Where in modern-day Pennsylvania have a people preserved their culture? Emmitsburg Pittsburgh Philadelphia Lancaster


Answer 1




there is a high Amish population, where you can still see horse carriages and other Amish practices

Answer 2

In Lancaster, modern-day Pennsylvania people preserved their culture. Option (D) is correct.

What is Culture?

Culture can be defined as all of a population's ways of life, including arts, beliefs, and institutions that are passed down from generation to generation.

The Amish community in Pennsylvania has its roots in the 16th-century Reformation in Europe when the Anabaptist movement inspired the formation of three "plain" communities: the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren. Despite their similarities, the Amish are the most conservative, emphasizing humility, family, community, and separation from the non-Amish world, including a reluctance to adopt modern conveniences such as electricity.

The Pennsylvania Amish community in Lancaster County is the oldest and largest Amish community in the United States, with a population of approximately 30,000 people. In the last 20 years, the population has more than doubled.

Therefore, Option (D) is correct.

Learn more about Culture, here;



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Which of the following is a voting qualification for elections in Georgia?
The voter must vote in person.
The voter must be twenty-one years old.
The voter must be a United States citizen.
The voter must reside in Georgia for a year.





You dont need one bc your asking me.

Which of the following is NOT an example of how the Cherokees attempted to assimilate into American life?

1. Developed a written language
2.Planted crops and wore American style clothes
3.Created a central government with a legislative branch
4.Published a newspaper
5.Invented fireworks for Fourth of July celebrations.
6.Converted to Christianity





The Cherokees tried to fit in with American culture by learning their language, wearing their clothes and even converting to Christianity.

10 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Which type is the most numerous, according to him? Public interest groups or Economic interest groups​



Economic interest groups​


Generally, the Economic interest groups are the most numerous group in the United States. They consisted of various trade associations, business organizations, labor unions, large corporations, individual unions, and others who are constantly advocating for the benefits of their organizations or members.

Unlike Public interest groups whose goals are to agitate for the benefits of the public. However, because it is difficult to define what is good for the generality of the people, such groups that advocate for public goods are sometimes seen as particular interest groups rather than public interest groups.

What allowed Constantinople to survive the decline of the Roman Empire?
A. Its involvement in the silk trade
B. Its use of mercenary soldiers
C. Its disregard for Roman law
D. Its large population of slaves





The correct answer is option A. Constantinople was able to survive the decline of the Roman Empire through its involvement in the silk trade.

What allowed Constantinople to survive the decline of the Roman Empire?Constantinople was able to survive the decline of the Roman Empire primarily because of its position in the world through its involvement in the globally linked silk trade. The decline and ultimate fall of Rome took place in 476, while the Byzantine Empire continued to grow, thrive, and expand. The fall of Constantinople was the true end of the Roman Empire and its imperial legacy. After the fall, Constantinople became the capital of the newly formed and emergent Ottoman Empire. This collapse had an effect on the silk road network. The Roman Empire was sustained through these silk road networks, in many ways. The Roman Empire also saw its decline when silk road networks began to deteriorate.

Therefore, Constantinople was able to survive the decline of the Roman Empire through its involvement in the silk trade.

Learn more about the fall of the Roman Empire here: https://brainly.com/question/1578351



What is the most significant limitation of this document for a reader trying to decide if

the war in Vietnam was justified?

A) It does not include many facts or details about the conflict in Vietnam.

B) It does not provide background or history about communism in Vietnam.

C)It was created to persuade people, not to provide an objective point of view.

D)It was created to tell about deploying troops in general, but not in Vietnam specifically.


Answer: C

Explanation: got it right on Edge2020

The answer is:

It was created to persuade people, not to provide an objective point of view.

Route 66 connected what two cities?


It connected Chicago and Los Angeles.


Chicago, Los Angeles


i just shorten it

hope this helps bro ski :)

Based on the Vin diagram, how did the 14 points differ from the treaty of Versailles





The Fourteen Points was definitely trying to take a more passive route of resolve. As where as The Treaty of Versailles was penalizing the Central Powers (ex

reparations, reducation of military, division of nations, etc...)

Venn diagram, they differ from the Treaty of Versailles are the Fourteen Points, sought to create a lasting peace without penalizing the Central powers. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is diagram?

The term diagram refers to the part of the visual communication. They are the based on the shown the details in the short way. The diagrams are the helpful to the learning. There was the based on the two-dimentional and the 3-dimentional. There was the attracting with the light colors.

The specifics, according to the Venn diagram, are in the short details. They are the fourteen points on which they are built, and they are clearly attempting to pursue a more passive method of resolution. There was a representation of military reduction, compensation, and national division on the Central Power.

As a result, the Venn diagram, they differ from the Treaty of Versailles are the Fourteen Points, sought to create a lasting peace without penalizing the Central powers. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on diagram, here:



Which core democratic value was violated when the Supreme Court ruled in 1857 that enslaved people were not citizens?


the democratic value that was violated was equality

what is the level of stress of districts court judge?


Very high, one mistake can ruin a life or even end one so they have to make sure they get everything right.

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In 1828, Congress passed a high protective tariff that infuriated the southern states because they felt it only benefited the industrialized north. For example, a high tariff on imports increased the cost of British textiles.


