What river became Georgia's western border as a result of the Yazoo Land Fraud?


Answer 1

The Yazoo Land Frauds of 1789 and 1795 affected the portions of Georgia that today make up the states of Alabama and Mississippi, extending north from the thirty-first parallel to the Tennessee state line and west from the Chattahoochee River to the Mississippi River.

Yazoo land swindle, a plot by which Georgia legislators were bought off in 1795 to sell four land firms $500,000 worth of Georgia's western claims, the majority of which is now the state of Mississippi, well below its actual market value. Anger at the Yazoo Act and the trading that went on behind it spread throughout the state, which led to a significant change in the composition of the legislature in the 1796 election.

The act was swiftly overturned by the incoming legislature, who also gave the money back. But by this time, much of the land had been resold to outsiders, who turned down the state's money and clung to their ownership of the region.

Learn more about Yazoo land fraud: https://brainly.com/question/14417071


Related Questions

pleaseee helpppppppp
Abolition OF SLAVERY
Why do you think slavery ended in England before the United States? Why was it so much easier to end the slave trade rather than to end slavery itself? How did the British antislavery movement aid the American abolitionists?


Slavery's ethical concern is the most obvious reason for abolition. As the world's largest Christian empire at the time, many of Britain's rulers saw it as their duty to uphold and enforce Christian dogma.

If we hear anything about Britain's involvement in slavery, there's often a whiff of self-congratulation - for abolishing it in 1833, 32 years ahead of the United States, where the legacy of slavery remains an open wound.

Former slaves would now be classified as "labor," increasing the labor stock dramatically, even on a per capita basis. In any case, the abolition of slavery made America a much more productive and thus richer country.

To know more about the abolition of slavery here



The definition of an allusion is... *
A character in a story who causes all the conflict
A historical person, place, or situation an author refers to in a text
The conflict resolution at the end of a story
An inference a reader makes about how a story will end


Answer: a kind of character based on certain characteristics; this character can show up in many different stories


author refers to in a text

The conflict resolution at the end of a story


In this cartoon in favor of American intervention in the imperialism or against American imperialism


A territory should be allowed to exercise more self-government the closer it was acquired.

What does the cartoon's dove represent?

Political cartoon symbols include: Dove, olive branch, and victory sign for peace. Uncle Sam, the stars and stripes, and a shield from the United States Donkeys for Democrats. Elephant for Republicans.

What does the cartoon about the white man's burden mean?

The message suggests that the indigenous man will emerge from his ignorance as a result of the unstoppable march of Western civilization.

What is the lesson that the cartoon teaches those who oppose expansion?

Imprinted in 1899 — that is, one year after the extension of Hawai'i — "An Illustration for Hostile to Expansionists" reports the ascent of US expansionism, portraying the U.S. as going from a little and honest kid to a swelled, stogie smoking financial specialist.

Learn more about cartoon here:



Describe how the patriots treated many loyalists, and also how the loyalists supported Great Britain during this time of upheaval. Explain what happened at the end of the war. Use details to support your response.


Patriots treated Loyalists to public humiliation and violence in the end of war.

Several Loyalists found their property vandalized, looted, and burned. The patriots controlled public discourse. Woe to the subject who publically announced sympathy to Britain. Loyalists which left the US received over £3 million or concerning thirty seventh of their losses from British people government. Loyalists who stayed within the US were usually ready to retain their property and become Americans. Several Loyalists eventually came back to the Britain once the war and discriminatory laws had been repealed.

Loyalists, typically referred to as Tories, were loyal to the crown and supported them for many reasons. They were largely class and lived in cities and needed to stay their wealth and land. several had valuable ties with British people and jobs within the government.

To learn more about Loyalists here



All of the following were difficulties faced by the Navajo when they returned home from Bosque Redondo except:
Houses and gardens needed to be reconstructed on ruined land.
The delivery of government issued livestock was delayed.
The reservation was too small, causing overcrowding and food shortages.
Limited access to food left people dependent on government rations.


The correct option is (c) The reservation was too small, causing overcrowding and food shortages.

What were the difficulties faced by the Navajo?

The captives at Bosque Redondo were in danger of famine, sickness, and also the death just because the land there was unfit for farming. Bosque Redondo's Navajo name for the jail was Hweeldi, and by November 1864, there were around 8,570 prisoners there.

