what type of neuroglial cell serves as the gatekeeper of the blood-brain barrier by controlling what will get in and what will not get into neurons?


Answer 1

The myelinating cells of the central nervous system are called oligodendrocytes (CNS). They are the result of a cell lineage that must go through an intricate and carefully timed series of processes such as proliferation, migration, differentiation, and myelination in order to generate the insulating sheath of axons.

What distinguishes a Schwann cell from an oligodendrocyte?

Their geographic location is the main distinction. Schwann cells myelinate the peripheral nervous system, whereas oligodendrocytes myelinate the central nervous system. Multiple axons can be myelinated by oligodendrocytes, whereas only a single axon can be myelinated by Schwann cells.

What qualifies as an oligodendrocyte trait?

The central nervous system's oligodendrocytes are the cells that produce myelin. Their dark spherical, oval, and occasionally irregularly shaped nuclei are distinctive, and chromatin is clumped both within the nuclear envelope and throughout the nucleoplasm.

To know more about Oligodendrocyte visit;



Related Questions

State one similarity and one difference between parasitic and predatory modes of feeding



One similarity between parasitic and predatory modes of feeding is that both involve the ingestion of other organisms for nutrition. In both cases, the organisms that do the feeding (the parasites or predators) obtain their food from other organisms (the host or prey), which they consume and use to nourish themselves.

One difference between parasitic and predatory modes of feeding is the relationship between the predator and its prey. In predatory feeding, the predator and its prey are typically separate and distinct organisms, and the predator actively hunts and kills its prey for food. In parasitic feeding, the parasite and its host are typically closely associated, and the parasite typically lives on or inside the host, feeding off of its nutrients or tissues. This relationship between the parasite and its host is often harmful to the host, while the relationship between the predator and its prey is typically not harmful (as long as the predator is not over-consuming its prey).

in the respiratory system, which organs are responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the bloodstream?


The lungs are responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the bloodstream during the respiratory system.

The role of the lungs in the respiratory system

The breathing process begins when air enters the lungs through the airways. This requires the muscles of the rib cage to contract and expand to increase the size of the chest. This allows air to enter the lungs. Once inside, oxygen enters the blood, while carbon dioxide is released.

The lungs also play an important role in gas exchange. This occurs when oxygen enters the lung capillaries and carbon dioxide is released. This is because the pulmonary capillaries are very close to the alveolar sacs, where much of the gas exchange occurs.

Learn more about the respiratory system:



The immune system is capable of mounting specific responses to particular microorganisms because ________.


The immune system is capable of mounting specific responses to particular microorganisms because lymphocytes are able to change their antigen specificity as required to fight infection.

What is immune system?

Immune system can be defined as a complex network of cells, tissues, organs and the substances they make that helps the body to fight infections and other diseases. The immune system includes white blood cells.

One of the important of immune system is that a healthy immune system can defeat invading disease that causing germs such as bacteria, viruses and parasites while protecting healthy tissue.

Therefore immune system is capable of mounting specific responses to particular microorganisms because lymphocytes are able to change their antigen specificity as required to fight infection.

Learn more about immune system here: brainly.com/question/15595309


which ganglia extend from the cervical region to the coccygeal region along the vertebral column?


The spinal nerves are a network of nerves that arise from the spinal cord and travel down the vertebral column. They extend from the cervical region to the coccygeal region and are responsible for transmitting signals to and from the central nervous system.

Spinal Nerves and Ganglia Extending from the Cervical Region to the Coccygeal Region

The spinal nerves.

The spinal nerves are a network of nerves that arise from the spinal cord and travel down the vertebral column. They extend from the cervical region to the coccygeal region and are responsible for transmitting signals to and from the central nervous system. Along this pathway, a series of nerve ganglia are present.

These ganglia are collections of nerve cell bodies that form a junction between the spinal nerves and the central nervous system. They act like a relay station, allowing the transmission of signals from the spinal nerves to the brain. The ganglia also provide a pathway for the brain to send signals back to the spinal nerves. The ganglia are located along the vertebral column, from the cervical region to the coccygeal region.

Learn more about Central nervous system: https://brainly.com/question/26348097


Glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting __________.


Glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting generally less than 3 minutes.

