which factor is directly correlated to a positive emotional bond between an infant/child and their caregiver? which factor is directly correlated to a positive emotional bond between an infant/child and their caregiver? conservation familiarity imprinting egocentrism stranger anxiety


Answer 1

The element closely linked to a strong emotional connection between a baby or young child and their caregiver is conservation familiarity. Option (a) is correct.

Babies that have stable attachments to their caregivers tend to be those whose caregivers are continuously present, attentive to their infant's signs, and open and accepting of their pain. An infant or young child and their primary caregiver form a close, enduring emotional tie known as attachment. In response to stress, newborns intuitively look for proximity to and comfort from a preferred or primary caregiver, according to the attachment theory developed by John Bowlby.

Baby's emotional connection to a parent or other caregiver is known as attachment. In situations where newborns exhibit a need for attention, comfort, support, or security, it is defined as a pattern of emotional and behavioral interaction that develops over time. In order for the system to develop without sacrificing its quality, the team working on it must keep the same level of expertise with it. Maintaining a thorough grasp of the system is essential if we are to be able to adapt to any forces of change that may be present and make changes effectively.

Learn more about caregiver visit: brainly.com/question/13545471


Correct Question:

which factor is directly correlated to a positive emotional bond between an infant/child and their caregiver?


1. conservation familiarity

2. imprinting

3. egocentrism stranger

4. anxiety

Related Questions

according to our textbook, the birth of the church to place in ______________ at pentecost.


According to our textbook, the birth of the church to place in Jerusalem at Pentecost.

Was James the pastor of the Jerusalem Church presided over the council?

Between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, Jerusalem is a city in Western Asia that is situated on a plateau in the Judaean Mountains. The three main Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—consider this city to be one of the holiest places on earth. It is also one of the oldest towns in the world.

Pentecost, also known as Whit Sunday, Whitsunday, or Whitsun, is a Christian celebration that falls on the seventh or fifty-first day following Easter. The Feast of Weeks, which was observed in Jerusalem at the time the Holy Spirit was bestowed upon the Apostles and other disciples of Jesus Christ, is commemorated. This event is commemorated in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1–31).

To know more about Jerusalem, refer:



the practice of a clinical psychologist is most likely to include: a.use of drug therapy to treat mental illness b.use of tests to measure mental health and intelligence c.use of electroconvulsive therapy to treat mental illness d.treatment limited to adults


The practice of a clinical psychologist is most likely to include uses test to measure mental health and intelligence.

Hence, Option A is correct.

Clinical or counseling psychologists diagnose and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. They handle complicated human issues and encourage change using the psychology branch of research. They also foster resilience and assist in the identification of personal strengths.

General psychologists typically focus on those who are healthier, while clinical psychologists concentrate on persons who have more severe mental health concerns. Other experts have advised combining the terms "clinical" and "generic" to do away with the distinction between the two.

To know more about Psychologist here



define differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (dra). (p. 298) 2. provide an example of dra that is not in this textbook. 3. what two behavioral principles are involved in differential reinforcement? explain. (p. 298) 4. when is it appropriate to use


Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior is a behavioral procedure used to increase the frequency of a desirable behavior and to decrease the frequency of undesirable behaviors.

Differential reinforcement is the process of suppressing (i.e., not reinforcing) other responses while reinforcing a particular reaction in a specific setting.

DRA entails rewarding an action that stands in for the incorrect conduct. A little youngster who begs for food from his parents is a wonderful illustration of this. The child's parents would disregard him each time he made a demand.

Reinforcement can be used to promote on-task behavior, teach new skills, or teach a replacement behavior for an interference behavior.

To know more about Differential reinforcement here



which inference is supported by the text? every member of the community is expected to be at the lottery. the lottery is not an important tradition for the villagers. mr. summers was angry at mrs. hutchinson for being late. mrs. hutchinson did not want to go to the lottery, but her husband forced her


Every member of the community is expected to be at the lottery is the correct inference is supported by the text.