News of the detention camp spread as conditions for Navajo people worsened.

After spending four years of living in cramped, deplorable conditions at Bosque Redondo, the Navajo finally signed the famous US-Navajo Treaty of 1868. Only a small section of the Navajo people's ancient homeland in Arizona and New Mexico was made accessible to them again by the treaty.

To know more about difficulties faced by the Navajo refer to:



Use the excerpt from The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut to answer the question.

The ideas expressed in the excerpt illustrate

how individualism influenced public policy.

the principle of self-government in the colonies.

checks and balances between citizens and the elected officials.

separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches.


The ideas expressed in the excerpt from The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut illustrate the principle of self-government in the colonies.

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1638), a civil compact by the settlers defining the framework by which the river towns of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield agreed to govern themselves, marked the beginning of the colony's political growth.

The orders established a yearly assembly of lawmakers and stipulated how a governor would be chosen. It served Connecticut well until it was replaced by the state constitution in 1818, a document that after being amended numerous times was replaced by a new constitution in 1965, reflecting the more complex requirements of modern government.

The correct answer is option B.

Know more about The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut here



What do you think must the Philippines do to excel as a developed country and not be a part of the Global South?


To make the Ambisyon more concrete, the country must achieve two objectives. First, set a growth goal of tripling per capita income. The country's second goal is to be free of poverty. To achieve the national Ambisyon, the Philippines' GDP per capita must be tripled in the next two decades.

The Philippines, officially the Republic of the Philippines, is a Southeast Asian archipelago. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean and consists of approximately 7,641 islands divided into three major geographical divisions from north to south: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

A developed country, also known as an industrialized country, has a mature and sophisticated economy, as measured by GDP and/or average income per resident.

To know more about The Philippines, here



President Lincoln's goal for Reconstruction was always to keep the Union together. When he was assassinated in 1865 and President Johnson took over, much of his plan was in direct opposition to Lincoln's wishes, including what proposal?

A.cancelling all Confederate war debts B. reinstituting slavery C. giving white Southemers back any lands previously given to freedmen D. stripping Southemers of their right to vote​


Because Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan did not guarantee equal civil rights for freed slaves, radical Republicans opposed it. After Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, Andrew Johnson, the new president, released his own Reconstruction Plan.

The Civil War ended with a Union victory, but what came next was unclear to the country. Two significant issues came up. The Confederate states continued to be a part of the Union or did their secession require them to reapply for statehood under new criteria? As was already mentioned, Andrew Johnson believed that the war had been waged to uphold the Union. In order to allow the Southern states to start conducting elections and sending members back to Washington, he came up with a lenient plan based on Lincoln's earlier 10% idea.

His proclamations of amnesty, however, gave former Confederate leaders the confidence to reclaim their positions of authority in municipal and federal governments, escalating tensions with freedmen in the South and Republican MPs in the North.

Learn more about American Civil War here: https://brainly.com/question/1020924


Quebec has held two referendums – public votes – on the question of some form of sovereignty or political separation from Canada, the first in 1980 and the 2nd was in 1995. Discuss the differences between the two referendums.


The 1995 Quebec referendum was the second referendum held in the largely French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec to determine whether or not it should declare its independence and become a separate entity, subject to Quebec first offering a political and economic partnership with Canada.

What do you mean by the 1995 Quebec referendum?

Since Canada's founding in 1867, Quebec has been the only province with a majority of French-speaking citizens.

After the Supreme Court of Canada ruled against the Quebec government, holding that its consent was not required for constitutional change, the Constitution Act of 1982 was passed without the consent of the Quebec National Assembly.

This led to a nationwide vote on the Charlottetown Accord of 1992, a package of constitutional reforms that also contained ideas from the Mech Lake Accord. Both in Quebec and English Canada, a majority of voters rejected the Accord.

Hence, the 1995 Quebec referendum was the second referendum held in the largely French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec to determine whether or not it should declare its independence and become a separate entity, subject to Quebec first offering a political and economic partnership with Canada.

To know more about the 1995 Quebec referendum, visit:



How was the outcome of the French Revolution most like that of the American Revolution?

It weakened the power of the church over government.
It upheld natural rights when it drafted the Declaration of Independence.
It created a new constitution that protected peoples’ rights.
It attempted to eliminate the power of the king to control citizens’ religion.


Answer: It created a new constitution that protected peoples' rights.

