When Shelly hired the housecleaning service, she asked them to use her hypoallergenic cleaning supplies. Instead the workers used their own supplies and Shelly had to lose a day from work because of her allergic reaction to the smell of the cleaners. When Shelly looked at the service guarantee that the workers had left, she found that she could get a reimbursement for all of her out-of-pocket expenses if she had a notarized letter from her doctor describing her condition and her reaction, an affidavit from the workers that they had used the wrong cleaners and another notarized statement that she would not have become ill if the workers had used the right cleaners. This service guarantee is ineffective because it is NOT:


Answer 1

Answer: Easy to invoke and collect


To make claims on services and get paid can be a stressful journey sometimes. As most organization would require you provide much evidence for the claims you are making. What makes it more stressful is the number of organizations involved to make the claims a success, this is why most times they are not easy to invoke and reclaim. Most persons would rather bear the loss than go through the process. This is what Shelly has to consider while making her claim.

Related Questions

Thom Georges wants to open a store where he sells nothing but antique architectural features that he can salvage from old houses being torn down to make way for progress. He has an eye for the kind of doors, windows, mantels, and so forth that decorators want, but he does not have all the funding he needs to get started. He has invited his parents to invest $40,000 in the enterprise. He has told them that if they do invest, they would have liabilities in the firm equal to but no greater than their investment. Georges is trying to get them to form a _____ with him.


Answer: limited partnership


A limited partnership simply means a form of partnership whereby some of the partners only contribute financially nd thus will be liable and only to the extent of the amount that they contribute to the partnership m.

In case the company goes into bankruptcy, their personal assets and properties won't be affected. Since Thom invited his parents to invest $40,000 in the enterprise and told them that if they do invest, they would have liabilities in the firm equal to but no greater than their investment, then this is a limited partnership.

AtGlobal, Inc. claimed In Its advertisement that you can buy electronic Items on credit. Which federal law is applicable when AtGlobal, Inc. states
Its credit terms?
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
Truth in Lending Act
Fair Credit Billing Act
O D.
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Equal Credit Opportunity Act


Answer: c



Which method of distribution is suitable for sale of Coke in your school? Justify your answer.


The Coca-Cola Company sells its products to bottling and canning operations, distributers, fountain wholesalers and some fountain retailers. They then distribute them to retail outlets, corner stores, restaurants, petrol stations and many more.

When I had this question I found the link witch is on the document very helpful.

I hope this helps.

T. palms has a basis of $20,000 for her one-third interest in a partnership. the partnership has no liabilities, cash of $22,000, and property with a partnership basis of $38,000 and fair market value of $44,000. for her one-third interest, palms receives the cash of $22,000. if the partnership elects sec. 754 optional basis adjustment, what is the basis of the retained partnership property?


Answer: $40000


The following can be deduced from the question

The Fair market value of Property = $44,000

Gain on the property = $44000 - $38000 = $6,000

Share of T. Palms = ⅓ × $6000 = $2000

Therefore, the basis of the retained partnership property will be:

= $44000 - $6000 + $2000

= $40000

Why is it important to start investing for retirement at an early age?


So you are more experienced when making future investments, you have more positive spending habits and can afford things other may not be able to at that age.

The GPS SmartSole is a discreet wearable insole that fits in the shoe and provides GPS tracking of the wearer. This product is being marketed as an inexpensive solution for caregivers whose charges are prone to wandering, like those with Alzheimer's disease or autism. When the insoles were first made available to consumers, what was the marketing objective for the company at that early stage of the product life cycle



srry i just had to answer bc my answer was at 69


The marketing objective for the company at that early stage of the product life cycle is Create awareness and stimulate trial.

What is marketing objective ?

Marketing objectives are a list of specific, quantifiable goals created as a component of a marketing plan. Specific goals are set forth in marketing objectives, such as "reduce customer acquisition cost by 10% by the end of the next quarter."

The SMART methodology—specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based—is frequently used to develop effective marketing goals. Businesses assess their marketing goals using  SMART goals to determine whether they match the requirements for success.

The marketing objective for a product in the introduction stage of the product life cycle is to  create consumer awareness and gain trial.

To learn more about marketing objective



A school that puts the money it earns back into the school.



not-for-profit school.


A for-profit organization can be defined as a type of organization that is created to primarily generate more revenue than its operating costs by providing lawful services to customers. By generating more revenue than operating costs, a for-profit organization is able to make profit.

