What prompts an EMT to use a defibrillator? (Check all that apply.)

when CPR does not seem to be working

when the EMT reaches the medical staff at the hospital

when the individual suffers a sudden cardiac arrest

only when the patient’s history shows arrhythmia


Answer 1

The situations that prompts an EMT to use a defibrillator include the following:

A. when CPR does not seem to be working.

C. when the individual suffers a sudden cardiac arrest.

What is EMT?

EMT is an abbreviation for Emergency Medical Technician and it simply refers to a specially trained and certified medical technician who provides basic emergency medical services (EMS).

What is a defibrillator?

A defibrillator is sometimes referred to as an automated external defibrillator (AED) and it can be defined as an electronic device that is designed and developed to produce a high energy electric shock to the heart of any patient who is suffering from cardiac arrest.

Additionally, an automated external defibrillator (AED) can be used by an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) when a patient is not responding to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Read more on defibrillator here: https://brainly.com/question/25112547


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When John Smith created the law in Jamestown Colony that if a man did not work, he could not eat, what was MOST likely his intent?


The intention that John Smith would have for saying that if a man did not work, he would not eat is for everyone to be hardworking and to thrive in the economy. He wanted all to be committed to the success of the new colony.

Who was John Smith?

Captain John Smith was a soldier, explorer, adventurer, and writer. We may follow the growth of a man who played a major role in Jamestown's eventual success and the establishing of its reputation as the first permanent English settlement in North America through the narrative of his early life.

Because he wanted everyone at Jamestown, Virginia, to dedicate themselves to the success of that first colony established in 1607, John Smith established a "no work, no food" policy. With that kind of weather and the challenging circumstances of starting over in a new place, Jhon Smith knew how difficult it would be to flourish. He therefore did not want anyone to adopt a "free ride" mentality. He said that at that time.

Read more on John Smith here: https://brainly.com/question/17837412


to motivate people to work harder

Explanation: Gradpoint

I need help with this two question urgently, please help me and I will appreciate it but please don't copy and paste off the internet! Thank you so much in advanced, by the way this is a Criminology class.​


A theory stands as a soundly based explanation of some aspect of the real world that is backed by empirical data and has been looked into repeatedly, with both observation and experimentation used to validate it. It establishes a system of understanding which explains how and why things function, providing insight into the latent rules that regulate in phenomena.

How to explain the theory

The typical elements involved in a theory might comprise of:

Hypotheses: Generally, theories are initiated with one or more hypotheses that serve as provisional elucidations for observed events. These hypotheses are drawn from examining, earlier knowledge synthesis, as well as intuition.

Predictions: Theories make forecasts regarding what should happen under particular predicaments. These predictions can be evaluated through testing via observation and experimentation.

Principles: On this foundation are formed principles or axioms offering comprehension on the concealed fundamentals governing a phenomenon. These tenets can be then exploited to determine hypothesis and predictions.

Observations: The theoretic tenet is constructed upon groundwork laid by observing the reality that provides proof either affirming or disputing their corresponding predictions and hypotheses.

Experiments: A theory is subject to trials using manipulation of factors inside a controlled environment so as to brook contemplation of the results instigated. Such testing advances proofs accepted or dismissed the specified hypothesis and estimates.

Explanation: In the same manner a theory offers clarity towards discerned phenomenon, showing up the workings regulating them. This interpretation can point future investigation and decision making.

Learn more about theory on



Maddie wants to offer a small, positive, and impactful gesture to her recent job interviewer that might help set her apart from the competition. what would be an appropriate follow-up gesture?

send a handwritten thank-you note.

ask to take the interviewer out to dinner.

buy the interviewer a gift.

send a singing telegram.


a. sending a handwritten thank-you note would be an appropriate follow-up gesture.

A gesture is a form nonverbal communication ornon-vocal communication in which visible fleshly conduct communicate particular dispatches, either in place of, or in confluence with, speech. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or another corridor of the body. When you relate, you make broad and agitated movements with your hands when speaking. Someone describing a scary auto accident might relate hectically. The verb gesticulate is related to the noun gesture.

The gesture has stress on the first syllable, and relate has stress on the alternate syllable.

Learn more about gesture here: https://brainly.com/question/27031953


A person who finds a way to watch a recent movie online without paying for it is violating. A student who posts an inappropriate comment about a person via social media is violating. A student who visits a school-banned website that contains offensive content is violating school rules on.


A person who finds a way to watch a recent movie online without paying for it is violating the movie copyright.

A student who posts an inappropriate comment about a person via social media is violating their rights to privacy.

A student who visits a school-banned website that contains offensive content is violating school rules on censorship.

The illegal duplication and sale of DVDs and CDs without the owner's consent is referred to as "movie piracy." So it's clear that anyone who discovers a means to see a current movie online without paying for it is breaking the law on copyright. A student is infringing someone's right to privacy if they post an offensive message on social media about them. It is against school policy for a student to access a website that has been blocked by the school because it is offensive.