Explanation: hope this helped u :)




Review the map showing the population density of medieval Europe around 1300.

An untitled map of Europe. A key shows populations of 1,000 to 70,000 and 70,000 to 210,000.

Review the map showing the population density of Europe today.

An untitled map of Europe. A key shows populations of 500,000 to 1,000,000, 1,000,001 to 5,000,000, and More than 5,000,000.

According to the maps, what happened to the population density of Europe from medieval times to today?

It stayed the same.
It decreased.
It increased.
It disappeared.




I'm not to smart and I'm not in college but I'm sure if the population kept increasing, it's (it increased).


it increased


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes which basic rights?
Check all that apply


The right to life, liberty, free expression, and privacy are among the civil and political rights outlined in the Universal Declaration. Economic, social, and cultural rights are also included, such as the right to social security, health care, and education.

What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

a key document in the development of human rights is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The Declaration, which was written by representatives from all over the world with diverse legal and cultural backgrounds, was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on December 10, 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a benchmark of success for all peoples and all countries. It has been translated into more than 500 languages and for the first time lays out the need for all people to have access to basic human rights protections. More than 70 human rights treaties are currently in force at both the global and regional levels thanks in large part to the UDHR, which is widely acknowledged as having cleared the path for their approval (all containing references to it in their preambles).

Some Basic rights:

Article 1

Every human being is born free and entitled to the same respect and rights. They should behave toward one another in a brotherly manner since they are gifted with reason and conscience.

Article 2

Everyone has the right to all of the freedoms and rights outlined in this declaration, without exception, regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political viewpoint, national origin, or other factors like wealth, birth, etc.

Article 3

Everyone is entitled to life, liberty, and personal security.

Article 4

No one shall be subjected to slavery or servitude, and all forms of slavery and the slave trade shall be outlawed.

Article 5

There should be no torture or cruel, inhuman, or humiliating treatment or punishment of any person.

To know more about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights visit the link



21. If someone had a Bureaucratic leadership, which of the following would be their
A. "It is my way or the highway!"
B. "How about we get the opinions of all personnel and staff before making a
C. "Let's let this play out and see what happens."
D. "Since you guys are in charge of this, I am going to let you handle it with clear
instructions given by your superiors."


Permanent offices organize all management and administrative tasks into clear lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability.

As an illustration, let's take a software company. Research and development, production, marketing, distribution, and administration are all possible divisions of the company.

Bureaucratic leadership: What Is It?

Using a set of rules for management and decision-making, bureaucratic leadership is leadership based on fixed official duties under a hierarchy of authority. In industries with a lot of regulations, this kind of leadership can be beneficial, and it can also be a good way to manage employees in businesses that don't really need them to be creative or innovative.

Learn more about Bureaucratic leadership here:



14 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows
In the opinion of the Government of the United States the
coming of Chinese laborers to this country endangers theop
good order of certain localities... Therefore, Be it enacted...
That... the be... suspended...
Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
Which factor prompted the passage of this legislation?
A Denial of labor union membership for unskilled workers
B Increased nativism and anti-immigrant attitudes
C Wage increases for workers in manufacturing positions
D Increased U.S. involvement in foreign wars and conflicts


The factor prompted the passage of this legislation is Denial of labor union membership for unskilled workers

What is a reason that union membership has declined?

According to Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, neoliberal trade and tax policies that promote employment relocation to locations with the lowest labour costs are also to blame. The industries and jobs with the highest union participation rates historically have decreased as well.

At first, the AFL only accepted skilled workers as members. The AFL initially had no representation for unskilled workers. Women, African Americans, and other racial minorities were initially forbidden from joining the organisation as well.

Since 1954, the US had seen a decline in union membership, and starting in 1967, as union membership rates fell, so did the earnings of the middle class. The highest gain in union membership since 1979 was announced by the labour department in 2007, marking the first increase in union membership in 25 years.

To learn more about union membership visit:



PLS HELP!!!! IM STUCK IN THIS PART OF Assignment: 03.04 How Are Laws Made?

Explain the Process—Finish filling in the steps your idea would have to go through to become a law at both the federal and state levels of government.

1. Bill Introduction: You write your federal representative or senator about your idea, who introduces the idea as a bill in their chamber of Congress.
4. The House Rules Committee sets the rules for debate on the bill in the House.

