What requirements does Article II of the Constitution establish for becoming president of the United States?


Answer 1

No Person shall be eligible to the Office of President unless he is a natural born Citizen or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution; nor shall any Person be eligible to that Office unless he has attained the age of thirty-five years

Article II Executive Branch - On impeachment for, and conviction for, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors, the President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office.

Article II describes how the President is elected, the scope of the President's powers and duties, and the process for removing one from office.

To know more about Article II of USA constitution here



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Manchester is the largest city in what "Granite State" whose license plates contain the motto "Live Free or Die?"


New Hampshire because Manchester is in New Hampshire and it is also called the granite state

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Why was there money to be made by prhobition?



please mark brainiest


How much money did bootleggers make during Prohibition? When it came to organized crime, Prohibition put the ‘organized’ in organized crime. Criminal kingpins like Al Capone were able to earn up to $100 million per year as a result of the burgeoning commercial potential presented by illegal alcoholic beverages.

Before Prohibition started in 1920, members of criminal gangs in large American cities existed on the periphery of society. Since the 19th century, there was, as sociologists call it, a social hierarchy with big-city “bosses” of political machines financing their control of votes in neighborhoods with payments from criminals running gambling and prostitution rackets and bribing police to look the other way. Under them were many local gangs of various ethnic groups, such as Irish, Italian, Jewish and Polish, focused on street-level crimes such as extortion, loansharking, drugs, burglary, robbery and contract violence.

What role did manifest destiny play in the Western Expansion


The concept of Manifest Destiny, proposed in the second half of the nineteenth century, held that the United States had a divinely ordained right to expand its borders to the Pacific Ocean and beyond.

Manifest Destiny, a term coined in 1845, refers to the belief that the United States is predestined by God to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent.

New territories provided the country with greater access to natural resources and Pacific trade. However, the acquisition of new territories reignited the debate over slavery and its expansion, resulting in the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861.

To know more about Manifest Destiny, click here.



Why did sam adams, john hancock, and patrick henry refuse to attend the convention?.


John Adams was also away, serving as the British government's minister. Along with them, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and Patrick Henry declined invitations because they "smelled a rat in Philadelphia, leaning toward the monarchy."

Some people just flat-out refused, while others fell unwell or left early. One of the most well-known reasons why some delegates refused to sign the document was that it lacked a valid Bill of Rights that would have protected both the freedom of individuals and the rights of States. Adams did not directly contribute to the creation of the Constitution because he was working as an ambassador in London during the 1787 Constitutional Convention.

Learn more about to sam adams visit here:



How was the first slave revolt organized?

Watch the documentary on the Haitian Revolution titled: PBS Egalite for All: Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution (2009)
While watching the documentary, complete the viewing guide above




The uprising began in 73 B.C. when Spartacus and a small band of slaves escaped from a gladiator school by using kitchen utensils as weapons. Slaves from across the Roman countryside soon flocked to join the revolt, and the rebel army caused panic in the Roman senate after it defeated a militia at Mt. On Christmas Day 1521, in the Spanish colony of Santo Domingo, the first recorded slave revolt in the Americas occurred.

Why do you believe colonial whalers were willing to risk their lives to hunt sperm whales?


Wouldn’t it be for the oil

Which TWO statements accurately describe the North and the South prior to the Civil War?

The North had more railway lines than the South.

The North was more eager for a war than the South.

The North had more cash crop agriculture than the South.

The South was more focused on shipbuilding than the North.

The South had more highly trained military leaders than the North.

The South had more access to affordable manufactured goods than the North.




The South had more access to affordable manufactured goods than the North.


The south, made crops, and the north had railway systems

Weather stations, ships, buoys, aircraft, radar, weather balloons, and satellites are all ways that meteorologists measure the __________________.


Weather stations, ships, buoys, aircraft, radar, weather balloons, and satellites are all ways that meteorologists measure the atmospheric conditions.

How are atmospheric conditions measured?

There are several ways by which people known as meteorologists are able to study the weather and the atmospheric conditions over a place at a given time. For example, there are weather stations which are equipped with all sorts of equipment to get a reading on what conditions affect the atmosphere at a certain time.

