What type of information may be useful in a group contract? Check all that apply.

responsibilities of the group facilitator
a calendar of extracurricular activities of group members
how to respect the ideas and contributions of others
addresses and phone numbers of all group members
what to do if you will be late or absent for a group meeting


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

I think

responsibilities of the group facilitator

how to respect the ideas and contributions of others

addresses and phone numbers of all group members

what to do if you will be late or absent for a group meeting

Would be useful in a group contract...

Answer 2

The type of information may be useful in a group contract is :

Responsibilities of the group facilitator.How to respect the ideas and contributions of others.What to do if you will be late or absent for a group meeting.Add a calendar of extracurricular activities of group members to the list to.Group Contract

The type of information may be useful in a group contract is responsibilities of the group facilitator, how to respect the ideas and contributions of others, what to do if you will be late or absent for a group meeting and add a calendar of extracurricular activities of group members to the list to.

A group contract may be a report that a bunch makes to formalize the desires of gather individuals.

A group contract ought to contain the taking after then gather members' names and contact data.

Learn more about "Group":


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Make this sentence in the past perfect tense Done/you/work/your/have? The/ weather/ awful/ in/ the past/ few/ days Emma/suitcase/last night/her/pack Rahima/ give / you/ a/ present?



You have done your work?

The weather had been awful in past few days.

Emma packed her suitcase last night.

Did Rahima gave you a present?


Past perfect tense is a sentence in which third form of verb is used. It informs the listener that the verb is already performed in the past. The word had is used with the third form of verb. It explains that the action or event has incurred in past once or might be many times in past.


ok im confused......... why ia my name there? so umm do school put my name too? like i mean is that they put my name in books/textbooks? im so confused!!!!! ofc the name is not my there are other people named that name but its really rare to put it in books


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Greetings/Good morning/Good afternoon/Good riddance/ Hello

(dont actually tell your teacher good riddance that was a joke)

I wanted to let you know I wasn't able to complete my test yesterday because/ due to the fact that  I was sick, but I would be more than happy to get it done now or whenever is reasonable. Thank you yada yada yada, name yada yada yada.

I hope this helps

Please forgive me, I've got demons in my head.

People tell me the demons aren't as bad as I say. "You're letting them control you!" they say. "They aren't that bad! You're making it up for attention!"

Addie and Ziah dig their claws in a little deeper every time they hear that.

When I tell people about Addie and Ziah, how they hurt me, they tell me to just try not to listen. "Don't listen to them! Be happy! If you think positively, they'll go away."

They've taken all my happy thoughts. Ziah feeds on them, spitting them back out as poison that Addie then spreads like a disease until there's nothing left.

Ziah whispers in my ear, telling me how terrifying the world is, how everyone hates me, how everyone judges me, how I'm messing up, how I'm a waste of space and air, how I should just give up. She reminds me of how fragile I am, how easy it would be to draw blood, how easy it would be to give up.

Addie is less subtle, choosing to scream rather than whisper.

She isn't as nice, either. Ziah is only telling the truth, but Addie tells me anything she thinks of.

What if you put your finger in an electric socket? she screams. What if you chewed your fingers until they bled? What if you went a little too far while wrestling with your siblings? What if you threw something across the room?

What if you died?

Sometimes they work in harmony, screaming and whispering at the same time, telling me I'm not enough so I should hit something, telling me I'm worthless so I should distance myself from everyone, telling me I should just... stop.

Addie doesn't stop at screaming in my ear, though. She's in my whole body, in my legs to make them constantly bounce and annoy people (Ziah loves that, she tells me everyone hates me because I'm constantly moving). She's in my chest, squeezing my heart and lungs and filling them with electricity until I feel like I have to burst (Ziah does this too, except when she does it hurts more). She's in my brain, stealing my memories and thoughts and setting fire to my emotions.

Fire. That's a good way to describe what Addie does to me. She sets fire to my skin, making it crawl with energy until I feel like it's going to break through and I'm going to die. She sets fire to my thoughts and memories until they burn up and I can't find them anymore. She sets fire to my emotions, making them burn too brightly and too hot until I burn other people with them.

Full would be another good way. I'm full of energy and emotion and it makes me feel sick and pressured and I need to do something, anything to release the pressure, and sometimes I feel as though knives are the only option~

They aren't, though. Haven't been for almost a year now. Addie and Ziah have given me that much.

