What two products, in addition to the working light bulb, did Thomas Edison invent?
vacuum cleaner and fountain pen
O phonograph and motion picture camera
O point-and-shoot camera and typewriter
O diesel engine and escalator


Answer 1


phonograph and motion picture camera


Related Questions




20h + 20


5 x 2h=10h

5 x 4 = 20

10h + 20 + 10h = 20h + 20

Compare and contrast the South,West and central Asia in terms of their attire, Accessories/crafts, architectures or sculptures.​





!00 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Were Hitler's and Mussolini's governments mostly similar or mostly different? Support your answer with evidence from the lesson.

Plz answer quick and right!!!!!!! THANK U SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH



Thanks for letting me get some points


True or False: Cuba did not want its independence from Spain


Answer true





Cuba want it's Independence from the Spain.

Which of the following gases contribute to the greenhouse effect?

nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide

carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide

methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon monoxide

carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane



Answer is carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.


I hope it's helpful!


The main greenhouse gases are: Water vapor. Carbon dioxide. Methane.

Hope it helps.

did women in shakespeare england have the sane rughts as wimen in other parts of the world.




In Elizabethan times women belonged to their fathers (or their brothers if their father died), and then to their husbands. Women could not own property of their own. This is one of the reasons Queen Elizabeth never married – she did not want to give up her power to a man.

The only exceptions were widows – women whose husbands had died. A widow was in charge of her own life and property, but would be likely to marry again to find someone to protect her and to be the legal guardian to her children.

Women were allowed to marry from the age of 12 in Shakespeare’s time, but often only women from wealthy families would marry so young. In the play Romeo and Juliet, Juliet is 13, but her mother says by that age she was already married with a child. Many marriages were arranged for the good of the family and small children might be ‘betrothed’ to each other in order to join the families together before they were old enough to get married. Many women did not marry until their mid-20s. Men had to be able to support a household when they married.

Women were not allowed on the stage. All the female parts in plays at the time were played by boys whose voices hadn’t broken yet – the apprentices. In several of the plays the female characters disguise themselves as men – so the audience would have seen a man pretending to be a woman pretending to be a man. This happens in Twelfth Night, As You Like It and The Merchant of Venice.

1. Which country in the West of Europe was 'neutral' before the first World War? It had signed the
Treaty of London in 1839 stating that it could not be brought into any wars and could not be



Turkey was neutral until several months before the end of the war, at which point it joined the Allies. Prior to the outbreak of war, Turkey signed a Mutual Aid Pact with France and Britain in 1939.


Turkey was neutral until several months before the end of the war, at which point it joined the Allies. Prior to the outbreak of war, Turkey signed a Mutual Aid Pact with France and Britain in 1939.

Why did Los Angeles city leaders need to seek water sources outside the city? What do you think were the risks of bringing in water from beyond the city limits?


Los Angeles probably needed water from different cities because they are in a major drought due too the shortage of rain. The risks of bringing water is that the water can contain bacteria and it could also cost a lot of money to bring it and also clean the water.

i really need help! i would really appreciate any help:)


1. Foreign policy
2. Nationalism
3. Sectionalism




the major characteristics of the "Era of Good Feelings are

Foreign Policy.



The “Era of Good Feelings” marked a period in the political history of the United States that reflected a sense of national purpose and a desire for unity among Americans in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812.

hope it helps ;)

why did President Franklin D.Roosvelt call it “a date which will live in infamy”?


The name derives from the first line of the speech: Roosevelt describing the previous day as "a date which will live in infamy". ... Within an hour of the speech, Congress passed a formal declaration of war against Japan and officially brought the U.S. into World War II.

How did the Great Depression impact society?



It affected the economy in a negative way


Due to the drop of industrial production, unemployment rates dropped drastically.

The Great Depression impacted society because it caused many people to lose their jobs. Lack of jobs caused financial issues, which led to people losing their homes and it enabled them to have access to food and other important things needed for survival.

of the following are true about the Populist Party EXCEPT:
It was the only third party ever to have a presidential candidate elected.
It influenced state politics in Texas.
It eventually faded from the national scene.
It supported a popular candidate for president in the 1896 elections.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




a. It was the only third party ever to have a presidential candidate elected.


The populist party which emerged and lasted between 1891 to 1896 had various goals and objectives. The party also won various posts and elections across Congress, Governors, and some other legislative positions.

However, the Populist party did not win the presidential position. The closest they got was in 1892 when they gathered 22 electoral votes and over a million popular votes for James B. Weaver, their presidential candidate.

Answer: A

Explanation: the dude above is right and I took the test

What were 3 major Battles or events of the war?


of what war? the cold war? world war?

A change that is made to the Constitution is called a(n) __________. ratification right amendment election



Amendment, in government and law, an addition or alteration made to a constitution, statute, or legislative bill or resolution. Amendments can be made to existing constitutions and statutes and are also commonly made to bills in the course of their passage through a legislature.


Why didn't China become industrialized during the Ming dynasty?



China’s isolation policy in the Ming Dynasty ended the voyages of Zeng He and the potential for Chinese colonization. As a result, China did not have direct foreign influence and power over foreign land and its source of profit.



1)China isolated themselves

2)China's government controled contact wth ousiders


Ex1: China could not trade goods with other nations for a production.

Ex2: The goverment controled china; therefore, outsiders and western ideas could not influence in merchants and agriculture.

