what role do young play in the economy, and what are their economic responsibilites?


Answer 1


Youth Creating Economies — The knowledge and skills of young people today allow them to create legal economies and navigate the larger economies around them in ways never possible before. Youth creating economies are responsible for creating, designing, producing, marketing, selling, and re-investing in things they care about, in ways they care for. This can change the world in powerful ways by fostering dynamic, disruptive new ways.

Youth as Teachers — Are you a driver in the economy or a victim to the economy? Do you control your job, your income, and your role in the workplace, or does some invisible force? Young people can teach their peers, younger people, and adults about mindsets focused on economics. This can include community workshops for youth and adults, building lessons in how we think into early childhood development programs, teaching educators teach about learning styles and mindsets, and more.

Youth Motivators — Instead of piping false hope across social media and television, young people can promote practical hopefulness to support youth action. Actively building youth/adult partnerships, serving as a mentor, in an apprenticeship, as professional staff, and many other actions can all give young people stories to tell and lessons to share that can change the world.


Related Questions

Which group a that make up political parties are respesented on the passage



Party organizers, volunteers, voters, and elected officials


a popular third party in Mississippi

Why would Rome be so upset about Carthaginian rise in power in Spain if they were using that money to pay the Romans their war indemnity (reimbursement)?​




Rome did this due to Carthage's proven power in the first 2 Punic Wars. Rome feared Carthage and therefore wanted to bring about an end to Carthaginian power. Their spheres of influence overlapped and Rome just could not put up a powerful rival threatening its interests.




I believe it would be C.

please help this is very important i will give you brain thing if its correct and no links pwease <3



It’s the second one, mechanical and electromagnetic

Roberta wonders why her daughter, who recently was diagnosed with social anxiety, is so weak that she cannot deal with social disapproval. This example BEST illustrates: Group of answer choices the RDoC model. the risk of labeling. cultural idioms. the diathesis-stress model of mental illness.



Option d (Diathesis stress model) would be the correct alternative.


A model that somehow discusses the condition, its implications, its effects as well as several disorder-related issues, would be termed as Diathesis stress model.Social anxiety seems to be an illness here as well and apprehension seems to be the result of the whole condition when coping towards social acceptance or cultural recognition.

All other choices aren't related to the given scenario. So the above is the appropriate choice.

What is the correct meaning of the word foretold?
Ben foretold the rain even though there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
waited for
wished for



Foretell - verb

To tell of beforehand; predict; prophecy.

2. What are the similarities and differences between trump and Jackson




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Contract I did the test like a few minutes ago

Which group a that make up political parties are respesented on the passage


party organizers, volunteers, voters, and elected officials

What are some examples of the ways culture





Customs, laws,dress,architectural style, social standards, religious beliefs, and traditions

Athens was the first city-state to adopt monotheism while Sparta remained a polytheistic state Sparta was a militaristic while Athens became known for its democratic institutions. Sparta was open to all newcomers while Athens required proof of parentage in order to become a citizen of Athens. Sparta was a militaristic Oligarchy while Athens became known for its democratic institutions. Which Greek contributions proved crucial to the foundation of Western civilization?



in my opinion there ways of democrcy and they way they treated eachother!!


In what ways has classical Greece had a profound influence on the culture of the West

Ancient Greeks had many contributions to Western civilization, such as art, theater, democracy, architecture, and philosophy. on other cultures. plz give brainliest!! and my in.sta is sk8ercj

Work done by others is a.....





What idea are sociologists MOST likely to support?
A:Culture is biological.
B:Culture is only important for adults.
C:Culture is learned.
D:Culture is reinvented every generation.



c is the answer your lookimg for

Please help this is very important i will give you brain thing if its correct no links please





Wavelength is the distance between one crest and another.

Crest are the peaks, not the lowest parts.

What roles and responsibilities do the media have in reporting xenophobia in a responsible manner in a democratic society ​



Media always has a huge responsibility to perform. Media has to speak for truth. We are living in a global world now; it means many people immigrate to advanced countries. In some countries native people don’t like the foreigners who have settled there legally. At times these native people become violent to the foreigners settled in their country and inflict crimes on them.  

Media should protect the human rights of such people. Media should report such violations objectively. However, in certain countries, there is the problem of illegal immigration, threatening native people’s life in many ways, such illegal immigrants should be sent back to their home countries.  

In both the cases, media should play a responsible role to bring to light what is right.


