What's the smallest part of a computer

A microchip

A byte

A bit

A mouse click


Answer 1


A byte


I just had that question on my quiz

Answer 2
A byte!
It can be referring to any sort of byte according to the question. (kilobyte would be pretty small)

Related Questions

What is the purpose of the Revisions pane in a presentation?

to make suggestions for improvement

to organize and rename groups of slides

to leave comments on slides for other users

to delete all the slides in a presentation at once


First option

Sorry if I’m wrong


to make suggestions for improvement

Discuss two business information systems that are used in two different sectors in a modern economy.



Two business information systems that are used in two different sectors in a modern economy are:

Transaction Processing System (TPS):

The Transaction Processing System (TPS) is a type of data system for capturing, storing, updating and recovering a company's data operations. Transaction systems often try to provide consistent response times to requests even if this is not as important as in real-time systems.

Management Information System (MIS)

MIS is the study of persons, technological systems and associations between them. Management Information Systems (MIS) Professionals at MIS allow businesses to profit maximally from staff, facilities and business process expenditure. MIS is a field of people with a focus on technological support.

Complete the sentence.

involves placing a device on the network that captures all the raw data in the network traffic to try to find something valuable
A. Dumpster diving
B. Packet sniffing
C. Social engineering
D. Phishing



D. Phishing


Answer: B. Packet sniffing


right on edge

Sorry this ain't bout HW but how do I get this off my screen it's pretty annoying


Have you tried the esc button? Or restart your cp

round 74,361 to the nearest 10​



74,400 i think


In your opinion what do you think “digital freedom”means?



umm i think secure websites and privacy

Explanation: I guessed


digital freedom in my opinion is being digataly free like not being moderated every time you flipping answer somthing


(all hale eggplant god


Harriet is an appointed official who works at the federal level. She is the head of an executive department. She advises the US President on important matters related to her department. Which group or organization does Harriet belong to?
House of Representatives
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Supreme Court


The answer is D I think
The answer should be “B”

Which type of error is caused by the following code? >>> 3 / 0





definition on Edge: "As you probably can guess, this occurs when you try to divide by zero."







Windows Internet Explorer

because windows is aka microsoft windows

What is the most important function of a network operating system (NOS)?



One of the most important functions of a network operating system is its ability to share resources with other network users. The most common resource that's shared is the server's file system.


One of the most important functions of a network operating system is its ability to share resources with other network users. The most common resource that's shared is the server's file system.

What is network operating system?

An operating system for computers known as a "network operating system" (NOS) is primarily made to handle workstations, personal computers, and occasionally older terminals that are linked together over a local area network (LAN).

A NOS's supporting software enables resource sharing and communication amongst various networked devices. A NOS's usual hardware configuration consists of several personal computers, a printer, a server, and file servers that are linked by a local network.

Because earlier iterations of the fundamental operating system weren't created with network use in mind, network operating systems

Therefore, One of the most important functions of a network operating system is its ability to share resources with other network users. The most common resource that's shared is the server's file system.

To learn more about network operating system, refer to the link:



hlp plz...........,....​


i think i could possibly be the first one and the last one. i might be wrong but those seem correct, hope i was able to help :)
I would say the first and last ones which are:

Letters are sent out automatically when books are late.
It is easier to see if books are available.
Plz let me know if I’m wrong and I’m sorry if I am :)
Brainliest would be nice
Thank you

What is used to see the fine details of
graphics on a screen



graphics card


get 60 piont if you if you help meeeeeeeeeeee

The sunshine
Light mornings
Long light nights
BBQs in the garden
The smell of sun cream
Pretty wildflowers
Cloudless blue skies
Going to the beach
Feeling the warm sun on your face
Summer clothes
Picnics in the park
Long walks
Sitting out on a warm evening
Eating fresh tasty salads
Drinking sangria
Orange glowy sunsets
Fresh air
Exploring new places
Ice cream (or Dairy Free alternative)
Summer playlists
Road trips
Eating fresh strawberries
Ice cold drinks on a hot day
The smell of freshly cut grass
Not having to wear a jacket when out
Autumn is just around the corner
Holidays at home or abroad
Salty sea breezes
Summer always seems to make people happier



Picnic in the Park


Parks are my favorite spots to chill or go for a stroll. Parks make walking in a neighborhood more fun and offer space for common sports, promoting physical activity. They have hiking trails and other amenities to get people moving. Every place, in my opinion, needs some green space where people can get away from the crowds. I live near a park, so if the weather is good, I usually go there once or twice a week. Therefor, my favorite summer activity is going to the park.

