When using a bottom to top shelving order what determines the best placement of food?


Answer 1

Minimum internal cooking temperature of food is the best option when using a bottom to top shelving order which determines the best placement of food.

About Food

Food is any substance consumed by an organism for nutritional support. Food is usually of plant, animal, or fungal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and assimilated by the organism's cells to provide energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth. Different species of animals have different feeding behaviours that satisfy the needs of their unique metabolisms, often evolved to fill a specific ecological niche within specific geographical contexts.

To know more about food:



Related Questions

Conjugate the verb ser in all forms in the present tense describe two circumstances.



All conjugations of the verb "ser" are listed below:

yo soy

tú eres

vos sois

usted es

el/ella es

nosotros somos

vosotros sois

ustedes son

ellos son

There are two cases in which verb "ser" is used. First, when we need to describe who is the subject (i.e. Ella es Jayne), second, when we need to associate a subject to an inherent characteristic (i.e. Jayne es la Crustácea).


What were the most important New Deal programs?


The United States Housing Authority and the FSA were both established in 1937, and the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938,

which established limit hours and minimum pay for most types of employees, was the last significant piece of New Deal legislation.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was established by the Glass-Steagall Operate of 1933, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was established in 1934 to act as a watchdog over the stock market and to crack down on unethical behavior.

In many respects, the Social Security Act of the same year, which provided security for people who are approaching old age with a self-supporting plan for retirement pensions, was one of the most significant New Deal initiatives.

Learn more about to  New Deal visit here;



What's the author's purpose to persuade people of the quote below? and why is it important?

“I have not winced nor cried aloud.”


The author's purpose to persuade quote “I have not winced nor cried aloud.” are the meaning was victim of the event that have transpired in his life.

What is author's?

The writer of the story is referred to as the "author." The author is currently working on getting her manuscript published. The author is expected to compose the story based on her understanding.

The author has not allowed oneself to become prisoner of the circumstances that have occurred in his life. Invictus by William Ernest Henley is a motivational poem. This poem illustrates the writer's attempt to push himself in the absence of hope.

As a result, the significance of the author's, are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on author, here:



What is the most common cause of a collision when driving?


The most common cause of a collision when driving is Driver error

Driver error is typically described as when a driver behaves poorly behind the wheel, however, this generic description can apply to a variety of scenarios and circumstances. Just a few negligent driving habits that are regarded as driver errors are listed below. driving erratically.

Speeding (includes going below or beyond the designated speed limit, notably in construction and school zones, as well as driving too fast for the conditions) (including going below or above the designated speed limit, especially in construction and school zones, as well as driving too fast for the conditions) Drive when distracted. driving while texting. driving while exhausted or nodding off behind the wheel.

Learn more about Driver errors here:



What does open minded mean to a guy?


Being open-minded is being able to accept alternative points of view and attempting to be sympathetic to others, even when you disagree with them. Of course, openness has its limitations. It does not imply that you must agree with all ideologies.

However, in 2021, being open-minded does not imply a lack of values, judgments, or beliefs on what is appropriate or acceptable.

It simply means being able to suspend one's natural preconceptions, to challenge one's unconscious bias, and to allow for the possibility of another thought, scenario, or reality for a few seconds.

You like someone who is open-minded because they are eager to listen to and consider other people's thoughts and opinions.

Learn more about to open minded visit here;



Why BTS music is inspiring?


With his seven members RM, Jin, SUGA, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook, BTS has a lot of love for their music, especially lyrics that often touch on personal and social comments on the subject.

What made BTS so successful?

But, unlike South Korea's Big Three, Bang allowed his idol to express himself by writing his own music and interacting directly with his fans. This relative freedom makes BTS the most popular band in the world and Bang millionaires.

Why do people like BTS?

BTS has evolved from a hip-hop group with swag to a highly eclectic artist with a deep, underlying message in every song. For example, her song says it's important not only to love yourself and face your fears, but also to acknowledge your negative feelings.

What's so special about BTS' music?

Since their debut in 2013, BTS has become a quintessential pop music phenomenon. They earned two Grammy nominations, charted four No. 1 albums, broke 25 Guinness World Records.

