked hungry and sad, so John decided to feed the cat. He brought her home and fed her the cat's thirst. The cat seemed very V after that. ​



John found a stray cay in the milk . the cat looked sad , and hungry , so John decided to feed the cat .he brought her home and feed her, the cat was thirsty It seemed very better after that                             Explanation:  i did my best


John found a stray cat in the  


. The cat looked hungry and sad, so John decided to feed the cat. He brought her home and fed her some milk. The milk  


the cat’s thirst. The cat seemed very  


after that.


I hope this one helps, I had the same question on my test and a actually did it if I got it correct mark brainliest plz

Albert Einstein publish his special theory of relativity while working as
a patent clerk in 1905. Since then, science has became so
professionalized that its almost unthinkable for patent clerk or other
nonexpert too get a scientific paper publish.


Answer: It’s C.


Its the only question that spells published right.

What line shows that Banquo suspects that Macbeth was involved
Duncan's demise? Re-write it to the side.






one question that you will ask for Brad Williams



the question is


what made u go by "AJ" instead of Adrienne Janic?

i will give brainliest!!

Which rule can be used to correct the spelling of the underlined word?


Change y to i when adding and ending.

The answer is option B.

What explains the sentence better?

The sentence is made up of subject and verb, this is important in the sentence. Without this, a set of words cannot be called a sentence. For example, 'the moon rises', in which the maker is a moon and rises in action.

Which sentence gives the short answer?

A sentence is a group of words put together to mean something. A sentence is a basic unit of language that expresses a complete thought.

Learn more about sentences here: brainly.com/question/11352260


You were walking on the road when you saw some boys pelting stones at a puppy. You saved the puppy from

the bullies and took it to an animal shelter. Write a diary entry about the incident describing your feelings.

(how you felt when you saw what the boys were doing…. the condition of the puppy…how you saved it… what

medical care was given to it)

friends plz help me out​



Dear diary,

I was walking home from school one day and decided to take a different route to school,little did i know,i walked right into a couple of boys throwing rocks at a poor puppy.Its was a horrible sight,the puppy was whimpering,I felt so bad for that poor puppy so i told those mean boys to stop before i call the police on them for animal cruelty.The boys ran off,scared to be caught,I knelt down to make sure the dog was ok.Lucky he was still breathing.A rush of relieve went through my body,I called the animal hospital and they picked him up instantly,i rode with him to the hospital and they said he had a couple cuts from the stones and then they patched him up and said "We'll look after him till he's better"I said "ok" .I walked home and thought what would've happened if i didn't stop them?...

please help me with this please please please ​



Radhika says that.

Rajat has said  that

The principal will say that

Sumi says that

The teacher has said that

The shopkeeper said that

The principal  said that

He said that

Anyone please i need a free write it doesn't have to be long just a paragraph 8th grade performance level


I hope this is good!

Let’s talk about art. Art is a form of an expression and story all in a still picture. You can learn so much from art, maybe the artist past, present, maybe a glimpse of their future. It expresses how you feel and can distract you from reality. Art is another realm you enter as you place the art bush against the canvas. That’s the beauty of art.
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