What were the rules of Royal Colony of Georgia?


Answer 1



The Royal Governors let the colonists own land. However, not everybody was allowed to own land. Black people were not allowed to own land. Women were not allowed to own land.

Answer 2


the Royal Governors let the colonists own land. However, not everybody was allowed to own land. Black people were not allowed to own land. Women were not allowed to own land.


Related Questions

Who wrote the song "This Land Is Your Land"?



Woody Guthrie


Woody Guthrie- THE MAN in the very centre of the American Folk Scene, and whose machine was known to kill fascists ;)

What did Dorothea Dix do to help people with mental illnesses?

She documented abuses and advocated reform.

She documented abuses and raised money.

She documented abuses and gave people treatment.





Got it right on edge

Dorothea Dix helped people with mental illnesses by documenting abuses and advocating reform. Thus, "She documented abuses and advocated reform" is the correct statement.

What did Dorothea Dix do to help people with mental illnesses?

A statute extending the state mental hospital in Worcester was passed as a result of Dix's successful lobbying of state governments to construct and fund mental asylums. She eventually relocated to New York and Rhode Island to continue her work on criminal justice and mental health reform.

She argued for ongoing improvement in Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline in the United States, which was published in 1845. Dix discovered that many inmates suffered from mental diseases. She started doing research on two different issues: the treatment of criminally convicted individuals and the treatment of those with mental illnesses.

Her work raised mental health treatment standards in the US and Canada and began the practice of systematically documenting observations to elicit help.

Therefore, the statement "She documented abuses and advocated reform" is the correct statement.

Learn more about Dorothea Dix, here:



Which sentence from "Wrong on Snakes" is evidence of author bias? ​



What is the question from? It should be a paragraph with it .


Identify 4 Natural Causes of Air Pollution?

Help plz..And no links!! I repeat No links!!


Hmm, Air, Population, and Sewer. These populate the air and what’s around.

A major difference between the climate of the Pacific coastal plain and the Caribbean lowlands is that the former _____.



The correct answer is - is drier.


The climate of pacific coastal plains is hot summers with sea winds and mild winters. The humidity is high and the temperature is also high. The rainfall is very low in summer and in winters it is mild to moderate.

It is considered a drier climate compared to the Caribbean lowlands. The Caribbean lowlands are tropical wet with very high humidity and temperature and have tropical vegetation.

Which of the following is the most historically accurate assessment of the Theory of Divine Rights?
A. People in the 15th Century knew it was an absurd theory, but were powerless in the face of a Church supported monarchy.

B. That God created an orderly world and would place certain people in positions as monarchs, to rule in his behalf was a logical idea based on the beliefs of the 15th Century.

C. Divine Rights for most people made sense because people were incapable of the kind of logical and reasoned thought we have today.

D. Divine Rights of Kings mimicked what people saw in nature, where certain animals such as the lion appeared to rule as if by divine right.





One characteristic of a good leader is the ability to work together with other people. Which of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s accomplishments best shows this leadership quality? MARKING BRAINLIEST Due in 5 mins


He graduated from Boston University in June of 1955.


He was a supporter of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


He gave a speech to 250,000 people in 1963.


He helped organize the Montgomery bus boycott.




The U.S. Constitution MOST reflects the principle of limited government by –
giving some powers to the government and reserving others for individuals
extending the right to vote to most citizens over the age of eighteen
restricting the number of terms that a person can serve as president
granting the federal government broad authority under the necessary and proper clause



The U.S. Constitution MOST reflects the principle of limited government by –


giving some powers to the government and reserving others for individuals

help pls I NEED AN A




1. pollination

2. fertilization

3. germination

4. photosynthesis


1. bee drops pollen on flower

2. flower is fertilized

3. seed is dropped- conditions are ideal- growth begins

4. lets say some leaves emerge- hit by sun- need nutrients- photosynthesis



seems like the Indu river.

What are the 3 reasons for the settlement in Georgia under the Charter of 1732?



Protection, Support, and Economics



Charity, Economics, Defense


What were the economic effects of Hurricane Katrina? Check all that apply.

Unemployment doubled statewide.
Demand for common goods rose.
The supply of everyday goods fell.
The cost of oil decreased sharply.
Many oil refineries were damaged.



