What was life like for farmers before the Industrial Revolution?


Answer 1

Before the Industrial Revolution, agricultural labourers had to work from sunrise to sunset six days a week just to maintain the growth of their crops.

Before the Industrial Revolution, agricultural labourers had to work from sunrise to sunset six days a week just to maintain the growth of their crops. 1 The harvesting and plowing seasons in particular were more taxing than others. 2 Agriculture was the main source of employment in Europe because of its importance and rigor. 3 To feed the nation, men, women, and children all toiled side by side. If the father was a farmer and employee, his entire family would frequently work with him. For many families, working in agriculture was more than a job; it was a way of life. 4

Despite the challenging job, agriculture became the main source of employment due to the advantages of "self-supply."

learn more about agricultural here



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in what ways did reformation figures like martin luther and john calvin challenge the roman catholic church?


Luther's claims questioned the Catholic Church's position as a go-between between humans and God, particularly in relation to the indulgence system, which let people buy a certificate of pardon for the punishment of their crimes in part.

With 1.3 billion Catholics who have been baptized as of 2019, the Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the biggest Christian denomination. It has made significant contributions to the development of Western culture throughout its history as the largest and oldest continuously operating international institution in the world.

There are 24 sui iuris churches that make up the church, including the Latin Church and 23 Eastern Catholic Churches. Together, these churches make up about 3,500 dioceses and eparchies spread out around the globe. The head pastor of the church is the pope, who is the bishop of Rome. The central governing body of the church is the bishopric of Rome, sometimes known as the Holy See.

For more info about 'Catholic Church' click on below link - https://brainly.com/question/19454692


dependency/world systems theory places much of the blame for the development gap on ______________ while neo-liberal theory instead focuses on ______________.


Dependency/world systems theory places much of the blame for the development gap on creation while neo-liberal theory instead focuses on the reproduction of inequality.

A principle is a rational kind of abstract thinking about a phenomenon or the effects of such wondering. The procedure of contemplative and rational wondering is regularly associated with such techniques as observational examine or research. Theories can be scientific, belong to a non-medical discipline, or no area in any respect. relying at the context, a idea's assertions might, for instance, encompass generalized causes of ways nature works. The word has its roots in ancient Greek, however in present day use it has taken on numerous related meanings. In cutting-edge science, the time period "idea" refers to clinical theories, a properly-confirmed sort of clarification of nature.

Learn more about theory here



What was the "cruel irony" for African Americans in the Vietnam War?



they killed and died together


How did the collapse of communism affect former Soviet republics in Central Asia?



The collapse of communism in the Soviet Union had a significant impact on the former Soviet republics in Central Asia.

These countries, which include Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, had been part of the Soviet Union since the 1920s and were heavily influenced by Soviet-style communism.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, these countries gained independence and were faced with the challenge of building new political and economic systems.


Christian missionaries quickly adopted the hula in worship services around the1820s.
a. True
b. False


True. Around the 1820s, Christian missionaries embraced the hula with speed in religious settings.

In hula dancing, hand gestures represent representations for things or feelings. Hula dancing has been practiced by Hawaiians as a form of cultural display and amusement from the beginning of time. The first missionary to set foot on American soil was St. Francis, who dedicated the continent to Jesus the Crucified through prayer and sacrifice.

Queen Ka'ahumanu supports the coming of Protestant missionaries from New England who preach Christianity as an alternative set of beliefs. Queen Ka'ahumanu overturned kapu (taboos governing all areas of Native Hawaiian society) in 1819 and did so in public.

Learn more about Christian missionaries from the 1820s here:



What did the governments of the city state of Athens and the Roman republic have in common



The thing that was common in government of city states of Athens and Rome is that they were both democracies.


Was manifest destiny in the united states accepted by everyone? Explain, please



No, not at first


It took them awhile to catch on

Historians have emphasized that "manifest destiny" was always contested; many endorsed the idea, but the large majority of Whigs and many prominent Americans (such as Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant) rejected the concept.

What was the role of obedience in the covenant between God and Abraham? Use complete sentences.


Answer: for abraham to sacrifice his own son.


Select all the correct answers.

In which two ways Alexander the Great contribute to achievements made during the Hellenistic era?

