When we say that language is symbolic we mean that _____?


Answer 1

When we say that language is symbolic we mean that words are not arbitrary, assigned, and absolute.

Language is a structured device of verbal exchange. Languages are the number one approach by means of which people communicate, and may be conveyed via a spread of techniques, such as speaking, signal, and written language.

Language is one of the maximum important elements of any tradition. it's far the way via which humans talk with each other, build relationships, and create a sense of community. There is kind of 6,500 spoken languages within the international today, and everyone is specific in some of the approaches.3 vital sorts of language that regularly crop up in writing and verbal exchange encompass: informative. expressive.

Learn more about language here:-https://brainly.com/question/10585737


Related Questions

What is BTS real full form?


Bts, which is short for Bulletproof Boyscouts in Korean, recently changed their name to Beyond the Scene in English.

What are the 7 names of BTS?

The seven-member Korean group, made up of RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook, is quickly establishing itself as a household brand because to their incredible choreography and distinctive sound.

What is BTS nickname?

Because "Bangtan Sonyeondan" translates to "Bulletproof Boys Scouts" in English, the group is also known as that name on occasion. Due to the first half of their complete name, the boys are also referred to as the "Bangtan Boys."

Who called ARMY BTS?

ARMY, which stands for "Adorable Representative MC for Youth," was coined by BTS. Additionally, the idea of a military army is hinted at, which connects to the idea of BTS as bulletproof armour.

Why do they call it BTS?

The moniker represents the group's intention to "block off preconceptions, critiques, and expectations that aim on adolescents like bullets," according to member J-Hope.

Learn more about BTS visit:



By the end of the tragedy of macbeth, act iii, how has macbeth most clearly changed since the beginning of the play?


Macbeth has changed from a strong, courageous and ambitious nobleman at the beginning of the play to a paranoid and guilt-ridden tyrant by the end of Act III. He is now driven by a fear of being found out and a desperate desire to maintain his power.

How has Macbeth most clearly changed since the beginning of the play?

Since the beginning of the play, Macbeth has become increasingly desperate to maintain his power and control. He has become paranoid and consumed by a fear of discovery and retribution, even going so far as to murder the innocent in order to protect himself. His ambition has become a dangerous obsession, and his courage has been replaced by a cowardly desire to avoid any possible accountability for his actions. Macbeth's transformation from a nobleman to a tyrant is complete by the end of Act III, leaving him in a state of deep turmoil and despair.

Learn more about Literature: https://brainly.com/question/760210


Select all of the correct answers.
How does the dialogue between Tom and Ben impact the passage as a whole?
The dialogue reveals Tom's plan to get others to do his work.
The dialogue reveals that Tom really does prefer whitewashing to going swimming.
It foreshadows that Aunt Polly will find out about Tom's plan and discipline him.
It creates tension between Tom and Ben that will only be resolved when Tom hands Ben his brush.
It sets up a flashback to an earlier time when Tom was content.


Considering the entire text, how the conversation between Tom and Ben affects the paragraph as It causes friction between Tom and Ben, which won't be eased until Tom gives Ben his brush. Hence,  option D is correct.

What is the meaning of conversation?

Conversation is two or more persons engaging in interactive communication. Socialization is crucial for the growth of communication abilities and manners.

Language learning and teaching frequently centre on the improvement of conversational abilities in a second language.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about conversation from here:



How many 3 digit combinations are there with letters and numbers?


If recurrence is prohibited, the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 can be combined to create 504 distinct 3-digit numbers.

A number system is a mathematical representation of numbers utilizing different symbols and variables, as the name suggests. Real numbers, also known as numbers that can be plotted on a number line, are represented by a collection of values or quantities in the number system. Different types of numbers are categorized into numerous sets or groups according to their distinctive characteristics. Rational numbers, for instance, are any integers that can be written as p/q, where q is a non-zero integer. No matter the order in which they occur, it is described as the process of selecting one, two, or a few pieces from a given sequence.