To be honest I dont know all of them but i do know one of the answers is C sorry i cant help more


Of a hurricane came an destroyed a city Producers have nothing to produce bc it was destroyed.




3 questions help plsss!!!


Legislative: The legislative branch is made up of the House and Senate, known collectively as the Congress. Among other powers, the legislative branch makes all laws, declares war, regulates interstate and foreign commerce and controls taxing and spending policies. Executive Branch : The executive branch carries out and enforces laws. It includes the president, vice president, the Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, and other boards, commissions, and committees. American citizens have the right to vote for the president and vice president through free, confidential ballots. Judicial Branch : The judicial branch decides the constitutionality of federal laws and resolves other disputes about federal laws. However, judges depend on our government's executive branch to enforce court decisions. Courts decide what really happened and what should be done about it.

Which of these is an example of a capital resource?
A. workers
B. iron ore
C. entrepreneurs
D. computers


b i think lol sorryyy


A capital resource must be man made, must contribute to the production process of a business.

Does this help?

process of making mandro?



1.First of all,manage all kinds of raw materials like hay,straw,husk,etc and develop a base from such materials.

2.Start weaving from a certain point in the required shape.

3. Keep weaving,twisting and folding as much it is needed.

4.Now you got your mandro

PLZZZZ HELP!! What type of atmospheric conditions does weather describe?
C.Long term
D.Current ​


The correct answer is B

Refer to Grandfather's Journey for a complete version of this text. Who is the main character of Grandfather's Journey? grandfather the narrator's mother the narrator grandfather's bride





The book "Grandfather's Journey" by Allen Say is a story about the author's grandfather who had come from Japan to America. The story focuses on how the grandfather and the narrator relate to one another about missing the place they used to call home, the faraway land they had been to.

In the case of the grandfather, his first home was in Japan but had gone to America. After returning to Japan, he got married and then moved to America once again. After several years, they came back to Japan but had to move to a city to comply with the desire of his daughter who had grown up in a big city and could not live in a small village.

Thus, even though the narrator is the grandson, the main protagonist of the story is the grandfather.

The Black killed almost what percentage of the people in Europe?
A. 20%
B. 40%
C. 60%
D. 80%


Answer: C is definitely the correct answer


El racismo es la ideología que defiende la superioridad de una raza frente a los demás verdadero o falso



Verdadero, El racismo es la ideología que defiende la superioridad de una raza frente a los demás.

Which statement best describes the Louisiana Purchase?
The US sent two representatives to buy the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803.
Napoléon bought the Louisiana Territory from the US in 1803 and began governing immediately.
President Jefferson and Napoléon fought over the Louisiana Territory in 1803, and the US won.
President Jefferson stopped the sale of the Louisiana Territory in 1803 because it was unconstitutional.


A cause i just took the test




The US sent two representatives to buy the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803.

why should an ecosystem bounce back quickly to pre disturbed state even in the face of the disturbance?​



Ecosystem stability is an important corollary of sustainability. Over time, the structure and function of a healthy ecosystem should remain relatively stable, even in the face of disturbance. If a stress or disturbance does alter the ecosystem is should be able to bounce back quickly.


Which kind of body has a nucleus, coma, and tail?

it is science





Comets consist of a nucleus, coma, and a tail

In 1832, the US Supreme Court heard the case of Worcester v. Georgia , which involved Native American nations. In this case, the Supreme Court
A: Upheld the sovereignty of tribal governments
B: defended the authority of state governments
C: Ruled that states and tribal governments have concurrent powers


In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that States and tribal governments have concurrent powers. The correct option is c.

What is the Supreme Court?

A supreme court is the highest court within the hierarchy of courts in most legal jurisdictions. Other descriptions for such courts include court of last resort, apex court, and high court of appeal. Broadly speaking, the decisions of a supreme court are not subject to further review by any other court.

Supreme courts typically function primarily as appellate courts, hearing appeals from decisions of lower trial courts, or intermediate-level appellate courts. However, not all highest courts are named as such. Civil law states tend not to have a single highest court. The idea of a supreme court owes much to the framers of the Constitution of the United States.

It was while debating the division of powers between the legislative and executive departments that delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention established the parameters for the national judiciary.

Learn more about court, here:



What economic practice and had the greatest effect on the economy after World War II?