Use the drop-down menus to select the answer that best completes each statement.

A person who finds a way to watch a recent movie online without paying for it is violating

A student who posts an inappropriate comment about a person via social media is violating

A student who visits a school-banned website that contains offensive content is violating school rules on

Learn more about right to privacy here:



How did citizens united change campaign finance laws? select three correct answers.


Citizens United changed campaign finance laws in the accompanying ways:

It eliminated the money related limits that enterprises and people can spend to impact a political decision autonomously.

It expanded how much cash was spent on elections.

It brought about a few affluent people having excessive impact in elections.

Citizens United v FEC was a 2010 case about the conflict connecting with the sum that can be spent on elections. The Supreme Court at last managed 5-4 and expressed that the Primary Alteration gave privileges to organizations to spend on elections and that there was no restriction on such sum.

Accordingly, the financial furthest reaches that corporations and people can spend to autonomously impact a political decision were eliminated. This guaranteed that there was an expansion in how much cash that was spent on elections.

Likewise, the choice by the Supreme Court brought about few rich people having excessive impact in elections.

All in all, Citizens United changed campaign finance laws as the cutoff points on the sum that can be spent on elections were eliminated.

to know more about the Supreme court click here:



Which type of local ordinances deal with fire regulations which owners must follow?

Food safety
Sidewalks and streets
Public safety



i would say


food safety is the big on as if you don't follow regulations the the kitchen its 100 percent a fire hazard.

hope that helps let me if not and ill research more for you.

Answer: public safety


just sounds the best

What classification would BEST describe a millionaire who moved their bank accounts out of the country in order to evade paying taxes?
organizational crime

deviant crime

corporate crime

upperworld crime


Millionaire move their account out of country to evade taxes from upper world crime.

What is tax?

A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.

Taxes are compulsory contributions that a government agency, whether local, regional, or federal, imposes on people or businesses. Public works and services like roads and schools, as well as programs like Social Security and Medicare, are funded by tax income.

Therefore, the option D is correct.

Learn more about Tax, here:



Which law states that a company cannot use aggressive tactics to force consumers to make payments?.


Antitrust laws state that a company cannot use aggressive tactics to force consumers to make payments.

A company, also known as co., is a legal designation for a group of people with a particular goal who are either naturally occurring, legally created, or a combination of both. Members of the company collaborate to accomplish clearly stated objectives. Although there has been much discussion regarding the exact definition of law, it is generally agreed upon that it is a system of rules developed and enforced by social or governmental institutions to control behavior. Both the science and the art of justice have been used to describe it. There are seven different categories of law: the constitution, which is the supreme body of law; statutes; common or case law; civil; criminal; equity; and administrative.

Learn more about law here :



District Courts can only hear cases involving _____ , _____ , and litigants from different states.

A. activist law

B. municipal law

C. appeals

D. state law

E. the Constitution

F. federal law





There was a recent fire that took place at the famous Main Street bakery. Caleb happened to be walking by the bakery at the same time the fire broke out. Several people said they saw Caleb set the building ablaze, but Caleb was prevented from questioning the witnesses in open trial. Which amendment may have been violated?


As several people said they saw Caleb set the building ablaze, but Caleb was prevented from questioning the witnesses in open trial, so the amendment which may have been violated in Sixth Amendment.

The Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution sets forth rights associated with criminal prosecutions. it absolutely was sanctioned in 1791 as a part of the us Bill of Rights. The Supreme Court has applied the protections of this modification to the states through the due process of law Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Sixth Amendment provides that an individual defendant of a criminal offense has the correct to confront a witness against him or her in an exceedingly criminal action. This includes his right to be present at the trial.

To learn more about Sixth Amendment  here



Collected by the fbi and reported quarterly and annual, the what is considered to be most widely used source of national crime and delinquency staticis in the United States


The FBI compiles data on the number of reported crimes, which is then published in the Uniform Crime Report (UCR). Statistics from more than 17,000 police agencies are used to create the UCR.

The most popular source of data on national crime and delinquency. The FBI uses the UCR extensively to keep track of crimes and make decisions about policy. Since 1930, it has tracked information on seven crimes: serious assault, bur-glary, ra-pe, mur-der, and theft. The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program and the Bureau of Justice Statistics' National Crime Victimization Survey are two statistical programmes that the U.S. Department of Justice oversees to assess the scope.

To learn more about FBI, click here.



How many points of minutiae comparison are usually required for convictions?


The location of these nitty-gritty details is compared by software. The number of points is not regulated by law in the United States. Criminal courts typically accept between eight and twelve points of similarity. When comparing samples of fingerprints, use these characteristics as identifiers.

To match fingerprints, how many minute details are required?