To learn more about BTS music visit:



How old are mashed potatoes?


According to some historians, Antoine Parmentier, a Frenchman, conducted a competition to find the best methods to prepare potatoes in 1771, and the winning recipe was for mashed potatoes.

According to some reports, the English invented mashed potatoes with gravy sometime in the 1600s. Mashable potatoes can be stored for up to 12 months in the freezer or for 3–5 days in the refrigerator. However, you must take care to handle and keep them carefully. When starchy foods like mashed potatoes are left out at room temperature for too long, germs can develop and spread. In 1962, the rhythm and blues song "The Mashed Potato" started a huge dance craze. James Brown's 1959 song "(Do the) Mashed Potatoes," which became well-known,

To learn more about Parmentier please click on below link



What is lesson about in the poem of Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night?


The book "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" aims to teach readers how to deal with death while living your best life possible.

It all begins with a fundamental truth: death is unavoidable. The wise folks at their end realize that the gloom is right, as Thomas states in line 4. In other words, they understand that they cannot stop dying.The core theme, as in "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night," is that life is precious and should be maintained at all costs. The poem's speaker counsels readers on how to face death with passion and dignity rather than resignation; he or she believes that as one approaches death, one should "flame and rave."

Thus this is the lesson of the poem.

Refer here to learn more about the poem: brainly.com/question/4869758


Marcus is writing an essay about the unusual use of punctuation in emily dickinson's poetry. He wants to use a phrase from an outside source in one of the sentences he is writing. Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of including quoted material in a sentence?.


An example of how to correctly include a quotation into a sentence is the line Dickinson makes unusual use of punctuation "to upset regular linguistic relationships" (Denman 46).

A quotation is the repetition of a word, phrase, or paragraph from a speech or book. It is the expression of an oral speaking utterance that is prefixed with a quotative marker, like the verb to say. For instance, John said, "I saw Mary today."A direct quote is when you use the exact words or statements of another person in your own work. If the quoted sentence is a complete sentence, the first letter must be capitalized. As an illustration, my sister said, "I need to finish my studies."

Thus this is the sentence that demonstrates the correct use of including quoted material in a sentence.

Refer here to learn more about quotation: https://brainly.com/question/15673731


Here's the full question-

PLEASE HELP NEED ANSWER FAST !!!!!Marcus is writing an essay about the unusual use of punctuation in Emily Dickinson's poetry. He wants to use a phrase from an outside source in one of the sentences he is writing. Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of including quoted material in a sentence?

A) Dickinson makes unusual use of punctuation "to disrupt conventional linguistic relations" (Denman 46).

B) Dickinson makes unusual use of punctuation "To Disrupt conventional linguistic Relations" (46).

C) Dickinson makes unusual use of punctuation, "to disrupt conventional linguistic relations." (Denman. 46)

D) Dickinson makes unusual use of punctuation "to disrupt conventional linguistic relations." (Denman).

What’s the effect of Lam’s admission that he owns the latest technology and has bought more food than he can eat?


After a formal dinner, I threw away tasty food that I had purchased in excess of what I could consume. the effect of Lam’s admission that he use cutting-edge technology and has bought more food than he can eat

What faith is mentioned in Lam's novel The Jungle?

In reaction, they added their own customs to Catholicism (forming Santera), all the while maintaining to practice their respective religions, including Voodoo, covertly and in places like the dense jungle in Lam's image.

Where was Wifredo Lam from and who was he?

On December 8, 1902, Wifredo Oscar la grande Poblacion Lam y Madrid was born in Support is available la Grande, Cuba. His family relocated to Havana in 1916, and he enrolled in the Scuola Bellas Artes. He displayed his work in the Phraseological de la Asociación of Tentatively conclude y Escultores in Habana in the early 1920s.

To know more about Lam's visit:



What are the 5 types of text structures?


These five text structures—description, sequencing, cause and effect, compare & contrast, and issue and solution—are taught in this lesson because they are often utilised in informational & nonfiction texts.

