What support the bridge at both sides?


Answer 1

Abutments are the rudiments at the ends of a bridge that support it.

They absorb numerous of the forces placed on the bridge and act as retaining walls that help the earth under the approach to the bridge from moving.

The bridge members have divided into two major orders the superstructure and the substructure.

Is a bridge erected from both sides?

The arch-style bridge is one of the most ancient, used in the courses of Rome and in designs from the present day. erecting these islands has come more effective with ultramodern technology, but the original design is still so generally reckoned on because of its natural strength. still, it must be erected from both sides.

To learn more about the bridge, click here:



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Which country did Germany invade on September 1, 1939
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Hitler wanted to start the war my using the blitzkrieg strategy and to also regain lost territory in WW1

what was one of washington’s problems when he took office that would have prompted this quote?



George Washington to James Anderson | Thursday, December 21, 1797. "Every post is honorable in which a man can serve his country."


What belief does Sancho Express to Sterne in this excerpt I am sure you will?


In the excerpt, Sancho informs Sterne that he believes Sterne can free other slaves through his work.

Sancho expresses appreciation and esteem for Sterne in the passage.While Cugoano calls for urgent and significant revisions to the laws governing slavery, Sancho humbly requests assistance.Sancho urges dramatic action, whereas Cugoano encourages gradual efforts to eradicate slavery. Sancho speaks to the general public, while Cugoano addresses his audience directly. Sancho demands action now, but Cugoano is more content to wait. Sterne should write a paper defending slavery. It is necessary to release some of Sterne's slaves. Sancho says to Sterne in this passage: Many enslaved people could be freed thanks to Sterne's writing.

To learn more on Sancho:



The item you listed would have cost $2. 00 back then? what a deal! does this mean that item would have been super cheap and affordable for most people in 1950? why or why not?.


This does not mean that this item would be very cheap and affordable for people living in the 1950s because at that time inflation was associated with the price and purchasing power of Americans.

Why did inflation devalue the dollar?Because inflation raised the price of things.Because inflation decreases the purchasing power of Americans.Because inflation makes wages smaller and less valuable.

In 1950 the minimum wage was 75 cents an hour, which made a large part of the American population live on little money.

Inflation in 1950 was lower than current inflation. This allowed the products to be cheaper, but due to the low wages of that time, they were still expensive products and could not be afforded by all people.

Inflation increased over the years and allowed the price of products to increase and wages as well so that it was possible to balance the purchasing power of citizens. For this reason, the prices of products in the 1950s seem extremely cheap when we think of them with the economic resources of our time.

An example of this is university tuition, which in 1950 cost around 600 dollars. This may seem like a very low value if we think about the economic conditions of most American families, but for the economic conditions of families in 1950, this value was very high.

Learn more about inflation:



Why is the differences between Mexicans and African important



-- AAA


explain further please

14. The production of the plaque in Goa is best understood in the immediate context of which of the following?
A. The establishment of plantation economies
B. The spread of printing-press technology
C. The development of trading-post empires
D. The decline of Asian states such as the Mughal Empire​


The production of the plaque in Goa is best understood in the immediate context of the development of trading-post empires. Thus, the correct answer is option C.

What is a plaque?

It is an ornamental tablet, typically of metal, porcelain, or wood, that is fixed to a wall or other surface in commemoration of a person or event.

The Portuguese seamen were the first to construct a plaque manufacturing unit in Goa. Trading Post Civilizations were intended to control shipping lanes rather than control territory by requiring commercial vessels to pay fees at fortified trading stations.

Therefore, development of trading-post empires led to the production of plaque in Goa.

To learn more about plaque, click here:



A hitorian hould ak a many quetion a poible when analyzing ource and conducting reearch. Why i thi important?


The appropriate answer is

To be able to collect appropriate information
To collate resource data
To have valid proof

Please rate as the brainliest

what happened to slave before ,during, and after the American Revolution​



During the American Revolution, many slaves were able to gain their freedom by fighting for the British in exchange for their liberation. The British promised freedom to any slave who joined their forces and as a result, thousands of slaves escaped from the colonies to fight for the British. However, after the war, the British did not fulfill their promise and many of these former slaves were forced to return to the United States as slaves.


How where the Vietnamese treated by the French?


Answer: They were forced to work in horrible conditions in short. They were treated very poorly


The political goal that silla, koguryo and paekche shared was _____.


The political goal that Silla, Goguryeo, and panache shared was the protection of the Koreans.

What is the political goal?

Legislation is proposed, supported, rejected, and created by lawmakers to rule the nation and, by implication, its citizens. A politician, defined broadly, is somebody who aspires to political power in a state.

The Koguryo, Paekche, and Silla were three Korean kingdoms. The Gaya Confederacy, a fourth lesser state, also existed. The three major kingdoms were already at odds all the time.

