When venous return is increased, stretch receptors in the atria of the heart are activated. this results in: ________


Answer 1

When venous return is increased, stretch receptors in the atria of the heart are activated. This results in: the inhibition of ADH secretion.

Heart is the organ if the circulatory system that is involved in the pumping of blood to he whole body. the humans heart is composed of 4 chambers, upper two atria and lower two ventricles. The heart keeps the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood separated.

ADH is the abbreviation for Anti-diuretic Hormone. It is also known by the name vasopressin. the hormone performs two functions: constriction of blood vessels and maintain the osmolarity of the body by regulating the amounts of water and salts.

To know more about ADH, here



Related Questions

Aphids can feed in leafy treetops or tree canopies. ants are usually not abundant in tree canopies unless aphids are also present. you introduce aphids to an area of the tree canopy and survey the abundance of ants over time. Finally, you take a tree and block the ants from the canopy. Then you spend three years counting the number and types of insects on the forest floor around this tree (tree A) and in the area around a tree in which ants are not blocked (tree B). You find that the area around tree A has 25% fewer ants and 40% more beetles than the area around tree B. These data support the hypothesis that: a. ecological interactions in the tree canopy always have a negative effect on forest floor communities. b. there is no relationship between ant abundance and beetle abundance. c. there is a negative relationship between ant abundance and beetle abundance. d. ecological interactions in the tree canopy have no effect on forest floor communities. e. Othere is a positive relationship between ant abundance and beetle abundance.


These data support the hypothesis that option c. there is a negative relationship between ant abundance and beetle abundance.

Aphids are little sap-sucking insects and members of the arthropod family. Common names embrace aphid and blackfly, though people inside a species will vary wide in color. The cluster includes the soft white woolly aphids. aphids will be quite damaging to plants, like crops, which implies they'll destroy our farms, trees, and gardens if left uncurbed.

In biology, the tree canopy is the surface portion of a plant cropping or crop, shaped by the gathering of individual plant crowns. In forest ecology, cover conjointly refers to the higher layer or environment zone, shaped by mature tree crowns and together with alternative biological organisms.

To learn more about Aphids here



d. plasmids which cell structure is an important component in modern genetic engineering techniques?


Plasmids, genes required for aging and metabolar activity. Cell structure is an important component in modern genetic engineering techniques.

Extrachromosomal DNA that is physically different from chromosomal DNA and has its own replication apparatus is called a plasmid. Small, circular, double-stranded DNA molecules known as plasmids are most usually found in bacteria, while they can also occasionally be detected in archaea and eukaryotic cells. Plasmids usually carry genes that give an organism a survival benefit and a selective advantage in the natural world, such as antibiotic resistance. Contrary to chromosomes, which are enormous and contain all the genetic information necessary for regular cellular function, plasmids are frequently quite small and only contain supplementary genes that may be useful in particular contexts or conditions. Artificial plasmids are often used in molecular cloning as vectors to encourage the replication of recombinant DNA sequences inside hosts. Plasmids are regarded as replicons, or DNA molecules that can replicate on their own in the appropriate host. Similar to viruses, plasmids are not commonly considered to be a component of life. Plasmids are typically transferred from one bacterial species to another by conjugation (even those of a different species). Plasmids are thought to be a part of the mobilome, and the transfer of genetic material from one host to another is one way that genes are transferred horizontally.

To know more about plasmids please refer: https://brainly.com/question/15461017


consider the beetle pair in cross d of model 1. what is the probability for that beetle pair to have three black exoskeleton offspring in a row?


There's a about 75% chance that beetle couple will produce three successive offspring with black exoskeletons.

Some animal species' bodies are supported and shielded by hard coverings called exoskeletons. Exoskeleton literally translates to "outside skeleton." Animals without backbones known as invertebrates frequently have exoskeletons. Animals with exoskeletons most commonly include insects. Chitin is a material that serves as the exoskeleton of insects. Chitin is also a structural component of the exoskeletons of similar species such as scorpions, ticks, mites, spiders, lobsters, shrimp, and lobsters. Exoskeletons are rigid and hard, yet they also have joints or bending parts. Animals are able to move easily thanks to these joints. Land animals have spiracles, which are tiny breathing pores in their exoskeletons.

