What was a source of conflict over Japan between the United States and the Soviet Union after WWII?

What was an outcome of the Truman Doctrine for the United States?

What was one of the limits of power for the Soviet Union?


Answer 1

The source of conflict over Japan between the United States and the Soviet Union after WWII was the the fate of Eastern Europe.

The outcome of the Truman Doctrine for the United States was reorientation of U.S. foreign policy and maintenance of withdrawal from regional conflicts not directly involving the United States.

One of the limits of power for the Soviet Union is being surrounded by higher hostile states.

What caused the United States and Soviet Union Conflict?

Also known as the Cold war, was the restricted rivalry that developed after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies. Its was waged on political, economic and propaganda fronts and had only limited recourse to weapons.

Its meant the prediction of nuclear stalemate between “two or three monstrous super-states as each possessed of a weapon by which millions of people can be wiped out in a few seconds. So, the term "cold war"was first used in the United States by the American financier and presidential adviser Bernard Baruch in a speech at the State House in Columbia, South Carolina in 1947.

Read more about Cold War



Related Questions

The Battle of Stalingrad affected the rest of World War II by


It stopped German advance into Soviet territory and it marked a turning point in the war as Germany had stretched their supply lines too thin

Answer:  causing the Axis powers to retreat from the Soviet Union, and turning the tide of the war in the East

Review the map showing the population density of medieval Europe around 1300.

An untitled map of Europe. A key shows populations of 1,000 to 70,000 and 70,000 to 210,000.

Review the map showing the population density of Europe today.

An untitled map of Europe. A key shows populations of 500,000 to 1,000,000, 1,000,001 to 5,000,000, and More than 5,000,000.

According to the maps, what happened to the population density of Europe from medieval times to today?

It stayed the same.
It decreased.
It increased.
It disappeared.




I'm not to smart and I'm not in college but I'm sure if the population kept increasing, it's (it increased).


it increased


24 The organization of the first U.S. political parties resulted in large part from disagreements
over which issue?
F The purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France
G The election of George Washington to a second term as president
The establishment of the First Bank of the United States
The attack on the Port of Tripoli in North Africa


The establishment of the First Bank of United States.

With a twenty-year charter, the Bank of the United States, now referred to as the first Bank of the United States, began operations in Philadelphia on December 12, 1791. From the beginning, the act establishing the first Bank of the United States sparked debate.Some congressmen raised worries about elitism, the invasion of state's rights, and unconstitutionality, particularly those from the south. On February 8, 1791, the legislation was approved by both houses of Congress. On February 25, 1791, President Washington authorized the establishment of the Bank of the United States. The U.S. Senate was deadlocked in 1811 over whether to extend the bank's charter. George W. Clinton, the vice president, broke the tie and voted against renewal.

Consequently, the bank's charter terminated in 1811. The bank was succeeded in 1816 by the Second Bank of America.

To learn more about the Bank Of America, refer to: https://brainly.com/question/2192886


PLS HELP!!!! IM STUCK IN THIS PART OF Assignment: 03.04 How Are Laws Made?

Explain the Process—Finish filling in the steps your idea would have to go through to become a law at both the federal and state levels of government.

1. Bill Introduction: You write your federal representative or senator about your idea, who introduces the idea as a bill in their chamber of Congress.
4. The House Rules Committee sets the rules for debate on the bill in the House.

1. Bill Introduction: You write your state legislator about your idea, who introduces the idea as a bill in the state legislature.
3. Committees debate and edit the bill.
5. The state Senate approves the bill.



1. Have an Idea.

The first step in creating a new law -- or revising an existing law -- is to have an idea of how we can make our country stronger or better. This idea can come from anywhere, including from you!

2. Write a Bill.

After identifying the problem, Members of Congress work to create a law that provides a solution. Sometimes, they will work together to jointly introduce legislation with other Senators. Senators can also collaborate with members of the House of Representatives on legislation so that identical or very similar bills are introduced in both the House and the Senate.

3. Debate in Committee

When a bill is introduced, the Senate Parliamentarian is responsible for deciding which Committee should review the legislation. The chair of the committee may decide to hold a hearing in order to examine the legislation. During a hearing, committee members invite policy experts, agency representatives, and other stakeholders to testify on how the bill will affect the country.

