What particle travels in electromagnetic electromagnetic wave?
A. Proton
B. electron
C. neutron
D. Photon


Answer 1
I looked it up and got both A and B I don’t if that helped

Related Questions

Deciduous forests receive 75 cm of rainfall each year, making plant growth plentiful. What type of animals live in these forests?

A. only birds that migrate

B. a limited amount of animals

C. a wide variety of animal life

D. only burrowing animals


C. a wide variety of animals (think of a rainforest :D)

Heat energy is transferred through solids, liquids, and gases. How is heat transferred throughout the world’s oceans?


Answer: Radiation, convection, and turbulent heat exchange, as well as evaporation and condensation of water vapor above the ground or ocean, transfer heat between the sea or ocean's surface and the atmosphere.


Heat is transferred through energy

Which nonmetal is used as a food?

O rock gypsum
O rock salt
O quartz
O talc



B. Rock salt



B. Rock salt


Ans this question fast​



This type of artificial propagation in plants is layering.




grafting is the joining and uniting of part of one plant with a second plant

What is apoptosis? plzzz help



Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death.


Answer: the death of cells which occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism's growth or development.
Explanation: I looked it up on safari

which of the following is true about macromolecules



i think A


A macromolecule is a very large molecule, such as a protein. They are composed of thousands of covalently bonded atoms. Many macromolecules are the polymerization of smaller molecules called monomers.

pa brainlies po pls

The statement that is true as regards macromolecule is Amino acid are bonded together to make a protein.

What are macromolecule?

macromolecule can be regarded as the big molecules which are the composition of smaller molecules.

For instance,  very large molecule, such as a protein or carbohydrates.

Learn more about macromolecule at;


how do plant tissue systems work together to maintain homeostasis


They keep the plant cells in place causing the plant to have a stable internal

I have the biology STAAR test tomorrow what facts and tips would help me pass it please help



eat breakfast+stay posative+read a book 20min before bed+and study things that you things will help you get ready

Explanation: YOU GOT THIS!!!!

Non-living things that affect living things

1 biotic factor

2 niche

3 ecology

4 abiotic factor



3) Ecology


Ask ya teacher:P

The answer should be 3. Ecology

The principle of natural selection states that the best adapted organisms are most likely to survive and reproduce. Was this demonstrated in your experiment? Explain.





Natural selection was first postulated by Charles Darwin. It is the idea that organisms that are best adapted to their environment are able to survive and reproduce thereby transmitting their favorable characteristics to their offspring.

In our experiment, the insects that were able to survive were allowed to reproduce thereby transmitting their favorable characteristics to their offspring. This is a demonstration of natural selection.

hi! please help i’ll give brainliest



An Ocean Shore


The wind would erode and deposit sand from dunes, and the water from the waves will erode rocks.


the open ocean


Help me right know please! Past due! I will make you brianlest don’t copy and paste from the internet or your reported

hypothesis stated: the density of a liquid affects properties and how it interacts with other liquids.

How does density affect the position of a liquid relative to other liquids?



The density of a liquid is shown by the object sinking or floating. Therfore, using this information if the object sinks then the object is more dense than the object that floats. When it comes to the density of liquids if the liquid sits on top of the water and does not mix, the liquid is less dense than water. If the liquid sinks into the water and the water sits on top, the liquid is more dense than the water.


In feedback inhibition, does an enzyme’s substrate attaches to an allosteric site?



They bind to an allosteric site which induces a conformational change that increases the affinity of the enzyme's active site for its substrate. This increases the reaction rate.

A skeleton is found that has a narrow pelvis, large occipital protuberance, and a sloping forehead. Is the skeleton a biological male or female? Justify your answer with an explanation on how you came to your conclusion.



Answer: Male


The pelvis is narrow in males, the pubis arch is 90 degrees in angle. It is broad in case of females to support pregnancy and child birth. Also the pubis arch is more than 90 degrees in angle. An occipital protuberance is a region that connects the head to the neck and it is generally larger in males than in female. In males the forehead is sloping in the cranium whereas that in females it is vertical and flat.

Hence, the skeleton have the features that can be indicated towards the features of a male.

In the pictures above, someone is holding ice cubes; it feels cold and they begin to
melt. Which of the following describes what is occurring?



As shown in the pictures above, the ice is absorbing heat energy from the hand and the surroundings, which results in the melting of the ice- a process of change of state from solid to liquid. The hand feels cold .

Note: The question is incomplete as it is lacking some details.


Melting is a change of state process which involves the change from solid to the liquid state. Solids when they absorb heat, change to liquids at a temperature known as the melting point. This change of state occurs because the molecule of the substance acquires enough energy which to be able to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the ice crystals together, as a result, the molecules begin to melt.

In the picture,the melting of the ice held by the hand is because the ice absorbs heat from the hand as well as from the surroundings . As a result of this loss of heat from the hand, the hand feels cold after. The process of this heat transfer is by conduction whereby heat is conducted away from the hand in order to melt the ice which is contact with the hand.

According to the cell theory, which describes cells?



They are the building blocks of life.


