when did the titanic sink?


Answer 1



25, 2008, at 1:14 p.m. For decades after the disaster, there was little doubt about what sank the Titanic. When the "unsinkable" ship, the largest, most luxurious ocean liner of its time, crashed into an iceberg on its maiden voyage in 1912, it took more than 1,500 of its 2,200 passengers to the bottom.

April 14, 1912

Answer 2


Apirl 15 1912

Explanation: because the titanic was full steam head said the captin

Related Questions

!00 points!!!!!!!! I'll mark you BraInLieSt

Why might government control of radio and television technology be important to totalitarian governments?



To make sure that all culture followed state ideology.


Here you go! c:

Have a nice day and stay safe <3

pls help i will mark brainliest if its correct!
How did the Catholic Church respond to corruption and criticisms? Choose three correct answers.

by setting up the Council of Trent
by increasing the wealth of the clergy
by founding new religious orders
by accepting Protestant teachings
by regulating the training of priests



a c e :)


I cant explain but i got it wrong and it showed me the right answers yknow

By setting up the Council of Trent,  by founding new religious orders and  by regulating the training of priests did the Catholic Church respond to corruption and criticisms. Hence, option A, C and E are correct.

What were the criticisms of the Catholic Church?

The Catholic Church has also been under fire for its doctrine opposing the ordination of women to the clergy, as well as for claims of financial fraud and corruption, as well as for how it handles cases of sexual abuse.

In response to the Protestant challenge, the Roman Catholic Church rid itself of the abuses and ambiguities that had fostered rebellion before starting, with varying degrees of success, to recapture the schismatic branches of Western Christianity.

Luther had created a pattern of scholarship and consideration, and this was reflected in the Roman Church's initial response to his theses. Rome sent prominent clerics and theologians to debate Luther in disputations and give him the chance to change his mind or appease the church.

Thus, option A, C and E are correct.

For more information about  Catholic Church, click here:



what do americans do today to show they do not agree with their government's actions?


If Americans don’t show an agreement with the governments actions in todays day is either vandalize a steal during protest. They also do peaceful protest for causes that are going on.

Why are checks and balances and separation of powers important?
A They make the government more efficient.
B They make the government more powerful.
C They limit the branches' ability to become too powerful.
D They give citizens more access to their government.




C- they limit the branches' ability to become too powerful


They did this so that one branch of the government can't control the other branches. :)

Hope this helps and good luck on your test :)

The answer is c hope it helps

what angered the colonists about the tea act ?​



They colonist were being taxed on tea and they did not like that.

Which of the following were the (2) main goals for Spanish colonization?
a. Converting Native Americans to Christianity.
b. The Spanish were interested in trade only, not colonization.
C. Acquisition of wealth.
d. A and B only
-e. A and C only





Spain's colonization goals were to extract gold and silver from the Americas, to stimulate the Spanish economy and make Spain a more powerful country.

Extra information that can help you:

There were several goals of the first European explorers. One goal was to help find a shorter water route to Asia. Several countries sponsored explorations to find a new and a shorter water route to Asia. Christopher Columbus was one explorer who was sent on a mission to find a shorter water route to Asia.

Some explorers also hoped to gain fame by exploring. They hoped that, by discovering new lands, they would become famous as a result of their discoveries. They also hoped to become wealthy, financially rewarded for discovering new lands.

What started the Civil war in Lebanon in the 1970’s?



do u mean in nigeria


The SLA began as a split from the Army of Free Lebanon, a Maronite faction within the Lebanese Army. Their initial goal was to be a bulwark against PLO raids and attacks into the Galilee, although they later focused on fighting Hezbollah.


what was the purpose of having social classes in medieval Japan?


Edo society was a feudal society with strict social stratification, customs, and regulations intended to promote political stability. Japanese people were assigned to a hierarchy of social classes based on the Four Occupations that was hereditary.

What was eliminated in order to discourage States from front loading?


Front-loading, in U.S. politics, the moving up of presidential primaries and caucuses by states

Which of the following is not a major import of the United States?

Medical products





What did government regulations, like the factory act, attempt to fix? A. Product quality B. Unsafe work conditions C. Business profits D. Employee efficiency



Letter D. employee efficiency

How can politicians gauge public opinion?

A. By reading the Newspaper.
B. By asking the President
C. By looking at Public opinion Polls.
D. By asking a fortune teller.


The correct answer is C. By looking at Public opinion Polls.

HELP :((.

How much power do ordinary people have to change the world? Give a few examples.



Ordinary people have a lot of power. Think of people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, and Abraham Lincoln. These were all ordinary born people, and their beliefs and actions ended up changing the world.


It doesn't take a millionaire to help the world change, but it does take heart and faith and a lot of leadership. I hope this helped you!

"No one's like me, I'm Harley frickin' Quinn"!

-Harley Quinn (Birds of Prey)

Though unemployment during the Great Depression was widespread, it was
higher in some parts of the United States than in others. An economic
historian creates a table based on existing unemployment data from the
Depression, while a cultural historian interviews people who were
unemployed at the time.
What information would the cultural historian receive that the economic
historian would not?
A. Stories about the experience of being unemployed
B. The names of specific people who were unemployed
C. The level of unemployment in each state
D. Years when unemployment increased or decreased in different





They would get specific stories on what it was like being unemployed at the time and how that effected the culture

The correct answer is A

Where were most of the factories
located at the start of the American
Industrial Revolution?
A. West coast
B. Mid West
C. East Coast


answer c. east coast


the factories were located in the East Coast

Help pls,, The WPA or Works Progress
Administration, cost the government
eight billion of which of the following?
A. lives
B. dollars
C. hours
D. jobs





hope this helps

What was the Forbidden City? Who built it?

