What’s the correct answer answer asap for brainlist

Whats The Correct Answer Answer Asap For Brainlist


Answer 1

Because a thesis is in the first paragraph

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describe the mean tricks that the strikers play on the workers in los esparragos


The tricks that the strikers play on the workers in los esparragos was the besides throwing stones and yelling taunts at the workers, the strikers also employ some pretty despicable tricks to frighten them

What was Esperanza Rising about?

Esperanza, the only daughter of wealthy Mexican parents, is the protagonist of the novel, which follows the events that occur after her father's murder. During the Great Depression, Esperanza, her mother, and their former household servants flee to California with no money, where they find agricultural work that pays very little. it is also a lesson in the cultural and personal struggles that poor families, particularly immigrants and farm laborers, must face.

After causing problems for the workers, immigration officials and the police arrive and take the strikers away in the chapter "Los Espárragos" of Esperanza Rising. Marta manages to hide and avoid being taken away with the others, and Esperanza discovers her and assists her.

The strikers were trying to slow the workers during the critical time the asparagus had to be picked before the high temperatures hit.

Learn more about Esperanza Rising on:



Identify the type of figurative language used in the following quote from Night: "At first, my father simply doubled over under the blows, but then he seemed to break in two like an old tree struck by lighting."

a metaphor

a simile




A simile is the type of figurative language used in the following quote from Night. Hence, option B is correct.

What figurative language does Elie Wiesel use in night?

Dance has been used to represent death. Elie is being devoured by Death, who has taken on the form of an animal. In exaggeration, the snow will eventually stop. In this metaphor, Elie's foot is compared to a wheel that has dropped.

In Chapter 3 of Night, Eliezer compares his reality to a cattle van. For him, there is no freedom; the only things left are the people inside and the future.

My mother remembered, "At first, my father just doubled over from the blows, but then he looked to split in two like a lightning-struck old tree." In this paragraph, Eliezer uses a simile to compare his father's build to a tree.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about Elie Wiesel use in night, click here:



Why is the repeated use of antithesis in this passage


When used correctly, antithesis emphasizes the stark difference between opposing ideas by juxtaposing them in the same structure. When used in the context of an argument, the way these ideas are juxtaposed can reveal which is superior.

What is a antithesis?

In writing or speech, an antithesis is used as a proposition that contrasts with or reverses a previously mentioned proposition, or when two opposites are introduced together for contrasting effect.

Antitheses are used to strengthen an argument by using either exact opposites or contrasting ideas, but both can be used. They usually make a sentence memorable for the reader or listener by balancing and emphasizing the words.

Note that the information was incomplete and an overview was given.

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How is propaganda a form of censorship? How does it block out or remove information according to this article?


One of the novel's central themes is censorship. Other characters explain to Montag why it's crucial that books are kept from being destroyed, while Montag doubts whether the government has the right to ban books and other reading material.

What is censorship ?

The suppression of speech, public communication, or other information is known as censorship. On the grounds that the content is deemed undesirable, damaging, sensitive, or "inconvenient," this may be done. Governments, corporate institutions, and other regulating bodies can censor speech.

The act of suppressing thoughts and information included in a book through the use of censoring techniques is known as book censorship. "The control of free speech and other types of ingrained authority" is  censorship.

Thus, One of the novel's central themes is censorship.

To learn more about censorship, follow the link;



PLEASE HELPP!!! DUE NOW i need real help very simple


Answer:health personal delicious environmental


True or false??????????


False because the denotativo meaning has the sun by the radius divided by the result

D&F sneakers is a sneaker manufacturing company. Recently they have introduced a wide
range of sneakers made from recycled plastic waste, especially from ocean plastic. For that
purpose, they made a contract of raw material with an organization working on stopping
plastic waste on beaches. They are focused on environment protection, saving ocean wildlife
and building good brand image.
Q1: Which marketing concept/philosophy is used by D&F sneakers? Justify your answer with
valid arguments.
Q2: Write down the benefits of marketing philosophy used by D&F Sneakers.


The marketing concept/philosphy that the D&F sneaker company has used is "Societal Marketing Concept".

The benefits of the philosophy include:

creating a positive brand image.increasing audience diversity and potential clientell.

What is a social marketing concept?

