what should you avoid to include in your exposition??​


Answer 1


your essay should be in the third person so avoid using the words I and me in the essay

Related Questions

Order the expressions from least to greatest.


2^1+3^1, 2^3-^1, 3^2

Hope this helps :)

after one has completed a bachelor's degree,what are the next Three degrees one can obtain if accepted​


The Bachelet is 4 that’s what it obtains

The next three degrees that one can obtain if accepted are the master's degree, Ph.D. degree, and Postdoc certificates.

Criteria to be awarded Bachelor's certificate

Before any student can proceed to the college where bachelor's degrees are being issued, such student must have completed middle and high school and passed all required courses needed to be conferred a high school certificate.

The next three degrees that one can obtain if accepted

Masters degreesPhD degreePost Docs

Postdocs can extend as much as possible depending on individual interest in academics

Learn more on bachelor's degree studies here: brainly.com/question/22320498

1. Which of the following best describes the Bill of Rights?
A. The Bill of Rights establishes that the United States has
declared independence from Great Britain, and that the
new nation will be governed by the people.
B. These amendments explain how people accused of a
crime should be treated in the United States.
C. These amendments guarantee rights for citizens, limit
some of the powers of the federal government, and
reserve some powers to the states and the public.
D. The Bill of Rights asserts that freedom of speech is the
most important right promised to American citizens.



C. These amendments guarantee rights for citizens, limit

some of the powers of the federal government, and

reserve some powers to the states and the public.


You are playing your favorite video game and suddenly you get transported inside the game. What do you see? What is happening inside your game? Write a short story about what happens next. can you make it among us theme and can you make it exciting and. fun and make it a story dont make a short story make it a little longer story. : ) plsss ​


Okay I think this would be cool too

In Chapter 6, we learn that Genie and Ernie's uncle Sherwood dies. How did he die?
O a ln a fire
Ob In a car wreck
Ос As a baby
Od In the war



D in the war.


on page 104 of the book.

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
Tory was waiting for her mom at the mall, which was going to close soon.
Tory was waiting, for her mom at the mall—which was going to close soon.
Tory was waiting (for her mom at the mall) which was going to close soon.
Tory was waiting for her mom, at the mall, which was going to close soon.





There should only be one comma.

Hope this helps!

Read the sentences. What is the difference between the words mortified and embarrassed?
A. Sam was mortified when he was called to come up onstage during the
B. Sam was embarrassed when he was called to come up onstage during the
"Mortified" is antonym of "embarrassed."
"Embarrassed" is more intense and has more negative connotation than
"Mortified" is more intense and has a more negative connotation than
"Mortified" and "embarrassed" have different denotations.



I think it’s C


n the second and third sentences of the second paragraph, the author implies which of the following about the differences between men and women?





Differences between men and women exist but are limited only to particular attributes.

Women tend to be more contrasted and are more outlandish with stroll up and to talk somebody contrasted with men contrasts among men and women exist.

How men are differnt than women?

In Ancient Greek men were occupied with legislative issues and public occasions, while women were urged to remain at home.

Likewise the Olympic Games were just for men at that point. The women worked at the house cooking and cleaning while men then again got to do numerous things.

Presently everything orientations can take an interest in the Olympic Games. We as a whole can work for similar measure of cash and we don't need to remain at home as a housewife as we are allowed to do anything that we want.

Other than actual contrasts, men and women are different on account of the various parts of affection, Men are solid, defensive, and the firm side of adoration while women are the milder side, seriously mindful, thoughtful.

For more information about men and women, refer the following link:


in gullivers travels, Which country represents what Swift thinks England should be?





In "Gulliver's Travels" we can see that Liliput represents England and the way the writer sees it as England and the English position themselves. Guliver see Lilliputians as full of pride and considering themselves very important, but insignificant compared to the rest of the world. He presents Lilliputians as the smallest race in the world, but big in vanity and full of arrogance.

Which type of sentence is this?
At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, the Americans had no existing army, so
American troops were formed from militia-groups of citizens from the thirteen colonies
who were trained for local defense.