Minutiae points The number of minutiae in a good fingerprint image can range from 25 to 80, depending on the resolution of the fingerprint scanner and where the finger is positioned on the sensor. The most important parts of a fingerprint's image are its minutiae points, which are used to match fingerprints.

How many nitty-gritty details are there?

As a result, "Galton details" also refer to minute details. Forensic experts use them to match two fingerprints. There are approximately 150 distinct categories of minutiae based on their configuration.

Learn more about fingerprint scanner here:



Is it important for the law enforcement agencies to work hand in hand for the enforcement of laws?


The hiring, management, retention, discipline, and termination of law enforcement officers are all ethical and legal issues that must be made in the context of human resources. Accountability is needed for everything—internal and external.

What is the importance of law enforcement?

Law implementation is known as law enforcement. Enforcement is the responsibility of the government. Law enforcement organizations deal with, find, and stop crime.

Within this viewpoint, it is acknowledged that police officers have a vital role in adapting and responding to known events, such as theft or domestic disputes, as well as unexpected or unknown situations.

Therefore,  When the goal of the law is to defend the weaker members of society against the strong and powerful, enforcement is crucial.

Learn more about law enforcement here:



The supreme court formerly used the lemon test to check for constitutional violations of religious liberties according to which clause?.


In the past, the supreme court applied the "lemon test" to determine whether the establishment clause's protection of religious freedom had been violated.

Under those guidelines, the Court might look at the proposed resource to the non secular entity and make certain that it had a clean secular purpose. The Court additionally might decide if the number one impact of the resource might increase or inhibit religion. For the 0.33 prong, brought withinside the Walz case, the Court might look at whether or not the resource might create an immoderate governmental entanglement with religion.

To byskip this test, thereby permitting the show or motto to remain, the authorities conduct (1) need to have a mundane purpose, (2) need to have a primary or number one impact that doesn't increase or inhibit religion, and (3) can not foster an immoderate authorities entanglement with religion. Category: Freedom of religion.

Learn more about supreme court visit : brainly.com/question/18228641


Imagine two young men who commit an act of vandalism. One of them gets caught and goes to jail, but the other is not identified and goes to college. There is a probability that the one who goes to jail may become a criminal while there is possibly an equal probability that the one who goes to college will have a successful life. What does this suggest about the present system? How could one improve it?



This suggest that the current system needs to be improved. Ask the person who was put in jail if he had anyone working with him, in exchange the criminal who was put in jail could have 3-5 years off his sentence.


Pls mark Brainliest with the crown

Paralegals may perform all of the following tasks except

represent clients in court
interview witnesses
draft legal documents
conduct investigations


Tasks that can be performed by paralegals include writing legal documents, conducting legal research, and speaking with clients and witnesses.

What are the three typical responsibilities of paralegals?

The paralegal (PL) contributes to the planning, development, and management of cases, conducts legal research, conducts client interviews, collects facts and information, drafts and analyzes legal documents, and gathers, compiles, and makes use of technical information in order to provide advice to an attorney.

Are motions drafted by paralegals?

Motions, deposition notices, pleadings, and other documents are drafted by paralegals. Paralegals set up process servers, electronically file court documents, and figure out allocation formulas.

Learn more about paralegal here:



What process has the us supreme court used to protect the civil liberties found in the bill of rights against state or local government abuse?.


Incorporation is the process used by supreme court to protect the civil liberties found in the Bill of Rights against state or local government abuse.

Give a brief account on doctrine of incorporation.

By using the doctrine of incorporation, the Bill of Rights' provisions have been made relevant to the states under US constitutional law. When the Bill of Rights was passed, the courts determined that its protections solely applied to federal government actions and did not lay any restrictions on the power of state or local governments. The Thirteenth Amendment, which declared the abolition of slavery, began the post-Civil War era in 1865, but it was the inclusion of other amendments that over time granted more rights to the states and people.

With the inclusion of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 and the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870, certain parts of the Bill of Rights have gradually been deemed applicable to state and municipal governments.

To know more about, doctrine of incorporation, visit :



According to national supremacy, if a state constitutional amendment is in conflict with the u. S. Constitution, then the amendment must be.


According to national supremacy, if a state constitutional amendment is in conflict with the U.S. Constitution, then the amendment must be... removed from the state constitution.

The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the "supreme Law of the Land", and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws. It provides that state courts are bound by, and state constitutions subordinate to, the supreme law. However, federal statutes and treaties must be within the parameters of the Constitution; that is, they must be pursuant to the federal government's enumerated powers, and not violate other constitutional limits on federal power, such as the Bill of Rights—of particular interest is the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states that the federal government has only those powers delegated to it by the Constitution.

