What statement about Roman slavery is TRUE? (W3.1.8) *

Slaves could become educated and could gain their freedom.

Slaves in the city had voting rights.

Slaves in the mine were treated better than household slaves.

Rural slaves were usually citizens of Rome that were being punished.


Answer 1


Slaves in the city had voting rights.

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What is Cuba's government classified as?

A. Democracy
B. Dictatorship
C. Federal Republic
D. Representative Democracy​



I think it's Democracy......

Need help Please Brainly to the first person right with reason and 5 Stars



B is your awnser


hope this helps

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the Texas Revolution

states' rights


the fight for Mexican Independence

the Anahuac Disturbancest

the Runaway Scrape

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the Mountains & Basins Region


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the Texas Revolution, slavery,





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about consumption, savings, and production?



In a mixed economy both market forces and government decisions determine which goods and services are produced and how they are distributed. Welfare refers to government efforts to provide for people's basic needs. ... In command economies, the people (in the form of the state) own the means of production.

Hope it helps.

A King or Queen who would consult with members of a legislative body and/or abide by a set of
laws is called:



A Constitutional Monarchy


Example: England.

In England, Queen Elizabeth II is technically still Queen, but the British Parliament makes a lot of the decisions.

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Question 1 options:

GI Bill



Baby boom



Letra cccc eu n tenho serteza mas essa 3a minha a

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A To explore a different part of the United State
B. To gain a better understanding of their heritage
C. To learn how to be civilized





I'd recommend reading the book called Code Talkers. It gives an in depth look at this.

Was John Quincy adams a favorite son of the northeast merchants



I'm pretty sure that yes he was.


John Quincy Adams - From Massachusetts, was the son of former president John Adams. He was popular with merchants of the Northeast.


5. According to the Bill of Rights what rights and freedoms are
established for citizens of the United States


Hdhbd is the time of
Freedom of speech And press religion.

Why do you think that Georgia was slow to change its segregation policies especially in the rural areas?



Because georgia was a main city.


It was a slow to develop especially with the civil rights movment.

How is humor utilized in the song, "You'll be back" and why do you think the writer intended this




I need pointers on writing a 250 word essay on the milestone :1784-1800 Constitutional Convention and ratification, 1787-1789​





go on and use it! it will help! :)

In what ways and why did industrialization spread to other countries?



it spread due to different application of new things starting from the 1800 decades

when making life more easier ,

importing and exporting goods,

industrialization spread to other countries.

becoz industrialization makes our life standard and increases the level of sophistication.


if developed country has produced cotton clothes,then it is demanded over the whole world as it is easier way of clothing. this leads the spreading of industries in other countries.

Based on the source and your knowledge of history,provide two reasons why Roman officials treated Christianity differently than other religions?



The Romans felt threatened, and the early Christians were destroyers of culture and art in the name of their god.


The Romans felt extremely threatened by the defiance of the early Christians because they did not follow the customs of their time and place. They refused to pay taxes to their emperor, and they disobeyed a curfew that was supposed to keep the streets safe at night.

Early Christians were overall incredibly intolerant to other religions (including branches of themselves) that did not worship exactly the way the wanted. They burned the Library of Alexandria which held knowledge from all over the known world, and the destruction of was a cultural catastrophe that triggered the Dark Ages. They smashed statues and temples of other religions. It was laughable that they still wanted respect and tolerance after all monstrosities they had committed against Pagans, Jews, Arabs, and other religious and ethnic groups.

What inspired many Americans to support the United States' involvement in the Spanish-American War?



On April 21, 1898, the United States declared war against Spain. ... The reasons for war were many, but there were two immediate ones: America's support the ongoing struggle by Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish rule, and the mysterious explosion of the battleship U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor.

Hope this helps you

How did The avenue of the dead get its name


The main road down the center of the city is called the Avenue of the Dead by the Aztecs because the mounds on the sides looked like tombs. The Avenue was large at 131 feet (40 meters) wide and 3 miles (5 km) in length and ran north and south in direction.

