which inequality will use a solid line in its solution graph?

A) (y<2x) B(y>x) c (y<2x+4) or D(y>2x-5


Answer 1

In the given options, none of them have inequality sign ≤ and ≥,  so the given inequalities do not have solid line in its solution graph.

What are inequalities?

Inequalities are the mathematical expressions in which both sides are not equal. In inequality, unlike in equations, we compare two values. The equal sign in between is replaced by less than (or less than or equal to), greater than (or greater than or equal to), or not equal to sign.

A solution for an inequality in x is a number such that when we substitute that number for x we have a true statement.

The boundary line for the inequality is drawn as a solid line if the points on the line itself do satisfy the inequality, as in the cases of ≤ and ≥. It is drawn as a dashed line if the points on the line do not satisfy the inequality, as in the cases of < and >.

Hence, in the given options, none of them have inequality sign ≤ and ≥,  so the given inequalities do not have solid line in its solution graph.

To learn more about the inequalities visit:



Related Questions

Please help me on this I’m really confused on this


Answer: c = 7

Step-by-step explanation:

180 = 86 + 31 + 9c
180 = 117 + 9c
63 = 9c
7 = c


  c = 7°

Step-by-step explanation:

You want the value of c given that angles in a triangle are marked 86°, 31°, and 9c.

Angle sum theorem

The angle sum theorem tells you the sum of angles in a triangle is 180°. Using given angle values, this means ...

  86° +31° +9c = 180°

  117° +9c = 180° . . . . collect terms

  9c = 63° . . . . . . . subtract 117°

  c = 7° . . . . . . . . divide by 9

The value of c is 7°.

Match the equations of perpendicular lines. (You will not use all answer choices on the right.)


The following equation are perpendicular to each other .

y = 1 / 3 x + 4 →  y = -3x - 4.y = 2 / 5 x - 7 →  y = - 5 / 2 x + 7.y = - 5 / 2 x + 8 → y = 2 / 5 x - 6.y = -2x + 6 →  y = 1 / 2 x + 3.y = 7 / 5 x - 9 →  y = - 5 / 7 x - 11.

How to represent the equation of a line?

The equation of a line in slope intercept form can be represented as follows:

y = mx + b


m = slopeb = y-intercept

Therefore, perpendicular lines have slopes that are the opposite of the reciprocal of each other.


The equation perpendicular to y = 1 / 3 x + 4 is  y = -3x - 4.

The equation perpendicular to y = 2 / 5 x - 7 is  y = - 5 / 2 x + 7.

The equation perpendicular to y = - 5 / 2 x + 8 is  y = 2 / 5 x - 6.

The equation perpendicular to y = -2x + 6 is  y = 1 / 2 x + 3.

The equation perpendicular to y = 7 / 5 x - 9 is  y = - 5 / 7 x - 11.

learn more on perpendicular lines here:https://brainly.com/question/29831389


figure a is a right triangle, and two of its sides have a length of 1 foot. therefore, its third side is greater than 1 foot in length.


According to the Pythagorean theorem, The Answer is Yes the third side is greater than 1 foot.

What do you mean by right angle triangle?

A right triangle is one that has an interior angle of 90 degrees. The hypotenuse, which is also the side of the right triangle that faces the right angle, is its longest side. The height and base make up the two arms of the right angle.

What is the Pythagorean Theorem?

The Pythagorean theorem, sometimes known as Pythagoras' theorem, is a basic relationship between a right triangle's three sides in Euclidean geometry. According to this statement, the areas of the squares on the other two sides add up to the size of the square whose side is the hypotenuse.

p=1 foot

b=1 foot

[tex]h^{2} = p ^{2} + b ^{2}[/tex]

[tex]h=\sqrt {1^{2}+1^{2}}\\=\sqrt 2\\=1.41\\[/tex]

To learn more about right angle triangle visit:



Anna went to the ice cream shop and found that ice cream was $0.20 per scoop (s). Write an equation that shows how many scoops of ice cream that Anna can purchase with $5.00.


The equation that calculates the number of scoops of ice cream that can be purchased is 0.20x = 5, and the number of scoops that can be purchased is 25.

What is an equation?

A mathematical equation is a formula that uses the equals sign to represent the equality of two expressions.

The definition of an equation is algebra is a mathematical assertion that shows the equality of two mathematical equations.

For instance, the equation 3x + 5 = 14 consists of the two equations 3x + 5 and 14, which are separated by the 'equal' sign.

So, we know that 1 scoop of ice cream is $0.20.