The societal marketing concept takes the stance that marketers have a duty to society beyond simply delivering superior value and gratifying customers. Instead, marketing initiatives should aim to improve society as a whole.

By raising awareness of the harm that plastic causes to the environment around us, the company can attract the attention of environmentalists, who could act as brand ambassadors for the business.

Increase sales by making people buy the product and promoting it through the environment for the good of society.

Because less would need to be spent on the supply chain and the raw materials would be much cheaper than they would be for materials other than waste plastic, this strategy would increase profit margins.

Learn more about marketing on:





The sentence in which the use of a hyphen is correct is the first one, "We could see huge snow-capped mountains in the distance," as explained below.

When to use a hyphen

A hyphen must be used when we need to connect two or more words to form a compound adjective. For example, if you want to make the phrase "7 years old" into a compound adjective, you should add hyphens between each word:

My 7-year-old son really likes to paint.

Now, let's analyze each sentence provided in the picture:

The first sentence is correct. The words "snow" and "capped" were joined to form a compound adjective.The second sentence is incorrect. "Beautiful" and "looking" should only be used as a compound adjective with a hyphen if they appeared before a noun.The third sentence is also incorrect. There is absolutely no reason to connect "baseball" and "field" with a hyphen.The fourth sentence is also wrong. The words "slow" and "down" form a single verb, with no reason for a hyphen.

With that in mind, we can conclude the first sentence is the correct answer for this question.

Learn more about hyphens here:



Choose all of the ways the economic landscape
is changing.



The economic landscape is changing in a number of ways, including:

The rise of automation and artificial intelligence, which is leading to the replacement of many jobs that were previously performed by humans.

The growth of the gig economy, which is characterized by the use of independent contractors and temporary workers rather than traditional employees.

The increasing global interconnectedness of economies, as more and more businesses operate on an international scale.

The emergence of new technologies and business models, such as e-commerce and the sharing economy, which are disrupting traditional industries and changing the way that goods and services are produced and consumed.

The growing importance of sustainability and environmental concerns, as businesses and consumers become more aware of the impact of their actions on the planet.


20 pts,
prompt If you had to do any board game in real life, which would you choose? Explain your choice and describe what the board game “world” would be like.
Type your response here in paragraph form (at least 7 sentences):



If I had to do any board game in real life, I would choose Candy Land. If this game became reality, the ground would be marked with colors, and to move, you'd have to draw a card. Everyone would have their own deck of cards, and special areas in everyone's lives (school, work, home, etc.) would have their own cards and specially marked spaces, similar to the candy cane, lollypop, and other specially marked spaces in the game. I chose this game because it does not have many consequences, unlike other game in where things (such as currency) can be taken away from you. However, one drawback I could think of would be being late to school, work, or events because you drew cards that took you somewhere else.

Respond in a Essay (750 words)

The idyllic vision of country life that characterizes Renaissance pastoral poetry
speaks about a longing for a closer relationship with nature. Why do you think humans long
for a deeper relationship with nature? Do you think this feeling is still common today? If it is,
how is it similar to and different from the sentiments that brought about pastoral poetry?


Humans long for a deep relationship with nature because it conveys a sense of calm, health, and peace.

This feeling is still common today and it is similar to the feeling of the past to see nature as peaceful. It is different from the sentiments that gave rise to pastoral poetry because although it is felt, it does not promote the attitude that makes individuals leave the urban centers.

What is pastoral poetry?It is poetry that values life in the countryside.It is poetry that fosters a desire to live in nature.

Pastoral poetry shows how life in the countryside is more peaceful, healthy, and satisfying than in the urban environment. This is because nature promotes tranquility, silence, and peace, in addition to promoting contact with beings that do not cause harm, such as animals and plants.

This feeling is still seen in today's society, but currently, people recognize that life in the countryside has many challenges and that it promotes difficulties that are not seen in urban centers.

Learn more about pastoral poetry:



At what age did Jefferson begin working?

In a Lesson Before Dying?


Although not known as a great public speaker, he was a gifted writer and at age 33, was asked to draft the Declaration of Independence (before he began writing, Jefferson discussed the document’s contents with a five-member drafting committee that included John Adams and Benjamin Franklin).


