What was the purpose behind the voyages of Zheng He, Christopher Columbus, and Samuel de Champlain?


Answer 1

The purpose behind the voyages of Zheng He, Christopher Columbus, and Samuel de Champlain is to find a sea route to India and China going from west Europe.

What do you mean by Voyage?

Voyage is a trip, travel, or passage, particularly one to a far-off land or one made by sea or air.

Zheng and Christopher Columbus He and Columbus both lived in the 15th century and were explorers who made important discoveries.

Italian adventurer Christopher Columbus arrived in what are now the Bahamas on October 12, 1492. On an island that the local Lucayans called Guanahani, Columbus and his ships made landfall. It was christened San Salvador by Columbus.

Therefore, To find a sea route to India and China going from west Europe is the main purpose behind the voyages of Zheng He, Christopher Columbus, and Samuel de Champlain is to find a sea route to India and China going from west Europe.

Learn more about Voyage, here;



Related Questions

use the image below to answer the following question: black-and-white photograph of many people gathered in a field at night. three bright fires blaze in the darkness. mountaintops can be seen in the distance. public domain the above photograph shows backyard furnaces being used to produce inferior-quality steel in china. based on the photograph, which of the following statements accurately describes early communist china? china attempted to innovate in the area of steel production. the chinese people prospered from industrial advances. the chinese government failed to invest in industrialization. china experienced a renewed sense of nationalism.


A statement that accurately describes early communist China: the Chinese government failed to invest in industrialization. Thus, option C is the correct option.

Early communist China faced challenges in investing adequately in industrialization. Despite advocating for a socialist economy, the Chinese government struggled to mobilize resources efficiently to support industrial growth. Instead, policies like the Great Leap Forward in the late 1950s resulted in economic setbacks and widespread famine.

It was only later, under Deng Xiaoping's leadership in the late 1970s, that China initiated significant economic reforms, promoting industrialization and opening up to foreign investments, leading to its transformation into a global economic powerhouse.

Thus, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about communist China here:



Probably the image is:

When the Supreme Court reviewed whether the Religious Freedom Restoration Act was legal under the constitution which power was the court using



Judicial Review


One of the Supreme Court's major powers is the power to review laws to determine their legality under the Constitution. This power is called judicial review. This an increasingly controversial power, as it becomes more often used. Their is a great deal of subjectivity involved in this process, and since the Supreme Court consists of only 9 justices, it gives a small, unelected group the ability to strike down virtually any law.

Many argue that this gives the judicial branch power beyond its intended scope, especially with regard the legislative branch. Indirectly, this also gives the executive branch a great deal of power, since the President has the power to nominate new justices.

What was the Missouri Compromise? How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act invalidate the Missouri Compromise? What principle was the Kansas-Nebraska Act based on?



The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty. Kansas with slavery would violate the Missouri Compromise, which had kept the Union from falling apart for the last thirty-four years. The long-standing compromise would have to be repealed.


The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty. Kansas with slavery would violate the Missouri Compromise, which had kept the Union from falling apart for the last thirty-four years. The long-standing compromise would have to be repealed.


How did Hawaii come under the control of the U.S.?​


The annexation of Hawaii is the way that Hawaii h=got to be in the control of the United States.

How did Hawaii come under the control of the U.S.?​

The Hawaiian Kingdom's executive monarch, Her Majesty Queen Lili'uokalani, made a conditional surrender the following day after American troops invaded the country without a valid reason on January 16, 1893.

President William McKinley pushed for the annexation of Hawaii in 1898 as a result of the nationalism sparked by the Spanish-American War. In 1900, Dole was appointed as the territory of Hawaii's first governor.

Hawaii was governed by kings and queens up to 1894. For 80 years, Hawaii was unified under a single empire.

Read more on Hawaii here:https://brainly.com/question/25899557


Most middle class Americans in the 19th century believed people should live their life as they pleased.
Select one:



it explains both but I think it is false

Answer: Most middle class Americans in the 19th century believed people should live their life as they pleased.


Explanation: In the 19th century, most middle class Americans did not believe that people should live their lives as they pleased. During this time period, there were strict social and cultural expectations that governed people's behavior, particularly within the middle class. These expectations were influenced by religious beliefs and moral codes that emphasized self-discipline, hard work, and adherence to societal norms.