Consider the research article by Onwuegbuzie (2018) provided in this topic. The article has all the major sections of empirical research (abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, discussion, implications, and recommendations). Without addressing the article's content specifically, how would you characterize the purpose of the literature review section



The purpose of the literature review is to present the entire theoretical background and the research sources that formed the basis for the elaboration of the research.


Whenever scientific research gives rise to an article, one of the most important and essential parts of that article is the literature review. This is because it is in the literature review that the researcher presents the entire theoretical basis of the research, showing what is already known about the researched topic and presenting other researchers and articles that address the research topic through scientific facts. In this way, the researcher shows all the research sources he used, strengthening the article and showing that the research has correct and true information.

. A researcher wants to find out if spending an hour outside every day promotes increases in mood and mental health. To study this, the researcher selects individuals in a specific age group and divides them into two groups. One group is told not to spend persistent time outside. The other group is instructed to spend an hour of uninterrupted time outside. This model would best reflect a _________________ design.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question. However, trying to help you we can comment on the following.

A researcher wants to find out if spending an hour outside every day promotes increases in mood and mental health. To study this, the researcher selects individuals in a specific age group and divides them into two groups. One group is told not to spend persistent time outside. The other group is instructed to spend an hour of uninterrupted time outside. This model would best reflect an Experimental design.

Let's remember that in psychology or sociology, experimental design means that the people who participate in the experiment are grouped into different teams or sides

Most of the time, researchers split the participants into two groups because one group is the so-called control group and the experimental group. All the variables are introduced into the experimental group to find the results.

Professor T. has a reputation for not covering very much material in his course, giving high-school-type exams that consist of spitting back memorized definitions, and being an easy grader. After several years, he discovers that a large percentage of the students who sign up for his course are only looking for the easiest way to get a high grade and are uninterested in learning the subject. This is an example of:


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The fact that Profesor "T" discovered that a large percentage of the students who sign up for his course are only looking for the easiest way to get a high grade and are uninterested in learning the subject is an example of the Principle of least effort.

The Principle of least effort is a theory that proposes that humans are always looking for the easiest ways to do things or those things that require less effort to accomplish things.

It says that individuals do not like to effort and thrive. For people, the easiest way, the better.

That is why students, knowing the reputation of professor "T" of being an easy grader, sign up for his course only looking for the easiest way to get a high grade and are uninterested in learning the subject.

What are the similarities and differences between trump and Andrew Jackson



Differences: Jackson was different. No one like him had ever served as president. He made executive decisions based on his personal beliefs and did what he could to protect the common man. Jackson, who survived diseases like smallpox, malaria, dysentery, rheumatism and dropsy and endured physical disability most of his adult life after being shot in the chest during a duel, was just shy of Mr. Trump in stature, standing 6-foot-1. But Jackson was far thinner, with estimates between 145 pounds and 154 pounds, putting his body mass index at 20 or lower.

Similarities: Both Jackson and Trump also ran on campaigns to weed out corruption in government. On this count, the comparison produces mixed results. While Trump has yet to take office, early indications are that his promise to “drain the swamp” of Washington corruption has fallen by the wayside

If you can't tell who wrote an article, essay, or study, you should generally...


Not read it or take info from it because there’s no proof of its credibility

Choose the word from each sentence that matches its description.

The falling snow covered the Rocky Mountains.

Participle used as an adjective modifier:_______

Proper noun: ______

Common noun: ______



1. Falling
2. Rocky Mountains
3. Snow
4. Covered

Explain how energy flows from the Sun a it is transferred along the food chain through the producers to the consumers.


Answer: Producers use solar energy from the sun to make glucose (to provide themselves with nutrients to grow) through photosynthesis. Consumers then eat the producers and therefore absorb energy stored in the producers (the glucose made from the sun’s rays).

Define the term pressure?

please answer me....​



Pressure is defined as a measure of the force applied over a unit area. Pressure is often expressed in units of Pascals (Pa), newtons per square meter (N/m2 or kg/m·s2), or pounds per square inch

plz bark brainliest+  thanks


hi there


your answer

when a object get physical force exerted on an object

extra knowledge-basic formula is f/a(force per unit area )

thanks you for brainliest follow me

Kennedy and Adolphs, in their article about stress in the city, reported two findings in which activity in the brain was associated (in a bad way) with different aspects of city life. One finding was that activation of the amygdala correlated with the size of the city in which an individual currently resided. Another finding involved a different area of the brain and its association with
1) the length of time a person had lived in a large city during childhood.
2) the population density of one's current geographic residence.
3) the region of origin of a person's mother.
4) the region in which one lived from age 18-21 years old.


