What Soviet city did hitler want to capture


Answer 1

Stilangrad i dont know!!!!!!!

Answer 2
I believe the answer is Moscow

Related Questions

Describe at least 3 consequences of family separation.



Depression, Suicidal thoughts, and pushing your friends away.


Trust me............ I know these to well

Depression,loneliness,suicidal thoughts

Roosevelt's Executive Order No. 9066.

"Whereas the successful prosecution of the war requires every possible protection against espionage and against sabotage to national-defense material, national-defense premises, and national-defense utilities . . . ."

Which word from the excerpt has a negative connotation?
a) premises
b) sabotage
c) utilities
d) defense





I had this mcq and got it right.

Answer: b. sabotage


Which of the following factors contributed to Hurricane Katrina’s becoming one of the deadliest natural disasters in US history?

Climate change decreased the number of tropical cyclones that form in the Atlantic basin, causing coastal residents to be inadequately prepared.
Heavy rainfall from the hurricane overwhelmed aging levees and flooded areas that were below sea level and populated mainly by families with low incomes.
The hurricane caused a tsunami that flooded low-lying areas all along the Gulf Coast and destroyed most of New Orleans.
Government officials inaccurately predicted the hurricane’s path, leading many residents to remain in the most vulnerable areas.




Explanation: the government did not think it would as bad which resulted in the hurricane taking away many lives,which is why we now have a bigger funded effort in preparation for hurricanes

The warden is a woman with _____ hair and _____ skin * 2 points Grey, wrinkled Blond, tan Red, freckled Brown, pale​



red, freckled brown


Myanmar gained its independence in_________.



4 January 1948

hope it helps

As a candidate for president, which person appealed most to younger voters?
A. George W. Bush
B. Ronald Reagan
C. Bill Clinton
D. George H. W. Bush


As a candidate for president, George H. W. Bush appealed most to younger voters.

Who was George H. W. Bush?

George Herbert Walker Bush was the 41st President of the United States, in function from 1989 to 1993. Younger voters favored George H. W. Bush as a presidential contender.

He was the Republican Party's 46th governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000. He is a Bush family member and the son of former President George H. W. Bush.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about the Bush, refer to:




bill clinton



What happened as a result of the Transconditional Railroad?​


The answer is option A

Consider the chronology described. How could something like the Holocaust
unfold? (2 - 3 sentences)



I Don't Know


Why do you think the Supreme Court clarifies that any language in Plessy vs. Ferguson contrary to the Brown vs. Board finding is now rejected? (No links/files)





1- La fuerza resultante que mueve un acoplado de un móvil es de 600 N. que
lo desplaza por 20 m. ¿Cuál es el trabajo mecánico electuado por la fuerm



El trabajo mecánico efectuado por la fuerza resultante es 12000 joules.


Asumamos que la fuerza resultante del móvil es paralela a la dirección del mismo y que es constante en el tiempo. En consecuencia, tenemos la siguiente expresión por la definición de trabajo:

[tex]W = F\cdot s[/tex] (1)


[tex]W[/tex] - El trabajo experimentado por el móvil, en joules.

[tex]F[/tex] - Fuerza resultante del móvil, en newtons.

[tex]s[/tex] - Distancia recorrida por el móvil, en metros.

Si sabemos que [tex]F = 600\,N[/tex] y [tex]s = 20\,m[/tex], entonces tenemos que el trabajo efectuado por la fuerza resultante es:

[tex]W = (600\,N)\cdot (20\,m)[/tex]

[tex]W = 12000\,J[/tex]

El trabajo mecánico efectuado por la fuerza resultante es 12000 joules.

how did the treaty of sèvres lead to world peace?​



The Treaty of Sèvres (French: Traité de Sèvres) was a 1920 treaty signed between the Allies of World War I ... The Treaty of Peace Between the Allied Powers and the Ottoman Empire. Treaty of ... Atatürk led the Turkish nationalists in the war to defeat the combined armies of the signatories of the Treaty of Sèvres. The 1923


What was the most important part of the economic system in the South?



B. Plantations


The south relied heavily on plantations, farming, and enslaved labor.

which ideology does the United states practice, communism or capitalism



The U.S. is a mixed economy, exhibiting characteristics of both capitalism and socialism. Such a mixed economy embraces economic freedom when it comes to capital use, but it also allows for government intervention for the public good.



The ideology does the United states practice is communism.


Why is the War of 1812 important in American history?



