what's one thing u wonder about ocean exploration


Answer 1
i wonder what was the first species of fish that ever existed in the ocean

Related Questions

If a mosquito cell has 3 chromosomes, is it haploid or diploid?



If an orangutan cell had 24 chromosomes, then the cell is diploid or haploid (circle one). If a mosquito cell had 3 chromosomes, then it would be a gamete or a somatic cell (circle one).

mark me as brainlist please

All mosquitoes have six diploid chromosomes (2N = 6), and their chromosomes are either submetacentric or metacentric, mosquito cell has 3 chromosomes and is haploid.

What is the difference between haploid and diploid?

Three pairs of chromosomes make up the Anopheles mosquito's chromosomal complement: two sex chromosomes As a consequence, when a sperm and egg cell join during fertilization, the resultant zygote has 46 chromosomes.

The number of chromosomes and their shape in mosquitoes are extremely similar mosquito cell has 3 chromosomes, and are haploid.

Therefore, to go from haploid to diploid cells, we only need to double the number of chromosomes. This quantity is denoted by the abbreviation 2n, where n is the number of chromosomes.

Learn more about chromosomes, here:



12 Rachel is analyzing a DNA sample to identify its base pairs. Her results show that
40% of the sample is adenine. Which other base makes up 40% of the sample?
A cytosine
C thymine
B guanine





Adenine binds to thymine in a DNA and with uracil in RNA

What will be the effect of the damaged DNA? The role of p53 in regulating cell cycle prpgression in response to DNA damage



Damaged DNA causes an increase in the number of mutations in the cell: this is extremely dangerous for the body and in fact this process is at the basis of the birth of cancer cells.

To avoid this, the cell is equipped with some molecular protective systems including the activation of the p53 protein. p53 induces recruitment of DNA damage repair systems and stops cell replication until the damage has been repaired. If the damage cannot be repaired p53 induces cell death through apoptosis

Explain what other steps need to be taken to demonstrate that each of these factors is needed for photosynthesis.



CO2 + H2O + ( sunlight ) = glucose + O2

What is the term for organisms that consume other organisms for food like animals, some bacteria, and fungi?
Group of answer choices








Hope this helps!

Answer: Heterotrophs

Why : A heterotroph is an organism that eats other plants or animals for energy and nutrients. The term stems from the Greek words hetero for “other” and trophe for “nourishment.” Organisms are characterized into two broad categories based upon how they obtain their energy and nutrients: autotrophs and heterotrophs.

alfred hershey and martha chase designed an experiment to determine the chemical makeup of griffith's transforming principle. define the term bacteriophage and explain why this organism was a good choice for this particular experiment. describe the procedure of the experiment using the terms bacteriophage, DNA, and proteins in your answer. Describe the results of the experiment and connect them to hershey and chases conclusion



Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses that infect only bacteria and do not infect mammalian or plant cells. Phages are ubiquitous in the environment. Phages or bacteriophages were chosen as a model system for their simplicity, as they only contained protein-coated nucleic acid. Alfred D. Hershey and Martha Chase (who were part of the bacteriophage group) in 1952 studying the infection of the bacterium Escherichia coli by the T2 phage show that the information definitely resides in the DNA. They used phage with either [32P] -labeled DNA or [35S] -labeled proteins to infect the bacteria. Immediately afterwards, they centrifuged the sample so that the infected bacteria remain in the pellet and the virus capsids (proteins) remain in the supernatant. [35S] is found in the supernatant, whereas [32P] is found in bacteria. After one cycle of infection, it was observed that when phage labeled in the [35S] proteins were used, only 1% of the radioactivity was incorporated into the progeny. But when phages were [32P] labeled, more than 30% of the radioactivity was in the progeny. They showed directly that what is transmitted from one progeny to another is the DNA and not the proteins, despite having first "diluted" in a bacterium.


Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria in a specific way. Bacteriophages, like other known viruses, are found in an intermediate zone between living organisms and inert matter. Bacteriophages bind to the host pathogenic bacterium, introduce their genetic material, replicate inside it and destroy it. Hersey, along with his assistant Martha Chase, used phages because they knew that T2 phages were made up of 50% proteins and 50% nucleic acids and that phages entered bacteria and reproduced. As the progeny carried the same infection traits, the genetic material of this had to be transmitted to the offspring, but the mechanism was unknown. These scientists carried out an experimental work with the T2 virus, a bacteriophage that infects the bacterium Escherichia coli, which it reproduces by attaching itself to the outer wall of the bacterium, injecting its DNA into it where it replicates and directs the synthesis of the phage's own proteins. Phage DNA is encapsulated within proteins and produces phages, which lyse or disrupt the cell and release phage from progeny. They infected a culture of bacteria with radioactively labeled phages: the protein coat with sulfur (35S) and its DNA with phosphorus (32P). After infection, they separated the phages from the bacteria by violent shaking using a mixer (hence the name of the experiment). By centrifugation the much smaller phages remained in the supernatant and the much larger bacteria in the pellet. 85% of the radioactivity corresponding to DNA appeared in the pellet and 82% of the protein in the supernatant. This result supported the idea that DNA was the only component of the bacteriophage that penetrated the interior of the bacteria and, having the ability to form new phages, constituted the genetic material.

What scientist discovered the process of transformation?


Answer: Fred Griffith

Explanation: :)

A nucleotide is made of three parts. They are: __?__, __?__, and __?__.



Sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.


Image does not belong to me. All image credits goes to its rightful owners.

Nitrogenous base
One or more Phosphate groups

why photosynthesis is important​



It is important because plants would not be able to produce food for themselves, so the plant would die. Animals that feed on plants would not be able to survive, and animals that feed on other animals would die too because they would not have any food.

Students use alphabet letters to represent the genetic instructions for a trait of an organism. The students write these alphabet letter in graphic organizers. The students are trying to show genetic instructions passing from parent to offspring.

Which graphic organizer does NOT represent asexual reproduction?



It’s B


What is needed for a fossil to form? Select all that apply.

1. The organism must first get stuck in rock.

2. The soft tissue of the dead organism must be eaten by scavengers before the bones can be preserved.

3. The tracks or burrows of an organism must be filled with sediments before they are disturbed.

4. The organism's body must be covered by sediment or another substance before its body decays.


I like 4 the best. If an organism is covered by sediment before the body decays the sediment can harden around the decaying body and the imprint will be preserved in the hardened sediment.

The correct answer is:The organism's body must be covered by sediment or another substance before its body decays.

What is the explaining statement for the same ?

Explanation: For a fossil to form, the organism's body must be rapidly buried in sediment, ash, or another substance before it can decay or be eaten by scavengers.

Over time, the minerals in the surrounding sediment or substance can replace the organic material in the bones, forming a fossil. Tracks, burrows, and other trace fossils can also form when sediment or another substance fills in the impressions left by an organism before they are disturbed.

Getting stuck in rock is not necessarily a requirement for fossilization, as fossils can also form in sedimentary rock or other types of rock.

Lack of oxygen: Decay requires oxygen, so organisms are more likely to fossilize in environments where oxygen is limited or absent, such as in deep water, bogs, or quicksand.

Low acidity: Acidic environments can dissolve bones and other hard parts, so fossils are more likely to form in environments with neutral or basic pH levels.

Lack of disturbance: Fossils are more likely to be preserved if they are not disturbed after burial. For example, if an organism's body is exposed to air or water before it can be buried, the bones may be scattered or destroyed.

Overall, fossilization is a rare and complex process that requires a combination of specific conditions to occur. As a result, the fossil record provides only a partial and biased glimpse into the history of life on Earth.

Learn more about  fossil fuels  at :



Name the major muscles


tongue, biceps, triceps, gluteus maximus

can someone put these in the right order ? IM GIVING BRAINLIEST ANSWER FOR THIS PLEASE! i inserted a picture ) thanks so much I need this fast as possible



chlorine (17)

nitrogen (2,5)

magnesium (12)

lithium (2,1)


1. chlorine

2. magnesium

3. nitrogen

4. lithium

what is a number n3=512



Roughly n = 171


512/3 = 170.666666667

the round it to the nearest tenth which is 171, So N is roughly 171

Hope this helped



n³ = 512

Putting cube root on both sides we get

³√n³ = ³√8³

Therefore n = 8

Hope it helps :)

How have plants adapted to different environmental conditions?



