What qualities gave someone status and power in seventeenth-century Virginia? How had that changed by the 1670s?


Answer 1

The legislation compels an employer or other covered organization to make a reasonable effort to respect an employee's religious practices or beliefs unless doing so would significantly impair the company's ability to do business.

What are seventeenth-century Virg/inia?

Generally, Religion and the ownership of property in the community were the two characteristics that determined a person's position in a community.

As more time passed, this concept evolved, and as the rights of white Europeans rose in these colonies, people of color became the target of discrimination.

Read more about seventeenth-century Vir/ginia



Related Questions

1. what percentage of people were engaged in farming before the industrial revolution? what percentage now?


Prior to the Industrial Revolution, around 80% of the world's population worked in agriculture to prevent starvation for both themselves and the other 20% of people. Today, less than 1% of Americans identify as farmers in their occupations.

The Industrial Revolution was the shift to new industrial techniques that took place in Great Britain, continental Europe, and the United States between roughly 1760 and 1820 to 1840s.

Farmers were able to cultivate wider tracts of land with less effort because of new technology, including pesticides and bigger tractors. Farmers were encouraged to expand their enterprises through government initiatives. The economic benefit of producing bigger quantities of goods, or economies of scale, also served as a driving force for farmers.

Learn more about The Industrial Revolution brainly.com/question/455063


What is the purpose of declaring neutrality in a conflict?


Neutrality is the legal status that results from a state refraining from all involvement in a war between other states, maintaining an impartial stance toward the belligerents,

Neutrality is the legal status that results from a state refraining from all involvement in a war involving other states, upholding an impartial stance toward the belligerents, and the belligerents acknowledging this abstention and impartiality. The Declaration of Paris of 1856, Hague Convention V, 1907 (neutrality in land war), and Hague Convention XIII, 1913 all contain laws pertaining to the rights and obligations of neutrality (neutrality in maritime war). One of the first suggestions made at the previous conference was that whenever a war breaks out between two or more nations,

learn more about Neutrality here:



How did Plessy v. Ferguson affect segregation in the United States?


Answer: The U.S. Supreme Court changes history on May 18, 1896! The Court's “separate but equal” decision in Plessy v. Ferguson on that date upheld state-imposed Jim Crow laws. It became the legal basis for racial segregation in the United States for the next fifty years.

The U.S. Supreme Court changes history on May 18, 1896! The Court's “separate but equal” decision in Plessy v. Ferguson on that date upheld state-imposed Jim Crow laws. It became the legal basis for racial segregation in the United States for the next fifty years.

Pardons can do which of the following?
O Release somene from jail
O restore their previous job
O Erase guilt
•All of the above



Erase guilt


Erase guilt

That’s all I have

What is Pauli Murray’s legacy? How did she shape the world in which we now live?



found this answer:

Pauli Murray played an important role in several civil, social, and legal organizations including the National Organization of Women (NOW), which she co-founded in 1966. She wrote and theorized extensively on her experiences of black womanhood asserting that, for her, gender, race, and sexuality could not be separated.

During the 1920’s more women were elected to political in large numbers.

True or false





The amount of women that were voted to be in a political stance was only 37% and a large number is 50% or more so this means it is false.

What problem did the Brooklyn Bridge solve?


People may now live in their homes in Brooklyn and commute safely and promptly to their work in New York City, solving the housing shortage issue on the small island of Manhattan.

One of the most recognizable pieces of architecture in New York City, if not the entire world, is the Brooklyn Bridge. Currently, this fantastic technical achievement crosses the East River every day for almost 150,000 vehicles and people.

New York City is now the largest commercial hub in the country thanks to the Brooklyn Bridge. Over the course of the 15 years, after it was built, the Brooklyn Bridge connected the separate cities of New York and Brooklyn, converting Brooklyn into a borough of New York City and seeing a rise in population from 580,000 to 1 million.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:



Analyze this document by providing its hipp: historical context, intended audience, author’s purpose, and author’s point of view.


HIPP is a method for in-depth text analysis that enables comprehension of the text's numerous components.

