Which branch of government is involved when the State Department warns American travelers to avoid dangerous countries?
OA. executive
OB. judicial
OC. congressional
OD. legislative


Answer 1


the answer is A (executive)


Related Questions

How did the Crusaders change the balance of power in Europe?
The population of towns fell.
Trade was interrupted.
Persecution of Jews grew worse
Kings lost power.


Trade was interrupted
Trade was interrupted

“Alexander made a reconnaissance in person of the enemy’s strength and dispositions and, despite the eagerness of most of his generals, he decided against a night attack. Instead, he retired to his tent to devise his strategy. He ordered his troops to be well fed and then to rest. Darius, on the other hand, mindful of Alexander’s unpredictable manoeuvres, ordered his army to stand to throughout the night in readiness for a surprise attack. It is certain that the alertness of one side and the fatigue of the other played at least some part in the outcome of the battle next day.” —Anthony Livesey, Great Commanders and Their Battles

What did Alexander’s generals want him to do? a. stage a morning attack b. stage a night attack c. determine the enemy’s strength d. devise a strateg





It CLEARLY STATES "He decided against a night attack"

The answer would be B :)

Match each event with the location where it took place.



1. Vicksburg

2. Appomattox court house

3. Chancellorsville


I hope this helps!

The answer is Vicksburg and the rest is stated up there. Hope this helps

The map shows German aggression in the late 1930s.

What were the main reasons German forces aggressively expanded into neighboring countries in the late 1930s? Check all that apply.

to unite German-speaking peoples
to gain access to natural resources
to stop Polish expansion into the Sudetenland
to reclaim lands lost after World War I
to bring European Jews to Germany





The reasons that German forces aggressively expanded into neighboring countries in the late 1930s includes:

to unite German-speaking peoplesto stop Polish expansion into the Sudetenlandto reclaim lands lost after World War Ito bring European Jews to Germany

Some of the aggressive action includes Germany's militarization of the Rhineland, annexation of Austria, and aggression against Czechoslovakia, the Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939, and the German attack on Poland.

Hence, the Option 1, 3,4 and 5 is correct.

Read more about German forces


Why did Washington think it was important to secure the Northwest Territory?

Why did Washington decide to send troops to the Ohio Valley to fight the force led by Little Turtle?

What were the results of the Battle of Fallen Timbers for the Native Americans?

What were the results of the Battle of Fallen Timbers for the United States?

Why did the British refuse to help the native Americans?


Answer: whch wasingtone can u elaborate a little more on that



The Battle of Timbers, on August 20, 1794, was the last major conflict of the Northwest Territory Indian War between Native Americans and the United States. At the battle, near present-day Toledo, Ohio, General Anthony Wayne (1745-96) led U.S. troops to victory over a confederation of Indian warriors whose leaders included Chief Blue Jacket of the Shawnees and Chief Little Turtle of the Miamis. The Treaty of Greenville, signed the following year, opened up much of present-day Ohio to white settlers.

Battle of Fallen Timbers: Background

Although the 1783 Treaty of Paris, which ended the American Revolutionary War (1775-83), ceded control of the Northwest Territory (the land northwest of the Ohio River) to the United States, the British failed to abandon their forts in the region and continued to support their Indian allies in skirmishes with American settlers.

Did you know? A number of American towns, cities and counties were named for General Anthony Wayne, including Fort Wayne, Indiana; Wayne, New Jersey; and Waynesboro, Georgia.

Prior to the Battle of Timbers, two earlier American military expeditions into the Northwest Territory by generals Josiah Harmar and Arthur St. Clair in 1790 and 1791, respectively, failed to end the unrest. In fact, St. Clair’s effort at the Battle of the Wabash concluded with an Indian victory and heavy U.S. troop losses. In 1792, President George Washington (1732-99) appointed General Anthony Wayne commander of the Legion of the United States, a new professional army.

During the Revolutionary War, Wayne, a Pennsylvania native, had earned the moniker “Mad Anthony” for his bold and successful storming of a British fort at the Battle of Stony Point, New York, in 1779. Much of Wayne’s subsequent career involved divesting Native Americans of their land. After helping lead the Americans to victory at the 1781 Battle of Yorktown, Virginia, the last major conflict of the Revolutionary War, Wayne traveled to Georgia, where he negotiated treaties with the Creeks and Cherokees. They paid dearly in land for their decision to side with the British during the Revolutionary War, and Georgia officials paid Wayne in land, giving him a large plantation, for his efforts on their behalf.

