What type of figurative language is this? "This trick may chance to scathe you," from Romeo and Juliet.


Answer 1




Related Questions

Choose the most neutral explanation sentence.
O Students always prefer laptops to textbooks.
O Schools should provide all students with laptops instead of textbooks.
Schools are beginning to provide students with laptops rather than textbooks.



Schools are beginning to provide students with laptops is a more neutral approach.



schools should continue supplying students with laptops instead of textbooks because laptops are favored by students.


Which statement most clearly shows how the author uses point of view to develop the character in this story



The author uses first person limited point of view to show the how narrator experience feels like for the winter.


The author uses the first person in describing the experience he feels in winter. He describes the mornings of winter and its beauty. He also narrates that he loves to read the book and have hot chocolate. The narrator tries to create a real feel for the reader about the experience which narrator had in the winter morning.


Read the excerpt from Jungle Book: Mowgli's Brothers.

"Now," he said, "I will go to men. But first I must say farewell to my mother"; and he went to the cave where she lived with Father Wolf, and he cried on her coat, while the four cubs howled miserably.

Mowgli returns to the wolves before stepping into man’s world. This detail best supports which theme?

Hard work can overcome obstacles.

Good always conquers evil.

Families are important.

Nothing lasts forever.



Definitely Families are important.


According to the excerpt, "Now," he said, "I will go to men. But first I must say farewell to my mother"; and he went to the cave where she lived with Father Wolf, and he cried on her coat, while the four cubs howled miserably.¨

Famillies are important

Hi! What do you guys think of my essay for science on why roads should not be built in the rainforest? I would love friendly feedback!

I attached a file below :-)


I would love to read it but there is no file...
(please mark brainliest)


Oh my god, your essay is amazing!

What is fantasy? A good definition



a mental image or a series of mental images (such as a daydream) so created


All journalists must be without bias to be successful.




the answer is obviously true

Write an email to lee about your ideas for a day out


Hi lee,
We should go on a picnic I think it would be amazing!
Many thanks,

B. give your own version (paraphrase) the following essays

it's nature for cleansing and beautiful dreams we have. but how do we be accomplished if we continue to help destroy it? is our desire to improve and restore our nature within the word? who should start for change?​



getting out in nature is a beautiful thing so of beautiful in fact It seems like only something you would be able to see in a dream. but the way humans are destroying the planet It is starting to become something you could only see in a dream. Even though we try our hardest we still end up failing because not everybody is willing to pitch in to help as we continue to tear down ecosystems we begin to wonder If we want to improve and fix the damage we've caused who should start it all.

The pants were a little loose on my father, since he had lost weight.
A. casual
B. formal
C. tight
D. bagels



d: Bagels


It would look nice on your father :)


D. it says bagels but its baggy


it was just auto correct

In 2-3 sentences, describe what it means to be an active listener. What does active listening involve?



An active listener is someone who not only listens but engages in the concept, theme, or topic that is being discussed. Active listeners may also gather information that supports the concept, topic or theme in order to answer questions that they have , sometimes they have questions too.


Fall of the House of Usher, excerpt
By Edgar Allan Poe

The room in which I found myself was very large and lofty. The windows were long, narrow, and pointed, and at so vast a distance from the black oaken floor as to be altogether inaccessible from within. Feeble gleams of encrimsoned light made their way through the trellised panes, and served to render sufficiently distinct the more prominent objects around; the eye, however, struggled in vain to reach the remoter angles of the chamber, or the recesses of the vaulted and fretted ceiling. Dark draperies hung upon the walls. The general furniture was profuse, comfortless, antique, and tattered. Many books and musical instruments lay scattered about, but failed to give any vitality to the scene. I felt that I breathed an atmosphere of sorrow. An air of stern, deep, and irredeemable gloom hung over and pervaded all.

Which of the following statements is most likely true about the narrator? (5 points)

He feels glad to be where he is.
He wants to move into this house.
He feels sad looking at this room.
He is angry with someone who lives here.



He feels sad looking at this room


He feels sad looking at this room


What this is, is melancholy which is a form of sadness for no apparent reason. In the text it doesn't say it was his old room, so then as we can see he has no reason.

