what would be the height of the atmosphere if the air density were uniform and decreased linearly to zero with height assume that at sea level the air pressure is 1atm


Answer 1

The height of the atmosphere would be 7951.33 m.

We are given that,

Pressure = P = 1 atm

Air density = ρ = 1.3 kg/m³

P = ρ g h

We know that pressure at sea level = 1 atm = 101300 Pa

Thus , putting the values in the above equation,

h = (101300 Pa)/(1.3 kg/m³)(9.8m/s²)

h = 7951.33 m

Therefore, the height of the atmosphere would be 7951.33 m, when the air density is constant.

The atmosphere of Earth extends upward from the planet's surface to a height of 10,000 kilometers (6,214 miles). After that, the atmosphere disappears into space. Although scientists disagree on the location of the atmosphere's upper border, they can all agree that the majority of the atmosphere is found near to the planet's surface, up to a distance of around eight to fifteen kilometers (five to nine miles). Although most life on Earth requires oxygen, oxygen does not make up the bulk of the planet's atmosphere. About 78% of the gases in the Earth's atmosphere are nitrogen, 21% are oxygen, 9% are argon, and 1% are other gases. The remaining gases include trace amounts of neon, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane.

Learn more about height here:



Related Questions

Mindfulness is important when it comes to your personal fitness. What are some other ways that you suspect mindfulness could be helpful in life (aside from personal fitness)? please explain your answers.


Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

When we meditate it doesn’t help to fixate on the benefits, but rather to just do the practice, and yet there are benefits or no one would do it.

When we’re mindful, we reduce stress, enhance performance, gain insight and awareness through observing our own mind, and increase our attention to others’ well-being.

Mindfulness meditation gives us a time in our lives when we can suspend judgment and unleash our natural curiosity about the workings of the mind, approaching our experience with warmth and kindness—to ourselves and others.

learn more about mindfulness:




Ways to suspect mindfulness is eating healthy and yoga.


This is because eating healthy can make you increase stamina and happiness. On the other hand, Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.

suppose that your microwave oven operates at a frequency of 2.48 ghz. find the corresponding wavelength of the electromagnetic waves in the oven.


The wavelength of the electromagnetic waves with this frequency would be 12 cm.

The length over which a periodic wave repeats in space is known as its wavelength. It is a characteristic of all spatial wave patterns, including standing waves and moving waves. The distance between two adjacent crests, troughs, or zero crossings on the wave that correspond to successively in the same phase.

In other words, the wavelength is the distance, notably between electromagnetic or sound wave points, between the crests of a wave.

The relation between frequency and wavelength is given as

v . d = c


v =  frequency, d= wavelength, c = speed of light in vacuum

here in this case v = 2.48 ghz which is equal to

v = 2.48 ghz = [tex]2.48 * 10^{9}[/tex] hz. = [tex]2.48 * 10^{9}[/tex]  [tex]s^{-1}[/tex]

substituting the values in the relation

d = c / v

We get,

d = [tex]3* 10 ^{8}[/tex] / [tex]2.48 * 10^{9}[/tex] = 0.120 m = 12 cm

To know more about the wavelength :



The density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3. If transverse waves travel at in an aluminum wire of diameter what is the tension on the wire?.


The tension on the wire that having a density of 2700 kg/m³ with a diameter of 4.6 mm and propagate at 25 m/s = 28.12 N

How to determine the tension on the wire

In this case, the density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m³ but we don't have the speed and the diameter of the aluminum.

So, let's solve it using just sample numbers.

To determine the tension on the wire, we can use the following equation:

T = v²μ


T = tension on the wire (N)

v = the speed of the wire (m/s)

μ = mass per unit length of the wire (kg/m)

Find the area of the aluminum wire first,

A = [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex][tex]\pi[/tex]d²

= [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex][tex]\pi[/tex](4.6 x 10⁻³)²

= 1.66 x 10⁻⁵ m²

And, the mass per unit length of the wire:

μ = ρA

= (2700) (1.66 x 10⁻⁵)

= 0.045 kg/m

So, the tension on the wire is:

T = v²μ

= (25)² (0.045)

= 28.12 N


Learn more about tension on wire here: brainly.com/question/14336853


at the center of the neutral metal block, what is the direction of the electric field contributed by the charge in and on the metal block only?


The direction of electric field by the charge in and on the metal block will be along the direction line 5 as given in question.

