What was the cause of the conflict between Cuba and Spain in the late 1890s?


Answer 1

The cause of the conflict between Cuba and Spain in the late 1890s was the Cuban War of Independence.

The Cuban War of Independence was a period of struggle between 1895-1898. It was one of the three wars fought between Cuba and Spain, the other two being the Ten Years War from 1868-1878 and the Little War from 1879-1880.

Cuban War of Independence can be traced back to high taxes, lack of political representation, inefficient Spanish policies, and administration in Cuba. Carlos Manuel De Cespedes, a wealthy planter, declared Grito De Yara or Cry of Yara for Cuban independence in 1868. He is considered the most important freedom fighter in the history of Cuba.

This further gave rise to three rounds of conflict between Cuba and Spain ending in the Cuban War of Independence in the 1890s. With the US intervention, Cuba achieved its independence.

Learn more about Cuban-Spanish conflict here https://brainly.com/question/166147


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one key interaction that congress has with the bureaucracy as part of the iron triangle is to:________


One key interaction that congress has with the bureaucracy as part of the iron triangle is to increase the budget and authority of the bureaucracy to regulate the industry.

The term "Iron triangle" is generally defined as the three-way alliance that exists among the legislative branch of the U.S. government (congress), its bureaucratic agencies, and special interests.

Congress is tasked with both proposing and passing legislation. To do that, the members have to raise a significant amount of money to fund the re-election campaign. Bureaucratic agencies are the ones tasked to make sure that the laws, regulations, and policies are being followed. They are dependent on the Congress for funding, hence why one interaction that the congress can do with the bureaucracy is to increase their budget and authority to regulate the industry.

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which trait of a leader helps prevent jumping to conclusions and making mistakes based on misinformation?


Fairness helps prevent jumping to conclusions and making mistakes based on misinformation

Integrity, self-awareness, courage, respect, empathy, and thankfulness are qualities that make for a good leader. They should be developing their agility and flexing their influence while successfully communicating and delegating. Look for ways that all levels of your business may acquire and develop these essential leadership skills.Integrity, self-awareness, courage, respect, empathy, and thankfulness are qualities that make for a good leader. They should be developing their agility and flexing their influence while successfully communicating and delegating. Look for ways that all levels of your business may acquire and develop these essential leadership skills.

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which social psychology concept asserts that individuals tend to pick mates that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability?


Social psychology concept which asserts that individuals tend to pick mates and their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability was  psychology concept of matching hypothesis.

What's an example of matching hypothesis?Matching hypothesis might be compensate for the difference in attractiveness in successful couples with differing physical attractiveness. For example, some wealthy and powerful men prefer younger, more attractive women.Social psychological concepts is topics which examined in social psychology include the self concept, social cognition, attribution theory, social influence, group processes, prejudice and discrimination, interpersonal processes, aggression, attitudes and stereotypes. Physical attractiveness is the degree to which a person's physical features are considered aesthetically pleasing or beautiful.

Learn more about social psychology concept here: brainly.com/question/4447793


when you dismiss someone's argument as invalid based solely on their affectional orientation, it is an example of . a. premature judgement. b. lack of appropriate focus c. mental distraction. d. bias or prejudice.


Dismiss someone's argument as invalid based solely on their affectional orientation, it is an example of .

The correct answer is bias or prejudice.

The movement of supporting or opposing a selected man or woman or thing in an unfair way, due to permitting non-public critiques to steer your judgment: The senator has accused the media of bias. newshounds must be impartial and no longer display political bias.

Being biased is form of lopsided too: a biased person favors one side or difficulty over some other. while biased can just mean having a preference for one thing over every other, it also is synonymous with "prejudiced," and that prejudice may be taken to the extreme.

Bias, prejudice suggest a sturdy inclination of the thoughts or a preconceived opinion approximately some thing or someone. A bias can be favorable or unfavorable: bias in favor of or towards an concept.

Learn more about bias here:- https://brainly.com/question/27596057


the idea that economic development leads to the creation of a strong middle class, which in turn promotes democratization and democratic stability is attributed to which academic? quizlt


The idea that economic development leads to the creation of a strong middle class, Seymour Martin Lipset turn promotes democratization and democratic stability is attributed to which academic.