Answer: The population density of one's current geographic residence.


Daniel Kennedy and Ralph Adolphs, both from the California Institute of Technology, noted in an essay published in the same issue of Nature.

Kennedy and Adolphs noted that city populations might, to a certain extent, be a self-selecting population. "There are wide variations in individuals' preferences for, and ability to cope with, city life: some thrive in New York City; others would happily swap it for a desert island," they wrote in their essay. One key reason for this might be "the perceived degree of control that people have over their daily lives."

Kennedy and Adolphs Also suggested future work focusing on ways of "softening" the urban landscape via better architecture and urban planning.

Even though city dwellers showed differences in their brains, their levels of the stress hormone cortisol was on par with their rural peers.

Social threat, lack of control and subordination are all likely candidates for mediating the stressful effects of city life, and probably account for much of the individual differences."

Dr Daniel Kennedy and Prof Ralph Adolphs, both at the California Institute of Technology, said that there are wide variations in a people's preferences for, and ability to cope with, city life.

A researcher wants to statistically test whether there are gender differences in participant responses to stress. The researcher exposed all participants to five stress conditions (no stress, public speaking stress, heat stress, cold stress, noise stress). The researcher hypothesized that participants' stress levels, as measured by salivary cortisol levels, would be affected by type of stress and by gender differences. What are the independent and dependent variables in the study



Independent variable ⇒ Gender Dependent variable ⇒ Stress levels


The independent variable is the one that is manipulated in an experiment to see whether it will have an effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable therefore changes when the independent variable is manipulated which means that it is dependent on the effects of the independent variable.

In this scenario, the gender is the independent variable and stress levels are the dependent variable. Gender is being manipulated by being changed from gender to gender to see if it will have an effect on the stress level experienced by a participant of a certain gender.

What resource does North Korea have in greater abundance than Japan or South Korea? Responses A. minerals B. skilled labor C. farmland D. lumber



minerals i think


Choose the items that CORRECTLY describe a step in the juvenile justice system.

A grand jury must decide if a juvenile is to be charged with a crime.
Detained juveniles must have a hearing within 72 hours.
When a juvenile is taken into custody, he/she is turned over to an "intake officer" who investigates the case.
A "Disposition Hearing" is held to determine the punishment for a juvenile.
Juveniles found guilty of a crime must be sent to "boot camp" or "YDC."


Answer: m-middle 3 bbg ❤️


Because I said so

When a juvenile is taken into custody, he/she is turned over to an "intake officer" who investigates the case: describe a step in the juvenile justice system. Thus, option C is the correct option.

What is the purpose of the juvenile justice system?

In the United States, juvenile justice refers to a collection of state and municipal court-based systems that are designed to assist young people who come into contact with law enforcement and are charged with breaking the law. Juvenile courts hear those cases as part of the legal process to determine if the kid violated the law and, if so, to determine the proper course of action.

To defend residents and the neighbourhood against juvenile offenders. to make juvenile offenders responsible for their misdeeds. To offer tailored evaluations to rehabilitate and avoid more delinquent conduct via the development of educational, occupational, social, emotional, and fundamental life skills that enable adolescents to grow and mature.

Learn more about the juvenile justice system here:



list Five characteristic of features
which makes your school a formal social group ​


1. People
2. Group projects
3. Discussions
4. Clumped tables or one shared table
5. Participation

You are watching a movie in which the main character agrees to be hypnotized. The hypnotist suggests that the character focus on an object and then suggests that he is getting sleepy. Then the character, while hypnotized, engages in a criminal act. What is your educated response to this depiction of hypnosis



People who are hypnotized keep to their standards of morality.


The hypnotist suggests that the character should focus on an object and then he is getting sleepy. The people who are hypnotized should keep their standards of morality.

What do you mean by hypnotized?

A hypnotize refers to capturing the whole attention of someone.

According to the given case, hypnosis can modify people's perception of pain. Hypnosis tends to be more effective in addressing problems related to mind-body interactions.

Therefore, people who are hypnotized can keep their standards of morality.

Learn more about hypnotized here:



Pls helppppppppppppppppppppp





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