Anna wants to purchase scoops for $5.00.

Let, the number of scoops is x.

Now, form the equation as follows:

0.20x = 5

x = 5/0.20

x = 25

Therefore, the equation that calculates the number of scoops of ice cream that can be purchased is 0.20x = 5, and the number of scoops that can be purchased is 25.

Know more about equation here:



An electrician needs to create a rectangular wire loop for an induction generator. The width of the circuit needs to be 7 greater than ⅔ the length. If the cross sectional area of the loop must equal 172, what are the dimensions of the loop?


To solve this problem, we need to use the formula for the area of a rectangle, which is length times width. We can set up the formula as follows:

Area = length * width

Since we know that the width is 7 greater than ⅔ the length, we can represent the width as follows:

width = ⅔ * length + 7

We can substitute this expression for the width in the area formula to get the following:

Area = length * (⅔ * length + 7)

We are given that the area of the rectangle must be 172, so we can set up the following equation:

172 = length * (⅔ * length + 7)

To solve for the length of the rectangle, we can first distribute the length on the right-hand side of the equation, like this:

172 = length * ⅔ * length + 7 * length

We can then combine like terms on the right-hand side of the equation to get the following:

172 = ⅔ * length^2 + 7 * length

To solve for the length, we can use the quadratic formula, which is as follows:

length = (-b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

In this case, a = ⅔, b = 7, and c = -172. Plugging these values into the quadratic formula, we get the following:

length = (-7 +/- sqrt(49 - 4 * ⅔ * -172)) / 2 * ⅔

Simplifying this expression, we get the following:

length = (-7 +/- sqrt(49 + 576)) / ⅓

We can further simplify this expression by calculating the value of the square root, like this:

length = (-7 +/- sqrt(625)) / ⅓

Simplifying again, we get the following:

length = (-7 +/- 25) / ⅓

To find the final value of the length, we need to calculate the two possible values of the square root, which are 25 and -25. Plugging these values into the equation for the length, we get the following:

length = (-7 + 25) / ⅓ = 18 / ⅓ = 6

length = (-7 - 25) / ⅓ = -32 / ⅓ = -10

Since the length of a rectangle must be positive, we can discard the negative value and only consider the value of 6. This means that the length of the rectangle is 6, and the width is ⅔ * 6 + 7 = 11. Therefore, the dimensions of the rectangle are 6 by 11.

Marvin is factoring the expression 54a^4+16ab^3 completely. What is the result


The factors of the given expression 54a⁴ +16ab³ are (C) 2a(27a³+8b³).

What are the factors?

Writing a number or other quantitative item as the result of numerous factors—typically smaller or easier objects of the same kind—is known as factorization or factoring in math.

For instance, the equation x2 - 4 and the integer 15 can both be multiplied by the number 3 5.

So, we got the expression:

54a⁴ +16ab³

Now, factorize as follows:

54a⁴ +16ab³

Both 54 and 16 are multiples of 2 and have variables as common:

2a(27a³ + 8b³)

Therefore, the factors of the given expression 54a⁴ +16ab³ are (C) 2a(27a³+8b³).

Know more about the factors here:



A cave explorer is at an elevation of −38​ feet. The explorer starts moving at a rate of −12 feet per minute. The relationship between the explorer's elevation y, and her rate of decrease x, can be represented be the inequality 7 = -12x -38.

Solve the inequality to determine how many minutes it will take the explorer to reach an elevation deeper than -200 feet.

-200 [tex]\geq \\[/tex] -12x - 38



To solve this inequality, we need to isolate the x-variable on one side of the equation. To do this, we can add 38 to both sides of the equation to get the following:

-200 - 12x - 38 = 38

-200 - 12x = 76

Next, we can divide both sides of the equation by -12 to get the following:

-200 - 12x = 76

x = -17

Finally, we can use the value of x to determine how long it will take the explorer to reach an elevation deeper than -200 feet. Since the explorer moves at a rate of -12 feet per minute, it will take her 17 minutes to reach this depth.

A study showed that low-intensity shock therapy reduces pain levels in patients with lupus. During each session, electrodes were placed on the pain site indicated by the patient. Pain reduction was measured through self-reporting after each session.

Another study is being designed to examine whether low-intensity shock therapy also reduces pain in patients suffering from bulging disks in the thoracic region of the back. Two hundred female patients are subjects in the new study.