Economics is the take a look at of shortage and its implications for using assets, manufacturing of products and services, increase of manufacturing and welfare over time, and a outstanding form of other complicated issues of vital problem to society.

Economics is the study of the way humans allocate scarce sources for manufacturing, distribution, and intake, both individually and collectively. the two branches of economics are microeconomics and macroeconomics. Economics makes a speciality of performance in production and change.The take a look at of economics facilitates people apprehend the arena around them. It enables human beings to apprehend human beings, organizations, markets and governments, and consequently higher reply to the threats and possibilities that emerge whilst things change.

Learn more about Economics here:



About 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk in which northern us state?


About 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk in northern Minnesota us state.

"Northern Minnesota" is a broader name that includes numerous areas, inclusive of the North Woods, and may be described as any place in the 218 smartphone vicinity code. Examples of cities consist of Brainerd, Bemidji, Grand Rapids and global Falls.

Northern Minnesota boasts deep lakes and streams, rocky ridges, thick forests, and the state's maximum factor, Eagle Mountain. This place borders Lake advanced, the arena's largest freshwater lake by using floor place. places with more altitude tend to be cooler, and also places in which iciness weather is influenced with the aid of bloodless, dry arctic air masses from Canada. that is why Minnesota, and its buddies are many of the coldest states.

Learn more about Northern Minnesota here: https://brainly.com/question/21930322


usually the world cup is hosted in june. why is it scheduled for november this year?


However, due to the country's extreme summer heat, which can often exceed 45 °C and even 50 °C, the Qatar 2022 World Cup will take place in November and December.

The Qa-tar 2022 World Cup will take place in November and December due to the country's high summer heat, which frequently exceeds 45 °C and even 50 °C.The straightforward response is that Qat-ar is quite hot. The summertime temperature can reach 107 degrees, according to Kyle B-onn, a producer of soccer content for The Sporting News. And FIFA was aware of the issue when it gave Qatar the games in 2010.The World Cup typically occurs in July. However, FIFA decided in 2015 that the summertime heat in Qatar would have unfavorable effects and decided to agree to transfer the tournament to the more tolerable months of November and December.

To know more about World Cup here



although gina faustina can learn and remember how to read reversed mirror-image writing, she is unable to learn and remember the names of people to whom she has been introduced. gina faustina is most likely to have suffered damage to her:


She is unable to learn and remember the names of people to whom she has been introduced. gina faustina is most likely to have suffered damage to her: the hippocampus.

Hippocampus is a complex brain structure embedded deep into temporal lobe. It has a main position in gaining knowledge of and memory. it is a plastic and prone structure that gets broken via a diffusion of stimuli. studies have shown that it also receives affected in a spread of neurological and psychiatric problems.

The hippocampus is thought to be principally worried in storing long-term recollections and in making the one's memories proof against forgetting, though this is a count number of dialogue. it's also concept to play an essential function in spatial processing and navigation

Learn more about hippocampus here:https://brainly.com/question/5151576

Which statement best describes Johnson's treatment of the underlined word ?


The statement best describes Johnson's treatment is that Johnson uses the word so assert his admiration for published writing.

The Johnson Treatment was perhaps the most distinguishing feature of President Johnson's persuasion. He was not afraid to push people. He would rant, threaten, flatter, and bully, for better or worse.

A wonderful photograph of Lyndon B. Johnson and Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas exists. Johnson towers over Fortas, smiling and invading his space as the jurist leans back and clinches his arms to his chest uncomfortably. That photograph became synonymous with what became known as the Johnson Treatment.

Johnson was the best at understanding the rules of government, the personalities and motivations of public officials, and the flow of the legislative process. Johnson's effectiveness was marked by his attention to detail.

To learn more about Johnson Treatment, please refer:



The complete question is:

Which statement best describes Johnson's treatment of the underlined word ?

A. Johnson uses the word to criticize established publications.

B. Johnson uses the word to express indifference about written material.

C. Johnson uses the word so assert his admiration for published writing.

D. Johnson uses the word to suggest that his writing is worthy of high praise.

_____ consists of interactions between a trained therapist and someone seeking to overcome psychological difficulties or achieve personal growth.


