Which bodies of water border the countries of Southwest Asia?
Select all correct answers.
(A) Caspian Sea
(B) Pacific Ocean
(C) Black Sea
(D) Persian Gulf


Answer 1


D is the answer


....Former Senior Scientist, Geographical Museum, Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University. Southwest Asia, subregion of Asia, bounded on the west by the Mediterranean Sea, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Red Sea and on the south and southeast by the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf.

Answer 2


Pacific Ocean


Related Questions

Which areas account for the largest amounts of spending by state governments?

My scoring meanings are at the bottom

A) military defense and foreign policy programs.
B) intergovernmental revenue and interest on debt.
C) public welfare programs and education.
D) social security payments and disability insurance.

Ω Entity001 And Project Omega Ω

My star scoring amount meaning:
1 star = links that aren't brainly question links and blank answers
2 stars = brainly question links without an answer with them
3 stars = wrong answer
4 stars = close or explained incorrectly but still correct in answer
5 stars = correct in all ways

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Public welfare and education



I need help with this political cartoon I’ll give 20 points and brainliest.



Its reform is one aspect of wider UN reform being considered by a high level panel formed by the Secretary General Kofi Annan last year.


Its reform is one aspect of wider UN reform being considered by a high level panel formed by the Secretary General Kofi Annan last year.

during world war 2, woman workers in the united states...
A. did not work in heavy industry because it was unladylike
B. were more likely to be married than single
C. encountered little prejudice in the work place
D. were almost exclusively single



World War II changed the lives of women and men in many ways. ... Employers attempted to preserve a measure of the prewar gender order by separating male and female workers and paying women less wages. Many Americans were also troubled by women who earned their own wages and spent time away from the supervision of family.

What happened on the bridge that resulted in the day being known as "Bloody Sunday"?



a group of civil rights activists were brutally attacked by members of law enforcement during a peaceful march across Edmund Pettus Bridge.


a group of civil rights activists were brutally murdered

John 3:17 says, “For God sent not his Son into the world, to condemn the world, but that the world; through him might be _______ .”










Hope this helped you! :)

• wealthy merchant in Boston • was involved in the slave trade • gave a large market building to Boston Which colonial entrepreneur is described in the box above? OA. Benjamin Franklin OB. Peter Faneuil OC. John Hancock OD. Samuel Adams​



Peter Faneuil


in response to the Dred Scott case:

border states freed their slaves

The southern states seceded from the union

abolitionists increase their efforts to end slavery

anti-slavery laws were enforced in the south



Abolitionist increased their efforts to end slavery


What was America's response to Pearl Harbor?



overnight, Americans united against the Empire of Japan in response to calls to "remember Pearl Harbor!" A poll taken between December 12–17, 1941, showed that 97% of respondents supported a declaration of war against Japan.


Elabore un escrito (10 líneas) explicando cómo lleva a la practica en su diario vivir las Dimensiones y

el aporte que tienen en su crecimiento Personal, Moral y Espiritual


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

¿Cómo lleva a la practica en su diario vivir las Dimensiones y el aporte que tienen en su crecimiento Personal, Moral y Espiritual?

Para llevar a la práctica esos importantes elementos, necesitamos estar consciente que debemos ser congruentes entre lo que decimos y lo que hacemos.

Para ello, nuestros valores -nuestra moral- son los pilares de nuestra vida. Literalmente son como los cimientos de nuestros sistemas de creencias. Estos valores se desprenden de nuestras creencias espirituales que dan fe a nuestras vidas y nos conectan con la divinidad, independientemente de la religión que profesemos.

La creencia espiritual, reflejada en nuestros valores y conducta, tendrá como consecuencia nuestro crecimiento personal basado en la ética. Es decir, en el respeto y la tolerancia a los demás, de igual manera que a nosotros nos gustan que nos respeten y se toleren nuestras ideas, aunque los demás no estén de acuerdo con lo pensamos.

In the economic climate of the 1970s,

A. inflation was high and unemployment rates were low.
B. inflation and unemployment rates were low.
C. inflation and unemployment rates were high.
D. inflation was low and unemployment rates were high.



A. inflation was high and unemployment was low

hey! i’ll give brainliest please help!



A. Southern


Which of the following countries would have been a member of NATO?