Some examples of for-profit organizations are privately owned establishments such as hospitals, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, gas stations, etc.

On the other hand, a not-for-profit organization refers to an organization that is essentially created to provide services without any form of profits or rewards in return. They're usually referred to as a non-governmental organization (NGO) or non-business entity who are only focused on promoting and facilitating social benefits for the people.

Hence, a school that puts the money it earns back into the school is referred to as a not-for-profit school.

Will mark brainliest.



4) what is analysis skill? why is it important in busines?


Analytical skills are important because they allow people to find solutions to various problems and make concrete decisions and action plans to solve those problems.

Help quickly please! economics!
Can someone tell me why wealth gaps are common in countries with capitalism?


A strict definition of capitalism is a society where capital is privately owned, and workers paid wages by private firms. Essentially it is a society with minimal government intervention and resources are distributed according to the outcome of free markets.

Essential (fair) inequalities:

Profit motive: A basic principle of capitalism is that individuals are motivated by the profit incentive. For example, entrepreneurs undertake a risky venture to set up firms because they hope to make a substantial profit. If there was not this profit incentive, entrepreneurs would not undertake the risk of setting up a firm. Therefore, you can say the potential of reward makes inequality an essential ingredient of capitalism.

You could argue people may have other motivations for setting up a business than just higher incomes, but most would agree higher income is an important consideration – if not overriding motive.

Work Incentive: Inequality is also important to motivate workers. If every worker received the same wage regardless of skill and effort, there would be no incentive to learn new skills and work hard at the job. A firm in a capitalist society can pay successful workers a higher wage to reflect their higher productivity. This will lead to wage inequality, but without it it would be hard to motivate workers.

Not necessary (unfair) inequalities:

Monopoly Power: The above types of inequality may seem ‘fair’ or justified. If you work hard, you get to benefit from your enterprise. However, capitalism can also lead to inequality which may be seen as unfair. For example, a firm may develop monopoly power. Then it is in a position to charge consumers artificially high prices and deter entry. If firms have monopsony power, they can get away with paying a wage much lower than the productivity of the worker. Workers have no choice but to work for a very low wage. Therefore, capitalists with access to private property can ‘exploit’ their monopoly power to make a much higher profit than other people in society.

Inheritance: Another aspect of capitalism is that private property can be passed on from one generation to another. Therefore those who inherit capital can enjoy high income even without any effort. They have access to best private education and jobs. This creates inequality of opportunity as well as inequality of opportunity.

These types of inequality mean that there isn’t a level playing field; some in society get an unfair advantage, there isn’t equality of opportunity.

Note: I have written this answer because this is what they teach us in economics. But I am a strong supporter of capitalism.

Attitude is your belief in your own effectiveness.





this mf emmanuel made me get it wrong. its false bro trust

At the beginning of every shift, Cody records the amount of pizza sauce in inventory. At the end of every shift, he records the number of pizzas made and the amount of pizza sauce left in inventory. Why would he do this?A) So he can determine if employees are taking sauce home.B) So he can compare the quantity used with the budgeted amount.C) So he will know how much pizza sauce to order.D) So he will know how many customers visited his pizza parlor during his shift.



B) So he can compare the quantity used with the budgeted amount


For a business to keep making profit it needs to ensure that the amount of materials it is using in its production process is within a defined limit. So it sets up a budget to guide the amount of raw materials to be used.

In this scenario Cody records the amount of pizza sauce in inventory. At the end of every shift, he records the number of pizzas made and the amount of pizza sauce left in inventory.

This is done to compare quantity of raw materials used to the given budget of the business.

This check will make sure that the business stays profitable.


What term is given to the customer who owes money to the company?

If a customer owes some money to the company, the amount is entered as ______
by the company.



A term used in accounting, 'creditor' refers to the party that has delivered a product, service or loan, and is owed money by one or more debtors. A debtor is the opposite of a creditor it refers to the person or entity who owes money.