Compound,Throughout most of U.S. history, pants were considered shocking attire for women, but the mid-twentieth century saw increased acceptance of this once-controversial clothing item.


Use "A Baseball School for Big-League Dreamers" to answer this question.
Which sentence correctly describes the organizational pattern used by the authors of the

Please helppppp


What is the question I can’t answer it if I don’t know what the question is. Can you maybe tell me the book? Sorry.

I thought of that old gentleman ... who declared that it
was impossible for any woman, past, present, or to come,
to have the genius of Shakespeare. He wrote to the papers
about it. He also told a lady who applied to him for
information that cats do not as a matter of fact go to
heaven though they have, he added, souls of a sort. How
much thinking those old gentlemen used to save one!
How the borders of ignorance shrank back at their
approach! Cats do not go to heaven. Women cannot write
the plays of Shakespeare.
-A Room of one's own,
Virginia Woolf
Which statement best explains how the rhetorical
device supports the central idea?
The author uses a rhetorical question to make the
old gentleman seem ridiculous.
The author uses an allusion to refer to a well-known
expert, showing that the central idea is valid.
The author reinforces the central idea by
understating the wise thoughts of the old
The author emphasizes the central idea by showing
the old man's foolishness through his use of





The author emphasizes the central idea by showing the old man’s foolishness through his use of overstatement.


D) The author emphasizes the central idea by showing the old man’s foolishness through his use of overstatement.


Got it right on edge

In the text box below,


Main argument

Main supporting arguments

The evidence line used for each supporting argument



Main argument:

Music should be a part of every school's curriculum at every grade level. The reason is because of the benefits that it brings.

Main supporting arguments:

Students would be much smarter and develop skills. It lets children use their imagination.It gives children something positive to do.Music builds self-confidence. It gives children a sense of accomplishment and success.

The evidence line used for each supporting argument:

Argument 1: lines 5 to 7, "A study by the College Entrance Examination Board reported, "students with 20 units of arts and music scored 128 points higher on the S.A.T verbal and 118 points higher in math". A Rockefeller Foundation study states that music majors have the highest rate of admittance to medical school."Argument 2: line 8 -"It provides students a chance to try out their own ideas" according to the California Educator.-Argument 3: line 12, "...on her website "The Musician's Brain" Lois Svard explains how music stimulates "mirror neurons"....help them emphasize with each other. Argument 4: line 16 and 17 -As reported in the California Educator, "it gives [students] self-confidence and a feeling of importance to have a skill someone appreciates. They are also learning how to accomplish something from beginning to end and actually come out with a product that they can be proud of"-


The arguments are at the beginning and the end of each paragraph.

The pieces of evidence that support the arguments are always studies, or things said by remarkable institutions, magazines, or websites that specialize in music, education, and assessment.

We can see that the text does give the reasons and credible prove with each of them, making the text reliable.

Stacey is analyzing this mechanism description of the imaging system for the Mars Pathfinder spacecraft by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):

The Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) is an imaging system that has two camera channels with color capability provided by a set of selectable filters. It was developed by a team led by the University of Arizona, with contributions from scientists and engineers around the world. It consists of three physical parts: (1) a camera head, (2) an extendable mast with electronic cabling, and (3) two plug-in electronic cards, which plug into slots within the spacecraft.

Which statement best summarizes the main idea of this description?
The Imager captures color images using adjustable filters and some mechanisms.
The Imager is a two-camera system that is manufactured using many high-tech parts.
The Imager is a two-camera, color-capable tool that requires specialized parts to operate.
The Imager requires three specialized parts to operate and has color filters.
The Imager is created using advanced technology received from global partners.



C. the imager is two camera,color-capable tool that requires specialized parts ti operate.

Read this excerpt from The Great Fire.

