When is it important to assess your knowledge of an issue? Check all that apply. 0.0/1.0 point (graded) When is it important to assess your knowledge of an issue? Check all that apply. A. When you are a student in a beginning level class B. When you are an expert on that topic C. When you have done previous research on the topic unanswered


Answer 1


All options are correct.


In a nutshell, we can say that it is important to evaluate your knowledge on a given subject in all situations in which that subject will be used, even if you are an expert. That's because your knowledge on a given subject can always be updated and deepened, regardless of how much you know about it. In this case, we can say that all the answer options presented in the questions above are examples of situations where your knowledge about something should be evaluated.

Related Questions

can you name some of your rights and privileges?​



I have the right to freedom of speech (duh)

and a privilege i have is being able to travel abroad to Australia from training


The right to equality, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of religion, the right to life and personal liberty, the prohibition against exploitation, and the right to education are only a few of the fundamental rights guaranteed to Indian people under the Indian Constitution.

What additional rights Indian people have ?

Indian people also have the freedom to request information under the freedom to Information Act, cast a ballot in elections, and take part in lawful rallies and demonstrations.Right to equal protection under the law and equality before the law without distinction based on gender, race, caste, or place of birth.

Right to take part in democratic activities and run for public office.

the freedom to look for job and do it wherever in India without fear of persecution because of one's religion, ethnicity, caste, sex, or place of birth.

the freedom to follow and spread any religion or belief of their choosing.

the right to create groups or unions to further their interests.

Right to unrestricted access to public amenities and services, including utilities, schools, and hospitals.

Learn more about Rights at :



Explain why Mark Boyle gave up money in 2008. Use text evidence to support your answer. Your answer must include 3-4 sentences.

PLZ HELP if you do you get 30 pionts



Mark Boyle wanted to make the world a better place so he decided to grow his own food, purify his own water, and make his own furniture.  Mark Boyle states that if we didn't depend on earth so much we would be in a better situation by now.  Mark Boyle gave up on money on don't buy anything day, he donated all of his money to charity.  Mark Boyle did it because he wanted to keep earth and the people safe.

Explanation: Be careful I used this as my answer too.  Write something like that but use your own words.

A. Complete each sentences by changing the verb
into past tense.
1. Jorge(forget)
to clean his room, and
now his mother is angry at him.
2. I wish that(know)________ what I know now!
3. Josh(ride)___his bicycle all the way here last
night, in the pouring rain.
4. Julie(sing) ____ in her church choir for three
years before she ever did a solo performance.
5.Paul's money was(spend) _______before he even
earned it.​



1. forgot

2. I wish that I knew

3. rode

4. sang

5. spent

State how you seek others' cooperation to accomplish your tasks.​





The third essential component of cooperative learning is individual accountability. The purpose of cooperative learning groups is to make each member a stronger individual. Students learn together so they can subsequently perform better as individuals!!

Answer: The third essential component of cooperative learning is individual accountability. The purpose of cooperative learning.


Exploring Point of View in Literature - Quiz - Level F
Which of these statements is true of a third-person
The narrator reveals the thoughts and feelings of just
one character.
The narrator is a character in the story.
The narrator uses pronouns like "L" "me," and "my."
The narrator can reveal the thoughts and feelings of
more than one character.



The narrator can reveal the thoughts and feelings of

more than one character.


Order the events in the CORRECT order of WHEN they happened in the book from BEGINNING TO OUR L
= Equality 7-2521 got in trouble in school.
= Equality 7-2521 were assigned as a Street Sweeper.
= Equality 7-2521 met The Golden One.
= Equality 7-2521 found the tunnel.
= Equality 7-2521 discovered power.
= Equality 7-2521 met International 4-8818



Equality 7-2521 got in trouble in school.Equality 7-2521 were assigned as a Street Sweeper.Equality 7-2521 met International 4-8818Equality 7-2521 found the tunnel.Equality 7-2521 discovered power.Equality 7-2521 met The Golden One.


In the book, "Anthem" by Ayn Rand, the people live in a dystopian society where individualism has been quashed. A man named Equality 7-2521 tells his story of how he got into trouble at school because he was smarter and taller than most.

He was assigned as a street sweeper so that he would not be able to fully utilize his brilliance. Here he met is friend International 4-8818 who was posted to be a street sweeper for being creative. As they were sweeping the streets they discovered a tunnel.

Equality 7-2521 spent time there experimenting and discovered power. It was around this time that he met the Golden One, a female that he had feelings for that he did not quite understand.

Plz help me No links Ty :3
Who is the protagonist of the story the gift of magi??


I think Della would be the protagonist

Informational books are not...

