when she started relating to me in the way she related to her mother, it became clear that she perceived her mother as a rival for her father’s affection.


Answer 1

Because she was psychodynamic, it became apparent that she saw her mom as just a rival to her father's love.

What is the psychodynamic theory's primary focus?

Psychodynamic theories focus on the psychological factors and motivations that underpin each person's behavior and personality.The opinions are grounded in Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, which emphasized unconscious ideas as the primary source of psychological distress and dysfunction.

What is an effective instance of psychodynamics?

Several instances include:Some people may start chewing their nails as a result of early childhood experiences.A childhood trauma that formerly inspired terror could now cause anxiety in adults.

To know more about psychodynamic visit:



Related Questions

What is the shortest nap period?


The shortest nap period can be the time duration of 20 to 25 minutes during which the person goes in state of unconsciousness.

Nap period is the state of sleep which is comparatively shorter in duration than the normal sleep. It makes a person more active if they are feeling lazy or lethargic amidst their work. A 90 minute nap duration is considered best for a longer option. A 20 minute nap will help you perk up with little to no grogginess that is the state of feeling weak and drowsy. Short naps seem to boost the energy levels and induces more strength and positivity. The activated brain turns out to be more productive than before.

Learn more about nap period at:



8. Nandini has been hired to run a food pantry. She had arranged with a local grocery store to get food donations. However, the
pantry is in a neighborhood dominated by an ethnicity that does not traditionally eat many of the foods that the grocery store is
providing, so the food remains on the shelves. What is the BEST way for Nandini to handle the situation?

A. Find a new job at a food pantry where those served are not picky eaters.

B. Find ways to source foods that are more in line with the neighborhood's culture.

C. Let the community know they should appreciate the food that they get.

D.Encourage those in the neighborhood to expand their culture and try new foods.


The definitions of categories like race, ethnicity, nationality, and gender are frequently too specific, which can obscure distinctions, hence option D is correct.

What is ethnicity?

It can be challenging to accept new or alternative identities since bureaucracies move slowly when it comes to updating identification categories.

While others are lower-scale, like name tags at a restaurant, and they don't always capture the same information.

Therefore, It is located in an area where a large ethnic group does not typically consume many of the foods that the grocery store sells, hence option D is correct.

Learn more about ethnicity, here:



the people who are most likely to have adjustment difficulties and health problems after a death are those who __________.


The people who are most likely to have adjustment difficulties and health problems after a death are those who show the most intense distress after the death.

About 25% of children who experience the death of a parent or sibling (family bereavement) develop mental health issues. However, it is still unclear if pre-existing mental health issues, prior family functioning, or numerous bereavements can predict the development of mental health issues in teenagers who have experienced a family bereavement. In this study, a large representative sample from the "Tracking Adolescents Individual Lives Survey" had a prospective longitudinal examination of the change in mental health following bereavement (TRAILS).

For children who have lost a parent, this is a very traumatic time in their lives. Numerous studies have revealed that children who are afflicted are more likely to experience mental illness and psychosocial issues. The objectives of this study were to thoroughly examine the literature on interventions that provide effective support for children who have lost a parent and to pinpoint any knowledge gaps.

To know more about Health problems visit:



Changing the level of effort you exert during an activity is an example of adjusting which training principle? (4 points)






The correct answer is intensity. Brainliest is appreciated

The nervous system is responsible for all physical reactions, including emotions. Stress can negatively impact the body, so what does this suggest about the physical symptoms of stress, like stomach aches?.



uh i forgit


how to help a person who is suffering from shock, lift his or her legs about 12 inches?.


To help a person who is suffering from shock, lift his or her legs about 12 inches.

Define shock.

When the body does not receive adequate blood flow, shock, a potentially fatal condition, develops. The cells and organs need oxygen and nutrients to function properly, which is impossible if there is not enough blood flow. As a result, numerous organs may be harmed. Shock must be treated right away since it can get worse very quickly. In cases of shock, one in five persons will pass away.

If there are no injuries to the head, neck, or back, or if you don't suspect broken hips or legs, elevate the person's feet by about 12 inches.

Never lift the person's head.

If the person is bleeding from the mouth or is throwing up, turn them on their side.