Learn more about Exoskeleton here



M protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of:_______.


M protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of streptococcus.

Streptococcus is a genus of gram-positive eubacterium or spherical bacteria that belongs to the family Streptococcaceae, at intervals the order Lactobacillales, within the phylum Bacillota. cellular division in streptococci happens on one axis, thus as they grow, they have a tendency to create pairs or chains that will seem bent or twisted.

Hyaluronidase is a natural substance found within the body, that is collected from either cows or pigs. it's clean up to get rid of animal substances. It should even be created in an exceedingly laboratory that recreates it from human human albumin sources.

To learn more about hyaluronidase here



in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (mods), the gut hypothesis attempts to explain which phenomena?


in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (mods), the gut hypothesis attempts to explain, translocation of bacteria.

The Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) is the emergence of a possibly reversible physiologic derangement affecting two or more organ systems that were unrelated to the condition that led to ICU admission, and that occurs after a physiologic insult that may be life-threatening.

It is a life threatening condition that can be termed as sepsis, leading to multi-organ failure.

To know more about sepsis, click here,



Which of these was the dominant plant group at the time that dinosaurs were the dominant animals?
a. bryophytes b. charophyceans c. angiosperms


(Option B.) Charophyceans were the most abundant plant group during the time dinosaurs were dominant, since angiosperms had not yet evolved.

The Dominant Plant Group During the Age of Dinosaurs: Charophyceans

Option B. Charophyceans

Charophyceans were the earliest known form of green algae, appearing in the fossil record in the Cambrian period. They are characterized by a hard, silica-encrusted cell wall, and they used photosynthesis to produce energy. This type of plant life would have been abundant in the shallow waters of the Mesozoic era, which was the period when dinosaurs were the dominant animals on earth. Charophyceans were likely the main source of food for some dinosaurs, as well as an important part of the food chain for other species. Charophyceans also provided oxygen to the atmosphere, helping to sustain the environment that allowed for the development of the dinosaurs.

Learn more about Dinosaurs: https://brainly.com/question/4207376


if a muscle fiber has a very long refractory period, what consequence would this have on the ability of the muscle to achieve a tetanic contraction?


When tetanized, the contracting withinside the muscle stays consistent in a consistent state.

This is the maximal viable contraction. During tetanic contractions, muscle mass can shorten, prolong or continue to be consistent period. Tetanic contraction is generally normal (together with whilst keeping up a heavy box). Contraction period - anxiety will increase as movement capacity is spreading alongside the period of the muscle tissue.

Relaxation period – muscle relaxes, relieves anxiety or comes again to its unique period. Since it takes place because of passive anxiety from the connective tissues, takes extra time than the contraction phase. The longer the muscle fiber, the bigger the pressure it may generate because of the elevated wide variety of myosin-actin bridges it may form.

Read more about muscle;



labrador retrievers (breed of dog) have a gene [b] encoding an enzyme that makes hair pigment. the allele for black coat color (b) is dominant to the allele for brown coat color (b). however, there are multiple genes that determine the dog's coat color. if a lab has two copies of the recessive allele for a pigment-depositing gene (ee), it can only have a yellow coat color, regardless of whether the dog carries either a b or b allele for gene b. in a cross of two doubly heterozygous black labs (bbee x bbee), what fraction of the next generation would one expect to be yellow?


Pheomelanin is the second pigment that influences a dog's coat color. This red pigment's natural color is either gold or yellow. Pheomelanin can generate reds that are deep red (like those found in Irish Setters), orange, cream, gold, or yellow.

What kind of allele manifests when it has two copies?

Recessive alleles only have an impact on homozygous people, commonly known as those with two copies of the gene. For instance, you need two copies of the "blue eye" allele because it is recessive in order to have blue eyes.

Multiple-choice question: What role does the B gene have in the color of the Labrador retriever's coat?

The genotypes of two genes determine the coat color of Labrador dogs. In one The recessive allele, B, results in brown fur, whereas the dominant allele, B, results in black fur.

