which 5 kingdoms that do have cell walls?


Answer 1

Answer:    There are six kingdoms: Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. Organisms are placed in a specific kingdom based upon a variety of factors, including cell wall structure. As the outermost layer of some cells, the cell wall helps maintain cellular shape and chemical equilibrium.

Related Questions

A 7th grade teacher asked students to engage in an argument regarding human impact on a national forest ecosystem that was home to mountain lions, coyotes,
and bobcats as well as about 3,000 deer. The deer ate grass, and the mountain lions, coyotes, and bobcats ate deer. Hunters began killing
large numbers of
mountain lions, coyotes, and bobcats. About 20 years later the deer population had increased to about 100,000. The teacher asked the students to explain why
the population of deer increased. Which student's argument most accurately explains the increase in the deer population?
O A. Student 1: The number of deer increased because deer populations are always increasing, even when there are lions, coyotes, and bobcats preying on
O B. Student 2: The number of deer increased because without lions, coyotes, and bobcats, the deer lived longer and had more offspring that also lived
c. Student 3: The number of deer increased because with fewer mountain lions, coyotes, and bobcats, the deer had more food available to eat
D. Student 4: The deer population increased because with fewer lions, coyotes, and bobcats, there was less competition within the deer population.


Answer:Student 4

Explanation: Because if the mountain lions, coyotes, and bobcats decrease they arent enough to prey on the deer which causes the deer population to be able to reproduce over time.

Which nucleic acid can carry the protein synthesis instructions from the nucleus to the ribosomes?




Endoplasmic reticulum






The answer is Monosaccharides

Will give brainliest... Why does a population not level off during the same year it reaches zero population growth?



Because parents will still be living for decades. What factors contributed to the world's overall population growth in the last 150 years? Having ample food, shelter, water, and technology.


Hope it helps u


What are Sodium carbonate.Na2 CO3. Elements


Answer:There are 3 elements in sodium carbonate i. e. sodium(Na) , Carbon (C) , Oxygen (O) .


Sodium carbonate (also known as washing soda or soda ash), Na2CO3, is a sodium salt of carbonic acid and is a fairly strong, non-volatile base.

Which kind of division of time on the geologic time scale has the name



An epoch


I got it wrong and it epoch Red Riot out

Determine which are true of prokaryotic and eukaryotic transcription. In prokaryotic cells _____________; in eukaryotic cells ______________.



This question is not complete as it lacks options. However, it can be answered by giving the general differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic transcription.


Eukaryotes are organisms that possess a membrane-bound nucleus that harbors their genetic material while prokaryotes are organisms that lack a membrane-bound nucleus.

Transcription is the process whereby a DNA template is used to produce an mRNA molecule. Below are the common differences in the transcription of eukaryotic and prokaryotic:

- Transcription in eukaryoric cell occurs in a NUCLEUS while transcription in prokaryotic cell takes place in a CYTOPLASM

- Transcription in eukaryotic cell requires proteins called TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS while transcription in prokaryotic cell does not require TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS.

- Transcription in eukaryotic cells occurs differently from translation while transcription in prokaryotic cells is coupled with translation i.e occur simultaneously.

Tell me where I should put the boxes in the correct description



1st graph/diagram --> 2nd description (between top and bottom)

2nd graph/diagram --> 3rd description (bottom/last one)

3rd graph/diagram --> 1st description (top one)

Help me, it's due today


Lol Wth what is going on

How would the Earth's climate change if its obliquity shifted from 23.4° to 0°, and all other factors remained the same?

A-Global warming would increase rapidly.
B-It would shift the Earth into a global ice age.
C-The seasonal changes would be more extreme.
D-There would be no seasons.



There would be no seasons.


The tilt of the Earth's axis is what causes seasons. Throughout the year, different parts of Earth receive the Sun's most direct rays. So, when the North Pole tilts toward the Sun, it's summer in the Northern Hemisphere. And when the South Pole tilts toward the Sun, it's winter in the Northern Hemisphere. If there was no tilt, the rays hitting the Earth would have minimal changes, meaning no seasons.

Certain individual females in a population of deer decide to stop breeding with males that don't have antlers. this is an example of which Form of speciation
A. Allopatric speciation
B. Sympatric speciation
C. Parasympathetic speciation​


Certain individual females in a population of deer decide to stop breeding with males that don't have antlers. This is an example of which Form of speciation A. Allopatric speciation.

What's an allopatric speciation instance?

