What’s the mid point of AB in the picture below

Whats The Mid Point Of AB In The Picture Below


Answer 1

From the given linear graph, we would write out the co-ordinates of the points A and B first in the form of (x,y).

Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A(-6,-4) \\ B(-3,3) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The mid-point of a line segment;

[tex]\begin{gathered} A(x_1,y_1)\text{ and} \\ B(x_2,y_2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

is given as:


Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (\frac{-6+(-3)}{2},\frac{-4+3}{2}) \\ (\frac{-6-3}{2},-\frac{1}{2}) \\ (\frac{-9}{2},-\frac{1}{2}) \\ (-4.5,-0.5) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the midpoint of the line segment AB is: ( -4.5, -0.5)

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Pieter sailed his sailboat 1,260 yards in 30 minutes . What is the average number of yards of yards he traveled per minute ? A. 21 B. 30 C. 42



Distance Pieter sailed = 1260 yards

Time taken to sail = 30 minutes

Let's solve for the average number of yards he traveled per minute.

To find the average number of yards he traveled per minute, apply the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{\text{distance in yards}}{time\text{ in minute}} \\ \\ A=\frac{1260}{30}\frac{\text{yards}}{\text{minutes}} \\ \\ A=42\text{ yards per minute} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the average number of yards he traveled per minute is 42 yards per minute.


C. 42

The product of two factors is x2 – X – 20. If one of the factors is x-5, what is the other factor?


we can rewrite the statement


where A is the missing factor, A must be of the form


where a is a constant, to obtain "a" we must bear in mind that the multiplication of the two constants must give us the third term and the sum of these must give us the second term


[tex]\begin{gathered} -5\times a=-20 \\ -5+a=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

if we solve any equation, the value of a is 4

so a is 4 and the factor is


What do all the points on this line have in common?



B. The points have an x-coordinate in common.

C. The general equation of a vertical line is x = c, where c is a constant.

Ann, justin, and kevin sent a total of 88 text message during the weekend. Ann sent 8 more message than justin. kevin sent 3 times as many message as justin. how many message did they each send


let the no. of message sent by Ann is A,

the no. of the message sent by Justin is J

the no. of the message sent by Kevin is K

sum of messages is = 88

A + J + K = 88

it is given that Ann sent 8 more messages than justiJustinn.

A = J + 8

Kevin sent 3 times as many as Justin.

K = 3 J

substitute all the values ,

(J + 8 ) + J + ( 3 J) = 88

5J + 8 = 88

5J = 88 - 8

5J = 80

J = 80/5

J = 16

messages sent by Ann is A = J + 8 = 16 + 8 = 24 message

messages sent by Ann is 24 messages

messages sent by Justin is J = 16 message

messages sent by Justin is 16 messages

messages sent by Kevin is K = 3J = 3 x 16 = 48 message

messages sent by Kevin is 48 message.

Working with special triangles. Find y. I have attached the picture.


In this case, we'll have to carry out several steps to find the solution.

Step :



right triangle

Step 02:

special right triangles:

we must analyze the triangle to find the solution.

special right triangle example:

right triangle:

side y:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 88\text{ = }\sqrt{2}y\text{ } \\ \\ \frac{88}{\sqrt{2}}\text{ = y} \end{gathered}[/tex]

That is the full solution.

|- 1/5| ? |-0.8|what’s the missing inequality symbol?




To find the correct inequality between the given datas.

So now we simplify. so we get,


So we get,

[tex]\begin{gathered} |-1.2|=1.2 \\ |-0.8|=0.8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the inequality is,


The distances between Centerville, Springfield, and Capital City form a right triangle. The distance between Centerville and Springfield is 913 kilometers and the distance between Springfield and Capital City is 976 kilometers. View the map.



The distance between Centerville and Capital City is 1336 kilometers.

Step by step explanation:

To solve the situation, we can use the Pythagorean theorem, which is represented by the following expression and diagram:

Now, if a=913 kilometers and b=976 kilometers. Solve for c:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 913^2+976^2=c^2 \\ c=\sqrt[]{913^2+976^2} \\ c=\sqrt[]{833569+952576} \\ c=\sqrt[]{1786145} \\ c=1336\text{ kilometers} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Calculate the mean for each set of data round to the nearest tenths


The mean is the average of the numbers.