U.S. war spending helped add $236 billion to the debt. It was a 1,048% increase, the largest percentage increase to the debt of any president.

A review of U.S. gross domestic product growth by year reveals that the economy grew at least 8% annually between 1939 and 1944. Between 1941 and 1943, it grew more than 17% a year.

One reason U.S. production grew so fast was that it had been slack during the Great Depression. Underutilized manufacturing, shipbuilding, and auto factories were able to gear up for full production.

To pay for it, the government expanded the income tax and introduced mandatory withholdings from paychecks. In 1939, 4 million Americans paid federal taxes. That rose to 43 million by 1945.

The war turned the United States into a major military power. Before the war started, the U.S. Army only had 174,000 troops. That was 19th in the world and smaller than Portugal's. Army Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall reorganized the army into a strong fighting force.  In December 1941, it had grown to 1.8 million men. By 1945, it had 8.25 million.

In 1947, the Truman Doctrine pledged the United States to assist any democracy attacked by authoritarian forces.It shifted U.S. foreign policy from isolationist to the global policeman. The Marshall Plan pledged $12 billion in food, machinery, and foreign direct investment to rebuild Europe.The National Security Act consolidated the Army and Navy into the Defense Department.  It created the Air Force, the National Security Council, and the CIA. In 1948, the United States airlifted food and fuel in West Berlin after the Soviets blockaded it.

In 1949, the Fair Deal called for national health insurance and raising the minimum wage. It also proposed the Fair Employment Practices Act to make illegal any religious and racial discrimination in hiring. Congress rejected national health insurance but passed the rest of the Fair Deal.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 continued quotas for immigrants based upon country of origin. It had lower quotas for Asians, a vestige of the racism prevalent during the war. Between 1942 and 1945, the federal government relocated 117,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry into internment camps.  The Act prioritized family reunification and desired skills.

Who are the three Georgia signers of the Declaration of Independence from Georgia?



It is JFK George Bush Donald Trump


[tex]when~did~india~got independence​[/tex]


India got independence on 15th August 1947.

If you were given $100, what would you do with it? Please explain in detail.


Answer:I consider myself a professional shopper! The deals that I’ve ran across over the years amaze even me! I’ve found everything from a Pair of Chanel sunglasses to a stunning Versace pant suit.

Look at labels at thrift stores! Know the designer’s you like and look for them! I’ve built my entire wardrobe from thrift stores! And most of my clothes are high end.

I recently created a nursery for our upcoming baby. I found a photo in a magazine that I loved-but the cost of all the items totaled over $3000. I carried that photo with me and created a nursery very similar to it! I spent about $300! That included the cherrywood sleigh crib, accent chair, rocking chair, changing table, dresser and various bins to nearly store miscellaneous items. Oh, and I found a beautiful large mirror that has plenty of bling purchased from World Market for $299. I paid $40 for it! The room came together beautifully for a fraction of the cost! I also created a beautiful baby girl wardrobe all purchased from various thrift stores!

$100 can get you plenty at a thrift store!


According to Hindu beliefs, which
of the following terms would refer
to the continuous cycle of birth
and death?
A. Sudras
B. Karma
C. Dharma
D. Samsara





well here is your answer

why do a lot of americans not vote



Many americans feel alienated by the two party system. With both parties leaning right of center, and never making any progress, they are both effectivly the same awful option, no matter whether you pick neolibralism or conservatism.

I need this ASAP, ill give 40 points

What are the governmental levels of swaraj?


