Which best describes the difference between an end moraine and a ground moraine?
Which best describes the difference between an end moraine and a ground moraine?
End moraines form when two valley glaciers coalesce to form a single ice stream, and ground moraines form from melting ice along the sides of valleys.
End moraines are formed when the glacier is retreating, and ground moraines form while it is stationary.
Ground moraines form while the glacier is retreating, and end moraines form while it is stationary.
End moraines form along the sides of valleys, while ground moraines form at the terminus of a glacier.


Answer 1

Material that a moving glacier has left behind is called a moraine. Typically, this stuff is made of rock and soil.

What is Moraine?

Similar to how rivers move a variety of dirt and rocks that eventually accumulate to produce deltas, glaciers convey a variety of debris and silt that eventually builds up to form moraines.

Imagine yourself using a toy bulldozer on a yard covered in a lot of dry leaves to get a better concept of what moraines are.

Some of the leaves are pushed aside, some are pushed forward, and some of them make beautiful patterns on the grass when the bulldozer runs through them. Consider the patterns and mounds of pushed-away leaves (moraines) that extend for miles over the Earth.

Therefore, Material that a moving glacier has left behind is called a moraine. Typically, this stuff is made of rock and soil.

To learn more about moraine, refer to the link:



Related Questions

What are 3 orca adaptations?


The three orca adaptations were streamlined bodies for effective swimming, flippers-like forelimbs for steering, and internalized remnants in the rear limbs to reduce drag.

These adaptations include streamlined structures for efficient swimming, flippers for steering, internalized remains in the hind limbs to reduce drag, a horizontally positioned tail for forceful up and down propulsion, and under-skin blubber for insulation.

Killer whales can move quickly and easily through the ocean. A killer whale seldom dives below for more than 30 seconds each time while swimming close to the surface. the swimming athlete's power. A killer whale's distinctive fusiform shape, which is extremely energy-efficient for swimming, is also influenced by blubber. The blubber rounds out this form.

Learn more about orcas at



Rank the following areas in order of largest to smallest change in average temperature since 1880.
a. northern Canada b. western Europe c. southern Africa d. Australia


In terms of change in average temperature since 1880, the areas with the largest to smallest changes are :

a. Northern Canadab. Western Europed. Australiac. Southern Africa

How have temperatures changed since 1880 ?

Since the late 1800s, the average surface temperature of the Earth has risen by around 1.8°F (1.0°C).

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are largely to blame for the planet's warming. These practices include the use of land for different purposes, such as agriculture and deforestation, as well as the combustion of fossil fuels like coal and oil.

The additional heat is causing regional and seasonal temperature extremes, decreasing snow cover and sea ice, increasing heavy rainfall, and altering plant and animal habitat ranges, both expanding and contracting some.

The area that has been worst hit by changes in average temperature is Northern Canada which has seen a lot of melting. Western Europe is next on that list, with Australia growing significantly hotter. Southern Africa rounds off the list.

Find out more on changes in average temperature at https://brainly.com/question/17641085


the climate in most of canada is ? A small part of canada has a ? climate


Canada offers a vast array of climates due to its extensive latitudinal range.

Define climate.

Climate is the average weather over a longer length of time in a particular place. A description of a climate includes details such as the typical temperature in each season, the amount of rainfall, and the amount of sunshine.

The country's northern two-thirds experience short, cool summers and extremely frigid winters, which are reminiscent to those in northern Scandinavia. A typical continental climate with extremely frigid winters, scorching summers, and little to no precipitation can be found in the central southern region of the interior plains. The weather in southern Ontario and Quebec is similar to some areas of the American Midwest, with hot, muggy summers and cold, snowy winters. All of Canada experiences a winter season with average temperatures below freezing and persistent snow cover, with the exception of the west coast.

To know more about climate, visit:



How do you determine the clarity of water?


Several methods are used to measure the clarity of the water

Taking the sighting distance of a black disk placed underwater using a periscope-type viewer, using a Secchi disk, which takes vertical measurements through the water or with a device that measures the strength of a collimated beam of light.

There are two main measurements of water quality:-

Visual clarity: the depth through water that is visible to the human eye

Light penetration: the amount of light available underwater for algae and aquatic growth.

Turbidity is a measure of how cloudy the water is. Turbidity can be measured in many ways such as a turbidimeter, Secchi disk, or a turbidity tube.

Learn more about the clarity of water here:



how do glaciers fit into the hydrologic cycle, and what roles do they play in the rock cycle? select all that apply.