To know more about Labrador dogs gene visit:-



In animals, what is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning?


Reproductive cloning is the process of creating genetic copies of entire organisms, whereas therapeutic cloning is the process of creating genetic copies of tissues or organs to replace damaged body parts.

Reproductive cloning is the intentional creation of genetically identical individuals. Each newly created person is a clone of the original. Natural clones are monozygotic (identical) twins. Somatic cell nuclear transfer is used in reproductive cloning to create an animal that is genetically identical to a donor animal. The newly created embryo is placed back into the uterine environment where it can implant and develop in reproductive cloning. Dolly the sheep is probably the best-known example.

The transfer of nuclear material isolated from a somatic cell into an enucleated oocyte with the goal of producing embryonic cell lines with the same genome as the nuclear donor is known as therapeutic cloning. The process of creating a cloned embryo solely for the purpose of producing embryonic stem cells with the same DNA as the donor cell is known as therapeutic cloning. These stem cells can be used in experiments to better understand disease and develop new treatments.

To learn more about Reproductive and therapeutic cloning, here



Cell division that reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid, reduction division is called?


Meiosis, also known as "reduced division," involves cutting the number of chromosomes in half to ensure that the baby's chromosomal count will be accurate after the fusing of the sperm and the egg.

Which sort of cell division causes the diploid number of chromosomes to change to haploid?

Meiosis, a type of cell division in which the number of chromosomes in a parent diploid cell is cut in half, is the process that results in the production of haploid gametes.

Does mitosis turn haploid from diploid?

In meiosis, diploid cells are divided into four new haploid cells, whereas in mitosis, diploid cells are mostly divided into two new diploid cells.

To know more about Meiosis visit:-



Chronic inflammatory condition consisting of distinct red or pink lesions covered with silver scaling
a. True
b. False


Chronic inflammatory condition consisting of distinct red or pink lesions covered with silver scaling: Not contagious, thought to be an autoimmune disease.FALSE

Irritation is a vital part of your frame's recovery technique. It happens when inflammatory cells tour the location of a harmful or foreign body like bacteria. If inflammatory cells stay too lengthy, it may lead to continual inflammation.

The inflammatory reaction (infection) takes place when tissues are injured by way of microorganisms, trauma, pollutants, warmth, or every other purpose. The damaged cells launch chemical compounds consisting of histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins. these chemicals motivate blood vessels to leak fluid into the tissues, inflicting swelling.

Learn more about inflammation here:



Help me with the protein synthesis


Protein synthesis is the process in which the cells make the proteins and the various steps are included in it. The starting unit of protein synthesis is the amino acid.

What is the type of bonding present in the proteins ?

It is the peptide bonds that are present in the protein structure. Depends on the number and the chain types that are present determines the structures of proteins.

The 5 major steps in the protein synthesis are written as following :

1.  Activation of  the amino acids

2. Transfer of the  amino acids to  the tRNA

3. Initiation of polypeptide chain

4.The  Chain Termination

5.  The Protein translocation

It takes place in the ribosomes and the machinery enzymes for the protein synthesis are present in the ribosomes as well. It is made up of 2 sub units.

Learn mnore about protein synthesis at :



__________ is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.


Homeobox is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.

A Homeobox (Hox) is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms. It is most commonly associated with the control of segment identity in animals and is composed of a 180-base pair DNA sequence that acts as a transcription factor, allowing it to control the expression of other genes. The Homeobox is the key component in the development of the body plan of the organism, with different Hox genes controlling the development of different parts of the body. The Homeobox is also involved in the regulation of plant development and is believed to be responsible for the vast range of morphological variation seen in plants. The Homeobox is an important evolutionary tool, allowing for the rapid adaptation of organisms to their environment.

To know more about  Homeobox refer to the link  brainly.com/question/2677453


Hannah is trying to figure out how tooth size is determined in two different wolves. in wolf 1, the copies of the gene are different from each other. in wolf 2, the copies of the gene are the same as each other. how does this affect how many types of proteins there are in each tooth cell?


Hannah figure out tooth size in two different wolves:

Wolf 1 has two types of protein for the tooth size feature.