Psychotherapy consists of interactions between a trained therapist and someone seeking to overcome psychological difficulties or achieve personal growth.

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a form of counseling activity carried out to cure mental illness in a person. Psychotherapy is also commonly known as talk therapy where this therapy is carried out by a trained therapist who tries to eliminate or control the symptoms of mental disorders that exist in a person. Apart from mental health, psychotherapy can also be done to develop one's potential. This therapy can be conducted in an individual, group setting, or family. The most common problem that can be solved by psychotherapy is anxiousness.

Learn more about psychotherapy at https://brainly.com/question/25960579


Why do you think it was so important to science when Alfie Wegener and Harry Hess proved their theories of continental drift and sea-floor spreading?


The validation of Alfie Wegener and Harry Hess's theory of continental drift and sea-floor spreading was crucial to science in order to ascertain the movement of continents.

What is continental drift?

Tectonic Plates over millions of years produced continental drift. Additionally, plate tectonics clarified how the movement of the plates causes earthquakes and volcanoes, as well as how the collision of continents produced vast mountain ranges.

In the discovery of continental drift; Berlin borne, son of a Protestant pastor, Alfred Lothar Wegener. The University of Berlin awarded him a PhD in astronomy in 1904, but his true passion was for hot air balloons.

Thus they both created history in continental drift in geological science.

Learn more about continental drift refer:



the earlier a youth enters the juvenile justice system, the more likely he or she will become a violent offender. true false


The correct option is true , Young people who are associated with the juvenile justice system frequently have substance use disorders or mental health issues.

These frequently have an impact on their conduct, interactions with peers, and academic performance.

Typically, an arrest by a law enforcement officer is how a young person first interacts with the juvenile court system. In addition to "referrals" from parents and schools, delinquency victims, and probation officers, kids can also enter the system this manner.

About a century ago, the United States created a separate juvenile justice system with the intention of keeping young offenders out of the hands of the criminal justice system and promoting rehabilitation tailored to the requirements of each individual juvenile.

Learn more about to juvenile  visit here;



johanne and fred are park rangers. johanne is responsible for all the park east of the river, and fred is responsible for the park west of the river, but they share responsibility for the river itself. if they disagree on an issue relating to the river, the problem is likely a result of


The park rangers are Johanne and Fred. They both share responsibility for the river, but Johanne is in charge of the entire park east of the river and Fred is in charge of the park west of the river. If they differ on a matter involving the river, overlapping authority is probably at blame. The right answer is (4).

Transportation between the same sites under two or more independent authorities that are held by the same carrier is referred to be duplicating or overlapping authority. Incorrect information about the choice of two or more candidates for authority may be disseminated, which could lead to conflict. Personal distinctions: Employees working for the organization may occasionally have personal differences that lead them to demand superior positions and cause authority conflicts.

Information conflicts, values conflicts, interest conflicts, interpersonal conflicts, and structural conflicts are the five basic causes of conflict. Conflicts over information occur when persons have conflicting or incomplete information or disagree on the information's relevance.

Learn more about park rangers visit: brainly.com/question/25805373


Correct Question:

Johanne and Fred are park rangers. Johanne is responsible for all the park east of the river, and Fred is responsible for the park west of the river, but they share responsibility for the river itself. If they disagree on an issue relating to the river, the problem is likely a result of

Multiple Choice

1. task interdependence.

2. incompatible evaluation.

3. status inconsistency.

4. overlapping authority.

5. intergroup conflict.

when cory is given a logic problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. cory’s strategy is to use:______.


When cory is given a logical problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. Cory’s strategy is to use an algorithm.

Cory can use an algorithm technique to solve a logical problem by repeatedly attempting all potential solutions until he discovers the correct one. An algorithm is a planned procedure used to complete a task or maintain a record. When used in software or hardware routines, algorithms function similarly to a set of instructions that carry out certain tasks in the correct sequence.

As a result, the aforementioned response is the right one. In other words, this is the only approach that can be utilized to solve a logic puzzle, and before the correct solution is discovered, all other options are explored.

To learn more about Algorithm visit: https://brainly.com/question/28724722


when a social group does not think of children as being related to their mother's relatives, that group follows a(n) system.