4. Debate on the Senate Floor

After being voted upon favorably by a committee, the bill is referred to the full Senate for a vote. Here, the Majority Leader of the Senate is responsible for deciding when to bring up a piece of legislation for a vote and what type of vote it needs.

5. Work with House Colleagues

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives is responsible for introducing and voting on a companion bill of its own. Just like in the Senate, when a bill is introduced in the House, the House Parliamentarian is responsible for assigning that legislation to a specific House committee or committees for further deliberation.

6. Negotiate Compromises in Conference

Often times, the Senate bill and the House bill will have minor differences in their respective bills that have to be worked out before each chamber can approve the final legislative text and then send it to the President to be signed into law.

7. Send it to the President for a signature

After the conference committee resolves any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill, each chamber must vote again to approve the final bill text. Once each chamber has approved the bill, the legislation is sent to the President. The President then makes the decision of whether to sign the bill into law or not. If the President signs the bill, it becomes a law. If the President refuses to sign it, the bill does not become a law. When the President refuses to sign the bill, the result is called a veto. Congress can try to overrule a veto. To do this, both the Senate and the House must vote to overrule the President’s veto by a two-thirds majority.

8. Reauthorization

Some laws, especially laws that appropriate funding to new programs, include provisions that require Congress to decide, after a set period of time, whether the legislation is effective and should be renewed, or “reauthorized”. To do this, a new bill must be introduced that renews the provisions of the law, makes any necessary changes to the original law, and offers a new timeline for how long it is active.

Please mark Brainiest (:


How did the Economic interests of large companies affect U.S. relations with Latin America?


Latin America was finally able to legally trade with other nations after independence; In other words, she had full access to capital and international trade.

Foreign investment was strictly restricted during colonial times, and the trade monopoly maintained artificially high prices for colonial goods.

What is the relationship between Latin America and the United States?

With the exception of Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Venezuela, all of which withdrew from the Organization of American States, the majority of Latin America remains bound bythe hemispheric defense provisions of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, also known as the Rio Pact.

Learn more about Latin America here:



The poem seems to imply that Western powers had an obligation to bring technology and Western civilization to other parts of the world. This idea is stated in the phrase "to serve your captives’ need.” Kipling believes this work is thankless and that the subjects may even hate or place blame on the colonial power.


According to Kipling, the colonized should own their inferiority and accept their place as rulers .

What was Poem's theme ?

Despite having lived in India and been exposed to its traditions, Kipling became the principal spokesman, interpreter, and publicist for the imperialist class.

The British technique is referred to by the locals as "Sakar ki Churi," or the sugar knife. That is to say, there is no tyranny; everything is pleasant and smooth; but, there is still the knife.

Beyond Africa, European imperialism spread to other continents. As imperialism grew, the colonizer and the colonized had quite different perspectives on what imperialism was like. Some Europeans were open about their feelings of superiority toward the nations they had subjugated. Others believed that imperialism was gravely flawed.

Learn more about  Kipling here


# SPJ 1

What makes using the GeneXpert a better way to diagnose TB than using sputum samples?


When it comes to TB detection, Xpert is both more accurate and sensitive than sputum smear microscopy. Additionally, smear-negative TB can be detected, which is a huge benefit, especially for PLHIV.

Sputum ZN stain is less sensitive even though it can diagnose tuberculosis within hours. Gene-Xpert is a fast molecular diagnostic for TB diagnosis that is based on real-time PCR. GeneXpert can stop the spread of TB via early detection of tuberculosis in sputum negative patients. By identifying the presence of TB bacteria, the Genexpert makes a TB diagnosis. It is a molecular TB test that finds DNA in the TB bacteria. It can produce a result in under two hours using a sputum sample. The genetic changes linked to rifampicin resistance can also be found by the Genexpert.

To know more about TB diagnosis refer to:



The Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes which basic rights?
Check all that apply


The right to life, liberty, free expression, and privacy are among the civil and political rights outlined in the Universal Declaration. Economic, social, and cultural rights are also included, such as the right to social security, health care, and education.

What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

a key document in the development of human rights is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The Declaration, which was written by representatives from all over the world with diverse legal and cultural backgrounds, was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on December 10, 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a benchmark of success for all peoples and all countries. It has been translated into more than 500 languages and for the first time lays out the need for all people to have access to basic human rights protections. More than 70 human rights treaties are currently in force at both the global and regional levels thanks in large part to the UDHR, which is widely acknowledged as having cleared the path for their approval (all containing references to it in their preambles).