Learn more about Number system here:



What are the 3 critical things a gene must be able to do?


a person's genetic makeup. It has to be secure. When necessary, it must be able to be expressed. It must be able to replicate information accurately.

How do your genes function? Almost all of the cells in your body have your genes. Your cells receive instructions to produce proteins from each gene. Your cells use proteins for a variety of purposes, including producing the colour for your eyes, supplying energy to your muscles, and defending against bacterium invasion. Codons are formed by groups of three nucleotides, and each codon represents accurately one amino acid (or start or stop). Following the start codon, the codons are read one after the other until a stop codon is reached. The genetic code is clear, redundant, and universal.

To learn more about accurately please click on below link



In what way does Gertrude appear to be lacking compassion?


When she tells Hamlet to stop grieving for his deceased father early in the play, Gertrude demonstrates her first flaw—her lack of compassion.

The following lines show that Gertrude lacks compassion, "Don't look for your noble father in the dirt with your veiled lids forever. You're aware that it's common. All life must eventually end and flow through nature into eternity".

Because Gertrude is so insecure and yearns for affection and acceptance, she follows instructions.

Gertrude is merely a pawn in the game of chess, not the strong Queen she may have been. She is also blind to Ophelia in addition to Claudius and Hamlet.

The choices Gertrude does make ultimately result in her demise and the demise of others. Act I, Scene 2 is when we first notice her fundamental character flaw—poor judgement.

Gertrude ought to have been more considerate of Hamlet's feelings as the mother of a mourning son.

To know more about Hamlet, visit:



What are infrared 3 examples?


The electromagnetic radiation known as infrared, sometimes referred to as infrared light, has wavelengths that are longer than those of visible light. Infrared cookers, infrared light, and thermometers are three instances of infrared.

As a result, it is not apparent to the human eye. The wavelength range of infrared radiation is typically thought to range from about 1 millimetre to the nominal red end of the visible spectrum, or about 700 nanometers.Near-, mid-, and far-infrared are the three main categories of infrared. Additionally, it may be separated into five groups: near-infrared, short-wavelength, mid-wavelength, long-wavelength, and far-infrared.Electrical warmers, food-cooking appliances, remote controls, optical fibres, security systems, and thermal imaging cameras that can see individuals in the dark all employ infrared (IR) light.

Thus these are the three examples of infrared.

To learn more about infrared, refer: brainly.com/question/21128736


What are the 7 types of text features?


All parts of narrative or article that aren't the primary text body are referred to as text features. Table of contents, index, glossary, headers, bolded words, sidebars, photos and captions, and labelled diagrams are a few examples of these.

About text features

Text Features are portions of a text that don't always exist in the text's main body. Text features, which make it simpler for readers to discover specific information inside the text, are frequently employed in nonfiction works like those that deal with science or social sciences.

The index, table of contents, captions beneath images or diagrams, glossary terms, labels or characteristics of graphs and charts, and bolded phrases are the nonfiction text aspects that are most frequently used.

To know more about text features:



After Auchwitz, the human condition i not the ame, nothing will be the ame. " Identify where imilar language i repeated later in hi peech. What i the effect of thi repetition?


It starts with the words "Yitgadal veyitkadash, Shmay Rabba," at Auschwitz which are used in Jewish funeral prayers. Similar wording is used again and again in his discourse. Elie Wiesel repeats ideas throughout his speech to drive home a point.

Which of the following best describes an emotional appeal Wiesel makes in his speech?

An illustration of an emotional plea Wiesel makes in his speech is, "Listen to the quiet screams of terrified mothers... and so on."

What was the motivation behind Wiesel's speech at Auschwitz?

Wiesel had delivered a speech in Auschwitz because he was one of the camp's few survivors and could describe what it was like.

To know more about the Auschwitz visit :-



The Westing Game
What lessons were learned? What evidence supports your conclusion?

