What title did Mitchell Palmer hold during the 1920s


Answer 1

He was certain that there would soon be a Communist revolution in the United States, and he needed a platform on which to run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1920.

What position held Mitchell Palmer in the 1920s?

The Palmer Raids, also known as Palmer Red Raids, were raids carried out by the US Department of Justice in 1919 and 1920 in an effort to apprehend foreign anarchists, communists, and extreme leftists; many of these suspects were later deported.

The 50th Attorney General of the United States, Alexander Mitchell Palmer (May 4, 1872 – May 11, 1936), was an American lawyer and politician. He held the position from 1919 to 1921.

Therefore, His management of the Palmer Raids during the Red Scare of 1919–20 is what made him most famous.

Learn more about Mitchell Palmer here:



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Hey not really a question for anything I'm
just try and see if I could get anyone to talk to on here cause I have no one else to talk to​



I'll talk to you for a bit in messages if you want

i can talk for a bit .

How does the chinese government justify its repressive tactics against the uyghurs in xinjiang province?.


Answer: believe that they will succeed in gaining control of Xinjiang by completely suffocating and eradicating any trace of the Uyghur culture through oppressive strategies and unwarranted internment.


The Chinese government justify its repressive tactics against the Uyghurs in Xinjiang province by claiming that its actions in Xinjiang are aimed at countering terrorism and extremism.

What is government?

Government is the system or organization through which a society or a country is governed and its affairs are managed. It is responsible for exercising authority, making decisions, and implementing policies and laws.

The government may be composed of various branches, such as the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, which work together to maintain law and order, protect citizens rights, and ensure the smooth functioning of society.

To counter terrorism and extremism and to be responsible for attacks and violence in the region, the Chinese government justify its repressive tactics against the Uyghurs in Xinjiang.

Learn more about government here:



The collapse of communism in the Soviet Union resulted in the
A. widespread elimination of nuclear arms.
B. end of free markets in former Soviet republics.
C. spread of totalitarianism to Eastern Bloc nations.
D. unification of East and West Germany.


A widespread elimination of nuclear arms

During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus for which main reason?

to conscript citizens into the Union Army

to free slaves throughout the Confederacy

to prevent British interference in the conflict

to keep Confederate sympathizers imprisoned





after typing the question into g0ogle its looks like the answer is D

source- go0gle

President Abraham Lincoln's original suspension of habeas corpus was not legal according to the decision of the Merryman case. Under Merryman, only Congress could grant the authority needed to invoke the suspension clause of the U.S. Constitution.

How was the Mayan form of government similar to the governments in ancient Mesopotamia? Religion and government were closely tied. The leader was always a pharaoh. It was a colonial system. It was a democracy with elected leaders.



Religion and government were closely tied.


It was a theocracy.


Answer: Religion and government were closely tied.


I'm a queen that's WHY

One positive effect of the protests by colonists was that...
O The British lowered some taxes
O The British made new laws
O British opened fire on protestors
Taxes paid by colonists were increased



The British lowered some taxes

Which action was an immediate consequence of the event described in this headline


Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. was an immediate consequence of the event described in this headline

World War I, one of the most horrific wars in human history, began on July 28, 1914, when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. This act resulted in a period of unimaginable suffering. Participation of the Austrian authorities in the murder investigation, prosecution and conviction of the mastermind inside Serbia were required.and other activities that violate the national sovereignty of Serbia. Serbia was given her 48-hour reprieve.

Founded by the Austro-Hungarian Compromise in 1867 after the Austrian-Prussian War, it was dissolved again shortly after the First World War. The Austria-Hungarian declaration of war on Serbia was therefore an immediate result.

DISCLAIMER:This question is incomplete.

Which action was an immediate consequence of the event described in this headline?

A)Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.

B)Great Britain intercepted the Zimmerman telegram.

C)The United States refused to join the League of Nations.

D)The Russian monarchy was overthrown.

