Which feature for obtaining water and minerals comes after the nonvascular plants in a phylogeny of the land plants?

A) Leaflike structures
B) Use of capillary action
C) Extensive root systems
D) Small size
E) Growth in low, dense mats


Answer 1

Extensive root systems is the feature for obtaining water and minerals comes after the non vascular plants in a phylogeny

What is extensive root system?

This "anchorage" benefits the soil in addition to helping the plant do other tasks. An extensive broad root system aids in keeping the soil in place so that wind and rain are less prone to damage it. The dirt prefers to stay put where there are roots.

While the finer roots absorb water and nutrients to nourish the plant's current top development, the very thick roots are storing energy for the plant's future requirements.Of course, plants behave anyway they choose. Although perennial grass roots may grow 5–10 times deeper in the soil than the height of the plant's above-ground section, most grasses are thought to have substantial root systems. Some trees send out smaller, more extensive roots near the soil surface in addition to their larger, more widespread roots to gather moisture and nutrients that are available. Redwoods are a fantastic illustration of this tactic.

Thus to obtain water and minerals after non vascular plants extensive root system should help

To know more on phylogeny follow this link



Related Questions

What is the effect of excessive ventilation?
a. decresed cardiac output
b. decreased intrathoracic pressure
c. increased perfusion pressure
d. increased venous return


The effect of excessive ventilation is (b). decreased intrathoracic pressure.

How to determine the effect of excessive ventilation?

Excessive ventilation is the act of breathing too fast or too deeply, which can cause hyperventilation. Hyperventilation is a condition where the lungs expel more carbon dioxide than they produce, leading to a low level of carbon dioxide in the blood. This can cause various symptoms such as dizziness, tingling, chest pain, and anxiety.

One of the effects of excessive ventilation is that it lowers the intrathoracic pressure, which is the pressure within the chest cavity. The intrathoracic pressure is normally lower than the atmospheric pressure, creating a negative pressure that helps the lungs expand and fill with air. However, when the intrathoracic pressure becomes too low, it can impair the normal function of the heart and the blood vessels.

The heart is located within the chest cavity, and it relies on the intrathoracic pressure to help it pump blood. When the intrathoracic pressure is too low, the heart has to work harder to overcome the pressure difference and maintain the cardiac output. This can cause the heart to fatigue and reduce its efficiency. Additionally, the low intrathoracic pressure can cause the blood vessels in the chest to collapse, reducing the blood flow to the lungs and the rest of the body. This can lead to hypoxia, or low oxygen levels, in the tissues.

Therefore, excessive ventilation can have negative effects on the cardiovascular system by decreasing the intrathoracic pressure. The other options are incorrect because:

a. decresed cardiac output:

This is a possible consequence of excessive ventilation, but not a direct effect. The cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute, and it depends on the heart rate and the stroke volume. The stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped by the heart per beat, and it depends on the preload, the afterload, and the contractility. The preload is the amount of blood that fills the heart before it contracts, and it depends on the venous return. The afterload is the resistance that the heart has to overcome to pump blood, and it depends on the blood pressure and the vascular tone. The contractility is the strength of the heart muscle contraction, and it depends on the oxygen supply and the nervous and hormonal stimulation. Excessive ventilation can affect the preload, the afterload, and the contractility by altering the intrathoracic pressure, the blood pH, and the sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. However, these are indirect effects that may or may not result in decreased cardiac output, depending on the individual and the severity of the hyperventilation.

c. increased perfusion pressure:

This is the opposite of what happens with excessive ventilation. The perfusion pressure is the difference between the arterial and the venous pressure, and it determines the blood flow to the tissues. The perfusion pressure is normally higher than the intrathoracic pressure, creating a positive pressure gradient that drives the blood flow. However, when the intrathoracic pressure is too low, it reduces the perfusion pressure and the blood flow. This can cause ischemia, or insufficient blood supply, to the organs.

d. increased venous return:

This is also the opposite of what happens with excessive ventilation. The venous return is the amount of blood that returns to the heart from the body, and it depends on the venous pressure, the venous tone, and the respiratory and muscular pumps. The venous pressure is the pressure within the veins, and it depends on the blood volume and the gravity. The venous tone is the degree of constriction or dilation of the veins, and it depends on the sympathetic and hormonal stimulation. The respiratory pump is the mechanism by which the intrathoracic pressure changes during breathing, creating a suction effect that helps the blood flow from the abdomen to the chest. The muscular pump is the mechanism by which the skeletal muscle contractions squeeze the veins and propel the blood toward the heart. Excessive ventilation can affect the venous return by lowering the intrathoracic pressure, reducing the respiratory pump, and causing the veins to collapse. This can reduce the preload and the cardiac output."

Read more about excessive ventilation at



Effect of excessive ventilation decreased cardiac output.

Hence, Option A is the correct answer.

What is cardiac output?

Cardiac output (CO), is defined as the volume of blood in the heart pumps every minute, that is the mechanism by which blood circulates throughout the body, particularly supplying the brain and other crucial organs with blood flow. When we are exercising, for example, the body's want the oxygen fluctuates, and changed both the heart rate (HR) and stroke volume which affects cardiac output (SV).