During the so-called Three Kingdoms Antiquity, which lasted from roughly 57 BCE to 668 CE, several rival kingdoms coexisted. dynasty which brought together the three Korean mainland kingdoms

Learn more about political goal, here:



did mexican war provided an effective training ground for u.s. military institutions and leaders to hone their skills for the civil war.


Despite the fact that the Mexican-American War took place when the American military system was still in its teenage stage. This war served as an essential training ground for the American Civil War, this nation's most significant combat of the nineteenth century.

Of course, the best scenario would be for Wheat and his companions to survive, triumph, invade Mexico City, and stand in the Montezumas Halls draped in glory with shining stars upon our breasts. He came to the conclusion that regardless of the situation, we are triumphant, even in death. How magnificent! What a pleasant thought!

At the start of the Mexican War, George Brinton McClellan, who would later lead the Union armies in the Civil War, had just graduated from West Point. He was eager to advance to the front and battle the Mexicans and mosquitoes in the crowd. He wrote home, "Hip! Hip! Hurrah!" There will be war, for sure! Isn't it wonderful.

To learn more about Civil War please click on below link



Which of these is true of the UK’s relationship with the EU?
A The UK became a member of the EU in 1928.
B The UK uses the EU’s standard currency, the euro.
C The UK does not have the same trade regulations as the EU.
D The UK suffers from high debts and unemployment rates, unlike the rest of the EU.


Answer: C. The UK does not have same trade regulations as EU because:

EU was formed in 1950's not 1928
UK uses pound sterling (Oldest currency in world still in use) not Euros
UK suffers from high debts and more but so does Greece and Bulgaria
This ain't unique to UK

So only remaining option is C

How many people have jumped from Brooklyn Bridge?


Approximately 1,800 individuals have jumped off this famous bridge to their deaths since 1937.

over 1800, only 35 individuals have survived, including Hines. As soon as his fingers slipped from the railing, he immediately regretted it.

October 31, 1920. "Brooklyn Bridge From the Docks." Image 84 on page 12 of the New York Tribune (New York, NY). Historical American Newspapers: Chronicling America.

On May 24, 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge became the longest suspension bridge in the world. The Brooklyn Bridge joins the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn by over the East River. After a late-afternoon mishap on the bridge on May 30, 1883, panic led to a rush, which quickly marred the joy and celebration of the opening. The bridge is still standing and is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States, despite more mishaps and incidents on the bridge garnering media attention for years to come.

For more questions like Brooklyn Bridge visit the link below



which event at the beginning of the war significantly swayed u.s. opinion against germany?


Nearly 1,200 people died when German submarine sunk British ocean liner Lusitania, including 128 Americans. Washington and Berlin's diplomatic ties were strained by episode, this swayed US opinion against Germany.

A British ocean liner Lusitania is suddenly destroyed by such a German submarine off the southern coast of Ireland on May 7, 1915, in the late afternoon. The ship sunk further into Celtic Sea in less than 20 minutes. 1,198 out of 1,959 passengers & crew drowned, included 128 Americans.

The Lusitania was utilised to boost recruiting efforts and as a focal point for British & American propaganda. Germany, however, asserted that the fact that armaments were being transported on board made the sinking acceptable.

To know more about Lusitania:



What are 2 things to know about the Northwest Ordinance ?


The two important things to know about the famous Northwest Ordinance are

1. The western lands that the Confederation Congress controlled needed to be organised in a certain way.

2. The Northwest Ordinance was enacted to guarantee peaceful and orderly settlement of Northwest territory land.

The Northwest Territory was primarily established by the Northwest Ordinance, also known as the Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States, North West of the River Ohio. The Continental Congress approved the ordinance on July 13, 1787, and the United States Congress confirmed it on August 7, 1789, albeit with minor modifications. The Northwest Ordinance's provisions foreshadowed a number of Constitutional and First Amendment provisions, including the prohibition of slavery in territories-to-be-formed states. States included in the United States' Northwest Territory in the year 1787.

Learn more about Northwest Ordinance here:



How can I speak English like a New Yorker?


The actual name for it is The City of New York, and it is a very unique place. The accent and several of the phrases used in New Yorkers' speech are different from those in general US speaking.

You may sound like a stereotypical New Yorker in no time by learning how to pronounce your vowels and consonants, perfecting some words, and practicing whenever you have the chance.

If you want to hear a delicate spectrum of dialects, listen to native New Yorkers, either online or in person. The voice has a rich tone and tends to seem calm when speaking.

People of Italian heritage who live in those places typically have a little bit of an Italian accent mixed in because Staten Island and Brooklyn in particular were once particularly Italian-heavy neighborhoods of New York.