The metabolic mechanism known as glycolysis is responsible for the transformation of glucose into pyruvate. This process results in the liberation of free energy, which is then put to use in the production of high-energy molecules such as adenosine triphosphate and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. Enzymes are responsible for catalyzing each of the ten processes that make up glycolysis. It provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose and relates to activities lasting generally less than 3 minutes.

So option three minutes is the correct one.

The complete question is attached.

You can also learn about glycolysis from the following question:



most common compounds in all organisms?​


Answer: oxygen and hydrogen

Explanation: oxygen is present about 62.8% in all living organisms and the main source is water and atmosphere while hydrogen comprises 9.3% and the main source is water

As light hits the retina, the first structure the light encounters is a rod or a cone.
a. True
b. False


As mild hits the retina, the primary shape the light encounters is a rod or a cone. False

Regulates the amount of light that enters your eye. It bureaucracy the colored, seen a part of your eye in front of the lens. mild enters thru a principal established and referred to as the scholar. scholar: the round starting in the center of the iris through which mild passes into the lens of the attention

Rod cells are stimulated with the aid of light over a huge range of intensities and are chargeable for perceiving the dimensions, shape, and brightness of visible pics. They do now not understand coloration and fine elements, obligations performed with the aid of the opposite foremost type of mild-sensitive mobile, the cone.

Learn more about retina here



the mechanism that selects for antigen-reactive t cells that respond to foreign antigens while ignoring self-antigens is called clonal:___.


The mechanism that selects for antigen-reactive cells that respond to foreign antigens while ignoring self-antigens is called clonal selection.

According to the clonal selection theory, antigen selects lymphocytes for activation from a population of cells that have already committed to producing specific antibody. This theory assumes that antibody-forming cells are monospecific and have cell-surface receptors that can bind foreign antigens.

Clonal selection theory in immunology explains the functions of immune system cells in response to specific antigens invading the body. Random mutations during clonal expansion cause the production of B cells with increased antibody-binding affinity for their antigens during clonal selection. The clonal selection hypothesis could explain why secondary immune responses are so effective at preventing re-infection with the same pathogen.

To learn more about clonal selection, here



as has been well-documented in recent years, certain populations and geographic regions can be much more vulnerable to environmental health issues like malaria. these populations have experienced global climate change, and use of ddt applications for over 50 years that have led to increased outbreaks of malaria in the tropical regions of africa. how could global climate change relate to an increase in malaria cases?


Warmer temperatures will change the development cycle of the parasite in the mosquito, enabling it to develop more quickly, boosting transmission and having an impact on the burden of disease.

What impact is climate change having on mosquitoes?

Where vectors, such as mosquitoes and ticks, may survive and breed can spread geographically as a result of warmer temperatures. More standing water might result from increased rainfall, which expands the vector breeding grounds.

Which elements would widen malaria's geographic distribution?

Temperature, rainfall, and humidity are the three key climatic variables that have the biggest direct impact on malaria transmission.

To know more about malaria visit:-



rna polymerase is a type of enzyme. enzymes help chemical processes occur quickly. drag the yellow rna polymerase molecule onto the dna strand. describe what happens.


An enzyme called RNA polymerase is in charge of converting a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence during transcription.

All species have RNA polymerases, however the number and make-up of these proteins differ between taxa. For instance, while eukaryotes (multicellular organisms and yeasts) have three different forms of RNA polymerase, bacteria only have one type. Despite these variations, transcriptional processes remarkably resemble one another. For instance, all species need a way to control transcription in order to alter the timing and location of gene expression.

Learn more about RNA polymerases here



Name the organelles that store neurotransmitter molecules within the distal end of a motor neuron axon.


Synaptic vesicles are tiny spherical organelles found in neurons' cytoplasm that contain neurotransmitter and different proteins required for neurotransmitter production.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that your body requires to function. They are responsible for transporting chemical signals ("messages") from one neuron (nerve cell) to the next target cell. Another nerve cell, a muscle cell, or a gland could be the next target cell.

Synaptic vesicles in neurons store neurotransmitters that are released at the synapse. A voltage-dependent calcium channel controls the release. Vesicles are required for the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons and are constantly recreated by the cell.

To know more about neurotransmitter visit



which of the cell components is least likely to affect the visible traits of an organism?


The production of proteins is the ribosome's sole purpose. Ribosomes found in cell components are least likely to influence an organism's outward characteristics. Option 1 is the right response.