Answer Plan: What to do:

1. Identify at least three lessons learned by the heirs.
2. State at least one example to support your conclusion for each lesson learned.
3. Write a concluding sentence.
pls actually help


The three lesson and conclusion is given below:

Lesson One: Perseverance is key to success. Evidence: The heirs were determined to solve the Westing game even when all the clues seemed to be pointing nowhere. They kept working together and eventually figured out the mystery.

Lesson Two: Teamwork is essential. Evidence: The heirs were only able to solve the Westing game because they worked together. Even when they argued, they still relied on one another to help piece together the clues.

Lesson Three: Everyone has a role to play. Evidence: Even though some of the heirs didn't have as much knowledge as others, they still found ways to contribute to the investigation. For example, Turtle was the one who finally solved the clue from the newspaper.

In conclusion, the Westing game taught the heirs valuable lessons about perseverance, teamwork, and the importance of everyone playing a role.

What is lesson?
A lesson is a unit of instruction, typically consisting of a presentation by a teacher, followed by student practice and feedback. Lessons can be used to teach a variety of subjects and skills, from language and literature to mathematics and science. Lessons are typically planned in advance and can include activities such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. They often involve the use of visual media, such as charts, graphs, and images. Lessons can be adapted to different student needs and interests, and should be designed to ensure that students are engaged and challenged.

To learn more about lesson

Can somebody help me with this ?


Johnson uses a reference to Ralph Waldo Emerson in his second paragraph to develop his argument as he praises Emerson as an admired figure of the past, and he calls on his audience to become worthy of such admiration. Therefore option D is the correct response.

Who is Ralph Waldo Emerson?

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a key proponent of New England transcendentalism. He was born on May 25, 1803, in Boston, Massachusetts, and passed away on April 27, 1882, in Concord, Massachusetts.

The Reverend William Emerson, a Unitarian minister and supporter of the arts, was the father of Emerson. The profession of divinity, which had drawn all of the son's predecessors in his direct line since Puritan times, was passed down to him.

Emerson was influenced by a number of Anglican writers and thinkers, including Ralph Cudworth, Robert Leighton, Jeremy Taylor, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. His mother, Ruth Haskins, came from a staunchly Anglican family.

To read more about Ralph Waldo Emerson, refer to - brainly.com/question/1863535


what is it called when the sequence of questions on a poll influences responses?


It is called ordering effects when the sequence of questions on a poll influences responses.

A poll is only as good as the questions that are asked. If the questions are not well thought out, the results of the poll will be questionable at best. The sequence of the questions is also important.

If the most important question is asked first, the respondent may be more likely to answer it truthfully. However, if a less important question is asked first, the respondent may be more likely to give a less than honest answer in order to get to the more important question.

To know more about sequence, click here.



What are keywords name any four keywords?


Keywords are words or phrases in the con-tent of your web pages that mat-ch the words and ph-rases users are enter-ing into search eng-ines as closely as poss-ible. Key-words allow you to build an SEO strat-egy around specific target phr-ases in a way that's meaning-ful and mea-surable.

Keywords are rese-rved words in Java, which have a special mean-ing in the lang-uage. Exam-ple: if, void, int, etc.

Keywords are pre-defined, reserved words used in program-ming that have a special mean-ing. Key-words are part of the syntax and they can-not be used as an ident-ifier. For exam-ple: int money; Here, int is a key-word that indic-ates 'money' is a variable of type inte-ger.

To know more about keywords click below:




Keywords are words or phrases in the con-tent of your web pages that mat-ch the words and ph-rases users are enter-ing into search eng-ines as closely as poss-ible. Key-words allow you to build an SEO strat-egy around specific target phr-ases in a way that's meaning-ful and mea-surable.


thx for the friend above i got 100% edu 2023.  