Start CPR if the person is not breathing or if their breathing appears dangerously frail.

To know more about shock use link below:



Because of a developmental belief in their invulnerability, the typical response of adolescents to the possibility that they may have a terminal illness is __________.


The common reaction of adolescents to the prospect of being diagnosed with a terminal illness is indignant denial because of a developing conviction in their invulnerability.

What is an instance of being impervious?

the property of being unbreakable and unhurt in any way: A perception of invulnerability had been created for him. .....,,,, - - - - - - a,, the I had finally penetrated her hard shell of invulnerability.

How does immunity operate?

Being immune to or extremely resistant to a variety of bodily harm or injury qualifies as being invulnerable. Because they live on a planet with less gravity and are subject to the effects of the a Yellow Sun, Kryptonians have this ability.

To know more about invulnerability  visit:



Which of the following resources offers incentives for achieving fitness goals? can be multiple answers.
President's Challenge



all of the above


Under sympathetic activation, the heart rate is increased by the release of the neurotransmitter.
a. True
b. False


Under sympathetic activation, the heart rate is increased by the release of the neurotransmitter. This statement is True

The heart's job is to contract and pump blood that is both oxygenated for the body and deoxygenated for the lungs. A typical human heart must beat consistently and continuously throughout the duration of one's life in order to do this. The sinoatrial (SA) node of the heart produces rhythmic pacing discharges that are the source of heartbeats. The SA node's pacing rate would be roughly 100 beats per minute in the absence of external neurological or hormonal effects. However, heart rate and cardiac output must change in response to the oxygen and nutritional requirements of the body's cells under various circumstances. The nervous system, hormones, and other factors control the heart rate and contractility so that it can react quickly to the body's tissues' changing needs. The autonomic nervous system, as well as the endocrine system, have a significant impact on how the cardiovascular system is managed and influenced.

To know more about neurotransmitter visit:

An elderly woman wants to begin an exercise program to keep herself healthy. what would you advise?


compound movements that target the biggest muscle groups in the body, such as leg press and lat pulldown. These help to build and maintain muscle mass, increase bone density, and help with fat loss. Injuries and limitations should be considered when exercising.

What is the proper way to increase progression in weight training?


An effective way to progress is to hit your target reps and sets for an exercise, then increase the weight by a small amount the next time you perform the exercise. For example, if you do three sets of eight reps at 60 pounds successfully, up the weight to 65 pounds on a subsequent attempt.

With regards to health behavior, knowledge about positive behaviors like physical activity, nutrition, and mental health will instantly lead to individuals actually doing the behavior.a. True
b. False


With regards to health behavior, knowledge about positive behaviors like physical activity, nutrition, and mental health will instantly lead to individuals actually doing the behavior is True.

Physical and mental health are interdependent. What's excellent for the body is frequently also beneficial for the mind, I'm not kidding. Your day and your life will alter once you understand what you physically can do to have this effect.Numerous advantages of physical activity for mental health are widely known. These are detailed in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and include better sleep and overall quality of life, as well as enhanced brain health and cognitive function (or, to put it another way, the capacity to think). Increasing physical exercise immediately contributes to greater mental health as well as better physical and total health and wellbeing, while it is not a miracle cure.

To know more about health check the below link:



Which burns more calories running or swimming?


"The fastest way to burn calories is through swimming. Few people can swim for an extended amount of time, but many people can run for an extended period of time, so over longer periods of time, running is most likely to burn more calories.

Swimming can increase your mood and lower stress levels to improve your mental wellbeing in addition to your physical health. Compared to other workouts like running or football, exercising in the water puts less stress on your joints. In recreational and competitive swimming, the body is propelled through the water using a combination of arm and leg actions as well as its inherent buoyancy. Swimming is a well-liked all-around body builder that is especially beneficial in treatment and as exercise for people with physical disabilities. Burning calories effectively involves swimming. When swimming laps at a slow or moderate speed, a swimmer weighing 160 pounds burns about 423 calories per hour. At a faster rate, the same person may swim for an hour and burn up to 715 calories.

Learn more about swimming here



A cheesy white discharge from the vagina, or whitish patches on the mouth or throat, called thrush, are due to infection with the fungal pathogen
a. True
b. False


It is True that, the production of a cheesy white discharge from the vagina, and having white patches in the mouth and throat are due to a fungal infection.

