What themes do you predict will be developed in The Outsiders? What evidence leads you to make this prediction?
Look back at the predictions you made about themes that might be developed in The Outsiders. How does Chapter 2 change your prediction, if at all? What details either support your prediction or suggest other themes?

What are readers waiting to find out by the end of Chapter 5 of The Outsiders? What events keep them from learning how the story's conflict will be resolved?


Answer 1


Empathy, they will all learn to step in one another's shoes. The evidence that leads me to this is when Cherry becomes friends with Ponyboy even though they are quite different.


I have read the book, so you need to do the other two.

Happy learning!

Answer 2

The themes that may be developed in the book are the struggle between social classes, the importance of family and loyalty, and the sense of isolation and alienation felt by some of the characters.

What is The Outsiders?

Based on the first chapter of The Outsiders, it is predicted that some of the themes that may be developed in the book are the struggle between social classes, the importance of family and loyalty, and the sense of isolation and alienation felt by some of the characters. This prediction is based on the contrast between the rich Socs and the poor Greasers, as well as Ponyboy's sense of being an outsider and his connection with his gang members.

Chapter 2 reinforces these themes and introduces new ones, such as the idea of innocence and loss of it, and the importance of friendship. The conflict between the Socs and the Greasers becomes more apparent in this chapter, with a violent encounter between the two groups. Ponyboy's relationship with his brother Darry is also developed, highlighting the theme of family and loyalty.

By the end of Chapter 5, readers are waiting to find out how the conflict between the Socs and the Greasers will be resolved and what will happen to Johnny and Ponyboy after they run away. The events that keep readers from learning how the conflict will be resolved include the ongoing tension and violence between the two groups, as well as the uncertainty and danger faced by Johnny and Ponyboy while on the run.

Learn more about The Outsiders, here:



Related Questions

Elie Wiesel once said that anyone who witnesses an atrocity, or an act of inhumanity, and does nothing to stop it is just as guilty as the person committing the act. Those who know and remain silent are guilty of the same offense. To stand by silently is to participate in the crime.
In a paragraph of at least 4 sentences, evaluate this statement. (Remember, evaluate means show whether it is right or wrong.) Explain why you feel the way you do, and give an example to support your feeling.


I believe that Wiesel’s statement is true. While the person committing an act is doing more obvious wrong, those who stand by and let it happen are justifying and allowing that atrocity. It reminds me of the poem “First they came...” by Martin Niemoller, which details how he stood by and did not speak up for those being oppressed because he was not one of them. Then, when he was oppressed, there was no one left to speak up for him. By staying quiet, he and others enabled oppression to happen and to grow, and enabling a criminal is a crime of its own.

Read the lines below

There were ten thousand thousand fruit to touch,
Cherish in hand, lift down, and not let fall.

Which meaning is suggested by the author’s use of language in these lines?

A) The apples signify the number of hours the speaker has contributed to the harvest, as he realizes he still has hours of work ahead.

B) The apples suggest the speaker believes he is good at what he does, despite the fact that many do not appreciate him.

C) The apples represent all of the speaker’s friends and family, suggesting that he did his best to support them

D) The apples symbolize all of the speaker’s life experiences, suggesting that each one requires attention and care



D) The apples symbolize all of the speaker’s life experiences, suggesting that each one requires attention and care


I-ready diagnostic too huh?

The answer is D but someone answered before me

When the writer stays with one main idea from the beginning of the paragraph to the end, the paragraph should have
A) unity
B) sequence
C) disarray





unity is when the writer sticks with the same idea throughout the paragraph

What are two things you could use to make an inference?


background knowledge and evidence
evidence and background information

Two of your best friends tell you that they are planning to go together, and take you along, too, to get a matching tattoo to symbolize your friendship. Your parents have always forbidden you from getting tattoos. Your friends tell you that if you don’t come with them to get a matching tattoo, then you are not a true friend, and they will no longer speak to you again.



well if ur not comfortable doing it then there forcing you to do things u dont wnana do in my opinion thats not good friends in the first place


Answer: Are you okay?


What value does technology bring to people’s lives?

Complete a quick write about the Essential Question, using at least three of the spelling words in your response.