Text structures describe how writers arrange information in their texts. Students may concentrate on important ideas and relationships, predict what will happen next, and keep track of their knowledge as they read by comprehending the fundamental structure of texts. Text structures can take many different forms. Compare and contrast, issue & solution, chronological, cause and effect, descriptive, & process are a few examples of frequent ones.

All the parts of a narrative or article that aren't the primary text body are referred to as text features. Table of contents, indexes, glossary, headers, bolded words, sidebars, photos and captions, and labelled diagrams are a few examples of these.

To know more about text structures:



How do you soften potatoes for potato salad?


Your sliced potatoes should only be boiled for 5 minutes in salted water, or until they start to soften and turn transparent. They should be taken out of the water and allowed to air dry on paper towels.

If you don't cook the potatoes long enough, you'll end up with hard, crunchy potatoes, which are never appropriate for this recipe. If you overcook the potatoes, they will become mushy.

Cubed potatoes will cook in around 15 minutes, however entire fresh potatoes or bigger chunks would take 20 to 25 minutes. Use the point of a knife to puncture the potatoes to observe how much resistance there is to determine when they are finished. You're done if it inserts effortlessly! Water is brought to a boil. Reduce.

To learn more about potatoes please click on below link



What is bigger than Googolplexian?


Graham's number and Skewes's number is greater than the Googolplexian number.

It's so big that the universe doesn't contain enough to write that number. It's literally too big to write on. But even though this number is finite, it's also an integer, and it's incredibly large, we know it's divisible by 3 and ends in 7.

Googolplexian Number : A googol is 10 to the 100th power, a 1 followed by 100 zeros. This is an unimaginably large number, but there are infinitely larger numbers. One such number is googolplex. This is 10 to the power of googol, or 1 followed by 0 googol.

and, it can be written as follows:


Learn more about Googolplex Number here:



what can we learn about migrant workers during the great depression through the narration of this chapter?


We can learn about migrant workers during the great depression Learn that they are isolated and lonely.

What do you mean by migrant workers?

A “migrant worker” is defined in the International Labour Organization (ILO) instruments as a person who migrates from one country to another (or who has migrated from one country to another) with a view to being employed other than on his own account, and includes any person regularly admitted as a migrant for .

Who is considered a migrant?

Migrant. While there is no formal legal definition of an international migrant, most experts agree that an international migrant is someone who changes his or her country of usual residence, irrespective of the reason for migration or legal status.

To know more about migrant workers visit:



Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 4 of The Tragedy of
Macbeth. Then comes my fit again: I had else been
Whole as the marble, founded as the rock,
As broad and general as the casing air:
But now I am cabin'd, cribb'd, confin'd, bound in
To saucy doubts and fears. But Banquo's safe?
First Murderer. Ay, my good lord; safe in a ditch he
With twenty trenched gashes on his head;
The least a death to nature.

What does the murderer mean by the phrase "safe in a

O Banquo has run away.

O Banquo has attacked them.

O Banquo has been slain.

O Banquo has gone into hiding.


Banquo has been slain. Macbeth inquires whether "Banquo's safe," that is, whether he is safely taken care of—dead. The murderer responds, "I'm safe in a ditch...with twenty gashes on my head."

What is the role of Banquo in Macbeth?Banquo is a thane in Duncan's army who initially befriends Macbeth. At the start of the play, he is equal in rank to Macbeth, and while Macbeth is told that he will be King, Banquo is told that his children will be kings.Duncan recognises Banquo as "no less deserving" of praise than Macbeth, but Banquo is overshadowed by Macbeth's accomplishments and ambition from the start of the play. Banquo, on the other hand, is not without ambition. He also asks the Witches for a prophecy and is pleased to learn that his children will rule Scotland.Banquo, like Macbeth, appears oblivious to the fact that the cost of the Witches' prophecy will be his death. In Act III, murderers kill Banquo at Macbeth's command and attempt to murder his young son, Fleance, who escapes. Soon after his death, Banquo appears in the form of a ghost at the Macbeths' castle banquet. At the end of the play, Banquo's most important character remains offstage: his son, Fleance, who could return to avenge his father's death and ascend to the throne of Scotland, fulfilling the Witches' prophecy that Banquo's sons will one day be king.