Nobody blames the demons, though. They blame me.

"Why can't you sit still? Why can't you be quiet? Why can't you remember? Why can't you pay attention? Why are you so annoying?

It's the demons!
I need a review of Don't listen
"Don't listen to them, then!"

I have no thoughts of my own to listen to instead. I have no name. I have nothing of myself. There are only the demons.

Please forgive me, I've got demons in my head.



Woah, I totally get it. I feel it in my bones. You know how to preach.


Can someone help write a thesis statement for "is it better to be original or fit in."



Honestly, this could go both ways. Some people are very enthusiastic, expressive, and passionate while other people can be loners, shy, and keep to themself. But, in my opnion I believe iy is best to be original. If everyone was always trying to fit in there wouldnt be anything to fit in with other than a school uniform. While being original and having your own style, personality, and your own voice is what makes you, well you. Just be yourself because everyone else is already taken. Have a wonderful day I hope I helped! Follow me for more help. Bye!


It is better to be original because you can be yourself, make new friends easily, and not pretending to be someone else.


I hope I helped. Please give me a brainilest! Thanks! Have a nice day!

Pls help, I will crown whoever has the first right answer and give then 5.0/5



one of the mothers is dead the other one is alive so one can talk to you the other one can not.


sal has no parental guidance where as phoebe does. both children have a story to tell.

what key element is found in gothic literature



The main atmosphere for Gothic literature is horror, death, or terror. The setting often depict a situation where there is no harmony occurs among the characters, and something scary or ominous is about to happen if the characters fail to do a certain thing.


It is horror, death, or terror. The setting often depict a situation where there is no harmony occurs among the characters, and something scary or ominous is about to happen if the characters fail to do a certain thing.

The writer will add the following paragraph to her letter. I was in a club that built toys that use energy from the sun. We gave the toys away to children when we were done. Also, my science-fair project was about ways to change trash into energy. It received first prize in the state. The judges said that I should share my work with a power company. I would be happy to do that.. Which detail should be removed from the paragraph? Click to view the business letter.

A. The judges said that I should share my work with a power company. O

B. I was in a club that built toys that use energy from the sun.

C. We gave the toys away to children when we were done.

D. My science-fair project was about ways to change trash into​



C. We gave the toys away to children when we were done.


According to the given excerpt, a student wrote a letter searching for internship at a Power Station and attached to the letter was a paragraph that listed her achievements which showed her competency and reliability.

However, the detail that should be removed from the paragraph is the detail about giving away toys to children when they were done with their experiment.. This is because, this is not related to her search for internship and as a result is unnecessary.

Why are tablets more expensive than text books. STATE YOUR REASON(S).​



Because they contain more than one textbook inside of them and they have many uses.  


If you have a tablet then you can get to more than one textbook, and tablets have other uses like games, art, etc. Textbooks are cheaper than tablets because it only has one use (to study) and it doesn't have other uses or perks.

Which trade organization regulates trade in North America


world trade organization



NAFTA, North American Free Trade Agreement

The words drift,drive,and drum are alliterative.








Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.

Read the passage from “Rivers and Stories,” Part 1.

O great Lord Danube
the blood of the white town
Is flowing in your veins

If you love it get up a moment
From your bed of love—

Ride on the largest carp
Pierce the leaden clouds
And come visit your heavenly birthplace

Bring gifts to the white town
The fruits and birds and flowers of paradise

The bell towers will bow down to you
And the streets prostrate themselves
O great Lord Danube

What are the author’s purposes for including this poem?

Select all that apply.

-to inform readers about rivers and to persuade them to try writing their own poetry about rivers
-to persuade readers that rivers have a unique beauty
-to entertain readers with poetic description of a river
-to inform readers that rivers have a long history of being mentioned in poetry



to persuade readers that rivers have a unique beauty

to entertain readers with poetic description of a river


I just took the Checkpoint :D

In animal farm (Chapter 9): What privileges do the pigs have that the other animals do not?


pretty much the pigs have all say and what goes on so they can change the rules and they can basically deceive the others without them knowing it

describe love in your own words based on your own experience



Love is well, love is when you can trust your partner and they tell you the truth   it is based on trust but I never had it so