Middle class Americans in the 19th century believed in the concept of "Victorian morality," which emphasized proper behavior, modesty, and respectability. People were expected to conform to these ideals in order to maintain their social status and reputation. This meant following strict gender roles, practicing self-restraint, and adhering to societal expectations.

For example, women were expected to be virtuous, modest, and focused on domestic duties, while men were expected to be the breadwinners and leaders of the household. Engaging in activities deemed improper or deviant, such as premarital sex, excessive drinking, or gambling, was strongly discouraged and could lead to social ostracism.

10. Why did so many people have to go to soup kitchens during the Great Depression?
A. Banks had to close, leaving no access to cash to buy food.
B. People couldn't find work, leaving no access to money to buy food.
C.Farms couldn't grow crops, leaving no access to food.
D. Grocery stores had been forced to close, leaving no access to food.


Answer: B. People couldn't find work, leaving no access to money to buy food.

Explanation: During the Great Depression, thousands of businesses and banks all over the country closed. When these institutions closed, their workers were left unemployed.

the answer is b: people couldn’t find work, leaving no access to money to buy food

Wich group made up most of the merchants on the Indian Ocean trade routes A.Arabs B. Greeks C. Chinese





b) Viking expansion tended to occur in areas with few large urban centers, while the Arab expansion occurred in areas with comparatively large urban centers.

What impact did the Magna Carta have on the English monarchy?


the impact of the Magna Carta have is to sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power, and placed limits on royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself.

The Magna Carta brought an end to the absolute power of English sovereigns as they, too, were required to be held accountable by the law. King John had a tumultuous relationship with Pope Innocent III, a controversial figure in the early 13th century who claimed supreme authority over European sovereigns.

The influence of the Magna Carta was surely felt at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention in 1787 when the principles of due process and individual liberty fought for in the Revolutionary War were enshrined into law.

It established the right of widows who owned property to choose not to remarry and established principles of due process and equality before the law. It also contained provisions forbidding bribery and official misconduct.

This document guarantees Barons their ancient rights: No new taxes unless a common counsel agrees. All free men have the right to justice and a fair trial with a jury. The Monarch doesn't have absolute power.

While England's leading earls and barons were undoubtedly the chief beneficiaries of the Magna Carta, the implications for the country's 4,500 knights were far more mixed. The knights were an influential constituency in early 13th-century England.

to learn more about Magna carta:


You’ve researched and analyzed. Now it’s time to present your findings! Compose a three-paragraph newspaper article about the development. Include and expand upon your responses to the questions in questions 1 and 2. Be sure to use quotes from your sources and cite them properly. Make sure your article uses correct spelling and grammar, topic statements, an introduction, a conclusion, and smooth transitions.

Use an Internet search engine to find a development in any area of science during the past 10 years.


Answer:In a groundbreaking development, scientists have discovered a new method for creating artificial intelligence that is capable of learning and adapting in a way that is similar to the human brain. This discovery has the potential to revolutionize the field of AI research and lead to the creation of more advanced and capable artificial intelligence systems.

According to Dr. Maria Rodriguez, a leading researcher on the project, the new method involves the use of a "neural network" that is capable of adapting and changing its structure in response to new information. "This is a significant breakthrough," Dr. Rodriguez said. "By giving our AI system the ability to learn and adapt in a way that is similar to the human brain, we are opening up new possibilities for the development of more advanced AI systems that can tackle complex tasks and adapt to changing environments."

The potential applications of this technology are numerous and wide-ranging. It could be used to improve the performance of self-driving cars, enhance the capabilities of medical diagnostic systems, and even help to develop new treatments for diseases. Overall, this development represents a major step forward in the field of AI research and has the potential to change the way we think about artificial intelligence.

What has been a major cause of political instability for Central American and Caribbean countries?? A. Disease outbreaks have reduced the region's population. • B. Religious terrorist groups have seized control of many countries. C. Most corporations refuse to conduct business in the region. D. Governments have lost credibility due to corruption.