Answer: I think it's because it represents the tombs of the dead people


How is WWI connected to the Holocaust?





Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights.
True or False





I think it's true because according to me, it is true. and when is ay things, they are true. in conclusion, it's true <3




This is why in Diwali the streets are very bright

Why would the Church want to stop Galileo from spreading his ideas?



Because it questioned the Church's ideas and beliefs. The Church wanted everyone to believe in what they did and nothing else.


The Church was very corrupt at the time

which is Not the supreme deity of Hindus worshipped during bhakti movement
1. Shiva
2. vshinu
3. ganesh
4. durga ​


Ganesh was not the supreme deity during the Bhakti movement

Which would be steeper, an inelastic
demand curve or an elastic demand curve?



A demand curve for a product with low elasticity appears to be steeper, because the quantity demanded doesn't change much, even if prices do. Products with low price elasticity are described as being inelastic


A(n) is an organization that represents a specific group of people with common interests and concerns.



Economic interest groups are varied and for and given issue there will be large number of Interest groups represent people or organizations with common concerns and interests.

President Obama has indicated that the auto industry is responsible for the great recession.



pretty sure it’s true.

John Deere invented the

Steam engine
Steel Plow
Electric telegraph



Steel plow


invented in 1837.

Political, cultural & economic Reasons why a nation would get involved in the affairs of another nation



Appearance, to help, and to secure


Political: countries might want to be seen as wise or powerful when they help another, often smaller and weaker, country.

Cultural: Countries that are similar, or allies might help another country attack or defend from an enemy.

Economic: A mercenary country might send an army of soldiers in exchange for a lot of money

Pls helllp!!

Which was not an impact that television had on society in the 1950s?

A. It provided fames with inexpensive news and entertainment

B. It promoted the development of a common culture.

C. It became an educational tool in classrooms

D. It Communicates the notion that affluence was widespread






the answer is c, because it was not used in classrooms.

How did the Yalta conference cause a postwar power shift between the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union?


Roosevelt of the US. ... The US also terminated their Lend-Lease aid to the Soviet Union before the war ended. US tension started when Russia promised free elections in Eastern Europe and they didn't keep to their word and had a communist government instead.

Globalization is the process of the world becoming more connected. Like any process that involves economic choices, it has positive and negative consequences.

China is one of the world's fastest-growing economies, and it has experienced many consequences as the result of globalization. One severe consequence has been a sharp increase in air pollution.

In an informative essay, describe the effects of globalization on air pollution in China's largest cities.

Use outside research to gather anecdotes and data to help you demonstrate your findings. Be sure to cite your sources on a Works Cited page.



The rise of air pollution in Chinese cities is a direct result of the increased economic activity (and very fast economic growth) that globalization has generated.


This is because China, since the 1980s and 1990s, has become a "workshop" for the world: and industrial powerhouse that produces all kinds of manufacturing products for both the Chinese market, and the world market. In fact, China has benefited from the outsourcing of hundreds of thousands of American and European jobs, mainly due to the lower Chinese labor costs.

This increased economic activity, and the consequent higher rise in energy demand, has resulted in serious problems of air pollution in several Chinese cities. For example Beijing, the capital, often has emergency air pollution levels in winter, due to the higher energy demand caused by the use of heating that is mainly powered by coal energy plants.

Which statements best describe signs of credible sources? Select three options.



That's why it's of utmost importance to make sure that you're using the right websites for your research, with government and educational websites generally being the most reliable. Credible sources for research include: science.gov, The World Factbook, US Census Bureau, UK Statistics, and Encyclopedia


C) The website design is of professional quality.

D) The date is current or appropriate to the topic.

E) The author has valid credentials related to the topic." is correct

Explanation: pls leave 5 star and like UwU TYYYYYYYY

Reforms in mental health institutions, temperance, poverty, tenement living, equal
rights, and education stem from what historical happening in the 1800's?
A. The Third Great Revival
B. Manifest Destiny
C. The Annexation of Texas
D. The Second Great Awakening



the 3rd option


it was a huge problem for the people

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