Marta tells Esperanza, ‘Just so you know, this isn’t Mexico. No one will be waiting on you here.’ What does she mean? How is Esperanza's life different in California?


Answer: It means that people are gonna be nicer in mexico than in california


Select the sentence with consistent verb tense.
O The women are going to learn how to hula while the men made food for the luau.
O The women are learning how to hula while the men made food for the luau.
O The women learned how to hula while the men are making food for the luau.
O The women are learning how to hula while the men are making food for the luau.





Everyone in class will write an essay about an inventor. Add at least one adjective and one adverb to the sentence to create a more detailed sentence.



Everyone in class will willingly write an accurate essay about an inventor.


willingly is the adverb and accurate is the adjective.

for plato
Select the correct text in the passage.

Which surrounding words serve as the best clue to the meaning of the phrase shared stewardship in the excerpt?
(16) Forests and Fish is a good example of [the capacity here in Washington] for shared stewardship. [The law produced a habitat conservation plan] that [brings together partners and stakeholders] from across the landscape to [address risks at the appropriate scale] from across the landscape to [address risks at the appropriate scale] based on common values and goals. . . .


The surrounding words that serve as the best clue to the meaning of the phrase shared stewardship in the excerpt are;

 [brings together partners and stakeholders]

What is the meaning of shared stewardship?

Shared stewardship is a term that refers to the act of serving together. The word, shared brings to mind togetherness or a sort of communal or interdependent relationship.

Context clues such as the one above provide further insight into the meaning of the word, shared stewardship. We can see here that the people in this kind of relationship are partners or stakeholders.

They are not independent but they perform their duties together. They also tend to look out for one another and carry themselves along. So, the surrounding words or context clues that will inform the meaning of the phrase is "brings together partners and stakeholders."

Learn more about shared stewardship here:



4. In the sentence below, the word disrupt (dis-rupt') means
A. interfere with.
B. attend.
C. understand.
D. skip.
"There were times I felt no teacher cared, as long as I didn't disrupt the
class." (Paragraph 23)


Answer: A. Interfere with.


"interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem."

A. interfere with.
she/he was explaining that they had a feeling that the teachers didn’t care as long as they didn’t disrupt the class which therefor means that the teachers didn’t want them to interfere with other students whom want to learn, class time.

reread the epic simile in lines 1535-1539. what are the two things being compared? explain why this is an effective simile.


The mound of dead and dying suitors is compared by Odysseus to a pile of freshly plucked fish that are fighting for their lives.

What does the Odyssey, Part 2 use as an epic simile?

And it appeared to be so long and large all around that it was comparable to a mast or a lugger carrying twenty oars and being broad in the beam. As you read, take note of how Homer vividly brings descriptions to life by using epic similes. else. For instance, highlighting the size of the tree by drawing a comparison to a wide mast.

A homeric simile, also known as an epic simile, is a lengthy simile that provides a detailed comparison. The word "Homeric" is derived from the name of the Greek author Homer, who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, two well-known Greek epics.

To know more about epic similes visit:



Which of the following items is the best indicator that a source is credible?

The article comes from a .gov website
The article comes from a blog post
There is an author listed
The article is from 1992


Answer: .gov


The article comes from a government  website is the best indicator that a source is credible. The appropriate response is option A.

Which are the credible sources of information?

The ability to recognize reliable sources is crucial. Understanding depth, objectivity, currency, authority, and purpose are prerequisites for this skill. It is a good idea to assess your source using these five criteria regardless of whether or not it has undergone peer review.

An authoritative source is one that is free of bias and inaccuracies, written by a subject-matter expert. The distinction between reliable, scholarly, and peer-reviewed sources is described in this guide.

Websites ending in. gov and. edu are typically trustworthy, but watch out for sites that intentionally use these suffixes to deceive. Websites run by nonprofit organizations may also include trustworthy information.

To learn more about credible sources



In the chapter 'How to Tell a True War Story' Mitchell Sanders says to Tim O'Brien: "Just came to me,' he whispered. 'The moral, I mean. Nobody listens. Nobody hears nothin'."

Referring to specific stories and characters in the first eight chapters, what leads Mitchell Sanders to make this statement? How is this a moral, a lesson taken from the experience of war? Be detailed and specific in your answer; general, repetitive responses will not receive full credit. Write at least 100 words, please.