1. Bill Introduction: You write your state legislator about your idea, who introduces the idea as a bill in the state legislature.
3. Committees debate and edit the bill.
5. The state Senate approves the bill.



1. Have an Idea.

The first step in creating a new law -- or revising an existing law -- is to have an idea of how we can make our country stronger or better. This idea can come from anywhere, including from you!

2. Write a Bill.

After identifying the problem, Members of Congress work to create a law that provides a solution. Sometimes, they will work together to jointly introduce legislation with other Senators. Senators can also collaborate with members of the House of Representatives on legislation so that identical or very similar bills are introduced in both the House and the Senate.

3. Debate in Committee

When a bill is introduced, the Senate Parliamentarian is responsible for deciding which Committee should review the legislation. The chair of the committee may decide to hold a hearing in order to examine the legislation. During a hearing, committee members invite policy experts, agency representatives, and other stakeholders to testify on how the bill will affect the country.

4. Debate on the Senate Floor

After being voted upon favorably by a committee, the bill is referred to the full Senate for a vote. Here, the Majority Leader of the Senate is responsible for deciding when to bring up a piece of legislation for a vote and what type of vote it needs.

5. Work with House Colleagues

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives is responsible for introducing and voting on a companion bill of its own. Just like in the Senate, when a bill is introduced in the House, the House Parliamentarian is responsible for assigning that legislation to a specific House committee or committees for further deliberation.

6. Negotiate Compromises in Conference

Often times, the Senate bill and the House bill will have minor differences in their respective bills that have to be worked out before each chamber can approve the final legislative text and then send it to the President to be signed into law.

7. Send it to the President for a signature

After the conference committee resolves any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill, each chamber must vote again to approve the final bill text. Once each chamber has approved the bill, the legislation is sent to the President. The President then makes the decision of whether to sign the bill into law or not. If the President signs the bill, it becomes a law. If the President refuses to sign it, the bill does not become a law. When the President refuses to sign the bill, the result is called a veto. Congress can try to overrule a veto. To do this, both the Senate and the House must vote to overrule the President’s veto by a two-thirds majority.

8. Reauthorization

Some laws, especially laws that appropriate funding to new programs, include provisions that require Congress to decide, after a set period of time, whether the legislation is effective and should be renewed, or “reauthorized”. To do this, a new bill must be introduced that renews the provisions of the law, makes any necessary changes to the original law, and offers a new timeline for how long it is active.

Please mark Brainiest (:


Which of the following contributed to the fall of the Inca Empire and their conquest by the Spanish?
a decrease in the use of quipu
O a lack of religious unity
O civil war over the throne and smallpox
alliance with the Mayan cities


Civil war over the throne and smallpox contributed to the fall of the Inca Empire and their conquest by the Spanish.

Reason for the fall of the Inca Empire:

Pizarro held the Inca Emperor hostage for a short time before releasing him.The Incas had no immunity to the diseases that the Spaniards unwittingly carried.Civil war weakened the Inca Empire before the arrival of the Spaniards

The Inca Empire was conquered by Francisco Pizarro in his 1532 year.He killed Atahualpa and led a campaign against the Incas in Peru.After the arrival of the Europeans, many natives were exposed to disease and died.

Pizarro discovers gold, silver and gems in the Incas.The Inca Civil War, known sporadically as the War of the Inca Dynasties, the War of Inca Succession, or the War of the Two Brothers, was fought between the half-brothers Huáscar, son of Huayna Capac, and Atahualpa for who would rule. I was. Rich in Inca - Huayna Capac.

Learn more about Inca Empire here:



What were some important Olmec and Zapotec contributions to later cultures, such as the Maya?​



[1]  laid the foundation for the civilizations that followed, including ritual bloodletting and the ballgame.

[2] The Zapotec left behind a hieroglyphic writing system and a calendar system based on the movement of the sun.

[3] developed rubber balls and other goods from the latex of rubber trees in their forests.



What was the role of trade in the Olmec civilization? Trading helped the Olmec civilization prosper and spread influence. What were some important Zapotec contributions to later cultures? The Zapotec left behind a hieroglyphic writing system and a calendar system based on the movement of the sun.


Our knowledge of the Olmec comes through archaeological research. It is thought that the Olmec laid the foundation for the civilizations that followed, including ritual bloodletting and the ballgame. They built the first major cities and the earliest Mesoamerican pyramid.