As a result, a cardiovascular complicated mechanism combining the autonomic nervous system, endocrine, and paracrine signaling pathways is responsible for controlling cardiac output. Every tissue in the body depends on the heart to pump blood to it in order to survive, hence any cardiovascular failure could have a large negative impact on morbidity and mortality. Nearly 30 million Americans are affected by heart disease each year, making it the leading cause of death.

To know more about cardiovascular: brainly.com/question/27441596


This operating system is widely used by servers on the Web, mainframe computers, and very powerful personal computers


This operating system is widely used by servers on the Web, mainframe computers, and very powerful personal computers with the UNIX operating system. (Option D)

What is UNIX?

Unix is a series of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems derived from the original AT&T Unix, which was developed at Bell Labs in 1969 by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others.

It should be noted that UNIX provides different communication facilities such as the write command, mail command, speak a command, and so on. Open Source: Because the UNIX operating system is open source, it is freely available to everybody and is the result of a community-based development endeavor. Accounting: UNIX maintains track of the jobs that the user creates.

Learn more bout UNIX:

Full Question:

This operating system is widely used by servers on the Web, mainframe computers, and very powerful personal computers.

A. Windows

B. Mac OS

C. Linux


What effect will the declaration and distribution of a stock dividend have on net income and cash flows?
a) increase net income, no effect on cash flows
b) no effect on net income, decrease cash flows
c) no effect on net income or cash flows
d) decrease net income, decrease cash flows


The net income or profit of a firm is unaffected by stock or cash dividends. The area of the balance sheet devoted to shareholders' equity is affected instead by dividends.

What impact will a stock dividend's declaration and payment have on net income and cash flow?

There is no impact on cash flows or net income. Revenues less all expenses equals net income. Therefore, is unaffected by dividends of any kind, including stock dividends and cash dividends.

What impact will the announcement and payment of a stock dividend have?

The par value of the shares is unaffected by the declaration or distribution of a stock dividend. The company's stock-related activities have no effect on the par value of the stock, which is its face value.

To know more about cash flows visit :-



The effect that declaration and distribution of a stock dividend will have on net income and cash flows is: no effect on net income or cash flows. The Option B is correct.

What is a stock dividend?

A stock dividend refers to distribution of additional shares of a company's stock to its shareholders without any change in their ownership proportion. It does not affect the total assets, liabilities, or equity of the company, but it does change the composition of the equity section by reducing the retained earnings and increasing the common stock and additional paid-in capital accounts.

Most time, the shareholders own the same percentage of the company as before, but they will have more shares with a lower value per share. The stock dividend does not affect the net income or the cash flows of the company, as no cash is paid out or received by the company or the shareholders.

Read more about stock dividend



Alleles are described as ______.
environmental factors that affect gene expression
alternate versions of a gene
homologous chromosomes
alternate phenotypes


Environmental factors that impact the expression of a gene are referred to as alleles.

How do genes work?

The term "gene" has a variety of meanings in biology. The molecular gene is a sequence of DNA nucleotides that is transcribed to form a functional RNA, whereas the Dihybrid gene is the basic unit of inheritance. Nutrient genes and noncoding genomes are the 2 types of molecular genetics. DNA is initially transcribed into RNA during gene expression. The RNA may execute a specific function directly or it may serve as an intermediary template for a protein. The basis for the inheritance of phenotypical is the transmission of genes to an organism's progeny. These genes that make up several races, that are DNA sequences.

To know more about genes

if were not allowed to adjust, a shortage would persist, and the market would not return to equilibrium


A shortage would continue if prices were prohibited from changing, and the market would not stabilize.

Reduced demand will result in a drop in the equilibrium price and a reduction in supply. With everything else remaining constant, an increase in supply will result in a decrease in the equilibrium price and an increase in the amount required. The equilibrium price will increase as the supply declines, while the quantity needed will go down.

When economic forces are in balance, there is said to be an economic equilibrium. In the absence of outside influences, economic variables essentially hold true to their equilibrium levels. Market equilibrium and economic equilibrium are two different concepts.

For more information on price kindly visit to



Demand management might be defined as focused efforts to estimate and manage customers' demand, with the intention of using this information to shape operating decisions.


It is true that demand management might be defined as focused efforts to estimate and manage customers' demand, with the intention of using this information to shape operating decisions.

What are the steps to manage customers demand's ?    

Steps to manage customers demand's :

1. collect and analyze information about consumers and their needs

2. find partners to accomplish required functions

3. assign functions to the channel member who is best suited to perform them.

4. Share expertise about consumer, technology, and logistical challenges/opportunities with other SC members.

5. creating products and services that solve the challenges of customers

6. devise and implement the most effective means of product delivery

What is demand management ?Demand management is a form of planning. It is used by businesses to forecast and plan how to meet demand for services and products. Demand management strengthens the links between operations and marketing. As a result, strategy, capacity, and customer needs are better coordinated. According to study published in the Global Journal of Management and Business in 2014, demand management "provides a vital bridge between the marketplace and a company's internal processes." The study also defined demand management as "the establishment of interactions between operations and marketing with the goal of understanding the market and developing actions that are in sync with company strategy, production capacity, and end-customer needs."

What Is the Intention of Demand Management?

Demand management develops a strategy to satisfy present and expected market conditions. Marketing and demand planning benefit from the process's data and insights. Production and sales forecasting teams to assist them in meeting company objectives.

Can learn more about demand management from https://brainly.com/question/21013101


The English language often treats as ______ whatever has greater value, force, or significance.