Blue Spruce Corp. received a check for $27840 on July 1 which represents a 6 month advance payment of rent on a building it rents to a client. Unearned Rent Revenue was credited for the full $27840. Financial statements will be prepared on July 31. Blue Spruce's should make the following adjusting entry on July 31: debit Unearned Rent Revenue, $4640; credit Rent Revenue, $4640. debit Cash, $27840; credit Rent Revenue, $27840. debit Unearned Rent Revenue, $27840; credit Rent Revenue, $27840. debit Rent Revenue, $4640; credit Unearned Rent Revenue, $4640.



debit Unearned Rent Revenue, $4640; credit Rent Revenue, $4640


The journal entry is shown below:

Unearned Rent Revenue ($27,840 ÷ 6 × 1 ) $4,640

           To rent revenue $4,640

(Being the unearned rent revenue is recorded)

here the unearned rent revenue is debited as it decreased the libaility and the rent revenue is credited as it increased the assets

Hence, the option a is correct

Ken purchased a PAP with liability limits of 100/300/50, medical payments coverage, and collision coverage. Ken fell asleep while driving late at night. He crossed the center line and hit a car approaching from the other direction. The following losses occurred: The driver of the other car suffered $30,000 in bodily injuries. Ken's car sustained $5,000 in damages. Ken incurred $5,000 in medical expenses. The car that Ken hit was a total loss. Which of Ken's Personal Auto Policy (PAP) coverages will cover the damage to the car that Ken hit


Answer: property damage liability


Personal Auto Policy (PAP) is a typical insurance policy which helps in the insuring of ones vehicles.

Ken's Personal Auto Policy coverage that will cover the damage to the car that Ken hit will be the property damage liability. A property damage liability insurance helps in the coverage of the cost of damage which is caused to other people.

Since Ken has damaged someone's car, his property damage liability will cover it.

Jeff was a subcontractor, bidding on a contract for ACE Corp., the general contractor. When adding up the total of materials and labor, Jeff's secretary mistakenly moved the decimal point one place, ending up with a bid of $3,500 rather than $35,000. ACE Corp. accepted Jeff's bid, mostly because all the other bids were over $30,000. When Jeff learns of the mistake, he tells ACE Corp. that he cannot do the job for $3,500. If ACE Corp. sues to enforce this contract, what is the most likely result



Even though the mistake was unilaterally made by Jeff, it was obvious for the company that a mistake had been made. All the other offers were over $30,000, so there is no reasonable way that Jeff's offer could be so low. Jeff's arguments would prevail in court.

Operations management is only about being as cost-effective as possible.
O True
O False





Any kind of practice which allows a business or other organization to maximize the use of their inputs by developing products at a faster pace than competitors or reducing defects, for example.

Libby is a trainee accountant and has prepared a balance sheet for the accounting year. She valued all the assets of the company at their current
market price. Which accounting principle did she fail to comply with?

А. historical cost
B. accruals
C. matching
D. business entity
E. realization


The correct answer is A.

Historical cost

Hope this helps!

NewTel is a telephone company with a policy of filling positions internally through promotions, rather than hiring from outside. Until recently, the company had a strong engineering focus and tended to promote people to senior executive positions from the engineering areas. Consequently, almost all of the company's 14 senior executives joined the company over 20 years ago as junior engineers. There is increasing pressure on NewTel to become more market and service oriented. As a result, four people were hired last year from firms to fill new senior executive positions in marketing and service departments. The external hires were necessary because current employees were not sufficiently qualified. Now, there are signs of tension among senior executives, particularly during budget deliberations where there is limited discretionary spending on new corporate activities. The four new hires have been thwarted in their attempts to have the company invest more in marketing and customer services instead of investing in technological research, and they blame the senior executives for being hard-headed. The conflict episodes are being viewed by both sides as personal attacks rather than attempts to resolve the problem. The marketing executives and the other executives operate independently. However, they share the resources and money in the organization. This kind of interdependence is referred to as



The appropriate approach is "Pooled interdependence".


Just because marketing as well as many other managers are autonomous, yet depending exclusively together on such a similar amount of assets, resources as well as revenue, is considered as a pooled interdependence.Along with circumstances when functional areas conduct different duties yet depending on a similar number of resources, quite an interconnectedness takes place.

So that the above is the right answer.