A community is a collection of individuals who have something in common. A community can be characterised by the traits that its members share or by the degree to which they are connected. You need a group of people who are somewhat similar to one another, who have a sense of community or interpersonal ties. It's possible to meet new people or run into familiar faces in a community. For instance, a neighbourhood having a play street that encourages interaction and recreation between neighbours Strong communities are essential because they're frequently a significant source of kinship and sense of belonging. A key component of living a fulfilling life is being a part of a community that is united by shared attitudes, beliefs, and aspirations.

learn more about community here



Finding a quiet place without distractions are strategies to over come _____ in _____

What are the answers of blanks??


Finding a quiet place without distractions are strategies to overcome procrastination in time management.

______ bias occurs when individuals with certain characteristics are less likely to respond to surveys than others.


Nonresponse bias occurs when individuals with certain characteristics are less likely to respond to surveys than others.

Because they are less likely to have the time, inclination, or resources to respond. For example, people with lower income or less education may be less likely to respond than those with higher income or education because of the barriers they face. Additionally, people from minority or marginalized groups are less likely to respond due to fear or mistrust of respondents.

Minimizing non-response bias: a look at the responsibility of interviewers

Non-response bias is a common problem in data collection and can have a significant impact on the results of a survey. This is because a part of the target population of the survey does not respond, which can distort the results.

One of the ways that pollsters can minimize non-response bias is by ensuring that the survey objectives are adequately represented among respondents. This means that pollsters must make a conscious effort to ensure that marginalized or minority groups are represented. This may include using proactive sampling methods to recruit members of these groups, as well as creating a safe and inclusive environment for respondents.

Learn more about non-response bias in surveys:



alisha is preparing an email for an internal audience. who would be most likely to receive that email?


One of her vendors would be most likely to receive that email.

Email is used for a variety of purposes including contacting friends communicating with professors and academic advisors requesting information and applying for jobs internships and scholarships. Depending on your purpose the format of the message you send the target audience and the desired results will vary.

E-mail is the exchange of messages stored on a computer from a user to one or more recipients over the Internet. Email is a fast inexpensive and accessible way to communicate for business or pleasure. Face-to-face communication is often more effective than written or voice-only conversations. This is because seeing each other allows us to perceive non-verbal cues and body language.

Learn more about An email here:- https://brainly.com/question/24688558


Based on the internal audience that Alisha is preparing the email for, the person that would probably receive this email is one of her coworkers.

the e-mail by means of Alisha is being organized for an internal audience . An internal target market in a enterprise refers to all the humans in the enterprise inclusive of employees, employers, managers, board of directors, and executives.

The reality that Alisha is sending the email to an inner target market way it might in all likelihood go to a coworker who would be an worker like Alisha rather than clients and carriers. Even those audiences maximum like the writer, possibly classmates, ... information which would be needless when speaking with internal audiences. you have found out approximately target market and communique channels that will help you ... e-mail, commonly referred to as email, is probably familiar to you.

Learn more about internal audience here: https://brainly.com/question/29645013


which of the following statements about volunteering in late adulthood is true? group of answer choices older adults with less education and lower incomes are the most likely to volunteer. only about 10 percent of 60- to 70-year-olds in industrialized nations report volunteering. of older adults who volunteer, over half give 200 or more hours per year. time spent volunteering usually begins to decline by age 60.


Volunteering in late adulthood could over half give 200 or more hours per year.

About volunteer

Volunteers are individuals who voluntarily spend their time, energy and personal funds to help others for social welfare.

Volunteers are a person or group of people who help, involve a commitment to help individuals, families or communities in solving social problems without expecting profit.

Volunteer activities can be in the form of activities that serve, contribute, and are useful for others. When an individual carries out volunteer activities, the individual will feel that his life has meaning.

Volunteering activities can be interpreted as activities in which a person voluntarily gives his time to benefit others. Voluntarism is an activity that demands an active role of the individual in choosing voluntarily, participating in volunteer training which describes the process of choosing based on the activities one wants to pursue, making decisions, and developing personal values and motivation.

Volunteer behavior is generally known as the behavior of helping someone who has become values that are applied in national and religious life. This voluntary behavior also has an influence on a person.

Learn more about volunteer at https://brainly.com/question/2982012.


babies born to black women are more likely to die in their first year of life than to babies born to white women, regardless of socioeconomic status. scientists believe this is linked to the pressures of racism. this is an example of what term?