The government level of swaraj is the focus on politics and community building
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Readers often respond well to descriptions which appeal to the five senses. 8. It's easy to find a publisher once you have finished writing your novel. your first novel, 9. Once you have published your first novel ,, you will often receive money to write the next. PLS HELP ASAPPPP ASPAP PZLZLZ The fallacy of composition involves assuming that: a. you can determine the composition of a complex product just by examining its exterior properties. b. what was true when a person was young will still be true today. c. any mistakes made in producing a product using an assembly line technique will lead to a compounding of errors as the product moves down the line. d. what is true for any individual component in a group is true for the group as a whole. e. consumer durable goods today do not last as long as they did a generation ago. 1pt The first test for Odysseus on his journey isA. to ignore the songs of the SirensB. to sail past the whirlpool and the ScyllaC. to survive on the island of the CyclopsD. to survive on the island of Ithaca What are the basic job duties of emergency medical services careers? i really need help!!!Jason, Lewis, and Nora will be placed in a line along with 7 other people.What is the probability that they will be next to each other in any order?Give percentage Sorbet is a frozen dessert that is made from two key ingredients, water and fruit. Essentially, it is sweetened water added to fruit puree that is churned and then frozen. It differs from regular ice cream and other frozen desserts because it contains no dairy, like cream or milk. As a result, sorbet has a very low fat content. With a low fat content, it means that sorbet needs to be served a little differently than regular ice cream. It needs to be stored at a lower temperature in order to scoop it into a cup or cone easily. If it is not stored at a lower temperature, it is frozen solid like an ice cube.The story of sorbet begins with the Roman Emperor, Nero, and his travels during the first century. The legend states that Nero established a line of runners from Italian cities to high up in the mountains. This allowed buckets of snow to travel from the mountains to his banquet hall whenever he pleased. Since fresh snow was so hard to get, only the richest families enjoyed the frozen dessert. Due to the lack of technology, fresh snow had to be retrieved from the mountains constantly if Nero wanted to eat the dessert. There was nowhere to keep it frozen so it would melt. Since Nero wanted a constant supply of the dessert, he needed a group of workers to keep fetching it from the mountains. Nero liked to flavor the fresh snow with honey and that's essentially what sorbet is, water and flavoring. This is the first record account of sorbet, which lead to other frozen desserts, like traditional ice cream.Select two details from the passage that support the main ideas that sorbet is different than ice cream, and sorbet dates back to Roman Emperor, Nero, in the first century.Group of answer choices"It differs from regular ice cream and other frozen desserts because it contains no dairy, like cream or milk." . . . "Nero liked to flavor the fresh snow with honey and that's essentially what sorbet is, water and flavoring.""It needs to be stored at a lower temperature in order to scoop it into a cup or cone easily." . . . "The legend states that Nero established a line of runners from Italian cities to high up in the mountains."HELPPP PLEASEE I WILL GIVE BRAINLSITTT "Since fresh snow was so hard to get, only the richest families enjoyed the frozen dessert." . . . "This is the first record account of sorbet, which lead to other frozen desserts, like traditional ice cream.""Sorbet is a frozen dessert that is made from two key ingredients, water and fruit." . . . "With a low fat content, it means that sorbet needs to be served a little differently than regular ice cream." PLEASE HELP Patrick Moynihan served in all of the following positions exceptA. US Ambassador to IndiaB. US Ambassador to the United NationsC. Press Secretary to President JohnsonD. Senator from New York What is the greatest common factor of 42 and 3 For the products launched by companies to succeed, it is important that Multiple Choice marketing is aggressive and separate from other functional areas. marketing endeavors are directed solely at manipulating consumers. all the functional areas of the business are coordinated with marketing decisions. the marketing environment changes constantly. one environmental force is not interconnected with another environmental force. If a star is shown to be 33.11 trillion kilometers away, how many light years would that be? light years All i need is ians pattern NOT NICOLE please help These steps are followed when using the half-life of carbon-14 to determinethe age of an object that contains carbon. What is the correct order of thesesteps?A. Use the half-life of carbon-14 to determine the number of half-livesthat have passed.B. Measure the ratio of parent nuclei to daughter nuclei.C. Use the number of half-lives that have passed to determine the ageof the object.A. A,B,CB. A,C,B0 0C. B, A,CD. C, A, B 4. How does reading an online article differ from watching an online video? *A) An online article often takes time to watch and listen to.B) An online article is usually easier to understand than an online video,C) An online video provides visual and auditory interactions for the viewer.D) An online video is often much more boring than an online article about the same subject. I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GREAT DAY EVERYONE! :DPLASE HELP!Checks and Balances is one of the big ideas of the US Constitution which is best described asA. A national system of banks which provide checking accounts and free balance transfersB. The power of Congress over the purse as it writes checks and keeps a balanced accountC. A national system of weights and measures through which official weights are checkedD. One branch of the government preventing another branch from gaining too much power so each branch roughly stays equal I really wasnt paying attention so if you can put an explanation down please that would be amazing Who started the Cold War the U.S or USSR and why?