The English language often treats as subject whatever has greater value, force, or significance.

What is Subject?

The subject of a sentence is the person, thing, or idea that is doing or being something. The subject usually comes before the verb in a sentence, but not always. Sometimes, the subject is implied by the context or the verb form. For example, in the sentence ""Go away!"", the subject is the implied ""you"".

The subject is important because it determines the number and person of the verb, as well as the agreement of other words in the sentence. For example, in the sentence "She likes apples", the subject is "she" and the verb is "likes", which is singular and third-person to match the subject. If the subject changes to "they", the verb also changes to "like".

Learn more about subject here: https://brainly.com/question/18735


You have a computer that runs Windows 10. You have created a VHD file that contains a Windows 10 installation image. The VHD file is currently not attached. You would like to perform offline servicing of the image in the VHD file to add a driver and enable some Windows features. What should you do first?


You would like to perform offline servicing of the image in the VHD file to add a driver and enable some Windows features. The first step is to attach the VHD file.

How to open VHD files?To the desktop, save the.vhd file. Your compressed file can be saved in the Downloads folder in your Documents or user directory if it was downloaded from a website.Use the desktop shortcut or start menu to run WinZip. By selecting File > Open, you may view the zipped file. Simply double-click the file if your system supports the compressed file extension linked to the WinZip application.Choose every folder and file contained within the compressed file. You can also hold down the CTRL key while left-clicking on the files or folders you want to access in multi-selection mode.In the WinZip toolbar, click 1-click Unzip, then select Unzip to PC or Cloud from the Unzip/Share tab.Click the "Unzip" button after selecting the location where you want the extracted files to go.In the destination folder, locate the extracted files.

To know more about, Windows, visit :



If you want to do the offline servicing of the image you would have  to perform offline servicing of the image in the VHD file is to attach the VHD file to the computer.

What is meant by a VHD file?

The Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) format is an open-source image format specification that enables the hard disk to be contained within a single file for usage by the operating system as a virtual disk in the same ways conventional hard disks are used.

The full contents of a computer's hard drive can be stored in a disk image file format called a virtual hard disk (VHD). The existing hard drive's data and structural components are replicated by the disk image, often known as a virtual machine (VM).

Read more on VHD file here:https://brainly.com/question/29830977


7) What effect does age have on the size of the thymus?
A) The size of the thymus increases continuously from birth to death
B) The size of the thymus decreases continuously from birth to death
C) The thymus is not affected by age
D) The thymus initially increases in size and then decreases in size from adolescence through old age


The thymus is essentially just fatty tissue at the age of 75. Fortunately, by the time you reach adolescence, the thymus has produced all of your T cells.

What is adolescence?

Adolescence is a stage of physical and psychological development that typically occurs between puberty and maturity (from the Latin adolescere, "to mature") (typically corresponding to the age of majority).

] Although adolescence is typically thought of as occurring during the teenage years,[3][4] its physical, psychological, or cultural manifestations can start earlier and last longer. .

Nowadays, especially in females, preadolescence is when puberty usually starts. [4] [5] Cognitive and physical development can continue throughout adolescence, especially in men.

Adolescence can only be roughly defined by age, and academics do not agree on a standard description. Some definitions have beginning and ending dates as early as 10 and 25 or 26. [6] According to the World Health Organization, an adolescent is anyone who is between the ages of 10 and 19 years old.

Hence, The thymus is essentially just fatty tissue at the age of 75. Fortunately, by the time you reach adolescence, the thymus has produced all of your T cells.

learn more about adolescence click here:



Which is not a good storage practice?
Selected Answer:
1. Storing raw meat below ready-to-eat food.
2. Storing raw poultry at temperatures between 41 F. and 135 F.
3. Shelving food based on its expiration date.
4. Storing live shellfish at an air tempeature of 45 F. or lower.


Put raw chicken, fish, and meat in airtight containers to prevent cross-contamination or dripping onto other meals. To avoid cross-contamination, always keep raw meats in the bottom shelf of your refrigerator.

Where should meat be stored properly?

The coldest area of the refrigerator should be used to store meat. Perishability increases as storage temperatures get close to 40 °F. At about 50°F, bacteria start to multiply quickly. Leaving frozen meat to thaw at room temperature or transporting it encourages the growth of spoilage microbes.

What should be done with raw meat and poultry when keeping them in a cooler?

Putting potentially dangerous goods like meats, fish, poultry, and dairy products is one approach to arrange food when you're worried about temps.

To know more about good storage practice visit :-



The correct answer is 2. Storing raw poultry at temperatures between 41 F and 135 F is not a good storage practice.

Which is not a good storage practice?

The correct option is storing raw pultry at temperatures between 41 and 135 Fahrenheit degrees.

This is because the temperature range between 41 F. and 135 F. is known as the danger zone, where bacteria can grow rapidly and cause foodborne illness. Raw poultry should be stored at 41 F or lower in the refrigerator or freezer, or at 165 F. or higher when cooked.

The other options are good storage practices because they prevent cross-contamination, spoilage, and bacterial growth. Storing raw meat below ready-to-eat food prevents juices from dripping onto the food that does not need further cooking. Shelving food based on its expiration date ensures that the food is used before it goes bad. Storing live shellfish at an air temperature of 45 F. or lower keeps them alive and fresh until they are cooked.