Wolf 2 has one type of protein for the tooth size feature.

Can the same proteins connect in different ways?

Even though the proteins for the stripe pattern are the same, the proteins can interact in various ways, thus they will have different striped patterns.

How do you separate proteins from the same size?

It is described how to separate proteins with virtually identical sizes but various isoelectric points. Convective electrophoresis is the technique employed, and it is based on how proteins are transported over a porous membrane while simultaneously being affected by diffusion, electrical migration, and opposing convective flow.

To know more about proteins visit



intestinal polyps are benign neoplasms and the first stage in development of colon cancer. these findings support the notion that: a. tumor invasion and metastasis progress more slowly in the gastrointestinal tract. b. apoptosis is triggered by diverse stimuli including excessive growth. c. an accumulation of mutations in specific genes is required for the development of cancer. d. cancers of the colon are more easily diagnosed in the benign form because they can be visualized during colonoscopy.


Cancer must emerge as a result of a buildup of mutations in particular genes.

Option c is accurate.

Which gene is an illustration of an oncogene?

The involvement of the N-myc gene, which is linked to c-myc, in neuroblastoma is a well-known instance of oncogene amplification (a childhood tumor of embryonal neuronal cells).

How does the telomerase enzyme function in cancer cells?

A molecule of RNA that functions as a template for new telomere segments is present in the enzyme. The majority of malignancies turn on the telomerase gene, which results in the telomeric repeat sequence being continuously appended to the ends of their DNA molecules.

To know more about oncogene visit:-



What does hydrocarbon release?


Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases are released by hydrocarbons, which contribute to air pollution and climate change. CO2 is an inevitable byproduct of the combustion of hydrocarbons.

Aside from the repercussions of burned hydrocarbons, unburned hydrocarbons are even more hazardous when they escape. Motor exhaust, as well as evaporating petroleum and gas, include toxic, carcinogenic compounds. Heavy forms can pollute groundwater and soil.

Because methane, the most discussed hydrocarbon in this context, is a more potent heat-trapping greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, it has a bigger influence on global warming when it escapes into the atmosphere unburned.

It would be hard to completely stop using crude oil, gas, and coal, but we may try to lessen their negative impacts while developing the future's fully emission-free alternatives.

learn more about combustion of hydrocarbons at https://brainly.com/question/29455281


Can I turn my cat into a diamond?



Yes. It is scientifically possible to turn your beloved deceased pet or human relative into a diamond that you wear on your finger as a token of remembrance. In fact, there are companies that exist right now that are willing to do this for you.


Yes. It is scientifically possible to turn your beloved deceased pet or human relative into a diamond that you wear on your finger as a token of remembrance. In fact, there are companies that exist right now that are willing to do this for you.

Read more on Brainly.com - https://brainly.com/question/29832609#readmore


Calculate the surface area,
volume, and surface area to volume ratio of a
cube with 3mm sides.


surface area = 6 * (side length * side length) = 6 * (3mm * 3mm) = 54mm^2

Volume = (side length * side length * side length) = (3mm * 3mm * 3mm) = 27mm^3

Surface area to volume ratio = surface area / volume = 54mm^2 / 27mm^3 = 2

Therefore, the surface area of the cube is 54mm^2, the volume is 27mm^3, and the surface area to volume ratio is 2. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

There should be at least 3g of dietary fiber for every 100 calories per serving. (True or False)


There should be at least 3g of dietary fiber for every 100 calories per serving is False.

The following Codex recommendations are used by the industry code of practice. Source of fibre:

3 g per 100g, 1.5 g per 100 Kcalories, or 10% of the daily recommended value per serving.

High in fiber at 6g per 100g, 3g per 100 Kcal, or 20% of the daily recommended amount per serving.The majority of us do not get enough fibre in our diets. But eating the necessary amount each day is simpler than you would imagine. Women need 25 grammes, while males need 38 grammes, for people under 50.Fiber lowers cholesterol, maintains regular bowel movements, aids in weight management, and lowers your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. So read food labels carefully and, whenever possible, select "high fiber" meals that have more than 5 grammes of fiber per serving. If you frequently don't get enough fibre from food, think about taking supplements. Psyllium and methylcellulose are two examples.