Allopatric speciation occurs when two companies of organisms are separated by using a bodily or geographic barrier. Not unusual examples of those boundaries include mountain degrees, oceans, or even big rivers. The isthmus of Panama is a high instance of a geographical barrier and it separates the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

In allopatric speciation, groups from an ancestral populace evolve into separate species due to a period of geographical separation. In sympatric speciation, agencies from the same ancestral populace evolve into separate species with no geographical separation.

Allopatry, which means 'in another area', describes a population or species this is bodily remoted from different comparable companies by an extrinsic barrier to dispersal. From a biogeographic angle, allopatric species or populations are those that do not have overlapping geographic levels.

Learn more about Allopatric speciation here: https://brainly.com/question/12387377



Its B


Sympatric speciation

Help me on this plz get this correct



1. Eagle

2. Primary

3. The population of snails would go up

4. The same amount i believe

5. The Mitochondria

10 points for each answer brainliest as well
Based on the Nebular theory, which of these is a step in the formation of the center of a new planetary system?
A. evaporation of condensed gases due to heat
B. combination of condensed gases due to gravity
C. contraction of condensed gases due to nuclear fission
D. expansion of condensed gases due to nuclear fission



The answer is the evaporation of water. As the gas begins to collapse, thermonuclear fusion as a result of the immense gravity at the center of the cloud results in the generation of immense heat and radiation that turns solids and liquid into gaseous form, close to the center of the cloud.


This resulted in the nuclear fusion of gases and dust to create the sun and planets at the outer flattened portion of the disk." The sun forms in the center of the cloud since the gravitation effect that drives thermonuclear fusion are strongest in this region. Planets form in the outer regions of the accretion disks where matter attract each other into clumps and gain even more gravitational pull to yank even more matter.

Hope this helps.


A: evaporation of condensed gases due to heat.


Here are the 6 steps:

Nebula, protosun forming, spinning planetary disk, protoplanets forming,

Shock waves from a nearby supernova explosion.

It also begins to flatten.


When the gravitational forces begin to fuse hydrogen into helium (fusion)


Inner protoplanets - most of their lightweight gases are boiled away

The last step is the answer.

Environmental Science Final Exam
Spring 2021
Which of the following would be a density-independent cause of large numbers of deaths in a
a. Disease-carrying beetles
b. Food shortages
C. Hurricanes
d. Predatory birds
2. How many species of organisms exist on Farth?


Hurricanes are examples of density independent causes of significant population changes!

Help me please!

Cystic Fribrosis...






since f is the cystic fibrosis allele, it would present itself in a carrier as Ff.

2 out of the 4 possible offsprings are thus carriers hence 2/4×100=50%

Need these answers quick please tha ks


Number 9 is option a.
Change in genotype will not always produce change in phenotype.

Number 10 is option b.
The gene had to have been introduced into the genome in order for the goats to express it.

Earth's early atmosphere was primarily composed of

hyrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide.

oxygen and carbon monoxide.

oxygen and water vapor.

carbon dioxide, water vapor and nitrogen.



The correct answer is ''carbon dioxide, water vapor and nitrogen.''


About 4.5 billion years ago, Earth was a very geologically active planet. So many volcanic fumes formed the primitive atmosphere, which was mostly made up of water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur, and nitrogen. At this point, oxygen was barely present and the oceans did not yet exist. The primitive atmosphere is the one before the Precambrian, it was reductive, that is, it lacked free oxygen, and only had ammonia, methane and hydrogen, the high temperature of the atmosphere in its early stages facilitated the reaction of these gases to form organic compounds from which life may have emerged. UV rays passed, because ozone did not exist.

Just like you and me, bacteria cells are under constant attack by
A. antiseptics
B. white blood cells
C. viruses
D. all the above



C. Viruses


How do laws reduce air pollution?



Laws reduce air pollution by a number of things, this could be by issuing a fine of about £20 or above. This is the most common way yet im sure in more serious cases prison sentences are issued.

What is the difference between asexual and sexual with plants??



see below hope this helps !


Asexual reproduction involves one parent and produces offspring that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent.

Sexual reproduction involves two parents and produces offspring that are genetically unique.


asexual plants are plants that can reproduce without another specimen and have hosts that carry pollen or whatever needed to reproduce and sexual plants need another plant to reproduce


:) hope this helps <3

Which option identifies the information that could best help the grower complete the estimate of harvest date in the following scenario?

Burt is grower and must make the arrangements for harvesting and shipping a crop weeks before the plants can reach maturity. He must make an estimate of likely maturity date based on known and predicted information. Burt knows the base temperature of the crop, the specific daily GDD units of the season to date, and the total GDD necessary before the plants can be ready for harvest.

ten-day weather forecast from a website

full-year weather forecast from an almanac

average daily highs and lows for the upcoming months

estimated number of days from planting to maturity


Answer: full-year weather forecast from an almanac

Hope this helps!!