How to determine electric field direction in a metal block?

The charge always remain on outer surface of metal and inside the metal block, the net electric field is zero. But due to dipole there is an electric field at the center of metal block i.e. at point R along direction line 1.

Now, to make make the net electric field zero at center, the electric field by the charge in and on the metal block must be equal in magnitude to that of electric field due to dipole at point R and in opposite direction to that of the net electric field at at R due to dipole.

The electric field by the charge in and on the metal block will be making 180° angle to the  electric field due to dipole at point R.

Hence the direction of electric field by the charge in and on the metal block will be along the direction line 5 as given in question.

To know more about electric field, click on https://brainly.com/question/11509296


what is the thinnest soap film (excluding the case of zero thickness) that appears black when illuminated with light with a wavelength of 520 nmnm ? the index of refraction of the film is 1.33, and there is air on both sides of the film.


The thinnest soap film that appears black when illuminated with light with a wavelength of 520 nm is about 195 nm.

A natural phenomenon known as "thin-film interference" occurs when light waves reflected by a thin film's upper and lower limits collide with one another, either enhancing or weakening the light that is reflected.

First, draw the diagram. From the diagram 1 is the first reflected ray and 2 is the second reflected ray. The red circle indicates the phase change. The first ray experience phase change but the second ray doesn't experience phase change.

Therefore, the thickness of the soap bubble is given by the thin-film interference formula,

[tex]\begin{aligned}2t& = m\lambda_{soap}\\t&=\frac{m\lambda_{soap}}{2}\\\lambda_{soap}&=\frac{2t}{m}\end{aligned}[/tex]

From Snell's law, we know that n₁λ₁=n₂λ₂, where λ is the wavelength and n is the index of refraction.

Then, for the soap film, [tex]n_{air}\lambda_{air}=n_{soap}\lambda_{soap}[/tex].

We know that n (air) is 1. From this,


Excluding the case of zero thickness, substitute m=1 for the first destructive interference.

Then, the smallest thickness is,


The answer is 195 nm.

To know more about thin-film interference:



Select the correct answer. Besides the force due to gravity or g, what else determines the period of a pendulum? a. Tension of the cord b. Mass of the pendulum bob c. Length of the cord d. Amplitude of the swing e. Only gravity is important when calculating the period of a pendulum.


Due to gravity  the period of a pendulum is Length of the cord. option C is the correct answer

The amount of time it takes the bob to complete one oscillation is known as the simple pendulum's time period.

The time period(T) of a simple pendulum is,

T = 2π√l/g

Time period :

Time depends on both the pendulum's effective length and the acceleration caused by gravity. The rope length and radius f bob are added to determine the effective length. The distance between the pendulum's point of suspension and the bob's center of gravity is its effective length. The length of the pendulum and, to a lesser extent, the amplitude have an impact on the basic pendulum's time period. That is the pendulum's swing's width. A pendulum's time span often refers to one whole cycle, or one full left swing and right swing.

To learn more about Time period visit: https://brainly.com/question/569003


a crane is lifting a 2000 kgload with a cable whose breaking strength is 22;000 n. what is the maximum upward acceleration that the load can be given?


A crane is lifting a 2000 kgload with a cable whose breaking strength is 22,000 n.  1.2 m/sec² is the maximum upward acceleration that the load can be given.

What is Newton's law?

The motion of an item is related to the forces operating on it by Newton's equations of motion. According to the first law, until a force strikes on an item, it will not alter its motion. According to the second law, an object's force is determined by multiplying its mass by its acceleration. According to the third law, when two objects interact, they exert equal-sized and opposite-direction pressures upon one another.

Given that,

a crane is lifting a 2000 kg load

breaking strength is 22,000 N

According to Newton's law:

F - mg = ma

Now, acceleration, a = (F- mg)/m

or, a = [22,000 - (2000 × 9.8)] / 2000

or, a = 1.2 m/sec².

To know more about acceleration refer to:



41. one easy way to reduce heating (and cooling) costs is to add extra insulation in the attic of a house. suppose the house already had 15 cm of fiberglass insulation in the attic and in all the exterior surfaces. if you added an extra 8.0 cm of fiberglass to the attic, then by what percentage would the heating cost of the house drop? take the single story house to be of dimensions 10 m by 15 m by 3.0 m. ignore air infiltration and heat loss through windows and doors.