This group is known as the patrilineal system.

Finding patrilineal, or agnatic, relations involves following a founding male ancestor's lineage entirely through male descendants. Matrilineal, or uterine, relations are found by following a founding female ancestor's lineage only through female descendants. The woman's rights to the land are secondary in patrilineal marriages, and she loses them upon divorce because she must go back to her home village. As long as she is single, the lady is permitted to use the land that her husband possessed after his death. Establishing patrilineal, or agnatic, descent entails following a founding male ancestor's lineage entirely through male descendants.

The people shown in blue are the patrilineal descendants of a single ancestor.

Learn more about Patrineal here: https://brainly.com/question/14445887


many recent college graduates and young professionals move to large, vibrant cities such as new york or chicago, with nightlife, cultural amenities and job opportunities. these attractions are examples of


These attractions are examples of Pull factors.

Push factors, such as poverty, a lack of social mobility, violence, or persecution, are causes for people to leave their homes. Pull factors are the explanations for why someone might want to live in a specific nation. There are five groups that might be made up of the significant variables that influence people to relocate.

They include political issues, socio-cultural elements, economic factors, demographic factors, and other aspects.

People are drawn to new places by "pull" reasons like improved opportunities. Most frequently, economic, political, cultural, or environmental factors drive migration.

To know more about Pull factors here



which is one of two restorative justice concepts that refers to material damage to property, lost wages, physical injury, emotional damage, damaged relationships, increased fear, and a reduced sense of community experienced by victims of crime?


Material damage to property, lost wages is restorative justice.

Encourage cooperation and reintegration above coercion and seclusion; Pay attention to the unintended effects of our actions and activities; Respect everyone involved, including victims, offenders, and justice system employees. Mediation and conflict-resolution programs, family group conferences, victim-impact panels, victim-offender mediation, circle sentencing, and community reparative boards are some of the most often used restorative justice programs. In order to return agency, ownership, and decision-making authority to people who were negatively impacted by the detrimental event—victims, offenders, their supporters, and the larger community—restorative justice uses restorative processes.

The 5 R's—Relationship, Respect, Responsibility, Repair, and Reintegration—can help you better comprehend the Restorative Justice Community Group Conference process (credited to Beverly Title, founder of Revolutionaries).

Learn more about restorative justice here: https://brainly.com/question/7781685


Which of these is traditionally viewed as the central social function of rhetorical communication?
A promoting racism
B promoting religion
C promoting individualism
D promoting democracy


The function which is traditionally viewed as the central social function of rhetorical communication is promoting democracy. The correct answer is D.

What is rhetorical communication?

Rhetoric is about strategic options and approaches to communication whether textually, verbally, or even aurally and visually. When communicate to different types of audiences about the same topic, people make strategic decisions on what details to include or omit, what types of evidence or support to use, and etc.

Rhetorical communication helps a writer and the readers understand the different and interrelated influences surrounding the writing and how it will be received and interpreted. Rhetoric gives a framework to think critically about writing and reading choices.

Learn more about rhetorical communication at: https://brainly.com/question/16554066


How did the railroad facilitate population growth in the interior of the country? check all of the boxes that apply.


Railroads facilitated population growth in the interior of the country as the railroad led to build towns along the railroad and the railroad recruited settlers to form new communities along the route.

Railroads refers to the means of transport that transfers passengers and goods on wheeled vehicles running on rails incorporated in tracks. In the interior US, the railroad system led to an increase in both economic and population growth. Railroad provided better transportation for people and goods. The railroad companies sold land along to the railroad to settlers which encouraged people to move. Hence, the railroad paved way for the settlement of the regions, provided new economic opportunities, stimulated the development of town and communities, and generally tied the country together.

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are A) The railroad built towns along the railroad. B) The railroad bought land from farmers, ranchers, and business owners. C) The railroad recruited settlers to form new communities along the route. D) The railroad encouraged American Indians to settle along the route.

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what is the characteristic of an assessment task that relates to the setting in which the assessment is designed to occur


Authencity is the characteristic of an assessment task relating to the setting in which the assessment is designed to occur.