What details about his life does Gatsby share with Nick?​



Gatsby shared information about his life because he wanted Nick to think well of him. As Gatsby said, "I don't want you to get a wrong idea of me from all these stories you hear.Explanation:

o change.
3 The president opened the
ay cake was
4 Versace will design then
5 They didn't give me any
6 They produce the clothe:
ve is made
articiple of
Reflexive pronouns; each other
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
reflexive pronoun or each other.
My sister has gone shopping. She's going to
some new nail varnish.
1 Don't worry about me. I'm OK. I can look
2 You mustn't blame
for the
accident, Ellen. It wasn't your fault.
3 At Christmas, my sister and I always give
4 Thank you for the wonderful party. We really
5 Oliver is a very quiet boy. He doesn't know
how to express
6 Our cat has taught
how to
push the door open.
7 My parents have known
over thirty years.
is made
Passive: past, present an
4 Complete the sentences w
passive form of the verbs i
They weren't paid last Frid
1 This suit
for last year's fashion sh
2 If we arrive late tonight
tickets for the show. (no
3 Every year, a lot of oran
from Spain. (export)
4 Next year, the shoes
sive is
the past​


Answer: a for sure

Explanation: step by step

I have a question. If everyone is different wouldn’t that make everyone the same?



no because we unique in our way, even we might look alike to the touch, much like identical twins but there’s always something that sets one person apart from one another. Down to the way that they think, walk, speak, point of view on things even two people read the same exact book, laugh, sneeze and so on. Someone’s hand writing will never ever be the exact same as the person who would have the similar hand writing a thousand years ago. Even that person were alive today, sat in the same chair, had the same pen in their, even if the timing seemed almost perfect down to milisecond that pen hit the piece of paper, it could never be the same and it will never be the same.

wirte a descriptive paragraph about your fovaurite relative 100-120​



My grandpa is one of the most important person I have in my life every Sunday we go out to a restaurant and eat and spend time together he’s always been there for me ever since I was little and we just have this unbreakable bond I don’t know what I would do if he wasn’t in my life it’s so much fun being around him he makes me laugh smile have fun and he always finds a way to brighten a situation One time me and my grandpa went to Florida on a vacation and we had the best time together we went to go see all new places I went shopping we went to go see the beach because I’ve never been to one before I try my best to take care of him because he’s the only one who understands me I love my grandpa with everything you’re always stick up for me and do whatever he can for me yeah we may have got into some arguments but regardless I want him in my life and I’ll never hate him


kon hai yaha abhi. . kaha phasa diya ​





Can you please help me?



of course not you don't help me also thank you dear

Past tense: We saw a shining light at the foot of the cliff so we picked our way through the bracken towards it. Ferns scratched our legs and we slipped on the muddy soil. The breeze that blew off the sea made us shiver. Then we saw, in the moonlight, men who were moving around on the beach. We couldn’t be sure, but we thought they were smugglers.

Present tense: We see a light shining at the foot of the cliff so we pick our way through the bracken towards it. Ferns are scratching our legs and we slip on the muddy soil. The breeze that blows off the sea makes us shiver. In the moonlight, we see men who are moving around on the beach. We can’t be sure, but we think they’re smugglers.

Hope this helps!!

Which of these is a compound-complex sentence?
On the beach near my school, we built a gigantic sand castle.
I bought a model car kit, and I built the model because I wanted to start a collection.
Our school received a special award from the governor because we had perfect attendance.
Some of the kids in my neighborhood wanted to work on community service projects.




The answer is "Our school received a special award from the governor because we had perfect attendance."

Janetta's favorite meal is beans, cornbread, and apple pie.


compound because it has an (and) which make it a conjunction

How can we effectively communicate ideas to an audience? what is hate speech ?


We can tell them the purpose of it first and then how we plan for it to go. Telling them the purpose would grab their attention. Hate speech is used to spread hate about someone or something or to offend someone
To effectively communicate to an audience one should prepare a speech that is compelling and has evidence while also explaining why other's ideas are wrong when it comes to the stated subject. Hate speech is a purely bigoted baised view on a specific idea and mostly only focuses on negative views of that stated subjected idea. It does nothing to dampen the speaker's blatenly obvious feelings as they fail to make their speech impartial to other's feelings. In other words it is a speech that only points out negatives

Can someone give me a hook

Topic: is survival selfish

I’m arguing that it isn’t selfish

Please someone help





its in the name i think its prob a selfish-


You could try to look up a quote to put at the beginning

Or say something like something like Unless you love and take care of yourself, you won’t be able to be there for anyone else, it’s not selfish to live.