Some Basic rights:

Article 1

Every human being is born free and entitled to the same respect and rights. They should behave toward one another in a brotherly manner since they are gifted with reason and conscience.

Article 2

Everyone has the right to all of the freedoms and rights outlined in this declaration, without exception, regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political viewpoint, national origin, or other factors like wealth, birth, etc.

Article 3

Everyone is entitled to life, liberty, and personal security.

Article 4

No one shall be subjected to slavery or servitude, and all forms of slavery and the slave trade shall be outlawed.

Article 5

There should be no torture or cruel, inhuman, or humiliating treatment or punishment of any person.

To know more about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights visit the link



The definition of an allusion is... *
A character in a story who causes all the conflict
A historical person, place, or situation an author refers to in a text
The conflict resolution at the end of a story
An inference a reader makes about how a story will end


Answer: a kind of character based on certain characteristics; this character can show up in many different stories


author refers to in a text

The conflict resolution at the end of a story


21. If someone had a Bureaucratic leadership, which of the following would be their
A. "It is my way or the highway!"
B. "How about we get the opinions of all personnel and staff before making a
C. "Let's let this play out and see what happens."
D. "Since you guys are in charge of this, I am going to let you handle it with clear
instructions given by your superiors."


Permanent offices organize all management and administrative tasks into clear lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability.

As an illustration, let's take a software company. Research and development, production, marketing, distribution, and administration are all possible divisions of the company.

Bureaucratic leadership: What Is It?

Using a set of rules for management and decision-making, bureaucratic leadership is leadership based on fixed official duties under a hierarchy of authority. In industries with a lot of regulations, this kind of leadership can be beneficial, and it can also be a good way to manage employees in businesses that don't really need them to be creative or innovative.

Learn more about Bureaucratic leadership here:



The Americanization movement was designed to assimilate immigrants in American culture


Americanization programs sought to integrate and assimilate aliens by teaching them English and by instructing them in the workings of American democracy.

How did democracy increase (how did people gain a say in government) during this time
period? (Think about referendum, recall, initiative, 17th amendment, 19th amendment)


Democracy increased by introduction of the 17th and 19th amendments and the three powers—initiative, referendum, and recall— which are reserved to let voters propose or reject laws or oust elected officials through petitions.

The written Constitution's structure of Congress hasn't undergone much change since 1791, despite the fact that numerous constitutional amendments have increased the rights held by Americans, altered the distribution of power between the federal government and states, or changed presidential election procedures. The Seventeenth Amendment, which transferred the authority to elect U.S. senators from state legislatures to people directly in each state, is the first constitutional amendment to do so in a significant fashion.

The right to vote for women in America is legally protected under the 19th amendment. This accomplishment needed a protracted and challenging battle; triumph required decades of activism and resistance.

The politics of direct action is the name given to them collectively. There are three ways for the populace to exert direct influence over the legislative process and the executive branch of government: initiatives, referendums, and recalls.

Thus, these measures increased people's say in the government and democracy.

To know more about these elements, refer:



In this cartoon in favor of American intervention in the imperialism or against American imperialism


A territory should be allowed to exercise more self-government the closer it was acquired.

What does the cartoon's dove represent?

Political cartoon symbols include: Dove, olive branch, and victory sign for peace. Uncle Sam, the stars and stripes, and a shield from the United States Donkeys for Democrats. Elephant for Republicans.

What does the cartoon about the white man's burden mean?

The message suggests that the indigenous man will emerge from his ignorance as a result of the unstoppable march of Western civilization.

What is the lesson that the cartoon teaches those who oppose expansion?

Imprinted in 1899 — that is, one year after the extension of Hawai'i — "An Illustration for Hostile to Expansionists" reports the ascent of US expansionism, portraying the U.S. as going from a little and honest kid to a swelled, stogie smoking financial specialist.

Learn more about cartoon here:



pleaseee helpppppppp
Abolition OF SLAVERY
Why do you think slavery ended in England before the United States? Why was it so much easier to end the slave trade rather than to end slavery itself? How did the British antislavery movement aid the American abolitionists?


Slavery's ethical concern is the most obvious reason for abolition. As the world's largest Christian empire at the time, many of Britain's rulers saw it as their duty to uphold and enforce Christian dogma.

If we hear anything about Britain's involvement in slavery, there's often a whiff of self-congratulation - for abolishing it in 1833, 32 years ahead of the United States, where the legacy of slavery remains an open wound.