On the basis of this, the HIPP for "Recalling the Schoolchildren's Blizzard of 1888" can be demonstrated as follows:

Historical context: The narrative describes the three months in which a severe snowstorm struck South Dakota and killed numerous individuals, mostly children who were hit on their way home from school.The text is appealing to any reader or scholar who is interested in learning about this time period and the harm it did. It does not have a specific target audience.Author's Objective: The author wants to inform readers about this incident by highlighting the issues it raised and the social consequences it had.Author's POV: In this instance, the author has a strong expository POV in which he gives data, analogies, reports, and other aspects that support the data he is providing.

To know more about HIPP Strategy, refer to this link:



Why were plans for operation torch kept such a secret ?


Operation Torch was a highly secretive military operation during World War II. The plans for the operation were kept secret in order to protect the element of surprise and ensure the success of the operation. The secrecy was necessary because Operation Torch involved an invasion of North Africa, which was heavily fortified by the German and Italian forces at the time. If the enemy had been aware of the planned invasion, they could have taken steps to defend against it and potentially hinder the success of the operation. Keeping the plans secret was therefore crucial to the success of the operation.

Which statement best describes the first half of Mary "Mother" Jones′ life?
A: She was an orphan who lived on the streets and struggled to find food.
B: Mother Jones adopted five children after their parents were sent to jail.
C: She lived through tremendous heartache due to numerous deaths in her family.
D: Mother Jones got her nickname because she fostered hundreds of cats and dogs.


She lived through tremendous heartache due to numerous deaths in her family, best describes the first half of Mary "Mother" Jones′ life.

Who was Mary Mother Jones and what did she do?

The creation of Mother Jones may have been Mary Jones' greatest success. During the first two decades of the 20th century, Mary Harris "Mother" Jones gained notoriety as a fiery speaker and fierce organizer for the Mine Workers.

Mother Jones had a powerful voice. She campaigned for child labor regulations as a labor activist. Her enthusiasm and energy propelled men half her age into action and moved their wives and daughters to join the fight. Mary Harris Jones endured a great deal of misfortune, such as starvation, diseases, fire, and poverty, yet she only grew stronger and more self-reliant.

To learn more about Mother Jones, visit:



eliza lucas pinckney revolutionized the economy of south carolina when she proved that _______________ could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.


Eliza Lucas Pinckney revolutionized the economy of south Carolina when she proved that indigo could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.

In trendy, there had been methods for the cultivation of Indigo which have been recognized the Ryoti machine and the Nij gadget. in this sort of cultivation, the planters used their land to cultivate Indigo. The land in which they cultivated changed into both owned via them or become leased via them from the Zamindar.

He became the first indigo planter in Bengal, beginning to cultivate the crop at Taldanga and Goalpara close to Hooghly. With the Nawabs of Bengal underneath corporation rule, indigo planting have become increasingly more commercially worthwhile because of the demand for blue dye in Europe.

It became one of the maximum fantastic peasant actions of Indian history. It got here to be called the Neel Bidroha or the Indigo insurrection. Indigo turned into being cultivated in Bengal for the reason that give up of the 18th century.

Learn more about indigo cultivation here : https://brainly.com/question/13479316


use the image to answer the question.what was likely the main purpose of this propaganda from the world war i era?


They wanted to influence American civilians to become soldiers, not military forces. Propaganda posters sought to rally fighting spirit on the home front, raise money for war bonds, and create a sense of unity in a vast and diverse nation.

The poster was an important tool for the wide dissemination of information during the war. Countries on both sides of the conflict distributed posters widely to garner support, urge action and boost morale. President Wilson and his administration conducted a series of propaganda campaigns that focused on the patriotic duty of all Americans to support the war effort to defeat the enemy, thereby preserving democracy at home and in abroad. Propaganda in the form of posters, postcards, and trading cards flourished during World War I due to advances in printing technology that had begun in the 19th century. Propaganda purpose. The goal of propaganda is to actively influence people's opinions or behavior, rather than simply communicate the facts.

To learn more about Propaganda please click on below link.



I think it was to encourage eligible Americans to become soldiers.

You're welcome! :)

Some americans were against the involvement of the united states in world war i. Which best describes the purpose of the sedition act?.