Mitchell Sanders made this statement to illustrate that there was nothing to gain from war.

This is a moral as it Illustrates the importance of unity.

Who was Mitchell Sanders?

Sanders was the voice of soldierly experience and practical wisdom as he told stories about how other soldiers react to Vietnam. "How to Tell a True War Story" delves into the complicated relationship between war and storytelling. It is told in half from O'Brien's perspective as a soldier, as a retelling of several old Vietnam stories, and half from his perspective as a storyteller, as a discourse on the craft of storytelling.

Sanders frequently employs this pragmatism in his storytelling. He believes that a good war story often lacks a moral and that a story without commentary can be effective.

O'Brien concludes that true war stories, such as the one about the water buffalo, are never about war; they are about love, memory, and sorrow.

Learn more about How to tell a true war story on'



Which of the following is the most likely conclusion to be drawn about Victor, based on the following excerpt?
I wept bitterly, and clasping my hands in agony, I exclaimed, "Oh! Stars and clouds and winds, ye are all about to mock me; if ye really pity me, crush sensation and
memory; let me become as nought; but if not, depart, depart, and leave me in darkness."
A. He fears ridicule and scorn.
He is filled with grief and self-pity.
C. He is in excruciating physical pain.
He appreciates the glories of nature.


Answer: B: He is filled with grief and self-pity.

Explanation: Because from the excerpt, it states "I wept bitterly". Weeping is a common occurrence when someone is filled with grief.

When the pardoner refers to doing "Christ's holy work," we see an example of
O forehshadowing
O verbal irony
situational irony
O symbolism



situational irony


What are some reasons that a country might give financial aid to another nation?
because they are allies
for humanitarian reasons
to keep the country stable
because they are in a conflict
to settle a lawsuit between private parties.



I would personally say because they're allies, but depending on how close they are it would be to settle a private lawsuit

Refer to paragraph 5 of "Miss Brill."
Which sentence from the story creates a judgmental tone?


The sentence in the passage that has a judgmental tone is "They were odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they...," option C, as explained below.

What is tone?

The term tone is used in literature to refer to the author's or narrator's attitude concerning something or someone. For this question, we must read the passages from "Miss Brill" and choose the one that shows a judgmental tone.

A judgmental tone will be one that reveals an opinion, most likely negative. As we read through the answer choices, it is clear that the third one presents a judgmental tone, especially because of the word "odd". Such a word indicates a negative opinion, the idea that something or someone is strange.

For that reason, we have conclude that answer choice C is the correct one concerning tone.

Learn more about tone here;



Acceptance Speech for the Nobel Peace Prize:

Wiesel touches on another viewpoint he has, a viewpoint that leads him to respond first to certain issues and to set certain priorities. Identify this second viewpoint, and explain the way in which it seems to conflict with his main viewpoint. Finally, explain whether Wiesel balances the two viewpoints or makes them compatible with one another.


In Wiesel's second viewpoint, he states that Jewish issues are his first priority.  He also states that issues like apartheid, anti-Semitism, unfair political imprisonment and isolation are as equally important to him as his Jewish sentiments.

What is Wiesel's second viewpoint and how does it conflicts with his main viewpoint?

Wiesel's second viewpoint states that his first response are to Jewish fears, needs, and crisis. And that Jewish priorities are his own.

This leads him to respond to certain issues like Apartheid, Andrei Sakharov's isolation, Josef Biegun's imprisonment, Nelson Mandela's interminable imprisonment, denial of Lech Walesa's right to dissent and the plights of Palestinians.

This viewpoint seems to conflicts with his main viewpoint because he has already taken sides with Jewish issues regardless of the issue. It makes us question if he would be fair in all issues of human right violation, particularly if Jewish people are the oppressors.

Wiesel's viewpoints balances each other. He believes that we should never be neutral or silent when issues of human right violation are at stake. He models his first viewpoint by picking sides with Jewish people and other oppressed groups of people, including Palestinians.

Find more information on Wiesel's viewpoint here:



What is Carlos’s opinion of his Uncle David and Cousin Ricky? How do his opinions affect his decisions and behavior? Cite specific evidence from the text to support your answer.


Carlos’s opinion of his Uncle David and Cousin Ricky is that are good people with good heart.