Acredit given to an author for his or her work is called a(n)
The answers is catation. I think it is right sorry if it is not



The answer is Citation because it's the credit given to any author

The average lease payment for a new vehicle is just over $450 per month for a three-year...



it depends on your insurance company


Write a program using for loop to find the cube of numbers from 50-100


Answer and Explanation:


for(int i = 50;  i <= 100          i++;)


    int cubedNum = Math.pow(i, 4);



LO1. Plan and prepare for work
A. Identification.
Directions. Identify what is referred to in each number and write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
______1. A drawing sheet that contains perspective, site development title,
page and sheet index.
______2. A drawing of the lot showing the setback and development of the
house in relation to the lot.
______3. The top view of the site or lot where the proposed house will be
______4. Generally includes title block, table of contents, and
signs and sealed of the duly licensed and registered professionals
in the plans.
______5. He signs in the lot survey plans.
labels for​
I'll give you a brainliest please answer it



1. Architectural sheet.

2. Site plan.

3. Floor plan.

4. Title page and index.

5. Geodetic Engineer.


1. Architectural sheet: A drawing sheet that contains perspective, site development title, page and sheet index. It is generally used by architects as a graphical representation of a development plan or project.

2. Site plan: A drawing of the lot showing the setback and development of the house in relation to the lot.

3. Floor plan: The top view of the site or lot where the proposed house will be built.

4. Title page and index: Generally includes title block, table of contents, and signs and sealed of the duly licensed and registered professionals in the plans.

5. Geodetic Engineer: He signs in the lot survey plans. A geodetic engineer studies geodynamic phenomenon such as tide, polar motion and the earth movement.

a___ is a placeholder where you can enter text to manipulate and give new graphical effects.​



A "text box" is a placeholder where you can enter text to manipulate and give new graphical effects

Charles was supposed to present his PowerPoint slides to his classmates in a classroom, but now he has to present in the auditorium in front of his entire grade. What change will Charles have to make when he presents his slides?

He will have to change his topic.
He will have to rearrange his slides.
He will have to speak more loudly and clearly.
He will have to tell his friends about the change.




it is c


cus of the long and huge hall of u have in ur school

Answer: C

Explanation: Because he will need the whole grade to hear, or you know grab a mic :D HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR DAY

What are practical things people can do to protect their privacy and security online? What can we do, and what can we avoid doing?

Please help this is due today and I really need help.


there are multiple ways people can protect there privacy like you don’t even have to get online just block yourself away from the world or you can make sure that your always connected to a vpn with hides you from being online or you can avoid putting in your real information if it’s not needed

Text,Audio and graphic is entered into the computer using
a)A cpu
ICT Question​ asap pls help



I think it's input, not sure tho

where can i make an animation for free?



I've heard of flipabook and apparently that's good for simple animations


Hope that helped! Have a nice day!

What is the output for the following code?

print (5*4+5)



It will just print 5*4+5 .

But you still need to add " ".

how will you create new style in a spreadsheet? explain


To create a new style, open the table styles menu and select New style from the bottom. I'll name this new style "simple". Custom styles appear in the upper left of the Table styles menu. Excel will display the name when you hover over the thumbnail.

Which of the following devices can be connected to a network? Check all of the boxes that apply.
tablet computers



1, 2, 4, 6


in how many ways we can connect internet​



There are several ways or methods of connecting to the Internet. There are two access methods direct and Indirect and these can be either fixed or mobile



here are many ways a personal electronic device can connect to the internet.  They all use different hardware and each has a range of connection speeds.  As technology changes, faster internet connections are needed to handle those changes.  I thought it would be interesting to list some of the different types of internet connections that are available for home and personal use, paired with their average speeds.

Dial-Up (Analog 56K).

Dial-up access is cheap but slow. A modem (internal or external) connects to the Internet after the computer dials a phone number.  This analog signal is converted to digital via the modem and sent over a land-line serviced by a public telephone network.  Telephone lines are variable in quality and the connection can be poor at times.  The lines regularly experience interference and this affects the speed, anywhere from 28K to 56K.  Since a computer or other device shares the same line as the telephone, they can’t be active at the same time.

