What would the complementary strand of GTCCGTAACGTAT be?


Answer 1





Under Chargaff's rule, Adentine is equal to Thymine, and Cytosine is equal to Guanine. (A=T, C=G)

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TRUE or FALSE: Dolphins are found in tropical areas, highly developed
swimmers and have highly advanced echolocation. *





the amswer is true have a nice day

your slide is in focus but you cannot see anything, what maybe the possible problem​



The correct answer would be - using a lens that is too high powered and thus you may be too focused on the specimen.


The possible scenario for this case where the slide is in focus but can not see anything could be either specimen is not under the lense or too focused on the specimen by using a very high-powered lens.

In a very high-powered lens, the lens becomes over-focused and the specimen does not look in the field of view of the lens, in such case, an individual should ower the power of lense.

Provide an explanation for why the indigo dye did not adhere to the different fibers in your test fabric. You will need to do a little bit of outside research on what chemicals make up some of the fibers. You may also need to do some research on intermolecular forces and why some interactions are stronger than others. Please make your explanation at least 500 words in two or more paragraphs. At least one in-text citation is required along with a list of your source(s) in your preferred citation style (MLA, APA, ACS, Chicago Style, etc.).



Due to lack of bonds.


The indigo dye did not adhere to the different fibers because the indigo dye did not make bonds with the fiber, it only attached to it physically for temporary period of time. The reduced state is also necessary for indigo because indigo cannot dissolve in water, but when it is reduced it can soluble and able to get inside a fiber to make physical bond with the fiber. Some interactions are stronger than others because of the presence of strong bond between the two different materials so strong bonding makes the materials to attach with each other for a long period of time or permanently.

Some argue that solar power should be the main energy source for the United States. Which argument could be used against this idea? A. It contributes to global warming. B. It can only be produced in sunny areas. C. It is a nonrenewable resource. D. It releases greenhouse gases.



A. It contributes to global warming


Solar power is the power of the future and is an essential nonrenewable source of energy for man. Solar power is driven by the incoming solar energy in the form of solar rays.  Solar power is eco-friendly and doe not cause any harm can be sued in the summer season and has ample scope for greenhouse gases. As per the statement, the solar power should be used as the main energy source in U.S can be contradicted by saying it contributes to global warming.

C-Using a Magnet
1. Fine flour and lumpy flour
2. Mixed nuts
3. Sand and gravel
4. Sand and palay
5. Scrap iron and nail​



1) Fine flour and lumpy flour - B) Sieving

2) Mixed nuts - A) Handpicking

3) Sand and gravel - B) Sieving

4) Sand and palay - B) Sieving

5) Scrap iron and nail - C) Using magnet

(mark me brainliest if you're satisfied with my answer :))

[tex]\large\mathfrak\pink{thank \: you}[/tex]

The phase of mitosis that is characterized by the disappearance of the nuclear membrane is



Prometaphase (late prophase)


Mitosis is the kind of cell division in which two genetically identical copies of a cell is formed from a cell. Mitosis comprises of stages which include prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Each phase is characterized by specific occurrences that all work together to achieve the main goal of forming two daughter cells.

According to this question, PROPHASE stage is the stage characterized by the condensation of chromatids into chromosomes, the disappearance of nucleolus and BREAKDOWN of NUCLEAR MEMBRANE.

Which veterinary professionals design the veterinary curriculum?



vetatm meds




Some people's earlobes dangle or flap unattached, while others don't. This trait is genetically determined. Use the genetics simulation to explore the genes that determine whether earlobes are attached or unattached. One trait is dominant and the other is recessive. See what happens when you cross parents with different genetic combinations. Follow the specific instructions for each trial.


Complete question, Answer, and Explanation:

Due to technical problems, you will find the complete question, answer, and explanation in the attached files

1) All of the following are examples of an asexual reproduction except
a) Cloning technique b) Forming zygots
c) Runners technique I
d) Tuber technique in the potato



b) Forming zygots


A zygote can be defined as a eukaryotic cell formed by the fusion of gametes during sexual reproduction. In general, a zygote is a diploid (2n) cell produced by the fusion of two haploid (n) gametic cells (eg., in mammals, sperm and egg cells). In multicellular organisms, the zygote is the first stage of development, which will give rise to an adult organism as it divides and grows. A zygote cell can be considered as a pluripotent stem cell because it differentiates into all cell types.