Pls help



Forbidden City, imperial palace complex built by Yonglo, third emperor (1402–24) of the Ming dynasty, Beijing.Photograph, Palace Museum, Beijing/Wan-go Weng Inc.


Brainliest Please


Kuai Xiang built it


The Forbidden City was the political and ritual center of China for over 500 years. After its completion in 1420, the Forbidden City was home to 24 emperors, their families and servants during the Ming.

hope this helps m8

Which statements accurately describe China after World War II ?

Choose all answers that are correct.
After Mao's death, Chinese leaders began to open the country more to the west.

The Cultural Revolution under Mao in the 1960s oppressed students and professionals.

Mao’s Great Leap Forward plan to increase industry was a great success.

Since 1976, China has had a mixture of a market economy and a communist economy.


C,d is the answer I think


Since 1976, China has had a mixture of a market economy and a communist economy.

The Cultural Revolution under Mao in the 1960s oppressed students and professionals.

After Mao's death, Chinese leaders began to open the country more to the west.


How did the family of Chiang Kai-Shek make a living?


Answer: Chiang Kai-shek (31 October 1887 – 5 April 1975),also known as Chiang or Chieh-shih , was a Chinese Nationalist politician, revolutionary and military leader who served as the leader of the Republic of China between 1928 and 1975, first in mainland China until 1949 and then in Taiwan until his death.


Explain how the quick victory over France impacted Hitler's authority within Germany


Answer:Blitzkrieg is a term used to describe a method of offensive warfare designed to strike a swift, focused blow at an enemy using mobile, maneuverable forces, including armored tanks and air support. Such an attack ideally leads to a quick victory, limiting the loss of soldiers and artillery.


The quick victory over France impacted Hitler's authority within Germany as a lack of effective intelligence, bad operations and tactical strategy, and weak strategic leadership.

What is a victory?

Victory refers to victory in direct battle, following armed forces in general, such as or, by expansion, in any type of competition. The phrase originally pertained to conflict. While winning a military encounter is a tactical triumph, winning an army battle is an intellectual success.

The research that follows comes to the conclusion that the French's defeat in 1940 was primarily because of the plans that were made by them.

The Schlieffen Plan, Germany's war strategy, aimed for it to swiftly destroy France before moving east to battle Russia. Like a huge revolving door, its forces were to descend through Belgium and the northern part of France into Paris.

Learn more about victory, here:



What was the purpose of the 12th Amendment?​


The second one is the answer

How might the Code of
Hammurabi and the Magna
Carta have influenced the
development of our own



by preventing the ruler from making up new laws that were not mentioned in the Code.

Why did President Truman develop the containment policy after WWII?


Because the Containment was a United States policy using numerous strategies to prevent the spread of communism abroad.

americans believed in the manifest destiny because?



America believed in the manifest destiny because they believed it was god's will to expand and spread democracy


Answer:Is used to enlarge its supermacy(dominion) & expand self-govnerment(democracy) & private enterprise over the whole Western hemisphere(North america) mainland.


2. Why would the Supreme Court's decision excite too many people



Because the Supreme Court makes laws official which could anger or make a side happy.


What two products, in addition to the working light bulb, did Thomas Edison invent?
vacuum cleaner and fountain pen
O phonograph and motion picture camera
O point-and-shoot camera and typewriter
O diesel engine and escalator



phonograph and motion picture camera


What's the significance of the Great Depression?


The Great Depression
the economic crisis and period of low business activity in the u.s. and other countries, roughly beginning with the stock-market crash in October, 1929, and continuing through most of the 1930s.

how might the effectiveness of the League of Nations contribute to the
start of WWII?


Answer: Their efforts to keep peace ended in more bloodshed

Explanation:To ensure that nothing as terrible as World War I ever happened again, the Allied Powers created the Treaty of Versailles and then the League of Nations in order to maintain peace. However, these did not work well, and this in conjunction with the Great Depression caused Germany to become an aggressor. Appeasement in Europe allowed it to continue until finally, Germany’s behavior could no longer be tolerated. Therefore, the failure of the League of Nations was the primary cause of World War II because it led to a series of events that triggered German aggression, ultimately causing World War II.

Which was true of African Americans after slavery ended?
A.Most got out of debt.
B.Many had to leave the United States.
C.Most began to lead much better lives.
D.Many faced discrimination.



D.Many faced discrimination.


_Shay's Rebellion suggests that the most important problem facing the
United States after the Revolution was
a. The ongoing conflict with Native Americans
b. The British refusal to recognize American claims to the Northwest Territory
c. Economic problems caused by debt and high tax
d. Disputes over states' rights and the authority of the federal government
e. The danger of an open slave revolt in the South


Answer: C.) Economic problems caused by debt and high tax

Explanation: Shays’ Rebellion was a series of armed protests staged in 1786 by farmers in western Massachusetts against repressive debt and property tax collection practices.

The farmers were aggrieved by excessive Massachusetts property taxes and penalties ranging from the foreclosure of their farms to lengthy prison terms.

Led by Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays, the rebels stormed several courthouses in an effort to block tax collections.

Shays’ Rebellion was put down on January 25, 1787, when a private army raised by Massachusetts’s Governor, James Bowdoin intercepted and defeated and arrested Shays and nearly 1500 of his followers as they attempted to seize the federal arsenal in Springfield, Missouri.

Shays’ Rebellion underscored weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and led to the creation of the U.S. Constitution.

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