Adding more insulation to a home's attic is a simple approach to save heating bills. Consider that the attic and all outside surfaces of the home already have 15 cm of fiberglass insulation. The cost of heating would drop by 12%.

What are the four best approaches to lower air pollution?

Don't make as many car excursions as you normally would. Cut back on, or stop using, wood stoves and fireplaces. Be careful not to burn rubbish, leaves, or other items. Use electric lawn and garden tools instead of gas-powered ones.

Is fiberglass toxic to humans?

Touching fiberglass shouldn't have an adverse long-term health consequence. As a result of fiberglass exposure, eyes may become red and itchy. Inflammation of the throat and nose.

to know more about fiberglass toxic visit:-



how are rotation curves of spiral galaxies determined beyond radii where starlight can be detected?


Using observations of the atomic hydrogen 21 cm line rotation curves of spiral galaxies determined beyond radii where starlight can be detected.

What is rotation curves of spiral galaxies?The main method for ascertaining the mass distribution in spiral galaxies is to analyze the rotation curves of spiral galaxies. They offer vital knowledge for comprehending spiral galaxies' dynamics, evolution, and creation.The function vcirc(R) for a galaxy represents the rotation curve. Measurement of vcirc(R) over a range of R will yield highly significant data on the gravitational potential. This in turn provides fundamental details regarding the galaxy's mass distribution, including dark matter.In fact, by analyzing a spiral galaxy's rotation curves, we may determine not only how much mass the galaxy has overall but also how this mass is distributed inside the galaxy.

For more information on spiral galaxies rotation curve kindly visit to



Why did the big bang not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium?


By the time helium could survive, the temperature had become too low for heavier elements to form.

A Big Bang event is a physical theory that explains how the universe expands from a dense and hot initial state. [1] Various cosmological models of the Big Bang describe the evolution of the observable universe from the earliest known epochs to subsequent large-scale forms.These The model comprehensively explains a wide range of observed phenomena, including light element abundance, cosmic microwave background (CMB), and large-scale structure. The general uniformity of the universe, known as the flatness problem, is explained by cosmic inflation. This is a sudden and very rapid expansion of space at the initial moment. But physics currently lacks a generally accepted theory of quantum gravity that can successfully model the early states of the Big Bang.

Learn more about big bang here : https://brainly.com/question/17209127


a rider and her bicycle weigh 60.24 kg. what is the kinetic energy in kj of the bike and rider while traveling at a speed of 25.1 km/h?


The kinetic energy of the bike and rider while traveling at a speed of 25.1 km/h is  18,975 joule

 Kinetic energy K = (1/2)mv²  = 0.5 x 60.24x(25.1)² =18,975joule

In physics, the kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes. Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because of its motion. If we want to accelerate an object, then we must apply a force. Applying a force requires us to do work. After work has been done, energy has been transferred to the object, and the object will be moving with a new constant speed.Kinetic energy is energy possessed by an object in motion. The earth revolving around the sun, you walking down the street, and molecules moving in space all have kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass of the object and to the square of its velocity

To learn more about Kinetic energy click here



A mass of sunken lead is resting against the bottom in a glass of water. You take this lead, put it in a small boat of negligible mass, and float the boat in the water. Which of the following statements are true? (There may be more than one correct choice.)
A. The sunken lead displaces a volume of water equal to the lead's own volume.
B. The floating lead displaces a volume of water equal to the lead's own volume.
C. The sunken lead displaces a volume of water whose weight equals the lead's weight.
D. The floating lead displaces a volume of water whose weight equals the lead's weight.


C. The sunken lead displaces a volume of water whose weight equals the lead's weight.

How are masses determined?

Scales and balances Digital science balances & beam balances, like a triple beam balance, are examples of several sorts of balances.The metric system uses either grams and kilograms as standard unit of measure of mass.To determine mass at home, you normally use a contemporary digital or spring scale.

What in science is a mass?

A amount much matter inside a particle or object is represented by the dimensionless quantity mass (symbolized m).The kilogram is the International System's (SI) preferred unit of mass (kg).

To know more about mass visit:



Si ilumino un objeto verde con luz blanca ¿ de que color se vera ?


Answer: Un objeto verde aparece negro con cualquier otra luz que no sea verde


one cubic centimeter of oak (750 kg/m3) and 1 cubic centimeter of aluminum (2700 kg/m3) are dropped into a pool. which has the largest buoyant force on it?


Aluminum has the largest buoyant force on it.