To know more about calories check the below link:



Which of the following requires treatment with both antibiotics and antitoxins? A) diphtheria. B) tuberculosis. C) whooping cough. D) scarlet fever


Diphtheria requires treatment with both antibiotics and antitoxins.

Antibiotics are drug treatments that combat infections resulting from bacteria in humans and animals by using both killing the microorganism and making it difficult for the bacteria to develop and multiply. Microorganisms are germs. They live within the environment and all over the outside and inside of our bodies.

An antibiotic is a sort of antimicrobial substance lively towards microorganisms. It's miles the most important sort of antibacterial agent for fighting bacterial infections, and antibiotic medicinal drugs are widely used in the remedy and prevention of such infections.

Antibiotics are used to deal with or save you from some forms of bacterial contamination.

Learn more about Antibiotics here:-brainly.com/question/10600923


what is the correct path of a red blood cell as it returns to the heart in the vena cava from the body


The correct path of blood flow is, aorta, artery, arterioles, capillaries, venioles, veins, vena cava.

The body receives nutrition, oxygen, and waste elimination through the blood, which is a fluid that circulates continuously. Blood is "thicker" than pure water because it is largely liquid and contains many suspended cells and proteins. More than a gallon of blood is present in the average person.

The blood is pumped by the heart to various other organs, and blood runs in a cycle.

To know more about blood, click here,



Blue Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, Blue must install certain equipment


Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment before beginning operations.

The CWA expressly forbids any discharge of a pollutant from a point source to surface waters unless done in accordance with the act's requirements, and the statute has maintained as an explicit "national goal" since 1972 the elimination of all point-source discharges to surface waters by 1985.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was enacted in 1974 to provide for the prevention and control of water pollution, as well as the maintenance or restoration of the country's water's wholesomeness. The Act seeks to maintain or restore the wholesome nature of water in order to establish Boards and vest them with the necessary powers to carry out the Act's purposes.

To learn more about Clean Water Act, here



What is one interesting fact about the small intestine?



The small intestine is 6 meters long, which is about 20 feet!


Which releases hormones that increase the rate of cellular respiration throughout the body?


The hormones that increase the rate of cellular respiration throughout the body are epinephrine and norepinephrine.

These hormones are released by the adrenal glands in response to stress. When these hormones are released, they signal the cells to increase their energy production.

This increased energy production increases the rate of respiration in order to provide the energy needed for the body to respond to the situation.

This increased respiration rate causes the cells to break down glucose and other nutrients faster, resulting in an increase in ATP production which provides the energy for the body to respond to the stress.

The increased respiration rate also increases the production of carbon dioxide and other waste products, which must be eliminated from the body in order to maintain a healthy balance.

To know more about adrenaline, click below:



microbiology boiling water is a common method used to sterilize water that may be contaminated. subjecting microbes to such high temperatures is an example of a(n) technique


Boiling water is a common method used to sterilize water that may be contaminated. Subjecting microbes to such high temperatures is an example of a(n)  microbicidal technique.

Any drug or method for killing germs (bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can cause infection and disease). Also known as germicide.

Microbicidal antimicrobials kill microorganisms; microbiostatic antimicrobials only prevent their development. Bleach and other disinfectants are non-selective antimicrobials."

Is alcohol a microbicidal?

The FDA has not approved any liquid chemical sterilant or high-level disinfection that contains alcohol as its primary active component. These alcohols are bactericidal rather than bacteriostatic against vegetative bacteria; they are also tuberculocidal, fungicidal, and virucidal but do not kill bacterial spores.

Learn more about microbicidal to visit this link



Full Episode :Boiling water is a common method used to sterilize water that may be contaminated. Subjecting microbes to such high temperatures is an example of a(n) _________________ technique.

a. microbicidal

b. microbistatic

c. intermittent sterilization

d. tyndallization

e. pasteurization

in eukaryotes, the cap on an mrna is the site where a. ribosomes attach at the start of translation. b. the mrna is protected from attack by rna-digesting enzymes. c. the start codon is located. d. the process of translation ends. e. the stop codon is covered until needed.