As the rest of the city went about its business, fireman Dorsey was racing through the streets to the closest signal box, which happened to be at Goll's drugstore. He opened the small door on the box and used his thumb to pull down the lever. Dorsey then headed back to the scene of the fire, not realizing that he'd made a mistake — he had forgotten to pull down the lever four times, a special signal that would have made it a true second alarm. At the Courthouse, Schaffer and Brown would hear Dorsey's alarm, but, assuming it was simply another signal telling them about the original fire, they failed to call out more engines.

How does this excerpt support the main idea of the passage?

It illustrates how many mistakes firefighter Dorsey made during the course of the fire.
It demonstrates how the city’s fire alarm system and signal boxes worked.
It describes one of the key mistakes that prevented the fire from being extinguished sooner.
It highlights the fact that Bruno Goll was responsible for the fire and stopped it from being put out.



C) It describes one of the key mistakrs


I got it right on edgeunity

Why do people holiday in the hills, or the beach, or in forests? Do you think it is
because Nature rejuvenates people



people want to spend their holidays in hill,or the beach ,or in the forest because some people are very fond of theses places ,some of them are adventures , and some people wants some new in their lifestyle..

Yes .....

(1) They stopped and turned, looking at each other with a question in their eyes. (2) Molly and Mischa were making their way along the sidewalk on campus when they heard their English teacher, Mr. Stovall, call their names. (3) He was their favorite teacher, as he not only taught English, but also oversaw the school newspaper. (4) They wondered what Mr. Stovall could want to discuss with them, as they didn't have English class until last period that day. (5) When he caught up with the girls, he asked, "How would you two like to be co-editors of the school newspaper?"

Which sentence is out of order in the paragraph?



d is correcttttttttttttttttt

change the following sentence into a question, He invented a way to recycle rubber?​



How did he invent a way to recycle rubber?


ummm, hope this helps...

Which passage most clearly uses imagery?
O A. "You've got the wrong person!" Phoebe shouted at the cops. "I'm
O B. The biting tang of vinegar assaulted Walter the second he bit into
the pie.
C. Step 1: Apply to at least three jobs a day. Step 2: Prepare for the
D. Emotions tore at Guy's insides. Was it O.K. to ask your boss out on
a date?





Q2: Which of the following is capitalized correctly? *
O "That leopard," We were informed, "Is a snow leopard."
O "That leopard," we were informed, "is a snow leopard."
O "That leopard," We were informed, "is a snow leopard."
O"That leopard," we were informed, "Is a snow leopard.



I think and hope it is the first one


"That leopard," We were informed, "Is a snow leopard."

"That leopard," we were informed, "is a snow leopard."

"That leopard," We were informed, "is a snow leopard."

That leopard," we were informed, "Is a snow leopard.

plz mark brainliest thx

March is National Women's Appreciation Month!

I want you to think about a woman - whether a member of family, celebrity, person of importance - who you admire and look up to.

Write 3-5 sentences about how that woman influenced you and why you feel they deserve recognition



my mom


i look up to her because shes sweet ,shes nice,she has nice friends. Also she has nice hand writing.Also she is 6.2 feet tall!

List at least three ways you could use PowerPoint.



Three ways you could use PowerPoint is

1. Make a movie in PowerPoint

2. Quizzes in PowerPoint

3. Animations in PowerPoint


Make a project presentation

Advertise a subject

A presentation

Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 1, of Julius Caesar.

ANTONY. Therefore I took your hands, but was indeed
Swayed from the point by looking down on Caesar.
Friends am I with you all, and love you all,
Upon this hope: that you shall give me reasons
Why and wherein Caesar was dangerous.

What is the central idea of this excerpt?

Antony is pleased to shake hands with the conspirators.
Antony agrees with the conspirators that Caesar was dangerous.
Antony regrets not being included in the conspiracy and wishes he had played a part in Caesar’s murder.
Antony wants them to explain why they believed Caesar was dangerous.
ANSWER is the last one



What is the central idea of this excerpt?

1)Antony is pleased to shake hands with the conspirators.

2)Antony agrees with the conspirators that Caesar was dangerous.

