What two basic frameworks for art education do the authors discuss? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

What Two Basic Frameworks For Art Education Do The Authors Discuss? What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages


Answer 1

The two basic frameworks for art education which the authors discusses are, fine art and functional art.

Art education is known to be the expanding field of educational research. So this particular field tends to focus on the candidates learning in order to create art, learning to appreciate or criticize art, or maybe both. Thus, this involves emphasis on imagination, creation and interpretation of art.

Whereas, the fine art, which is also sometimes called the high art, commonly refers to a form of art which is aesthetically pleasing and that takes a certain set of skills. Functional art, on the other hand refers to aesthetic objects which serve utilitarian purposes.

Hence, these are the two basic frameworks for art education which the authors discuss.

To learn more about art education here:



Related Questions

Giotto's Madonna and Child
1. Describe this piece of artwork.
2. Explain the method Giotto used to give the painting a 3D effect.
3. What do some of the elements in the painting represent?
4. What do you find interesting about this piece of artwork?


The infant, who represents Christ, is the painting's main subject since he stands in for humanity's salvation.

Describe this artwork in detail.

Comparing this large-scale Madonna and Child painting by Giotto to versions of the same subject by Giotto's somewhat older contemporaries Duccio and Cimabue, which hang nearby in the Uffizi Gallery, highlights the improvements made by Giotto in the work. While painted 20–30 years after those of his contemporaries, Giotto's rendition of the scene stands out for his masterful use of architectural perspective to represent the throne and the suggestion of a pictorial space that is more accurately representative of reality. The attendant figures, while smaller than the Madonna, otherwise follow the spatial rules of the painted scene.

Describe the technique Giotto employed to create the 3D effect

The crucial trecento Giotto, a Florentine painter (c. 1266–1337), is famous for his realistic and naturalistic tempera and fresco pieces. His inventive painting technique included the employment of pictorial methods to represent space and the painting of expressive, passionate faces.

What do some of the painting's components stand for?

Giotto's portrayal of the Madonna and Child as both a human mother and child and as divine beings had a significant influence on later Renaissance artists. In particular, Filippo Lippi, Botticelli's mentor, developed the human aspect of the scene in his Madonna and Child paintings, eventually reducing the figures' gold halos to simple symbolic rings.

To know more about giotto, checkout this link:



15. Which of the following statements about type and color is true? A. Cool colors are needed to create effective contrast. B. To use a warm color effectively, you generally need to use more of it. C. Warm colors, such as red and orange, recede from our eyes.​


Cool colours can create an effective contrast, especially with warm colours. Here option a is correct.

What do you understand about warm and cool colours?

Colours can give various meanings from the perspective of a viewer. There are colours which depict calmness while some depict anger. Colours can change the mood of a person.

There are cool colours such as green, and blue which give a coolness or calmness to a viewer's mind. There are warm colours such as red, and orange which depict the feeling of warmth.

We can understand that colours are represented through art, emotions and many more. For example in art, we put the colour of the river or ocean as blue which depicts the calmness or coolness of it. Emotions such as anger are shown with the colour red.

There are a whole lot of differences between the colours, once we get an idea of it we can use it in various ways and produce some effective results.

Learn more about warm, here:



Janet is working on a presentation that focuses on a specific period in the history of photography when documentary and photojournalistic photography were in vogue, with important photographic essays appearing in Life magazine and elsewhere and artists and mass media outlets beginning to use color on a regular basis. What historical period of photography is Janet doing her presentation on?

Modern Photography 1900-1945

Digital Photography 2000-present

Early Photography 1839-1900

Contemporary Photography 1945-2000


According to historical records, the historical period of photography in which Janet is doing her presentation is known as Contemporary Photography 1945-2000

History of Contemporary Photography 1945-2000

The Contemporary Photography period is known as the period in which documentary and photojournalism were in vogue. this period lasted between the years 1945 - 2000.

This period started from the coined word made popular by Frank Luther Mott, a famous historian, and dean of the University of Missouri School of Journalism in Germany. In this period he combined the word photography and journalism making the word photojournalism.