Bruce was driving to work yesterday when he was nearly run off the road by a speeding furniture delivery truck. On the back of the truck was a phone number to call if you believed the driver was not handling the truck safely. Rather than deciding to never buy furniture from this furniture company, Bruce called the company and complained about the truck driver. The person who took his call thanked Bruce for his concern, apologized for the driver and promised to reprimand him. Which service recovery strategy was the furniture store using


Answer: Encourage and track complaints


Encourage and track complaints is a method of customer service some organization implemented to curb some customer service issue or likely monitor how well their product and services are or how well their workers treat their customers. This method of customer service operation helps the firm not to loose potential clients and customers already with them but still likes in the hands the clients or customer's feedback.

strategy addresses organizational weaknesses, helps stabilize operations, and revitalizes organizational resources and capabilities.
O A. unrelated diversification
o B. horizontal integration
C. vertical integration
D. retrenchment


the answer would be b


Hannah and John made capital contributions of $50,000 each to their law firm. During the accounting period, John withdrew $5,000 and Hannah
withdrew $7,500. The total profit of the law firm for the given year was $17,500. What was the total partner's equity at the end of the accounting
А. $50,000
B. $105,000
C. $55,000
D. $100,000
E. $5,000



the total partner equity is $105,000


The computation of the total partner equity is shown below;

= Capital contributions × number of partners - withdrawn amount by the partners + total profit

= $50,000 × 2 - $5,000 - $7,500 + $17,500

= $105,000

hence, the total partner equity is $105,000

Therefore the correct option is B.

If income summary has a $13,500 debit balance before it is closed to the capital account, the company


Answer and Explanation:

In the case when the company has the debit balance of the income summary account so there should be the net loss as the net loss have the debit balance while the credit balance net profit of the company


Since there is the debit balance of the income summary that means there is a net loss

So the same would be considered

please please.pleas help me

What are the advantages and disadvantages of consulting




Advantages of Being a Consultant:

You can learn many skills

Consulting allows you to build a powerful network

You get responsible tasks from the beginning

Perfect if you like to travel

You learn to work with the latest technologies

You can work in project teams

Consulting allows you to see many new things

You can work with many clients

Continuous training

You can work with other motivated people in consulting

Consulting teams support each other

You work on demanding projects

Good for your CV

You learn how to deal with stress

Consultants can earn pretty good money

Great exit options

You can work on many projects

Consulting never gets boring


Disadvantages of Being a Consultant:

Pressure in consulting can be high

Strict deadlines are a problem

You will be pushed to your boundaries

Consulting can imply working long hours

You may be away from home during the week

Being a consultant can be lonely

Some people develop mental issues

No real work-life balance

Problematic in case you have children

You have to represent the company

Many of your colleagues will leave

Insecurity regarding what comes next

Great swings in workload

Unsatisfying outcomes

Success greatly depends on the project manager

If you look at stock prices over any year, you will find a high and low stock price for the year. Instead of a single benchmark PE ratio, we now have a high and low PE ratio for each year. We can use these ratios to calculate a high and a low stock price for the next year. Suppose we have the following information on a particular company: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 High price $ 27.43 $ 26.32 $ 30.42 $ 37.01 Low price 19.86 20.18 25.65 26.41 EPS 1.35 1.58 1.51 1.85 Earnings are projected to grow at 9 percent over the next year. a. What is your high target stock price over the next year



High target price 38.8821

Low target price 29.6153


Calculation to determine your high and low target stock price over the next year

First step is to calculate the seperate yearly PE ratio for High and low price using this formula

PE ratio = Market price / EPS


Low = C

High = D

Let plug in the formula

Year 1

PE(High) C/B = $ 27.43/1.35

PE(High) C/B = 20.3185

PE(Low) D/B = 19.86/1.35

PE(Low) D/B = $14.7111

Year 2

PE(High) C/B = $ 26.32/1.58

PE(High) C/B = 16.6582

PE(Low) D/B = 20.18/1.58

PE(Low) D/B = 12.7722

Year 3

PE(High) C/B = $ 30.42/1.51

PE(High) C/B = 20.1457

PE(Low) D/B = 25.65/1.51

PE(Low) D/B = 16.9868

Year 4

PE(High) C/B = $ 37.01/1.85

PE(High) C/B = 20.0054

PE(Low) D/B = 26.41/1.85

PE(Low) D/B = 14.2757

Second step is to calculate the seperate Average PE for high and low price

Average PE

HIGH(20.3185+16.6582+20.1457+20.0054 / 4)

HIGH = 77.1278/4





(a) Now let calculate the high target stock price over the next year

Using this formula

High target price = Average PE(high) x EPS for next year

Let plug in the formula

High target price = 19.28195 x[(1+.09)×1.85]

High target price = 19.28195 x(1.09*1.85)

High target price = 19.28195*2.0165

High target price=38.8821

Therefore the high target stock price over the next year is 38.8821

(b) Calculation for the low target stock price over the next year

Using this formula

Low target price = Average PE(low) x EPS for next year

Let plug in the formula

Low target price = 14.6865 x [(1+.09)×1.85]