Part A: What is an appropriate design for the new study? Include treatments used, method of treatment assignment, and variables that should be measured. (4 points)

Part B: If the study consisted of 100 male and 100 female patients instead of 200 female patients, would you change the study design? If so, how would you modify your design? If not, why not? (4 points)

Part C: Could your design be double-blind? Explain. (2 points) (10 points)



part A: The appropriate design for the study includes;Treatment used; Chamomile oil treatment

Method of treatment; Application of the chamomile oil to the cervical region of patients experiencing pain due to pinched nerves

Treatment assignment; Treatment should be assigned to patients with pinched nerves

Variables that should be measured; Reduction or relief of pain as reported by the patients

Part B; The study should be administered equally to both male and female as the symptoms can be experienced by both male and female

Part C; The design could be double blind by replacing the chamomile administered by placebo, thereby preventing bias from both researcher and participants in the results of the research.

Step-by-step explanation:

Conrad has 6 more marbles than Rory. If r represents the number of marbles that Rory has, which expression represents the number of marbles that Conrad has?


The expression representing the situation is (r+6).

What is expression?

An expression in maths is a sentence with a minimum of two numbers or variables and at least one maths operation.

Given that, Conrad has 6 more marbles than Rory and r represents the number of marbles that Rory has,

We see, Conrad has more marble than Rory and Rory has r marbles,

Mathematical can be represented as,

c = r+6

Hence, The expression representing the situation is (r+6).

For more references on the expressions, click;



Pls help it urgent sove it



x = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

2x + 1 ≥ 0

2x ≥ -1

2/2 x ≥ -1/2

x ≥ -1/2

√(2x+1)² = (4-1)²

2x + 1 = 3²

2x = 9 - 1

2x = 8

2/2 x = 8/2

x = 4

what is the slope of the line on the graph?




Step-by-step explanation:

A (6,1)

B (12,2)

slope = (2-1)/(12-6)


12. After 2 hours, Morgan had earned $12.75 at her lemonade stand. After 5
hours, she had earned $44.25. Assuming a linear function, write an
equation in the form y=mx+b that shows the profit earned from selling
lemonade for x hours.



y = 10.5x - 8.25

Step-by-step explanation:

m = (44.25 - 12.75)/(5 - 2) = 10.5

y = mx + b

y = 10.5x + b

12.75 = 10.5 × 2 + b

b = -8.25

y = 10.5x - 8.25

Triangle ABC has sides a>b>c. If one of the angles is 60 degrees, name the angle that can be equal to 90 degrees.



angle b

Step-by-step explanation:

let's assume the triangle is a right angle triangle . either angle a or c can be equal to 60 degree

find the area of the figure


The area of the figure is 84.139 square ft

How to determine the area of the figure?

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

Shapes = Rectangle and Semicircle

For the rectangle, we have

Length = 5 ft and Width = 14 feet

For the circle, we have

Diameter = 14 ft - 4 ft - 4 ft


Diameter = 6 feet

Start by calculating the radius of the semicircle

So, we have the following representation

radius = Diameter/2

This gives

radius = 6/2


radius = 3

The area of the shape is then calculated as

Area = Length * WIdth + πr²/2

So, we have

Area = 5 * 14 + 3.142 * 3²/2


Area = 84.139

Hence, the area is 84.139 square ft

Read more about area at



on a line chart, you can change the of the vertical axis to provide more vertical space and a more dramatic slope to the lines.


we are allowed to change the vertical axis on a line chart.

why we need to change the vertical axis?

suppose we have a large range of value needed to plot along the vertical and horizontal axis, but the current line chart cannot meet this demand. in such cases, we can customize the scales to provide more vertical and horizontal spaces.

what is dramatic slope?

dramatic slopes are the steep slopes of a straight line calculated by vertical and horizontal coordinate of two points laying on it. By changing the vertical axis as well as the horizontal axis we can plot a graph of a straight line more properly and finally more dramatic slope is visible there.

hence, we can change the scale values on a line chart to meet the requirement of the plot.

to learn more about line chart visit the link:


Picture of coordinates (5,4) (3,4)
On a Cartesian plan


Both the coordinate points are plotted on the graph. The cartesian graph is attached with the answer.

What are coordinates?Coordinates are numbers which determine the position of a point or a shape in a particular space (a map or a graph). In the cartesian coordinate system, the coordinates are of the form (x, y).Other coordinate systems are : cylindrical and spherical coordinate system

Given are the two coordinates to be plotted on a Cartesian plan -

(5, 4) , (3, 4).

The two given coordinate points are (5, 4) , (3, 4).