This word and period became more popular after World War II and with the use of very fast 35 mm cameras, the Speed Graphic, and later, Crown Graphics at that time, documentary and photojournalistic photography became the vogue, eliminating the cartoon era.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Contemporary Photography 1945-2000

Learn more about Photography here: https://brainly.com/question/13600227


There is a leap in measure 11 oboe line. What are the 2 notes involved in this 1 point
OG to D
OF to C
OE to B
OC to G


A year can be defined as the amount of time it takes any planet to orbit its star one time. A day can be defined as the amount of time it takes a planet to finish one rotation on its axis notes involved in this 1-point leap.

Our planet Earth rotates on its axis in around 24 hours, or one day, and it takes roughly 365 days and 6 hours for Earth to orbit the Sun. Thus, the number of days in our year is not quite 365. As a result, we typically round the number of days in a year to 365. But that one day doesn't go away. We add one day to the calendar every four years to ensure that we account for that additional portion of a day.

Assessment of the Leap Year The leap year occurs every four years, however in certain cases the interval between two leap years was eight rather than four. An illustration is the leap year 1896. The following leap year is in 1904 (The year 1900 is not a leap year). Any year that is totally divisible by 4 (i.e., the residual becomes zero) is regarded as a leap year to simplify the research. For instance, because 1888, 2012, and 2016 are entirely divisible by 4, they are recognized as leap years. Years like 2009, 2019, and so on are not entirely divisible by 4, making them normal years.Note: Although the year 700 is entirely divisible by 4, it is not regarded as a leap year. Logic dictates that any year should always be divisible by 400, not 4, for a century. Despite the fact that 700 is divisible by 4 but not by 400. As a result, the year 700 cannot be regarded as a leap year. For instance, the years 400, 800, 1200, etc. are leap years because they are divisible by 400, whereas the years 300, 700, 100, etc. are not leap years because they are not.

To know more about leap visit:

4. Why are many of today's designers and manufacturers offering clothing in a wider range of sizes?


Today's designer offer clothing in wider ranges of sizes, because it is important to be inclusive to women (and men) of all sizes. It is often hard to find clothing in larger sizes, so designers offer their clothes in larger sizes, so people have that option, without having to look all around stores, and online shopping stores. According to dailytargum.com," When people aren't represented fairly or equally, it makes them question their validity within society." So in my opinion, it is important for companies to do this. Also, they might make better profit as well, seeing as they are able to reach different people of different sizes.

Janet is working on a presentation that focuses on a specific period in the history of photography when documentary and photojournalistic photography were in vogue, with important photographic essays appearing in Life magazine and elsewhere and artists and mass media outlets beginning to use color on a regular basis. What historical period of photography is Janet doing her presentation on?

Modern Photography 1900-1945

Digital Photography 2000-present

Early Photography 1839-1900

Contemporary Photography 1945-2000


Considering the information in the question, the historical period of photography that Janet is working on in her presentation is Contemporary Photography from 1945-2000.

What is Contemporary Photography?

It corresponds to a period of photography in which there is a portrayal of current affairs, characterized by the greatest concerns of society, such as the development of the mass media, use of colors and the portrayal of documentary and journalistic photography.

Therefore, contemporary photography can be defined as an instrument for portraying current society, with architectural and landscape records, for example, to record relevant images with a focus on communication.

Find out more about photography on:



1. The term 'cool' has a significant history. The term has changed significantly in recent times so that now scholars observe that cool indicates narcissism, ironic detachment, and hedonism. Whether true or not, what was the original meaning of the term?

A. Narcissism
B. Composure
C. Atheism
D. Indifference

2. A visual example of popular aesthetic and why

3. A visual example of pure aesthetic and why


I think it’s B I said think soooo ‍♀️

To maintain composure and avoid getting irritated or angry Even though it was obvious that he was being treated unfairly, he maintained his composure. Thus, option B is correct.

What is the term cool relates with Composure?

An even-tempered individual has a calm demeanor and is not readily or frequently irritated, furious, or enthusiastic. Even-tempered is a positive adjective. He's so placid; he'd make a great instructor. You can apply placid similarly.

Mentality that is peaceful and in control; tranquility. He kept his cool among the chaos and fear all around him.

The worst in even the best of us can be brought out by anxiety, worry, and frantic energy. We need to lead in a way that encourages employees to remain focused, composed, and productive today more than ever.

Therefore, Composure is the original meaning of the term.

Learn more about Composure here:



Strengths and Weaknesses of Mordenisation theory



weaknesses: weakness of the modernization theory is its oversimplified view of social change

strength:There are two main aspects of modernisation theory – (1) its explanation of why poor countries are underdeveloped, and (2) its proposed solution to underdevelopment.