Battle of Fallen Timbers: August 20, 1794

At the Battle of Fallen Timbers, on August 20, 1794, Wayne led American troops to a decisive victory against a confederation of Native Americans whose leaders included Chief Little Turtle (Miami), Chief Blue Jacket (Shawnee) and Chief Buckongahelas (Lenape). The fighting took place on the Maumee River, near present-day Toledo.

With the Treaty of Greenville, signed in present-day Greenville, Ohio, in August 1795, the Indians ceded much of present-day Ohio, which, in 1803, became America’s 17th state. By the terms of the treaty, the Indians also ceded parts of Indiana, Illinois and Michigan.

Explanation:same test just read

Give an example of when it is beneficial to use the scientific name of an organism.>??????


Answer:Every recognized species on earth (at least in theory) is given a two-part scientific name. This system is called "binomial nomenclature." These names are important because they allow people throughout the world to communicate unambiguously about animal species.



when explaining the organism


BRAINLY Directions: write a two paragraph letter urging President Jackson to stop the Indian Removal Act.
Site examples as how the Native way of life has been disrupted by war, disease, and manipulation.





Jacksonian Democracy was seen as a shift from rule by the ______________to rule by the ______________?


Jacksobian Democracy was seen as a shift from rule by the elite to the rule by the people.

Which of the following numbers did ancient people not have a word or symbol for? A. one B. six C. zero D. seven Please select the best answer from the choices provided ​This is timed so please hurry!



C) zero


If this helped please like and rate :D have a wonderful day!

The answer is C hope this helps!!

In what two ways were the Crusades considered successful?
They reopened trade with the Middle East during the fourteenth century.
They permanently reclaimed the Holy Land for the Catholic Church.
They allowed the exchange of ideas and learning with the Arabs.
They united all of Europe as the Holy Roman Empire.
(look for my other 5 questions!!!)


The first one and the third one

According to the map, which part of the Iberian Peninsula was under Christian control in the 8th century?
A) A small area in the northern part of the peninsula.
B) The entire peninsula from the Pyrenees to Cadiz.
C) Granada, Seville, Cadiz, Castile, and Aragon.
D) The part that became the country of Portugal.




i took the test

Who is your favourite celebrity?
Mine is Doja Cat!∵



Nicki Minaj


Oooo I love doja cat but mines got to be Ariana Grande

The ability of each branch of government to limit the power of the other branches is called
OA. executive privilege
OB. checks and balances
C. constitutional rights
D. separation of powers


Checks and balances I think
Either D, separation of powers or B, checks and balances !

plz plz plz hury plz hury plz



ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Who asked (Feat: No one) ───────────⚪────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► 5:12/ 7: ───○ ⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙️


jk its the Byzantine Empire

Hmm I’d say byzantine empire !

Reasons the barons were angry with King John. PLEASE DON'T SEARCH IT UP!


Answer:In France John was desperate to win back his lands,baron did not trust john when he asked for an army.

Explanation: sorry its not much dis was the only reason that i remembered when i had the exact assignment u have

What kind of art did Russia ban, and why?



The birth of Soviet Art was preceded throughout the 1920s by an era of intense ideological competition between different artistic groupings each striving to ensure their own views would have priority in determining the forms and directions in which Soviet Art was to develop, seeking to occupy key posts in cultural institutions and to win the favour and support of the authorities.

that's what i found i hope it helps you

and if it's okay I accept breinlies

How are The Nun Shogun, Zen Buddhism, Mongol Invasions, and Kamikaze related to the Kamakura period related?



Here you go!


The Kamakura period saw the introduction of the Amidist Pure Land schools of Buddhism, which emphasized salvation through faith in Amitabha . The Kamakura period favored more realistic and naturalistic art, a style exemplified by the sculpture of the Kei School. The Mongol invasions of Japan (元寇, Genkō), which took place in 1274 and 1281, were major ... Japan was then ruled by the Shikken (shogunate regents) of the Hōjō clan, who had ... with and wrested control from Minamoto no Yoriie, shōgun of the Kamakura shogunate, ... Our relation is feudatory like a father and son . Kamakura period, in Japanese history, the period from 1192 to 1333 during which the basis of feudalism was firmly established. It was named for the city where Minamoto Yoritomo set up the headquarters of his military government, commonly known as the Kamakura shogunate.