The ribosome's sole function is the production of proteins. The ribosome, which is always in charge of protein synthesis, translates the genetic code encoded in mRNA into an amino acid sequence. Using cellular helper proteins, soluble transfer RNAs, and metabolic energy, ribosomes start, continue, and finish the synthesis of peptides. An intercellular structure called a ribosome, which is made up of both RNA and protein, is where a cell makes proteins. The messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence is decoded into a specified sequence of amino acids by the ribosome, which also reads the messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence. The long chains of amino acids that result subsequently fold to create proteins.

Thus, we might conclude that an organism's observable features are least likely to be impacted by the ribosomes that make up its cell components. Option d is the proper response as a result.




Your question is incomplete. Please find the complete question below.

Which of the cell components is least likely to affect the visible traits of an organism?

1. Ribosomes

2. Nucleus

3. Genes

4. Chromosomes

Are amino acids called polypeptides?


Proteins are known as polypeptides

How many of the following can be used to distinguish a nematode worm from an annelid worm? WHY?
1. type of body cavity
2. number of muscle layers in the body wall
3. presence of segmentation
4. number of embryonic tissue layers
5. shape of worm in cross-sectional view


The distinguishing features from a nematode worm and annelid worm include:

type of body cavity reason being that their body has a cavity or pseudo coelom. presence of segmentation reason being that their body is bilaterally symmetrical. shape of worm in cross-sectional view.

What are nematode worm?

Nematode worms  are described as cylindrical non-segmented organisms that are found throughout the world both as free-living species and as human and animal pathogens.

The morphological adaptive features of nematodes worms for plant parasitism include a hollow, protrusible stylet which is  connected to three esophageal gland cells that express products secreted into plant tissues through the stylet.

Learn more about Nematode worms at: https://brainly.com/question/15004578


what effect does the parasympathetic system have on the respiratory system? multiple choice question. decreased secretion by mucous glands via alpha-1 receptors bronchodilation increased secretion by mucous glands via beta-2 receptors bronchoconstriction


The parasympathetic nervous system decreases respiration and heart rate and increases digestion.

Bronchoconstriction is a response to parasympathetic activation from the vagal nerves, which is brought on by the contraction of the smooth muscle lining the bronchial walls. sympathetic: speeds up and intensifies heartbeat. Parasympathetic: slows and stabilizes heartbeat; lowers rate. coronary blood vessels: the heart. vasodilation: caused by sympathetic. Vasoconstriction is brought on by the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system expands the airway's diameter (bronchodilation) by opposing the parasympathetic nervous system's bronchoconstriction-inducing impulses, which are sent to the airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells. When the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) is active, it reduces blood pressure, stimulates digestion, and slows our pulse and breathing rates. Our bodies start to relax, and relaxation encourages healing.

To learn more about parasympathetic nervous system click the link below:



______ occurs when impulses from an organ are perceived as originating from the skin.


Referred pain arises when impulses from some viscera are regarded as coming from skin dermatomes rather than the organ.

What is Referred pain?

The activation of tactile receptors in the skin or subcutaneous layer usually causes feelings like touch, pressure, vibration, itch, and tickling.

It results from a network of sensory nerves that supply a variety of tissues and are interconnected.

Therefore, referred pain is pain that is felt elsewhere than where the painful stimuli or cause originated.

Learn more about neurons, here:



Which of these CANNOT be found in a prokaryote?
cell wall
cell membrane


Most prokaryotes are single-celled organisms belonging to the Bacteria and Archaea domains. All prokaryotes lack membrane-bound organelles but do have DNA, ribosomes, cytoplasm, and plasma membranes. Therefore, option B is correct.

What is prokaryote ?

Prokaryotes are creatures without a nucleus or other organelles in their cells. Bacteria and archaea, two separate groupings of prokaryotes with allegedly independent evolutionary histories, are separated into. The majority of prokaryotes are tiny, single-celled creatures with a straightforward structure.

Prokaryotic cells lack intrinsic membrane-bound organelles in their cytoplasm, while being surrounded by a plasma membrane. Prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes, another type of creatures, in that they lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

Thus, option B is correct.

To learn more about prokaryote, follow the link;



when an impulse reaches a synapse: group of answer choices two nerve fibers come in direct contact. impulses will pass in either direction. an electrical spark will jump the gap. chemical transmitters are released.


When an impulse reaches a synapse then chemical transmitters are released.