Group of answer choices

He spread ideas by creating trade routes and port cities.

He encouraged learning and the exploration of ideas.

He destroyed cities that were threatening to revolt against him.

He married a Persian woman and started to dress in Persian clothing.

He enjoyed inventing new ways of doing things to help the people.



Answer: He encouraged learning and the exploration of ideas. He destroyed cities that were threatening to revolt against him. He married a Persian woman and started to dress in Persian clothing.

How long does it take to walk the Brooklyn Bridge?


nearly 60 minutes

The Brooklyn Bridge can be walked in how long? The distance is roughly 1.3 miles (one way). Again, one way, it should take you approximately 60 minutes if you proceed slowly, giving you time to enjoy the scenery and take some pictures. If you go quickly, it will take you 20 to 25 minutes.

For more questions like  Brooklyn Bridge visit the link below



based on public opinion polls taken between 1965 and 1973, how did most americans feel about the war in vietnam and the peace movement at home?


based on public opinion polls taken between 1965 and 1973, Most Americans disliked both the Vietnam war and the peace movement.

Between 1 November 1955 and 30 April 1975, when Saigon fell, there was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia known as the Vietnam War. Officially, North Vietnam and South Vietnam engaged in the second of the Indochina Wars.

Many Americans opposed the war on moral grounds, outraged by the damage and violence of the conflict. Others opposed the fight because they thought it lacked defined aims and was unwinnable, while others asserted that it was a war against Vietnamese independence or an intervention in a foreign civil war.

For more info about 'Vietnam War' click on below link -https://brainly.com/question/12918391


Explain why William Rufus was
able to defeat the rebellion of
You may use the following in your
• Bishop Odo
• the Church in England.
You must also use information of
your own.
12 marks


Answer: One way in which William Rufus defeated the 1088 rebellion was because of his tactics. Firstly he managed to effectively ‘buy off’ many Norman barons in Eastern Normandy. He did this by raising an army of his knights in England and demanding the money from their knight service rather than take them to Normandy. He then used this money to bribe Normans to not support his brother, Robert Curthose. This would have caused the rebellion to fail as it would starve Odo and Robert of vital military support therefore weakening them and reducing their numbers.  Another example of William’s tactics was his promise to his English subjects that he would restore many Anglo-Saxon laws. He promised lower taxes and an end to many of the hated ‘forest laws’. This would have helped weaken the rebellion as it would given support to William’s cause. Many would have joined local militias to fight off the rebels as they would have wanted William to stay in power to end these hated Norman laws.  A final example of this was his six week siege of Pevensey Castle. This is where Odo and Robert of Mortain were based and William managed to surround the castle and starve them of supplies. This would have weakened the rebellion, as it was huge defeat for them and led to the capture of two of its leaders (Odo and Robert of Mortain).  This victory would have boosted William’s popularity in England and would have made many nobles less likely to rebel against him as it looked as if his victory was inevitable.

Another way in which he defeated the rebellion was because of his support within the Church. William had been accepted as his father’s successor by Archbishop Lanfranc and was coronated by him without the authorisation of the Witan. This would have caused the rebellion to weaken as Lanfranc had so much power that many would have feared fighting against a king with the backing of God. By fighting William they could potentially be excommunicated from the Church – this fear would have stopped many joining Odo therefore weakening it. Another example of this support can be seen in the west, when Roger de Lacy and Roger de Montgomery were defeated by a holy army raised by Bishop Wulfstan. This would have caused the rebellion to fail as it prevented these forces on the Marcher borders from joining with those in Norwich, Somerset and Wiltshire.

A final way in which the rebellion was defeated was because William captured and exiled Odo. As various rebellions were being crushed, Odo and his brother Robert held up at Pevsensey castle. After being captured there, Odo escaped to Rochester Castle where he held out hoping that Robert Curthose would arrive from Normandy with an army. Odo was effectively abandoned by Robert and was forced to surrender due to lack of supplies and the threat of disease. He was then stripped of his lands, titles and exiled. This would have resulted in the rebellion failing as it left the rebels without a leader or any structure. It was a symbol that William had been victorious and many rebels would have lost any hope to keep fighting.

from 1930 to 1939 fire ants spread inland about 60 miles from their point of introduction in mobile, alabama. what was the cause of their spread over this distance? mastering


From 1930 to 1939 fire ants spread in-land about 60 miles from their point of intro-duction in mobile, Alabama. The cause of their spr-ead over this dista-nce was a natural spread.