Learn more about food storage:



It is difficult to define an ideal weight because
a. body weight increases with age.
b. men tend to weigh more than women do.
c. body weight is largely determined by genetics.
d. a wide range of weights can be associated with good health.


An ideal weight is difficult to define because a wide range of weights can be associated with good health.

Because of the wide range of weights associated with good health, defining ideal body weight is difficult.

Define Good health?

Healthcare costs in the United States totaled $3.5 trillion in 2017, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Despite this spending, Americans have a lower life expectancy than people in other developed countries. This is due to a number of factors, including healthcare access and lifestyle choices.

Stress management and having to live a longer, more active life both are dependent on good health. In this article, we will define good health, discuss the different types of health, and discuss how to maintain good health.

To know more about Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), visit: https://brainly.com/question/24623398


A resident with advance directives has a DNR (do not resuscitate) order. This means that the resident
A. does not remember
B. should not be restrained
C. does not respond to instructions
D. should not be resuscitated


If a resident with advance directives has a DNR then the person should not be resuscitated

What is DNR?

A doctor's medical order known as a "do not resuscitate" order, or DNR order. It urges medical professionals not to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if a patient stops breathing or has a stopped heartbeat.

Unless otherwise specified in the DNR order, the term "Do Not Resuscitate" (DNR) refers to refraining from doing CPR, electrical defibrillation, synchronised cardioversion, or electrical pacemaker.An order for DNR does not guarantee that no medical care will be provided. For instance, emergency care staff and other medical professionals may continue to deliver oxygen treatment, manage bleeding, place patients in comfortable positions, and administer painkillers and mental support. However, they won't start cardiac monitoring or give out artificial respiration, chest compressions, defibrillation, or cardioversion. Staff members and emergency medical workers will not conduct CPR on a person who has a DNR order if they are at home or in a nursing home, nor will they transfer the patient to a hospital for resuscitation.

Hence the patient should not be resuscitated if it is a case of DNR

To know more on DNR follow this link:



If a resident with advance directives has a DNR (do not resuscitate) order. This means that the resident: D. should not be resuscitated.

What is DNR order?

DNR order is a legal document that instructs health care providers not to perform CPR or other life-saving measures if the resident stops breathing or has no heartbeat.

A DNR order is usually made by the resident or their legal representative based on their personal values and preferences.

Option A is incorrect because a DNR order has nothing to do with the resident's memory. A resident with advance directives may or may not have cognitive impairment, but that does not affect their right to make decisions about their end-of-life care.

Option B is incorrect because a DNR order does not imply that the resident should not be restrained. Restraints are physical or chemical devices that limit the resident's movement or behavior. Restraints should only be used when necessary to protect the resident or others from harm, and with the resident's consent or a doctor's order.

Option C is incorrect because a DNR order does not mean that the resident does not respond to instructions. A resident with a DNR order may or may not be able to communicate their wishes verbally or nonverbally, but that does not affect their right to have a DNR order. A DNR order only applies when the resident is in a life-threatening situation and has no pulse or breathing."

Therefore the correct option is D.

Learn more about DNR order here:https://brainly.com/question/28237824


A 2-lb increase in fat is the kilocalorie equivalent of
a. 1000 kcal.
b. 3000 kcal.
c. 3500 kcal.
d. 7000 kcal.


7000 kcal.

One pound of fat is the kilocalorie equivalent of 3500 kcal, so 2 lb would be equivalent to 7000 kcal.

What is Calorie?

Energy is measured in calories. They are talking about the energy content of foods and drinks or the energy expended during physical activity.

Energy may alternatively be expressed in kilocalories (kcal) and kilojoules, depending on where you live (kJ).

When calorie tracking or comparing the calorie counts of various foods and beverages, this can be confusing.

The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) of water by 1°C (or 1.8°F) is calculated as a big calorie (1Trusted Source).

A small calorie, on the other hand, calculates the amount of energy required to increase the temperature of 1 gram (0.035 ounces) of water by 1°C (or 1.8°F) (1Trusted Source).

To know more about Calorie, visit: https://brainly.com/question/26198285


Which American Indian tribe in Florida fought the US Army in a series of wars in the 19th century?


In several conflicts during the 19th century, white people and some Seminoles, an American Indian tribe from Florida, attacked the US Army.

What Florida-based Native American tribe made raids into the south?The Seminole Wars, commonly referred to as the Florida Wars, were a series of three interconnected military battles fought in Florida between the United States and the Seminoles, members of a Native American nation that emerged in the area in the early 1700s.Conflicts erupted between Europeans and those Seminoles who remained in Florida in 1855, primarily over land, sparking the start of the Third Seminole War. The population of Seminoles was roughly 200 when the Third Seminole War ended in 1858 as a result of ongoing military patrols and bounties for Indian capture.    

To learn more about Seminoles refer to:



The American Indian tribe in Florida that fought the US Army in a series of wars in the 19th century is the Seminoles.

Which American Indian tribe in Florida fought the US Army in a series of wars?

The war was marked by several battles, such as the Dade Massacre, the Battle of Lake Okeechobee, and the Battle of Wahoo Swamp. The war ended with the Treaty of Moultrie Creek of 1842, in which the US agreed to let the remaining Seminoles stay in a small reservation in south Florida.