Plz give me Brainliest!!

Have a great day!!



average daily highs and lows for the upcoming months


did it and just got it right

How does reusing, reducing and recycling conserve energy?


Answer:  Recycling saves energy by reducing or eliminating the need to make materials from scratch. ... By using recycled materials instead of pulling new natural resources, manufacturers can make the same products with less energy and expense.


I hope this helps you! Have a wonderfull day! ^v^


Recycling saves energy by reducing or eliminating the need to make materials from scratch. ... By using recycled materials instead of pulling new natural resources, manufacturers can make the same products with less energy and expense.Explanation:I looked it up to bud

Jet streams are narrow bands of strong wind that flow between cold and warm air masses. Which direction do these winds blow on Earth?

The winds don't move

From North to South

From East to West

From West to East



east west


(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡good luck!!

what are the proteins that are found all throughout the cell


Animal cells or plant cells??


Explanation:Ribosomes are found in many places around a eukaryotic cell. You might find them floating in the cytosol. Those floating ribosomes make proteins that will be used inside of the cell. Other ribosomes are found on the endoplasmic reticulum.

How long did the cicadas in the video live underground?
O A. 17 days
B. 7 months
C. 7 years
D. 17 years



D. 17 years


if you were in 2004 cicadas were around that time. 2004 to get to 2021 is 17 years so its D

hope this helped

When carbon dioxide is dissolved in the ocean, what can it be turned into?
A. Fossil fuels
B. Seashells
C. Nitrates
D. Zooplankton


I think its B. seashells?


Organisms in the ocean take Carbon Dioxide and turn it into carbonate CO 2/3

Carbonate is often combined with ions like CA 2+  and MG 2+

The Calcium Carbonate makes up the hard structures of corals, and sea shells. The amount of Carbon in the Coral reefs far exceeds the amount of Carbon Dioxide dissolved in the oceans.

Which of these is not a characteristic of ALL living organisms?
A. Reproduces sexually
B. Is made of cells
C. Grow
D. Requires energy



A population of large predators in an ecosystem has been trapped and removed from the area. How would this event most likely change the food web in this ecosystem?
The number of herbivores will decrease and the number of producers will increase.
The number of herbivores will increase and the number of producers will decrease.
The number of small predators will decrease and the number of herbivores will increase.
The number of small predators will decrease and the number of omnivores will decrease.


I think that the answer would be b.Sorry if I’m wrong. Hope this helps :-)

What is nuclear fission?
O A. The joining of nuclei
B. The gain of nuclear mass
O C. The splitting of a nucleus
O D. The formation of an ion



C is the correct answer i.e. splitting of a nucleus

The splitting of a nucleus is known as the nuclear fission. So option C is correct.

Nuclear fission is the process of splitting an atom’s nucleus into lighter nuclei. This can occur naturally through radioactive decay, or it can be simulated in a laboratory by achieving the necessary conditions (e.g. neutrinos being bombarded). The resulting fragments usually have a mass that is less than that of the original nucleus.

We use the fission reaction in nuclear reactors to create electricity. The heat generated by the fission reaction is converted into a working fluid that passes through a steam turbine. The working fluid then drives a ship's propellers or turns the shafts of electrical generators.

To learn more about nuclear fission, refer to the link:



Why do you think it is necessary for there to be variation in a population in order for evolution by natural selection to occur?


Without variation in the population there will be no differences in relative fitness/differential reproductive success between individuals as a result of natural selection. Without differences in relative fitness between individuals there will be no change in frequency of alleles in the population overtime.

Variations in the population are necessary because it allows some individuals to acclimate to the environment while sustaining the survival of the population.

What do you mean by Genetic variations?

Genetic variations may be defined as the existence of differences in sequences of genes between individual organisms of a species.

Natural selection randomly favors or unfavors one genotype at a time. If there will not be any genetic diversity, it may lead to either extinction or population explosion of a particular genotype.

The genetic variations also depend on the relative fitness of a particular species. In order to resist at least one genotype of given species, genetic variations are important.

Therefore, variations in the population are necessary because it allows some individuals to acclimate to the environment while sustaining the survival of the population.

To learn more about Genetic variations, refer to the link:



(Hurry, l am taking my exam) In an effort to develop the best-tasting apple, a grower eliminated all trees that produced apples considered too sweet or too sour. What type of selection is being carried out by the grower? a. Directional b. Disruptive c. Choice d. Stabilizing​


Answer: It is D. Stabalizing


I took the test and because the apples of both ends are being eliminated while the ones in the middle are being kept and increasing.

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