The Olmecs developed rubber balls and other goods from the latex of rubber trees in their forests. Aztecs and Maya used these same types of rubber balls in their Mesoamerican games later in history. The Maya and Aztecs performed sacrifice and bloodletting rituals as the Olmecs had previously done.

The Olmec and Zapotec civilizations made significant contributions to later cultures like: Monumental Architecture; Writing System and Calendar; Iconography and Artistic Style; Urban Planning and Architecture; and Mathematics and Astronomy.

The Olmec developed one of the earliest writing systems in Mesoamerica known as the Olmec script. Although it remains largely undeciphered, its existence laid the foundation for later writing systems, including the Mayan hieroglyphic script.

The Zapotec had a sophisticated understanding of mathematics and astronomy. They developed a calendrical system and made precise astronomical observations.

Learn more about Zapotec civilization here:



The poem seems to imply that Western powers had an obligation to bring technology and Western civilization to other parts of the world. This idea is stated in the phrase "to serve your captives’ need.” Kipling believes this work is thankless and that the subjects may even hate or place blame on the colonial power.


According to Kipling, the colonized should own their inferiority and accept their place as rulers .

What was Poem's theme ?

Despite having lived in India and been exposed to its traditions, Kipling became the principal spokesman, interpreter, and publicist for the imperialist class.

The British technique is referred to by the locals as "Sakar ki Churi," or the sugar knife. That is to say, there is no tyranny; everything is pleasant and smooth; but, there is still the knife.

Beyond Africa, European imperialism spread to other continents. As imperialism grew, the colonizer and the colonized had quite different perspectives on what imperialism was like. Some Europeans were open about their feelings of superiority toward the nations they had subjugated. Others believed that imperialism was gravely flawed.

Learn more about  Kipling here


# SPJ 1

Unit 3 Discussion 2Graded DiscussionExitDiscussion TopicPlease post detailed answers to the following questions. Please use complete sentences.So far, you have been asked to set goals for yourself to better your health. Now is a good time to check in and examine your progress. Have you been able to reach a small goal? What obstacles have you encountered? Have you made changes to your methods in order to better reach your goal? How will meeting this goal help you achieve your long-term goals? wellness & nutrition


Yes, In achieving the goal there may be some hurdles but if we are strong enough and determined then we can quickly reach our respective goal.

What is goal setting?A goal is a specific outcome or purpose expected from a project. Project goals should describe what should be accomplished over the life of the project and be directly related to the problem description and vision. Goals are achieved through project goals and activities. A goal is a concrete step toward successfully completing aproject goal. Goal achievement leads to tangible, measurable results that directly contribute to the achievement of the Goal of the project. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals is a good way to plan steps to reach your long-term goals in your fellowship. Help turn grants from ideas into action. Setting SMART goals keeps projects moving forward, helps accountability and timing, and lets them know they're accomplishing what they set out to do.performance evaluation objectives. When setting performance goals, make sure you are SMART. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.

To know more about goal setting refer to:



The Battle of Stalingrad affected the rest of World War II by


It stopped German advance into Soviet territory and it marked a turning point in the war as Germany had stretched their supply lines too thin

Answer:  causing the Axis powers to retreat from the Soviet Union, and turning the tide of the war in the East


In this lesson, you learned about the challenges facing workers after industrialization and the issues facing workers today.
In what ways have these changes benefitted you? What are ways in which labor has changed in the past 100 years in the U.S.?
What recommendations, as someone entering the workforce, would you have in order to improve labor in today's society?


Changes in the industry have allowed workers to access better benefits and rights that have dignified different jobs.

How have changes in the industry benefited us with respect to workers?

The changes in the industry that have benefited me as a worker are access to more and better labor rights that allow me to carry out my work in safe conditions for my integrity in exchange for fair wages and a decent working day.

What are the ways that work has changed in the last 100 years in the United States?

In the United States there have been different changes in the workplace because labor rights have been adjusted to give workers greater benefits and rights. On the other hand, industries have evolved technologically, this has had a positive influence on work because workers perform their work in a safer and easier way.

What recommendations do you, as someone entering the workforce, have for improving work in today's society?

The recommendation that I would give to the industry to improve the working conditions of workers would be to implement more flexible working hours that would allow workers to respond to different contingencies that arise in their daily lives,

Learn more about labor rights in: https://brainly.com/question/8364655


How did the Economic interests of large companies affect U.S. relations with Latin America?