Technology has brought many useful feats to our lives. we can send messages remotely, sometimes even only using our voices. We can set timers and reminders with digital calendars, notes and timers, for things that we would've otherwise missed. It's amazing that a square made out of code, steel, and wires can affect our lives positively.

technology brings value to people’s life by doing different things on it. one of the most important things is making sure your on time so like setting your timer or knowing what day your next meeting is or texting your friend to have lunch. These things are ran by technology.

It Sifts from Leaden Sieves
by Emily Dickinson

It sifts from Leaden Sieves —
It powders all the Wood.
It fills with Alabaster Wool
The Wrinkles of the Road —

It makes an even Face
Of Mountain, and of Plain —
Unbroken Forehead from the East
Unto the East again —

It reaches to the Fence —
It wraps it Rail by Rail
Till it is lost in Fleeces —
It deals Celestial Vail

To Stump, and Stack — and Stem —
A Summer’s empty Room —
Acres of Joints, where Harvests were,
Recordless, but for them —

It Ruffles Wrists of Posts
As Ankles of a Queen —
Then stills it’s Artisans — like Ghosts —
Denying they have been —

Question 1

Part A

What inference can be drawn from "It Sifts from Leaden Sieves"?

A. The snow is beautiful, but also quite dangerous.

B. The snow's handiwork is no match for the beauty true artists can create.

C. The snow can make even ordinary things look regal and fancy.

D. The snow can easily disrupt the important events of life.

Question 2

Part B

Which evidence from the text best supports the answer in Part A?

A. "It reaches to the Fence —
It wraps it Rail by Rail"

B. "It Ruffles Wrists of Posts
As Ankles of a Queen —
Then stills its Artisans — like Ghosts —
Denying they have been —"

C. "It sifts from Leaden Sieves —
It powders all the Wood."

D. "It makes an Even Face
Of Mountain, and of Plain —
Unbroken Forehead from the East
Unto the East again —"



Part A : C, part B : D


hope this helps :D


Part A: The snow can make even ordinary things look regal and fancy.

Part B: "It Ruffles Wrists of Posts

As Ankles of a Queen —

Then stills its Artisans — like Ghosts —

Denying they have been —"


Please help with this



A group of people moving forward in order





Definition 1.

A number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly fashion, especially as part of a ceremony or festival.

"a funeral procession"

Definition 2.


the emanation of the Holy Spirit.

Hello, people of Brainly! I need an answer ASAP! I'm sure it's annoying when people ask for long things, but hear me out. I'll give a ton of points, and the best answer gets Brainliest. If someone answers just for points, it'll be reported.

Chapter 1

"You know, hardly anyone ever needs to do a three-point turn anymore," said Justin, trying to help Becky calm down.

"Oh, so it's not a useful skill AND I am probably going to fail the driving test because I can't do it anyway," Becky said, raising her voice for emphasis. "That should make me feel like a million bucks when I flunk."

Justin was riding with Becky so she could take her driving test. He had volunteered for the job because he thought she would be less nervous with him than with their mom, but so far, he wasn't sure he was making any difference.

"Slow down, your turn is coming up here," he said, looking ahead.

"I know, I know," she replied, "I've been here before remember—the last time I flunked."

Justin was pretty sure if he had let her miss the turn, things would only have deteriorated further, but he wasn't sure he was fond of being the scapegoat for Becky's anxiety.

"Listen, you need to take a few deep breaths," he said, hoping he could help her at least relax a bit. "Being nervous won't help you with the three-point turn or anything else you have to do. Hey, did you just take that turn without your turn signal on?" This was going to be harder than he thought.

"Stop yelling at me," Becky replied, clearly frustrated, "I can't concentrate."

"Look, you need to stop and get yourself together here," Justin started. "It is not just about passing the driving test. I don't want to get in an accident, so pull into that parking lot."

Becky drove into the office building's parking lot where Justin was pointing. Justin knew they were less than a mile from the licensing office, and if she continued in this condition, he'd be having this same discussion three months from now when she tried the test again for the third time.