Their were actual-ly two differ-ent species of fire ants that were intro-duced at the port of Mobile Alabama both na-tive to Argen-tina and Brazil.

Around 1930 a sec-ond species of fire ant the Red import-ed fire ant ( Solenopsis invicta ) RIFA for sh-ort ( its actually reddish brown in color ) any-way this species spread explos-ively west to Texas and east and north to the Caro-linas, Florida and Tenn-essee.

To know more about fire ants click below:



how did the industrialization cause change in existing social hierarchies and standards of living



The industrial revolution greatly impacted social hierarchies and standards of living. It led to the rise of the middle class, as more and more people were able to earn a decent living through factory work. At the same time, it also led to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few industrialists, who became extremely wealthy due to the increased productivity and efficiency of factories. This led to a widening gap between the rich and the poor. Additionally, the rise of industrialization also brought about significant changes in the way people lived and worked. People began to move from the countryside to cities in search of work, which led to the growth of urban areas and the rise of a new urban culture. Standards of living also improved for many people, as the increased production of goods made them more affordable and widely available. Overall, the industrial revolution had a profound impact on social hierarchies and standards of living.


New Social Classes Emerge

Industrialization gave opportunities for common people to own a lot of resources.  But, it will widen the gap between resources owner and the working class.


The Industrial Revolution created a new middle class along with the working class. Those in the middle class owned and operated the new factories, mines, and railroads, among other industries. Their lifestyle was much more comfortable than that of the industrial working class.

I hope this helps and have a wonderful day!

Which word best describes the standard of living found in most european countries?.


Eastern European nations vary greatly in terms of their standards of living.

What does the word "describe" mean?

An action, situation, or event is described by a verb, which is a word. Verbs may be used to indicate doing something, or actions. Consider the word "jumping" in the following example: In the field, the rabbit was hopping. They may also be employed to describe an aspect of being, such as emotion.

What exactly is a describe query?

'Describe' questions need you to give a number of specific data about a course component in several short and concise lines. You can be asked for details on how something appears or is carried when doing this.

To know more about describes visit:



How does the Taj Mahal represent love?


No matter how often the Taj Mahal is visited, the spectacle of seeing the monument never diminishes. It packs an incredible punch on even the most jaded eye, its purity of purpose and intent, and the magnitude of this symbol of love has far deeper and more profound implications than is first seen. It is also one of the most commercialized symbols in the world, from tea to hotels, the Taj exemplifies excellence.

Although it was built for Shah Jahan's beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal; the monument is both a symbol of the mughal empire at its zenith and a dedication to his wife. In the same way, from the inscriptions at the entrance to the mausoleum and from the chronicles of the court, it was undoubtedly conceived as a sacred space that fused the temporal spiritual. Following Mumtaz's death at Burhanpur in 1632, court records speak of doom and despair, including Shah Jahan's collapse, "shedding tears like rainwater". They describe the emperor's grief as anguish that "shattered his resistance like a mountain." The court went into mourning and the emperor withdrew from the public. When he finally came out, "the hair on his head had turned white." He would devote the next decade of his life to a building frenzy, the most notable of which is the Taj Mahal. One of Mumtaz's last wishes, perhaps apocryphal, is said to have been "that you should build over me such a mausoleum that cannot be seen anywhere else in the world." And so it began, which was certainly in the 17th century. century, an industrial company. He bought a piece of land on the outskirts of Agra from Raja Jai Singh, and within a year the main platform was built in perfect cardinal alignment on the edge of the Yamuna River. to feed this immense workforce, conservatively estimated at around 20,000. As the building grew in scale, so did the decorations. The rare, semi-precious turquoise was sourced from faraway Tibet and lapis lazuli from Afghanistan, and these were finely inlaid into the milky-white marble façade. The best craftsmanship was reserved for the burial chamber tombs, as well as the cenotaphs above, with the finest semi-precious jewelry and calligraphy. Today, when the Taj Mahal is packed with visitors, it is hard to imagine that in Shah Jahan's time, only he and his relatives could enter the mausoleum. Even the priests who recited prayers throughout the day were restricted to the outer chambers and the cenotaphs were protected by an elaborate marble jail.