Answer: the answer is D

Explanation: i did the test and it was the correct answer

The landform located at number 5 on the map above is a(n) __________.



we need a map pls


What is the reason that best explains why job titles are important?
OA. Because they reflect the needs of a particular department.
OB. Because they are important for resume building.
C. Because they are required for personnel records.
OD. Because they reflect the responsibilities connected with the job.

Answer: D. Because they reflect the responsibilities connected with the job.


Job titles are important because they reflect the responsibilities connected with the job. Thus, option 'D' is the correct option.

Why job titles are important?

Your career ladder is made up of job titles. Future employers may see from them that you have developed your talents, attained a certain degree of competence, and taken on experiences and responsibilities in your industry. Let's examine some of the key points to help you understand why you should give your title top consideration as you advance in your profession.

Job titles are crucial because they let other employees in your company understand the kind of job you do and how much experience you have. Whether you're speaking to a recruiter, hiring manager, or someone else, they also help folks from other businesses better comprehend what your work entails.

Learn more about job titles, here:




Explanation: mhmm

Question 4 of 10
Which opinion would a Republican most likely hold about entitlement
OA. They should be administered entirely by the federal government,
not the states.
OB. They are a central responsibility of government.
C. They cost the government too much money.
O D. They should be made more robust through better funding.


They cost the government too much money opinion would a Republican most likely hold about entitlement programs

What is government?

The term "government" refers to the framework within which a state or nation is in charge. As we can see, different governments exist in various nations; these governments are created by and serve the interests of their constituents. A system is being created, and it governs how the government is run.

The Republican Party is well recognized for promoting right-leaning beliefs such as libertarianism, social conservatism, and economic conservatism. Republicans therefore typically embrace government traditional values, little government meddling, and strong private sector support.

Democratic Party. To resist the growth of slavery in the west, a political party was founded in the 1850s. well-liked eighty. the notion that political power belongs to the people, primarily to those who cast ballots.government

Therefore, option (C) is correct.

Learn more about the government here:




Which of the following accurately describes Aztec social classes?

A. They did not exist, making Aztec society quite different from Europe at the time.
B. The classes were remarkably different in lifestyle, dress, and diet, but there was social mobility.
C. They only had two classes, warriors and fishermen.
D. Unlike Europe, they did not have craft or merchant guilds.


Answer: I believe its C: They only had two classes, warriors and fisherman but im not sure


Hope this helps :)

Question 10
10. What did FDR have in common with Winston Churchill?

A. They were both presidents of their respective countries

B. They both strongly opposed the Nazis

C. They both opposed Josef Stalin's rule in the USSR

D. They fought together in the Navy during World War I


Following a meeting of the two heads of government in Newfoundland, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill issued the Atlantic Charter as a joint declaration on August 14, 1941. The U.S. and British war objectives were laid out in great detail in the Atlantic Charter.

How were FDR and Churchill related to one another?

In the early 1940s, when Churchill was still first lord of the admiralty, FDR began the lengthy correspondence that would eventually lead to their close working friendship. The purpose of the initial interaction was to inspire a neutral America to become more active in its fight against the axis.

What did FDR and Churchill differ on?

FDR wanted the Allies to launch a massive invasion of northern France as a follow-up to their growing dominance over the battlefields of North Africa. Churchill was in favor of launching an all-out assault on the "soft underbelly" of the Third Reich through Italy or the Balkans.

To learn more about British war here



Mexican revolution 1810 three important individuals associated



A few prominent individuals that were involved in the 1810 Mexican revolution were Vincente Guerrero, Mariano Matamoros, and José María Morelos y Pavón. All three of them helped lead the armies of racially mixed people and natives of Mexico while opposing the royalists and the Spanish. Another prominent person involved in the revolution was Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla. He also assisted in leading the fight for the following 11 years.

ONLY HAVE 9 minutes to answer!! Please help me

50. Select one civilization you learned about during the semester. Write an essay in which you explain how the structure and nature of government in that civilization a) developed, b) responded to needs within society, and c) succeeded or failed. Be sure to provide examples as evidence to support your ideas. Also, make sure that you define what you consider to be a measure of success or failure.


The structure and nature of government in that civilization developed. Roman civilization and the Italian peninsula's. Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is government?