How do buoyant forces work?

The buoyant force is an upward force that an object will experience whether it is fully or partially submerged in a fluid. This upward thrust also goes by the name of upthrust. Because of the buoyant force, an object that is partially or completely submerged in a fluid seems to weigh less or to be lighter.

The fluid is pushing up on the submerged object with this force. Examples of buoyant force include a fish hovering in the middle of the ocean, a ship floating in the middle of the sea, and an anchor that sinks when dropped into the water.

To know more about buoyant force visit:



which method of assessing body fat percentage involves an electric current flowing through the body>


Bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA), another technique, involves taking measurements while an electric current is passing through the body's water and fat tissues [14, 15, 16, 17].

Bioelectric impedance analysis, or BIA, is a common method of operation for these kinds of scales. By passing a tiny electrical current through the body, BIA calculates body composition [5]. The scale then measures the body's resistance to the current and determines what proportion of the body is made up of fat using that measurement. A weak electrical current is passed through the body using the bioelectrical impedance (BI) technique. Because it contains fewer water and electrolytes than lean muscle, body fat slows the flow of electricity. Considering that hydration is normal, the measurement of body fat is precise.

learn more about body resistance here;



An object rolls without slipping onto a surface where the coefficient of friction between object and surface is twice as great as that needed to prevent slipping.
Describe the subsequent motion:-
A) The object begins to slip, and the actual force of static friction doesn't change.
B) The object continues to roll without slipping, and the actual force of static friction doesn't change.
C) The object continues to roll without slipping, and the actual force of static friction increases.
D) The object begins to slip, and the actual force of static friction increases.


The correct option B) The object continues to roll without slipping, and the actual force of static friction doesn't change.

When an object experiences static friction, its frictional force resists any applied force, causing the object to stay at rest until the static frictional force is removed. The frictional force opposes an object's motion in kinetic friction.

In contrast, static friction occurs when two surfaces are at rest with regard to one another. Static friction ranges in value from zero to the minimum force required to initiate motion. The force necessary to initiate motion or to remove static friction is always greater than that needed to keep the motion going or to remove kinetic friction.

When an object and surface have twice as much friction as is required to prevent slippage, the object rolls onto the surface without slipping.

Thus, the ensuing motion is that the object keeps rolling without slipping, and the static friction's actual force remains constant.

To know more about the Static Friction:



Coherent light with wavelength 400 nm passes through two very narrow slits that are separated by 0.200 mm, and the interference pattern is observed on a screen 4.00 m from the slits. a. What is the width (in mm) of the central interference maximum? b. What is the width of the first-order bright fringe?


a. The width (in mm) of the central interference maximum is 8 mm

b. The width of the first-order bright fringe is 8mm

we are given the information that Coherent light with wavelength 400 nm passes through two very narrow slits that are separated by 0.200 mm, and the interference pattern is observed on a screen 4.00 m from the slits. Since we know that:

Sinθ≈θ=(m+1/2)λ/d, where d is the distance,  λ is the wavelength and  the vertical distance y(m) from the central maximum to the mth minima can be defined as


solving the above equation we get :

y(m)=(m+12)λD/dy(m), for the width of the central maximum for the distance between the m=0 and m=-1 minima:



=(400×10−9m)(4m)/2×10−4m = 0.008m=8mm

Since y(0)−y(−1) is  is independent of m.  So,  the distance between adjacent minima is  always the same and the width of the first-order bright fringe  will be :


To know more about fringe refer to  the  link   brainly.com/question/12732324


a particular accelerator can accelerate electrons to an energy of 32 gev. what is the de broglie wavelength of these electrons?


the de broglie wavelength of these electrons is 1.227   A˚

 V=32 volts

de-Broglie wavelength of electron     λ= 2meV​ h

​ ∴    λ= 2(9.1×10 −31)(1.6×10 −19 )(100)​ 6.6×10 −34

​ Or     λ= 5.4×10 −10

6.6×10 −34

  m⟹   λ=1.227×10 −10

m=1.227   A˚

De Broglie wavelength is a term used to describe the wavelength () that is connected to an item in relation to its momentum and mass. The de Broglie wavelength of a particle is often inversely related to its force. A particle's de Broglie wavelength reveals the length scale at which wave-like characteristics are significant for that particle. The letters or dB are frequently used to denote the De Broglie wavelength. The de Broglie wavelength for a particle with momentum p is given by the formula: dB = hp, where h is the Planck constant.

