What was King Priam's fate in the black ships before Troy?


Answer 1

King Priam's fate was killed by Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles in the Black Ships Before Troy.

What is the Black Ships Before Troy?

Blаck Ships Before Troy is а children's book bаsed on the Аncient Greek epic poem Iliаd. The poem is а retelling of а pivotаl event in the Trojаn Wаr, which took plаce between the Bronze Аge Greeks аnd the Trojаns from modern-dаy Turkey аround 1200 BCE (before the common erа).

Who is King Priam?

King Priаm wаs the lаst stаnding king of Troy during the Trojаn wаr. He wаs аn importаnt figure in аncient Greek mythology. His story is explаined in the Book three of the Illiаd by Homer in а very cаptivаting wаy.

The lаst king of Troy, Priаm wаs killed by Neoptolemus, the son of Аchilles. His deаth wаs а big setbаck to the kingdom. His deаth аlso seаled the fаte of his city, Troy. The city wаs sаcked аnd the Greeks took Troy.

For more information about Black Ships Before Troy refer to the link:



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how does bernstein use musical styles to differentiate the hispanic characters and the non- hispanic characters


Leonard Bernstein's 1957 production of West Side Story was deemed his greatest work. Newcomer Stephen Sondheim wrote the lyrics. Tony, a former gang leader on the cusp of adulthood, and Maria, a young woman who recently arrived from Puerto Rico, are the star-crossed lovers in this contemporary, large-city adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. Instead of the Montagues and Capulets, the Jets and Sharks are two rival street gangs.

Many people believe it to be the sole composition by Leonard Bernstein because it has grown to be one of the most frequently performed American musicals.

Stephen Sondheim, Arthur Laurent's, Jerome Robbins, Harold Prince, and Leonard Bernstein all contributed to the writing of the music and lyrics for this musical.

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led by singer and pianist chris martin, this british band has been one of the biggest hits to come from england in the past two decades. they have many hits, including viva la vida, fix you, paradise, and the scientist.


The British band Coldplay has been one of the biggest hits to come from England in the past two decades.

British rock group Coldplay was founded in 1997 in London. Chris Martin sings and plays the piano, Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman, Will Champion and Phil Harvey round out the lineup. They first went by the name Starfish when they started performing music together in 1996 at University College London.

Coldplay is the most successful band of the twenty-first century and one of the best-selling musical groups of all time, with 100 million CDs sold worldwide. They are also the sixth-most honored group in history, according to Fuse. The sixth-highest-grossing tour of all time, three of the 50 highest-selling albums ever in the UK, the most nominations, and other noteworthy accomplishments are also included.

To read more about Coldplay visit:



What is the main purpose of the materials and methods section?


The main purpose of the materials and methods section is to evaluate the quality of any research. In simple words, to validate the written work by readers.

The materials and methods section should include a clear and short description of your research work. One significant reason of this section is to convince the readers that your work is valid. Materials and methods is the most important parameter to judge the quality of any research work. It is the one that explains to the readers what procedures, approaches, designs and treatment the person have carried out in writing this research.

To learn more about Materials and methods section, here



Musician christine mcvie has died at 79. which rock band was she a longtime member of?



Christine McVie was a longtime member of the rock band Fleetwood Mac. She was a keyboardist and vocalist for the band, and was known for her songwriting and vocal talents. McVie joined Fleetwood Mac in 1970 and remained a member until 1998, when she retired from touring. She briefly returned to the band in 2014, but retired again in 2018. McVie passed away on December 8, 2018 at the age of 79.


What artist sings the ever-popular christmas song all i want for christmas is you?



Mariah Carey


Mariah Carey sings the the ever-popular christmas song "All I Want For Christmas Is You" Here are some facts about the song:

* Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christma Is You" holds at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Songs Chart.

* The song was recorded on August 1994

* Then the  song was released on October 29, 1994

* The song has been found to played 60 times in total

* The song was written by Mariah Carey and Walter Afanasieff and Produced by Carey Afanasieff

* "All i want For Christmas Is You" is one of the best selling physical singles in music history and the best-selling christmas song by a female artist/singer

* Mariah Carey re-recorded the song for her second holiday album, Merry Christmas II You, its known as the "Extra-Festive" Version

+(Plus) A duet with Justin Bieber, the version is called the "SuperFestive" version

Thats all that i have i hope i answered your question.

When did the Jazz Age Begin?


The Jazz Age begin in early 1920s.