The third Seminole War (1855-1858) was sparked by a dispute over the boundaries of the reservation and the encroachment of white settlers. The US Army launched a campaign to capture or kill the remaining Seminoles, who were led by Billy Bowlegs. The war ended with the surrender of Bowlegs and his followers, who were relocated to Indian Territory.

Learn more about American Indian on:



You are a group supervisor working in a branch within the operations section, who is your immediate supervisor?


An occurrence is divided geographically using divisions. Functional operational groups are referred to as groups.

What is groups ?

Branches, which can be geographical or functional, are employed when the number of Divisions or Groups increases and the scope of control needs to be expanded. An occurrence is divided geographically using divisions.Every Division has a designated Supervisor who is in charge of it. Depending on the circumstances of the incident, the area is split in a particular way.Alphabet characters are the most popular way to recognize Divisions (A, B, C, etc.). As long as Division identifiers are recognized by assigned responders, other identifiers may be utilized.The crucial thing to keep in mind regarding ICS Divisions is that they were set up to segment an incident into operational geographic zones.

To Learn more About groups refer To:



5 How the Federal Government aligns resources and delivers core capabilities to reach our shared National Preparedness Goal is described in


Note that how the Federal Government aligns resources and delivers core capabilities to reach our shared National Preparedness Goal is described in "Federal Interagency Operational Plans (FIOPs)"

What is the Federal Interagency Operational Plans (FIOPs)?

The FIOP is based on the National Response Framework, which establishes the methodology and doctrine for how the whole community constructs, develops and delivers the Response core capabilities defined in the National Preparedness Goal.

The notion of operations for consolidating and synchronizing existing national-level Federal capabilities to assist local, state, tribal, territorial, insular region, and Federal plans is described in Federal Interagency Operational Plans (FIOPs). Each mission area has its own FIOP: prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.

Learn more about Federal Interagency Operational Plans (FIOPs):

All of the following are guiding principles of the Seeking Safety model. EXCEPT:
a) Integrated Treatment for both trauma & substance use
b) A focus on ideals
c) Attending a 12-step program
d) Attention to clinician processes


An overview of the research supporting the efficacy of therapeutic approaches is given in this chapter. Knowing what specialist drug and alcohol treatment is presently offered in the area is the first step in evaluating local resources.

What is Precontemplation?

Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance are the five stages of addiction treatment. An effective substance abuse treatment plan must include the following four steps recognizing the issue statements, setting goals, defining targets to achieve those goals, and establishing interventions.

However, hope, self-determination, self-management, empowerment, and advocacy are at the core of every recovery paradigm. It's time to discuss balance, the last  design principle. Every component of a visual composition has significance. An element becomes heavier the more it is highlighted.

To learn more about  Precontemplation from given link



Hydrophobic interactions make important energetic contributions to: A) binding of a hormone to its receptor protein.
B) enzyme-substrate interactions.
C) membrane structure.
D) three-dimensional folding of a polypeptide chain.
E) All of the above are true.


All of the above are true regarding Hydrophobic interactions

When an enzyme binds its substrate, forms an enzyme-substrate complex.

This complex lowers the activation energy of reaction and promotes its rapid progression by providing certain ions or chemical groups that actually form covalent bonds with molecules as a necessary step of the reaction process

The fundamental structure of membrane is phospholipid bilayer, which forms a stable barrier between two aqueous compartments.

In the case of plasma membrane, these compartments are the inside and the outside of cell.

The overall three-dimensional structure of polypeptide is called its tertiary structure.

The tertiary structure is primarily due to the interactions between R groups of the amino acids that make up protein.

learn more about enzymes at



Hydrophobic interactions make important energetic contributions to:

binding of a hormone to its receptor protein. enzyme-substrate interactions.membrane structure. three-dimensional folding of a polypeptide chain.

The correct answer is option E

What is a hormones?

Hormones are usually small molecules that can bind to specific receptor proteins on the surface or inside of target cells. The binding is often mediated by hydrophobic interactions between the nonpolar regions of the hormone and the receptor. This allows the hormone to fit snugly into the receptor and trigger a cellular response.

enzyme-substrate interactions. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions by binding to specific substrates. The binding site of an enzyme, called the active site, is often a pocket or groove that has a complementary shape and charge to the substrate. Hydrophobic interactions between the nonpolar parts of the enzyme and the substrate can help stabilize the binding and facilitate the reaction.

membrane structure. Membranes are composed of a bilayer of phospholipids, which have a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail. The hydrophobic tails of the phospholipids interact with each other and form the inner core of the membrane, while the hydrophilic heads face the aqueous environment on both sides of the membrane. This arrangement creates a selective barrier that regulates the passage of molecules across the membrane.

three-dimensional folding of a polypeptide chain. Polypeptides are linear chains of amino acids that are linked by peptide bonds. The amino acids have different side chains that can be polar, nonpolar, charged, or uncharged. The three-dimensional folding of a polypeptide chain is determined by the interactions between the side chains and the surrounding environment. Hydrophobic interactions are one of the main forces that drive the folding of a polypeptide chain. The nonpolar side chains tend to cluster together in the interior of the folded protein, away from the aqueous environment, while the polar and charged side chains tend to be exposed on the surface of the protein, where they can interact with water or other molecules.