DSL.  DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line.  It is an internet connection that is always “on”.  This uses 2 lines so your phone is not tied up when your computer is connected.  There is also no need to dial a phone number to connect.  DSL uses a router to transport data and the range of connection speed, depending on the service offered, is between 128K to 8 Mbps.

Cable.  Cable provides an internet connection through a cable modem and operates over cable TV lines.  There are different speeds depending on if you are uploading data transmissions or downloading.  Since the coax cable provides a much greater bandwidth over dial-up or DSL telephone lines, you can get faster access.  Cable speeds range from 512K to 20 Mbps.

Wireless.   Wireless, or Wi-Fi, as the name suggests, does not use telephone lines or cables to connect to the internet.   Instead, it uses radio frequency.  Wireless is also an always on connection and it can be accessed from just about anywhere.  Wireless networks are growing in coverage areas by the minute so when I mean access from just about anywhere, I really mean it.  Speeds will vary, and the range is between 5 Mbps to 20 Mbps.

Satellite.  Satellite accesses the internet via a satellite in Earth’s orbit. The enormous distance that a signal travels from earth to satellite and back again, provides a delayed connection compared to cable and DSL.  Satellite connection speeds are around 512K to 2.0 Mbps.

Cellular.  Cellular technology provides wireless Internet access through cell phones.  The speeds vary depending on the provider, but the most common are 3G and 4G speeds.  A 3G is a term that describes a 3rd generation cellular network obtaining mobile speeds of around 2.0 Mbps.  4G is the fourth generation of cellular wireless standards. The goal of 4G is to achieve peak mobile speeds of 100 Mbps but the reality is about 21 Mbps currently.


Which is a type of intellectual property law? Select 4 options.





trade secret



Trade secrets refer to specific, private information that is important to a business because it gives the business a competitive advantage in its marketplace. If a trade secret is acquired by another company, it could harm the original holder.

Examples of trade secrets include recipes for certain foods and beverages (like Mrs. Fields’ cookies or Sprite), new inventions, software, processes, and even different marketing strategies.  

When a person or business holds a trade secret protection, others cannot copy or steal the idea. In order to establish information as a “trade secret,” and to incur the legal protections associated with trade secrets, businesses must actively behave in a manner that demonstrates their desire to protect the information.

Trade secrets are protected without official registration; however, an owner of a trade secret whose rights are breached–i.e. someone steals their trade secret–may ask a court to ask against that individual and prevent them from using the trade secret.


As defined by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), a patent is a type of limited-duration protection that can be used to protect inventions (or discoveries) that are new, non-obvious, and useful, such a new process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter.

When a property owner holds a patent, others are prevented, under law, from offering for sale, making, or using the product.


Copyrights and patents are not the same things, although they are often confused. A copyright is a type of intellectual property protection that protects original works of authorship, which might include literary works, music, art, and more. Today, copyrights also protect computer software and architecture.

Copyright protections are automatic; once you create something, it is yours. However, if your rights under copyright protections are infringed and you wish to file a lawsuit, then registration of your copyright will be necessary.


Finally, the fourth type of intellectual property protection is a trademark protection. Remember, patents are used to protect inventions and discoveries and copyrights are used to protect expressions of ideas and creations, like art and writing.

Trademarks, then, refer to phrases, words, or symbols that distinguish the source of a product or services of one party from another. For example, the Nike symbol–which nearly all could easily recognize and identify–is a type of trademark.

While patents and copyrights can expire, trademark rights come from the use of the trademark, and therefore can be held indefinitely. Like a copyright, registration of a trademark is not required, but registering can offer additional advantages.



trade secrets


                         Sincerely : Baby weeb


Which statement regarding dialogues in multiplayer games is true?
Dialogues are based only on players’ actions.
Dialogues are restricted to the game’s characters.
Dialogues may be between the game’s characters as well as the players.
Dialogues serve the sole purpose of advancing the storyline.
Dialogues are based only on events that have occurred in the game.



The answer to this question will mostly be E


Use the drop-down menus to explain how to turn off meeting responses.

Meeting responses can be turned off to save room in the email inbox from large numbers of

Turning off meeting responses will disable the command



1 replies 2 tracking




replies, tracking


When using e-mail for business purposes, employees should _____.

be brief

use spell check

use appropriate punctuation

write in all capital letters when the message is important

use correct grammar

send out jokes to increase employee morale

proofread messages

use extra exclamation marks to indicate urgency


Answer:use spell check

proofread messages

use appropriate punctuation

be brief

use correct grammar


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