Human nature has a propensity to resist change in favour of the status quo. Change is resisted because it brings in elements of uncertainty.

hope this helps!

What genres of photography did Robert Doisneau work in throughout his career?

life, security, sports, and nature

fine art, glamour, propaganda, and fashion

advertising, industrial, street photography, and documentary

military, scientific, commercial, and celebrity


The genres of photography that Robert Doisneau work in throughout his career includes an advertising, industrial, street photography, and documentary. The Option C is correct.

What was Robert Doisneau known for?

He was a French photographer who is most popular for photographing the streets of Paris. He was considered as a champion of humanist photography and with Henri Cartier-Bresson a pioneer of photojournalism.

He is also known for his 1950 image titled "Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville" (Kiss by the City Hall), which is a photograph of a couple kissing on a busy Parisian street.

Read more about photography



After the ornate complexity of baroque music, some composers of the mid 18th century reacted by embracing a simple and light largely homophonic style called?


After the ornate complexity of baroque music, some composers of the mid 18th century reacted by embracing a simple and light largely homophonic style called The classical era.

However, the Classical period was a distinct time in music history that lasted for a large portion of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The late Baroque era was followed by the classical era. Despite adding a new emphasis on beauty and simplicity including both choral music and instrumental music, it preserved many styles from the Baroque heritage.

Classical period music emphasises tonal harmony, single-line melodies, simplicity, and larger ensembles more so than the Baroque period music that came before it.

Know more about classical era here



Explanation about miniature house made with popsicle sticks



Explanation: huh? A miniature house with popsicle sticks... SOund interesting i think that its a crazy idea but sounds kinda of fiction but will be awesome to look at

8 Which BEST describes the average American diet? A. balanced according to US dietary guidelines B. low-energy diet that is high in protein C. energy-rich diet that is low in nutrients D. diet with an excess of potassium and calcium


The BEST  the average American diet- balanced according to US dietary guidelines .

Protein accounts for 16% of the calories consumed by the average American adult who consumes 2,100 calories per day. This standard American diet contains 36% fat, 47% carbohydrates, and 22% added sugars. Of course, not every diet in the United States is the same.

The "Western Diet" is characterised by a high intake of processed foods, refined carbohydrates and added sugars, refined fats, high fat dairy products, and red meat. As a result, it is typically deficient in a wide range of minimally processed vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains.

To know more about average American diet here



Bethany is learning about a very interesting technique that was used in nineteenth-century photography to help make photos last longer. One option was to use special chemicals on the photos and another option used the ink from a:


laser printer.


Bic pen.


Since Bethany is learning about a very interesting technique, One option was to use special chemicals on the photos and another option used the ink from option laser printer.

What impact did photography have during the 19th century?

For the painters of the middle of the 19th century, photography became a renaissance form, undoubtedly influencing the Realism movement of that time. Photography allowed them to make audacious realistic statements with this new medium of art.

Therefore, Daguerreotypes are frequently regarded as the original usable form of photography. The process was developed by Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre in 1839, and even modern photographic techniques cannot match the richness and depth of the resulting photographs. The use of ink from option laser printer will still help Bethany.

Learn more about laser printer from


these are added to a picture to make it look more realistic A.Spaces B. Horizon lines C.shadows D. Sketches


the answer is:

shadows can i please get brainliest

shadows because of the highlights

How can we use our art and design skills to support local business?



You can design logos, or merchandise for them. You can also have a fundraiser and sell your art and donate the profits to them.


Designing logos, murals, clothing designs or helping design their main products

Scholarship argues that “to identify the processes that cause social and health inequalities, it is important to understand culture’s influence” (“Culture and the social context of health inequalities”, Mansyur, 2009, p 86). What do you think? Please provide your opinion on an argument.


The argument that the processes that cause social and health inequalities,  can be known through the understanding of  culture’s influence is that the Cultural Differentiation do affect the development of different patterns of ability of people.

What is the social and health inequalities?

The social and health inequalities can be described as unbalance that can be attributed to the way people relate with their social and health life.

This equalities do take place as a result of how the Cultural Differentiation affect the way people reasoning and this will affect the way they handle things.