Glaciers play a role in the hydrologic cycle when precipitation falls at high elevations but does not immediately reach the sea. Instead, it could become a glacier.

Changes in the mass of mountain glaciers and ice caps can alter the Earth's hydrological cycle on multiple scales. On a global scale, glacier mass loss adds to sea-level rise. Glacier meltwater is a key contributor to and modulator of river flow at the regional and local levels. The glacial ice will eventually melt into water, which will continue on its journey to the sea.

Learn more on hydrologic cycle



What animal are orcas afraid of?


Orcas are not frightened by anything. Because orcas are apex predators, individuals are untouchable at the top of the pecking order.

They seem to be scared of anything, which is strange. One of the earliest researchers, Samarra, observed encounters between killer and pilot whales in Iceland. Only a few professional studies of interactions between killer whales and pilot whales have been conducted.

An orca sighting in the area would cause great white sharks to leave their favorite hunting grounds off the coastline of San Francisco, interrupting shark absorption of nutrients for a considerable amount of time at this aggregation location, according to a 2019 research.

Learn more about orcas at



note the flat, high-elevation areas on the north and south side of the valley, which are formed from the deposition of glacial sediment. this implies that the north fork stillaguamish river has cut down, or incised, into this sedimentary deposit. which of the triggering mechanisms below is likely implicated in the failure of most or all of the stillaguamish landslides? group of answer choices slope steepening and undercutting by stream erosion increasing thickness of material on the top of the hillslope through sedimentation seismic shaking increased housing development in the area


The triggering mechanisms that is likely implicated in the failure of most or all of the Stillaguamish landslides is  increasing thickness of material on the top of the hillslope through sedimentation.

The sliding down of a slope of a mass of rock, rubble, or earth is known as a landslide. Landslides are a sort of "mass wasting," which refers to any downward movement of soil or rock caused by gravity alone. Five different slope movement types are referred to as "landslides": falls, topples, slides, spreads, and flows. By the type of geologic material, these are further separated (bedrock, debris, or earth). Common landslide types include debris flows, often known as mudflows or mudslides, and rock falls.

According to the findings, the worst landslide in American history occurred in two distinct phases. The first stage, which was primarily or fully composed of deposits from earlier landslides, remobilized the 2006 slide as well as a portion of the nearby forested slope from an ancient slide. In the end, the first stage caused almost all of the damage in the Steelhead Haven community and pushed more than six tenths of a mile over the north fork of the Stillaguamish River.

To learn more about sedimentation please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/14306913


What causes poor water clarity?


Nutrient and sediment pollution are the main causes of poor water clarity. When excess nutrients run into nearby waterways, they can fuel the growth of water-clouding algae.

Water clarity is a measure of the amount of sunlight that can penetrate through the water. Similarly, when soil erodes and washes into rivers, streams, and the Bay, particles of sediment can become suspended in the water. Water clarity fluctuates naturally depending on the weather conditions. Storms wash dirt and pollutants into waterways, which can muddy the water. Because of this, the waters tend to be clearer during drier conditions.

Learn more about the clarity of water here:



How do killer whales survive in the ocean?


Killer Whales are able to survive in the deep freezing water because of the layer of fat covering their body underneath the sea. The layer of the fat is called blubber.

Killer whale survive in the deep water. Killer whales are found in the open ocean but they seem to be most abundant in coastal waters. Killer whales are most abundant in the Pacific Northwest along northern Norway's coast in the Atlantic and in the higher latitudes of the Southern Ocean. In the North Atlantic, type 1 killer whales are found in the waters of the northeast Atlantic and Great Britain  while type 2 killer whales are mainly spotted off the west coast of Ireland and Scotland. The killer whale also known as orca. This is the ocean’s top predator. historical threats to killer whales included commercial hunting and culling to protect fisheries from killer whales.  Several different populations and ecotypes of killer whales are found throughout the world.

To learn more about Killer whales please visit:



Can you answer the questions below?:

Mention the countries that occupy the continent of America!!

ThanK YoU​


^ North American and South America

Give four reasons why some areas within the equatorial belt do not experience true equatorial climate​


Answer: This is very confusing to a lot of people because they are African. But they are Hispanic, just not Latin-American or “Latino, ” but if an Equatorial Guinean moves.