To learn more about New Yorker



What might be one explanation for how scientists are finding horse fossils in South America?



The fossil record shows several adaptive radiations in the horse lineage, which is now much reduced to only one genus, Equus, with several species. Paleozoologists have been able to piece together a more complete outline of the modern horse's evolutionary lineage than that of any other animal


In this assignment, you will complete the following steps:
1. Research: Choose from among three different early civilizations and research
how developments in agriculture, religion, and social structures affected the
daily life of people in that civilization.
2. Analyze: Use your research findings to answer a series of questions about
way developments in agriculture, religion, and social structures affected the
civilization you focused on.


The Chosen three different early civilizations are:

The Aryans civilizationThe Inca civilizationThe bantu civilization

What are the early civilizations about?

The Aryans civilization

a nomadic people from Persia or Central Asia who, starting in 700 BCE, conquered the Indus Valley and constructed cities. They developed an early caste structure and absorbed Harappan farming, habitation, and cult practices.

Animals rearing was the majority of the population's employment, and the quantity of cattle was used to determine prosperity. They cleared the woodlands in order to pursue agriculture. Bronze, iron, and copper were the metals used. Carpenters, potters, spinners, and goldsmiths were occupations that were uncommon.

The Inca civilization

This is a former civilization in Andean South America that flourished between 1476 and 1534 CE. Cuzco was chosen by the Incas as their capital. Due to the enormous and intricate road network that was required by the mit'a system, the entire civilization had it. The sun god served as the primary deity in the polytheistic religion practiced by the highly religious Incas.

There was no extensive trading inside the confines of the Inca economy. Individuals conducted barter transactions. The Incas may have had the most successful centrally planned economy ever. Its success was due to the effective administration of the labor force and the resources they gathered as tribute.

The bantu civilization

The Bantu "started enormous but steady migrations southward and eastward spanning thousands of miles, bringing their language, their understanding of the production of iron, and their experience with organized agriculture" (112 Spodek)

A tribe of people known as the Bantu originated in the lower Niger region. Many of them finished moving to East Africa and the southern edge of the continent between 1200 BCE and 400 CE.

Lastly, The Bantu people were more productive farmers thanks to their iron implements, and they were a powerful fighting force thanks to their iron weapons. They also traded items like salt, copper, and iron ore for the things they needed, were hunters, goat, sheep, and cow herders, potters, and weavers.

Learn more about Inca civilization from


the authors of both documents write about the same event in different ways due to
a.lack of information

b.author bias

c.they are secondary sources

d.one being from the perspective of an Armeni


The authors of both documents write about the same event in different ways due to author bias. The correct answer is B.

People frequently harbor a variety of biases. An author who is prejudiced is simply one who, in some manner, did not pay attention to all the facts, evidences, or build a logical case to support his or her opinions.

In this context, bias is simply defined as when a point or statement demonstrates partiality or preference for a person, thing, etc.

Due to author bias, the authors of both documents present the same event in different ways. When you suspect a source may be prejudiced, when the author's viewpoint is strongly held or skewed, etc that you can usually tell.

Learn more about author bias from



What did America learn from Prohibition?


The things America learned from Prohibition:

1. The Role of Interest Groups in Prohibition

There wasn't much of a push for Prohibition. Instead, it was led by a passionate alliance that included organisations like the Women's Christian Temperance Union and the Anti-Saloon League.

2. People who wouldn't otherwise commit crimes become criminals because of prohibition

Demand persisted even after supply was made illegal. Instead, law-abiding people who were unable to see why drinking beer or whiskey should be prohibited suddenly turned into criminals.

3. Prohibition gives criminals access to markets.

By making the provision of alcoholic beverages illegal, you are only giving criminals access to them because of the ongoing demand.

4. Prohibition Increases the Risks of Activities That Are Already Risky

Prohibition made drinking illegal, which increased its hazard.

To learn more about Prohibition, refer:



What was Wilson's Latin American policy?


Wilson's Latin American policy is explained below:

As soon as they took office, President Woodrow Wilson and William Jennings Bryan, who served as his first secretary of state, rejected the Dollar Diplomacy that had governed American relations with Latin America throughout the Taft administration.

Wilson decided that the United States would only recognize Latin American governments established on law and order, "not upon arbitrary or irregular force," in a manner compatible with his domestic Progressive reform aspirations and his trust in the superiority of American democracy. Wilson was also prepared to use force on the battlefield to show Latin Americans "how to elect excellent men" as rulers. Students will examine Wilson's efforts to engage in this "missionary diplomacy" in Haiti and Mexico, as well as the reactions of particular Haitians and Mexicans, in this lesson.

To learn more about Wilson's Latin American policy:



Which two incidents would a reporter at the democratic national convention in 1968 during the "battle of michigan avenue" have likely seen?.