Some Americans were against the

involvement of the United States in World

War I. The purpose of the sedition act is to

seize absolute power from the government.

War refers to the conflict between governments, states, or countries characterized by huge violence and destruction. The sedition act was used for suppressing dissent and imprisoning the patriots due to the criticism made them on the policies made by the colonial government. This sedition law is actually a threat to democracy as a matter of fact that it reduces government accountability.

War is an intense armed conflict between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme violence, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces. Warfare refers to the common activities and characteristics of types of war, or of wars in general. Total war is warfare that is not restricted to purely legitimate military targets, and can result in massive civilian or other non-combatant suffering and casualties.

To know more about World War I visit:



How were the Latin American policies of Roosevelt and Wilson similar?


Both Presidents Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt had comparable Latin American strategies, and both employed the military to get involved in regional issues.

The Monroe Doctrine was modified by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904 through the "Roosevelt Corollary." Roosevelt and other prominent Americans were concerned that the Latin American republics' unpaid debt would be used as a bargaining chip by their European creditors to wrest political authority from them.

Like President Roosevelt (President from 1901 to 1909), President Taft backed an imperialist strategy that tries to enslave weaker nations through money rather than force.

Both Presidents Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt had comparable Latin American strategies, and both employed the military to get involved in regional issues.

To learn more about Latin American policies of Roosevelt and Wilson, refer:



what steps do you think tsar nicholas ii could have taken to avoid revolution in russia?


Avoiding conflict with Japan in during Russo-Japanese War 1904–1905 would have been the first step. Nicholas may have realized that his people obviously wanted him to yield more of his authority, would have prevented revolt.

What are an example of a revolution?

a change in a country's political system that typically involves employing force or going to war: France became a republic after the French Revolution, from monarchy. The nation seemed to be on the verge of revolution.

What in life is a revolution?

In a particular context, a revolution is a change in a prevalent style of thinking and doing TO BETTER YOURSELF. When you decide that you desire the freedom to be who you truly are, that is when your personal revolution occurs.

To know more about Revolution visit :



Why did the us see such a huge ecomic boom postwar WW2 ?





There are a few reasons why the United States experienced such a strong economic boom after World War II. First, the country was largely unscathed by the war and was able to use its industrial and technological capabilities to produce goods for both the domestic market and the war-torn countries of Europe. This led to a high demand for American products and helped to drive economic growth. Additionally, the United States was able to take advantage of the destruction of its competitors, such as Germany and Japan, and became the dominant economic power in the world. Finally, the implementation of the Marshall Plan, which provided aid to Europe, also helped to boost the American economy.

A. What is the significance of each of the following numbers as pertaining to
Congress 435, 218, 290, 100, 51, 60, and 67. Please answer it for me and I will rate you it. Thanks



Hope this helps



435: The number of members in the United States House of Representatives

218: The number of votes needed to pass legislation in the House of Representatives

290: The number of members in the United States Senate

100: The number of votes needed to pass legislation in the Senate

51: The number of votes needed to pass a budget resolution in the Senate

60: The number of votes needed to end a filibuster in the Senate

67: The number of votes needed to override a presidential veto in the United States Congress

Federal laws today set minimum blank and a maximum blank and also prohibit child labor


Federal laws today set minimum wage and a maximum age and also prohibit child labor.

How have federal labor laws changed ?

Only slightly more than a third of women worked back then, and the vast majority of them had low-status jobs. The bulk of males at work are probably "hardhats" of some description. They had jobs in the manufacturing, farming, mining, or service sectors that frequently required physical strength.

Education and skill levels played a far smaller role than they do now. Less than one worker in ten had a bachelor's degree, and only slightly more than 42% of pupils completed high school. Today's federal regulations prohibit child labor, provide a minimum wage, and set an age limit.

Find out more on federal labor laws at https://brainly.com/question/28399678


What ""holy cult"" did the french writer alexis de tocqueville identify in america in the 1830s?