They are so called the building blocks of life because they make up everything

Question 4

In this Food Web Pyramid Which type of consumer gets only 10% of the energy stored in plants?
A. Herbivore
B. Carnivore
C. Omnivore
D. Secondary Consume



Herbivore, of course, I'm really sure that we all know exactly what a herbivore is, but as a refresher, a herbivore is like a vegetarian, they have a diet strictly based on plants. Carnivore's eat meat, not vegies, and an omnivore eats both, most humans are labeled as omnivores, except vegetarians. So your answer is Secondary Consume. This is because they only receive 10% in vegies, Primary Consume get 90%, Herbivores are Primary Consume's.

protein is a transport molecule that binds
with a diffusing substance to carry it across a cell membrane.



Carrier Protein

A carrier protein is:

- A type of transport protein

- Specifically used for a molecule, ion, or a group of substances.

How the carrier protein works:

It "carries" the ion or molecule across the membrane by changing shape after the binding of the ion or molecule.

Suggested evidence of natural selection at work in humans is the observation of Select one: a. low hemoglobin levels despite high elevation in Tibetan populations over generations b. increase in hemoglobin level when the average person travels from low to high elevation c. an increase in body fat in preparation for winter months at high elevation d. increase in muscle mass from extensive weight training over several months e. mountaineers using oxygen tanks when climbing at high altitude



a. low hemoglobin levels despite high elevation in Tibetan populations over generations.


Natural selection can be defined as a biological process in which species of living organisms having certain traits that enable them to adapt to environmental factors such as predators, competition for food, climate change, sex mates, etc., tend to survive and reproduce, as well as passing on their genes to subsequent generations.

Simply stated, natural selection entails the survival of the fittest. Therefore, the species that are able to adapt to the environment will increase in number while the ones who can't adapt will die and go into extinction.

A suggested evidence of natural selection at work in humans is the observation of low hemoglobin levels despite high elevation in Tibetan populations over generations. This is as a result of a low level of oxygen in the blood of a living organism such as humans.

In a school, small noses (S) are dominant to Big noses (b). List the three possible genotypes and phenotypes in the offspring below.
Genotypes: Phenotypes:



Sb, SS, bb

Small nose, Small nose, big nose


For cell reproduction, what do normal cells do?


Reproduce shahbsbdhdhdhd

Which of the following pairs shows the correct monomer, macromolecule, function relationships?

Question 1 options:

triglyceride: carbohydrate: information storage

monosaccharide: protein: quick energy

amino acid: lipid: insulation

nucleotide: nucleic acid: genetic information storage



Amino Acid: lipid: Insulation


Monomers are the building blocks of the four basic macromolecules of life- monosaccharides are the monomers of carbohydrates, amino acids are the monomers of proteins, glycerol/fatty acids are the monomers of lipids, and nucleotides are the monomers of DNA.

Vesícula e vacúolo são a mesma coisa ?



Vesículas e vacúolos são sacos ligados à membrana que funcionam no armazenamento e transporte. Os vacúolos são um pouco maiores do que as vesículas, e a membrana de um vacúolo não se funde com as membranas de outros componentes celulares. As vesículas podem se fundir com outras membranas dentro do sistema celular

i dont speak english

Using the Earth's internal heat to generate electricity is called
A. geothermal
B. solar
C. hydroelectric
D. wind
Please select the best answer from the choices provided





Geothermal power plants, which use heat from deep inside the Earth to generate steam to make electricity.

Answer: it’s A


Which statement identifies the body systems that are directly involved in the interaction
described and explains how they accomplish the interaction?



Organ systems of the human body interact to maintain a balanced internal environment,As blood flows


through certain organs of the body, the composition of the blood changes because of interactions with those organs. state one change in the composition of the blood as it flows through the respiratory system.


The reproductive system produces the ovum, and the muscular system causes the migration of the ovum by peristaltic contractions.


Where did Watson and Crick do their work on Dna



James Watson and Francis Crick with their DNA model at the Cavendish Laboratories in 1953.


In a certain fish, blue scales and red scales are purebreds. When a fish has the hybrid genotype, it has a patchwork of blue and red
scales. What is the genotype for the blue fish?





Explain how the disruption can disturb the cycling of carbon ?



Humans have breached this cycle by digging up fossil fuels and burning them, leading to carbon dioxide building up in the atmosphere faster than natural systems can soak it up. This has led to a net increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, causing the planet to heat up.


What gland is essential to the menstrual and ovarian cycles


C. Pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland is responsible for the release of follicle-stimulating hormone and leutinizing hormone. Follicle-stimulating is important in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, as it stimulates the development of ovarian follicles. Leutinizing hormone is important in the initiation of ovulation and in the stimulation of the corpus luteum to produce progesterone.

Mr. Thorn says that Lonnie, a new black student in an all-white school, must
have cheated on the test because Lonnie made the second-highest grade in
the class. At what point does this claim become institutional racism?
A. When the principal says nothing should be done to stop Mr. Thorn
O B. When Mr. Thorn will not let Lonnie say how his feelings were hurt
C. When Lonnie says his feelings are hurt
O D. When the other students in the class start to tease Lonnie


A is the correct answer you are looking for
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