How is Kathrine Johnson and, The Women of hidden Figures similar?



Hidden Figures is not that kind of film: It’s a story of brilliance, but not of ego. It’s a story of struggle and willpower, but not of individual glory. Set in 1960s Virginia, the film centers on three pioneering African American women whose calculations for NASA were integral to several historic space missions, including John Glenn’s successful orbit of the Earth. These women—Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson, and Dorothy Vaughan—were superlative mathematicians and engineers despite starting their careers in segregation-era America and facing discrimination at home, at school, and at work.

And yet Hidden Figures pays tribute to its subjects by doing the opposite of what many biopics have done in the past—it looks closely at the remarkable person in the context of a community. Directed by Theodore Melfi (St. Vincent) and based on the nonfiction book of the same title by Margot Lee Shetterly, the film celebrates individual mettle, but also the way its characters consistently try to lift others up.  They’re phenomenal at what they do, but they’re also generous with their time, their energy, and their patience in a way that feels humane, not saintly. By refracting the overlooked lives and accomplishments of Johnson, Vaughan, and Jackson through this lens, Hidden Figures manages to be more than an inspiring history lesson with wonderful performances.

join the sentences using suitable correlative conjunction.
please help, tomorrow is my exam, I will mark brainlest who will answer first.​



the example is in your module...........

Choose the part of speech of the italicized word.
The spider caught the fly in its web.




Caught is a verb, indicates action




a verb is an action. the action that the spider performs in the sentence is he CAUGHT a fly

hope this helped

Noya chose a historian's essay as a source for her paper on the Declaration of Independence.
What is the most likely reason she chose this type of source?
She wanted to study original photographs taken during that period.
O She wanted to understand the events by studying an eyewitness account.
O She wanted a personal account of someone who had actually been there at the time.
O She wanted a reliable academic source that provided an expert's perspective on that era.





took quiz on edge

The writer wants to replace the underlined word in sentence 14 (reproduced below) with a more precise word, taking into account the context of the paragraph.
Because trust and understanding are essential to business things, the feelings of closeness that connect sister cities can translate into economic benefits.
Which version of the underlined word best accomplishes this goal?


Answer: C: agreements

Explanation: I think that’s the only answer that makes sense honestly

(I will give you Brainly if u answer it right!!!)
Using the chart of word roots and affixes, which is the most likely meaning of
the word export?
ex. Out of, from
re- Again, back
In-, im- Not
pro- Forward
de Reverse,
aud. To hear
gon: Angle
dict. To speak
port To carry
scrib, script. To
flex, flect. To bend
-able, -ible: Capable of
-fy. To make
-ion -tion Action or state of
-ous Full of
Hess: Without
A. To put something down
B. To carry something out of a place
C. To stop something from being carried
D. To carry something into a place



d to carry something into place





To carry something out of place

I have to write an essay about whales. But I need help with the introduction, so could someone pleaseeeee help me?


Answer:What I know about whales is that———————-

Explanation:You always start off that way to let them know you know

Starting off an essay you can always ask a rhetorical question but you can also say eg: I know. You need them to know that you know and understand but also need to add different amount of information through using writing structures. If you need any help starting it off just let me know :)


Read the excerpt from “The Strangers That Came to Town.”

Syringa Street seemed to be a friendly street, but from the start the Duvitches were marked people. They were the one poor, struggling family in the midst of a prosperous community. It didn’t take people long to start talking about how different they were.How does the excerpt develop the setting of the story?

It proves that the community dislikes all outsiders.

It shows that the community grows comfortable with diversity as they get to know the Duvitches.

It demonstrates the community is not as it appears based on the treatment of the Duvitches.

It reveals that people in the community are cruel.



The answer is it reveals the people in the community are curled






how does zitkala sa advance her message


I did not mean to answer this now it will not let me go back sorry

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