Even aircraft are used sometimes by meteorologists to go into the skies and get a better feel of what weather conditions are being experienced in an area. Samples can be collected as well.

There are also radar equipment which can track the movement of clouds to predict atmospheric conditions. Weather balloons go up into the atmosphere to get better readings and satellites can track atmospheric conditions from space. This shows that all these equipment are very useful for finding atmospheric conditions.

Find out more on meteorologists at https://brainly.com/question/16413438


According to Vanzetti, why was he found guilty at his trial?

He had strongly supported eugenic laws.

He was the victim of a scandal from the Harding administration.

He was convicted because he was an immigrant with radical views.

He violated the Eighteenth Amendment, calling for Prohibition.


The answer to your question is H.

According to Vanzetti, he was convicted because he was an immigrant with radical views.

2:00 PM HELP Now

Which of the following Asian nations avoided European imperialism and became an imperial power instead?








japan and kores

How does self-interest, sovereignty and policy all connect to historical events like the World Wars?


During World War I, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson promoted the concept of "self-determination," meaning that a nation—a group of people with similar political ambitions—can seek to create its own independent government or state.

2. What American hero was
captured while on a spying
mission and hanged?


Nathan Hale was an American Patriot, soldier and spy for the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He volunteered for an intelligence-gathering mission in New York City but was captured by the British and executed.

Why is absolute power a dangerous thing?



absolute power is a dangerous this case it can hurt u in any shape or form

why did fur traders get along well with The native americans​



Trade with Native Americans was so critical to the French and British that many European Americans working in the fur trade adopted Native protocols. The Ojibwe were particularly influential, which led many French and British people to favor Ojibwe customs of bartering, cooperative diplomacy, meeting in councils, and the use of pipes.

Definition of dollar diplomacy


Giving money is the definition of your word

driving faster than the posted speed limit is a example of which type of crime


Driving faster than the posted speed limit is an example of a misdemeanour.

what is Misdemeanor?

Literally, the word misdemeanor implies "poor behavior against others." This resulted in dual usage as both improper behavior in general and improper behavior in law. A misdemeanor is defined as "a crime less severe than a felony" under American law. "A federal offense for which the punishment may be death or imprisonment for a term exceeding one year" is the definition of a felony.

Crime evolved to become the more encompassing phrase for any type of legal infraction as misdemeanor got more particular. Since the 14th century, English law has utilized language like "rules and regulations," "emoluments and salaries," and the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors," which appears in Article Two, Section 4 of the Constitution.

Learn more about Misdemeanor, here:



who is muhammad bin qasim?


Answer: From 708 to 711, Muhammad ibn al-Qasim led the Sindh conquest. He established Islamic rule throughout the region, serving as governor of Sindh from 712 until his death in 715. He died in Mosul, in modern Iraq, though some sources record that his body was buried in Makran, a semi-desert coastal region in Balochistan.

How did the Zimmerman telegram influence U.S entry into world war 1


In January 1917, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the Zimmermann Telegram. Germany was increasingly worried that the US would join the war and fight against Germany.

The telegram proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico if the United States entered World War I against Germany. Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico are retaken from Mexico. The Zimmermann telegram is nothing more than a secret diplomatic memo issued by the German Foreign Ministry in 1917.

The Zimmermann Telegram was sent to propose a military alliance between Mexico and Germany as the United States entered World War I against Germany. Zimmermann's message to the German ambassador to Mexico was intercepted by British codebreakers. The message was then sent from the UK to the US. This led to the declaration of war against the Germans and accelerated World War I.

Read about Zimmerman telegram:



1. What governmental body had the power to create laws and to approve or reject declarations of
a. Jacobins
b. Legislative Assembly
c. radicals
d. monarchy


The answer is A. Jacobins

Which president established these traditions for the executive branch?



George Washington


He felt like no human being was good enough to know everything so he established the cabinet
He recommended the title Mr. President as he didn't want the title to sound superior to others as they were just freed from Britain as back in the day President wasn't a big thing and were only used in weekend clubs
He felt like no one should be the President of the country for more than 2 terms

100 points!