Plants adapt to their environment from necessity. Plants may also adapt by growing lower and closer to the ground to shield themselves from wind and cold. Desert environments may have some of the following adaptations, these help the plant to conserve food, energy and water and still be able to reproduce effectively.


4. The solar energy that is absorbed and reradiated from Earth's surface as heat is mostly
(with a longer wavelength).
O gamma radiation
O ultraviolet radiation
O infrared radiation


The answer is infrared radiation

Do plants complete cellular respiration like humans to create energy?





Cellular respiration is the process of using the chemical energy stored in sugars. The reaction is the mirror image of photosynthesis: glucose, + oxygen yields carbon dioxide +water. Like all living things, plants go through cellular respiration to obtain energy for growth and reproduction.

How can a change in structure to an organisms' cell negatively effect that organism?


can affect an organism by changing its physical characteristics (or phenotype) or it can impact the way DNA codes the genetic information (genotype). they can cause termination (death) of an organism or they can be partially lethal.

True or false. Without wind there would be no weather.


Answer: Absent a gentle breeze or mighty gale to circulate both warm and cold weather around the Earth, the planet would become a land of extremes. Areas around the Equator would become intensely hot and the poles would freeze solid. Whole ecosystems would change, and some would completely disappear.

Earliest eon of the earth's history

A. Cenozoic Era
B. Precambrian
C. Trilobite
D. Mesozoic Era


Answer:  the Mesozoic era came before the others however the accurate earliest eon is the Hadeon to be exact, but from the options you provided, answer it D.


i need help with this please​



12: curly wings  

13: normal wings  

14: normal wings

for the last three the data would look like AA, Aa, aa

Also let me tell you this as a junior in high school this year of science is the easiest thing ever


the diagram shown above illustrates the---- cycle.


Can’t see diagram. Could you attach the photo.

Overtime, plants will compete, and recreate the forest.
This principle is known as...



ecological succession



Ecological succession

Some students conduct an investigation in a biology lab by setting up four different artificial stomachs, each in a
40 °C water bath. The students place the same amount of boiled egg white, a protein-rich source, in each stomach.
They also add dilute hydrochloric acid, HCl, and pepsin, a digestive enzyme, to each stomach, as shown in the table.
The students observe the mass of egg white in each stomach every 15 minutes.
Which statement describes the most likely result of this investigation?
A. The mass of the Egg white increases as the volume of the enzyme increases.
B. The egg white is unaffected by the differing amount of enzyme.
C. Digestion decreases in each stomach as more of the egg white's surface area becomes exposed.
D. Digestion increases as the volume of the enzyme increases.


Answer: D. Digestion increases as the volume of the enzyme increases.


Enzymes speed up reactions by reducing the activation time of a reaction. If there are more enzymes therefore, the reaction will move faster.

Pepsin is an enzyme that prefers acidic conditions so it can work with dilute HCL. It can also work in temperatures of 40 °C without getting denatured. As more Pepsin is added therefore, the reaction will move faster and digestion will increase.

Answer: The answer would be D!!


A strand of DNA reads: ATGGCGCTTGACA. What is the sequence of the complimentary (opposite) strand?





Hope this helps! Just remember the base pairs for DNA C=G and A=T

White blood cells ingest, then digest, a number of bacteria and other pathogens. White blood cells would require high numbers of which organelle in order to function properly?





what is a population?


Population is a collection of interbreeding organisms of a particular species living together in a area.

what gift did dr paricia get her mother


she got her flowers and chocolates

Which process initiates the passage of half of a parent’s DNA to offspring?



The process of male and female gamete is called as fertilization. It is the process which initiates that transfer of half of the chromosome from each parent namely father and mother. The chromosome number of body cell is 46, whereas that of germ cell is 23 chromosomes.


How does the mining industry make use of bacteria?



Using Bacteria such as Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans to leach copper from mine tailings has improved recovery rates and reduced operating costs. Microbial leaching is especially useful for copper ores because copper sulfate, as formed during the oxidation of copper sulfide ores, is very water-soluble.



hope it helps. hear is the answer

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