A biography
A joke book
A text with characters
All of the above


I think all above sorry if I’m wrong

2. O Brasil ocupa 47% de todo território da América do Sul e apresenta uma extensa fronteira tanto
terrestre quanto marítima. Assinale a alternativa correta em relação às fronteiras brasileiras.
a) O Brasil faz limite com todos os países da América do Sul
b) Apesar da extensão da fronteira terrestre, o governo brasileiro tem facilidade de fiscalizá-la e
c) A fronteira marítima se estende desde o estado do Amapá até o Rio Grande do Sul, o que favorece diversas atividades econômicas.
d) As fronteiras marítimas interligam diversos estados e regiões do Brasil, mas não são usadas
como rotas comerciais



please in english



Where do you watch television?
a. With my family.
b. For entertainment.
c. In my bedroom.
d. With my sister.



I watch television in my bedroom

Question 19 of 22
What is the most accurate definition of media bias?
*A. A journalist's or reporter's viewpoints affect the way the facts of a
news story is presented.
B. The lower half of the brain and upper portion of the spinal cord
control human motor functions.
C. A relatively small group of people tend to create most of the
stories that appear on the news.
D. Vehicles as newspapers, TV, and the Internet, present ideas and
information to the public.


The most accurate definition of media bias is A. A journalist's or reporter's viewpoints affect the way the facts of a news story is presented.

What is media bias?

Media bias refers to the tendency of journalists, reporters, or news organizations to present news in a way that reflects their personal views or beliefs. This can result in a skewed representation of events or issues, which may favor one perspective over another.

Media bias can be intentional or unintentional, and it can occur in different forms, such as omission, framing, or selection of sources. It is important for consumers of news to be aware of media bias, as it can affect their understanding and interpretation of current events.

Read more on media bias here:https://brainly.com/question/9467162


Which sentence uses parentheses correctly?
(Generally) I don't like it when people whisper in class.
Geoffrey Chaucer (the Father of English poetry also was a member of
In the film, Michael Clayton (George Clooney) is a lawyer who takes down
an evil corporation.
When I was a little girl possibly it was when I was only 10 or so) a
cottonmouth snake bit me.


i believe the answer is C
I think it’s C
I hope it’s help

Someone help me we are reading The boy in the striped pajamas 1-3 for Brainless



lol brainless??


what does the ending of the story named a letter to god tell about Lincho​


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.


In the end, Lencho​ seems to be ungrateful and even accuses the people from the post office of having stolen his money, because he´s unaware that it was them, and not God, who gave him money.


In the story "A Letter to God," by G.L. Fuentes, Lencho is a farmer whose entire crop yield has been damaged by a hailstorm and decides to write a letter to God asking for 100 pesos to sow his field again. When the postmaster discovers Lencho´s letter, secretly collects some money for him, but is not the full amount Lencho had asked for. In the end, Lencho writes another letter for God, asking for the full amount, and accusing the people from the post office of having stolen part of his money, showing that he´s ungrateful and unaware of who are the people actually trying to help him.

All of the following ideas are repeated in this passage EXCEPT
A. flowers
B. the early twenties
C. weather
D. new clothes
E money


Answer: What is the passage?


No whipper snappers are menaces. Some snipper snappers are menaces. Therefore...
bahwe may conchide that some

Write the standard form categorical statements that solves the following enthymemes



Excuse Me? We need more context.


Please help me i need a summary on this



yea whers da answer


My brother is a great coach.
A. Simple present
B. Simple past
c. Present perfect
D. Subjunctive



A. Simple Present


please help fast! i’ll give brainliest.


Answer: 4


There you go, hope it helps

Help plsssss ☑️☑️☑️☑️



aaa it s a


How are the actions of the Weird Sisters, Duncan, and Macbeth's wife similar?
Select one:
They betray Macbeth when he becomes king.
They push Macbeth toward being king.
They fail to show respect for Macbeth.
They commit crimes that anger Macbeth.



Well I have read this two weeks ago, So I thinks it is d.They commit crimes that anger Macbeth. It is surely d!!


thanks me later

and mark me as brainliest if it helped you

Why were the police so willing to look at Walter McMillan as Rhonda's murderer even though it was clear the person who accused hirn had clearly never met him before? A.The community was putting a lot of pressure on the police to arrest someone. B.Walter had confessed to the murder. C.The police wanted to punish Walter for his affair with Karen Kelly. D.The chief of police had personal issues with Walter and saw this a way to get even.





can someone help me understand what TS eliot means by 'historical sense' in his essay Tradition and the individual Talent? pleaaase my paper is due tomorrow​



"Historical sense" refers to how historical events influenced literature and the art of the past, shaping the forms of writing and creating of the present.


The "historical sense" for T.S Eliot refers to fidelity to the ways in which poetry and other forms of art and literature were portrayed in the past and how this was the basis for creating the art and literature forms of his present. In a more explained way, we can affirm that the "historical sense" refers to the importance of ancient works, how they were written and the historical context to which they are related. According to "Tradition and the individual Talent," Eliot cared very much how events in the past had the ability to shape art and literature and this was important to influence and create the works of the present, as a tradition that passes from generations to generations without being forgotten and adding great value to any type of work created.