The his opinions affect his decisions and behavior because he was able to rtelate freely.

How can this be explained?

It should be noted that Carlos  do not have much contact with Uncle David  as well as Cousin Rick, just as this is the same with how he do not have contact with anyone from his maternal family.

However Carlos' father do not feel so much worth in the presence of his wife's family  because they are  very energetic and different and he can't fit in howevr Carlos alway feel that his uncles are good people.

Learn more about Carlos at:



Bobby is watching Monday Night Football on ESPN, when he suddenly hears the jingle,
"Five. Five dollar. Five dollar foot-longs." He enjoys the jingle, and soon decides he'd like to
run down to Subway to get a sandwich.
Advertisers frequently rely on slogans, jingles, and other external cues to help lure
customers, hoping that they aren't thinking cognitively about the product. This is a clear
demonstration of which part of the elaboration likelihood model?
Peripheral processing
Central processing
Mindless processing
Cognitive processing


This is a clear demonstration of the part of the elaboration likelihood model known as D. Cognitive processing

What is cognitive processing?

Cognitive processing is a broad term that refers to a set of cognitive operations involved in the formation and manipulation of mental representations of information.

The peripheral route is an indirect route that associates positivity with the message by using peripheral cues. The peripheral route, rather than focusing on facts and product quality, relies on association with positive characteristics such as positive emotions and celebrity endorsement.

In this case, it's a cognitive processing. In conclusion, based on the information, the correct option is D.

Learn more about cognitive on:



What do you mean by Timepass ?​



Timepass is the action of passing time in an aimless or unproductive way.


hope it helps

How does the universal theme "the tension between
truth and illusion" relate to the universal theme "the
consuming power of guilt"


A universal theme is a concept that holds true for everyone, regardless of cultural or geographic distinctions. The use of universal themes can help link concepts from various fields.

What are the themes?

A theme is a central topic, subject, or message within a narrative in current literary studies. Themes are classified into two types: thematic concepts and thematic statements. Thematic concepts are what readers “believe the work is about,” while thematic statements are “what the piece says about the subject.”

The term "theme" refers to the overarching lesson learned from an American narrative, whereas the term "universal theme" refers to a lesson learned from a story from another country. B. A theme is the main idea that has a universal application, as opposed to a universal theme, which is specific to a specific person, historical period, or cultural setting.

It is a fundamental notion concerning the state of humanity. They deal with fundamental human issues, but they are generalizations about life or human nature.

Therefore, The use of universal themes can help link concepts from various fields.

Learn more about themes here:



from "Breakdown"

Which is the best summary of this story?
At the theme park, Abby, her mom, stepdad, and stepsister, Olivia, get into an argument about which ride they should go on. Abby and her mom want to go on Hyperspace while Olivia and her dad want to go on the Haunted Castle. They finally decide to go on the Haunted Castle, but Abby is upset when the ride breaks down midway through. Abby is surprised when Olivia apologizes for their earlier fight, and Abby decides to apologize as well.
Abby and her family are visiting a theme park. After lunch, Abby and her stepsister, Olivia, squabble about which ride they should go on next. Abby's mom says they will go on the Haunted Castle, the ride Olivia suggested. Abby doesn't want to speak to or be around Olivia, but Abby's mom encourages the girls to go on the ride together. The ride breaks down, giving Abby and Olivia a chance to talk and begin to become friends.
Abby doesn't get along with her stepsister, Olivia, because the two don't like the same things. While at a theme park, Olivia wants to go on rides for small children while Abby wants to ride scary roller coasters. They fight so much that Abby's mom has to tell them to stop. Then Abby's mom forces the girls to go on the Haunted Castle ride together. Neither girl speaks to the other until the ride breaks down and Abby asks what happened. The girls talk and begin to realize they have more in common than they thought.


The best summary would be (C)

Abby doesn't get along with her stepsister, Olivia, because the two don't like the same things. While at a theme park, Olivia wants to go on rides for small children while Abby wants to ride scary roller coasters. They fight so much that Abby's mom has to tell them to stop. Then Abby's mom forces the girls to go on the Haunted Castle ride together. Neither girl speaks to the other until the ride breaks down and Abby asks what happened. The girls talk and begin to realize they have more in common than they thought.

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