How was the world made



By carpenter dinosaurs





well i would say it depends on your religious opinion according to science sources the big bang theory but for christianity god created the earth

A crucible is a difficult test or challenge that forces people to change or make difficult decisions. What is this "test," and who passes it? Who fails it? Why do you think Miller decided to name this play "The Crucible?" Explain.​


In "The Crucible" John Proctor passed the test when he had the choice of confessing to the witchcraft trials or not to confess and die. At the end he accepted confessing because as he said, he rather die in honor than live in shame. Proctor passes the test of courage and honor.

What is Miller trying to say through The Crucible?

Miller is trying to say through The Crucible that government persecution of suspected communists was wrong. Senator Joseph McCarthy is being most criticized in The Crucible . He was in power  in the 1950's in The U.S. He  wanted to finish completely with communist sympathizers.

In fact, McCarthy was a senator during the Cold War with The Soviet Union. The Witches of Salem  represented the communist. They were encouraged to confess their identity to escape from punishment.

Therefore, In "The Crucible" John Proctor passed the test when he had the choice of confessing to the witchcraft trials or not to confess and die.

Learn more about "The Crucible" on:



What are the 5 parts of a research introduction?


The intro-duction to a research pa-per is where you set up your topic and app-roach for the read-er.

5 parts of res-earch paper are -

Step 1: Intro-duce your topic

Step 2: Des-cribe the back-ground

Step 3: Establish your rese-arch prob-lem

Step 4: Specify your object-ive(s)

Step 5: Map out your pa-per

These five steps will help you put toget-her an effective intro-duction for either type of rese-arch paper.

What is a research paper?

A research paper is a piece of acade-mic writing that pro-vides analysis, interpret-ation, and argument ba-sed on in-depth inde-pendent research. Research pa-pers are similar to academic es-says, but they are usual-ly longer.

To know more about research paper click below:







it’s a Religious holiday

Read the following text and answer the question that follows.

You and I, as individuals, can, by borrowing, live beyond our means, but for only a limited period of time. Why, then, should we think that collectively, as a nation, we're not bound by that same limitation? We must act today in order to preserve tomorrow. And let there be no misunderstanding: We are going to begin to act, beginning today.
~Ronald Reagan

Identify the rhetorical device illustrated in the bold-faced sentence.

Rhetorical question



The solution to this problem is exhausting. It is all we can do to not give up but giving up is not something we will do. The rhetorical device is Chiasmus illustrated in the bold-faced sentence.

A rhetorical device is a language technique that uses a specific phrase structure, tone, or pattern of meaning to elicit a specific response from the audience. Each rhetorical device is a unique instrument that can be utilized to create an argument or strengthen an already powerful argument.

Rhetoric is used whenever you try to educate, influence, or dispute with someone. You have experienced the power of rhetoric if you have ever reacted emotionally to a speech or if you have ever altered your opinion after hearing a competent debater's retort. You may boost your persuasive abilities while also enhancing your capacity to process and transmit information by having a basic understanding of rhetorical devices.

To know more about Rhetorical device here:



Rhetorical Question


How do you find a 3 digit number?


Three-digit numbers range in length from 100 to 999. Therefore, 100 is the lowest and 999 is the greatest three-digit number. The number's digit count determines what kind of number it is in mathematics. The place values of a three-digit number will be used to describe it.

Three-digit digits range from 100 to 999. Therefore, 100 is the lowest and 999 is the greatest three-digit number. The number's digit count determines what kind of number it is in mathematics. The place values of a three-digit number will be used to describe it. In addition to the nine single-digit numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, there are also Ninety- two -digit numbers (from 10 to 99). A two-digit number is created by adding a single digit and a zero (0). Now, in addition to zero, these single digits or double digits are also used to create three-digit integers (0).

Learn more about Three-digit numbers here:



eason that a filmed version that uses color would be more effective than a black-and-white version of either text?
A) Films produced in color are more interesting than those filmed in black-and-white.

B) Mendel's experiments focused on the color of the flowers of the plant, which is part of the description of the setting.

C)A black-and-white version would make it more difficult to capture the period of the time and the clothing worn by the characters.