NATO has nine “partners across the globe” or “global partners”, which the Alliance cooperates with on an individual basis. NATO's global partners include Afghanistan, Australia, Colombia, Iraq, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New Zealand and Pakistan.


poland and latvia


the countries that would have been a member of NATO are poland and latvia

How does the idea of the domino theory relate to the spread of communism?

It was used by anti-communist nations to oppose the spread of communism one country at a time.

It was the belief that communism would naturally spread as workers united in different countries.

It was the idea that if one nation fell to communism, others would soon follow the example.

It was employed by pro-communist countries to spread communism around the world little by little.



D- Nearby nations would reject communism in their countries.


Someone please fill this out for me

China Under the Zhou Dynasty
Section 2 Questions

When did the Zhou overthrow the Shang?

Why did the Shang warriors surrender to the Zhou?

How did the Zhou justify their victory over the Shang?

How could a new dynasty keep the Mandate of Heaven?

What signs would suggest that a dynasty lost its Mandate of Heaven?

How did the Zhou king keep control of his large kingdom?

What happened to the Zhou king’s power after the attack by nobles and invaders in 771 BC?

What occurred in the latter part of the Zhou dynasty?

How long did the Warring States period last?

According to the dynastic cycle, what happens after the ruling dynasty falls?

What important advance was made in weaponry during the Zhou dynasty?

How did the development of iron affect the Zhou military and economy?




i would help you and give you the answers but i really don't know this


much love much love heheh

What impact did the influence of the Church have on the Renaissance?



The Ninety-five Theses led to the Reformation, a break with the Roman Catholic Church that previously claimed hegemony in Western Europe. Humanism and the Renaissance therefore played a direct role in sparking the Reformation, as well as in many other contemporaneous religious debates and conflicts.


The Ninety-five Theses led to the Reformation, a break with the Roman Catholic Church that previously claimed hegemony in Western Europe. Humanism and the Renaissance therefore played a direct role in sparking the Reformation, as well as in many other contemporaneous religious debates and conflicts.

This should be correct I looked it up.

Help out please before I get in trouble in class



The Great Depression was mainly caused by the stock market crash in 1929 and lasted for around 10 years. Bank failures also contributed to the Depression, along with a drought in the 1930s, known as Dust Bowl.

Sun Yat-sen promoted nationalism in China because he

wanted China to develop better relations with other nations.
hoped it would strengthen the country’s imperial dynasty.
hoped it would instill a Communist belief system in citizens.
wanted the Chinese people to feel pride in their country.



wanted the Chinese people to feel pride in their country.


Sun Yat-sen was a proponent of nationalism because he wanted the Chinese people to feel pride in their country.

What did Sun Yat-Sen believe?

He believed that the Chinese people needed to take pride in being Chinese instead of feeling ashamed of it.

He believed that this would be the first step in China becoming strong again and standing up to Western aggression.

In conclusion, option D is correct.

Find out more on Sun Yat-sen at https://brainly.com/question/780808.

What was the United States government's policy of trying to erase Native American culture called?​



The policy of assimilation was an attempt to destroy traditional Indian cultural identities. Many historians have argued that the U.S. government believed that if American Indians did not adopt European-American culture they would become extinct as a people.

List three (3) ways Booker T. Washington was a "great" man.

Your answer



The answer is below


Booker T. Washington was considered a "great" man for many reasons. He was an African American who championed the course of African American liberation and the civil rights movement in many ways, particularly towards the end of the 19th century and early 20th century

He was considered a great man for many reasons, some of which are:

1. He played a vital role in ensuring the Tuskegee institute become University.

2. He assisted in ensuring that African American students get huge donations for their education from wealthy people

3. His Atlanta Compromise Speech was considered Revolutionary, as it charges both black and white to work together to achieve a better society or America.

What was the problem in the 1800’s?
I will give brainiest if it Is a good answer



if you are talking about in america, the following happend :

Louisiana Purchase. 828,000 square miles of land purchased from Napoleon, leader of France, by Thomas Jefferson in 1803. ...

War of 1812. ...

Missouri Compromise. ...

Trail of Tears. ...

Texas Rebellion. ...

American System. ...

Second Great Awakening. ...