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why did the war of 1812 happen


Answer: The two leading causes were the British Orders-in-Council, limited American trade with Europe, and impressment, the Royal Navy's practice of taking seamen from American merchant vessels to fill out the crews of its own chronically undermanned warships.

Explanation: What I said on the top. Hope this helps!

The two leading causes of the war were the British Orders-in-Council, which limited American trade with Europe, and impressment, the Royal Navy's practice of taking seamen from American merchant vessels to fill out the crews of its own chronically undermanned warships..

If the Federal Reserve System wanted to stimulate the U.S. economy and reduce unemployment, it would
answer choices
A. cause interest rates to decrease because low interest rates encourage businessgrowth and expansion
B. cause interest rates to rise because high interest rates encourage business growthand expansion
C. increase the discount rate it charges banks, which would increase the money supply
D. increase consumer spending by reducing the money supply


If the Federal Reserve System wanted to stimulate the U.S. economy and reduce unemployment, it would A. cause interest rates to decrease because low interest rates encourage business growth and expansion.

In the Unites States, the Federal Reserve System is in authority of the U.S. economy. It comes with strategies to enhance the economy and to reduce unemployment.

The interest rate can be decreased if we want to stable or enhance the economy of a country like the United States. Low interest rate causes more profit for the business owners who can use this profit for their business growth as well as expansion. Hence, in order to stimulate the economy and to reduce unemployment, lowering the interest rate can help.

To learn more about interest, click here:



What policy did Henry Cabot Lodge?


Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924) was a Republican senator and close friend of Theodore Roosevelt. He is best remembered for his views on foreign policy and his opposition to President Woodrow Wilson. Let's learn more about Senator Lodge and his battle against President Wilson. He was a tween and a teenager while the Civil War was raging. He certainly lived through some key moments in American history.

Lodge graduated from Harvard College in 1872. Two years later he finished law school there. But Lodge was not done yet. In 1876 he graduated from Harvard again, this time with a Ph.D. in History. His mentor on the show had been none other than Henry Adams, another famous historian and great-grandson of founding father John Adams. Henry Adams is best known for his nine-volume work on the Jefferson Administration and his posthumous publication The Education of Henry Adams. As a professional historian, Lodge published biographies of George Washington and Alexander Hamilton, among many other important figures. A painting of Henry Cabot Lodge as a young man. Lodge was elected to the US House of Representatives and represented his home state of Massachusetts from 1887-1893. Lodge belonged to the most conservative wing of the Republican Party. He was a supporter of the gold standard, or the policy of backing paper money with gold. A friend and ally of Theodore Roosevelt, Lodge was a strong supporter of American interventionism in fact, he would probably even be considered an imperialist. Imperialism is the policy of expanding a nation's control over other regions or foreign states. It's basically a nice way of saying 'take control' or 'conquer'. Lodge supported the Spanish–American War in 1898 and worked to develop the military power of the United States. In 1893 he left the United States House of Representatives to serve in the United States Senate. He remained there until his death in 1924. Despite Republican calls for isolationism, Lodge supported American participation in World War I. He criticized President Wilson for the lack of American preparation and blamed him for putting the United States in a weak war situation. Between 1919 and 1924, Lodge served as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In this capacity he exerted tremendous influence on foreign policy.

To learn more about interventionism please click on below link



Identify the event in Chicago that helped Mother Jones dedicate her life to working with others, especially children.
A: The Great Chicago Fire of 1871
B: A flood that forced thousands out of their homes
C: The mayor′s decision to force all women to work without pay
D: The city lost all electricity for three months


Mary was once again hit by tragedy when she lost everything in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Mary began traveling around the country after the fire. The country was changing dramatically, and industrialization was altering the nature of labor. Hence, the correct choice is (A) The Great Chicago Fire of 1871.

What is the Great Chicago Fire of 1871?