The War of 1812 was one of the most significant battles in American history because it is where the U.S. proved that they were a nation that could unite and fight during battle. The War of 1812 was mainly fought between America and Great Britain with France being slightly involved.

The Roman Catholic Church has clergy and common members called ___.



1. Laity


In his South Carolina Exposition and Protest, John Calhoun argued that---- President Jackson should be impeached President Jackson should be impeached a state could declare a federal law unconstitutional a state could declare a federal law unconstitutional the U.S. Supreme Court had exceeded its constitutional authority the U.S. Supreme Court had exceeded its constitutional authority states should set their own tariff rates states should set their own tariff rates



a state could declare a federal law unconstitutional.


A Constitution refers to a set of written laws and principles which is typically used to determine the power and authority of the government, as well as guarantee the fundamental rights of its citizens.

Basically, the Constitution accords powers to the national or federal government and these includes; enumerated or delegated, reflected, and concurrent powers.

John Caldwell Calhoun was an American congressman, secretary of war, politician, 7th vice president, and political theorist that hails from South Carolina. He was born on the 8th of March, 1782 in Abbeville, South Carolina, United States of America and died on the 31st of March, 1850 in Washington DC.

In order to favor minority rule over a majority rule, John supported concurrent majority through which the minority could oppose or block infringement on liberties and freedoms.

Hence, John Calhoun in his South Carolina Exposition and Protest argued that a state could declare a federal law unconstitutional based on state rights.

what affected the outcome of the amistad case?



On March 9, 1841, the Supreme Court ruled 7-1 to uphold the lower courts' decisions in favor of the Africans of the Amistad. Justice Joseph Story delivered the majority opinion, writing that “There does not seem to us to be any ground for doubt, that these negroes ought to be deemed free.”

:What is one event or factor that led to
the start of WWII?


Answer: Hitlers rise to power in Germany

Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany, marking the beginning of World War II. Over the next six years, the conflict would take more lives and destroy more land and property around the globe than any previous war.

IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER DON'T ANSWERS IT AND NO SCAM!!!(3.01 MC) Compare the emergence of advanced civilizations in Meso and South America with the four early river valley civilizations.

Both the Mayan and ancient Mesopotamian civilizations
A) excelled in astronomy and mathematics
B) existed in desert environments
C) stopped enslaving their enemies
D) worked to grow maize and beans


I believe the answer is D ><

Answer the following questions about the movie, Ruby Bridges, using complete sentences with capital letters and punctuation. What is the setting of the video?



New Orleans, Louisiana


Based on evidence gathered by archaeologists, the earliest humans most likely developed in Southeast Asian Islands The Great Rift Valley in Africa North American plains



The Great Rift Valley in Africa


Based on evidence gathered by archaeologists, the earliest humans most likely developed in the "Great Rift Valley in Africa."

The above statement was supported by discovering archaeological evidence gathered by Louis and Mary Leakey. They found between the 1930s and 1969s that the earliest humans developed in the Great Rift Valley in Africa.

They discovered Zinjanthropus boisei and Homó habilis in Kenya, Africa.

how did working conditions become worse in the late-1800s?




The dangerous machines, unpredictable mine explosions, and pollution from factories led to deteriorating work conditions and health hazards. Children who worked in textile mills and mines, especially in the South were put in dangerous positions.


Many workers in the late 1800s and early 1900s spent an entire day tending a machine in a large, crowded, noisy room. Others worked in coal mines, steel mills, railroads, slaughterhouses, and in other dangerous occupations. Most were not paid well, and the typical workday was 12 hours or more, six days per week.

(Photo above) help please



The population size is important because the government has more soldiers to volunteer / draft. The people who cannot be in the military can work in factories to help war effort.

The railroad helps supplies and troops get transported easily.

Manufacturing contributes by getting the military new and fresh equipment such as bullets, vehicles, and weapons.

Question 2
Pastoral plays took place in this setting.
a) City Streets
b) Country Side
c) Town Centers
d) Courts


country side im pretty sure

The Bubonic Plague was known by all of these EXCEPT ____________. *


all of the following are true of the bubonic plague except

it struck only children and the elderly

Does that work??

When the Confederates won a(n) of battles, more Northerners began to the war. In response, Lincoln suspended and many people were put in jail without trial.



Actions were taken by the government in response to the war protests.