A terrible illustration of how racism and black moms' access to healthcare is a national concern is Erica Garner's untimely death.

What does racism mean for children?

When people treat or mistreat others because they believe that one color or race is superior to another, that is the simplest definition of racism. In essence, it occurs when someone is subjected to unfair treatment due to their appearance.

How should racism be taught in high school?

With teachings on racial stereotypes and prejudice, an anti-racist curriculum can tackle race and racism head-on. Asking students about their personal encounters with racism and race might help foster a sense of connection. Additionally, teachers could exhort students to take part in anti-racist activities.

To know more about racism visit:



Why was Charles Schenck arrested during WWI?


Answer:Schenck was arrested and charged under the Espionage Act. At his trial, he was declared guilty of violating the law by conspiring to undermine the war effort. Schenck appealed to the Supreme Court, arguing that the Espionage Act violated his right to free speech.


when montag returns to the redhouse for work, he is divided. what are the divisions within himself that he experiences


Montag experimented a division within himself, he thought about  his Job and burning books, he considered himself a fool.

The context is from The Sieve and the Sand.

He also thought about Faber the old man who did not agree on burning books but couldn't do anything to stop it. The division Montage tested had to do with the way that he was transformed, he didn't know about his work. He disagreed on consuming books, he was changed in light of the fact that he met Clarisse and she showed him things about book and creative mind.

His work no longer had sense for him, he was separated on the grounds that his occupation was something that had horrible implications in the public arena. To consume books was something that impacted all and he reconsidered about it. Faber advised him not to tell everything except rather he was unable to settle himself with that.

Know more on Montage from The Sieve and the Sand - https://brainly.com/question/14648815


how might the traits of being compassionate, unpretentious, collaborative, trusting, and candid be conceptualized as a fundamental trait?


These traits would be manifestations of the more fundamental trait of agreeableness.

One of the "big five" personality traits, agreeableness is made up of behavioral attributes like kindness, cohesion, warmth, consideration, and empathy.This characteristic relates to a person's capacity for warmth and compassion toward others.To define how people behave, relate to others, and respond to change, many academics use five key features. Extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to new experiences are among these qualities.The opposite end of the personality spectrum is compassion. Whereas cruel people may occasionally disregard others' sentiments, compassionate people genuinely care about those around them.

To know more about Traits here



an assessment developer who wishes to establish the concurrent validity of a new measure needs to demonstrate that the measure is highly correlated with:


To make sure that assessments are appropriate for their intended use, assessment content developers are involved in the design and refinement of assessments.

For a certain collection of assessments, an Assessment Content Developer may be expected to complete one of four tasks. Here are some of them:  A content creator or content source for evaluations. Draft IB assessment materials are reviewed and evaluated by an external advisor to make sure they adhere to IB requirements. In order to make sure language tests comply with IB requirements, standardizers study and assess the content of draft IB exams (often through translation). Scrutineer: completes the final evaluation as though the candidate themselves, ensuring that questions can be addressed.

learn more about  assessment developer    here:



what is the name for the powers the constitution gives to the state governments and forbids the national government from using? responses delegated powers delegated powers concurrent powers concurrent powers divided powers divided powers reserved powers


Reserved powers are provided  to State Government and forbids the national government from using.

Hence, Option E is correct.

The rights that are neither expressly forbidden by law nor explicitly granted to any department of government are referred to as reserved powers, residual powers, or residuary powers. These powers, along with a general power of competence, are granted since it is impossible to list every act that the state is permitted to carry out in legislation.

The Constitution reserves all other authorities to the individual States or to the people; neither the United States nor the States are given those rights by the Constitution.

Laws that are reserved for the states and are not expressly granted to the federal government are known as reserved powers. The Tenth Amendment, the final amendment to the Bill of Rights, grants these authorities to the state governments.

To know more about Reserved powers here



The agency that operates the u.s. military and addresses the role of military power in foreign policy is the?


Department of Defense is the agency that operates the u.s. military and addresses the role of military power in foreign policy.