Select the four positive aspects of the Reconstruction.
-Northern financial aid assisted in building industry and railroads in the South.
-Former Confederate states were forced to accept 13th and 14th amendments granting rights to African Americans.
-Southern financial aid assisted in building industry and railroads in the North.
-The creation of a public education system was detrimental to African American and poor White children.
-African Americans were no longer enslaved.
-A public education system benefiting African American and poor White children was created.
-African Americans were enslaved.


Northern financial aid assisted in building industry and railroads in the south.
Former confederate states were forced to accept the 13th and 14th amendments granting rights to African Americans
African Americans were no longer enslaved
A public education system benefiting African American and poor white children was created

it’s 1,2, 5, and 6


Gimme answer please



B (I think)


I'm hispanic myself

What was the nature of the conflict between President Andrew Johnson and the Radical Republicans?

A Johnson's efforts to raise taxes on wealthy Americans angered the Radical Republicans.

B. Johnson's plan to expand the power of the executive branch angered the Radical Republicans.

C. Johnson's refusal to become involved in the affairs of the nations of Latin America angered the Radical

D. Johnson's insistence on carrying out former President Lincoln's Reconstruction policy angered the Radical Republicans


Correct Answer: D) Johnson's insistence on carrying out former President Lincoln's Reconstruction policy angered the Radical Republicans

Radical Republicans disagreed with Johnson's viewpoint. They strongly resented his generous treatment of the former Confederate states, especially the reappointment of former Confederate officials like Alexander Stephens to Congress, as did their northern constituencies. The Southern state governments he permitted were not acknowledged by them. They refused to allow senators and representatives from the former Confederate states to fill their positions in Congress as a result.

Instead, a joint committee of senators and representatives was established by the Radical Republicans to administer Reconstruction. They won control of the House in the 1866 congressional elections, and in the years that followed, they worked to overthrow the previous Southern system and completely reorganize the region. They were directly at odds with due to this attempt.

The plantation system was particularly intended to be abolished as part of the northern Radical Republican strategy for Reconstruction, which sought to transform Southern society. Radical Republicans were swiftly disappointed by President Johnson when he rejected their proposal that the federal government provide freed slaves the right to vote. The conflict was laid by the disagreements between the president and the Radical Republicans over how to effectively handle the vanquished South.

To know more about the reconstruction conflict refers:



Based on Source 3, which statement best describes an idea from Plato that became a basic principle for most democracies that exist today?


Based on Source 3, the statement which best describes an idea from Plato that became a basic principle for most democracies that exist today is option D Government is most effective in cities and states with large populations.

Plato's most illustrious work is that the Republic, that details a wise society surpass a thinker. he's additionally illustrious for his dialogues (early, middle, and late), that showcase his metaphysical theory of forms—something else he's accepted for.

Democracy then degenerates into tyranny wherever nobody has discipline and society exists in chaos. In an exceedingly tyrannical government, town is in bondage to the tyrant, who uses his guards to get rid of the simplest social components and people from town to retain power (since they create a threat), whereas deed the worst.

The question is incomplete, find the complete question here

Based on Source 3, which statement best describes an idea from Plato that became a basic principle for most democracies that exist today?

A Most people are interested in running for public office or becoming a magistrate.

B Government should protect the rights of individuals to make decisions for themselves.

C Some leaders should remain in public offices for their entire lifetime.

D Government is most effective in cities and states with large populations.

To learn more about Plato here



This u. N. ’s cop27 conference began on monday, november 7th in the country of. ?.


"The "Conference of the Parties" to the "UNFCCC (COP27)" will hold its 27th "session in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt", in November 2022. "

"The goal of COP27 is to build on recent accomplishments and pave the way for ambitious future goals. "On November 20, the historic decision to establish and operationalize a loss and damage fund was made at the conclusion of the "27th Conference of the Parties to the "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change", UNFCCC , which was held in the "Egyptian beach city" of Sharm el-Sheikh". COP27 established a "five-year program at COP27" to encourage climate technology fix in developing nations. "

To learn more about UNFCCC,



Find sources that will answer at least five of your ten open-ended research questions and enter the source information, as well as the open-ended question(s) that it answers. era 1800 -1840


Open-ended research of 1800–1840 includes The Act of Union UK, West Point Military Academy, Napoleon Bonaparte's Coronation, Webster's American–English Dictionary released in 1807, and The Indian War of 1812.