During the Civil War in America, many people from both sides protested against the war as it destroyed the nation image and its identity. People believed that war could only lead to destruction and deaths with miseries for the people remaining after the end of the war. Many people from North and South who opposed the war were jailed with no trial. President Lincoln suspended habeas corpus which allowed a person to protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment.

How did the growth of resistance movements in Eastern Europe lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union?

An internal movement to dissolve the Soviet Union developed.

The Soviet military lost control within the Soviet Union itself.

Greater reforms were demanded and independence spread to the individual Soviet republics.

Leaders were recruited to lead similar revolts within the Soviet Union.


Answer: An internal movement to dissolve the Soviet Union developed.

Explanation: History class confirmed

Which was NOT a progressive reform made in Wisconsin?
A. Equal pay for women
B. Regulation of banks
C. Corporation taxes
D. Graduated Income Tax​


The answer is A

I hope it helps

Identify the items that are part of an individual's personal budget.








Pakistan was predominantly Muslim while
India was predominantly Hindu. Gandhi
believed that the two should coexist together.
What happened that went against this belief?


There was the partitioning of India and Pakistan of 1947.
Other Questions
Passage AOne way to enjoy a healthier lifestyle is to grow your own vegetables. That way, you know they are free from harmful chemicals. Where do you start if you want to grow your own healthy food? Start with the soil.If this is your first adventure in gardening, start small. Choose plants that are easy to tend and that will grow well in the soil you have. Deciding what to grow is the first step and it will help decide how big of a garden you want. Not all plants grow in the same way. You have to consider which plants prefer sunlight and which prefer shade. This will help with picking the best spot for your garden.Once you have decided where you will plant your garden, you can move on to planning your garden's layout. You don't want your tall plants growing next to the shorter ones and blocking out the sun. You also want to make sure there is enough room between the rows to allow for weeding. Proper planning makes planting a breeze.Passage BIt is more expensive to build a green roof than it is to lay asphalt or shingles on a roof, but the trend is growing. The basic green roof requires a frame, waterproof membrane, gravel for drainage, fibrous material to retain moisture, soil for planting, and a barrier that prevents roots from penetrating the building.Green roofs started in Europe and are now gaining a strong foothold in the United States. The largest green roof in New York City is built on the roof of a processing and distribution facility. It is actually the biggest green roof in the country. Being in New York, it has faced snow, rain, freezing, and thawing. It has survived it all.The city of Chicago, Illinois, now has more green roofs than any other U.S. city. There are 7 million square feet of green roofs planted across the city. Toronto, Canada, is the first city in the western hemisphere to mandate green roofs on all new tall buildings. 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Discuss at least one ethical issue related to genetic testing when it comes to privacy and/or reproduction. of you would Write a decimal that represents the value of one $1 bill and 5 quarters how would you write that? Find and interpret the range of the data.The range is___. The prices vary by no more than ___ $ 1. Normalmente, las personas se lavan el pelo en la duchaLgicoIlgico2. Los chicos siempre se afeitan con pastillas.LgicoIlgico3. Si tienes una silla, te sientes. Si tienes dolor, te sientas mal.LgicoIlgico4. Cuando las chicas estn en la juventud nunca se maquillan.LgicoIlgico5. Me visto antes de desayunar. Si hace fro, antes de salir, me pongo un abrigo.LgicoIlgico Segments AB and CD coincide. Vinay concluded: "Segments AB and CD have no angles with the same measurement, so they are not congruent." What error did Vinay make in his conclusion? Choose 1 answer:A. These segments are mapped onto each other, so they are congruent B. 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Lawrence's novels. write a letter to his father explaining their predicament.Amanda believes that Tom's craze for adventure can be foundin Tom's booksat the moviesin his careerthrough travelIn scene 4, when Laura leaves to go get buttershe stumbles on the fire escape, her fall symbolizing her inability to cope with the world outside the tiny apartmentshe is accosted by a mugger, the attack symbolizing her vulnerability to predatory menshe forgets the way home, indicating that she is experiencing the first symptoms of insanityshe has a horrible nervous breakdown, showing how incapable she is of coping with other peopleThe motif of Reality vs. Illusion/Escape can attach itself to all of the following events except:Tom's incessant need to go to the movies.Laura's reoccurring nightmares about her typing instructor.The memories Amanda shares about her seventeen "gentleman callers."Laura's focus on her collection of glass animals and worn out records. 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In 2009 the minimum wage reached about an hour Why is Armin so precious?