Find out more on argument at:



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1: Please use proper English, so that people may be able to answer your question.


what specific genre in popular music would likely be your life soundtrack and why



If any specific genre in popular music was to br my life soundtack I would select pop music. Because pop music makes me feel energetic and and many instruments are used in it which makes their music pleasant.

What is the name of the note on the staff?


Answer: um  i think it's the B. note :)

Explanation: here's a picture to support my answer

btw have a nice day  :)

Scholarship argues that “to identify the processes that cause social and health inequalities, it is important to understand culture’s influence” (“Culture and the social context of health inequalities”, Mansyur, 2009, p 86). What do you think? Please provide your opinion on an argument.


The argument that goes "to identify the processes that cause social and health inequalities, it is important to understand culture’s influence” could be correct because the cultural influence of every society have a direct or indirect impact on their lives.

What do we mean by Health inequalities?

This means the unjust and avoidable differences in people’s health across the population and between specific population groups. society. They are differences in health status or in the distribution of health resources between different population groups, arising from the social conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age.

What do we mean by Social inequalities?

Basically, a social inequality refers to the condition of unequal access to the benefits of belonging to any society. In an equal society, every citizen is equally able to contribute to the overall wellbeing of that society and they are equally able to benefit from their membership within that society.

Read more about citizen inequalities



According to the authors, what are the best kind of books on art for working artists to read? Why?

Bayles/Orland, Art & Fear



Explanation: As artists, we must never stop learning. Living and Sustaining a Creative Life, Essays by 40 Working Artists Paperback

#The Addictive Sketcher.

#365 Days of Art.

#Becoming a Successful Illustrator.

#Fifty Years of Illustration.

#The Sketchbook of Loish: Art in progress.

#Picture This.

#Color and Light.

#Figure Drawing for all it's Worth.

What is NOT one of the ways in which the palace at Knossos is different from Mycenaean architecture?
Tapered columns

Ancient Aegean architecture

Open plan

Post and lintel construction


The palace at Knossos is not different from Mycenaean architecture in terms of b . Ancient Aegean architecture .

How was the palace at Knossos like Mycenaean architecture ?

The palace at Knossos was built by the Minoans, who were peace loving and did not even have militaries . This was different to the Mycenaean who were quite militaristic .

The palace at Knossos was built based on ancient Aegean architecture and the Mycenaean people copied this from the Minoans which meant that their architecture was similar in this regard .

Find out more on the palace at Knossos at https://brainly.com/question/9337569


What do some of the elements in the painting represent?



The elements of painting are the basic components or building blocks of a painting. In Western art, they are generally considered to be color, tone, line, shape, space, and texture. In general, we tend to agree that there are seven formal elements of art.


How did the arrival of Europeans affect art in the Americas



The Europeans brought technologies, ideas, plants, and animals that were new to America and would transform peoples' lives: guns, iron tools, and weapons; Christianity and Roman law; sugarcane and wheat; horses and cattle. They also carried diseases against which the Indian peoples had no defenses.


What question I can ask about plays DRAMATIC CHARACTERS?
what question I can ask about MUSICAL THEATRE?
I also need a brief description for both questions and also a source.





what is the song of solomon also known as?



Canticle of Canticles


Answer: Canticle of Canticles


19. An invisible line on which type sits is called a/an O A. ascender. OB. baseline. O C. X-height. OD. cap height.​


The answer to the question is B. (Baseline)

Main answer:

Ascender is the upper, invisible vertical stroke above the cap height. This line is usually used to mark the extent of specific lowercase letters like 'd' and 'f.'The X-height is the height of the lowercase 'x,' which also indicates how tall the other lowercase should be. The cap height is the height of the flat capital letters in a typeface, such as 'M' or 'I,' measured from the baseline.

Thus, the answer that best suits the question is the B. Baseline.

Learn more about typeface at https://brainly.com/question/11216613


In the United States which occupies the largest portion of land?


Answer: Alaska


2. As the authors describe it, what are the good and bad aspects of competition in the art world?



Explanation: what are the good and bad aspects of competition in the art world? If the artist's work features many strange markings, it is a sign of carelessness and inexperience. Good artwork includes elements that are cohesive and work in harmony.

Answer: Good artwork includes elements that are cohesive and work in harmony.

worst force

The ancient Egyptian civilization is known for:


Answer: Por sus famosas piramides, sus momias y sus faraones


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