Open-ended questions allow respondents to express themselves in their own words rather than offering a fixed range of response options. In exploratory investigations and qualitative research approaches, open-ended questions are frequently employed.

Instead, open-ended and closed-ended questions are employed in qualitative and quantitative research, respectively.

Open-ended inquiries are exploratory and provide researchers with a wealth of qualitative information. In essence, they provide the researcher a chance to learn about all the viewpoints on a subject they are unfamiliar with.

To learn more about open-ended research





Open-ended research of 1800–1840 includes The Act of Union UK, West Point Military Academy, Napoleon Bonaparte's Coronation, Webster's American–English Dictionary released in 1807, and The Indian War of 1812.

Open-ended questions allow respondents to express themselves in their own words rather than offering a fixed range of response options. In exploratory investigations and qualitative research approaches, open-ended questions are frequently employed.

Instead, open-ended and closed-ended questions are employed in qualitative and quantitative research, respectively.

Open-ended inquiries are exploratory and provide researchers with a wealth of qualitative information. In essence, they provide the researcher a chance to learn about all the viewpoints on a subject they are unfamiliar with.

Based on 5a & 5b, does the Union or Confederacy have a greater manufacturing capacity?


Compared to the Confederacy, the Union produced a great deal more industrial goods.

The ability to fight a defensive conflict as opposed to an attacking one gave the Confederates an advantage. They needed to safeguard and maintain their new borders, but they didn't have to start waging war on the Union.

Union or Confederacy:

The Union outclassed the Confederacy in numerous ways. The Confederacy's economy was built on agricultural, whereas the Union also had an industrial sector. The majority of the natural resources, including coal, iron, and gold, as well as a sophisticated rail network, were all in the Union.

On the basis of support for states' rights and slavery throughout the Civil War, the Confederacy enjoyed popular support. These factors played a role in both the South's decision to secede from the Union and the fatalities of Confederate soldiers. Many people were motivated to take up arms to defend the practice of slavery.

There were roughly 18.5 million people in the union and 8.5 million in the Confederacy. A larger population meant more soldiers as well as a stronger economy. Because they had 25 states on their side when the Civil War started, the Union had several times more people than the Confederacy.

Learn more about Union or Confederacy:



How did the work of newton and locke become the foundation for enlightenment thought?.


Locke's idea of ​​a clean slate and Newton's emphasis on natural law led thinkers to focus on creating a better, even ideal society.

European politics, philosophy, science, and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the "long eighteenth century" (1685-1815) as part of a movement Newton's referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Age of Reason. Illustration. How did the Enlightenment come about? thinkers and writers set the stage for revolutionary movements? Thinkers and writers set the stage for a revolutionary era because they put all this new material and ideas and actually used logic and people started to agree. Some of the leaders of the American Revolution were influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment, which are free speech, equality, freedom of the press, and religious tolerance. The American colonists did not have these rights, so they revolted against England for independence.

To learn more about Newton's please click on below link



What victory did the republicans win in the first Oklahoma legislature?


The Republican Party controls the office of governor and both chambers of the Oklahoma legislature.

What did Oklahoma legislature states?

A bicameral legislature was established as one of three equal institutions of government under the Oklahoma Constitution of 1907 (the other two being the judicial branch, or state courts system, and the executive, or gubernatorial branch). Up until 1910, when it was transferred to Oklahoma City, the legislature convened in Guthrie, the seat of the territorial legislature. Passing legislation and resolutions, allocating state finances, overseeing state agencies with legislative supervision, and approving governor nominations are all examples of legislative duties.

Similar to the US Congress, bills move through the Oklahoma House of Representatives and Senate. Successful legislation are heard on the floor after emerging from committee. They are sent to the opposite body after passing through one chamber, where they must once again go via a committee.

to learn more about Oklahoma Legislature click:



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