Latin America was finally able to legally trade with other nations after independence; In other words, she had full access to capital and international trade.

Foreign investment was strictly restricted during colonial times, and the trade monopoly maintained artificially high prices for colonial goods.

What is the relationship between Latin America and the United States?

With the exception of Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Venezuela, all of which withdrew from the Organization of American States, the majority of Latin America remains bound bythe hemispheric defense provisions of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, also known as the Rio Pact.

Learn more about Latin America here:



Which of the following is true regarding the election of 1912?

1. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans ran a progressive for office.

2.William Howard Taft easily won reelection thanks to his progressive record.

3.Theodore Roosevelt ran as a third party candidate representing the Progressive Party.

4.Woodrow Wilson won the election easily with over 50% of the popular vote.





I got the answer wrong please help me find the right answer




frick you this is what you get for messing with my questions

Which of the following possible court cases could legitimately be argued under the terms of the quote above?

A person complains that the court ignored evidence relevant to the case which affected the outcome.
A person says that the lawyer appointed by the court has too many cases to handle at one time.
A person accuses a judge of extending court dates too long for each side to gather evidence.
A person refuses to provide a written statement related to the witnessing of a crime.
Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)


The case that is a possible court case that could legitimately be argued under the terms of the quote above is option D. A person refuses to provide a written statement related to the witnessing of a crime.

What is a written statement in a court case?

A written statement is a written piece submitted by the lawyer(s) of both defendant and plaintiff which tell to the the bench reason the case should be in favor of that their client. It is a document that reflects the arguments and counterargument from each of the lawyer.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above. The possible court case instance that could honourably be argued is that of a person who didn't have a written statement related to the witnessing of a crime.

learn more about court brief: https://brainly.com/question/25903338


explain how great britain’s response to the destruction of a british shipment of tea in boston harbor in 1773 set the stage for the revolution


The disaster involving Great Britain and the American colonies was significantly exacerbated by the destruction of the tea. Parliament passed a series of laws known as the Coercive Acts—also known as the Intolerable Acts—after the Massachusetts Assembly refused to pay for the tea.

Following the Boston Tea Party, the British decided to impose even stricter regulations on the Massachusetts colony. The Coercive Acts increased the royally appointed governor's authority significantly by amending the colonial constitution of Massachusetts, sending British troops to Boston, and imposing fines for the destroyed tea.

Learn more about   British shipment to visit this link



The Americanization movement was designed to assimilate immigrants in American culture


Americanization programs sought to integrate and assimilate aliens by teaching them English and by instructing them in the workings of American democracy.

24 The organization of the first U.S. political parties resulted in large part from disagreements
over which issue?
F The purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France
G The election of George Washington to a second term as president
The establishment of the First Bank of the United States
The attack on the Port of Tripoli in North Africa


The establishment of the First Bank of United States.

With a twenty-year charter, the Bank of the United States, now referred to as the first Bank of the United States, began operations in Philadelphia on December 12, 1791. From the beginning, the act establishing the first Bank of the United States sparked debate.Some congressmen raised worries about elitism, the invasion of state's rights, and unconstitutionality, particularly those from the south. On February 8, 1791, the legislation was approved by both houses of Congress. On February 25, 1791, President Washington authorized the establishment of the Bank of the United States. The U.S. Senate was deadlocked in 1811 over whether to extend the bank's charter. George W. Clinton, the vice president, broke the tie and voted against renewal.

Consequently, the bank's charter terminated in 1811. The bank was succeeded in 1816 by the Second Bank of America.

To learn more about the Bank Of America, refer to: https://brainly.com/question/2192886


the Phoenician writing system differed from the ancient Chinese writing system because


The Phoenician writing system differed from the ancient Chinese writing system because its had an alphabet.

What is unique about Phoenician writing system?

Basically, the phoenician writing system, which developed out of the North Semitic alphabet and was spread over the Mediterranean area by the Phoenician traders. It is considered as the probable ancestor of the Greek alphabet and all Western alphabets.

Hitsory had it that the earliest form of Phoenician inscription that has survived is the Ahiram epitaph at Byblos in Phoenicia dating from the 11th century BCE and written in the North Semitic alphabet.