Learn more about Austria-Hungary here:



By passing the Stamp Act in 1765, that imposed taxes on what item



The Stamp Act imposed a tax on all papers and official documents in the American colonies

How might an inventory of activities be different from an inventory of objects?


An inventory of activities includes a document of the enterprise recurring activites including remaining maintainance, remaining buy of substances etc

.An organization's stock, that is regularly defined because the step among production and order success, is critical to all its enterprise operations because it regularly serves as a number one supply of sales generation. Although stock may be defined and categorized in severa ways, it is in the end its control that without delay impacts an organization's order success capabilities.

However, the inventory of items is diffrent because it facts especially how plenty stock (items; goods) a enterprise have on hand. The stock of sports special from an stock of items due to the fact stock of sports includes a document of enterprise recurring sports , even as stock of items lets in identity and recuperation of an item.The stock of sports entail the document of enterprise recurring sports, this will be remaining buy of substances.

Learn about inventory:



how did the cold war establish the parameters for economic, social, and political life in the united states in the immediate postwar years from 1945 to 1960?


The Cold War affected domestic policy socially and economically, by increasing industries.

Socially, the intensive rule of the American people led to a retreat of social reforms. Economically, there was an increase in industries related to war which was aided by heavy government expansion. Americans supported capitalist economics, while the Soviets supported communist economics. . The cold war brought about anti-communism within the USA. There was a lingering wave of hatred towards Communism which led to McCarthyism.  Americans became obsessed with identifying communists and chasing them away from America. There were tensions between the two nations at the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union had a conflict due to ideological differences, and the emergence of nuclear weapons also came about.

To read more about the effects of the cold war visit:



The volume of a cone is 62.8 cubic inches. The height of the cone is 15 inches. What is the radius of the cone, rounded to the nearest inch? Use π = 3.14. (5 points)

Group of answer choices

4 inches

2 inches

8 inches

9 inches


Volume of cone = 1/3×π×r²×h








r=2 inches

What is the volume of a cone?

Volume of a cone means the capacity of the cone to hold anything within it.

Learn more about Volume of cone here:



Long playing discs were introduced by columbia records in 1948 and rotated at what speed?.



33 1/3 RPM


How does identity lead to conflict?


Answer: Certain types of identities can cause conflict. For example if someones identity has been heavily reinforced or is highly significant to someone like nationality or ethnicity  that that type of identity can be hard to ignore. Like for example if you see someone in front doing some weird dance you will obviously notice that and you might try to stop the person from trespassing.

I hope this helps!

Who invented the calendar


The name of the person that  invented the calendar is the Sumerians in Mesopotamia.

Who were the Sumerians in Mesopotamia ?

Sumerians in Mesopotamia can be described as one that brought about the invention of the calender, it was recorded that the very first calendar, which divided a year into 12 lunar months, was been traced to them.

It should be noted that this first calender has each consisting of 29 or 30 days however the  Sumerian calendar can be described as the one that is very  different from the one we use today.

This is because the calender that is been used today   usually have its year as  360 days which is the famous calendar in the world today adn it is been used almost all the countries of the world, and it is with the help of the calendar that we can organize our schedule today and it help the world to be able to relate with each other and this made the world to be a global village because one country can analyze the time in the other country.

Learn more about calendar at:



What section benefited the most from the Compromise of 1850? Why?


The selection that most benefited from the compromise of 1850 was the war of 1850 because it was coefficient but the after access was not very league

How did the Intolerable Acts strengthen the
Quartering Act?


The Intolerable Acts strengthen the

Quartering Act as this acts brought more British officials into Boston.

What was the Quartering act?

The Quartering Act was one of the ruining factor of the British government. It raised high the morale of the colonists and led to the rise of nationalism which led to American Revolution.

What did the Coercive Acts do with the colonists?