Answer: "the holy cult of freedom" I hope this helps


Which cenario i an example of a referendum? Citizen in Wiconin vote on an amendment to the tate contitution paed by the legilature that would grant certain right to crime victim. Citizen in Philadelphia, Pennylvania, propoe a law that would prevent the police from uing "top and frik" meaure. Citizen in Florida peak out againt a new law voted on by the tate legilature that would reduce funding for the tate highway patrol. Citizen in King County, Wahington, propoe a new law that would require member of the county heriff’ department to wear body camera


The referendum procedure is one legal option accessible in this situation in several states. In a system known as direct democracy, in which the people actively make laws, referendums play a significant role.

An initiative is another crucial element of direct democracy. Initiatives put forward new legislation for consideration, whereas referendums repeal laws that have previously been passed. The same issue is addressed by both initiatives and referendums in either scenario: should a law be approved or disapproved. National referendums are not permitted in the United States. This is because the Constitution's Framers believed direct democracy to be a hazardous form of governance that was too vulnerable to the wills of the people.

learn more about referendum here:



the primary force threatening american national security and unity in the 1790s were the international wars set off by the french revolution. t or f


The primary force threatening american national security and unity in the 1790s were the international wars set off by the french revolution:This statement is True.

A country's countrywide security is its ability to shield itself from the danger of violence or attack. We must cope with threats to our countrywide security irrespective of the price. Collins COBUILD advanced Learner's Dictionary.

It protects us by using retaining powerful arm forces, using counterintelligence carrier or mystery police to defend the nation from internal hazard, imposing civil defense and emergency preparedness measures.

The national protection Council is the President's principal discussion board for country wide safety and foreign coverage decision making together with his or her senior countrywide protection advisors and cupboard officials, and the President's important arm for coordinating those rules across federal groups.

Learn more about national security here:- https://brainly.com/question/850432


How did immigration change the American experience? Would industrialization and Westward expansion have been possible without the influx of immigrants the United States experienced during the time period? Why or why not?


Immigration certainly played a role in the Westward Expansion.

Define immigration.

Immigration is the process through which people acquire the status of citizens or permanent residents in another nation. Immigration has historically provided states with significant social, economic, and cultural benefits.

At that time, America was experiencing a massive influx of immigration, which essentially compelled an expansion in order to provide immigrants and settlers with sufficient housing. With or without an infusion of immigrants, Westward Expansion most likely would have taken place anyhow. Immigration made a significant contribution to the economy's and society's variety. The trading environment will undergo a significant change during this time due to the new skill sets that were coming from varied ethnicities. Without doubt, Westward Expansion would have been possible without immigrants. The west was already being colonized and settled before immigration started to increase.

To know more about immigration, visit:



Which choices reflect the significance of the great awakening on the colonies of america? choose three.


The three great awakening on the colonies of America are the great awakening turned into a unifying countrywide occasion. The movement brought on more separation from England.

The great awakening turned into a unifying countrywide occasion. The movement brought on more separation from England.

The high-quality Awakening changed into a spiritual revival in 1730 and 1740 that had awesome outcomes in the us. Christianity changed into at a decline at the time.

The motion added about a renewed dedication to religion. previous to this, the 13 colonies have been separated on religious grounds. The superb Awakening brought about a unification of the colonies.

Spiritual means regarding people's mind and ideals, instead of to their bodies and physical  surroundings.

Learn more about great awakening here :-



Question 5
People of Syria grew tired of the government's______
and______which led to the______
quickly spreading.


In 2011, what started out as protests against President Assad's regime quickly turned into a full-scale war between the Syrian government, which was supported by Russia and Iran, and anti-government rebel groups, which were supported by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other countries in the region.

Which three organizations are fighting in Syria?

Extremist powers incorporate the Southern Front, the Kurdish-prevailing Syrian Vote based Powers, and an alliance of SAA deserters. Western powers like the United States and Germany have lent their support to these groups. Turkey, Jordan, Israel, and Saudi Arabia support the region.

Which city was liberated in 2001 by Syrian forces following decades of occupation?

2001 June - Syrian soldiers empty Beirut, redeploy in different pieces of Lebanon, following strain from Lebanese pundits of Syria's presence.