Hope this helps

Which best explains why a description of weather can affect the tone of a
piece of writing?
O A. Readers will be unlikely to finish a story containing weather they
B. Weather is generally an uninteresting topic likely to bore a reader.
C. Most descriptions of weather are unrelated to the main point of
the story
D. Certain kinds of weather suggest moods and feelings to most



I think it is d


Depending on the weather, the mood and feelings of people shift. Some could love rainy days and some could hate them, and some could be in between.

please complete it

cirlce the adverbs and underline the verbs that they describe ​



Adverb (AV) Verb (V)

1. AV - finally, V - got

2. AV - quickly, V - walked

3. AV - quickly, V - rose

4. AV - merrily, V - danced

5. AV - closely, V - watched

6. AV - boldly, V - ran

7. AV - deeply, V - cares

8. AV - almost, V - ate

9. AV - outside, V - plays

10. AV - already, V - finished


my car is fulled of puffed up smoke and im high but im driving what should i do.

A. Pull over
B. get in a chase out with the cops
C. get in a car accident
D. drive off the bridge
E. jump out my car





what even is this question

8) Who do you think is the intended audience of "The Sniper"? Explain your reasoning, citing
evidence from the text.
From the story “The Sniper”



In literature, the protagonist is the main character in the story, and their actions are the focal point of the narrative. The protagonist is the most well known figure in the story.


I hope this is correct and I hope this helps. My apologies if it's wrong.

Being the central character of the play, the protagonists are the intended audience of "The Sniper".

What is the central theme of "The Sniper"?

The central theme of this play is that the war not only changes the nature of individuals but also the society in which they live.

By citing evidence from the text, it is clear that without the central character of the play, it does not make the sense meaningful and worthy.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about "The Sniper", refer to the link:



if you were the governor what would you do to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus Plz. answer!!! ASAP​


Answer: reduce work hours double the 6ft even though might not be comfortable full face shields hand sanitizers on each crosswalk in every store. also monthly donation for ppl to donated money for ppe and supplies



Do you think it is more important to have talent or
character? Tell me WHY?
I need help


Character because without having a character then they wouldn’t be a talent




Character is more important because what you are lacking in talent you can make up for with having a good personality and working hard. Even if you are not naturally born with the talent for something doesn't mean you can never develop the skill for it. Also, you don't need talent for everything in life, but you will need character pretty consistently.

How did Misha try to lure Janina out of her house?



He put bread on the doorstep as he knows that Janina will come out and get the bread.


Are inventions realized through inspiration or perspiration?Are inventions realized through inspiration or perspiration?



both. an invention can only be realized through first, inspiration which gives one the idea to create and second the willpower and drive to get it done.

NEED HELP ASAP!!! 30 POINTS!! (will give the brainliest to the right answer!) :)

Drag each label to the correct location on the table. Each label can be used more than once.

Identify each poem as either lyric or free verse.

free verse

(please make sure to verify your answer before submitting it! Thank you!!


Still I rise: Lyric

The Road Not Taken: Lyric

I, Too Sing America: Free Verse

I Hear America Singing: Free Verse


yeah the other dude is right i got it right on my test the asner is lyric, lyric, free verse, free verse

In this excerpt, the author depicts the characters as -

A) Friends
B) Rivals
C) Family
D) Hostile



B) Rivals

sherlock's basically proving that he one-upped the doctor

From the list below ,arrange the adjectives in order and use in a sentence.
1. sweet several green​



I ate several sweet green candies for Halloween.


Several should go first since it tells the reader how much of something there is.

Sweet and green both describe the candy itself, but green is a color adjective. I'm not really sure how to explain that properly though.

What social norm of the time period is Scout having conflict regarding? What
does the story suggest might be the reason for this?



The societal norm against which Scout is having conflict is the notion of propriety for women of the time period.

The reason for this conflict is her tomboyish attitude.


"To Kill a Mockingbird" is a novel written by Harper Lee.

Scout, or Jean Louise Finch. is the narrator of the story. She is a six-year-old girl who lives in Maycomb with her older brother, Jem, and father, Atticus. Scout, as correctly nicknamed, reflects the characteristics of a young girl, who is inquisitive and smart. She conflicts with the societal norms laid for women of the time period. She is having conflict with the notion of propriety for women.

The reason for this conflict is her tomboyish behavior. The story suggests that she is in conflict with this norm because she climbs the tree with Jem and Bill. It is also because her father has kept her away from evil societal norms.

Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions.
Which type of conflict is Mitchell having in this
Is this a major or minor conflict in the overall novel?



character vs nature.



Right on edge✅


Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions.

Which type of conflict is Mitchell having in this passage?

✔ character vs. nature

Is this a major or minor conflict in the overall novel?

✔ minor


i did it

How are Kathrine Johnson and the women of hidden figures different?


cause they are different than each other .

Martha plays the flute very well.
What is the direct object?
A. well
B. flute
C. Martha



B. Flute



I know it is B :) have a good day!!

All of these passages would have the same general
tone, except:
O A. a note written to a friend.
O B. a front-page news article.
O C. an e-mail to your best friend.
O D. a blog post.


The answer to this is B
The answer is B because it’s kind of out of context

Are neibours necessary nowadays


Keeping an Eye on Your Home and Family

Perhaps one of the most important benefits of getting to know your neighbors is the extra home protection. Because your neighbors know your regular comings and goings, they are more likely to notice someone lurking around. Many neighbors have thwarted thieves because they were keeping an eye on their friend’s property. Other cases include watching over your house while you’re on vacation and calling the police if something is amiss. Through neighborhood watch, you get an extra set of eyes on your home.

Enriching Your Social Life

A friendly, social neighborhood is more likely to have social events like block parties, potlucks, pool parties, game nights, and more. Close relationships with your neighbors enhance your family’s social life and create meaningful connections. A friendly neighborhood dynamic encourages you and your family to get out of the house, have some fun, and meet new people. Plus, Lincoln Military residents have access to FREE events throughout the year! Simply log in to your resident portal to see what’s going on in your neighborhood.

Lending a Helping Hand

Creating and maintaining a friendly demeanor with your neighbors can come in handy. Whether you need to borrow an ingredient for a recipe you’re trying out, or you’ve just run out of dishwashing detergent, your neighbors can save you an impromptu trip to the store. And what comes around, goes around! As a friendly neighbor, you’re happy to return the favor when the family next door needs something, as well. Show your appreciation for their giving spirit by gifting a plate of food from the recipe they helped you complete or slipping a thank you card in their mailbox.

Sharing Mutual Chores and Responsibilities

It’s especially beneficial to know your neighbors when you both share similar lifestyles, such as in military housing. For example, if you both wake up at 7:30 am to take your kids to school, you could carpool and switch off every other day. If you water your lawn weekly, you could alternate weeks and water each other’s lawns. If you’re hiring a babysitter on a Friday night, have their kids join and split the cost of the sitter. Sharing these types of responsibilities can make both of your lives more comfortable.

Making Lifelong Friends

If you have children, look for families in your neighborhood with children around the same age. Neighborhood kids can quickly become best friends, as play dates are always accessible with a simple knock at the door. Organize a neighborhood event so all the kids can meet each other and watch the friendships grow from there. This can give your kids something to do after school, on weekends, and school breaks. Instead of sitting at home and spending all their time indoors, neighborhood friendships can encourage your kids to get outside and stay active.

Providing Emotional Support  

Getting to know your neighbors is especially important in military housing. Military life can be hard to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it. Building relationships with fellow military housing neighbors allows you to share your mutual challenges, accomplishments, and everything in between. When you need support, such as during a spouse’s deployment, you know you have a shoulder to lean on right next door. And vice versa - if your neighbor is struggling, they know they can turn to you.

At Lincoln Military Housing, we understand the importance of getting to know your neighbors, which is why we go the extra mile to facilitate these bonds. Neighborhood social events and family-friendly amenities set the stage for meeting new people and strengthening friendships. Whether you need a hand with chores or want to plan a backyard barbeque, know your neighbors for a memorable and beneficial set of relationships!


Yes, neighbours are important....

Getting to know your neighbours comes with a wide range of benefits, including enhanced safety and community events. Whether you need to borrow an egg or need a shoulder to cry on, a good neighbour is always there to help. In both challenging and joyous times, these relationships remind you that you’re surrounded by friendship and support.


Here are some of the most important reasons to get to know your neighbours:

Keeping an Eye on Your Home and FamilyEnriching Your Social LifeLending a Helping HandSharing Mutual Chores and ResponsibilitiesMaking Lifelong FriendsProviding Emotional Support

Hope it helps,

Pls mark me as the brainliest'

THank you

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