Message: | Anyways, if you found this helpful let me know! :)  


There are several reasons why some areas within the equatorial belt do not experience true equatorial climate. Here are four possible reasons:

Altitude: Some areas within the equatorial belt are located at high altitudes, which can affect the local climate. For example, the cities of Quito and La Paz, which are located in the equatorial region, have cooler temperatures due to their high altitude.Ocean currents: The ocean currents can also affect the climate in some areas within the equatorial belt. For example, the cold water currents that flow along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru can cool the air and create a more temperate climate.Prevailing winds: The direction and strength of the prevailing winds can also affect the climate in some areas within the equatorial belt. For example, the northeast trade winds that blow across the Caribbean Sea can bring cooler air to the coastal regions of Central America, creating a more temperate climate.Landscape: The local landscape can also affect the climate in some areas within the equatorial belt. For example, the mountains and forests that cover parts of Central America and the Amazon Basin can create a microclimate that is cooler and more humid than the surrounding areas.

during a field trip with your geology class you visit an exposure of rock layers similar to the one sketched below. a fellow student suggests that the layer of basalt is a sill. do you agree or disagree? explain why you think the layer is a sill or why you disagree with this student. write a likely explanation for the geologic history of these layers to support your stance.


The layer of basalt is a lava flow. A sill would not likely include vesicles, and since the bottom layer of the lava flow was partially transformed into sandstone before cooling, the layer of shale on top is the result of weathering.

Define a lava flow.

Lava flows are rivers of flowing or oozing molten rock that originate from an eruption vent.

The extrusive rocks most frequently take the shape of a sill. The sills, which surround the country rocks in parallel beds, can be mistaken for solidified lava flows because the intruded sills exhibit partial melting and show signs of warmth.

The bottom sides of the lava flow may be visible, and these flows may also create vesicles out of gas or bubbles that escape into the atmosphere. Since sills are formed at shallower depths than lava flows, sills do not exhibit surface signs of weathering.

To know more about a lava flow, visit:



about 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk in which northern us state?


Answer: I think Minnesota?


what fundamental concept states that in a horizontal sequence of conformable sedimentary strata, each higher bed is younger than the bed below it? group of answer choices theory of correlative deposition law of cross cutting relationships law of original correlation law of superposition


Law of superposition fundamental concept states that in a horizontal sequence of conformable sedimentary strata, each higher bed is younger than the bed below it.Thus correct option (D).

A key stratigraphic principle known as the law of superposition states that the oldest layer in a series of sedimentary rock layers is at the bottom and that the layers get younger as they move up the sequence.

An underground drain, for instance, might form its silt back-fill some time after the ground directly above it. Other instances of non-vertical superposition include changes made to existing structures, such as adding new windows and doors to a wall.

Learn more about  law of superposition  to visit this link



Is the 3rd deepest point on Earth?


The Galathea Depth in the Philippine trench is 10.54 km below sea level, making it the world's third deepest point. This submarine trench, also known as the Mindanao Trench, is located in the Philippine Sea.

The Emden Deep, also known as the Galathea Deep or Galathea Depth, is a section of the 10,540-metre-deep Philippine Trench in the south-western Pacific Ocean that extends beyond 6,000 meters. It spans 1,320 kilometers in length and 30 kilometers in width in the east of the Philippines.

Learn more on deepest point -



What is displacement process?


A displacement reaction occurs when a more reactive element displaces, or pushes out, a less reactive element from a compound that contains the less reactive element. After a displacement reaction, the less reactive element is now pure and left uncombined.

Distance is the length of any path connecting any two points. When measured along the shortest path between any two points, displacement is the direct distance between them. Since it only depends on magnitude and not direction, distance is a scalar quantity.

What does "displacement reaction" mean?

The atom of the more reactive element (or elements) displaces the atom of the less reactive element (or elements) from its compound in a displacement reaction. Metals and nonmetals both experience displacement reaction. A replacement reaction or substitution reaction is another name for it.

Learn more about displacement to visit this link



This is due in an hour

What is the difference between the spatial perspective and the ecological perspective in geography?

Explain the interaction between the four main components of Earth's physical systems. Be sure to include the name of each system and its primary function in your answer.

What are some of the conflicts surrounding immigration, population, and multiculturalism in the United States?

Which of the following systems has the greatest role in shaping society: religion, economics, or government? Be sure to support your answer with at least three examples of how the system you chose affects society.


It's the spatial perspective where things happen. An ecological perspective is how a living organism interacts with its physical environment.

Explain the interaction between the four main components of Earth's physical systems

Atmosphere - Provides air to breathe. gas system surrounding the Earth

Biosphere - the system of all living things on Earth

Hydrosphere - all water systems on Earth (including water vapour)

Lithosphere - a system of physical parts of the Earth. B. Rocks.