Low target price = 14.6865x(1.09*1.85)

Low target price = 14.6865×2.0165

Low target price = 29.6153

Therefore the low target stock price over the next year is 29.6153

These statements are true regarding association with a headhunter or recruiter:

headhunters and recruiters work for you

instead of burdening your headhunter or recruiter, you should save time and contact an employer directly

referring other hard workers is appreciated by headhunters and recruiters

headhunters and recruiters work for the employer



instead of burdening your headhunter or recruiter, you should save time and contact an employer directly


If the U.S. nominal exchange rate declines and prices rise faster abroad than in the United States, the real exchange rate: a. decreases, and net exports for the United States decrease. b. decreases, and net exports for the United States increase. c. increases, and net exports for the United States decrease. d. increases, and net exports for the United States increase.





nominal exchange rate is the rate at which one currency is exchanged for another currency. this rate included the inflation rate

real exchange rate is exchange rate adjusted for inflation

net export = export - import

if the nominal exchange rate declines it means that the value of the us dollar declines

if inflation is higher abroad than in the US, the value of the US dollar ought to increase. Because it the exchange rate decreases, it means that real exchange rate has also decreased.

Foriegn goods would become more expensive and export would increase

Explain how test-marketing can increase profits.



Test marketing holds a lot of importance for the company. It allows

the company to test their product in a small region so as to get an

idea whether the product will work in a bigger market or not.

Through this, the company can measure the performance of the

product and can decide whether it should be released nationwide

for sale. Through this, the company can estimate the earnings that

can be earned through this product beforehand.


Select the qualification that is best demonstrated in each example.

Hugh is a Court Clerk who schedules appointments for a court of law.

Sergio spends a lot of time each day sorting mail.

Ayesha gathers information by interviewing people and reviewing documents.



organizational skills


research skills


Hugh is a court clerk who makes appointments for a court of law, which illustrates his organizing abilities.Sergio spends a lot of time sorting letters every day. represent your patience.Research abilities are represented by the statement, "Ayesha acquires information through interviewing people and reviewing documents."

What are organizational skills?

A person can increase the effectiveness of problem-solving, future-focused learning, and task completion by using a variety of organizational skills. To achieve a predetermined goal, organization is required to integrate a number of components.

You may use your resources effectively and efficiently if you have the necessary organizational abilities. You can successfully complete all of your allocated chores if you have good time, energy, and workspace management skills. Depending on your employment and job title, organizational abilities can take many different shapes; nevertheless, they almost always involve keeping your workspace organized, managing deadlines, and working effectively with others.

Learn more about organizational skills, from:



The primary purpose of the Bretton Woods Conference was to __________.A.find ways to help the poorest economies of the worldB.create a world bank that individuals and companies around the world could utilize for global financial transactionsC.form an international peace organization designed to prevent future conflictD.discuss the prevention of future global economic depressions, as well as strategies to rebuild Europe after WWII Please select the best answer from the choices provided.ABCD





on edg:))

The primary purpose of the Bretton Woods Conference was to discuss the prevention of future global economic depressions, as well as strategies to rebuild Europe after WWII Please select the best answer from the choices provided. Thus, option D is correct.

What is a Bretton Woods Conference?

The Bretton Woods Conference's main goals were to examine ways to stop future worldwide financial depressions and how to rebuild post-World War II Europe. Please choose the most appropriate response from the list of options.

The goal of the Bretton Woods Conference was to reach consensus on an international economic system and cooperative framework that would aid nations in recovering from the destruction of war and promote long-term global progress. The establishment of Bretton Woods led to nations pegging their exchange rate to the dollar.

Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about Bretton Woods Conference, here:



With microfinance, the mechanism of ________ is a way to avoid the problem of imperfect information.



peer lending


With microfinance, the mechanism of ________ is a way to avoid the problem of imperfect information. A) requiring no collateral B) peer lending C) making only small loans D) accepting savings deposits

Imperfect information is when parties to a transaction do not have the same amount of information.