All U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and all U.S. territories, with the exception of American Samoa, have laws allowing for and recognizing same-sex unions. The Respect for Marriage Act, however, requires American Samoa to recognize any unions of two persons that took place legally in another country. Due to a Supreme Court decision in 2015, same-sex marriage is now legally recognized in all 50 states. However, as a result of the Dobbs v. Massachusetts decision, the state's top court decided to allow same-sex unions in 2003, making it the first state to do so.

In a historic decision on June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized the constitutional right to marriage for same-sex couples. Hodges, which was decided on a 5-4 vote, legalized.

Learn more about the Department of Defense here: https://brainly.com/question/1498711


How are voting and paying taxes related to citizenship?

A: Voting and paying taxes are both rights.

B: Voting is a right, while paying taxes is a responsibility.

C: Voting and paying taxes are both limited responsibilities.

D: Voting is a responsibility, while paying taxes is a right.


Voting is a right while paying taxes is a responsibility, and so voting and paying taxes is related to citizenship. Hence option (b) is the answer.

How is citizenship related to voting and paying taxes?

Voting is a right as defined by the US Constitution. Voting rights in federal elections are available to all Americans. Elections in municipal or state legislatures that don't need citizenship of the United States to vote are open to permanent residents.

Elections for federal offices are only open to American citizens. Americans can also run for federal offices. However, despite the fact that it is required by law, paying taxes is still seen as a civic obligation. The law requires us to pay taxes, which in turn fund services like health care, social security, education, and defense and are fundamentally a citizen's responsibility.

To learn more about citizenship, visit:



In one paragraph(5-7) sentences explain how the checks and balances constitute to the common wealth good (what’s best for the citizens of the u.s) please use examples to support your answer.you may write ur answer below


The way that Checks and balances constitute to the common good of the citizens of the United States is that it prevents a single branch from having the power to oppress citizens.

What is the benefit of Checks and Balances ?

The term "system of checks and balances" refers to the collection of regulations that the U.S. federal government must follow to ensure that no one branch of the government gets overly dominant. In other words, the government's three branches are "balanced" since they each have their own distinct range of powerful roles and obligations. To the extent that it is able to do so, each branch also has "checks" in place to keep other branches from dominating it.

The legislative branch enacts laws, the executive branch puts them into effect, and the judicial branch interprets them. Each sector would also have distinct authorities of its own. This was done to prevent the dominance of one branch from spreading too far.

As a result, the common good of the American citizens is protected from no single branch being able to abuse their power.

Find out more on checks and balances at https://brainly.com/question/17715922


In contrast to the congressional reconstruction plan, what was the focus of president andrew johnson’s plan?


Andrew johnson’s plan was to hold  elections, rewrite their state constitutions, and start sending members to Washington.

From 1865 until 1869, Andrew Johnson served as the 17th president of the United States. He took over as president since he was vice president when Abraham Lincoln was killed. Johnson, a Democrat who ran against Lincoln for the National Union ticket just as the Civil War was nearing to an end, was elected to office.Johnson, a native of Tennessee, supported the swift reunification of the seceded states. Using a series of proclamations ordering the seceded states to organize conventions and elections to re-form their civil governments, he carried out his own version of presidential reconstruction.

To know more about President here



A study discussed in the critical thinking box titled ""should social media help to diagnose disorders?"" indicated that people who were depressed _____ than people who were not depressed.


"A study discussed in the critical thinking box titled " should social media help to diagnose disorders?"" indicated that people who were depressed were more likely to post black-and-white photos on Inst/agram than people who were not depressed."

What are diagnosed disorders?

Generally, A illness, ailment, or damage may be diagnosed based on the signs and symptoms that accompany it via the procedure known as differential diagnosis.

A patient's medical history, a physical exam, and various testing (including blood tests, imaging tests, and biopsies, among others) may all be used in the process of arriving at a diagnosis.

Depression is the most prevalent form of mental illness, affecting an estimated 300 million people worldwide. In general, women are more likely to be affected by depression than males.

Read more about diagnose disorders



water power corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. under the clean water act, the company must install certain equipment
a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations.
b. before beginning operations.
c. only on a voluntary basis.
d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge


The Water Power Corporation plans to carry out tasks that entail dumping garbage into navigable waters. Before beginning operations, a business must install specific equipment in accordance with the Clean Water Act. Here option B is the correct answer.