Neural signalling is a crucial type of communication occuring between brain and other organs. It involves neural cells that connect with other cells through synapse junction. The nerve impulse is the voltage change that passes through the axon and reaches the end.

Now to pass to the next neuron, impulse causes release and diffusion of neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that are produced in body. Common examples of neurotransmitters are GABA, acetylcholine, serotonin and many more. Actions like blinking the eye, movement of hands are the response produced by brain signalling.

Learn more about neurotransmitters -



Help me with these questions
Based on your graphs: How long is the interval between high tides in Boston? How long is the interval between high tides in Saint John? How long is the interval between high tides in Mobile?


The time between a high tide and a low tide is, on average, six hours and 13 minutes in Saint John and every 24 hours and 50 minutes, there are two high tides and two low tides in coastal areas.

What are tides?

Tides are the rise and decrease in sea levels resulting from the gravitational pull of the Moon mixed with the Earth and Moon's orbiting one another. To determine the anticipated times and amplitude for any location, tide tables can be employed.

Why are there two tides each day?

Coastal locations see two high and two low tides every 24 hours and 50 minutes because the earth spins through two tidal "bulges" every lunar day.

To know more about tides, click here- brainly.com/question/2604305


The time between a high tide and a low tide is, on average, six hours and 13 minutes in Saint John and every 24 hours and 50 minutes, there are two high tides and two low tides in coastal areas.

What are tides?

Tides are the rise and decrease in sea levels resulting from the gravitational pull of the Moon mixed with the Earth and Moon's orbiting one another. To determine the anticipated times and amplitude for any location, tide tables can be employed.

Why are there two tides each day?

Coastal locations see two high and two low tides every 24 hours and 50 minutes because the earth spins through two tidal "bulges" every lunar day.

To know more about tides, click here-



erythromycin, the first macrolide antibiotic, was discovered in 1949 when scientists at eli lilly isolated the natural product from the culture broth of the soil-dwelling fungus saccharopolyspora erythrea. chemical modifications in its structure were needed due to being unstable under acidic conditions, giving rise to side effects such as stomach pain. select which category of antimicrobial drugs erythromycin belongs to?


Antimicrobial drugs erythromycin belongs to semisynthetic drugs. Synthetic drugs are also called 'new psychoactive substances' (NSPs).

What is semisynthetic drugs?

Semi-synthetic drugs are made by converting starting materials from natural sources into final products through chemical reactions. Examples of semi-synthetic medicine are : antibiotic, penicillin and chemotherapy. These drugs work by attacking the cell growth or division.

In semi-synthetic drugs, nucleus of the drug obtained from natural source is kept intact but the chemical structure is changed. Semi-synthesis is a type of a chemical synthesis that uses the compounds isolated from natural sources as starting material like bacterial or cell cultures or plant material.

To know more about semisynthetic drugs, refer



environmental factors including natural disasters play a significant role in causing migration ? which of the following is nit an example of an environmetal push factor that could cause people to migrate to a new area


Environmental risks can be connected to migration as a demographic movement in numerous ways. On the one hand, nearby environmental risks may affect housing choices by influencing the appeal of specific locations.

What natural disasters' role in causing migration?

Conflict and migration are either directly or indirectly influenced by water stress. More people will experience water shortages and be compelled to relocate as water and climate extremes worsen.

Therefore, This translates to the fact that adverse climate shocks initially cause agriculture's productivity to decline, which then causes migration to rise.

Learn more about natural disasters here:



Which theory states that cells are the basic unit of life, organisms are made up of one or more cells, and all cells come only from other cells?


According to the unified cell theory, each living entity is made up of one or more cells, each cell is the building block of life, and new cells develop from existing cells.

Later, this idea benefited greatly from the contributions of Rudolf Virchow. Theodor Schwann put out the classical cell hypothesis in 1839. This theory consists of three components.

All creatures are composed of cells, according to the first section. The basic building blocks of life are cells, according to the second section.

According to the CELL THEORY, or cell theory, all creatures are made up of comparable organizational units called cells.

Schleiden & Schwann first publicly stated the idea in 1839, and it has been the cornerstone of contemporary biology ever since.

Learn more about to cells visit here;



The human body processes and eliminates food waste using the organs of the excretory system. which organelle performs a similar function in humans at the cellular level?


Mitochondrion is the organelle performs a similar function in humans at the cellular level.

what is the process of excretion?