In three to five sentences, compare two of the following political ideologies that were popular before WWII: totalitarianism, communism, and fascism.

help pls



Communism and Fascism are often lumped together, and some people don't know the difference. Communism was practiced by the Soveit Union, while Fascim was practiced by Germany and Italy during WW2. Simpliy, communism is wanting everyone to be equal in every way - everyone gets paid the same, everyone gets the same amount of schooling, etc. Fascim is very nationalistic in a sense, they have national pride and glory and are very supportive of private companies. Somthing that they both share is that they are anti-democratic, and when you look at the countries that practiced these ideologies you can obviouly point out these traits. Although communism and fascism are very differnt, they share a hatred of democractic socitey. These ideologies that were popular before WW2 eventually lead to one of the biggest and deadlist wars in history.


I may have spelled some of that wrong, and I went over 5 sentences - sometimes I just go on a rant. Sorry!

Heres da answer to the question: Which statement correctly summarizes this passage?

Jemison inspired the boycotters to play on the emotions of city residents.
Jemison urged black citizens to be patient and to help maintain the peace.
Jemison called for marches and rallies to spread the message of the boycott.
Jemison implied that segregation on city buses probably would never change.





because that is the only one that made sense

What is popular sovereignty? a.Where sovereignty is left to the government to decide
b.Where sovereignty is left to the people to decide by voting


Answer: b


i learned this like last quarter

has anything good happened to u since the virus??





Yes surprisingly

Although we did get quartined, a lot of good things happened in my life ( i dont know about others) that wouldnt happen otherwise

Who was Justinian?

the Byzantine leader who eliminated slavery and championed women's rights

the Byzantine emperor who conquered more of the world than anyone had previously

the Byzantine emperor who established a committee to review and rewrite the laws

the Byzantine emperor who first established Christianity as a legal religion in the empire


the Byzantine emperor who established a committee to review and rewrite the laws

the Byzantine emperor who established a committee to review and rewrite the laws

i took the test<3

Help me, please????????



the thired one is martin luther king

the forth one is martin luther  king

the fith one it Malcolm x

and the last one is malcome

i hope this helps



Education Persuasion Assignment

Pretend that you are a Roman teenager. What is something that you'd like to ask your parents for, but you think they'll need some convincing to say yes? Perhaps you want to have a friend spend the night on Friday or you'd like to go to the Forum for the first time. Let's practice your rhetorical skills. In a letter to your parents, outline the pros and cons of letting you have your way, and be sure to conclude with why they should be persuaded to support your choice.


Something you can say is that you will clean the temple and make sure to wash the stables like Heracles did

What similarities do you think existed between the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica and South America and those of Africa and Asia? Check all that apply.

They farmed crops for food.
They built temples and tombs.
They lived near rivers or other waterways.
They made art, tools, weapons, and other goods.
They raised animals for food, milk, and other need


Your answer is A C D

A, C, D is the correct answers xx

Place the major developments in ancient Egypt in the order in which they occurred.
the rise in the belief of life after death
the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza
the settlement of the Neolithic farmers
the building of the Step Pyramid
the unification of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt



C. the settlement of the Neolithic farmers

A. the rise in the belief of life after death

E. the unification of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt​

D. the building of the step pyramid

B. the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza



We can’t see the time line but I think it’s the 4th one first 3rd one last

2 and then 1


During what became known as the _____________________ the Palestinians made a second attempt to destroy the Jewish state.
don't answer if you don't know because it may call lie thanks ( I want a correct answer..)



I think it's: Jewish revolt.

God bless!

it was the jewish revolting against the palestinians

The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.
–U.S. Constitution
What is the purpose of this section of the US Constitution?
to limit the powers of the representatives
to establish rules for electing representatives to Congress
to explain how the representatives of government will make laws
to show how the three branches of representatives will work together



did it on edge guy above me is right


help, please I'll give brainiest.


B the importance of federalism

Answer: D.


how does the carving show that narmer was a powerful leader



He is represented as the main, centered part of the carvings and the size compared to the other carvings is bigger implying he has a higher status and a major power

He is in the center and the other person is on their knees meaning that narmer was dominant or a powerful and influential leader.
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