Answer: Police officers hitting unarmed protesters and Protesters yelling at the police and soldiers

Background of the Democratic National Convention

In the summer of 1968, when the Democratic Party held its national convention in Chicago, it became a scene of violence and police brutality.

The convention followed President Lyndon B. Johnson's announcement not to seek reelection. Other major preceding events were the assassinations of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and the raging Vietnam War.

both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a ___________________ strike.


Both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a rail strike.

Congress, as one of the three coequal branches of government, is ascribed significant powers by the Constitution. All legislative power in the government is vested in Congress, meaning that it is the only part of the government that can make new laws or change existing laws. Through legislative debate and compromise, the U.S. Congress makes laws that influence our daily lives. It holds hearings to inform the legislative process, conducts investigations to oversee the executive branch, and serves as the voice of the people and the states in the federal government.

All eligible voters within a state may vote for Senator. A Representative is elected by only those eligible voters residing in the congressional district that the candidate will represent. The winner of an election is determined by a majority vote. That is, whoever gets the most votes wins. Under the Constitution, the U.S. House of Representatives enacts and passes federal laws. The House of Representatives is one of the two houses of Congress (the other being the United States Senate) and is part of the federal government's legislature.

Learn more about Congress here:



what two groups arrived in large numbers in the united states for the primary purpose of working on the transcontinental railroad?


The Europeans and the Chinese

Is swimming good exercise?


Swimming is a good exercise or great workout because we need to move our whole body against the resistance of the water. Swimming is a good all round activity because it, keeps our heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off our body.

Builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness.Swimming is one of the most popular sports in Australia. Swimming is a great way to keep fit, stay healthy and make friends.

Swimming is a healthy activity that you can continue for a lifetime. It is a low-impact activity that has many physical and mental health benefits. It is a great workout because we need to move our whole body against the resistance of the water.

Swimming is a good all round activity because it keeps our heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body, builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness . It helps us tomaintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs.

Learn more about Swimming good exercise click the link here:



In contrast to the Congressional Reconstruction Plan, what was the focus of Reconstruction under President Andrew Johnson?
answer choices
a). providing economic opportunities for African Americans
b). punishing the southern states for staring the Civil War
c). readmitting states to the Union as quickly as possible
d). protecting the rights of freedmen and freedwomen


In the assessment of the Congressional Reconstruction Plan, option b punished the southern states for starting the Civil war.

In 1865 President Andrew Johnson applied a plan of Reconstruction that gave the white South a free hand in regulating the transition from slavery to freedom and provided no role to blacks inside the politics of the South.

Johnson's plan wasn't as willing to provide as much freedom to newly loose slaves as Lincoln's was. Johnson desired to give the land back to the south in contrast to the RR. Johnson's plan gave less safety to freed slaves than the unconventional Republican's plan. in contrast to the ten% plan, the plan they desired to punish the south.

Learn more about Andrew Johnson here



What is the European front


Answer: The European Front in WWII was a military "theatre" composed of several countries.

Explanation: The countries included were Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Germany.

reconstruction is often characterized as a failure, though there were some successes. what were some of the achievements of the new republican state governments established during reconstruction?


Some of the achievements of the state governments, which was established during reconstruction era includes:

state-funded public school systemsequitable taxation legislationlaws against racial discriminationambitious economic development programs etc.

What was the Reconstruction Era about?

In U.S., reconstruction era tells about the turbulent era following the Civil War, which came with an effort to reintegrate the Southern states from the Confederacy and 4 million newly-freed people into the United States.  Under the administration of Andrew Johnson, new southern state legislatures passed the restrictive “Black Codes” to control the labor and behavior of former enslaved people and other African.

During the period, some accomplishments are the legislature created the state's first public school system for blacks as well as for whites, adopted progressive civil law code, reaffirmed the legal and political equality of the races and ratified the Fifteenth Amendment.

Read more about Reconstruction Era



What group was hit the hardest by the national origins act?


Answer: The Eastern and Southern Europeans (i think)

Explanation: The National origins act made a quota system to limit the amount of migration happening in Europe. This was so until 1965 when the US finally decided to hold off on this quota. I hope this helped!

What does 1 hour of swimming do?



Swimming is an excellent way to work your entire body and cardiovascular system. An hour of swimming burns almost as many calories as running, without all the impact on your bones and joints. Swimming is the fourth most popular activity in the United States.

Swimming is an efficient way to burn calories. A 160-pound person burns approximately 423 calories an hour while swimming laps at a low or moderate pace. That same person may burn up to 715 calories an hour swimming at a more vigorous pace.

It burns any excess fat that your body has reserved for energy, regardless of whether this fat is located on your stomach, hips, thighs, or other parts of your body.

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