The CWA is the main statute controlling the nation's waterways in terms of pollution prevention and water quality. Restoration and maintenance of the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters are the goals of the CWA.

This Act contains measures for the prevention and regulation of pollution from land-based sources as well as standards and guidelines for water quality. Fresh, brackish, and marine waters will all be subject to the Act's regulation of water quality.

To learn more about Clean Water Act



Which of the following are considered Harlem Renaissance writers ?


Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, James Weldon Johnson, Claude McKay, Zora Neale Hurston, Jean Toomer, Nella Larsen, and Arna Bontemps are a few of the notable writers from the Harlem Renaissance.

The New Negrob (1925), anthology edited by Alan Locke, and the magazines Crisis, Opportunity, Fire!!, and the Messenger were notable works. Additionally, have a look at Elizabeth Alexander's more recent historical piece "The Black Poet as Canon-Maker" and Hughes' essay "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain" from 1926. Seek out more poets from the Harlem Renaissance.Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, James Weldon Johnson, Claude McKay, Zora Neale Hurston, Jean Toomer, Nella Larsen, and Arna Bontemps are a few of the notable writers from the Harlem Renaissance.

learn more about Harlem Renaissance here:



percy has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. he reports hearing voices that command him to arrange a meeting with milton the chicken, the mascot of his favorite fast-food restaurant. he believes that milton is working with interpol to keep percy from attaining his rightful position as leader of jfhkx. the voices percy hears are


Based on the information provided regarding Percy’s schizophrenia, the voices Percy hears are hallucinations and the plots Percy believes are delusion.

Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that impacts an individual’s behavior in the way they act, think, expresses emotions, perceives reality, and relates to others. Schizophrenia results in combination of symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, and disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling. A hallucination refers to a false perception of objects or events which involve the senses - sound, sight, smell, taste, and touch. A delusion refers to a belief of an individual that is clearly false and indicates an abnormality in the affected person's content of thought. Hence, the voices that Percy hears are hallucinations and the plots that Percy believes are delusion.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Percy has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He reports hearing voices that command him to arrange a meeting with Milton the Chicken, the mascot of his favorite fast-food restaurant. He believes that Milton is working with INTERPOL to keep Percy from attaining his rightful position as leader of JfhkX. The voices Percy hears are __________ and the plots Percy believes are __________ .

Learn more about Schizophrenia:



Which climate zones are in Western Europe?


Mediterranean, Marine west coast, and Humid.

to find a full list of policues and preferences that can have background processing disabled, where should you look


Where should you search for a complete list of policies and preferences that can have background processing turned off, Computer Configuration Policies Administrative Templates System Group Policy.

Computer configurations are used by administrators to keep the machines on a network in a logical and consistent manner. Computer settings expedite normal and necessary actions such as policy implementation, patching, and much more. This document contains system configurations that may be applied to computers in the Windows domain. These settings are implemented during start up or at the refresh interval. Before running the configurations, ensure that you have specified the scope of management. Computer configurations assist IT administrators in automating typical processes such as patching Microsoft and other 3rd software, adopting security rules, and so on. We offer several established computer configurations at your disposal.

Learn more about security here



Researchers have found that approximately ___percent of those with dissociative identity disorder were physically and/or sexually abused in childhood, leading to the conclusion that trauma can be a cause of this disorder. O 65 Ο Ο Ο Ο О 99 O 95


Researchers have found that approximately 95 percent of those with dissociative identity disorder were physically or sexually abused in childhood, leading to the conclusion that trauma can be a cause of this disorder.

What kind of identity problem is dissociative?

The daily routines of those who have dissociative identity disorder are occasionally interrupted by voices, identities, or memories. For instance, at work, an irate identity can yell at a subordinate or manager without warning.

Dissociation in DID is brought on by what?

Diverse factors can drive people with dissociative identity disorder to move between alters, or identities. These may consist of tension, recollections, intense feelings, sensations, drink and drug use, special occasions, or particular circumstances. Sometimes, the causes are unknown.

To know more about Dissociative Identity Disorder visit:



the people who are most likely to have adjustment difficulties and health problems after a death are those who __________.