Revise the sentence below to avoid ending the sentence with a preposition:

Who did you give the flowers to?


To who did you give the flowers?

hopefully that's right ><

I know that's one way to write it


According to the rule, you should avoid ending a sentence with a preposition by removing the preposition or changing its position in a sentence. For example, you supposedly should not write, "I have a dishwasher that I want to get rid of." You could write, “I want to get rid of my dishwasher.”

Explanation: edmentum

The word "vegan" (,begin bold,vee,end bold, • gun) can refer to a particular kind of diet or the person who follows that diet. Vegans typically do not consume animal products, so their diets avoid meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. There are various reasons that people decide to become vegans; one reason is for the perceived health benefits of a vegan diet.

Many experts say that a well-planned vegan diet is healthy, but vegans must choose their foods wisely. The animal and dairy products in a non-vegan diet provide important nutrients such as vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D. Vegans must find plant-based sources for these nutrients. For example, vegans can get vitamin B12 from fortified,superscript,1,baseline, breakfast cereals or foods made from soybeans. Many dark-green vegetables contain calcium; so do red beans and calcium-fortified fruit juices. Vegans can get vitamin D from fortified soy milk or rice milk. A healthy vegan diet includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and beans.

People who want to switch to a vegan diet should start slowly. They should learn everything they can about being vegan and discuss their plan with a doctor or a dietician.,superscript,2,baseline, They should read food labels to see which foods contain animal products and look through a vegan cookbook. Then they might try a few popular vegan foods, such as veggie burgers. Many of the foods they ate before can remain part of a vegan diet. Vegans can still enjoy a crisp salad and a shiny, red apple!

Which pair of statements, best expresses two main ideas in the passage?

1. Most people who become vegan make the switch because a vegan diet is healthier than other diets. Vegans can get all essential nutrients by including a variety of vegetables and fruits in their daily diet.

2. The term "vegan" refers to people whose diets do not include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. People should not switch to a vegan diet without first learning how to prepare vegan foods.

3. A vegan diet may lack nutrients such as vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D that meat-based diets provide. People who become vegan discover that their new diet includes many of the same foods they ate before.

4. Vegans must make sure that their diets include a balance of proper nutrients from plant-based sources. People who want to become vegan should educate themselves about the diet and make gradual changes.


I believe it's 2. The term "vegan" refers to people whose diets do not include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. People should not switch to a vegan diet without first learning how to prepare vegan foods.

Which of the following uses hyphens correctly?
A. The two tone cars at the auto show have zero-chance of winning best-in-show.
B. The two-tone cars at the auto show have zero chance of winning best-in-show.
C. The two-tone cars at the auto show have zero-chance of winning best in show.
D. The two-tone cars at the auto show have zero chance of winning best in show.


Answer: Hello, adarliane! I'd say that B is the best answer to this question.

Explanation: I'm not very sure how to explain why this is the answer, but only "two-tone" and "best-in-show" should have hyphens. Some words in the English language just happen to be like this, especially if they are adjectives with short syllables.

I hope this was helpful to you!

Which Event during the capsules party in scene 5 takes place first ?


The second answer: Tybalt recognizes Romeo

6. I spend way too much time worrying about what high school will be like. I wonder if I will have
many friends. Also, I wonder if my parents will help me get a driver's license as soon as I turn
sixteen. I wonder if high school will be hard.
(2 Points)
O a. Internal; Person vs. Self
O b. External; Person vs. Person
O c. External; Person vs. Nature
d. External; Person vs. Supernatural





this is someone worrying about different things in side their head. Some of it is stuff they might not even need to worry about. An outside force is not what caused this conflict so it is internal

1. Which sentence best describes the author's opinion of women's
athletic dress codes?
O A Women athletes should conform to society's fashion
OB Sports is the one area where women should not be judged for
what they wear.
C Criticism of women's athletic fashion does not stop eventual
progress and change.
OD Men use harsh dress codes to ensure they don't have to
compete against women.


Answer: Criticism of women's athletic fashion does not stop eventual  progress and change.


This is based on a C*mmonlit article about women's dressing in tennis. It uses examples of Serena Williams wearing the famous "catsuit" which was viewed as controversial and immodest.

Even though she as criticized for the attire, Ms. Williams still went ahead and and won the title. This, couple with the continued success of women's tennis over the years regardless of the criticism thrown at their dressing proves that the criticism will not stop growth.

please help me on my sister's module.
great answer = automatic brainliest
please don't try anything funny.


I’m sorry I’m apologizing a photo of the text, I’m not sure why Brainly is refusing to let me answer directly without it glitching.
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