The Supremacy Clause is essentially a conflict-of-laws rule specifying that certain federal acts take priority over any state acts that conflict with federal law. Some jurists further argue that the clause also nullifies federal law that is in conflict with the Constitution, although this is disputed. The Supremacy Clause follows Article XIII of the Articles of Confederation, the predecessor of the Constitution, which provided that "Every State shall abide by the determination of the [Congress], on all questions which by this confederation are submitted to them."

As a constitutional provision announcing the supremacy of federal law, the Supremacy Clause assumes the underlying priority of federal authority, albeit only when that authority is expressed in the Constitution itself;[6] no matter what the federal or state governments might wish to do, they must stay within the boundaries of the Constitution. Consequently, the Supremacy Clause is considered a cornerstone of the United States' federal political structure.

Learn more about State constitution:



what do they put on a bald person's drivers license? bald? n/a? color: shiny?


Answer: Most DMVs require you to put down a/your natural hair color (brown, blond, black, red, gray or bald— other options depend on your state).

This being said, you always have the option to select bald and leave hair color n/a.

Provide at least two of the arguments in favor of capital punishment and two of the arguments againat capital punishment. Which argument do you think is most persuasive and why?


Capital punishment has long sparked heated debate about its morality as well as its impact on criminal behaviour. Contemporary arguments for and against capital punishment can be divided into three categories: moral, utilitarian, and practical.

Supporters of the death penalty believe that those who commit murder have forfeited their right to life because they have taken the life of another. Furthermore, they believe that capital punishment is a just form of retribution.

In contrast, opponents of capital punishment argue, citing Cesare Beccaria's writings that capital punishment is counterproductive in terms of the moral message it conveys because it legitimizes the very behaviour that the law seeks to repress—killing.

To know more about Capital punishment here



The power of judicial review allows courts to decide whether an act of government is __.



Judicial review is the power of the courts to decide whether laws and actions of the government are allowed under the Constitution. When a court decides they are not allowed, it orders that the law or action be considered null and void.


Laws that detail which crimes can be punished by death have changed significantly over time. In the past, even petty theft could result in execution. In modern times, both in the United States and abroad, execution is used primarily as a punishment for murder.

If you already know your state’s stance on execution, talk about it. What crimes can lead to execution in your state? What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of your state’s approach?
If you aren’t yet familiar with your state’s view on the death penalty, share your opinion about which crimes should be punished by execution. Should execution be used as a punishment for crimes other than murder? Explain your reasoning.



I think that the death penalty should be used for murder that's it if you take a life then you deserve to have your life taken from you that's iredemable if you attempt murder then yeah a Life sentince sorry if this doesn't help I can glady return the points.


Sam took out a personal loan two years ago and lost her job recently. She has missed the last few payments on the loan and now has a major medical expense to pay as well. Even though it will cause major damage to her credit, what can Sam do in the face of these financial hardships?

change jurisdictions

declare bankruptcy

run a circuit



the answer would be declare bankruptcy

Which of these is legal conduct?

Reproducing a copyrighted song and selling it for profit
Patenting a white painted version of a red painted tool
Copyrighting a modification to an existing online game
Using a work computer to order lunch delivery


Using a work computer to order lunch delivery is a legal conduct

What is legal Conduct?

Members of the legal profession are expected to uphold certain ethical standards in their work. They are a result of the growth of the legal field itself.

It should be noted that legality is different from ethics, legality is the state of being in compliance with the law. Concepts of right and wrong behavior are central to ethics.

Even though they may be legal, some people may not consider them to be moral. For instance, it is acceptable to test medications on animals in many nations, despite some people's ethical objections.

Learn more about legal Conduct here:



Based on legal concepts and the available option, the statement that describes the legal conduct is Copyrighting a modification to an existing online game.

What is a Legal Conduct?

Legal conduct is a term that is used to describe the principles of conducting activities that are bounded by law and if breached can result in a penalty.

Legal Conduct can be done in many ways, in as much as it follows the rules and regulations postulated by the law of the land or the government.

Given the available options, the statement that describes the legal conduct is the Copyrighting of a modification to an existing online game.

This is because the modification to an existing online game is a different work entirely, that can be protected through copyright. And with copyrights, registered businesses are protected. by law.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Option C. "copyrighting a modification to an existing online game."

Learn more about Legal Conduct here: https://brainly.com/question/13969108


Describe the kinds of intelligence that are collected.


Human intelligence (HUMINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT), imagery intelligence (IMINT), measurement and signatures intelligence (MASINT), and open source intelligence are among these disciplines (OSINT). Each of these disciplines is used to some extent by adversaries against the United States.

Human Intelligence (HUMINT) is the gathering of data from human sources. The collection can take place openly, such as when FBI agents interview witnesses or suspects, or it can take place clandestinely or covertly (espionage). The FBI is in charge of collecting HUMINT in the United States.

Data collection is an important step in the intelligence cycle because it involves gathering information.

To know more about Human intelligence here



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