The people who are most likely to have adjustment difficulties and health problems after death are those who show the most intense distress after the death.

The time period “health problems” manner a disorder or scientific sickness or an environmental condition that poses the hazard of disorder or clinical ailment. fitness troubles can be as a result of a person's genetic make-up, lifestyle behaviors (e.g. smoking), publicity to poisonous materials (e.g. asbestos) or different reasons. With multiple fitness issues, one infection or its treatment would possibly result in any other. chronic illnesses consist of asthma, heart sickness, stroke, diabetes and arthritis. these illnesses frequently can be averted or controlled by preserving chance elements, which include excessive blood strain, excessive ldl cholesterol and increased blood sugar degrees, underneath manage.

The No. 1 health condition in the U.S. is heart disease. it is one of the leading causes of dying, comprising greater than a quarter of all deaths annually. it's far anticipated that a person has a coronary heart attack in the U.S. every forty three seconds.

Learn more about health problems here: https://brainly.com/question/1382377


helen is an experienced information security professional who earned a four-year degree while a full-time student. she would like to continue her studies on a part-time basis. what is the next logical degree for helen to earn


The next logical degree for Helen to earn Master's Degree.

A BA in Logic teaches students to analyze and formulate arguments. There are different types of logic such as mathematical logic, syllogistic logic, computational logic, informal reasoning and dialectics, first-order logic, non-classical logic, to name a few.

Logic is often regarded as the study of the laws of thought, correct thinking, valid reasoning, or logical truth. This is a formal, topic-independent science. H. Examine how conclusions can be drawn from premises, regardless of the specific topic discussed.

Logic & Computation is a Bachelor of Science degree. The major's curriculum is flexible and tailored to the individual interests of the student. He has three prerequisite courses that students take to prepare for Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics.

Learn more about logical degree https://brainly.com/question/27793208


Although a strong romantic relationship benefits a couple’s happiness, research shows that loneliness can be experienced if time spent with friends is curtailed or eliminated.
a. True
b. False


Although a healthy romantic relationship contributes to a couple's happiness, research indicates that if time spent with friends is restricted or removed, loneliness can occur.

What is the perfect meaning of relationship?

You know you're in a good relationship if you "live and let live, understand one other deeply, & appreciate one another's individuality." Not Perfect Relationship Rules, but Rules for Having a Great Relationship. accepting one another as we are, with all our strengths and weaknesses.

Why is relationship important?

Strong social ties enable us to deal with stressors, find solutions to issues, and conquer obstacles. We engage in a variety of partnerships throughout our lives. Relationships with romantic and/or sexual partners can be among them, as well as ones with family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors.

To know more about relationship visit:



mrs. potter was a nanny for robert, who is three months old. mrs. potter took robert out for a walk in his carriage where she met several other nannies. mrs. potter started talking to the other nannies and forgot to pay attention to robert. suddenly, the carriage started rolling downhill where it came to a stop. mrs. potter's failure to devote her attention to robert is known as a breach of:


Mrs. potter's failure to devote her attention to Robert is known as a breach of duty.

What do you mean by breach of duty?

When a person or organization owes another person or organization a duty of care but falls short of that expectation, it is a breach of duty. If a person's breach of duty resulted in the harm or mind illness of another person, they may be held negligent in a personal injury action.

What are a few instances of a duty breach?

Speeding, texting, and inappropriate driving against rules are all examples of negligent driving. an owner of real estate who neglects to address dangerous problems on their land. a medical professional who harms a patient by giving them poor care.

To know more about breach of duty, visit:



on average, how much better off on a variety of outcomes are clients who undergo psychotherapy as opposed to those who have not received treatment?


Reviews of these research indicate that over 75% of those who seek out psychotherapy experience some positive outcomes. According to other studies, persons who participate in psychotherapy on average end up better off than 80% of those who receive no treatment at all.

The therapist and patient must collaborate for the therapy to be effective in helping the patient meet their objectives. Regardless of the type of therapy or the patient's qualities, certain therapists consistently deliver better results than others.

Compared to family, group, or relationship therapy, individual psychotherapy is the most often employed approach.

Learn more about to psychotherapy  visit here;



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