3)Antony regrets not being included in the conspiracy and wishes he had played a part in Caesar’s murder.

--->>>CORRECT--->>> 4)Antony wants them to explain why they believed Caesar was dangerous


Edge 2021


D. Antony wants them to explain why they believed Caesar was dangerous.


The excerpt takes place after Antony has confronted the conspirators right after they had murdered Caesar and has been told that Caesar was too dangerous to be left alive. Antony says "you shall give me reasons why and wherein Caesar was dangerous." Antony is asking for the reason the conspirators thought Caesar was dangerous.

Here's a photo of Edge just incase.

In the town where Jose lives, the city is considering closing off a downtown street to cars and making it a "pedestrian mall." Jose is writing to his local newspaper to say he thinks this is a good idea. Which is the best introductory sentence for his letter?





Look at all your members in your family and describe how different and similar all you of you are from one other. write down a little story to show how unique your family is​



Explanation:This lesson is the third in a series called “Family Tapestry.” One goal of these lessons is to help students recognize and accept differences among themselves and within the larger community. Another is to recognize how each student’s unique family contributes to a richer society. As students begin to understand themselves better, learning opportunities to explore biases and prejudices will likely emerge. In this lesson, students learn the concepts of “same” and “different,” read and answer questions about two types of families, and create a “same and different” graphic organizer that reflects similarities and differences between their family and a classmate’s family.

How does the author convey the purpose in screen time can mess with the body's clock



Scientists long have known that light at night can disrupt that internal clock. And it does so by suppressing melatonin. This prevents the body from getting the message that bedtime is near.


What can be concluded about Zeus?

Zeus is the speaker’s only dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive.
The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive.
Zeus is the speaker’s only dog, because Zeus is a nonrestrictive appositive.
The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a nonrestrictive appositive.



The speaker owns more than one dog, because Zeus is a restrictive appositive.





Why is act 3 scene 1 so important in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet ?



Hamlet suggests that beauty can transform honesty into a “bawd,” but honesty cannot make a sinful woman pure once more. “I did love you once,” Hamlet tells Ophelia, and she retorts that Hamlet only made her believe that he did.


Can you answer this question for me please
1.what can you see in the picture?
2. What do you think the artist is trying to tell us in the painting?
3. Describe the artist character in three words



i dont know just dont dislike


2. Imagine you are being recognized at an awards banquet. You are sitting at the head table
with many other distinguished guests. Why will knowledge of proper table manners make
you more comfortable in this situation?


Answer and Explanation:

The situation described is a formal social interaction. Formal situations usually involve certain rituals, so to speak, or certain rules of behavior. People are expected to dress a certain way, to talk to each other politely, and to have manners at the table. Regarding table manners, formal situations demand a bit more knowledge and etiquette, since different types of silverware and glasses are likely to be used. Therefore, knowing proper table manners helps avoid difficult or potentially embarrassing moments. Others attending the same event are likely to have learned etiquette as well, so it is best to learn in advance and behave appropriately to prevent becoming the center of attention for not knowing which fork to use or for slurping the soup, for instance.