D) A black-and-white version of the texts would not emphasize the difference between the outdoor setting and the indoor one as a well as color version would.​​


B. Mendel's experiments focused on the color of the flowers of the plant, which is part of the description of the setting.

What is the summary of Mendel's Experiment?

Mendel discovered while working with garden pea plants that F1 offspring from crossings between parents that varied by one feature all expressed the characteristics of one parent. Dominant qualities are those that can be seen, and recessive traits are those that cannot be seen. Mendel's experiment's F2 offspring showed either the dominant trait or the weak trait in a 3:1 ratio, demonstrating that the weak trait had been faithfully passed down from the initial P0 parent. Reciprocal crosses produced the same proportions of F1 and F2 progeny. Mendel demonstrated that his crossings acted consistently in accordance with the rules of probability and that the traits were transmitted as independent occurrences by analyzing huge sample numbers.

To know more about Mendel Experiment, visit:



Write a letter report on a naming ceremony that look place in your family a few weeks ago


Note that this is an informal letter. The sample requested is given below.

Dear Family,

I am writing to you all to share details of the wonderful naming ceremony that took place in our family a few weeks ago.

This ceremony was full of joy and happiness. We were all so excited to welcome our newest family member, and the event was a great success.

The ceremony began with a prayer of thanksgiving, followed by a reading of the baby’s name. The baby was then placed in the arms of a family member, where a blessing was said over him. We also held a small celebration, with food and drinks for everyone.

It was a beautiful and meaningful event that we will all remember for years to come. Our new family member is certainly a blessing to us all, and we are so thankful for this special occasion.


[Your Name]

What is an informal letter?

Informal letters are intimate messages you send to friends and relatives to share news about your life and to express your sympathies.

An informal letter is typically addressed to a member of the family, a close friend, or a close acquaintance. In an informal letter, the wording is informal and private.

Learn more about informal letters:

Is BTS one of the most famous?


Yes, Pop group BTS, whose catchy, upbeat songs have won them legions of fans, have been named as the world's best-selling artists for the second year running.

Which is a universal symbol of love?


The heart is known as the pure symbol of love.

Love is an intense, deep affection for another man or woman. Love is also a manner to sense this intense affection for someone. Love can also discuss with a robust like for something or to love something lots.

Our golden rule for love is: “Do unto others as they might have you do unto them.” rather than treating our partner as we would really like to be dealt with, we want to deal with them as they want to be dealt with.

In that spirit, we have one more wrong gender assumption you can throw out. Contrary to popular perception, girls don't fall in love quickly.

Learn more about Love here:-brainly.com/question/18906002


Do mandated reporters have the right to know the outcome in PA?


The mandated reporter will be required to provide the county's children's and the Information is available from youth agencies.

A mandated reporter is required to call the Police department in the city where the incident passed off immediately or as soon as is attainable. Flip in a written file inside 48 hours to the Police department in the city where the incident took place.

Beneath what conditions as mandated reporter ought to report. Country law offers one among three solutions: suspicion of abuse and overlook, affordable motive to believe, and affordable cause to suspect.

Illinois regulation protects the identification of all mandated newshounds and offers them immunity from liability as a result of right faith reports. however, any mandated reporter who fails to document an example of toddler abuse or overlook commits a crime and may be prosecuted.

Learn more about mandated reporter here:- https://brainly.com/question/22549862


What text feature does the passage include?
a. This biographical egg hunt now becomes a more
extensive exercise in digging up details. b. Formulating factual questions is one step: c. knowing just how much information you need is another critical aspect of successful research.


The section uses a text feature called callout. The phrase that best describes the purpose of this text element is that it emphasizes significant information.

This refers to the use of words—such as call out, repeat, etc.—to draw attention to anything in a literary work. As a result, it is clear from the paragraph that the narrative describes how the biographical exercise develops into a lengthy task and makes use of a text feature called a callout to highlight key points. Understanding the visual narrative's norm helped me better understand the importance of ceremony (and its unfortunate side) for the characters. A vision quest can be an entry-level ritual for the native peoples of North and South America. It´s implied to realize a state that delivers particular information from their spirits.