Former slaves would now be classified as "labor," increasing the labor stock dramatically, even on a per capita basis. In any case, the abolition of slavery made America a much more productive and thus richer country.

To know more about the abolition of slavery here



Unit 3 Discussion 2Graded DiscussionExitDiscussion TopicPlease post detailed answers to the following questions. Please use complete sentences.So far, you have been asked to set goals for yourself to better your health. Now is a good time to check in and examine your progress. Have you been able to reach a small goal? What obstacles have you encountered? Have you made changes to your methods in order to better reach your goal? How will meeting this goal help you achieve your long-term goals? wellness & nutrition


Yes, In achieving the goal there may be some hurdles but if we are strong enough and determined then we can quickly reach our respective goal.

What is goal setting?A goal is a specific outcome or purpose expected from a project. Project goals should describe what should be accomplished over the life of the project and be directly related to the problem description and vision. Goals are achieved through project goals and activities. A goal is a concrete step toward successfully completing aproject goal. Goal achievement leads to tangible, measurable results that directly contribute to the achievement of the Goal of the project. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals is a good way to plan steps to reach your long-term goals in your fellowship. Help turn grants from ideas into action. Setting SMART goals keeps projects moving forward, helps accountability and timing, and lets them know they're accomplishing what they set out to do.performance evaluation objectives. When setting performance goals, make sure you are SMART. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.

To know more about goal setting refer to:



Students formulate questions about and defend their analyses of tensions within our constitutional democracy and the importance of maintaining a balance between the following concepts: majority rule and individual rights; liberty and equality; state and national authority in a federal system; civil disobedience and the rule of law; freedom of the press and the right to a fair trial; the relationship of religion and government


In a constitutional democracy, the majority's authority is restricted by legal and institutional means to protect the rights of all citizens, including minorities. This is how democracy is done in countries like Germany, Israel, Japan, the United States, and others.

Constituent democracy goes by other names.

Such a framework is likewise alluded to as "liberal majority rule government. "In most countries, the constitution is a written document, but in the United Kingdom, it is a collection of documents that make up the rules of the constitution. A nation's supreme law is its constitution.

Is there a constitutional democracy in the United States?

The United States of America is more accurately described as a constitutional federal republic, even though it is frequently referred to as a democracy. The term "constitutional" refers to the fact that the United States' government is founded on its Constitution, which is its supreme law.

Learn more about constitutional democracy here:



I got the answer wrong please help me find the right answer




frick you this is what you get for messing with my questions

the Phoenician writing system differed from the ancient Chinese writing system because


The Phoenician writing system differed from the ancient Chinese writing system because its had an alphabet.

What is unique about Phoenician writing system?

Basically, the phoenician writing system, which developed out of the North Semitic alphabet and was spread over the Mediterranean area by the Phoenician traders. It is considered as the probable ancestor of the Greek alphabet and all Western alphabets.

Hitsory had it that the earliest form of Phoenician inscription that has survived is the Ahiram epitaph at Byblos in Phoenicia dating from the 11th century BCE and written in the North Semitic alphabet.

Read more about Phoenician writing



what role did german American play in the war?​


Answer: German-Americans were the biggest ethnic contingent to fight for the Union in the American Civil War. More than 200,000 native-born Germans, along with another 250,000 1st-generation German-Americans, served in the Union Army, notably from New York, Wisconsin, and Ohio. Several thousand also fought for the Confederacy.


pls help What alarmed American businessmen when Salvador Allende came to power in Chile in 1970?

Question 1 options:

Allende's decision to end socialism in Chile

They feared his anti-Catholic positions

They thought he would break ties with Cuba and The Soviet Union

They resented the nationalization of banks and other industries


They feared his anti-catholic positions

Answer: They resented the nationalization of banks and other industries


Allende has been criticized for his government's mass nationalization of private industry, alleged friendliness with more militant groups such as the Movement of the Revolutionary Left, and the supply shortages and hyperinflation that occurred during the latter years of his presidency; all these had combined to cause a strong polarization in the country and the committed opposition of the Christian Democratic Party at the time of the coup. He is also accused of having had an autocratic style, attempting to circumvent the Congress and the courts, and having a hostile attitude toward critical media.