Osmoregulation is the mechanism through which the body maintains the correct level of water and ionic balance. Distinct creatures have different modes of excretion. Many unicellular creatures expel these wastes through the simple process of diffusion from the body surface into the water around them, whereas sophisticated multicellular species need specialised organs for excretion. The excretory system consists of the organs that are utilised in this process. Different organisms have different excretion methods.

The excretory system is responsible for a number of crucial bodily processes, including the elimination of wastes, the elimination of waste byproducts excreted by cells, the prevention of dangerous chemical buildup, and the maintenance of a healthy chemical equilibrium.

To know more about Osmoregulation:



In the absence of hormones, the distal tubule and collecting ducts are relatively impermeable to water.
a. True
b. False


Under normal conditions, the epithelial cells of the collecting duct are impermeable to water but can absorb about 5% of the total amount of sodium found in the filtrate. However, in the presence of aldosterone and ADH, the collecting duct is made permeable to water.

What causes increase in the permeability of the cells of the collecting tubule to water?

Water excretion by the kidney is regulated by the peptide hormone vasopressin. Vasopressin increases the water permeability of the renal collecting duct cells, allowing more water to be reabsorbed from collecting duct urine to blood.

Which nephron segment is impermeable to water?

In contrast to being impervious to water, the ascending limb is permeable to salts (sodium), allowing sodium to seep out and raising the medulla's salt concentration.

To know more about impermeable to water visit;



when o2 is added to an anaerobic suspension of cells consuming glucose at a very high rate, the rate of glucose consumption declines greatly and the accumulation of lactate ceases. this is called the pasteur effect, which occurs in most cells that are capable of both anaerobic and aerobic glucose catabolism. a) why does the accumulation of lactate cease after o2 is added? b) why does the presence of o2 decrease the rate of glucose consumption?


When O2 is introduced to a solution of anaerobic cells that are actively eating glucose at a high rate, the rate of glucose consumption rapidly decreases as the O2 is depleted, and lactate buildup stops.

How does the addition of these inhibitors to a suspension of respiring mitochondria affect O2 consumption?

Any of the inhibitors will reduce oxygen consumption when added to a suspension of respiring mitochondria because they all prevent electron transfer at some point in the electron transport chain.

In the presence of an uncoupler, what transpires to ATP synthesis Why?

Uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation prevent the electron transport and phosphorylation processes from coupling, which prevents the production of ATP without disrupting the respiratory chain or ATP synthase (H(+)-ATPase).

To know more about ATP synthesis visit:-



the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, located in the synaptic cleft and on the postsynaptic membrane, breaks ach down into acetate and choline, thereby stopping the stimulation of a postsynaptic cell. t or f


The enzyme acetylcholinesterase, located in the synaptic cleft and on the postsynaptic membrane, breaks ach down into acetate and choline, thereby stopping the stimulation of a postsynaptic cell. This statement is True.

By quickly hydrolyzing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in a variety of cholinergic routes in the central and peripheral nervous systems, acetylcholinesterase participates in the termination of impulse transmission. The buildup of acetylcholine, hyperstimulation of nicotinic and muscarinic receptors, and disruption of neurotransmission are caused by the enzyme inactivation, which is triggered by a variety of inhibitors. As a result, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are used as appropriate medications and poisons, with the enzyme functioning as their principal target. An overview of the toxicity and pharmacology of substances that inactivate acetylcholinesterase both temporarily and permanently.Additionally, the pharmacological management of organophosphate poisoning is discussed, with a focus on the administration of oxime reactivators of suppressed enzyme activity as causative medications after the poisoning. In addition, before reaching their targets in the nervous system, organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides can be detoxified in mammals through enzymatic hydrolysis. While carbamates are most efficiently broken down by carboxylesterases, organophosphates are most successfully detoxified by being broken down by the matching phosphodiesterase's.

To know more about postsynaptic visit:

Describe the construction of a recombinant plasmid containing the gene for luciferase and the insertion of the plasmid into a bacterial cell by placing the steps in order.


The construction of a recombinant plasmid containing the gene for luciferase and the insertion of the plasmid into a bacterial cell  can be done through Obtain the gene for luciferase, Clone the gene into a vector, Insert the vector into the host cell, Select for recombinants, Extract the recombinant DNA,  Analyze the recombinant plasmid.