To learn more about Syrian here



Please select all of the things below that were the main issues the Anti Federalists
had with the US Constitution..
Hint there are 3
Select 3 correct answer(s)
They felt that the states did nothing to protect peoples' rights
They felt that the Constitution did nothing to protect the peoples' rights
Many people felt that the representatives of the convention in Philadelphia had
overstepped its authority and that the articles should have been amended
They felt that the state had too much power
They were concerned in giving the national government more power


There were three primary points of contention with the anti- federalists: whether the Constitution would keep the republican government, whether the national government would have too much power, and whether the Constitution needed a bill of rights.

Define US Constitution.

The Constitution of the United States of America contains the country's highest law. It took the place of the country's original constitution, the Articles of Confederation, in 1789. It initially contained seven articles and defined the structure of the national government.

The three major sections of the Constitution are the Preamble, the seven articles, and the amendments. The Preamble, or preface, explains the fundamental purpose of the U.S. Constitution and the reasons behind its founding. Article VI, paragraph 2, of the U.S. Constitution is known as the Supremacy Clause. It asserts that state laws and even state constitutions are superseded by federal law, which includes the constitution.

To know more about US Constitution, visit:



16. The material used to create the plaque best reflects which of the following historical situations in the Indian Ocean region in the period 1450-1750?
A. Trade networks continued to flourish and gave Europeans direct access to precious luxury goods.
B. European luxury goods became increasingly popular among Asian populations in the region.
C. Natural resources from the Americas allowed Asian producers to diversify the products they sold to European merchants.
D. European artisans in the region increasingly copied Islamic and Indian styles in their artistic productions.​


The material used to create the plaque best reflects that : Trade networks continued to flourish and gave Europeans direct access to precious luxury goods. Option A.

What are luxury goods?

In economics, a luxury good is one for which demand rises more than what is proportional as income rises, increasing the proportion of overall spending that is spent on the good. In contrast to necessities, the desire for luxury products rises proportionately less than the income.

A luxury good is one for which demand grows more than proportionally as income rises in economics. The desire for luxury items is known to be highly income elastic. In other words, consumers will purchase more and more of the luxury commodity as their income increases.

Read more on luxury goods here: https://brainly.com/question/29304592


why were the spanish conquest of toledo and the expulsion of muslim forces from sicily said to be more important than the crusades?


The spanish conquest of toledo and the expulsion of muslim forces from sicily said to be more important than the crusades because, These campaigns marked turning points in relations between Christian and Muslim power in the Mediterranean.

The Latin Church in the Middle Ages began, encouraged, and at times even led a series of religious conflicts known as the Crusades. The most well-known of these Crusades took place in the Holy Land between the years of 1095 and 1291 with the goal of freeing Jerusalem and the surrounding region from Islamic authority.

For more info about 'crusades' click on below link - https://brainly.com/question/1115305


why was the embargo act passed.?


The Embargo Act closed U.S. ports to ships inbound from Britain.  

This was President Thomas Jeffersons reaction to British and French interference with U.S. merchant ships during the Napoleonic wars.  

Answer:The act was Pres. Thomas Jefferson's response to British and French interference with neutral U.S. merchant ships during the Napoleonic Wars.


Agreement that admitted california as a free state, allowed popular soveriegnty to decide the slave issue in western territories, and issued a strong fugitive slave law are called?


Agreement that admitted california as a free state, allowed popular soveriegnty to decide the slave issue in western territories, and issued a strong fugitive slave law are called Compromise of 1850.

Five different bills that made up the Compromise of 1850 were approved by the US Congress in September 1850 and served to end a political standoff between slave and free states over the status of territory won in the Mexican-American War. It also established the northern and western boundaries of Texas and contained rules addressing the slave trade and fugitive slaves.

Henry Clay, a senator for the Whig Party, and Stephen A. Douglas, a senator for the Democratic Party, developed the agreement with the help of President Millard Fillmore. After the Texas Revolution of 1836, when the Republic of Texas declared its independence from Mexico, there was tremendous support in both Texas and the United States for the annexation of Texas by the United States, in part because Texas had been colonised by many Americans.

To know more about Compromise of 1850 visit:



Review your solutions to the
problems in the Roman Republic.
What do you think the best solutions
you came up with were?




However, many problems began to emerge with the growth of the republic. Economic problems, government corruption, crime and private armies, and the rise of Julius Caesar as emperor

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