Read more about Phoenician writing



What did both Shays’s Rebellion and the Pennsylvania Mutiny cause Americans to realize about the Articles of Confederation?
The Articles of Confederation needed to better control citizen rebellions.
The Articles of Confederation needed to establish stronger state legislatures.
The Articles of Confederation did not provide for a strong enough national government.
The Articles of Confederation did not provide farmers and soldiers with enough money.What did both Shays’s Rebellion and the Pennsylvania Mutiny cause Americans to realize about the Articles of Confederation?
The Articles of Confederation needed to better control citizen rebellions.
The Articles of Confederation needed to establish stronger state legislatures.
The Articles of Confederation did not provide for a strong enough national government.
The Articles of Confederation did not provide farmers and soldiers with enough money.


The reason why both Shays’s Rebellion and the Pennsylvania Mutiny cause Americans to realize about the Articles of Confederation is The Articles of Confederation did not provide for a strong enough national government.

What is the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles of Confederation  can be described as the first constitution, declaring that the confederacy of the former 13 colonies  so that it can be reffered to as “The United States of America.”

It should be noted that the Articles of Confederation  have 13 articles that gave powers to a national government, and the leading can be attributed to the Congress, however the Articles of Confederation  which can be considered as the written document that established the functions of the national government  which declared independence from Great Britain, however it did not provide for a strong enough national government.

Therefore, second to the last option is corrrect.

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I need help with this problem. My math teacher mentioned it not exactly being a arithmetic sequence. Find an ordered pair (x, y) that is a solution to the equation.4x-y=5(x,y) = ( , ) The example of a book falling off of a table shows a(n) _____.1) contact force2) scalar quantity3) absence of acceleration4) field force The freezing point of water is 0 C. Imanis refrigerator is set at 4C and her freezer is set at -19C. which change in temperature would bring imanis refrigerator or her freezer to the same temperature as the freezing point of water?A: +23CB: +15CC: -19CD: -4C Use the approximate half-life formula for the case described below. Discuss whether the formula is valid for the case described.Urban encroachment is causing the area of a forest to decline at the rate of 5% per year. What is the half-life of the forest? What fraction of the forest will remain in 30 years?(Type an integer or decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth as needed.) I AM BEGGING AND PLEADING PLS ANSWER PLSSS YOU WILL BE MY SAVIOUR I AM BEGGING PLEASE READ Libby wants to draw a scale diagram of the Sun and the Earth.The diameter of the Sun is 1.4 million km to 2 s.f.The diameter of the Earth is 13,000 km to 2 s.f.k to taskLibby decides to draw the Earth with a diameter of 2 cm.Work out the diameter of the Sun that she needs to draw.Give your answer in metres to 2 significant figures.Watch video The difference between eight times a number and three is equal to negative nineteen. What is the number?-22-33 A dresser and nightstand costs $900. If the dresser costs $150 more than the nightstand, what does each piece cost separately? In your own word define a gene how does a gene relate to DNA chromosomes In a survey, 315people said they drivetheir car to work. Thisrepresents 90% of thepeople surveyed.How many peoplewere surveyed? Can you please help me out with a question (-2,-7);y=-2 the equation is the vegetable grow below the ground but are not the roots of the plants What is the scale factor of XYZ to UVW?y836075V83"15564156X9018W410A. 5B.14OOC.011aD. 4 Write 280,000,000 in scientific notation. 0.28 109 28 108 2.8 108 2.8 109 A regular pentagon is inscribed in a circle as shown. 1. Find the measure of minor arc cut off by one of the diagonals.2. Find the length of the same minor arc in problem 16a, given the radius of the circle is 10 cm. Leave the answer is terms of pi. The finishing time for a runner completing the 200-meter dash is affected by the tail-wind speed, s. The change, t, in a runner's performance is modeled by the function shown below:t = 0.0119s^2 - 0.308s - 0.0003Predict the change in a runner's finishing time with a wind speed of 5 meters/second. Note: A negative answer means the runner finishes with a lower time. Round to the nearest hundredth. Given the following figure is a parallelogram, solve for x. Ten yards of a particular kind of wire cost $15.30 . What is the cost of the wire per foot? For each function, determine whether it is a polynomial function.Function(a) g(x) = 5x (x-3)(b) f(x)=-3x(c) v(x)=9x+4x(d) u(x)=1---XIs the function a polynomial?YesNoOO