The Great Chicago Fire was a fire that raged in the American city of Chicago from October 8 to 10, 1871. The fire killed over 300 individuals, devastated approximately 3.3 square miles of the city, destroyed over 17,000 houses, and displaced over 100,000 citizens.

To learn more about the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, click



which oil magnate invested significantly in the development of education in the south, with a special focus on black education?


John D. Rockefeller

a American business magnate

1. Who was Joseph McCarthy and what was McCarthyism?


The Second Red Scare, which lasted from the late 1940s to the 1950s in the United States, is the origin of the term, which originally referred to the controversial practices and policies of U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy.

What was McCarthy's role and identity?

Joseph Raymond McCarthy (November 14, 1908 - May 2, 1957) was an American government official who filled in as a Conservative U.S. Representative from the province of Wisconsin from 1947 until his demise in 1957.

What exactly is McCarthyism and how did it come about?

McCarthyism. a campaign led by Senator Joseph McCarthy against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions from 1950 to 1954. Checks on loyalty. By executive order, President Harry S. Truman initiates a comprehensive loyalty investigation of federal employees.

To learn more about McCarthy here



why did most ordinary poles oppose the lutheran reform movement? they were exempt from most church taxes. they saw the catholic church as a counterweight to the power of the polish monarchy. they believed themselves specially selected by god to preserve the catholic faith. they held strong anti-german sentiments.


most ordinary poles oppose the lutheran reform movement because They had intense anti-German sentiments. By making his 95 theses against indulgences public in 1517, Luther started the reformation.

His opinions were widely disseminated in Europe as a result of printing. They tried to rectify the Catholic Church's teaching as well as its excesses, basing their efforts on the New Testament. All that was contrary to the New Testament's doctrines needed to be changed or eliminated, in his opinion. He desired a significant overhaul of the current Church. He did not want the breach to occur, but it did as a result of the Pope's reluctance to listen to him and the subsequent excommunication. The Lutheran Reformation extended throughout the German Empire, affecting numerous Northern German cities as well as princes' territories. Luther made an appeal to the princes for their assistance in founding the new Church and securing the proper mode of worship.

learn more about Lutheran Reformation here:



What term describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of pangaea?


Laurasia describes northernmost of two large continents produced by breakup of the Pangaea.

What was Laurasia?

Between about 335 and 175 million years ago (Mya), Laurasia and Gondwana, two sizable landmasses, were both a component of the Pangaea supercontinent. The disintegration of Pangaea caused it to split from Gondwana between 215 and 175 Mya. After the split, it drifted further north before finally rupturing 56 Mya with the emergence of the North Atlantic Ocean. Laurussia was created by the Caledonian orogeny's collision of Laurentia, Avalonia, Baltica, and a number of minor terranes, which occurred around 400 Ma. Once Laurussia and Gondwana merged, Pangaea was created. Laurentia, Baltica, Siberia, and Gondwana were formed from the fragmentation of Pannotia in the late Precambrian. The Cadomian-Avalonian, Cathaysian, and Cimmerian terranes were among the continental blocks that broke free from Gondwana and started to migrate north.

To learn more about disintegration, visit:



What does Milk mean by the quote "we will not win our rights by staying quietly in our closets" in
paragraph 10?
A. Gay people need to run for political office in order to gain equal rights.
B. Gay people need to contact their representatives in order to gain equal rights.
C. Gay people need to be brave and leave their houses in order to gain equal rights.
D. Gay people need to be brave and honest about their sexuality in order to gain equal

Harvey Milk Lives! common lit article assessment questions first one i need help with all for so if willing to help with all 4 and give me the right answers i will give brainly


"we will not win our rights by staying quietly in our closets" means that gay people must be open and honest about their sexuality in order to attain equal rights. Thus, the correct option is (d.).

What is the story behind Harvey Milk's celebrity?

Harvey Bernard Milk was an American politician who served on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors as the first openly homosexual man elected to public office in California. Milk was in office for nearly eleven months, during which time he sponsored legislation prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination in public accommodations, housing, and employment.