Refer to the graph attached. It shows both the points plotted.

Therefore, both the coordinate points are plotted on the cartesian graph.

To solve more questions on coordinates plotting and graphs, visit the link below -







Step-by-step explanation:

0.064 divided by 0.06


Answer: 1.06

Message: If this was helpful, let me know by giving me a thanks! :)

Solve the equation. 3 2/3x = 2 2/5


The value of the given equation 3 2/3x = 2 2/5 is 36/55.

What is a mixed number?

A mixed number is one that combines a whole number and a legal fraction. A number that contains both an integer (whole number) and a correct fraction is known as a mixed number or mixed fraction.

Pretzels, peanuts, Cheerios, and of course, rice and corn Chex are all included in this mix, which is why it is called a mix. Mixed numbers are those that contain both an integer and a fraction.

A mixed fraction is a fraction that is represented by both its quotient and remainder. For instance, 2 1/3 is a mixed fraction, where 2 is the quotient and 1 is the remainder. Therefore, a mixed fraction is a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction.

3 2/3x= 2 2/5

11/3 x=12/5



Therefore, the value of the given equation 3 2/3x = 2 2/5 is 36/55.

To know more about mixed number, visit:



What is the slope of a line that is parallel to the line represented by the equation x - y = 8?




Step-by-step explanation:

x - y = 8     find slope of this line , parallel slope is the same

 re-arrange the given line equation to y = mx + b form (m= slope)

y = (1) x-8    has slope = 1

A patient is receiving an infusion of 750mL with a rate of 250mL/h. How long will it take
to complete the infusion?



3 hr

Step-by-step explanation:

750 ml  /  (250 ml/hr) = 3 hr

A statistics class was given a pretest on probability (since many had previous experience in some other class). Then the class was given a six-page review handout to study for two days. At the next class they were given another test. Is there sufficient evidence that the scores improved?



No, there is not sufficient evidence that the scores improved.

Step-by-step explanation:

Just because these people were given a six-page review handout doesn't mean that:

a. They actually did any of it

b. They learned anything

c. Since the kids have other experiences in class, the scores might not have necessarily improved that much, if at all

d. They had enough time to study

e. They cared enough in the first place

Generally, there is no rock-solid evidence at all pointing to the fact that their test scores improved. While you could make the assumption assuming every kid did what they were supposed to do, there isn't enough evidence to say that the scores improved.

Which of the following is the correct if clause to determine whether y is in the range 10 through 50, inclusive? (Points : 1) A) ify>=10 and y <= 50: B) if10 > y and y < 50: C) if y >= 10 or y <= 50; D) if 10,y ory.50


We follow the inclusive rule, The answer to the question is (A) that is

if y>=10 and y <=50

What do you mean by intervals?

In mathematics, an interval is expressed in numerical terms. All the numbers between two specific integers are referred to as an interval. All actual values between those two are included in this range. Any form of number you may imagine is a real number.

What are the symbols and their meaning of the intervals?

The intervals used are:

(a , b) , All the numbers between a & b without including them.

[a, b] , All the numbers between a & b including them.

y lies in [10,50].

And since it means that it includes 10 and 50 and all the numbers between them.

The final answer is (A) that is if y>1=10 and y <=50.

To learn more about number intervals visit:



Max draws 2 rectangles each with an area of 24 square centimeters what could be the side lengths of max rectangles


Max can draw Rectangles of side lengths which are the integral divisors of 24 that can be (2,12) or (3,8) or (4,6) etc.

How to find Side Lengths of a Rectangle if Area is Known?

You can calculate a rectangle's area if you know its length and width. However, because these two amounts are distinct, you can't do a reverse computation to find both of them if you only know the area. You can find both of them in the specific case where they are equal, which gives the shape of a square, and you can compute one if you know the other. If you are aware of the rectangle's perimeter as well, you can utilize that knowledge to determine two potential length and width numbers.


Area of a Rectangle = Length × Breadth

Area= 24 square centimeters

So, Side Lengths or Breadth of the Rectangle can be the divisors of 24.

Lengths and Breadths can be (2,12) or (3,8) or (4,6) etc.

Max can draw Rectangles of side lengths which are the integral divisors of 24 that can be (2,12) or (3,8) or (4,6) etc.