A common claim among opponents was the belief that Allende's friendship with Fidel Castro and closeness with Eastern bloc countries meant that he was planning to model the Chilean state along Cuban lines. Such allegations are highly controversial. One of the military junta's statements accused him of formulating the supposed "Plan Z", in which the Popular Unity government was accused to have planned a bloody coup of its own to install Allende as dictator. The junta alleged that the plot was to be no less than a blueprint for assassinations of military leaders and general "mass murder". The CIA later concluded,[2] on September 18, 2000 that "Plan Z" was probably disinformation. Nevertheless, according to his opponents, Allende's own refusal to obey and/or enforce more than 7,000 Chilean Supreme Court and other legislative rulings (as detailed in the Resolution of August 22, 1973) was a sign of dictatorial style in defiance of Chile's democratic government institutions.

Explain the relationship between Chinese cultivators and the nomadic peoples of central Asia. This is about ancient China. 7+ sentences please


Eberhard divided the history of interactions between the Chinese and the pastoral nomads.

What was the relationship between nomadic peoples and China?

Settlement empires occasionally developed commercial ties with nearby nomadic tribes. As a form of homage, China frequently organized these connections. A nomadic leader would be permitted to trade his people's goods for Chinese goods in exchange for recognising the Chinese emperor's dominance.

Who lived in China's nomadic communities?

According to ancient Chinese accounts, the Xiongnu were a tribal confederation of nomadic peoples who lived on the eastern Eurasian Steppe from the third century BC to the late first century AD.

To know more about nomadic peoples and China visit:-



Which of the following contributed to the fall of the Inca Empire and their conquest by the Spanish?
a decrease in the use of quipu
O a lack of religious unity
O civil war over the throne and smallpox
alliance with the Mayan cities


Civil war over the throne and smallpox contributed to the fall of the Inca Empire and their conquest by the Spanish.

Reason for the fall of the Inca Empire:

Pizarro held the Inca Emperor hostage for a short time before releasing him.The Incas had no immunity to the diseases that the Spaniards unwittingly carried.Civil war weakened the Inca Empire before the arrival of the Spaniards

The Inca Empire was conquered by Francisco Pizarro in his 1532 year.He killed Atahualpa and led a campaign against the Incas in Peru.After the arrival of the Europeans, many natives were exposed to disease and died.

Pizarro discovers gold, silver and gems in the Incas.The Inca Civil War, known sporadically as the War of the Inca Dynasties, the War of Inca Succession, or the War of the Two Brothers, was fought between the half-brothers Huáscar, son of Huayna Capac, and Atahualpa for who would rule. I was. Rich in Inca - Huayna Capac.

Learn more about Inca Empire here:



Which of the following possible court cases could legitimately be argued under the terms of the quote above?

A person complains that the court ignored evidence relevant to the case which affected the outcome.
A person says that the lawyer appointed by the court has too many cases to handle at one time.
A person accuses a judge of extending court dates too long for each side to gather evidence.
A person refuses to provide a written statement related to the witnessing of a crime.
Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)


The case that is a possible court case that could legitimately be argued under the terms of the quote above is option D. A person refuses to provide a written statement related to the witnessing of a crime.

What is a written statement in a court case?

A written statement is a written piece submitted by the lawyer(s) of both defendant and plaintiff which tell to the the bench reason the case should be in favor of that their client. It is a document that reflects the arguments and counterargument from each of the lawyer.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above. The possible court case instance that could honourably be argued is that of a person who didn't have a written statement related to the witnessing of a crime.

learn more about court brief: https://brainly.com/question/25903338


How should we view Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase? Was Thomas Jefferson a “hero” or “hypocrite” for the purchase? Why?


The Louisiana Purchase ultimately quadrupled the size of the United States, significantly bolstered it militarily and strategically, gave the westward movement a significant boost, and upheld the federal Constitution's idea of implied powers.

Jefferson was a rigorous interpreter of the Constitution, and the Constitution does not specifically indicate that the president or Congress may buy foreign territory, therefore it was viewed as contentious. Many believed he was acting hypocritically.

The probability that new slave states might join the Union from the southern regions of the area was one of the reasons the Federalists opposed the acquisition. The legality of the deal with France worried several people. Others were concerned about how the acquisition might affect the political equilibrium between slave and free republics.

To learn more about Louisiana Purchase



How was the outcome of the French Revolution most like that of the American Revolution?