What are some of the conflicts surrounding immigration, population, and multiculturalism in the United States?

Racism and xenophobia are major issues associated with immigration to the United States.

Which of the following systems has the greatest role in shaping society: religion, economics, or government?

The systems that have played the greatest role in shaping society are: economically

The first reason is that the economy brings prosperity to society, and more power brings more prosperity. Second : Whoever controls the economy has the power to control the government because the government is also subject to the budget. Finally, the economic system has a great impact on people's daily lives.

For example, in an agricultural country, people do not choose to be a fisherman as a profession.

Learn more about Spatial perspective:



What are the four factors that determine water quality?


Water quality is determined by measuring a variety of properties. Temperature, acidity (pH), dissolved solids (specific conductance), particulate matter (turbidity), dissolved oxygen, hardness, and suspended sediment are examples of these. Each reveals a different aspect of a body of water's health.

Water quality is determined by several factors, including dissolved oxygen concentration, bacteria levels, salt (or salinity), and the amount of material suspended in the water (turbidity).

To determine water quality, some bodies of water measure the concentration of microscopic algae as well as the quantities of pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and other contaminants.

The intended use determines the parameters for water quality. Water quality research typically focuses on water that has been treated for potability, industrial/domestic use, or restoration (of an environment/ecosystem, generally for the health of human/aquatic life).

Learn more about Water quality  to visit this link



An archeologist discovered two artifacts buried beneath the ground. She found the first artifact at an elevation of meters and the second at an elevation of meters. What is the distance between these two elevations?.


The distance between first and second artifact which discovered buried beneath the ground at an elevation of meters is 27 [tex]\frac{2}{7}[/tex].

How to calculate the distance between two elevations ?Two artifacts buried was discovered beneath the ground, and the archaeologist found the two artifacts in two places at different  elevation or heights. Then we are asked to find out the different elevations between the two.                                                It is given that first artifact was found in depth -8:2/7 meters, and the second was found in depth at -35:4/7 meters inside. To find the different we can solve by bellow step; -8:2/7 - (- 35:4/7), we use a subtraction sign because what we are looking for was buried beneath the ground. Thus, this depth is represented with a minus sign like in the number line material.Then, it was pointed out that subtraction meets minus sign, when they meet we can either cancel it, and change it with positive sign or change the way of calculating it with addition.

        = -8:2/7 - (- 35:4/7)

        = -8:2/7 + 35:4/7

        = 27 2/7.

Then we can take a conclusion, the distance between those two elevation is 27 [tex]\frac{2}{7}[/tex] meters.


Learn more about elevation here: brainly.com/question/21127616


The andes consist of altiplanos, or groups of several mountain ranges that run parallel to one another.a. Trueb. False


The Andes consist of altiplanos, or groups of several mountain ranges that run parallel to one another is a false statement.

With some of the highest peaks, the Andes is the world's longest mountain range. The range is also well-known for its volcanoes, ancient civilizations' ruins, and as the location of a malaria remedy.

One of the world's longest mountain ranges, the Andes runs along the western coast of South America. Glaciers, volcanoes, grasslands, deserts, lakes, and forests all make up its diverse topography. The mountains are home to fauna including chinchillas and condors as well as pre-Columbian archaeological sites.

The Andes is a challenging location to live in due to the lack of oxygen, extreme cold, and strong UV radiation. The Andes Mountains' surrounding biomes have a range of temperatures.

To learn more about Andes visit: https://brainly.com/question/2524822


when a stream flows into the ocean, that stream is at: group of answer choices ultimate base level temporary base level


when a stream flows into the ocean, that stream is at: ultimate base level. The plane that is created when the sea level is projected beneath landmasses is known as the "ultimate base level." Erosion causes topography to typically descend to this base level, eventually becoming a peneplain near the conclusion of an erosion cycle.

Sea level is the ultimate base level because streams won't erode their channels below this level. Along the course of a stream, numerous transient base levels may exist. When a dam is built, a lake is created that acts as a temporary base level for the river's upstream section. The base level of a stream is the lowest point to which running water can cause the stream channel to erode. It comes in two varieties: local base level and ultimate base level. The height of the ocean's surface, or sea level, is also referred to as the absolute base level. Local base levels include lakes, rock formations that are resistant to erosion, and rivers that serve as base levels for their tributaries. The ultimate base level is sea level. Sea level is the ultimate base level because streams won't erode their channels below this level. Along the course of a stream, numerous transient base levels may exist. Sea level is the ultimate base level because streams won't erode their channels below this level. Along the course of a stream, numerous transient base levels may exist.