To learn more about  de broglie wavelength click here



If the efficiency of a carnot engine were to be 100%, the heat sink would have to be?


Is for Carnot engine to have an efficiency of 1, i.e.  100 %, either T2 (temperature of the sink) should be zero or T1 (temperature of the source) should be infinite.

Can Carnot engines operate at full capacity?Why?

There is no perfect source since it is impossible to achieve 100% efficiency because a portion of the heat from the source must be used to overcome resistance from the environment and other forces.

Why is it impossible to create an engine with 100percentage efficiency in practice?

The efficiency of a steam generator cannot be 100% since it is impossible to reach absolute zero or infinite temperatures in real life.

To know more about heat visit:



What is the frequency of a wave that has a speed of 0.4 m/s and a wavelength of 0.02 meter?


The frequency of a wave is  20Hertz if its speed is 0.4m/sec and wavelength is 0.02meter.

For electromagnetic wave ,we know an expression

c=ν × λ

where c is the defined as the speed of wave  in any medium,

ν is  defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is defined as the  wavelength of the wave.

Frequency is the amount of occasions of a reiterating event for each unit of time. It is similarly once in a while suggested as common repeat for clarity, and is undeniable from dashing repeat. Frequency is assessed in Hertz (Hz) which is comparable to one event each second. The period is the time span between events, so the period is the relating of the recurrence.

Now, according to given formula we get

=>0.4 = v×0.02



=>v=20/sec or


Hence, frequency of a wave is 20Hertz.

To know more about frequency, visit here:



what are the acoustics, and how do the affect the doppler effect?
and rewritten in your OWN words please



Acoustics is the study of sound and how it behaves in different environments. The term can refer to the characteristics of a room or other space that affect how sound behaves in it, such as its size, shape, and the materials it is made of. These characteristics can affect the way sound waves behave and how they are perceived by people.

The Doppler effect is a phenomenon that occurs when a sound wave source is moving relative to an observer. It is named after the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler, who first described it in 1842. The effect causes the observed frequency of the sound wave to be higher or lower than the actual frequency of the source, depending on whether the source is moving toward or away from the observer.

The acoustics of a space can affect the Doppler effect in several ways. For example, the size and shape of a room can determine how long it takes for sound waves to travel from the source to the observer, which can affect the perceived frequency of the sound. The materials that a room is made of can also affect the way sound waves behave, such as by reflecting or absorbing them. This can affect the perceived loudness and clarity of the sound.

Overall, the acoustics of a space can play a role in how the Doppler effect is perceived by people. It is important to consider the acoustics of a space when studying the Doppler effect in order to understand how it may be affected by the characteristics of the environment.


A force of 10kN is accelerating an object at a rate of 8.19 m/s^2. If the mass experiences a factor of change of 1.8, and the force remains constant, what will be the resultant acceleration?


The resultant acceleration of the object is 4.55 m/s².

What is the mass of the object?

The mass of the object is calculated by applying Newton's second law of motion as shown below.

F = ma

m = F / a


m is the mass of the objecta is the acceleration of the objectF is the applied force on the object

m = (10, 000 N ) / (8.19 m/s²)

m = 1,221 kg

when the mass changes by a factor of 1.8, the new mass becomes;

m' = 1.8 x 1,221 kg

m' = 2,197.8 kg

The resultant acceleration becomes;

a = F / m

a = (10, 000 N ) / (2, 197.8 kg)

a = 4.55 m/s²

Learn more about acceleration here: https://brainly.com/question/14344386


a stretched string with fixed two ends is observed to vibrate in three equal segments when driven by a 108-hz oscillator. if the tension in the 2.00-m string is 320 n, what is the mass of the wire?


The tension in the 2.00-m string is 320 n, Mass of the wire is 30.9 grams

Frequency of the wave = ν = v/λ = 1/λ [tex]\sqrt{T/P}[/tex]

Where p = m/l

ν = 3/2l [tex]\sqrt{Tl/m}[/tex]

mass of the wire = gt /4l[tex]v^{2}[/tex] = 0.0309 kg

Hence mass of the wire m = 30.9 grams

Tension is defined as the pulling force transmitted axially by means of a string, rope, chain, or similar object, or by each end of a rod, truss member, or similar three-dimensional object; tension may alternatively be defined as the action-reaction pair of forces operating at each end of those elements. Compression's opposite, tension, might exist.