A tool, instrument, or artificial setting known as an assessment task gives students the chance to show the scope and depth of their learning. Assessment activities that demand students to show mastery of knowledge and abilities are created by effective teachers.

Summative evaluations that check students' understanding of a particular subject or topic include exams, finals, quizzes, and graded papers. These graded tests and assignments are designed to put pupils to the test and are frequently quite important.

Assessment supports learning. It aids in concentrating efforts on putting into action techniques to support learning both inside and outside of the classroom.

Assessment uses a variety of tools and approaches, Assessment is based on authentic tasks, Assessment is consistent with instruction, Assessment uses criteria that students know and understand

Know more about Assessment:



carmella concludes that the stereotype that women are not good at math applies to her and that, as a result, ingroup members will judge her badly. which type of threat is represented by her belief?


Carmella concludes that the stereotype that women are not good at math applies to her and that, as a result, ingroup members will judge her badly. self-concept threat type of threat is represented by her belief.

we will define a self-concept chance as enter from a social environment this is inconsistent with the individual's self-idea and is deemed to threaten the individ- ual's potential to maintain and express his or her self-concept. principle postulating that assistance from every other is, in instances, interpreted as a threat to the self, as it denotes that the recipient of such assistance isn't always able or inferior. In such scenarios, the recipient would possibly react negatively.

For instance, beliefs along with "I'm a terrific pal" or "I'm a kind character" are a part of an overall self-concept. other examples of self-idea encompass: how you view your personal tendencies, which includes whether you are an extrovert or introvert.

Learn more about self-concept here: https://brainly.com/question/890495


Bullying prevention programs in schools reduce bullying by around _____ percent.


Thanks to school-based bullying prevention measures, bullying is down by roughly 25%. the first book to consider bullying as the purposeful infliction of another person's humiliation

What is bullying by a bully?

bully (countable and uncountable, plural bullies) (countable and uncountable, plural bullies) a person who purposely hurts others physically or emotionally, especially those they view to be weak or to have less privilege or authority than they do.

Why is it important to stop bullying?

Bullying can result in death, serious self-harm, emotional distress, and physical harm. It also increases the likelihood of experiencing dejection, anxiety, agitation, worse academic performance, and dropping out of school.

To know more about bullying visit:



U.S. americans who identify not only with being u.s. citizens but also as being members of ethnic groups are often called _____.


U.S. Americans who identify not only with being U.S. citizens but also as being members of ethnic groups are often called hyphenated Americans.

In the U.S., hyphenated Americans can be described as Americans that not only claim themselves to be U.S. citizens but also are members of specific ethnic groups.

There might be diversities in the ethnicities of the hyphenated Americans. America is known to have U.S citizens that believe and belong to many diverse kinds of ethnic groups.

However, all those people who are citizens of the United States and also a part of some or other ethnic group are called as hyphenated Americans.

To learn more about Americans, click here:



which social psychology concept asserts that individuals tend to pick mates that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability?


The social psychology concept asserts that individuals tend to pick mates that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability is a matching hypothesis.

The very qualities that make us attracted to someone can contribute to the eventual disintegration of the relationship. Friendships, unlike romantic relationships, can end without the person feeling unsatisfied with the relationship. People defend themselves by claiming that the effects of circumstances have changed their behavior.

In normative social influence, people follow group norms in order to fit in, feel comfortable, and be accepted by the group. But with the social impact of information, people adapt because they believe the group is competent and has the right information, especially when the task or situation is ambiguous. The qualities we dislike in our partner are the very qualities we are initially attracted to.

Learn more about Social psychology here:- https://brainly.com/question/26242829


Why does Mr. Whymper visit the farm?


Mr. Whymper, a Willingdon-based solicitor, had agreed to serve as Animal Farm's point of contact with the outside world and would come to the farm each Monday morning to pick up instructions.

Following the singing of Beasts of England, the animals were let go after Napoleon's speech with his trademark yell, "Long live Animal Farm!" Squealer then went around the farm and calmed the animals' fears. He reassured them that the resolution forbidding commerce and the use of money had never been adopted or even raised. It was all in your head, and you can probably trace it back to Snowball's early lies. The animals were happy that they were mistaken because it was undeniably accurate that nothing of the sort was documented. Mr. Whymper made the agreed-upon weekly trip to the farm.

learn more about Mr. Whymper here:



prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called __________ interventions.


Prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called selective interventions.

Selective prevention focuses on particular population segments that are thought to be more at risk than others. The targeted subgroups may be identified by factors such as age, gender, family history, place of residence (such as areas with significant drug use or low economic levels), victimisation, or physical and/or sexual abuse. Regardless of the level of danger posed by any particular member of the subgroup, selective prevention targets the entire subgroup. One member of the subgroup might not personally be at risk for substance misuse, although another member of the same subgroup might be. Because the subgroup as a whole is more susceptible to substance misuse than the broader population, the selective prevention programme is made available to the entire subgroup.

To know more about mental health:



what country did sual cohen believe would be most subject to armed conflict in his shatterbelt theory


Shelterbelt/Shatterbelt Theory is a theory given by Saul Cohen where it states that a region is frequently torn apart by fierce rivals while being caught between two stronger clashing forces. According to Cohen's theory, wars would probably break out after 1950 in the Middle East or the Inner Crescent.

Some examples of the Shelterbelt Theory are Eastern Europe, Vietnam during Cold War, India, and Pakistan over Kashmir.

Saul Bernard Cohen was an American human geographer. Just before the faculty of Harvard University dissolved the Department of Geography, Cohen received his degree from there. He served as the Queens College president emeritus and taught geography at Clark University and Hunter College in New York, New Hampshire.

Learn more about Shelterbelt/Shatterbelt Theory here brainly.com/question/28099166


What section is immunities and privileges belong to?


The Constitution's Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV, Section 2 stipulates that "the residents of each state shall have all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states."

This clause limits governmental attempts to discriminate against citizens from other states while defending the fundamental rights of individual citizens. The Privileges and Immunities Clause only covers fundamental rights, not all business activity.

The purpose of this constitutional provision has been the subject of intense scholarly discussion.

According to this understanding, limiting one citizen's private law privileges or immunity also means limiting that citizen's rights in relation to other citizens. It doesn't matter what such rights are as long as everyone in the country, for instance, has the same property rights.

To know more about Privileges and Immunities Clause: https://brainly.com/question/29617831


voter participation rates are often considered to be quite low in the united states. what change in voting patterns and how voter participation is measured has challenged this idea?


Voter participation is measured has challenged this ideatheir academic achievements are significantly above those of public school students.

Voting participation includes a wide range of activities that help people develop, express and participate in opinions about the world and their governments, and shape decisions that affect their lives.

By voting participation  citizens participate in the democratic process. Citizens elect leaders who represent them and their ideas, and leaders support their interests. Only a U.S. citizen has her two special rights: to vote in federal elections and to run for federal office.

Citizens have various rights and duties, including the right to participate in decisions affecting the common good. In addition to intrinsic democratic values, participation is a key driver of democratic and socioeconomic change and a fundamental way of empowering citizens.

Similarly, many human rights are difficult to access without participation. We want to build human rights-based societies, develop social cohesion, speak up to influence decision-makers, achieve change, and ultimately become subjects rather than objects of our own lives. It is through participation that we can become.

Learn more about Voting participation here:



natalie checked online for movie show times. when she arrived at the theater, she found it had started an hour earlier than what was posted online. afterwards, natalie told her friend not to use the internet because it was an unreliable source of information. this is an example of which reasoning fallacy?


this is an example of hasty generalization reasoning fallacy. Over-generalization fallacy is another name for the hasty generalisation fallacy. In essence, it is asserting that the proof is insufficient.

A hasty generalisation is a fallacy in which the conclusion reached is not logically supported by adequate or objective evidence. It's also known as an inadequate sample, a converse accident, a flawed generalisation, a biassed generalisation, assuming the worst, secundum quid, and failing to consider all factors. "It was a rainy day in Harvard Square, so there was more foot traffic than there normally would have been from Mass Avenue to Mount Auburn Street. There were several individuals walking around with umbrellas, most of which were folded inside. I had always assumed that Cambridge, which is close to Harvard, had the highest density of umbrellas worldwide.

learn more about hasty generalisation fallacy here:



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