The Coercive Acts (called the Intolerable Acts) included a new Quartering Act that provided arrangements for providing shelter to British troops in American dwellings. It revived the anger that colonists had felt regarding the earlier Quartering Act (1765), which had been allowed to expire in 1770.

Why did the British pass the Coercive Acts?

Upset by the Boston Tea Party and other acts of destruction of British property by American colonists, the British Parliament enacted the Coercive Acts, to the outrage of American Patriots. The Coercive Acts were four acts series established by the British government.

Learn more about Intolerable act here:



Which of the First Amendment liberties is the most important for a free society? And why?

First Amendment- “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”


A democracy where the people are the government's ultimate arbiters depends on press freedom which is directly co-related to the formation of a free society.

This important freedom is safeguarded by the First Amendment. A free press serves as a watchdog that may look into and report on misconduct by the government.

It is also a thriving centre for the exchange of ideas, giving regular people a platform for self-expression and access to a diverse spectrum of knowledge and viewpoints.

Media freedom now faces additional difficulties as a result of the expansion of the national security state and new monitoring technology.

To know more about First Amendment here:



how did the geographic and historical context of the spanish, aztecs, and inca affect interactions between the american civilizations and the spanish?


The Spanish created a strong coalition with all the downtrodden, subjugated, and frightened Mesoamerican nations, particularly the Tlaxcalans, and were able to defeat the Aztec Empire. The Spaniards could not have captured the empire on their own.

What impact did the Spaniards have on the Aztec and Inca civilizations?

The Aztec civilization is remembered as the last of the great Mesoamerican civilizations before Europeans came. The Inca Empire, known to its citizens as Tawantinsuyu, was the biggest empire in pre-Columbian America. Cusco served as the empire's administrative, political, and military headquarters.

The Aztecs were terrified when the Spanish arrived with horses, rifles, and other weapons. The Spanish also carried smallpox with them. Because the Aztecs had never been exposed to the disease, thousands of people perished as it swept over Mexico.

To learn more about Inca civilization, click



How were the Iroquois helpful in assisting British troops during the French and Indian war?


Throughout the French and Indian War, the Iroquois Confederacy allied with the British. The regions that make up Ohio Country were allegedly claimed by the Iroquois Confederacy.

What was French and Indian war?

The Second Hundred Years' War, commonly known as the Seven Years' War, was an imperial conflict between Britain and France that lasted from 1756 to 1763. In the colonies, it was also known as the French and Indian War. To retain ownership of their territory and the future of their culture, the American Indians fought. The Upper Ohio River Valley was claimed by France. They desired to rule the region and engage in trade with the American Indians. The Upper Ohio River Valley was also under British control.

To know more about French and Indian war refer to:



Why do historians disagree about the number of people who died because of the Black Death


Historians do indeed disagree over the precise number of fatalities caused by the Black Death . Estimates vary as to the number of people killed by this deadly pandemic. Some say 75 million died; others, 200 million.
Because it is hard to get a very accurate death count especially back then

Why did Germany choose to ally with Austria-Hungary?


Answer: To prevent the isolation of Germany and to preserve peace


Don't forget to give brainliest :)

The Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire under Suleiman can be characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

A. religious tolerance
B. conquered new lands
C. brilliant military
D. trading network
E. created alliances
F. conquered Constantinople and renamed the city Istanbul



F. conquered Constantinople and renamed the city Istanbul.


This is not a characteristic of the Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire under Suleiman, but rather an event that happened before his reign. Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1453, more than a century before Suleiman became the sultan in 1520. The city was officially renamed Istanbul in 1930, long after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1922.

what were anti british georgians known as


Answer: Whigs

Explanation: People that normally disobeyed the king were called Whigs and people that were loyal to the king were called Tories

How did plate tectonics and glaciation impact how the Columbia Plateau looks today?


Carbon is buried deep below the surface as the planet's tectonic plates slide and churn against one another, exposing new rock that will absorb more carbon over time. that massive volcanic eruptions can release carbon, resulting in mass extinctions.