Learn more about Hydrophobic interactions:https://brainly.com/question/14214784


Hazards associated with compressed gases include:
a. Oxygen displacement
b. Explosions
c. Toxic gas exposures
d. All of the above


All of the above can occur with compressed gases. Therefore option D is correct. Please give brainliest. I need five more

Hazards associated with compressed gases include:

a. Oxygen displacement

b. Explosions

c. Toxic gas exposures. Option D

What is Oxygen displacement?

Oxygen displacement: Some compressed gases, such as nitrogen, helium, and argon, are inert and can displace oxygen in the air, creating a risk of asphyxiation in confined spaces or poorly ventilated areas. Oxygen levels should be monitored when using these gases and adequate ventilation should be provided.

Explosions: Compressed gases are stored under high pressure and can explode if the cylinder is damaged, overheated, or exposed to incompatible materials. Cylinders should be handled with care, stored securely, and kept away from heat sources and flammable substances. Cylinders should also be fitted with appropriate regulators, valves, and hoses to prevent leaks or bursts.

Toxic gas exposures: Some compressed gases, such as hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, and ammonia, are toxic and can cause serious health effects if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. Toxic gases can also react with other substances and form hazardous byproducts. Toxic gases should be used in well-ventilated areas or with local exhaust ventilation systems. Workers should wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves, goggles, and respirators, when handling toxic gases. Workers should also be trained on the properties, hazards, and emergency procedures of the gases they use."

Read more about Oxygen displacement



Your client wants both protection and savings from the insurance, and is willing to pay premiums until retirement at age 65. What would be the right policy for this client?
A)Limited pay whole life
B)Interest-sensitive whole life
C)Life annuity with period certain
D)Increasing term


Assuming your client wants both protection and savings from the insurance, and is willing to pay premiums until retirement at age 65, the right policy for this client would be: A) Limited pay whole life.

What is a whole life insurance policy?

A whole life insurance policy can be defined as a type of life insurance policy that is generally written upon individual lives (insured) with a small face amount wherein the premium may be collected by insurance agents on a weekly basis.

This ultimately implies that, a whole life insurance policy simply refers to a contract between an insurance company (insurer) and an insurance policyholder or policyowner (insured), wherein, all of the premiums are payable on a weekly or monthly basis.

In this scenario, the premium payments would automatically cease at the client's age of 65, while coverage would continue to her death or until 100 years of age.

Read more on insurance here: brainly.com/question/16789837


- choosing foods from various food groups.
- choosing different foods within a given food group (e.g. subgroups).


Choosing different foods within any given food group and from various food groups is called Variety.

What does variety in diet mean ?Variety is a key element of a healthy diet and is defined as eating a variety of meals from any given food group rather than sticking to the same item every single day. It is a component of a nutritious eating pattern. Eating a range of foods from each of the 5 food categories on a daily basis in the recommended serving sizes is the definition of a diverse, well-balanced diet.It's critical to select a range of foods from each food group since different foods offer various types and quantities of essential nutrients.Thus, choosing foods from various food groups and choosing different foods within a given food group (e.g. subgroups) is known as variety. So, options 1 and 3 are correct.

The complete question is :

Variety in the diet means (Multiple select question)

choosing different foods within a given food group (e.g. subgroups).eating the same food day after day.choosing foods from various food groups.

To learn more about food, refer:



What are the leader attributes?


Leader attributes are the qualities, skills and characteristics that are necessary for a successful leader.

What are the leader attributes?The traits, abilities, and skills required for a successful leader are known as leader attributes.Strong interpersonal and communication skills, the capacity to inspire and motivate others, excellent problem-solving abilities, a positive outlook, the capacity to delegate tasks, sound decision-making abilities, the capacity to manage change, the ability to think strategically, and the willingness to take risks are some of the most crucial qualities.Additionally, leaders should be trustworthy and able to maintain composure under stress. They should also possess expertise and the ability to coach and mentor others.

To learn more about the leader attributes refer to:



Leader attributes are the qualities and characteristics that make a person a good leader.

What are the examples of Leader attributes?

Some examples of leader attributes are:

Vision: A leader has a clear and compelling vision of the future that inspires and motivates others to follow.

Integrity: A leader acts with honesty, ethics, and respect for others, and keeps their promises and commitments.

Confidence: A leader has self-confidence and trust in their abilities, and expresses their opinions and decisions with conviction and courage.

Communication: A leader communicates effectively and clearly with different audiences, and listens actively and empathetically to others.

Lastly, Influence: A leader persuades and influences others to achieve a common goal, and builds positive and productive relationships with diverse stakeholders.

Learn more about Leader attributes from



The market adjusts to a new equilibrium price and quantity when:


A new equilibrium price and quantity are reached in the market when:

The relationship between the amount offered and the price varies when a supply component other than price changes. When a nonprice aspect of supply changes, the supply curve shifts and the quantity sought changes. Four non-price supply variables may have an impact on suppliers' willingness to supply goods. Costs of production, projected price rises, the number of suppliers, and technology. The demand curve experiences a horizontal change. These factors are important because they have the power to influence product and service sales volume independent of price. The demand for goods and services will be impacted by these factors, but only up until a specific price point.

Learn more about Equilibrium here:



The market adjusts to a new equilibrium price and quantity when there is a change in either the demand or the supply of a good or service.

What is demand ?

Demand is the amount of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at different prices. Supply is the amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to sell at different prices. The equilibrium price and quantity are the values that balance the demand and supply in the market, such that there is no excess demand or excess supply.