Using the example of Candida albicans as a fungus, Candida is a type of fungus that normally inhabits the skin, body, mouth, throat, intestines, vagina, etc. When the environment of the mouth, throat,  and esophagus changes, Candida may multiply and cause infection in an  environment  that promotes proliferation.

Candidiasis of the mouth and throat is also known as oropharyngeal candidiasis. Candidiasis of the esophagus (the tube that connects the throat to the stomach) is called esophageal candidiasis or candida esophagitis. Esophageal candidiasis is one of the most common infections in people living with HIV/AIDS.

Symptoms Illustration of candida infection:

Mouth and throat candidiasis has a variety of symptoms, including:

White spots on the inside of the cheeks, tongue, palate and throat redness and pain  cottony mouthfeel  loss of tastePain when eating or swallowingCracks and redness in the corners of the mouth

Read more about fungal infections at:



Why do people wake up at 3am?


Answer: some people have probably caught up on their sleep, or cant sleep, there are different and millions of reasons


Is it true that
Chlamydia can progress to an infection of the fallopian tubes and pelvic cavity, which can cause infertility.


Yes it true chlamydia can also cause fallopian tube infection without any symptoms. Pld and silent infection in the upper genital tract may cause permanent damage to the fallopian tube and surrounding tissues which can lead to infertility.

What is chlamydia?

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted diseases that can cause infection among both men and women. It can cause permanent damage to a woman's reproductive system.

There are differences symptom of chlamydia such as:

Pain when urinatingUnusual vaginal dischargePain in the tummy or pelvisPain during sexBleeding after sexBleeding between periods

Therefore chlamydia can cause alot of damage to fallopian tube and the surrounding tissue which can lead to infertility.

Learn more about chlamydia here: brainly.com/question/877298


meditation and relaxation combined form the ________, which has been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure.


The Relaxation Response Technique, which combines meditation and relaxation, has been used successfully to treat people with high blood pressure.

How does the relaxation reaction technique work? What are its four steps?

The Relaxation Response can be elicited by four different factors: a calm setting, a mantra (a mental tool used in most kinds of meditation), a quiet attitude, and just a comfortable position.

Which two relaxation response methods are the most common?

Self-Hypnosis: People who participate in self-hypnosis programs get the ability to trigger the relaxation response at the mention of a word or nonverbal cue known as their own "suggestion." Exercises for the Breath: Slow, deep breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, may be the emphasis of your breathing exercises.

To know more about Relaxation Response Technique  visit:



Is swimming is the best fat burning exercise for everyone?


It depends on your body

Due to bullying, which consequence is more likely to occur among LGBTQ students than among their peers? O depression O low anxiety O delay of puberty O low-risk behaviors​


Due to bullying, depression is more likely to occur among LGBTQ students than among their peers.

What do you mean by LGBTQ?

A term used to refer to the community or individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning. The term "gay community" should not be used since it inaccurately captures the community's diversity.

Bullying contributes to the thoughts and actions of sexual minority adolescents who are more likely than non-LGBT youth to consider self destruction and make an attempt. Additional negative impacts of LGBT bullying on mental health include increased signs of despair and anxiety as well as poorer self-esteem.

Hence the correct answer is depression

To learn more about LGBTQ from the given link



if a person is having a seizure, make sure you place something in their mouth so that they don’t bite or swallow their tongue.


Don't put anything in the person's mouth. Still, a person may suck down, If their jaw and impertinence muscles tense up during a seizure.

What about seizures?A seizure can be brought on by anything that breaks the regular connections between the brain's whim-whams cells.Included in this are a high temperature, low blood sugar, alcohol or medicine pullout, a concussion, and high or low blood pressure.Still, epilepsy is linked when a person experiences two or further seizures without an honorable reason.period, missed drug, sleep privation, stress, alcohol, and other factors are only a many of the multitudinous causes.Though it happens far less constantly than you would suppose, some people might witness seizures when they see flashing lights.Children between the periods of 2 and 13 are most generally when seizures start.Benign Rolandic epilepsy- related seizures generally include shuddering, but they can also number impassiveness or a chinking sensation in the face or lingo, which can affect in muddled speech.They constantly are while a youth is waking up or falling asleep.The original seizure symptom, known as an air or warning, is included in the seizure itself.ambiences constantly have an indefinable sense.Other times, a seizure is egregious and may be accompanied by a harmonious shift in mood, sensation, thinking, or geste.