Peer lending is when a borrower is matched with a lender. Information about the borrower is disclosed to the lender. Such information includes :

personal credit quality

age nameeducation gender

this helps to reduce imperfect information

Other Questions
Waylon bought 8 pizzas and spent a total of $96. How much did each pizzacost? I have a math problem.Oranges cost 2.50 centsHow much did James pay for 8296 oranges In VPython, which line of code creates a ball five units away from the user from the center?ballPosition = _______myBall = sphere(pos = ballPosition)vector(0, 0, -5)vector(0, -5, 0)vector(-5, 0, 0) The form of continues moving recordings on to a physical medium is ? In accordance with this rule, it may safely be assumed that the forefathers of Boston had built the first prison-house, somewhere in the vicinity of Cornhill, almost as seasonably as they marked out the first burial-ground, on Isaac Johnson's lot, and round about his grave, which subsequently became the nucleus of all the congregated sepulchres in the old church-yard of King's Chapel.What is the meaning of this excerpt?A. The prison and cemetery were built early, with the cemetery expanding in size from its original plot.B. The prison was built near Cornhill, and the cemetery was built on an important mans property.C. Just as Puritans gathered at the prison, they also gathered at the cemetery and the church.D. The forefathers of Boston chose the two most famous landmarks: the prison and the cemetery. Help pldssshdhhfhfhtjthe distannce fromm bbaseee to base, incluudding homess platee, on a baaaaseballlll fiellllld is 90 ft. the bases form a square. How much grass is needed to coverrrr theeeee spacccee insifeee theee squareeeee? The heart is a four chambered organ whose walls are made up of entirely muscles. How would a problem associated with the walls of the heart affect the systematic circulation? Two squares were used to form a figure. The side length of each square is shown.8 mWhat is the area of the part of the figure that is NOT shaded?F 80 m2G 16 mH8 m2J 48 m A training field is formed by joining a a rectangle and two semicircles, as shown below. The rectangle is 89 m long and 69 m wide. What is the length of a training track running around the field? (Use the value 3.14 for {pi symbol}, and do not round your answer. Be sure to include the correct unit in your answer.) what does quand je suis press mean in french? ^.^ Anne heard her parents whispering what is the subject and object What number is one hundred more than 770? How many total number of hydrogen atoms present in CH4? A recipe for pancakes requires 3/4 cup of oil. If Mr. Darcy wants to triple the recipe, how much oil will he need? which of these yoga poses would be BEST for strengthening quadricep muscles?1. downward dog2. cobra3. warrior 14. starfish Mrs. Shiroff charges $97 for materials for each bookcase she builds.She also charges $30 for each hour she works building them. It takesMrs. Shiroff 90 hours to build 9 bookcases. How much will she charge? Find the surface area of the prism. Choose the letter that you think best answers the question.__1.) differentiating permutation from combination in a given situation, which of the following situations can be solve by permutation an combination?A.) How many combinations of 4 objects are there taken 2 at a time?B.) find the number of permutation of the letters of the word MATHEMATICS?C.) In the game of poker, five cards are drawn from a standard 52-card deck. How many different poker hands are possible?D.) In the set (m, a, t, h, r, o, c, k, s). Find the number of different subsets of sice 3 in the set of the number arrangement of the size 3 in the set ?2.) There are 11 different food items in a buffet. A customeris asked to get a certain number of items. If the customer has 462 possible ways as a result, which of the following did he possibly do? A. Choose out 4 of the 11 itemsB. Choose out 6 of the 11 items C. Choose out 8 of the 11 items D. Choose out 10 of the 11 itemsNONSENSE REPORTCHOOSE LETTER ONLY Select the correct answer.How does the appearance of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come contribute to the text in this excerpt from Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol?The Phantom slowly, gravely, silently, approached. When it came near him, Scrooge bent down upon his knee; for in the very air through which this Spirit moved it seemed to scatter gloom and mystery.It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. But for this it would have been difficult to detach its figure from the night, and separate it from the darkness by which it was surrounded.He felt that it was tall and stately when it came beside him, and that its mysterious presence filled him with a solemn dread. He knew no more, for the Spirit neither spoke nor moved.A. The ghost's dramatic appearance shows Scrooge how severely materialistic he has become over the years.B. The ghost's unassuming appearance reminds Scrooge that he has overrated his own self-importance.C. The ghost's mysterious appearance heightens the horror that Scrooge feels about the results of his life choices.D. The ghost's dark appearance emphasizes the sense that Scrooge is doomed to hopelessness and desolation.E. The ghost's powerful appearance reminds Scrooge that he holds the power within himself to change. While recording the crime scene, the photographer snapped a picture of his partner posing beside the famous victim's body. After printing the photo for his partner, he should just delete the image so nobody gets in trouble. (T/F)