Explain why you agree and disagree: Any individual has the power to change society for the better and for the worse.




because we can put the world together or seperate apart.

What was life like for woman in the 1920's??



it was hard


they didn't get treated right at all and it was normal so no one did anything about it. it was bad. plus all the social norms they had which women still do sadly but they can break them unlike back then if she broke them she was shamed upon by everyone and no man would want her. it was quite bad.

How has the decline of timber resources affected people in Washington State?

It has decreased the ability of the forests to filter water and produce oxygen, affecting the quality of these resources important to humans.

It has resulted in soil erosion, leading to dramatically better water quality in the state.

It has opened previously unsettled areas to human habitation, altering settlement patterns in Washington State.

It has caused unemployment in the state to rise dramatically.





I am in k12 I took the test


A) It has decreased the ability of the forests to filter water and produce oxygen, affecting the quality of these resourches to humans.

George Washington was chosen to
become which of the following at
the creation of the Constitution?
A. President
B. Speaker of the House
C. Majority Leader



A. President


George Washington was the first president of the United States

The answer is A president

Why did Germany have a difficult time in ww1



At the end of World War I, Germans could hardly recognize their country. Up to 3 million Germans, including 15 percent of its men, had been killed. Germany had been forced to become a republic instead of a monarchy, and its citizens were humiliated by their nation's bitter loss.


there you go

All of the following were reasons for immigration except



d i think hopes this helps

D is your answer. I hope this helped you<3

Which phrase best describes the Ottoman Empire?
please help​






B) A Turkish Islamic kingdom that defeated the Byzantine Empire


I just did it on a quiz. Good luck!

The 1830 Indian removal act ordered the relocation of American Indians to




The act ordered the relocation of the Native Indians to the west of the Mississippi River


The act ordered the relocation of the Native Indians to the west of the Mississippi River or B


The act ordered the relocation of the Native Indians to the west of the Mississippi River or B

Do you think that King George was the only target of this letter? Explain your answer. (The question is referring to The Olive Branch Petition)​


When George III refused to read the petition, many Americans realized that Parliament was acting with royal knowledge and support.

Explanation: because they he realized that they were acting with the parliament

The Tenth Amendment states...
All powers not listed in the Constitution are reserved for the national government
All powers not listed in the Constitution are unprotected
All powers not listed in the Constitution are reserved for the Federal government
All powers not listed in the Constitution are reserved for the States



All powers not listed in the Constitution are reserved for the States


The Tenth Amendment states that all powers not listed in the Constitution were reserved for the States or the people.

This was meant to clear any disputes about laws that were not clearly stated in the Constitution.

Which is a key theme of Machiavelli’s The Prince ?

A.) kingships should always pass from father to eldest son

B.) rulers should do whatever is necessary to secure and unite their states

C.) democracy is the highest form of government

D.) nations should be ruled by philosopher-kings who are just and fair



B. Major Themes of The Prince Important Themes Statesmanship and War. Machiavelli firmly believes that the soundness of the state is derived from a powerful military.


He is not an advocate of democracy. The ruler derives his authority and power entirely from his ability to conquer and destroy all enemies—even potential enemies.

In think its b i maybe wrong

Explain what happened in Marbury v. Madison.


The U.S. Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the principle of judicial review—the power of the federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional. ... Marbury sued the new secretary of state, James Madison, in order to obtain his commission.

What part did the League of Nations play in the Manchurian incident?


Thirdperiod 1931 to 1936 suddenly attacked states now taking part in most of its work

Question 12 6.7 pts
North Korea has a Military Supreme Commander with absolute power meaning its government can best be described as what?

Group of answer choices

a democracy

an oligarchy

an autocracy

Flag question: Question 13
Question 13 6.7 pts
Which statement does not accurately describe the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Chinese citizens?

Group of answer choices

The government restricts and censors most aspects of Chinese life.

They enjoy many of the same rights and freedoms as the U.S.

They can only vote for members of the Chinese Communist Party.

They have few rights and freedoms

Flag question: Question 14
Question 14 6.7 pts
In North Korea all government officials belong to which political party?

Group of answer choices

Korean Communist Party (KCP)

They have no political parties in North Korea.

Korean Workers’ Party (KWP)

The Korean Supreme Leaders Party (KSLP)

Flag question: Question 15
Question 15 6.7 pts
All government officials in China belong to which political party?

Group of answer choices

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Chinese Supreme Leaders Party (CSLP)

Chinse Workers Party (CWP)



1. An autocracy

2. They enjoy many of the same rights and freedoms as the U.S.

3. Korean Workers’ Party (KWP)

4. Chinese Communist Party (CCP)


North Korea has a Military Supreme Commander with absolute power meaning its government can best be described as an autocracy.

The statement does not accurately describe the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Chinese citizens is that they enjoy many of the same rights and freedoms as the U.S.

In North Korea all government officials belong to the Korean Workers’ Party (KWP).

All government officials in China belong to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

what are important things to know about Krakatoa?




1.This 1883 eruption generated the loudest sound ever reported in history. ...

2.When the volcano erupted, the explosion fired up hot ash 50 miles into the air. ...

3.Official records held that 165 villages and towns surrounding Krakatoa were destroyed and 132 more were seriously damaged.


Hope this is helpful! have an amazing night or day ! God bless you :)

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