Learn more about ultimate base level here



the conditions on the surface of venus are; mars has a period and direction of rotation that are; the clouds in the atmosphere of venus consist primarily of; an earth-based telescopic view of venus shows; when venus is at its brightest as seen from the earth (near greatest elongation) it is; the internal structure of mercury is most likely a; mercury looks very similar to which planet or satellite in our solar system; the most common surface features on venus are


Craters, volcanoes, mountains, and vast lava plains characterize the terrain. Consequently, Mars and Earth both rotate in the same way (counterclockwise if you look down on the solar system from North of the ecliptic). On Mars, the Sun will always rise in the East, using the same definition of East as on Earth.

In several ways, Mercury common to the moon of Earth. Venus' atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide. Sulfuric acid is used to make thick clouds between 30 and 60 kilometers in altitude, and the greenhouse effect of CO2 keeps the surface temperature high. The Sun-Earth-Venus angle allows us to observe the planet at its brightest at two points during its orbit. When Venus is at an elongation of 39°, roughly 36 days before and after inferior conjunction, these phenomena—known as peak brilliancy—occur.

Around 85% of the planet's radius, or 1,289 miles (2,074 kilometers), is made up of a substantial metallic core. It appears to be partially molten or liquid based on the evidence. Similar to the mantle and crust of Earth, Mercury's outer layer is only around 400 kilometers (250 miles) thick. Despite Mercury being closer to the Sun, it is the planet with the highest temperature in our solar system. Venus's surface reaches temperatures of roughly 900 °F (475 °C), which are hot enough to melt lead.

The surface is rust-colored, covered in thousands of massive volcanoes, strongly crushed mountains, and other geological features. Venus's surface is obscured by dense clouds, so we can't see it from Earth. But as our understanding of Venus has grown, we now know that the planet's surface is dotted with craters, volcanoes, mountains, and enormous lava plains.

Learn more about venus visit: brainly.com/question/28479993


what may occur when convergent boundaries interact? formation of island chains creation of mid-ocean ridges creation of convection currents


The correct response is a) formation of island chains. The event formation of island chains is associated with convergent boundaries. An area where two plates converge is referred to as a convergent border. The borders of one or both colliding plates may bow up into mountain ranges as a result of the impact, or one plate may bend downward into a deep undersea trench.

A region on Earth where two or more lithospheric plates clash is known as a convergent boundary, also referred to as a destructive boundary. Subduction is the inevitable sliding of one plate beneath the other. The Wadati-Benioff zone, a plane with a high frequency of earthquakes, can be used to designate the subduction zone. These collisions take place over timescales of millions to tens of millions of years and can cause deformation, earthquakes, volcanism, orogenesis, lithosphere destruction, and orogenesis. Oceanic-oceanic lithosphere, oceanic-continental lithosphere, and continental-continental lithosphere all have convergent borders. Depending on the types of crust, convergent borders have different geologic characteristics. Convection cells in the mantle are what propel plate tectonics. Convection cells are produced when cool materials from the surface return to the mantle and heat produced by radioactive decay of mantle components escapes to the surface. These convection cells create new crust by bringing heated mantle material to the surface along spreading centres. The creation of younger crust pushes this new crust away from the spreading centre, where it cools, thins, and gets denser. When this dense crust converges with less dense crust, subduction starts. The subducting slab is propelled into the mantle in part by the force of gravity.

Learn more about convergent boundaries here



Answer: a. Formation of island chains

What are limiting factors for orcas?


The three main threats to orcas are lack of prey, toxic pollution, and disturbance from vessels. Orcas have been hunted for oil and meat in many areas.

Today many orcas are slowly starving to death. These whales are also dealing with noise from ship traffic and toxic pollution. Underwater noise from boats disrupts the orca's echolocation and pollution from old vessels and stormwater runoff contaminate the salmon that the orcas eat.

Potential sources of natural mortality fall into several categories: predation, parasitism, disease, biotoxins, accidental beaching, entrapment, and starvation. No predators of killer whales have been recorded, but young or sick whales are potentially at risk from attacks by large sharks in some areas, and attacks by another killer whale may also pose a risk.

Learn more about killer whales here:



globalization is about culture change. discuss popular culture and indigenization, where some idea, behavior, or object from western european or american culture moved to non-western or indigenous societies and culture. provide one example you learned from your textbook or class lecture of how this phenomenon operates in the world.