What effects do tectonic plates have?

Evidence of interactions and stress caused by the movement of the plates can be seen in the uplift and sinking of land, earthquakes (the sudden release of energy that causes shaking), and volcanic eruptions.

How does Columbia Plateau appear?

The Columbia Plateau is an area of flat land and gently rolling hills cut by the sometimes steep river canyons of the Columbia and its tributaries in a river basin that is mostly mountainous and has steep valleys.It measures approximately 250 miles across and is roughly triangular in shape.

Learn more about Columbia Plateau here:



How was the army set up in the small towns?


With a per capital income of only approximately $8,000 in Jamestown proper, joining the military is considered as both an economic salvation and a means of escape.

How were the tiny towns organized for the army?

He claims that in small towns, one has a closer bond with the people being protected. "They become your motivation for being there when you're getting shot at."

One encouraging sign for recruiters is that many potential recruits in tiny towns like St. Stephen still have a pragmatic patriotism and a strong connection to a community's military past, despite the critiques and difficulties the military has with recruitment. And they feel obligated to remember former Americans who gave their life in the service of the country, whether in the Vietnam War or the First World War.

According to Loren Thompson, a military affairs specialist at the Lexington Institute in Arlington, Va., "the only thing that makes [recruiting] easier for the military today is when there are communities that have traditions favoring military service."

To know more about small towns visit:-



2. In the document, it states, "And our shoes and stockings and clothes and food are in there,
too, and they'll never come out". What is the author saying?


It can be inferred from the text titled "Daddy's in There" that by making such a statement, the author was saying there was no hope for them to ever come into possession of shoes and stockings and clothes and food in the bright saloon.

What is an inference?

An inference is a conclusion reached via data and logic. For example, if you see someone make a disgusted expression after eating their meal, you can deduce that they don't enjoy it.

Making an inference entails utilizing what you know to assume about what you don't know, often known as reading between the lines. Readers who infer use clues in the text as well as their own experiences to figure out what is not directly stated, making the text personal and memorable.

Learn more about inference:

The Albany Congress of 1754 hoped to promote colonial unity. What was its other main goal?

a.to secure an alliance with the Iroquois Confederation

b.to prepare for an expected attack by the Iroquois Confederation

c.to protest new taxes levied by Parliament

d.to plan for an attack on Spanish colonies





To try to secure the support and cooperation of the Iroquois in fighting the French,

money for a man - the value of a person in money





How was the journey to the Wild Frontier of the late 1800s similar to humankind's next frontier journey of traveling to Mars? Consider the similarities in terms of danger, risk, and reward. Write a paragraph of 4-5 sentences


The journey of the wild frontier of 1800 faced difficult and often insurmountable challenges. The land was difficult to cultivate, building materials were scarce, and bad weather, pests, and inexperience often set us back.

What is the American frontier? Also known as the Old West or Wild West, the American Frontier relates to the wave of American expansion into mainland North America that began and ended with European colonization in the early 17th century. It covers geography, history, folklore, and culture. In 1912 the last few Western Territories were admitted as states (with the exception of Alaska, which did not join the Union until 1959). This era of mass migration and settlement, especially encouraged by President Thomas Jefferson after the Louisiana Purchase, led to an expansionist attitude known as "Manifest Destiny" and historians' "Frontier Thesis".America Frontier legends, historical events, and folklore are so ingrained in American culture that the Old West, and especially the Western media genre, has become one of the defining eras of America's national. The American frontier, the advancing frontier that marks the land settled by Europeans in the history of the United States. It is characterized by the westward migration of European settlers from their first settlements on the Atlantic coast (17th century) to the Far West (19th century).

To know more about American Frontier refer to



can someone “SMART” help me with 8. and 9. ?


Answer:for 9 it’s D


it’s about calculating of length of solar year

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