The ultimate goal of Hinduism is to *
O reach reincarnation
reach moksha
O to become an untouchable
O to have bad karma


the first one circle unless “reach moksha” is its own option

Which of the following was NOT a factor contributing to industrial development in Britain?
1 Political stability.
2 Access to raw materials.
3 Access to a large labor supply
4 Organized labor unions.​





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And executive order if you think that the president signed in order to pass a law

why is 476 ad considered to be the end of the roman empire



In 476 AD, a Germanic barbarian by the name of Odoacer took control of Rome. He became king of Italy and forced the last emperor of Rome, Romulus Augustulus, to give up his crown. Many historians consider this to be the end of the Roman Empire.


by which  was the end of the western roman empire

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 required
a. the federal government to inspect local voter registration procedures to ensure that all Americans
had an equal opportunity to vote.
b. local voter registration officials to ensure that African Americans had an equal opportunity to run
for public office.
C. the federal government to enforce the Supreme Court ruling on desegregation.
d. areas with large immigrant populations to provide ballots in voters' preferred language.


Answer: a


I’m guud at history have a guud day h03

Identify the climate zone shaded in pink on the map.

(A. Equator
(B. Polar
(C. Temperate
(D. tropical



D. Tropical


That’s the equator but the climate zone is tropical !

Please help
What happened to the German children Hitler was willing to ship out of the country?

German families took them in and protected them.

The United States allowed them to immigrate.

They were sent to death camps in Germany.

They were separated and sent to several different countries.



They were sent to death camps in Germany.



They were sent to death camps in Germany.


The Founding Fathers chose to ensure religious freedom in the First Amendment in order to - a A protect against the power of a government-sponsored religion b allow state governments to make laws restricting religious activities c ensure that future presidents of the United States would be Christian d guard against the spread of Catholicism as immigrants arrived in America



A. To protect against the power of a government-sponsored religion


What problems did Curtis face because he
could not read?




Ponyboy is faced with a number of conflicts throughout the novel. The most obvious conflict is the one between him and his older brother Darry, who after their parents’ death, took over as the family’s breadwinner and guardian to Ponyboy and Soda. Darry always reprimands Ponyboy whenever he is on the wrong but Ponyboy thinks that Darry is too harsh on him and does not love him like he does Sodapop. Ponyboy writes, “…Me and Darry just didn’t dig each other. I never could please him. He would have hollered at me for carrying a blade if I had carried one. If I brought home B’s, he wanted A’s, and if I got A’s, he wanted to make sure they stayed A’s. ..He never hollered at Sodapop, not even when Sodapop dropped out of school or got tickets for speeding. He just hollered at me.



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Which type of public policy is the following policy? Government issues a tariff on foreign goods. A. Domestic Policy B. Foreign Policy D. Not A Public Policy C. Both Domestic and Foreign​


The answer is C ........

what do you think would be the modern day equivalent of silk in terms of trading value
///10 points



What could be the modern-day equivalent of silk in terms of trading value is oil.

Although alternative energies are increasing their importance in times of climate change and global warming, oil is still the "black gold" of modern. The world still uses oil in different forms and means of transportation still depend on oil.

Oil has been the cause of many wars and confrontations, and of the United States intervention in the Middle East to maintain its political and economic interests. The oil industry produces trillions of dollars annually and the countries of the world who have more exportations of oil are the United Emirates and México.

Why did the issue of voting lead to another constitutional amendment in the late 1800s?
A.Congress decided to extend voting rights to white women.
B.African Americans had achieved equality in most other areas.
C.Poor white Southerners were blocked from voting by poll taxes.
D.Congress was worried that white Southerners would stop African Americans from voting.


B.African Americans had achieved equality in most other areas.



Explanation: did it on edge

Where do the colonists head after their victory in Boston?



After the Siege of Boston, the Revolutionary War continued for seven more years. The Battle of Yorktown, which ended in October 1781 with the surrender of British forces under Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis (1738-1805) to a combined American and French force, was the last major land battle of the war.Feb 4, 2020


Which Gupta leader most contributed to the Gupta Empire's economy?



Chandragupta II


there ya go

What is the significance of the Armenian Genocide?



The signifiance/importance is that the Ottoman Empire failed to take the Suez Canal from the British which failed and tried to take Gallipoli which failed too. The Ottoman Empire blamed this on the Armenians causing 1 million Armenians to be killed.


can someone please help me!! what is a good paragraph to write about how quarantine was very stressful for me and when I did online school and how much I've been struggling on homework and how I got too distracted and it was hard to ask a question online than it would if I was at school in person and how I missed my Friends so much and couldn't hang hang out with them and the positive thing about bring online for online school is that I didn't have to wake up as early as I would if I was at school and didn't have to pick out my outfits every morning and I could just stay in my pj's or sweatshirt and I also got to spend more time with my family ​


Thats a long run on sentence, fix your grammar
are you asking for a paragraph?

What was the only lasting kingdom of Medieval Europe?​



it should be byzantine empire


Kingdom of the Lombards.


A case appealed from a Tennessee court of appeals would go to the



Thus, federal cases originating in Tennessee are appealed to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. The federal trial court in which federal lawsuits originate is the federal district court.

Do you believe William the Conqueror had a large impact on Europe? Explain.


Between 1066 and 1071 CE, William the Conqueror (r. 1066-1087 CE) led the Norman conquest of England, which lasted five years. The Normans were here to stay thanks to hard-fought wars, castle construction, land redistribution, and scorched-earth tactics. The Norman elite replaced the Anglo-Saxon elite and took over the country's territories, and the Church was restructured as a result of the conquest.
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