It weakened the power of the church over government.
It upheld natural rights when it drafted the Declaration of Independence.
It created a new constitution that protected peoples’ rights.
It attempted to eliminate the power of the king to control citizens’ religion.


Answer: It created a new constitution that protected peoples' rights.

Explanation: hope this helped u :)




How did the outcome of Miranda v. Arizona change law enforcement procedure?

O It ruled that officers cannot question a suspect in an interrogation room without a lawyer present.

O It ruled that officers must inform suspects of their constitutional rights.

O It ruled that officers must show a search warrant before entering a private residential space. ​


It’s b the case was that Miranda was questioned and forced to confess without being informed of his right to not talk to the police

explain how great britain’s response to the destruction of a british shipment of tea in boston harbor in 1773 set the stage for the revolution


The disaster involving Great Britain and the American colonies was significantly exacerbated by the destruction of the tea. Parliament passed a series of laws known as the Coercive Acts—also known as the Intolerable Acts—after the Massachusetts Assembly refused to pay for the tea.

Following the Boston Tea Party, the British decided to impose even stricter regulations on the Massachusetts colony. The Coercive Acts increased the royally appointed governor's authority significantly by amending the colonial constitution of Massachusetts, sending British troops to Boston, and imposing fines for the destroyed tea.

Learn more about   British shipment to visit this link



According to the British, what was the main purpose of fighting the American Revolution?

O To keep the British Empire intact
O To settle boundary disputes north of Mexico O To secure the fur trade in the name of England
O To stop merchants from establishing illegal trade routes​



to stop merchants from establishing illegAl trade routes

Political socialization is affected by which of the following?
O lobbying
O political awareness
O demographic factors


Political socialization is affected by demographic factors.

The required details about Political socialization is mentioned in below paragraph.

Political socialization is the system with the aid of using which people analyze and frequently internalize a political lens framing their perceptions of how power is organized and the way the sector round them is (and have to be) organized; the ones perceptions, in turn, form and outline people' definitions of who they're and the way they have to behave withinside the political and monetary establishments wherein they live." Political socialization additionally encompasses the manner wherein humans accumulate values and evaluations that form their political stance and ideology: it's far a "take a look at of the developmental techniques with the aid of using which humans of every age and youth accumulate political cognition, attitudes, and behaviors."It refers to a gaining knowledge of system with the aid of using which norms and behaviors appropriate to a properly jogging political device are transmitted from one era to another. It is thru the overall performance of this feature that people are inducted into the political tradition and their orientations toward political gadgets are formed.Schools, media, and the nation have a main have an effect on on this system.

To learn about Political socialization visit here.



Use the excerpt from The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut to answer the question.

The ideas expressed in the excerpt illustrate

how individualism influenced public policy.

the principle of self-government in the colonies.

checks and balances between citizens and the elected officials.

separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches.


The ideas expressed in the excerpt from The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut illustrate the principle of self-government in the colonies.

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1638), a civil compact by the settlers defining the framework by which the river towns of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield agreed to govern themselves, marked the beginning of the colony's political growth.

The orders established a yearly assembly of lawmakers and stipulated how a governor would be chosen. It served Connecticut well until it was replaced by the state constitution in 1818, a document that after being amended numerous times was replaced by a new constitution in 1965, reflecting the more complex requirements of modern government.

The correct answer is option B.