When molecules or atoms are forced apart at the atomic level and accumulate potential energy while a restoring force is still present, the restoring force may produce what is also known as tension. Under such stress, each end of a string or rod might pull on the thing to which it is linked, releasing the tension and allowing the string or rod to return to its relaxed length.

Learn more about tension here:



according to molecular orbital theory, the regions of the wave function with the highest probability of finding electrons are areas with _______.


According to Molecular Orbital Theory, the regions of the wave function with the highest probability of finding electrons are areas with Constructive Interference.

Molecular Orbital Theory: F. Hund and R. S. Mulliken created the Molecular Orbital Theory (commonly abbreviated as MOT) at the start of the 20th century as a theory on chemical bonding to explain the structure and characteristics of many molecules. The valence-bond theory was unable to satisfactorily explain how some compounds, such as the bonds in resonance-stabilized molecules, have two or more equivalent bonds whose bond orders lay between that of a single bond and that of a double bond. Here, the valence-bond theory was outperformed by the molecular orbital theory (since the orbitals described by the MOT reflect the geometries of the molecules to which it is applied).

The following is a list of the main components of the molecular orbital theory.

The entire number of atomic orbitals provided by the bonding species will always equal the total number of molecular orbitals that are created.There are several different kinds of molecular orbitals, including bonding, anti-bonding, and non-bonding molecular orbitals. The energy of these will always be higher for anti-bonding molecule orbitals than for the parent orbitals, whereas the energy of bonding molecular orbitals will always be lower than the parent orbitals.As the orbital energy increases, the electrons are filled into molecular orbitals (from the orbital with the lowest energy to the orbital with the highest energy).Atomic orbital pairings that result in the production of molecular orbitals work best when the atomic orbitals involved have similar energies.

To learn more about Molecular Orbital Theory, click here



Find the magnitude of the acceleration acm of the center of mass of the spherical shell. Take the free-fall acceleration to be g = 9. 80 m/s2.


The magnitude of the acceleration of the spherical shell with mass 2.25kg rolls down a slope with 38.0 degrees angle is 36.2m/s².

Please refer to the picture attached bellow for better understanding.

From the case we know that:

m = 2.25kg

θ = 38°

I spherical shell = 2/3MR²

We know that based on the Second Law of Newton, the spherical shell will be move along with the slope axis. Hence:

∑F = m.a

Wy - f = m.a

m.g.sinθ - f = m.a ... (i)

We also know that the friction force causes the spherical shell to rotate while falling down the slope. We use the torque concept:

τ = Iα

f.R = Iα

fR = 2/3MR²(a/R)

f = 2/3ma ... (ii)

We will subtitute the equation (ii) into equation (i) to find the value of the magnitude of the acceleration (a):

m.g.sinθ - f = m.a

m.g.sinθ - 2/3m.a = m.a

m.g.sinθ = 5/3m.a

a = 3/5 g.sinθ

a = 36.2 m/s²

Learn more about The Magniture of The Acceleration here: https://brainly.com/question/13962593


Complete Question:

A hollow spherical shell with mass 2.25kg rolls without slipping down a slope that makes an angle of 38.0 degrees with the horizontal.

Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the center of mass of the spherical shell. Take the free fall acceleration to be g = 9.80m/s²

One of the most deadly features of an erupting volcano is an avalanche of hot ash and gas called a pyroclastic flow. A pyroclastic flow can move at a speed of over 160 km/h and can have a temperature of 1,088 K. What is this temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius?


With the use of formula, 1,088 K can be expressed as 815 °C in degrees Celsius and 1499 °F in degrees Fahrenheit

What is Temperature ?

Temperature can be defined as a measure of hotness and coldness. The instrument for measuring temperature is thermometer.

Given that one of the most deadly features of an erupting volcano is an avalanche of hot ash and gas called a pyroclastic flow. A pyroclastic flow can move at a speed of over 160 km/h and can have a temperature of 1,088 K.

The temperature in degrees Celsius we be known by using the equation

T = 273 + C

Where T is in Kelvin and C is degrees Celsius

1088 = 273 + C

Make C the subject of formula

C = 1088 - 273

C = 815 °C

The temperature in degrees Fahrenheit we be known by using the formula

F = ( C × 9/5) + 32

F = ( 815 × 9/5) + 32

F = 1467 + 32

F = 1499 °F

Therefore, temperature in degrees Celsius is 815 °C and temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is 1499 °F

Learn more about Temperature here: https://brainly.com/question/26866637


During a classroom lab activity, students built each of the circuits shown below and measured the current and resistance in each circuit. Each circuit contains a 1. 5-volt battery and each bulb has a resistance of 50 Ω.When the switch is closed, in which circuit would resistance be the highest and current be lowest?