To learn more about Macbeth refer :



the gods decide that enkidu and gilgamesh are too strong together. what makes them decide to split up the pair and what is their plan for enkidu?


When the gods hear his petitions, they decide to make Enkidu to counterbalance Gilgamesh's dominance and also to teach them a lesson. Enkidu is wild as nature itself and produced from the soil.

What connection does Gilgamesh have to Enkidu?

Gilgamesh and Enkidu's Relationship in the Gilgamesh Epic One of the most extraordinary works of ancient Babylonian literature is The Epic of Gilgamesh. The state of man as just a mortal being on earth is its central concern.

What characteristics do the gods inside the Gilgamesh Epic have?

The Gilgamesh Epic proves that the gods' nature and their assistance always have one direction—to govern. In general, there are numerous ways to understand the true nature of the gods' goals and concern for humanity as they are expressed in The Epic of Gilgamesh.

To now more about Gilgamesh's visit:



Suppose Isabella wants to find out about how Formula 1 drivers earn points after each race. Isabella would find most of the information __________.

A.in a newspaper article about famous Formula 1 drivers
B.in a chart listing the guidelines for Formula 1 vehicles
C.on a map of Formula 1 racetracks for drivers
D.on a website explaining the Formula 1 scoring system


Suppose Isabella wants to find out about how Formula 1 drivers earn points after each race. Isabella would find most of the information on a website explaining the Formula 1 scoring system. Therefore option D is correct.

What is Formula one?

The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile's Formula One, usually known as Formula 1 or F1, is the top division of open-wheel single-seater formula racing vehicles (FIA). Since its first season in 1950, the World Drivers' Championship, which later changed its name to the FIA Formula One World Championship, has been one of the most prestigious racing series in the world.

Due to their ability to generate significant quantities of aerodynamic downforce, Formula One cars are the fastest-controlled road-course racing vehicles in the world. The front and back wings, which provide a large portion of this downforce, also significantly increase the turbulence that develops behind each car.

To learn more about Formula one follow the link.



Which detail from the passage creates the most suspense for the reader?

“Minos, king of Crete, had made war upon Athens.”
“He had laid waste the fields and gardens round about Athens.”
“Then Aegeus, the king of Athens . . . went out to see King Minos and to treat with him.


The correct answer is C) “Then Aegeus, the king of Athens . . . went out to see King Minos and to treat with him.”

Who is King Minos?

In Greek mythology and theatre, Minos took on the role of a despotic collector of the children's offerings required to feed the Minotaur. The daughters of King Cocalus assassinated Minos by pouring boiling water over him while he was taking a bath after Minos had pursued Daedalus to Sicily. He was appointed a judge in Hades after his death. The reader is curious to learn what will transpire when the two monarchs meet because of the conflict and animosity between Minos and Aegeus.

The correct answer is C) “Then Aegeus, the king of Athens . . . went out to see King Minos and to treat with him.”

To find out more about King Minos, check out:



Why is kissing healthy?


Saliva includes chemicals that combat germs, viruses, and fungus, resulting in a healthier mouth. Saliva production is increased during a deep kiss, which benefits the health of the mouth, teeth, and gums. A stronger immune system as a result of exposure to the bacteria that live in your partner's mouth.

This resembles a natural facelift. Over 30 facial muscles may be stimulated during a kiss, and frequent kissing works your face and neck. Increased collagen production from face muscle exercise can result in firmer, more youthful-looking skin. The blood flow also contributes to a healthy glow.

A minute-long French kissing session can burn up to 26 calories. Kissing has many advantages, but it also has the potential to spread some diseases.

To know more about Saliva production:



What does it mean if someone has an open mind?


an openness to hear or accept new ideas or perspectives I understand it's different, but keep an open mind.

Being open-minded entails accepting fresh ideas, arguments, and facts with which you normally disagree.

Open-mindedness is a favorable personality trait that allows individuals who possess it to think critically and logically.

An open mentality is characterized by an openness to new ideas and information. Being objective while approaching new topics, listening to various points of view, and being prepared to confess what you don't know are all examples of having an open mindset.