"You need to get a grip," he started after she put the car in park, "because you have studied and practiced driving all year. You know this stuff inside and out, backwards and forwards. What are you so nervous about?"

"I don't know, I don't know," Becky wailed, resting her head on the steering wheel. "I just get so tired of failing."

Listening quietly as Becky sobbed, Justin realized this was about much more than a driving test. He also knew if he didn't find a way to help Becky things would just get worse.

Chapter 2

Justin took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. Becky was an unbelievably consistent straight-A student. It was Justin who got the bad grades in school, and Justin who had to repeat every math class he'd ever taken. It was Justin who wished he could get the grades Becky got. Some things came easier for Justin: He was athletic, handy with tools, and good at making the best of whatever life threw at him. Mom called him her "lemons into lemonade" kid. But for the most part, Becky succeeded easily, whereas Justin had to work and work to just get a passing grade.

Rather than having Becky catalogue all the things she supposedly "failed" at, Justin decided to try an alternative approach, one that wouldn't remind him of all the ways he had failed.

"Okay, Becky, let's assume for a moment you fail this test again. What is the worst thing that could happen?" he asked.

"I would be the oldest kid at school without a license and be humiliated," she replied. Justin thought he heard a bit of panic in her voice but continued with his plan.

"Yes, but won't we still have to drive to school together for at least one more year anyway?" he asked.

"Yes, but..." she started.

"And who will know, if you don't tell anyone except your friends, that you don't have your license? You know Mom can't afford another car just for you, right?"

"Yes," she said quietly.

"So what difference does it make, really," he said. "Another three months to wait in the grand scheme of your life doesn't seem like all that long, right?"

"I suppose not," she said.

Justin could tell she was breathing more slowly now. "Besides," he said, "I would miss all the practice driving with you," and for good measure he reached over and pinched her arm.

"Ow," she said, hitting back at him, "that hurt."

"So let's go do this, okay?

"Okay," she said. Becky cranked up the car, backed slowly out of the parking spot and drove up to the parking lot's exit. Justin noticed, as they waited for the traffic to clear, that she had remembered the turn signal.

Using both Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of "The Three-Point Turn," write a short essay explaining how Justin is able to convince Becky that flunking the driving test will not be all that bad.



By engaging in communication based acceptance, he reiterates the importance of driving, but also the importance of not giving up even if she were to do bad.



Justin changed Becky's point of view and helped her see that it wasn't a big deal.


Justin was able to convince Becky that flunking the driving test would not be that bad by making Becky instead of focusing on what could happen on what would actually happen. Becky was probably already making scenarios of her own thinking how she could be humiliated for not passing the driving test. Justin made her calm down by making her look at the facts. The reality was that nothing much could change if she didn't or did get her drivers license. Justin made her look at it from a different angle. At first even though Justin was just trying to help, Becky was panicking because she was so worried about flunking the driving test that she was messing up and getting all worked up. Justin could have just kept correcting her and pointing out her mistakes which is most likely another reason Becky was frustrated. Justin was able to keep calm and help Becky notice that it wasn't a big deal she thought it was. He simply changed her point of view.

pls help

Which excerpt illustrates the community’s ‘sameness”?

“He killed it! My father killed it! Jonas said to himself.”

“I have a great honor, so will you. But you will find that is not the same as power.”

“Before my time, before the previous time, back and back and back. We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and id away with difference. We gained control of many things, but we had to let go of others.”

“Sometimes I wish they’d ask for my wisdom more often – there are so many things I could tell them.”



The third one


Yeah I think it’s three too

Please help with this


d. Wow! That was a fantastic way to end the game.

a interjection is an abrupt remark or an exclamation.

She could just make out the row of unimpressive shacks and the flash of raw new lumber. Her smile was admiring from pure relief. At least this grim place was not her destination, and surely the colony at Wethersfield would prove more inviting.

Which word best explains the mood of this section of text?

A. Worried
B. Hopeful
C. Disappointed
D. Peaceful


I would say she is B. Hopeful because this place is not her destination and she wants the colony at Wethersfield to be better than this place.
She is B, hopeful. Hope this helps!!