Know more about The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut here



Other Questions
The rock cycle is affected by the biosphere in addition to geological processes. Hypothesize about the role in the rock cycle of the formation of calcium carbonate shells in ocean animals, and plant growth on land. I keep overthinking and confusing myself can you help me please All points from which of the following patterns would be contained on the given graph?321-6-5-4-3 -2 -1 0123 4 5 6-1-2-3OA. -1.-3.-5.-7....OB. -3, -7, -11, -15....OC. -2,-5.-8.-11.....OD. 3,5,7.9....Ht find dy/ dxFind where y = csc^-1(1/9x+5) find the circumstance of each circle. use your calculator's value of pi. round your answer to the nearest tenth. Read the passage to answer the question.Kangaroos are mammals, like humans. Like other mammals, they reproduce sexually with sperm fertilizing an egg that develops into an embryo. Unlike humans, however, once the embryo consumes its yolk sac to develop, it must be born. The infant isabout the size of a lima bean, mostly undeveloped except for its two front arms. It uses these to climb up its mother's abdomen and into her pouch. Once there, it feedson its mothers milk and continues to develop until it's big enough to finally leave. The muscle cells of a kangaroo organize together to form the structures that let akangaroo walk, run, and hop, allowing it to avoid predators.Which term names a group of similar cells working together?tissueorganorganismcell system Answer each part. If necessary round to the nearest hundredth What is the total cost for fixing a drain that takes 6 hours?If the plumber charged a total of 364$ how many hours did she spend fixing the drain? What is y=3x2-1 linear or not linear is 0.56>0.056 yes or no 1.5 part 1 question 18 Determine whether the table represents functions or not assume that the input is in the left column or top row (explain your answer) does this represents apolynomial?and if it does is it amonomial,binomial,trinonial,ornoneand what's the degree if it is Kelly bought a cup of coffee and drank 5/8 of it. Write an addition equation to represent how much coffee is remaining.Enter your answer as an addition equation, formatted like this: 42+(-53)=-11 Students in mrs smiths class must complete at least 40 math problems for homework every week. the table shows the progress of four students on Wednesday. Which list shows the names of students in order from the greatest amount of homework complete to the least amount of homework completed? A Katie, Jonah, DAngelo. Grace B DAngelo, grace, Jonah, Katie C Katie, Jonah, grace, DAngelo D Jonah, Katie, DAngelo, grace How were NATO and the Warsaw Pact similar?A. Both wereagreements aimed at reducing the number of nuclearweapons.B Both were efforts to provide economic support to recoveringcountries. C. Both were military alliances among countries with similar beliefs.D. Both were treaties signed in the final years of World.War II. Suppose a 1.90 N force can rupture an eardrum having an area of 1.14 cm.(a) Calculate the maximum tolerable gauge pressure inside the eardrum (in the middle ear) in N/m. (Pressures in themiddle ear may rise when an infection causes a fluid buildup. Use 13.6 x 10 kg/m as the density of mercury.) submit answer in N/m(a) part 2: Convert this value to mm Hg.mm Hg(b) At what depth in fresh water would this person's eardrum rupture, assuming the gauge pressure in the middle ear iszero?Submit Answer in m Which of the following processes must occur before cell division begins?And why is it not cytokinesis 3) Calculate the volume4 cm5 cm3 cm9 cm C' B' A B D' D The distance from A to B is 10 and the distance from A to B'is 2. What is the scale factor? 1/5 4 5 1/4 I NEED ALL THIS DONE BY TODAY ASAP. WORTH 100 POINTS!!!! the book is called of beetles and angels and I need you to answer the questions about the book.Unit 2 Journey to Identity Text AnalysisTitle: Of Beetles and Angels Author: Selamawi Asgedom Publication Date: Nov 15, 2000Discussion Questions1. Use the text and your analysis to prepare two interpretive or evaluative discussion questions, then identify the type of question you have created.Question Is your question interpretive or evaluative?1. 2. Identity Development Identify the protagonists stage of identity development throughout the story. Complete the chart with the correct stage and two instances of support from the text. Recall the different stages: Identify Diffusion occurs when an adolescent does not make a commitment to any particular roles, values, or goals. Identify Foreclosure occurs when someone makes a commitment without considering other possibilities. Identity Moratorium occurs when an individual is in the midst of a crisis over a particular role or value and tries out alternatives in order to make a commitment. Identity Achievement occurs when someone makes a personal decision or commitment after going through a crisis and exploring his or her option. 2. Stage of Identity Development Text Support provide two instances of textual support for each stage.Beginning Middle End 3. ConflictIdentify and describe two conflicts in the story. Explain how the protagonist responds throughout the story and what his or her response reveals about him or her. Write in complete sentences.ConflictProtagonists ResponseWhat does this reveal about the character?4. PlotWhat narrative structure (episodic plot, parallel plot, etc.) does the author use to tell the story? __________________________________________________________________5. Summarize the story using the elements of plot. Include details to demonstrate your reading.Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution 6. Looking BackAnswer the following questions in complete sentences.1. How does the trailer compare to the book? Is it an accurate representation of the story you read? Why or why not?2. What changes would you make to the book trailer? If you would not make any changes, please explain why.7. ThemeWhat is the message the author communicates through key events in the story?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. Complete the following chart with details and a thoughtful analysis of how the events in the story influence the theme.Key Events - What happens? What do we learn about the character in this event? Or how does the event change the character? What is the authors message in each set of events you have identified?