A change in demand or supply can be caused by various factors, such as changes in income, preferences, technology, costs, taxes, subsidies, or expectations. These factors can shift the demand or supply curve to the right or to the left, indicating an increase or a decrease in the quantity demanded or supplied at each price.

When the demand or supply curve shifts, the market is no longer in equilibrium. There is either a surplus or a shortage of the good or service, depending on the direction of the shift. A surplus occurs when the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded at the current price. A shortage occurs when the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied at the current price.

The market adjusts to a new equilibrium price and quantity by the forces of demand and supply. When there is a surplus, the price tends to fall, as producers lower their prices to sell their excess inventory and consumers respond by buying more. When there is a shortage, the price tends to rise, as consumers bid up the price to obtain the scarce good or service and producers respond by supplying more. The price adjustment continues until the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied are equal again, and the market reaches a new equilibrium.

Find out more on new equilibrium prices at https://brainly.com/question/29811217


a tax per unit will do what to the average total cost


A special growth incentive that lowers the company's tax burden for output levels above the average for the previous year was approved by the city council of Omaha.

The management of your business now has access to strong tools that simulate the cost of manufacturing across the three facilities. When you receive an order for a specific number of units, you can be notified of the price that each factory would suffer if it were picked to accommodate the order. In actuality, many other aspects need to be taken into account, but in our example, we just care about filling orders at the lowest average cost per unit. The following inquiries should each be treated as a distinct, unrelated day of business. You have one request for Monday: Order A for 15,000 units. It can only be completed by one factory.

Learn more about City council of Omaha here:



The city council of Omaha has given its approval to a unique growth incentive that would reduce the amount of taxes that the firm has to pay if their production levels are higher than the average for the previous year.

What is the average total cost?

Your company's management now has access to powerful tools that model the costs of production across all three of your sites.

When you get an order for a certain quantity of units, you have the option of being informed of the price increase that would be incurred by each manufacturer if that factory were chosen to fulfill the order.

In reality, there are quite a few more considerations that need to be made, but for the sake of our illustration, all that we are concerned with is fulfilling orders at the lowest possible average cost per unit.

The following questions should each be handled as though they were separate and unconnected pieces of business on separate days. You have a request for Monday that goes as follows: Order A for 15,000 units. One and only one manufacturer will be able to finish it.

Find out more about the Omaha City Council by clicking here:



Match the appropriate barrier to entry with the correct scenario.


Licensing is when the government gives the the rights of a certain good to a certain person.

What is scenario?
A scenario is a specific set of circumstances that can be used to describe a situation or potential outcome. It is often used in business planning and decision-making to help anticipate the potential results of a certain action or decision. A scenario can involve a real-world situation, a hypothetical situation, or a combination of both. Scenarios can also be used to help people understand complex problems and brainstorm potential solutions. They can help identify potential risks and opportunities, as well as guide decision making processes. Scenarios can be used to help people think through various outcomes, plan for unexpected events, and develop strategies for dealing with different outcomes. They can also be used to help people weigh the pros and cons of different courses of action, anticipate the future, and make better decisions.

To learn more about scenario

Complete Question is attached below:

A barrier to entry is a factor that makes it difficult for a new entrant to compete with existing firms in a market. Some examples of barriers to entry are:

Legal barriers: These are regulations or laws that grant exclusive rights or privileges to certain firms, such as patents, copyrights, licenses, or tariffs.Economies of scale: These are cost advantages that arise from producing large volumes of output, such as lower average costs, higher efficiency, or greater bargaining power with suppliers and customers.

What is the barrier to entry?

To match the appropriate barrier to entry with the correct scenario, we can use the following examples:

A pharmaceutical company that has a patent for a new drug that treats a rare disease faces a legal barrier to entry, as no other firm can legally produce or sell the same drug for a certain period of time.

A car manufacturer that has a large market share and benefits from economies of scale faces a cost barrier to entry, as new entrants would have to incur higher costs to produce and distribute their cars.

A coffee shop that has a loyal customer base and a strong brand image faces a demand barrier to entry, as new entrants would have to convince consumers to switch from their preferred coffee shop.

Learn more about barrier to entry on:



In which of the following positions should a medical assistant place a patient for a spirometers test?
A. Chin tucked toward the chest
B. Seated upright with their chin elevated
C. Lying supine with their arms crossed
D. Standing bent at the waist


For a spirometers test a medical assistant must place the spirometer  at Chin tucked toward the chest

What is a spirometers test ?

During a spirometry test, you sit and breathe into a mouthpiece that is connected to a spirometer. The spirometer measures the amount and rate at which you breathe in and out over time. Some numbers may differ slightly when standing.

Spirometry is used to diagnose asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other breathing-related conditions. Spirometry may also be used on a regular basis to monitor your lung condition and determine whether a treatment for a chronic lung condition is improving your breathing.

Hence to conclude the spirometers test must be placed at the chin tucked towards the chest

To know more on spirometer follow this link:



What does this statement mean
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.


He has built a ton of new offices and dispatched hordes of officers to terrorize our citizens. Thomas Jefferson is alluding to the hiring of individuals to fill positions, such as soldiers and tax collectors, which forces the colonists to provide provisions for them.

What has he changed to make the military superior to and independent of the civil power?