Learn more about to open mind visit here;



Read the selection. Then answer the question.

A Whale of a Problem

For ages, whales have swum the Earth’s oceans. Every winter, thousands of Pacific Gray whales swim from Alaska to Mexico. They spend the summer feeding and swimming in the arctic food-rich waters. In December they swim south at five knots, or about five miles per hour. Until March they live in the warm waters off Mexico. Tourists love to watch them off the Mexico seashore. They are easy to spot since whales swim twenty-four hours a day, and Pacific Grays are forty to fifty feet long weighing fifty thousand to sixty thousand pounds.

Every year these whales breed, give birth, and raise their calves in the lagoons off the coast of Mexico. These lagoons, however, have been threatened by a salt company wanting to expand into the area. The problem is that the salt deposits would fill up the lagoons. More salt in the lagoons could be harmful to the whales and would probably kill the smaller fish the whales feed on.

The salt company intends to expand because the demand for salt is rising as the world’s population rises. Nearly everyone needs a balanced amount of salt to stay healthy.

The Mexican government wants the salt company to expand in order to bring more jobs and money to the area. But the Mexican environmental agency and international groups are against the expansion because it could endanger the whales.

The world waits to see whether Mexico will choose pesos or whales, business or the environment. People need jobs and whales need lagoons. What would you do?

Answer the question below.

Tourists probably have the opinion that whale watching is

A. more important than the salt industry.
B. protected by the government.
C. happening off all shorelines.
D. an excellent reason to visit Mexico.





The tourists don't care about salt companies. They're tourists! They're there to enjoy themself, nothing more, nothing less.

A. More important than the salt industry

Find one more news story from one of the publications used earlier (The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, The Atlantic, Harper's Magazine, etc.) and complete one expository paragraph describing the information and providing one response to the event.
Please I need a more narrowed down answer to this.


More information regarding the what, why, and how of the story is given in the news report body. When there isn't enough room in the newspaper, the newspaper editor frequently leaves out the less significant information, which is found in the TAIL.

What news story describing the information and providing?

The initial sentence or paragraph of a news report is known as the lede or lead. It summarizes the story's main idea and entices readers to read on. Usually, this is when the most crucial aspect of the story is stated.

Therefore, A written, recorded, or occasionally live piece or interview that informs the audience about current issues, worries, or ideas is referred to as a news story.

Learn more about news story here:



5. going to the title ix office automatically means that a formal investigation will take place.


Going to the title ix office automatically means that a formal investigation will take place is True.

What is Title IX act?The federal civil rights statute in the United States that was passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972 is known by its most popular abbreviation, Title IX. Any school or other educational programme that gets support from the federal government is not allowed to discriminate on the basis of gender. This is Public Law No. 92-318, which is codified in 20 U.S.C. 1681–1688 (June 23, 1972).The 37 words of Title IX were authored by Senator Birch Bayh. The Higher Education Act was amended by Bayh twice, the first time on August 6, 1971, when the Senate passed it, and the second time on February 28, 1972. The Subcommittee on Education's chair, Representative Edith Green, has convened hearings on discrimination against women.

To learn more about Title IX act refer to:



Georgia O'Keefe /// What story does Didon share at the beginning of her essay? Why would she share this with readers?


When a drought has been decimated the Southwest and a lot of animal skeletons could be found in the desert, Georgia O'Keeffe acquired this cow's skull in New Mexico.

What impact did O'Keeffe have on the art world?

The first acknowledged female painter in the New York which had the big impact on the development of the contemporary art in the America. Because of her original as well as unusual method of the painting the nature by highlighting its essential shapes and that forms pioneer.

The sequence of the charcoal drawings than has been created just after the enrolling in his class in the 1914 just show the beginning of her modernist career as well as her pursuit of the unabashed abstraction.

Therefore, When a drought has been decimated the Southwest and a lot of animal skeletons could be found in the desert, Georgia O'Keeffe acquired this cow's skull in New Mexico.

For more information about O'Keeffe have on the art world on:



What are some solutions for water pollution?​



Pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can.