The term “government” refers to a legal authority or system that is controlled and directed by an office, public sector, country, or state. The government imposed the law. The most common functions of the government are leadership, controlling, maintaining order, commanding, providing public services, and national security.

According to the government's civilizations, the form, and nature are developed. The Roman civilization grew from a tiny agricultural community formed in the Italian region's capital city of Rome in the ninth century BC to one of the biggest empires of the paleolithic times in 753 BC.

As a result, the structure and nature of government in that civilization developed. Roman civilization and the Italian peninsula's. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on government, here:



Guys please help me I’m in 4th grade and really need help with this question.

What did Paul revere shout on his midnight ride?

Where did Paul revere start his midnight ride?



1.“The British are coming!”



The Historical Origin of the Integration of Three Religions in China


Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism were the three main philosophies and religions in China

_____was a runaway slave from Colossae.



Philemon was a runaway slave from Colossae.

Who is Philemon to Colossae?

The Epistle to Philemon is one of the books of the Christian New Testament. The book of Philemon is a prison letter, co-written by Timothy and Paul the Apostle to Philemon, a leader in the Colossian church. It concerns with the themes of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Philemon was a Christian, a bishop of the house church that met in his home in Colossae. This epistle is popularly known as one of the undisputed works of Paul. It is the shortest of Paul's extant letters, consisting of only 335 words in the Greek.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about Philemon: https://brainly.com/question/16654858


1. The domestication of plants and animals marks the beginning of the ________________.

[Control]Neolithic Era

[Control]Paleolithic Era

[Control]Mesolithic Era

[Control]Babylolithic Era


Answer:[Control]Neolithic Era

Explanation:Hope this helps!

What caused the Allies to hesitate in declaring war on Hitler in the early stages when it was obvious what his next steps would be? Wasn’t it clear to them that if he achieved his goals then eventually they would have to fight him? So why didn’t they take action? We can call this the “denial syndrome” which is a psychological phenomenon and part of human nature. When there is a far-off danger which is getting closer and dealing with it requires great resources and sacrifice, people choose to use all their mental powers to ignore it or to find an alternative, “softer” and less threatening interpretation."

The above quote is from an article written by Eliezer Shenvald, a writer for The Jerusalem Post in 2015. Do you agree with his opinion? Why or why not?


I agree that the Allies might not have acted against Hitler due to the "denial syndrome".

What does the denial syndrome implies?

The denial syndrome as explained in the text makes people not to act against a possible threat as they understimate to avoid conflict or any effort to address this issue.

This phenomenon causes we ignore small threats in day to day life such as the thread of a storm if we see darks clouds in the sky. However, this phenomenon may occur with bigger threads such as wars.

Why the Allies action is an example of the "denail syndrome"?

This situation is an example of this syndrome because:

-The allies identified Hitler was a thread.

-The allies understimated and ignored this thread because going to war with Germany required money, people, etc.

Learn more about Second World War in: https://brainly.com/question/334582


What did the separate Car Act do?



it required all passenger railways to have separate train car accomodations for black and white americans that were equal in facilities

Whether it is vernacular or not represents a major condition for considering an element as part of folklore.







Folklore is shared by a particular group of people; it encompasses the traditions common to that culture, subculture or group. This includes oral traditions such as tales, legends, proverbs and jokes. They include material culture, ranging from traditional building styles common to the group.


I think is the right answer

Which of these is NOT listed by Casca as a bad omen appearing in Rome?
a. Men on fire without burning
b. Women fainting in the temples
c. A lion walking in the streets
d. An owl hooting in the daytime​


The one which is not listed by Casca as a bad omen appearing in Rome is  Women fainting in the temples. Thus the correct option is B.

What is a bad omen in Rome?

An omen was a revelation that predicted the future of the ancient cultures of Rome. It was regarded as less significant than a prodigious by the community but was extremely significant to the person who received it.