Write a theme statement in your own words about the two stanzas you read in today’s lesson. Explain the meaning of the verses “Because, for all our power . . .” and “It is the men and women, . . .” and how these verses support the theme statement.


I would, but there's a high possibility what I write will be used. I wish you luck on the theme though :>

A characteristic that is not passed from parent to offspring called?

Adopted behavior

Genetic behavior

Inherited behavior

Learned behavior


the answer is d learned behavior


Learned Behavior


Hope this helps

I do korean pop dance covers and I was wondering if anybody could recommend some songs. My recent one was Im the one (ateez)


Answer: Bicycle by Chugha, IDEA by Taemin, Criminal by Taemin, and lovesick girls by Blackpink


Maybe you can do their new song called deja vu, ITS GOOD

Need help writing a P.E.E paragraph about “ Do you believe that we need Diversity to change and grow as a society?”


Usually I’d be able to help with a paragraph but this is based off of your own personal opinion, diversity is a variety of different things; so just think of it like this “do we need different variety’s of things to grow as a society?” And you should be on a roll after that!

all the questions are using only that 1 article.


Page 1:

Q1:  F

Q2: C

Page 2:

Q1: D

Q2: A

Page 3:

Q1: C

Page 4:

Q1: B

Written Text for Q2:

"Quickly, he realized all the power and strength he had was being chipped and chiseled away, by a humble, lowly stonecutter."

Pls, Help due in 2 days!!!
I will mark brainlist
Please write a topic statement about how structure can help deepen a reader’s understanding of a poem. You should follow the statement with a list of at least three examples from “Skyscraper” and “The Secret of the Machines” that support the topic statement.





>Review the story event.
When the narrator and his brother replace the Duvitches' fish with the fish that they have caught, Mr. Duvitch reacts very emotionally. The narrator sees the similarities between Mr. Duvitch and his own father and realizes that Mr. Duvitch is a kind person who does not deserve scorn.
>Which best identifies the element of plot represented by this event?
>Question options:
falling action
rising action


I would say probably exposition? I'm not sure though

Answer: Exposition...I think...


If you need to select the most successful poem among several you have written, what criteria should you use? (Select all correct answers.)

original figures of speech
precise word choices
character development
similarity to older fixed forms




precise word choices

character development


Please anwser these (give explanation) this is due today! Please and thank you!



4. Is A. and 5. Is D



The answer for 4 is A and 5 is D

Which statement best evaluate the effect of doing alogue in the second
version of the passage
Passage 1
Alex asked what kind of coasters had ridden When I told him I had
never ridden on, he couldn't believe it inside I was tenfied, but my
voice held steady when I told Alex that roller coasters didn't scare me
When Alex suggested wende 10 cars at the park,Ilied and told
him it was fine with me, as the coast of the station with a whoosh
Passage 2
"You've never ridden arler coaster Alex questioned
"Never had the chance. The attendant checked the tension on the
coaster's top bar tried to hide my panic because I didn't want to
embarrassmyself in front of my new friend "These rides don't really
scare me inside I was terrified but my voice held steady
"Good, planta de 10 coasters today exclaimed Alex My
purced faster
"Sounds good to meri screamed as the coaster of the station with a
At makes the passage more suspended by ting something
bag will happen when the story
B. It makes the passage more by shanng the tor's
feelings about the
c. makes the passage more interesting by contrasting the
nations comments this thoughts
Dit makes the stage more exciting by creating are between the




Rewrite the sentence below by using a verb to start the sentence. You may add or remove words, as necessary. Be sure to keep the meaning of the sentence the same.

Bill ran down the street and stopped suddenly.


Running down the street tired, Bill stopped suddenly.


Running down the street, Bill stopped moving suddenly.


please help me
Based on your preview of the text’s features below, what do you predict it will be about? Explain how you made this prediction.


Fearless in Fur,Fins, and Feathers: The Story of Animals in the Armed Forces

Picture of carrier

pigeon transport

courtesy of Photos

of the Great War project.


This looks to be a pigeon messenger with his carrier for his pigeon on his back.
I’d say it’s about pigeon transport.