It is easy to calculate: add up all the numbers, then divide by how many numbers there are

[tex]\bar{x=\frac{\sum ^{\square}_{\text{ of numbers}}}{Number\text{ of items}}\text{ }}[/tex]

the numbers given in the question are


there are 7 numbers in total.

Therefore, the mean will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} \operatorname{mean}=\frac{2+11+5+6+13+4+9}{7} \\ \operatorname{mean}=\frac{50}{7} \\ \operatorname{mean}=7.143 \\ to\text{ the nearest tenths, the mean is} \\ \operatorname{mean}=7.1 \end{gathered}[/tex]


the mean of the above set of values to the nearest tenth is = 7.1

-2x + y = 3 5x - y = -3


we have

-2x + y = 3 -----> equation A

5x - y = -3​ -----> equation B

Solve the system of equations

Solve by elimination

Adds equation A and equation B

-2x + y = 3

5x - y = -3​





Find the value of y

substitute the value of x in equation A or equation B




the solution is the point (0,3)

Pryz is a rhombus. If RK=5, RY=13 and M


Remember that

In a Rhombus

All sides are equal

Diagonals bisect each other perpendicularly


Part 22

Find out KY

In the right triangle RYK

Applying the Pythagorean Theorem


substitute given values





Part 23

Find out PK

Remember that

Diagonals bisect each other perpendicularly

that means


Part 24

mRemember that

Diagonals bisect each other perpendicularly


mthat means


Part 25

mwe have that



A bottler of drinking water fills plastic bottles with a mean volume of 993 milliliters (mL) and standard deviation of 7 mL. The fill volumes are normally distributed. What proportion of bottles have volumes between 988 mL and 991 mL?


Given data:

Mean: 993mL

Standard deviation: 7mL

Find p(988

1. Find the z-value corresponding to (x>988), use the next formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} z=\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma} \\ \\ z=\frac{988-993}{7}=-0.71 \end{gathered}[/tex]

2. Find the z-value corresponding to (x<991):


3. Use a z score table to find the corresponding values for the z-scores above:

For z=-0.71: 0.2389

For x=-0.29: 0.3859

4. Subtract the lower limit value (0.2389) from the upper limit value (0.3859):


5. Multiply by 100 to get the percentage:

[tex]0.147*100=14.7[/tex]Then, 14.7% of the bottles have volumes between 988mL and 991mL

What is the total number of college student round your answer to the nearest million



From the data provided, 46% of all college students were enrolled part-time.

We also know that this percentage is represented by 7.8 million students. If the total number of students is given as x, then we can derive the following equation;

[tex]Total=\begin{cases}46\text{\%=7.8m} \\ 100\text{\%=x} \\ \square\end{cases}[/tex][tex]\frac{7.8}{46}=\frac{x}{100}[/tex]

Cross multiply the above equation and you'll have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{7.8\times100}{46}=x \\ 16.9665=x \\ \text{Rounded to the nearet million, } \\ x\approx17 \end{gathered}[/tex]


The total number of students (rounded to the nearest million) therefore is 17 million.

true or false the diameter is equal to twice the radius


True, the diameter = twice the radius

Martina used a total of 4 3/4 gallons of gas while driving her car. Each hour she was driving, she used 5/6 gallons of gas. What was the total number of hours she was driving?


The number of hours she was driving = 5.7 hours or in fraction 57/10 hours.

What is fraction?

A fraction is a number that represents a part of a whole.

Generally, the fraction can be a portion of any quantity out of the whole thing and the whole can be any specific things or value.

Given, a total gallons is in mixed fraction 4 3/4

can be written as

16+3/4 = 19/4

Let x be the hours she was driving.

The she used 5/6 gallons.

x (5/6) = 19/4

x = 19/4(6/5)

x = 5.7 hours

To know more about fraction, visit:



First blank transitive propertySubtraction property of equalitySegment additionSubstitution property of equalitysecond blank AB does not equal YZ AC does not equal XZ AB equals YZ AC equals XZ


Given that:

[tex]BC=XY[/tex][tex]AB+BC\ne YZ+XY[/tex]

According to the Segment Addition if B lies between A and C, then:


In this case, knowing that:

[tex]AB+BC\ne YZ+XY[/tex]

And knowing that B lies between A and C, and Y lies between X and Z:

[tex]\begin{gathered} AB+BC=AC \\ YX+XY=XZ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, you can determine that:

[tex]AC\ne XZ[/tex]

Hence, the answers are:

- First blank: Third option (Segment addition).