Learn more about seizure here:



What is the main event in Hamlet?


Hamlet's desire to kill Claudius in order to get revenge for the passing of his father is the play's central conflict.

Hamlet poses as mad, muses on life and death, and seeks kill. In order to save his own life, his uncle also plans to take life Hamlet.

Hamlet's capacity for decisive action is tested in two key contexts: the first is the decision of whether or not to take life Claudius and exact revenge on his father, and the second is the decision of whether or not to take own life in order to escape making the first choice.

For more information on Hamlet kindly visit to



Even after passage of the affordable care act, the united states remains the only advanced industrial nation without universal access to health care.
a. True
b. False


It is true that even after passage of the affordable care act, the United States remains the only advanced industrial nation without universal access to health care.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, cited because the cheap Care Act or “ACA” for brief, is that the comprehensive health care reform law enacted in March 2010. The law has three primary goals: create cheap insurance obtainable to a lot of individuals.

The fundamental purpose of health care is to boost quality of life by enhancing health. industrial businesses specialize in making monetary profit to support their valuation and stay viable. Health care should specialize in making social profit to satisfy its promise to society.

To learn more about  health care here



help on this pls :)
Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

Which of Erikson's eight psychosocial stages is the stage in which the healthy developing child begins to plan activities and make up games?


Answer: Stage three, Initiative vs. Guilt

(The answer in a complete sentence I think would be something like, "The stage in which a healthy developing child begins to plan activities and make up games is stage three.")


In stage two, children are starting to perform basic actions on their own and making simple decisions about what they prefer.

In the stage three is when children should be encouraged to be independant. They begin to assert their power and control over the world through directing play and other social interactions.

I hope this helps :)

A worker who has skills as both a nursing assistant and a medical assistant is an example of what trend in health care careers?


A worker who has skills as both a nursing assistant and a medical assistant is an example of a trend towards healthcare workers having multiple roles and skills.

The Trend of Combining Nursing and Medical Assistant Skills in Health Care Careers

Healthcare is becoming increasingly complex, leading to a need for employees who are able to handle multiple roles and tasks within a healthcare setting. These hybrid healthcare workers have the skills of both a nursing assistant and a medical assistant, allowing them to provide comprehensive care for patients.

This type of worker is a valuable asset to any healthcare team, as they are able to quickly assess a patient’s needs and provide the necessary care. They are also able to take on administrative tasks such as filing paperwork and scheduling appointments, meaning they can help to streamline the healthcare process.

Learn more about Healthcare: https://brainly.com/question/27741709


waist circumference can be an indication of ""risky"" abdominal obesity. a waist circumference of _________ inches for a man indicates excess abdominal fat and increased health risk.


a waist circumference of 42 inches for a man indicates excess abdominal fat and increased health risk.

Abdominal fat is the more dangerous fat

where abdominal fat accumulates

opens a pop-up dialog ) is not limited to It also includes visceral fat, which lies deep in the abdomen and surrounds the internal organs.

Large amounts of abdominal fat, regardless of total weight, increase the risk of:

Cardiovascular diseaseInsulin resistance and type 2 diabetesColon cancerSleep apneaPremature death from all causesHypertensionAge and GeneticsWeight is primarily determined by three factors.

If you eat too much and exercise too little, you will probably gain extra pounds – including belly fat.

Take years also plays a role. As we age, we lose muscle, especially if we are not exercising. Losing muscle mass slows your body's ability to burn calories, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight. According to the 2015-2020 American Dietary Guidelines, a man in his 50s needs about 200 fewer calories per day than he does in his 30s due to this muscle loss.

Genes also affect your chances of being overweight or obese and where you store your fat. However, balancing the calories you consume and your activity can help prevent weight gain, regardless of your age or genetics.