In Ceasar, Extraordinary occurrences that he views as portending major unrest in Rome include a slave whose hand burnt "like twenty torches" but left him unharmed, a lion who passed him in the Capital without assaulting him, and an owl who was "howling in the Square during the day.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about  bad omens appearing in Rome, here:



How did Obama appeal to the young population during his presidential campaign?

by promising change

by promising to be tough on illegal immigrants

by promising more unionization to workers

by opposing the war in Iraq

by joining the sexual revolution movement



Obama appealed to the young population during his presidential campaign by promising change, by opposing the war in Iraq, and by joining the sexual revolution movement.

During his campaign, Obama emphasized the need for change and presented himself as a candidate who would bring fresh ideas and a new approach to politics. This message resonated with many young people who were disillusioned with the political establishment and wanted a leader who would address their concerns and represent their interests.

In addition, Obama's opposition to the war in Iraq was a key factor in his appeal to the young population. Many young people were against the war and saw Obama as a candidate who would end the conflict and bring the troops home.

Finally, Obama's support for issues related to the sexual revolution, such as same-sex marriage and women's rights, also helped him appeal to young voters who were more liberal on social issues. By taking these positions, Obama was able to connect with young people who shared his views and wanted a leader who would represent their interests.



by promising more unionization to workers


by promising more unionization to workers

Why did Anti-Federalist Patrick Henry call for amendments to the Constitution?Why did the Federalist promise to add these amendments?


The Federalists, led by James Madison, promised to introduce amendments that particularly protected individual liberty in order to assure the Constitution's approval.

Who are Anti-Federalists?

The Antifederalists were a diverse collection of people who resisted the ratification of the Constitution. They were less well organized than the Federalists, but they had a great group of leaders who were notably significant in state politics. Anti-federalists were worried about the national government's overwhelming authority. The Anti-Federalists included small farmers, landowners, business owners, and employees.

Many Anti-Federalists supported a small central government because they equated British domination with strong governments. Others wanted to advance democracy and were concerned that rich people would dominate a strong government. They thought that the states were giving the new federal government far too much power.

To know more about Anti-Federalists, visit:




Compose a paragraph that discusses how early renaissance artist learned to create more realistic art than others, what stages Leonardo da venci went through and learning to paint the human form, and what goal da Vinci shared with other high renaissance artists like Raphael and Michelangelo


They were all inspired to portray the perfect human figure. They thought that knowing the human anatomy would aid them in doing this.

Who was  Leonardo da Vinci?

Leonardo da Vinci studied all things scientific and was a painter, engineer, architect, and inventor. His inherent brilliance cut across so many fields that he personified the idea of a "Renaissance man." He is still most known for two of his paintings, "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa." He was mostly self-taught and wrote down his discoveries, statements, and beliefs on everything from human anatomy to aeronautics in dozens of hidden notebooks.

The first is da Vinci's "The Last Supper," which was created between 1495 and 1498 when he was living in Milan. "The Last Supper" is a tempera and oil mural on plaster that was made for the refectory of the city's Santa Maria Delle Grazie Monastery. The sole remaining fresco by the artist, it is sometimes referred to as "The Cenacle," and it is roughly 15 by 29 feet in size.

To learn more about Leonardo da Vinci follow the link.



As leader of the Republican Party, Lincoln was
outspoken in his views on slavery and expressed them
during the debates of 1858. Which of the following
would best fit with his position?
(1 point)
1-Compromise of 1850
2-Dred Scott decision
3-Kansas-Nebraska Act
4-Wilmot Proviso



The answer is 4- Wilmot Proviso

As leader of the Republican Party, Lincoln was outspoken in his views on slavery and expressed them during the debates of 1858. The best fit with his position was Wilmot Provision. The correct option is (4).

What do you mean by a republican party?

The republicans' party was formed in 1854 in United states. Abraham Lincoln was the party's first elected president and he took office in 1861.

Republicans also tend to be against affirmative action, government-funded social programs, and heavy economic regulation. Republicans generally support states' rights as an alternative to federal power.

The Republican Party has historically supported a robust national defense and the zealous pursuit of U.S. national security interests in terms of foreign policy.

Therefore, as leader of the Republican Party, Lincoln was outspoken in his views on slavery and expressed them during the debates of 1858. The best fit with his position was Wilmot Provision.

To know more about the republican party, visit:



what did hyper-patriotism result in?


Answer: Hyper-Patriotism resulted in limiting immigration.


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