- Second blank: Second option (AC does not equal XZ).

In triangle ABC, AB12, BC18, and m B = 75°. What are the approximate length of AC and measure of A


Length AB = 12cm

BC = 18cm

mB = 75^

Which of the following options could you do before subtracting the equations so that one variable will be eliminated when you subtract them?


We need to do something to both equations so we can eliminate one variable

We can multiply the first equation by 3 and the second equation by 4

3( 4x-2y = 7) yields 12x -6y = 21

4( 3x-3y = 15) yields 12x -12y = 60

Now when we subtract

12x -6y = 21

-(12x -12y = 60)


12x -6y = 21

-12x +12y = -60


6y = 39

The x terms are eliminated

Choice D multiply the top equation by 3 and the bottom equation by 4

can you please help me with this question. it's geometry


To find the angle A we need to find first the value of x. To do this we need to use the fact the the addition of the interior angles of any triangle is 180°.

The right side angle is equatl to 4x+4 since its vertically opposite to the one shown in the picture. The upper angle is 100° since it has to be supplementary to the angle of 80° shown in the picture.

With this in mind we have the equation:


Solving for x we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (4x+4)+(4x+4)+100=180 \\ 8x+108=180 \\ 8x=180-108 \\ 8x=72 \\ x=\frac{72}{8} \\ x=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Once we know the value of x we plug it in the expression for the angle A:


Therefore the angle A is 40°.

Select all of the true statements about to figure, if a scale factor is 2.


Given: The scale factor is 2 for the given figures

To Determine: The truth statements from the given options

The transformation shown is an enlargement. This means that each of the length of the pre-image multiplied by 2 would give the length of the image

This means

[tex]\begin{gathered} A^{\prime}B^{\prime}=2AB \\ A^{\prime}C^{\prime}=2AC \\ B^{\prime}C^{\prime}=2BC \end{gathered}[/tex]

For similar shapes, the angles are congruent and the sides are in proportion of the scale factor

Hence, the following are true statements of the given diagrams


If AB = 6, then A'B' = 12, OPTION E

Mrs. Cavazos car traveled 192 miles on 6 gallons of gas. Find the unit rate per gallon


To find the unit rate per gallon, we are going to divide 192 by 6


The car gets 32 miles per gallon.

The braking distance of a car is proportional to the square of its speed.17. According to Graham's law, the rate of diffusion of two gases is inverselydproportional to density and is given bywhere ', and r2 are12rates of diffusion of two gases and d, and d2 are their respectivedensities. Which equation represents d, in terms of the other variables?


Ok in this problem you have to take Graham's law which is given to you and manage to write the density d1 as a function of the others. We have:


Since we want to have d1 alone in one side of the equation the first thing we have to do is pass the square root to the other side. Square roots pass as square powers:


Then we have to pass d1 multiplying on the other side:


Now we only need to pass both r1 and r2:


This is the same expresion that the one in item B so that is the correct answer

A new bank customer with $2,500 wants to open a money market account. The bank is offering a simple interest rate of 1.8%.
a. How much interest will the customer earn in 30 years?
b. What will the account balance be after 30 years?
a. The customer will earn $_ in interest.


Using the simple interest formula, the interest will the customer earn in 30 years is $1350, the account balance be after 30 years is $3850 and the customer earn $1350 interest.

In the given given that;

A new bank customer with $2,500 wants to open a money market account.

The bank is offering a simple interest rate of 1.8%.

So the Principal Amout(P)=$2500

Interest Rate(R)=1.8%

(a) So we have to find the interest will the customer earn in 30 years.

So the time (T)=30 years

So the formula of Simple Interest;




So the interest will the customer earn in 30 years is $1350.

(b) Now we have to find the account balance be after 30 years.

The account balance = Principal Amount+Interest Amount

The account balance = 2500+1350

The account balance = $3850

(c) Now we have to find the customer will earn $_ in interest.

The customer earn $1350 interest.

To learn more about Simple Interest link is here



KFind the future value and interest earned if $8806.54 is invested for 7 years at 4% compounded (a) semiannually and (b) continuously.(a) The future value when interest is compounded semiannually is approximately $ 11,620.04.(Type an integer or decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth as needed.)The interest earned is approximately $ 2813.5.(Type an integer or decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth as needed.)(b) The future value when interest is compounded continuously is approximately $(Type an integer or decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth as needed.)