The correct option is A ; Ribosomes attach at the start of translation , The ribosome and a tRNA connect to the mRNA at the start of translation.

The tRNA is found in the first docking site of the ribosome. The anticodon of this tRNA is complementary to the beginning codon of the mRNA, where translation begins.

The cap is a guanine (G) nucelotide that protects the mRNA from degradation. It also assists the ribosome in attaching to the mRNA and beginning to read it in order to produce a protein.

The cap shields the 5′ end of the main RNA transcript from ribonuclease assault and is identified by eukaryotic initiation proteins involved in assembling the ribosome on mature mRNA prior to translation start.

All eukaryotic mRNA has a cap structure, which is a N7-methylated guanosine connected to the RNA's first nucleotide through .

Learn more about to eukaryotes visit here;



Select the statements that accurately describe the differences between a hemiacetal and a glycoside. a. A glycoside forms when a hemiacetal condenses with an alcohol. b. A hemiacetal forms when an aldose condenses with an alcohol. c. An O-glycosidic bond does not involve an anomeric carbon atom. d. Hemiacetal formation eliminates a chiral center. e. Disaccharides contain glycosidic bonds.


The statement that accurately describes the differences between a hemiacetal and a glycoside is Hemiacetal formation eliminates a chiral center.

The correct option is D.

What are hemiacetals and glycosides?

Hemiacetals are compounds formed when the -CHO group an aldehyde reacts with the -OH group of an alcohol.

A common example of hemiacetals is sugar molecules such as glucose.

Glycosides are compounds formed when sugar monomers are bonded through their anomeric carbon to another group to form an O-glycosidic bond or an S-glycosidic bond. For example, starch molecules are glycosides formed from glucose monomers.

Learn more about glycosides and hemiacetals at: https://brainly.com/question/2161013


what is biological (or biochemical) oxygen demand (bod)? how are excess nutrients in water related to bod?


The term "biochemical oxygen demand" (BOD) refers to how much oxygen is used by bacteria and other microorganisms during the aerobic decomposition of organic matter at a particular temperature.

One thing you cannot see in a lake's water when you look at it is oxygen. Temperature, pH, the type of microorganisms present, as well as the type of organic and inorganic material in the water, all have an impact on the rate of oxygen consumption. Wastewater from sewage treatment plants often contains organic elements that are degraded by microbes, which use oxygen in the process. If the B.O.D. is high, microbes are utilizing the majority of the oxygen. Larger aquatic species find it difficult to thrive in this environment. On the other hand, when the BOD is low, there is a surplus of oxygen, which results in good water quality.

To learn more about biochemical oxygen demand click here https://brainly.com/question/28268374


what research question did david tilman and colleagues address when they planted varying numbers of species from different functional groups of grassland plants in experimental plots?


It would allow a adequate comparison for erosion. Calculated soil depth through time on the a range of experimental plots with varied levels of species richness.

What did David Tilman demonstrate the relationship between species richness and community stability?

He discovered plots in his experiment with much more species but less change in biomass production from prior years.He also came to the conclusion that greater diversity boosted production.Thus, David Tilman demonstrates that "the species richness of a community determines its stability."

What impact does species diversity have on productivity?

If different species consume different resources, increasing the initial number of species in a system can lead to complementarity in resource usage.An assemblage of species' production will be higher in this situation than that of the productivity of the any one species.

To know more about species visit:



what condition involves a thickening of the lens of the eye, which causes vision to become cloudy, opaque, and distorted?


The condition is Eye Cataracts.

When  injury or aging occurs,  the tissues that make up the lens of the eye changes. The fibers and proteins in the lens begin to break down, making vision  cloudy or blurry.

The haze thickens as the cataract continues to grow. Cataracts block light from reaching the lens and impair vision. People with cataracts lack sharp images in their vision.

This is because light cannot pass through the lens, which helps form a sharp image on the retina.

There are different types of cataracts: nuclear cataract (forms in the center of the lens), cortical cataract (forms in the rim of the lens), posterior subcapsular cataract (forms in the back of the lens), and congenital Cataracts (they are present at birth).

Read more about cataracts on:



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