What is the most important thing a writer should consider when choosing a topic for reflective essay?
A) how frequently the incident occurred
B) how long ago the incident occurred
C)why is the incident important
D) how frequently the incident occurred


I think the answer is C

The most important thing that a writer should consider when choosing a topic for reflective essay is (C) why is the incident important.

What is a reflective essay?

A reflective essay is a form of writing in which an event is described. Some life is shared or the thoughts of an individual is expressed.

The experience in the essay should describe the writers personal ideas, feelings, or opinions about the thing that has happened and how it has impacted the writer.

Therefore, the correct answer is option (C) why is the incident important.

Learn more about Essay Writing on https://brainly.com/question/5012638


Outsider questions (2)

If you can answer them all ill give brainly.



leather jacket blue jeans and white t shirts-greaser

polka dot dresses and frilly sock i think -socs


What type of figurative language is the cats came singing, walking upright, their high voices ringing with sorrowful cries?

A. Hyperbole
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Simile


It’s c. Personification


The correct answer would be C personification.


This is because personification is when you are giving human qualities to non human things. I hope that I helped you. Please mark me brainliest...?!

List the full alphabet backwards. I will give brainiest to the first person to answer,







Select the two words that both end in the suffix -ence and follow the spelling rule above.



I would have to say interfrence and existence.

interference and existence

An automobile factory has a reputation for assembling high- quality cars. However, several new cars were shipped out to dealers that had a problem with the brakes. It is estimated that approximately 10% of the cars assembled at this factory have defective brakes. Five of these cars are shipped to a dealership near your school. What is the probability that none of the 5 cars will have defective brakes? Should the dealership be concerned? Explain.



approximately 10%





Other Questions
write the expanded from of the expression 4(2x-8) In First Night, what is the most likely reason the speaker says sleeping was hard? Use each specified punctuation mark correctly in an original sentence. Em dash: Ellipsis: Hyphen: Find the fourth proportional of 5,9,4 Describe the differences between a geocentric model and heliocentric model. What model is the current Sun-Earth-Moon System based on? I have an important lesson rn so please help me! I might have more questions too1). Read the following passage from the Introduction to Bulfinchs Mythology .We thus see that the Greeks of the early ages knew little of any real people except those to the east and south of their own country, or near the coast of the Mediterranean. Which literary term best reflects this passage?explicit meaninginferred meaninghistorical contextinternal conflict2). Which of the following is another term for schema ?metacognitionexplicit meaningbackground knowledgeinferential questioning Find the value of x in the isosceles triangle below.need this ASAP! Please include an explanation if possible In parallelogram LMNO, the measure of N= 98 and the measure of 0= 82. Find the measure of M. Which of the following could be the equation of the function below? y=0.5cos(2(x-pi/2))+2 y=0.5cos(4(x+pi/2))-2 y=0.5cos(4(x+pi))+2 y=0.5cos(2(x-pi))-2 Tanner and Jordyn were having a conflict on how to divide a potential client list. Both of them really care about the issue and are willing to spend a lot of time sorting out their disagreement. They have already tried to use _____ style but there is only a set number of clients so they recognize each will have to concede a little bit for the sake of harmony and use ______ style instead. Help me please Im being timed Elijah bought a chest of drawers originally priced at $50.40 but on sale for 40% off. After 6.25% sales tax, what was the total cost Can someone please help me with this thx The directive of an essay questiona.Guides the essay responseb. Describes what the essay should be aboutc. Identifies how to start each paragraphd. Guides the teacher in grading the essayPlease select the best answer from the choices providedABD 18. What are the two phases of a cooldown after a vigorous workout?F. cardiovascular & musculoskeletalG. Cardiovascular & respiratoryH. Musculoskeletal & nervousJ. Musculoskeletal & respiratory Choose the correct form of wurden. At STP what is the density of a gas that has a gram molecular mass of 32 grams? 3b.) Nora is buying a used car valued at $22,730. It is expected todepreciate an average of 9.5% each year. Predict the value of Nora's car in6 years.Help ?? Which lines are parallel to 8x + 4y = 5? Select all that apply. A. y = 2x + 10 B. 16x + 8y = 7 C. y = 2x D. y 1 = 2(x + 2) PLEASE HELP, DUE AT 12:00