Which of the following molecules comes from the food we eat and is needed for energy?
A) amino acids
B) glucose
C) oxygen
D) protein
E) fiber


i think protein, not 100% sure

You have engineered a protein that contains a nuclear localization signal, a nuclear export signal, a C-terminal peroxisomal targeting signal, and an import signal for the endoplasmic reticulum. with all of these signal sequences, where would you expect to find the protein after its synthesis?



The correct answer is - Endoplasmic reticulum


In this case, the N-terminal endoplasmic reticulum signal sequence of the engineered protein is recognized primarily. This signal is used to target the particular protein co-translationally, to the endoplasmic reticulum for post-translational modifications or changes.

Such post-modifications are glycosylation that taken place in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. Other than Glycosylation Protein phosphorylation , Sumoylation and Ubiquitination, are other changes or modifications.

When and where does DNA replication occur in eukaryotic cells?

A) Once in a cell's life (before division), inside the nucleus.

B) Twice in a cell's life,
inside the cytoplasm

C) Several times in a cell's life, inside both the nucleus and cytoplasm.



the answer is A


because hehwhehdh

Please help me

What is the advantage of porous bones in birds?
A. their holes assist in ridding the bird of wastes
B. their holes help keep the feathers intact
C. they are lighter, which helps with flight
D. they are lighter, which makes the bird need less food



C. But see the answer under C. Apparently C is the accepted answer.


A. Not A.I don't think that's a problem for gulls especially on beaches.

B. Not B.  Their feather do not look like they need much help in keeping their feathers attached when in flight.

C. This is not really the answer, but it is the best answer of these 4. The actual answer is that the bones are porous for better air intake which provides more oxygen and hence they are better able to fly.

D. Not D. Food has nothing to do with the problem. Birds get an adequate amount of food without their wings being porous. See the answer for C.


C. they are lighter, which helps with flight


Have a great day

The picture below shows the nervous system sending electrical signals that stimulate the release of molecules.

This picture best illustrates how —

mechanical energy in the body can be transformed into light energy.
chemical energy in the body can be transformed into potential energy.
chemical energy in the body can be transferred to light energy.
electrical energy in the body can be transformed into chemical energy.



electric to chemical


sorry for being rude the other day. that is the real answer im learning about it now

Light moves differently through different materials. What are some factors that could change the amount of sunlight absorbed by Earth’s surface and atmosphere?


if clouds are covering the sun and most of the sky, if rain is absorbing the ground and the amount of moisture in the atmosphere

help me plzzzzzzzzzzz ​



box 4, because it has more atoms in the same amount of space

ASAP PLS HELP !!! Jfndndbrhdbdbr pls


100% because there is no dd making it not possible for them not to have dimples if dimples is dominant.

Pls someone help its a very easy question



you got it right


The diagram below shows the crossing of a tall plant in a short plant tall is dominant which of the genotypes of the parents plants


We need the picture of the diagram to answer this question

Which factor DOES NOT affect the rate of diffusion *
O Particle Size
O Concentraxon Gradient
O Particle Color


I believe it would be particle color
I think it would be concentraxon gradient

A researcher wants to study the impact of mutations on health. She focuses her work
on mutations associated with cancer. What would many of the mutations she studies
have in common?
A. They occur only in sex-cells.
B. They have no impact on cell function.
C. They cause the cell cycle to be unregulated.
D. The cause no change in amino acid sequence.


It is either A or C but I’m not 100% sure

Help fast plz
A population of organisms has adapted so that the organisms are better able to survive in their environment. What will most likely happen to the population of
a) It will increase.
b) It will decrease.
c) It will stay the same.
D)none of the choices given


Answer: B it will decrease.