The term "globalization" describes the growing interconnection of various regions of the world. The procedure entails a type of reciprocal interchange of beliefs, principles, and ideas.

The process benefits all of the interacting civilizations, either positively or negatively. On the whole, globalization is attributed to the improvement of the local culture. For instance, the culture of wearing blue denim is unique to Western civilizations, namely American society, and represents the widespread struggle for women's suffrage, the advancement of capitalistic values, and civil rights.

Blue denim was explicitly forbidden in the USSR during the cold war, a time when US-USSR tensions were at their highest. USSR wanted to forbid it in an effort to distance itself from western capitalism and civil rights movements.

The exchange of capitalistic and democratic ideals finally came about as a result of the greater east-west connection, and gradually blue denim came to rule the world as a symbol of freedom and liberty.

To learn more about globalization



Why would Europe be considered a 'religious Christian region' ?


Answer: It is because Europe was home to the Roman and Holy Roman empires and the Crusades are from Christan Europe. The Roman Emperor (Constantine), forced all of his citizens to be Christians, although Christianity was derived from the Middle East. Another way, was the followers of Jesus also migrated to Europe and spread the religion.

what are terms for the two principal sources of sediment that produce the two principal types of sedimentary rocks


The two principal sources of sediment that produce the two principal types of sedimentary rocks are clastic and chemical.

Clastic or detrital sedimentary rocks are made from pieces of bedrock, sediment, derived primarily by mechanical weathering. Clastic rocks may also include chemically weathered sediment.

Sediments are also classified by origin. There are four types: lithogenous,  hydrogenous, biogenous, and cosmogenous. Lithogenous sediments come from land via rivers, ice, wind, and other processes. Biogenous sediments come from organisms like plankton when their exoskeletons break down.

Common sedimentary rocks include sandstone, limestone, and shale. These rocks often start as sediments carried in rivers and deposited in lakes and oceans.

Clastic sedimentary rocks, like sandstone, form from clasts, or pieces of other rock. Organic sedimentary rocks, like coal, form from hard, biological materials like plants, shells, and bones that are compressed into rock.

to learn more about sedimentary rocks:


Place the following in sequence from highest to lowest temperature: a) lithosphere; b) mantle; c) core.


The highest temperature is belong to core (C), and then following by mantle (B), and the last is belong to lithosphere (A).

Which layer has the highest temperature and lowest temperature?The Earth's layers can be sorted by temperature. The layers from coolest to hottest, the coolest is belong crust, and then continued by mantle, outer core, and inner core. The crust's temperature can vary from the air temperature locate on top to the down of layers. The highest temperature of the crust could be up to 1600 degree Fahrenheit.The Inner Core is the center and the hottest layer of the Earth. The inner core is solid and made up of iron and nickel with temperatures up to 5,500°C, this layer also has a highest pressure then other.

Learn more about Earth's layers here: brainly.com/question/15274410


the united states health care system is the most expensive in the world on a per capita basis and it achieves the best health outcomes


The United States has the most expensive healthcare system of any country. A medical consultation with a general practitioner costs, on average, $190 or around €170. A stay in hospital can result in bills amounting to tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

A fitness machine is the way in which all health services are supplied. From how they're financed to the personnel, facilities and elements to be had, a sturdy health system will ensure that everyone is capable of get admission to first rate healthcare with out monetary trouble. all people has the right to get entry to healthcare. creation. in keeping with the world health business enterprise a health machine consists of all establishments, human beings and movements whose number one cause is to sell, restore or keep health. This consists of efforts to persuade determinants of health in addition to extra direct activities that improve health.

The Netherlands has a frequent healthcare gadget. it is controlled through the government and supplemented by non-public insurers. absolutely everyone dwelling or working in the Netherlands have to achieve basic degree health insurance .

Learn more about healthcare system here: https://brainly.com/question/27741709


What are the characteristics of geological structure?


Landscape shape, erodibility, and soil formation are all a result of geologic features. The habitat, distribution, and migratory patterns of animals and plants are affected by these basic geological features. On a watershed scale, geologic issues are frequently crucial to resource planning and management.

A few geological features developed simultaneously with the rocks in which they are found. These are fundamental buildings. Beds and laminae in sedimentary rocks like sandstone or shale and lava pillows in extrusive igneous rocks like basalt are examples of primary structures.

Geologists distinguish three types of structure caused by deformation in the Earth's crust: unconformities, faults and fractures, and folds. Typically, we imagine rocks to be extremely hard and brittle.

Lean more about geological structure to visit  this link



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