San Francisco, California In 1972, US Milk relocated to San Francisco and founded a photographic business. Despite his restlessness, working a variety of occupations, and constantly traveling, he landed in The Castro, a district seeing a large influx of homosexual men and lesbians. After launching his camera store, Milk encountered substantial discrimination from several residents of the community.

To learn more about Harvey Bernard Milk, click



Which of these countries agreed to a joint
occupation with the U.S. of the remaining
Oregon Country, after Russia gave up the
land south of Alaska?
A. France
B. Spain
C. Great Britain


Option C is correct. After Russia ceded the territory south of Alaska, Great Britain consented to a joint occupation with the U.S. of the remaining Oregon Country.

What is an occupation?

A generic phrase for the business or sector you perform in or the type of employment you are involved in is "occupation."

The USA and the United Kingdom decided to co-occupy. This implied that immigrants both from nations might reside there. Adams proposed a strategy for dividing the country after he was elected to the presidency in 1825.

The agreement with Britain required more work. John Quincy Adams devised a solution for the problem in 1818. The USA and the United Kingdom decided to co-occupy. Therefore, option C regarding Spain and its occupation is the correct option.

Learn more about occupation, here:



Is there 21 bridges in Manhattan?


There are 21 bridges in Manhattan.

Through 21 bridges and 15 tunnels, Manhattan Island is connected to the rest of the world. The bridges span a century of bridge construction technology and social change and range in complexity from the comparatively basic Harlem River swing bridges to the magnificence of the Brooklyn Bridge.

High Bridge, constructed in 1848 to span the Harlem River and carry the Croton Aqueduct from Manhattan to the Bronx, is the oldest crossing still in use today. As a component of the Croton Aqueduct system, this bridge was constructed to provide water to the city.

The Tappan Zee Bridge, which is located in our beautiful Hudson Valley, is the longest bridge in all of New York State.

To know more about Manhattan:



How long does it take to walk 1 mile?


On average it takes 15 to 22 minutes to walk a distance of 1 mile.

These numbers of time totally depend on the various age groups.

20 to 29 years old: takes 19 minutes 52 seconds

30 to 39 years old: takes 19 minutes 21 seconds

40 to 49 years old: takes 19 minutes 1 second

50 to 59 years old: takes 19 minutes 35 seconds

60 to 69 years old: takes 20 minutes 48 seconds

70 to 79 years old: takes 22 minutes 26 seconds

Men walk faster than women in every age group. It's possible that their slightly longer legs are to blame for this. There is one more crucial aspect to take into account when determining how long it takes to walk 1 mile. You will walk at a different pace than when you are concerned that you will miss the train.

Learn more about walking and exercises here:



how westward migration was boosted during and after the civil war by the passage of new legislation promoting western transportation and economic development.


West-ward migration was boost-ed during and after the civil war by the pass-age of new legislation prom-oting western trans-portation and economic develop-ment. - Govern-ment provided subsides for RR Homestead Act (gave la-nd with promise to im-prove land).

Homestead Act (1862)

The Homestead Act, enact-ed during the Civil War in 1862, prov-ided that any adult citizen, or inten-ded citizen, who had never borne arms again-st the U.S. govern-ment could claim 160 acres of surveyed govern-ment land.

Claim-ants were required to live on and “improve” their plot by culti-vating the land. After five years on the land, the origi-nal filer was entitled to the pro-perty, free and clear, except for a small regist-ration fee.

To know more about Homestead Act click below:



if nixon did not resign, what would have been the next step after the house judiciary committee voted article of impeachment?


Richard Nixon was the only presi-dent in U.S. history to re-sign from office — doing so on Aug. 9, 1974, amid the Water-gate scandal — but he was not, as is often sta-ted, impeached by the House of Represent-atives.

The issue has become cur-rent again with growing compari-sons being made bet-ween Nixon’s ob-struction of justice in the Watergate scandal and Presi-dent Trump’s efforts to get law enforce-ment authorities to end an FBI probe into whe-ther mem-bers of his campaign had collud-ed with Russia during the 2016 elect-ion.

Nixon was im-peached because of cover-ing up the Watergate Scan-dal. He was im-peached on the gro-unds of Obstruct-ion of Justice, Abuse of Powers, Contempt of Cong-ress.

To know more about Nixon click below:



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