Blow or sweep fertilizer back onto the grass if it gets onto paved areas. ...

Mulch or compost grass or yard waste. ...

Wash your car or outdoor equipment where it can flow to a gravel or grassy area instead of a street.


Stop dumping oli in the ocean

What is the meaning of the word millennia as it is used in the text? Write your best definition of the word millennia here, along with a brief explanation of how you arrived at its meaning through context clues.


The plural of millennium is millennia (1000 years). Therefore, it would represent an indeterminate duration measured in thousands of years or a time that was stated (for example, four millennia).

What does millennia mean?

The Latin words mille, which means thousand, and annum, which means year, are combined to form the phrase millennium. Although it is not a biblical term, many academics and authors use it to denote the thousand years that can be reckoned from the conventional date of Christ's birth.

The millennium word is mentioned in the book of revelation.

Jesus and his faithful disciples will rule on earth during a thousand-year period of righteousness ( millenium) as described in the book of Revelation.

The plural of millennium is millennia (1000 years). Therefore, it would represent an indeterminate duration measured in thousands of years or a time that was stated (for example, four millennia).

To read more about millennia and millennium, click below:



In the text, why do you think the speaker has this blind trust in authority? Was there a time in your
life when you had blind faith and trust in an authority? How did this decision affect you? What did
you learn from this experience?


The Christian faith isn't totally deaf either. It has faith in a legitimate authority.

What is Christian history?

Despite the song's widespread appeal, I am not certain that Jesus is alive because "He lives within my heart." Instead, I am confident that He is still alive since His resurrection was witnessed by witnesses, who also captured what He said after rising.

Roman centurions were aware of the nature of power. This centurion had a sickly, nearly lifeless servant. Because of all the things the centurion had done for the Jewish people, some Jews came to Jesus and begged Him to aid the centurion.

He is deserving of having you do this for Him, they asserted, basing their claim on his good deeds.

Therefore, The Christian faith isn't totally deaf either. It has faith in a legitimate authority.

To learn more about christian faith, refer to the link:



How does the media influence public opinion and policy? Choose three correct answers. by reporting celebrities’ decisions and actions by controlling what people see on social media by investigating issues that are important to the public by deciding which stories get the most attention by monitoring governments’ decisions and actions



Public opinion lets the people to express their voices and opinion in their government.


By controlling what people see on social media (insinuation of omitting information), the media can influence public opinion does the media influence public opinion and policy. Therefore, the correct options are B, C and E.

The media can shape public opinion by deciding what people see on social media (insinuation of withholding information). The media can affect public opinion and perhaps policy as well by looking into topics that are significant to the general population.

Monitoring governmental policies and activities can have an impact on both public opinion. Social media refers to methods of communication where individuals produce, share, and/or exchange knowledge and concepts in online groups and networks.

Learn more about Social media, here:



Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

How does the media influence public opinion and policy? Choose three correct answers.

A: Just by reporting celebrities' decisions and actions, the media itself cannot influence public opinion and policy.

B: By controlling what people see on social media (insinuation of omitting information), the media can influence public opinion.

C: By investigating issues that are important to the public, the media can influence public opinion and possibly policy as well.

D The media cannot decide which stories get the most attention. This is up to the people; the audience.

E: By monitoring governments' decisions and actions, this can influence both public

What is the slogan of William Shakespeare?


“Be not afraid of greatness.”

What does mutually agreeable mean?


being able to win over everyone: Finding a solution that both parties can live with is the goal of the discussions. We must come up with a solution that all parties can agreeable.

mutually agreeable, advantageous, handy, etc. from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English When two or more parties can agree on something, it is acceptable to them both or to everyone. We finally came on a value that we could both live with. Something nice or satisfying is said to be agreeable. agreeable you get along with and like being around is a good travel companion. An enjoyable day may be sunny and pleasant with a little wind, and an enjoyable lunch may be enjoyed with friends. 1 agreeable, likeable, flexible, cordial, and affable. 3 Compatibility and harmony. On Thesaurus.com, you can find synonyms for pleasant.

To learn more about agreeable please click on below link



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