The principal amount = $8806.54

Rate of interest = 4%

Time = 7 years


Find the future value when interest is compounded continuously.


The future value is calculated by using the formula:

[tex]Future\text{ value = Ae}^{rt}[/tex]

Where A = amount

r = rate of interest

t = time period

Substitute the given values in the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Future\text{ value = 8806.54\lparen e}^{0.04\times7}) \\ =8806.54(e^{0.28}) \\ =8806.54\times1.323 \\ =11,651.0524 \\ \approx11,651.05 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Interest = 11,651.05 - 8806.54

= 2844.51

Final Answer:

The future value when interest is compounded continuously is approximately $11,651.05.

The earned interest is approximately $2844.51

it's under the saying you add an extender different you subtract which a person does this explain



add → symbol "+"

subtract → symbol "-"

Multiply/divide → symbol "*/÷"

Fill in the blanks in the sequence _,29,_,_,_,539, 1083


we are given the following sequence:


To go from 539 to 1083 we multiply 539 by 2 and add 5, like this:


Therefore, for a number in position "n", the formula for its value is:


Solving we get:


Replacing the current value for 539 we get:


Now to find the 4th value:




For the third value:




The second value is already given as 29, therefore, the first value is:




Therefore, the sequence is:


Thelma performed a construction on a quadrilateral.Her work is shown below..EBсDWhich statement is justified by her construction?AD – AEAE - BEAD – BCO ADAD ~ DC


Looking at the image, we can see that the arc created in point E was created with the same radius of segment AD (that is, A is the center of a circle that contains both arcs that pass through points D and E).

From that construction, we can affirm that segments AD and AE are congruent.

Therefore the correct option is the first one.

What is the perimeter of the isosceles triangle ABC such that angle A= angle C ?


Given angle A=angle C.

The objective is to find the perimeter of the isosceles triangle ABC.

First let's find the value of x.

An isosceles triangle contains two equal sides. Here angle A and angle C are equal. So the sides AB and AC are equal.

[tex]\begin{gathered} AB=BC \\ 5x-1=3x+11 \\ 5x-3x=11+1 \\ 2x=12 \\ x=\frac{12}{2} \\ x=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, find the perimeter of the triangle by adding all the sides of the triangle.


Substittue the value of x =6.

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=5(6)-1+3(6)+11+6+19 \\ P=30-1+18+11+6+19 \\ P=83 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the perimeter of the triangle is 83.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Let's check the whether the obtained x value if correct.} \\ AB=BC \\ 5x-1=3x+11 \\ 5(6)-1=3(6)+11 \\ 30-1=18+11 \\ 29=29 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the sides of isoscles triangles are equal. Hence the value of x is correct.

the equation below describe the graph of a line on a coordinate planes.y - 2 = -3/2 (x + 1) which graph represents this line ?


[tex]\begin{gathered} y-2=-\frac{3}{2}(x+1) \\ y=-\frac{3}{2}(x+1)+2 \\ y=-\frac{3}{2}x-\frac{3}{2}+2 \\ y=-\frac{3}{2}x+\frac{-3+4}{2} \\ y=-\frac{3}{2}x+\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The y-intercept is 1/2.

The answer is C. we can use the y-intercept to know the graph. You can see that option C when x = 0 , y is 1/2.

a triangle has side lengths of 6,7, and 14 is it possible or impossible





The side lengths a, b and c can form a triangle if the inequality holds:

[tex]a+b\ge c[/tex]

Given the side lengths 6,7 and 14:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 6+7=13\le14\text{ (This invalidates it)} \\ 6+14=20\ge7 \\ 6+13=19\ge7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the inequality does not hold in all cases, it is Impossible to form sides of a triangle.

what is the median 14,6,-11,-6,5,10


The median of a set of values is the values that divide the set into two subsets, one containing all the values less than the median, and another containing all the values greater than the median.

So, to find the median, let's first rewrite the given values in ascending order:

-11, -6, 5, 6, 10, 14

If the set had an odd number of values, the value in the middle, after rewriting them as we did, would be the median.

Nevertheless, the number of values in this set is even. When this happens, the median corresponds to the mean of the two central numbers.

In this case, the two central numbers are 5 and 6. Their mean is:

(5 + 6)/2 = 11/2 = 5.5

Thus, the median is 5.5.

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