Recombinant plasmids are genetic molecules that are employed in the insertion of foreign DNA into host cells so that the host cells can produce the desired gene. This can be used to make proteins for industrial or medical uses as well as to investigate gene expression.

There are multiple steps involved in creating a recombinant plasmid with the luciferase gene and inserting it into a bacterial cell, which can be summarized as follows:

1. Acquire the luciferase gene: The first step in creating a recombinant plasmid with the luciferase gene is to acquire the gene itself. The gene may come from a number of places, including a plasmid library or a gene synthesis business.

2. Clone the gene into a vector: After obtaining the luciferase gene, a vector must be used to clone the gene. A circular DNA molecule called a vector can carry a gene into the host cell. Plasmids and bacterial synthetic chromosomes are frequent vectors utilized for this stage (BACs).

3. Insert the vector into the host cell: Next, a host cell must receive the vector carrying the luciferase gene. This can be accomplished by introducing the vector into the host cell during a procedure known as transformation. Numerous techniques, including electroporation, thermal shock, and chemical change, can accomplish this.

4. Choose for recombinants: After inserting the vector into the host cell, the cell must go through a selection procedure to determine whether cells have successfully incorporated the vector. This is accomplished by choosing cells that can express the desired gene.

5. Remove the recombinant DNA from the cells: After the cells have been located, the recombinant DNA needs to be removed from the cells. Miniprep, a procedure used to separate and purify the recombinant plasmid from the host cell, can be utilized to do this.

6. Examine the recombinant plasmid: In order to verify that the luciferase gene is present, the recombinant plasmid needs to be examined. Numerous methods, including DNA sequencing and restriction enzyme digestion, can be used to accomplish this.

Learn more about restriction enzyme at : brainly.com/question/13944056


in diploid organisms, a pair of chromosomes that are the same size and shape and contain the same genes in the same positions.


Homologous chromosomes are pairs of chromosomes that are the same size and shape and contain the same genes in the same positions. They are found in diploid organisms and are derived from each parent.

Identical Chromosomes: A Mirror Image of Genes

Homologous chromosomes.

Homologous chromosomes are essential components of genetic inheritance. They are found in diploid organisms and contain a complete set of genes that are necessary for the organism's development. Each homologous chromosome is inherited from one parent, with the two chromosomes making up a chromosome pair.

Learn more about Chromosomes: https://brainly.com/question/11912112


There should be at least 3g of dietary fiber for every 100 calories per serving. (True or False)


It is true that there should be at least 3g of dietary fiber for every 100 calories per serving.

Dietary fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet. It helps promote regularity, lowers cholesterol levels, and can help stave off hunger. Getting enough dietary fiber is especially important for people who are trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight since it helps them feel fuller and longer. Thus, it is recommended that for every 100 calories per serving, there should be at least 3g of dietary fiber. This amount of dietary fiber can help you feel satiated and avoid overeating. Additionally, it will provide your body with essential nutrients that help promote digestion and overall health.

To know more about  dietary fiber refer to  the link  brainly.com/question/11095043


in animals, what is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning?


- Reproductive Cloning - making the genetic copies of entire organisms.

- Therapeutic Cloning - making the genetic copies of the tissues or organs to replace damaged body parts.

Cloning is a way scientists use to make specific genetic copies of living things. Genes, cells, tissues, or even complete animals can all be cloned. some clones exist already in nature. Single-celled organisms like micro organism make actual copies of themselves whenever they reproduce.

Despite several quite publicized claims, human cloning nonetheless appears to be fiction. There currently is not any stable clinical evidence that absolutely everyone has cloned human embryos.

Dolly the Sheep turned into introduced to the word with a paper posted in 1997, inside the journal Nature, succinctly titled “viable offspring derived from fetal and person mammalian cells”.

Learn more about cloning here:- https://brainly.com/question/1444102


In reproductive cloning, copies of whole animals are made. In therapeutic cloning, embryonic stem cells are created for experiments aimed at creating tissue to replace damaged or diseased tissue.

In reproductive cloning, an animal that is genetically identical to the donor animal is created by somatic cell nuclear transfer. In reproductive cloning, newly created embryos are returned to the intrauterine environment to allow implantation and development. Dolly the Sheep is perhaps the best-known example. In therapeutic cloning, embryos are created in a similar fashion, but the resulting "cloned" cells remain in the laboratory dish. They are not implanted in the woman's uterus.

Learn more about cloning here:



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