A solution is modified in doing so the pH changes from 8 to 4. This will make the actual Concentration of hydrogen ions Change by a factor of?



b is the correct answer in this situation in

When you flex your knee, where are the fulcrum and the load? Where is the muscle that provides the effort located?



the fulcrum is the knee joint

the load is probably the radius and ulna with the muscle on it

while the effort could be tendons and the muscle on the femur

Which characteristic of life best describes the process of homeostasis?
responding to the environment
growing and developing
using energy

A. responding to the environment


Responding to the environment.


and using energy


the guy on ed told me

I need help with 5,6 I’ll reward brainalist + 5 points for correct answer





Meaning of one tailed test and two tailed test



Hypothesis testing is run to determine whether a claim is true or not, given a population parameter.


A test that is conducted to show whether the mean of the sample is significantly greater than and significantly less than the mean of a population is considered a two-tailed test.

Juan and Carol were studying invertebrates in biology. They knew that segmented or earth worms preferred a dark, moist habitat. During this lab, they would be investigating the responses of organisms called planaria or Dugesia tigrina. These were simple flatworms that still had a one-way digestive system and a very simple nervous system. Juan and Carol placed the planaria in a petri dish containing cool, distilled water that was partially covered with black paper. They shined a light on the dish. Next, they removed the paper and placed a small amount of chicken liver at one end of the dish. They added a few large salt crystals to the water. Finally, they added drops of hot water to the cool water in the petri dish. Their results can be seen in the data table. According to their experiment, all BUT one conclusion is valid. A) Planaria are a fresh-water organism only. B) Planaria are consumers and may be carnivores. C) Planaria have specialized cells to detect light intensity. D) Planaria have specialized cells that detect temperature change. answer and you get all my points plzzz



A) Planaria are a fresh-water organism only.


Planaria are a fresh-water organism only. Although the planaria moved away from the salt crystals, it may be because of the concentration of salt rather than its presence. There are both fresh water and salt water species of planaria. The other three conclusions are supported by the data.

Planaria are consumers and may be carnivores is the correct. Thus option B is correct

What is a planaria?

Planaria  also called cross-eyed worms.

They are the tiny group of  flatworms belongs to phylum Platyhelminthes.

They are free-living organisms in fresh water bodies.

The body are small, measuring around 3 to 15 mm , have a soft, leaf-shaped body covered cilia and spade-shaped head with two eyes

It is otherwise called as flatworms under the ancient class of Turbellaria which is in the branch of Platyhelminthes.

Planaria can sense and respond different stimuli like light where e eyespots can detect light and allow the organism  to react to it.

It can sense Chemical by the help of  their head regions allow them  to smell.

The auricles of the head region can sense touch and allow  them to respond.

Thus option B is correct

Learn more about planaria , here:



Emilia Burton is an 18-year-old high school student who began to experience weight loss despite a ravenous appetite and resulting increased dietary intake. She has to make frequent trips to the bathroom to urinate and has difficulty concentrating on her work because of fatigue. She drinks large volumes of coffee to help with a constant dry mouth and to combat her fatigue. At a clinic appointment, it was noted that her weight has dropped from 140 lb to 128 Ib.
a) What is the probable diagnosis of this patient? What information from the above scenario would support your diagnosis?
b) What laboratory test(s) should be performed? Which result(s) would support your diagnosis? What immediate and long-term therapy will Emilia need to manage her disorder?
c) Emilia should be aware of the potential acute and long- term complications of her condition. What are they?



A) The diagnosis is Diabetes mellitus which is based on the given symptoms that are weight loss, dry skin, fatigue, profuse urination, ravenous hunger all confirm diabetes.

B) Test for confirmation of diabetes Mellitus are-

Fasting plasma glucose test

Postprandial glucose test

Random plasma glucose test.

A1C test

If the test shows higher blood glucose it confirms the diagnosis

Immediate Treatment:-


Long term treatment:

Exercise controls the blood sugar

Diet should be healthy and should avoid high glucose options.

C) Acute and long term complications:-

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic foot

Diabetic neuropathy

Coronary heart disease

Kidney damage

Cerebrovascular disease.

Which one of these statements is true?


The answer should be D. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. Usually, acceleration means the speed is changing, but not always. When an object moves in a circular path at a constant speed, it is still accelerating, because the direction of its velocity is changing.
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