Learn more about fat here :  https://brainly.com/question/4176733


When the sebum plug of a ________ is exposed to air, it oxidizes and becomes a blackhead.
chloasma comedo macule pustule


When the sebum plug of a comedo is exposed to air, it oxidizes and becomes a blackhead which is therefore denoted as option B.

What is a Comedo?

This is referred to as a medical condition which is characterized by skin the pore or hair follicle being clogged with oil, dead skin cells and bacteria due to different types of underlying reasons and factors.

In a scenario whereby the sebum plug of a comedo is or has been exposed to air, it oxidizes and becomes a blackhead which is therefore the reason why option B was chosen as the correct choice

Read more about Sebum here  https://brainly.com/question/10723558


childcare programs are permitted to use 15 passenger vans to transport children.


Yes, childcare programs are allowed to use 15 passenger vans to transport children, as long as they meet the requirements for safe operation outlined by their local government.

Transporting Children in 15 Passenger Vans: Requirements for Safe Operation

The vehicle must be registered and insured, the driver must have a valid driver's license, and the vehicle must be properly maintained. Additionally, all safety equipment, including seatbelts and child safety seats, must be used.

Furthermore, the vehicle must be driven by a qualified driver who has completed a driver's safety course, and the number of children in the vehicle must not exceed the number of available seatbelts. In order to ensure the safety of the children, childcare programs should also consider additional safety measures such as installing a safety partition between the driver and the passengers, and ensuring that the vehicle is equipped with a first aid kit and fire extinguisher.

Learn more about Driver's safety: https://brainly.com/question/1071840


about _____ percent of adolescents and young adults have reported being cyberbullied or cybervictims.


About 20 percent of adolescents and young adults have reported being cyber bullied or cyber victims.

What about cyber victims?The practice of victimizing people while exercising information and communication technology is known as cyber-victimization.Governments, companies, or people can be victims of cybercrime.In this chapter, the term"cyber-victimization" refers especially to victimization brought on by online felonious exertion.lower humane reactivity and an advanced position of moral detachment are displayed by cyber bullies and bully- victims than bynon-cyber bullies.On the other hand, cyber victims constantly employ both healthy and unhealthy styles of controlling their feelings.Malware attacks, word assaults, phishing attacks, and SQL injection attacks are the numerous kinds of cyber-attacks.Any hanging electronic communication conveyed to a third party.Any graphic images that are meant to offend someone differently.Also, laws against cyberbullying occasionally include sexting.Cyber kindness is the use of technology to encourage, serve, love, make someone's day more, or in any other way use digital media to make someone's life easier, emotionally stronger, or cognitively stronger.According to certain data, up to 50% of kiddies have been the victims of cyber bullying.Cyber bullying victims may have a variety of negative consequences, similar as internal health problems, crummy academic results, a desire to quit academy, and indeed self-murder studies.

Learn more about cyber victims here:



true/false ? alcohol and other drugs alter mood and affect the mind by interfering with central nervous system


Alcohol and other substances do indeed interfere with the central nervous system, which affects mood and the mind.

The statement is true

What what is a neurological system?

The brain, brain stem, and an intricate web of nerves make up the nervous system. The brain as well as the body communicate with one another through this system. All bodily processes are under the control of the brain. The spinal cord exits the brain through the back and descends.

What does the brain . the brain do in reality?

Our health and wellbeing are influenced by the neurological system in almost every way. It directs automatic functions like breathing, which occurs every time you wake up, as well as complicated ones like thinking, writing, remembering, and experiencing emotions. As a result of the nervous system: evolution of the brain

To know more about nervous system visit:



5. When you give a verbal report to the care team, what is your role in the communication cycle?
asking questions
giving information


giving information.........................

Giving information in the communication cycle When you give a verbal report to the care team, hence option D is correct.

What is the communication cycle?

The message is sent from the sender, or source, to the recipient, who then reacts with feedback, creating a communication cycle. Verbal or nonverbal communication may be sent.

Any element that interferes with communication or distorts the message in any manner may be considered noise in this circle of communication.

Verbal communication is the art of effectively communicating your thoughts using speech or other oral means. Effective verbal communication is vital in the corporate world.

Therefore, giving information in the communication cycle When you give a verbal report to the care team, hence option D is correct.

Learn more about communication, here:



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