The period of Jazz Age begin in the 1920s and 1930s. The Jazz style of music and dancing gained popularity. The birthplace of jazz is in New Orleans, United States. The Jazz Age is a part of the Roaring Twenties which has its significance in American history that began after World War I and ended at the beginning of Great Depression in 1929. But the Jazz Age affected social and cultural lives and still have its influence on American life.

To learn more about 1920s, here



During the renaissance it was not enough for an artist to do his craft well. The truly gifted artists of the time pushed previous boundaries. Why were these artists willing to risk failure by going beyond the established norms?.


The reason that artists in the Renaissance Era were willing to risk failure by going beyond the established norms was to obtain greater patronage.

What is the Role of the Artists in the Renaissance Era?

The Renaissance era is often said to be a golden era in the world of art. Literally, the meaning of the Renaissance itself is rebirth. During this era, many legendary artists were born whose works of art are still glorified by art connoisseurs around the world. At that time, many artists created works of art that went beyond the established norms with the aim of getting better patronage or financial support. With this financial support, artists can create even better works of art.

Learn more about Renaissance art at https://brainly.com/question/1631656


What Effect Did Pop Art Have on American Culture?


Pop Art marked the beginning of a new generation of artists who emphasized the ugliness of reality, mass society, and capitalist imagery. The movement spread vastly in popular American culture.

1954 marked the year that pop music first appeared in English. Artists like Roy Lichtenstein and Robert Rauschenberg, who pushed the boundaries of abstract expressionism, helped popularize pop art in the United States of America. In Dada, they used Pop Art to create collages and assemblages to convey their desire for change.

By incorporating imagery and concepts from popular culture, Pop Art also questioned the definition of high art. Pop Art didn't try to show aristocratic culture; rather, it used ironic connotations to show how common or tacky popular culture was.

Learn more about Pop Art here:



How materials affect techniques?


Materials have an impact on the method used to create Philippine art since craftsmanship depends on the quality, longevity, and authenticity of the materials employed. Every area has its own own artistic style, which promotes healthy competition and highlights our ability and creativity.

Materials affect the technique used in making Philippine art in the following ways:-

Firstly, different materials have different outputs making every art special.Secondly, materials play a big role in influencing any artist.Thirdly, materials give an artist a constraint in their creativity that brings out the real talent in them.Finally, materials play an important role in completing Philippine art. Without specific materials, an art may look incomplete. Hence it completes an art.

Learn more about Philippine art to visit this link



musical theatre evolved initially as a revolt against other forms of theatre, particularly realism.
a. True
b. False


The answer is false

which work by john adam's was commissioned for the inaugural concert of the great woods festival in massachusetts and is a four-minute fanfare with a rapid temp, rhythmic drive, and powerful sonorities?


John Adam composed an orchestral piece called A Short Ride in a Fast Machine in 1986. It was commissioned for the opening concert of the Great Wood Festival in Massachusetts and is a four-minute fanfare with a quick tempo, strong rhythm, and resonant sonorities.

It was written for a sizable orchestra and is a well-known fanfare and encore in American music venues. You know how it is when someone asks you to ride in a magnificent sports vehicle, and then you regret not having gone? That's how John Adam explains the title. The piece, according to Adams, is about “running the gauntlet through that rhythmic tunnel.”

To learn more about John Adam, visit: https://brainly.ph/question/300846


Why is it important for artists to consider the subject and content in making arts?


It is important for artist to consider the subject and content in making art because it derives the meaning of the artwork.

Content of the art shows artist's point of view and it also helps viewers in understanding the deeper meaning and abstract reason of an artwork. It's important to acknowledge that the subject provides an outline for the art in the artist's head. The subject matter is what the work is actually "about", while the content describes the "story" behind that work of art.

To learn more about Content of art, here



What does the water symbolize in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?


His fantasy of escape depends on the current of the stream, which pulls him to safety and tosses him ashore. In this sense, water literally provides our protagonist with freedom. Even before it saves his life, water is associated with freedom.

To set the right tone for a sad love story, a filmmaker may rely on... *
O Low camera angles
O Intensely bright lighting
A twist ending
O Soft music


To set the right tone for a sad love story, a filmmaker may rely on Soft music.

What is music?

Music is a collection of coordinated sound or sounds. Making music is the process of putting sounds and tones in an order, often combining them to create a unified composition. People who make music creatively organize sounds for a desired result.

Music is made of sounds, vibrations, and silent moments, and it doesn't always have to be pleasant or pretty. It can be used to convey a whole range of experiences, environments, and emotions.

Almost every human culture has a tradition of making music. Examples of early instruments like flutes and drums have been found dating back thousands of years.

Learn more about music here:



How can local materials influence the output of artwork?