The circuit having a parallel combination of resistance will have more current and series combination have less current.

In today's high-tech world, electrical engineers are faced with the design and analysis of an ever-increasing variety of circuits and systems. However, all of these systems are based on his DC circuit behavior at a basic level. In fact, the ability to analyze and simplify such circuits is critical to understanding and designing more complex circuits.

In addition, measurement of DC circuit quantity i. H. Voltage, current, resistance, the most basic and basic measurements an electrician can perform. In this experiment, students learn the use and limitations of modern digital multimeters and experimentally verify the validity of Thevenin's Theorem, his of key concepts in circuit theory.

It is often desirable to measure electricity without using an electricity meter. This situation is most common when examining current waveforms on the oscilloscope. The problem that arises here is that the oscilloscope cannot measure the current directly (this will become apparent in further experiments), so we have to devise a way to measure the current indirectly.

To study about Thevenin's Theorem -



The deepest point in any ocean is in the mariana trench, which is about 11 km deep, in the pacific. The pressure at this depth is huge, about 1. 13 108 n/m2. (take the bulk modulus of seawater to be 2. 34 109 n/m2).


The change in volume when it is taken to depth is -0.053m³.

Given in the question,

Pressure at depth of 11 km = 1.13 × 10⁸ N/m²

The volume of seawater V = 1 m³

Pressure at the surface of seawater = 1.01 × 10⁵ N/m²

ΔP = 1.13×10⁸ - 1.01 × 10⁵ N/m²

Bulk modulus, B = -V dP/dV = -V(ΔP/ΔV)

B = -V (1.13 × 10⁸ - 1.01 × 10⁵)/ΔV N/m²

2.1 × 10⁹ N/m² = -1 (1.13 × 18⁸ - 1.01 × 10⁵) N/m² / ΔV

ΔV = (-1) (1.13 × 10⁸ - 1.01 × 10⁵)/2.1×10⁹ = -0.053m³

Therefore, the change in volume when it is taken to depth is -0.053m³.

Learn more about pressure at the deepest point, Mariana trench here:



Complete question:

The deepest point in the ocean is in the Mariana Trench, about 11 km deep, about 1.13 × 10³ N/m². Calculate the change in volume of 1.00m² of seawater carried from the surface to this deepest point.

remarks the angular momentum is unchanged by internal forces; however, the kinetic energy increases because the student must perform positive work in order to walk toward the center of the platform.question is energy conservation violated in this example?


Angular momentum is unchanged, but kinetic energy increases.

i) But there is no violation of conservation of energy

ii) There is a positive, net change in mechanical energy, because

The student does the work on the merry-go-round.

iii) origin of the energy is rotational motion.

According to the rule of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can, however, be converted from one form to another. When all forms of energy are considered, the overall energy of an isolated system remains constant. The law of energy conservation applies to all kinds of energy. In summary, the law of energy conservation asserts that

The total energy of a closed system, that is, a system that is separated from its surroundings, is preserved.

Learn more about the conservation of energy here:



in a dental office, the person giving a dental x-ray examination leaves the room while the x-ray source is active. dental office workers do not, however, take similar precautions against the bright lights of the exam room. explain this difference.


The difference between a dental X-ray examination and the bright lights of the exam room lies in the type of radiation emitted. During a dental X-ray examination, the X-ray source emits ionizing radiation, which can be harmful if a person is exposed to it for too long.

This is why the person giving the X-ray examination will leave the room while the X-ray source is active. The bright lights of the exam room, on the other hand, emit non-ionizing radiation, which is not as harmful and can be safely exposed to without any special precautions.

The type of radiation emitted is an important factor when considering safety precautions. Ionizing radiation can be dangerous, so it is important to take the necessary steps to protect oneself from it. Non-ionizing radiation, on the other hand, is not as dangerous and can be safely exposed to without taking any special precautions. This is why the person giving the X-ray examination will leave the room while the X-ray source is active, but dental office workers do not take similar precautions against the bright lights of the exam room.

Learn more about X-ray at :https://brainly.com/question/2833441


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