Other Questions
The volume of a drop of water is approximately 0.05 ml. This value is equivalent to:A)0,5 . 10^{-1} ml\\B)0,5 . 10^{-2} ml\\C)5,0 . 10^{-2} ml\\D)5,0 . 10^{-1} ml\\please help i will give 10 points and score as the best! When a hydrocarbon fuel is burned, almost all of the carbon in the fuel burns completely to form CO2 (carbon dioxide), which is the principal gas causing the greenhouse 102 ENERGY, ENERGY TRANSFER effect and thus global climate change. On average, 0.59 kg of CO2 is produced for each kWh of electricity generated from a power plant that burns natural gas. A typical new household refrigerator uses about 700 kWh of electricity per year. Determine the amount of CO2 production that is due to the refrigerators in a city with 300,000 households. PLEASE HELP DUE RIGHT NOW!!!REPASO DE INFINITIVOS1. querera) to eatb) to runc) to restd) to want2. to travela) irb) vivirc) viajard) llegar3. to bea) necesitarb) ser; estarc) enseard) contestar4. comprendera) to restb) to readc) to needd) to understand5. perdera) to comeb) to livec) to closed) to lose6. venira) to liveb) to losec) to closed) to come7. to decidea) decidirb) recordarc) describird) perder8. to learna) comprenderb) aprenderc) perderd) pensar9. to have dinnera) cenarb) cerrarc) pensard) tener10. to sharea) comprarb) correrc) tomard) compartir11. to runa) correrb) cerrarc) creerd) comer12. leera) to eatb) to restc) to needd) to read13. to describea) describirb) escribirc) recibird) decidir14. to opena) irb) dormirc) hablard) abrir15. to look fora) buscarb) tomarc) jugard) cerrar16. preferira) to returnb) to preferc) to needd) to rest17. to worka) viajarb) hablarc) abrird) trabajar18. to remembera) recibirb) recordarc) contard) decidir19. to sleepa) dormirb) tomarc) abrird) correr20. to studya) buscarb) explicarc) estudiard) mostrar21. hacera) to runb) to bec) to god) to do22. cerrara) to loseb) to livec) to closed) to come23. to explaina) ensearb) llegarc) terminard) explicar24. to writea) recibirb) decidirc) escribird) describir True/False questions.25. recibir to decide26. to buy correr27. to arrive llegar28. to need leer29. ir to come30. tener to come31. to end; to finish almorzar32. to show mostrar33. contar to count; to tell34. to eat comer35. pensar to think; to plan36. asistir to attend37. to be able creer38. hablar to talk39. volver to read40. almorzar to eat lunch41. to have breakfast cenar42. ensear to teach; to show43. to live vivir44. tomar to eat45. to rest comer46. comenzar to eat47. to play sports/games cerrar48. to find querer49. contestar to answer hi! i just need a positive, pokmon-go related title for my essay! A black mamba snake crawls along the ground at a rate of 10 miles per hour. Convertthis rate to kilometers per hour. (1 mile = 1.6 kilometer) (You must use a unit multiplier!) Martin uses 6.24 square meters of fabric to make a single blanket how much fabric does he use to make 13 blankets calculate the average speed of a rambler who travels 12km in 3 hours Why do you see objects when you shine a flashlight in a dark room? A. The objects you see are refracted. B. The objects you see are blackened. C. The objects you see are illuminated. D. The objects you see are luminous. Mustang Corporation had 100,000 shares of $2 par value common stock outstanding. On December 31, 2018, the company's board of directors declares a 20 percent stock dividend. This stock dividend will be distributed on January 20, 2019 to the stockholders of record on January 15, 2019. The market price of the company's stock is $10 per share on December 31, 2018. Complete the necessary journal entry to record the declaration of the stock dividend by selecting the account names from the drop-down menus and entering the dollar amounts in the debit or credit columns list Journal entry worksheet Mustang Corporation had 100,000 shares of $2 par value common stock outstanding On December 31, 2018, the company's board of directors declares a 20 percent stock dividend. This stock dividend will be distributed on January 20, 2019 to the stockholders of record on January 15, 2019. The market price of the company's stock is $10 per share on December 31, 2018 Note Enter debit before credits Date General Journal Debit Credit Dec 31 Record entry Clear entry View General journal Help me solve this problem please rewrite the following sentence to avoid gender bias manner. tea lady Which book of the Bible does god originally promised to send the savior (a) Isaiah (b) Matthew(c) Genesis(d) Exodus(e) John Pls helpp I want answer plzz?? 23rd term of -11,-7,-3 in arithmetic sequence Write a letter to your classmate who has just survived afatal accident, describing how the class felt when they haerd the news What do the colors of light combine to make _______________ light. A meat seller bought 250kg of meat fo GHC 224 At what price per kg should he retail it in order to make proft of 25% please help me its due later today simplify the followinga) 5(3a - 45b) 4(a + 2b - 1 What is the length of the hypotenuse?