To refer more about Rectangles, visit:



NO LINKS!! Help me with these 2 column proofs 8aa​


Here is the two column proof:

    Statement                                        Reason                                              

∠1  ≅ ∠2 and ∠2 ≅ ∠3                 Given∠1 ≅ ∠3                                         Transitive property of congruence    



    Statement                                        Reason                                              

CS = AS and AS = ST                   GivenCS = ST                                         Transitive property of congruence    


Are the triangles similar, if so write how you know.




Step-by-step explanation:

If the triangles are similar, then the ratios of the lengths of corresponding sides must be equal.

3/4 must equal 5/6 which must equal 6/7

3/4 = 0.75

5/6 = 0.8333...

6/7 = 0.857142...

None of the ratios are equal, so the triangles are not similar.

What are the missing reasons in the two-column proof?
Given: ↔MO bisects ∠PMN and ↔OM bisects ∠PON
Prove: ΔPMO ≅ ΔNMO


Triangle ΔPMO and  ΔNMO are congruent, therefore  ΔPMO ≅ ΔNMO.

What is a triangle?

A triangle is a geometric figure with three edges, three angles and three vertices. It is a basic figure in geometry.

The sum of the angles of a triangle is always 180°

Given that,

MO bisects ∠PMN and OM bisects ∠PON.


MO bisects ∠PMN,

Reason : It is given condition.



Reason : The image is symmetrical, therefore ∠PMO ≅ ∠NMO.



Reason : In triangle, PMO and NMO the side MO is common,

Therefore, MO = MO


OM bisects ∠PON.

Reason : It is given condition.


∠POM =  ∠NOM

Reason : The image is symmetrical, therefore  ∠POM =  ∠NOM.



Reason : The figure is symmetric, and triangle ΔPMO and  ΔNMO are congurent.

Therefore, ΔPMO ≅ ΔNMO.

To know more about Triangle on:



Question 4 of 10
Which number below is a prime number?
A. 12
B. 13
C. 24
D. 6


Answer:13 is a prime number

Step-by-step explanation:


b) 13

Step-by-step explanation:

Now we have to,

→ find prime number from the options.

Generally we know that,

→ 2 is the only even prime number.

→ Other all prime numbers are odd.

Then the prime number is,

→ 13

(Because, it is the only odd number given)

Hence, the option (b) is correct.

Clark deposited $5,000 at 3.8% interest, compounded continuously, when he was
18 years old. How much will be in the account after 22 years, if he made no other
deposits or withdrawals?
O $8,800.00
O $19,000.19
O $11,535.60
O $10,691.38


Clark will have $5820.80 in his account when he turns 22.

With an example, what is compound interest?

The interest you earn on interest is known as compound interest. Simple math may be used to demonstrate this: if you have $100 and it generates 5% interest annually, you will have $105 at the end of the first year. You will wind up with $110.25 at the conclusion of the second year.

Clark reportedly placed $5000 at a constant 3.8% interest rate when he was 18 years old.

Using the compound interest calculation, we can calculate how much Clark will make when he turns 22.

[tex]A=P . e^{rT}[/tex]

A= Amount after T years.

P= Principal amount.

e= Mathematical constant e.

r= Interest rate (in decimal form).

T=  Time in years.

Let's decimalize the interest rate we've been given.

3.8 percent = 3.8/100 = 0.038

When we enter our provided values into the formula above, we will obtain,

[tex]A=5000 * e^{0.038(22-18)} \\A=5000*e^{0.038(4)}\\A=5000*e^{0.152}\\A=5000*1.1641\\A=5820.80[/tex]

Clark will therefore have $5820.80 in his account when he turns 22.

Learn more about compound interest



if a t-value is 1.67 in an upper-tailed test and degrees of freedom are 21, locate the correct interval below that contains the p-value. group of answer choices .90 < p-value.Group of answer choicesNot enough information is given to answer this question.a.01 < p-value < .02b.98 < p-value < .99c.99 < p-value < .995d.005 < p-value < .01


For a given t-value is 1.67 in an upper-tailed test , the interval below that contains the p-value is 0.05487.. So, the correct option is option (d) .

Values are given as,

test- statistic , t-value = 1.67

degree of freedom = 21

Using upper tailed test,

Using EXCEL function to find the p-value:

Function : =T.DIST.RT (t-value , deg -freedom)

Settings : =T.DIST.RT (1.67 , 21) = 0.05487

We used only positive value to find the upper tailed p-value .

lower tailed p-value ,

Settings : =T.DIST.RT ( - 1.67 , 21) = 0.94516

So, 0.05 < p-value < 0.95.. The interval value of p-value for upper tailed test is 0.005..

To learn more about T- Statistic , refer:



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