"He has attempted to separate the military from and make it superior to the civil power." This is yet another clear allusion to "The Intolerable Acts," which Massachusetts instituted in the wake of the Tea Party.

What are the primary things Paine is trying to get across in this passage?

It was simple to understand Paine's clever justifications. His two main grounds of contention were the formation of a democratic republic and independence from England.

To know more about hither swarms visit :-



Your patient is in cardiac arrest and has been intubated. To assess CPR quality, you should?
a. obtain a chest x-ray
b. check the patient's pulse
c. monitor the patient's PETCO2
d. obtain a 12-lead ECG


To assess CPR quality, you should, monitor the patient's PETCO2

What is PETCO2 ?

It is the partial pressure of exhaled carbon dioxide.
It is the amount of carbon dioxide in the air exhaled after breathing.
It is what determines the effectiveness of perfusion ventilation in the lungs.
It is what indicates the sufficiency of blood flow to the lungs.
To monitor PETCO2 during CPR, a capnography device is attached to the endotracheal tube of the intubated patient. The capnography measures the PETCO2 and displays it as a waveform and a numeric value. The normal range of PETCO2 is 35-45 mmHg. During CPR, a PETCO2 of 10-20 mmHg is considered acceptable, and a PETCO2 of more than 20 mmHg is considered optimal. A sudden increase in PETCO2 of more than 10 mmHg may indicate ROSC and should prompt a pulse check.

Monitoring PETCO2 during CPR can help to assess the quality of chest compressions, guide ventilation rate, detect ROSC, and predict the outcome of resuscitation. PETCO2 is more reliable than pulse checks, which can be difficult to perform and may interrupt chest compressions. PETCO2 is also more feasible than chest x-rays or ECGs, which may not be available or may interfere with CPR. Therefore, monitoring PETCO2 is the best option to assess CPR quality in an intubated patient..

To know more about PETCO2



To access a quality CPR, you need to monitor the patient's PETCO2, as shown in option C.

What is PETCO2?It is the partial pressure of exhaled carbon dioxide.It is the amount of carbon dioxide in the air exhaled after breathing.It is what determines the effectiveness of perfusion ventilation in the lungs.It is what indicates the sufficiency of blood flow to the lungs.

To monitor PETCO2 during CPR, a capnography device is attached to the endotracheal tube of the intubated patient. The capnography measures the PETCO2 and displays it as a waveform and a numeric value. The normal range of PETCO2 is 35-45 mmHg. During CPR, a PETCO2 of 10-20 mmHg is considered acceptable, and a PETCO2 of more than 20 mmHg is considered optimal. A sudden increase in PETCO2 of more than 10 mmHg may indicate ROSC and should prompt a pulse check.

Monitoring PETCO2 during CPR can help to assess the quality of chest compressions, guide ventilation rate, detect ROSC, and predict the outcome of resuscitation. PETCO2 is more reliable than pulse checks, which can be difficult to perform and may interrupt chest compressions. PETCO2 is also more feasible than chest x-rays or ECGs, which may not be available or may interfere with CPR. Therefore, monitoring PETCO2 is the best option to assess CPR quality in an intubated patient.

Learn more about PETCO2:



Which of the following courses requires about 150 hours of training?
D. Paramedic


A total of 150 hours are needed for the EMT courses. acts that are intended but fail to produce the desired results because of knowledge gaps. The immediate general therapy of chest discomfort that is suggestive of ischemia should include aspirin.

What is EMT?

The American Heart Association's ACLS recommendations. Cumulative stress develops over months or years as a result of the accumulation of both work- and non-work-related stressors. Due to her ignorance of the necessary knowledge regarding the drug, an EMT accidentally gives the wrong medication to a patient. For the following reasons, EMT-B professionals may help a patient administer their own medication. Medicated inhalers Auto-Injector for Nitroglycerin and Epinephrine. a public library, a database with knowledge about a specific topic

To learn more about EMT from given link



The lowest level of output at which a firm can minimize long-run average costs is called:


The lowest level of output at which a firm can minimize long-run average costs is called the minimum efficient scale (MES).

What is the long-run average cost?

The long-run average cost (LRAC) curve shows the relationship between the average cost per unit of output and the level of output when all factors of production are variable. The LRAC curve is usually U-shaped, meaning that average costs decrease as output increases up to a certain point, and then increase as output increases further. The lowest point on the LRAC curve is the minimum efficient scale, where the firm achieves the lowest possible average cost per unit of output.

The minimum efficient scale depends on the technology and the market conditions of the industry. Some industries have a low MES, meaning that firms can achieve low average costs at relatively low levels of output. This implies that the industry can support many small firms and is more competitive.

Learn more about average cost on:



The corporation selects a level of Fixed costs to reduce long run average total costs, which shapes the long-run average cost curve.

When all inputs are variable and the scale of production is variable, the long-run average total cost (LRATC) statistic shows the long-run average cost per unit of output. The entire long-term cost of producing a specific amount of output is shown by the long-run average cost curve. Because businesses have the opportunity to modify significant portions of their operations, like factories, to achieve maximum efficiency over the long term, long-term unit costs are typically always lower than short-term unit costs. Both business management and investors share the goal of determining the LRATC's lower boundaries. The industry's technology and market factors affect the minimum efficient scale. Some industries have a low MES, which enables businesses to attain low average costs at comparatively low output levels.

Learn more about Average total cost here:



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