The significance of materials is among the most fundamental and practical components of art. The materials that artists utilize to create works of art have an impact on both form and content. Each material lends a unique quality to the artistic process and the final product.

Utilizing locally accessible materials for art aids in environmental preservation. Material significance is an important and useful part of art. The materials and the shape of an artwork are both influenced by the tools that artists employ to create it. Every medium offers a unique contribution to the creative process.

What is the importance of using locally materials?

Local resources are frequently more affordable in a variety of ways (packaging, shipping, availability). Materials that you can physically touch and engage with may be seen and felt. There can also be a recycling aspect or component to local materials.

Learn more about local materials to visit this link



Who founded the Cotton Club?



Jack Johnson


Hope this helped :)

what is it called when a sound editor mixes sounds from multiple sources, including diverse quality, levels, and placement?


In a montage, a sound editor blends sounds that could have various characteristics, volumes, and positions to produce a unified and musical audio.

Montage is a brand of hotels.

Alan J. Fuerstman developed the opulent hospitality management company known as Montage Hotels & Resorts. The business offers a creative assortment of unique hotels, resorts, and apartments that are intended to cater to the wealthy and discerning guest and homeowner.

Who is the owner of Montage?

"a single a single a single one. a single one, a single one. Thes the a new a, a p the an a of a a new country, a  an an an an an a"

To know more about montage visit:



After studying both prehistoric and ancient art, your classmate rachel is determined that these two types of art have absolutely nothing in common. You tell her that you have noticed some similarities. What could you tell her to support your argument that prehistoric and ancient art have some things in common?.


I could tell to my classmate Rachel that "ancient architectural structures were built on a much grander scale than the structures of prehistoric societies", to support my argument that prehistoric and ancient art have differences. Hence, the correct answer to this question is D.

Archeologists think that the ancient architecture of the Greek, Roman, and Mesopotamian civilizations was significantly more complex, bigger in size, and clearly displayed architectural styles and technical marvels.

Meanwhile, the prehistoric architecture was limited to stone buildings and other primitive geometric forms (example: Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire), and that these were early expressions of constructions that began to represent architectural traits.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

(A) Prehistoric art features a red-figure style; ancient art features a black-figure style.(B) In prehistoric art, artists occupied roles as laborers producing a product; artists in ancient times were celebrated for their roles as creators of beautiful objects.(C) Animals were present in ancient art; in prehistoric art, animals were absent.(D) Ancient architectural structures were built on a much grander scale than the structures of prehistoric societies.

The correct answer is D.

Learn more about prehistoric art here: brainly.com/question/29508509


What is the difference between a joint and conference committee?


Conference committees, where joint panels were formed to develop a compromise bill, are transitory while joint committees coordinate the operations of each house.

A conference committee is a temporary committee that is formed to reconcile differences between the versions of a bill passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate. Conference committees are composed of members from both houses, and they are tasked with negotiating a final version of the bill that can be passed by both houses and signed into law.

A joint committee is made up of members from both houses of a bicameral legislature, like the United States Congress. These are formed to address specific issues or conduct oversight on particular topics. For example, the Joint Committee on Taxation is a standing joint committee in the United States Congress responsible for providing impartial analysis of the impact of proposed tax legislation. These may be permanent or temporary, and they may have the power to hold hearings, subpoena witnesses, and report their findings to the full Congress.

Read more about committees on:



What did Edward hoppers use in the painting nighthawks to create "contrast"
a. light and dark values
b.dull colors
c. different patterns
d. similar textures


The correct answer is a. Hopper used the art components and style principles in specific ways. He used horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines and large, straightforward shapes. Price changes provide shapes illusion of real type. The lights and dark values conjointly produce a distinction.

By drawing sketches, Hopper was ready to experiment with varied representations and gather knowledge contributing to the final word conclusion. He elaborated on color notations that may modify Hopper to color in his studio instead of on location where differently ready.

In his paintings, he contrasted light-weight and shade with human design and savage nature by exploiting dark and lightweight hues (Hopper 37). Hopper captured an instant of real attributes with the mix of color and feeling (Hopper).

To learn more about contrasted light-weight, visit here



the father of modern art history scholarship who recorded art history linearly rather than a thematic method was:


Heinrich Wölfflin (1864-1945), who had studied with Burckhardt in Basel, is the father of modern art history.

What style of jazz was popular between the 1930s and 1940s?


Big band Swing

give brainliest :>

What is the significance of the materials in the artist's life?


The significance of the materials in the artist's life is that the materials determines or influence the meaning of art by giving it a different touch.