Learn more about Callout here:



What happens when you open your heart to someone?


Answer: You will be heart broken

Explanation: They rip your heart out of your chest and eat it


: to talk in a very open and honest way about one's feelings. He opened his heart (to her) and told her how he really felt. : to begin to be generous and kind.


Which word best characterizes the young people in this passage?humblenervoussensitiveimmoral.


The correct option is D. The term "immoral" perfectly describes the adolescents in this text. The passage from the Canterbury Tales that  involves intentionally transgressing moral laws by acting unethically or acting improperly.

It demonstrates how young people engaged in vice, foolishness, and other abhorrent excesses/vilest sacrifices like dicing, visiting brothels and bars. The complete opposite of moral activity is immorality. Simply put, it is doing the wrong thing despite knowing that doing the correct thing would be better. Geoffrey Chaucer, an English author, compiled "The Canterbury Tales" near the end of the 14th century. It tells the tale of a group of pilgrims making the journey from London to Canterbury, who decide to hold a storytelling competition to keep each other occupied.

Thus the correct answer is Option D.

Refer here to learn more about immoral: https://brainly.com/question/24865471


Type of question is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument is called?


Type of question is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument is called leading.

A respondent is someone who is asked to respond to the communication of another person. Law, survey methodology, and psychological conditioning are all examples of where the term is used. A researcher or research team will conduct respondent interviews by asking individuals questions about their opinions or experiences with a specific activity or event.

Panel respondents have the advantage of being chosen from a pool of people who have agreed to participate in market research surveys, which means they typically have higher engagement and a good response rate because respondents choose to participate in the research.

To know more about the respondent, click here.



What is Bodmas rule?


The BODMAS rule follows the order of the BODMAS acronym, in which B – Brackets, O – Order of powers or roots, D – Division, M – Multiplication A – Addition, and S – Subtraction.

The BODMAS rule follows the order of the BODMAS acronym, i.e. B – Brackets, O – Order of powers or roots, D – department, M – Multiplication A – Addition, and S – Subtraction. The BODMAS rule states that mathematical expressions with more than one operation need to be solved from left to right inside the order of BODMAS.

The BODMAS order of operations is crucial because we all might also interpret mathematical expressions in another way. One man or woman would possibly add first, and any other one might multiply first. Using BODMAS makes it positive that everybody makes calculations in a given mathematical expression following the equal sample.

Learn more about BODMAS here:-https://brainly.com/question/340132


Discuss the emotions created by the imagery in this poem. Choose at least two different images and discuss the emotions they create and how you believe they do so.

The Poem:
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear—
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


Ozymandias” is a sonnet written with the aid of using the English Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Shelley wrote “Ozymandias” in 1817 as a part of a poetry contest with a pal and had it posted in The Examiner in 1818 beneath the pen call Glirastes.

The required details for Ozymandias in given paragraph

The title “Ozymandias” refers to an exchange call of the historical Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II. In the poem, Shelley describes a crumbling statue of Ozymandias as a manner to painting the transience of political electricity and to reward art’s capacity to hold the past. Although the poem is a 14-line sonnet, it breaks from the standard sonnet culture in each its shape and rhyme scheme, a tactic that displays Shelley’s hobby in hard conventions, each political and poetic. "Ozymandias" is a sonnet written with the aid of using the English Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822). It changed into first posted within side the eleven January 1818 trouble of The Examiner of London. The poem changed into blanketed the subsequent 12 months in Shelley's collection Rosalind and Helen, A Modern Eclogue; with Other Poems, and in a posthumous compilation of his poems posted in 1826.

Shelley wrote the poem in pleasant opposition together along with his buddy and fellow poet Horace Smith (1779–1849), who additionally wrote a sonnet at the equal subject matter with the equal title.

To know about Ozymandias click here



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