Mexican American War.


what effect did the zimmermann telegram note have in ww1?​


The telegram suggested that in the event that Germany and the US went to war, Mexico would regain "lost territories" in the southwest if it declared war on the US. The British intercepted the telegram and passed it on to the US, leading to an escalation of tensions between the US and Germany. It’s one of the main reasons why the US joined WW1

'There are three main things a person can do to maintain a healthy weight. The first is be aware of what is eaten. It is important to keep eating patterns consistent. Try to eat fruits and vegetables each day. When on vacation, a person should try to keep up with these same healthy eating habits. Also, don’t forget about breakfast. It is known that people who lost weight and kept it off had a healthy breakfast each morning to start their day.

The second step is to get up and move! Experts recommend that people engage in moderate to vigorous activity for a minimum of sixty minutes each day. Participating in sports, walking, jogging, exercising at home, and swimming are healthy forms of activity. It helps to have a friend participate in exercise for company and encouragement.'

– “The Connection between Body Image and Managing Weight”

What elements make up a healthy weight-management plan? Check all that apply.

A)exercising three times per week
B)eating fruits and vegetables
C)skipping meals
D)keeping eating patterns consistent
E)exercising 60 minutes each day
F)eating a healthy breakfast



its a


The elements that make up a healthy weight-management plan are :

eating fruits and vegetableskeeping eating patterns consistentexercising 60 minutes each dayeating a healthy breakfastWhat is weight management plan?

Realistic short- and long-term goals that you should discuss with your healthcare provider should be part of your long-term strategy for managing your weight. Setting realistic weight-management goals might assist you in determining your expectations and the best strategies to monitor your progress. Here are some suggestions for creating realistic goals.

What is healthy weight management plan?Exercise frequently.every day, have a healthy breakfast.Remain hydrated.Eat natural foods.Eat sensibly and with awareness.Put eating meals first.Prepare your meals in advance.acquire cookbooks.Reduce your screen time.Observe yourself.Join a programme to manage your weight.Create a support network.Maintain a positive outlookConsider the long run.Make sweeping turns.Avoid absolutes.Schedule a consultation with a registered nutritionist (RD).Keep up your good eating practises.

Supporting answer

Hence option B,D,E,F are correct answer

To learn more about healthy weight management plan here https://brainly.com/question/12929070


The deposition of King James II resulted in the ___ giving power to Parliament, empowering the Church of England, and establishing individual liberties for British subjects.



English bill of rights


The Catholic king James II was overthrown during the Great Revolution that took place in 1688. King James was replaced by his daughter Mary, who was a protestant and her husband, William of Orange.  

There was pressure from William for a joint Monarchy to take effect with him as the king and his wife, Mary, as the Queen.  Both of them signed the declaration of rights which was later known as the Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights contains a lot of details including the free elections and freedom of speech in parliament.


"Then why did you shoot me with your blowguns?" asked Bruce Hand while rubbing his Neck.

Which word is incorrectly capitalized?






Neck is only a common noun, no need to capitalize it. :)

Please write a two-paragraph summary of the main points of the film I have attached. (https://anotepad.com/notes/df2e7n4a)


Please provide the story.. the link doesn’t work so I can’t read it .

Explain three difficulties women faced during the Civil War:



01. Inequality

02. Discrimination

03. Lack of rights


01. Women were seen as property, often not receiving the respect that they deserved.

02. Women were not treated properly by men, often excluding from important meetings, etc.

03. Women did not have the right to own land, property, vote, etc.


More than 400 women disguised themselves as men and fought in the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War.Thousands of women in the North and South joined volunteer brigades and signed up to work as nurses.With many of the adult men off to war, it was up to women to manage the home by themselves. In many cases this included running the farms or businesses that their husbands left behind. Women also raised money for the war effort. They organized raffles and fairs and used the money to help pay for war supplies. Women worked in factories and in government positions that were vacated when men left to fight. Women were still seen as property and not human beings.

This all helped move forward the women's rights movement and change the way the US perceived women.

Hope this helps!


How did Kemetians innovate to solve problems?



For counting and solving written mathematical problems involving multiplication and fractions, the ancient Egyptians used a numeral scheme. The evidence for Egyptian mathematics is limited to a small number of papyrus-based sources.


I learned something near this a while ago. Hope this helped.

Please help thank you






I think it's b, I might be wrong


Select the phrase or sentence that states that duty.



The answer is the last sentene where Lincoln says he must preserve the union


How/why is the standard oil trust important?



cause we need oil for tons of things


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