The use of different material in different form of art is known as "Medium" in artistic world. in other word, 'Medium' is the materials that an artist uses like, pencil, clay, chalk, paint, etc. the medium or materials used by artist to create his artwork are commonly known as Bases and Media. When it comes to choose a material, then it is important for the artist to understand what he or she wants to create and with the help of which material, because one wrong material can change the whole meaning of an art.

To learn more about Medium, here



1) Which type of lager is useful for creating the illusion of depth in a 2-dimensional image?

floating selection

2) Which gradient style changed in shade from the foreground color to the background color?

FG to Transparent
BG to FG (RGB)
FG to BG (RGB)



2) Option 4) FG to BG (RGB) is the RGB representation of the gradient from the Foreground color to the Background color in Toolbox.

What effect did the Industrial Revolution have on art at the time?
A .


The answer is c, the revolution era had a big impact on the art community

Who established a system to give all twelve tones of the chromatic scale equal importance?


Arnold Schoenberg established a system to give all twelve tones of the chromatic scale equal importance.

Finally, after almost a decade of silence, Schoenberg started the 12-tone method. This system replaced traditional principles of organization that he and most of his contemporaries had abandoned, and replaced the tonal structure of harmony. He anticipated Schoenberg's invention by writing music.

Commonly known as 12 notes or serialism, he included all 12 of his notes in the chromatic scale. Schoenberg arranged the notes in pitch columns, and in the chromatic scale, he had to play each of the 12 notes before he could reuse the notes. The invention of this technology is credited to the Austrian-born composer Arnold Schoenberg.

Learn more about The chromatic scale here:- https://brainly.com/question/2681570


What do you think are the available materials you can use in making your own artwork?


The available materials you can use in making your own artwork are paints, brushes, pencil, eraser and drawing sheet

People can make art by using minimum materials like for example, to make a sketch we just need shaded pencils and a sheet. We can also make a painting by using flowers and its leaves. The blend of colors on a canvas can also leads to a beautiful painting. Drawing is the simplest and the most popular art work that almost everyone used to do at some certain age but, there are also such examples who gets their earning through painting or by using any kind of artwork.

To learn more about Materials in artwork, here



Is Hecuba turned into a dog?


Hecuba was turned into a dog after the fall of Troy and threw herself into the sea.

Who is Hecuba?

Hecuba is the son of Cisseus or Phyrgian Dymas and is also the second wife of King Priam of Troy. Hecuba underwent a drastic character change after the fall of the kingdom of Troy. One of the tragedies that Hecuba experienced was her transformation into a dog. This incident begins with the son of Hecuba named Polydorus killed by the king of Thrace named Polymester and Hecuba finally throws Polymester's eyes to the Thracian coast. Finally, Hecuba turned herself into a dog and drowned herself in the sea.

Learn more about Hecuba’s dream at https://brainly.com/question/6390341


What is the allusion in Act 2 of the Crucible?


The allusion in Act 2 of the Crucible is an allusion to the Bible.

What is an allusion?

An allusion is a reference to а person, thing, event, situаtion, or аspect of culture, reаl or fictionаl, pаst or present. Аllusions mаy be drаwn from аrt, myths, literаture, history, religion, or аny аspect of culture.

Exаmples of аllusion to the Bible in The Crucible Аct 2 are Mаry Wаrren аlluding to hell аnd Lucifer, sаying thаt Sаrаh Good confessed to mаking а deаl with Lucifer to defeаt аll Christiаns аnd worship hell. By including these detаils аbout the Devil, Miller highlights the Puritаn's deep feаr of the Devil аnd hell. Their feаr went so deep thаt they could justify killing innocent people for supposedly pаrticipаting in witchcrаft.

For more information about allusion refer to the link:



in mining the museum, fred wilson rearranged a museum collection to convey ideas primarily about:______.


in mining the museum, fred wilson rearranged a museum collection to convey ideas primarily about:BANKSY.

Banksy's act is vandalism or art:  Banksy firmly believes that art has no price, so Banksy's plan to sell everything as "art" is simply brilliant.  Therefore his action was not art, not mischief. Because he tried to defend his position on a broad front.  Although he did not clarify his position due to the post-self-destruction art sale.  Banksy makes street art, and destroying his art for the sake of destroying it was the most modern thing an artist could do today.

Everyone pays millions for their art, while Banksy publishes his art to thank people. He is known for his anti-authority art, often done in public spaces. He was noticed as a freehand graffiti artist. Banksy combined graffiti art with installation and performance art with sly wit and secrecy

Learn about banksy:



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